Incarnation in Christian and Hinduism Art, Manifestation in Islamic Arts*

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Incarnation in Christian and Hinduism Art, Manifestation in Islamic Arts* 1 Honar-Ha-Ye-ziba: Honar-Ha-Ye-Tajassomi Vol. 21, No. 1, Spring 2016 Manifestation theory; incarnation in Christian and Hinduism Art, Manifestation in Islamic Arts* Hasan Bolkhari Ghehi** Associate Professor, School of Visual Arts, College of Fine Arts, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran (Received 25 Oct 2014, Accepted 1 Feb 2016) ncarnation theory is one of the most important which remain in shadow in Islam. While dealing I Christian and Hinduism theological teachings. with this issue in the present paper, we try to According to this theory, God as the most shed light on differences between Islamic arts Supreme Being incarnates in human on the one side and Christian and Hinduism art appearance. In chapter 11 of Bhagavad Gita (as on the other. Manifestation of God on the a part of Mahabharata which is the greatest mountain indicates necessity of paying attention poem book of wisdom among Hindus), Arjuna to mediators in observing God. In Islamic art, asks Krishna (as the 8th avatar of Vishnu) to symbols are the very mediators functioning the show him his real and divine face and Krishna way the verses of holy Quran do and it should who is serving him as a charioteer (in a human not be overlooked that the word verse in Arabic form), reveals his real face to him. In Christianity language means sign. Islamic typology deems as well, God becomes incarnate on Jesus based the entire universe full of evidence testifying a on the first verses of Gospel of John. For this cause like God. Manifestation principle in reason, visual arts like iconography, architecture Islamic thoughts calls us for observing a view of and sculpture are sacred in these religions. In Divinity’s views in which God has a mirror-like Islam, however, according to the verses of holy presence. In addition to the hearts of mystics in Quran, “You can never see me”, what God their mystical experience, this kind of replies once Moses asks Him the same request observation has been manifested in Islamic art of Arjuna in Bhagavad Gita, one cannot see and architecture leading to creation of an art God. In this paper, incarnation means indebted to world of imagination and its appearance of God in a human form. In other manifestations. In this way, Islamic art is words, God is manifest in human flesh. But manifestation of manifestation because it takes manifestation just stays opposite to incarnation its essence from a universe that is itself a mirror and stands for appearance of God in signs. For of a farther universe. The main concept of this this reason, various parts of Quran are named paper is to put forward theory of manifestation "verse" (Aieh) or actually signs. Therefore, in instead of theory of incarnation. The present comparative study of Christianity and Hinduism paper is based on a historical-analytical to Islam we realize that in Islam, Absolute methodology in which the attitudes of three Quality (God) is never manifest in any form and great religions on art are comparatively no incarnation takes place. In return, God discussed. This paper aims to explain that speaks of manifestation in The Heights Surah of theology of a variety of religions has a great Quran. This paper believes that the two different effect on the form and nature of such religions. replies to the same request of humans to see God have been the reason for visual arts Keywords: Christian art, Hindu art, Islamic art, becoming sacred in some religions like theory of incarnation, theory of manifestation. Hinduism and Christianity and iconography * This article has been extracted from research projects "Incarnation in Christian and Hinduism Art, Manifestation in Islamic Arts" which has been done by support of "Iran National Science Foundation". ** Tel: (+98-21)88326155, Fax: (+98-21)88316146, E-mail: [email protected] 2 Honar-Ha-Ye-ziba: Honar-Ha-Ye-Tajassomi Vol. 21, No. 1, Spring 2016 Animal motifs and "hybrid animals" in the stone relics of Jiroft civilization Zahra Hossein Abadi* Assistant Professor, Faculty of Art and Architecture, University of Sistan and Baluchistan, Zahedan, Iran (Received 21 Sep 2015, Accepted 1 Feb 2016) iroft civilization is one of the most ancient on descriptive and analytical method, and J civilizations in the Iranian plateau in the realm assuming that the processing method of this of the HalilRud. The containers and objects from motifs are influenced by nature and religious this region not only represent the rich culture attitudes of people of Jiroft, a number of animal and civilization of this land, but they also have and human motifs carved on stone vessels are considerable capacity for research on the investigated. The results of this study suggest a lifestyle and culture of the people of this region significant impact of the way people lived and for having beautiful and exquisite images. thought of ancient people of Jiroft on the way of Containers and objects from the area of Jiroft, designing some special motifs, including animal provide new and original documents from the motifs, humane motifs and hybrid animal motifs. distant past and show the role of culture in These designs show a creative imagination, an shaping the civilizations of the East. Animal and imagination that led to formation of images, hybrid animal-human motifs are the original which can be a result of the beliefs or opinions designs of Jiroft stone dishes. These containers of this country's people. This image represents a that belong to five thousand years ago are a typical view of the world around. Jiroft artist milestone in the history of ancient Persian shows his inner philosophy with the help of civilization, and exhibit a rich and diverse culture mythical images. It seems that at the time, when from other advanced civilizations such as the the Mesopotamian were thinking about the ancient Mesopotamia. Mythical characters in concept of a supreme principle and showcased this area on the basis of their beliefs appear as it implicitly and through the presence of "Human-animal" while fighting with the animals worshipers and gift creators, the Iranian thinking or taming them. There is a direct relationship was inclined to seek a balance between the between motifs and life of people of Jiroft. From forces of good and evil and pursued the search the motifs we realize the way of living, climate, for human happiness. Pictures carved on stone and the way of dressing, the relationship relics of Jiroft can be the starting point for the between man and nature and other features. It valuable and precious way of dualism thinking seems that all these motifs show the ancient the impact of which on the religion of Ancient man trying to achieve supernatural forces, which Persia in later periods, is pretty obvious. Also, has led to the creation of myths, as well as motifs can be a creative display of conquering man’s dominance to nature and world around powers of these animals. him making it his own unbounded power. The aim of the study is introduction, recognition and Keywords: animal motifs, hybrid animals, Jiroft, symbolic expression of creatures depicted on stone vessels. the stone vessels in area of Jiroft. Therefore, in this research, which has been developed based Tel: (+98-915)1906152, Fax: (+98-54)33447433, E-mail: [email protected] 3 Honar-Ha-Ye-ziba: Honar-Ha-Ye-Tajassomi Vol. 21, No. 1, Spring 2016 Recognition and investigation of the themes and reliefs of tombstones of the City Darreh-Shahr in Ilam Province Akbar Sharifinia1*, Majid Sarikhani2, Abas Dolatyari3, Naeime Ghaemi4 1. Master of Archaeology, Tendency of Islamic Period, Faculty of Humanities, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran 2. Faculty Member of Shahrekord University, Faculty of Humanities, Shahrekord University, Shahrekord, Iran 3. Research Lecturer, Department of Architecture, Azad University of Darreh-Shahr Branch, Darreh-Shahr, Iran 4. Master of Archaeology, Department of Archaeology, Institution of Higher Education in Golestan, Gorganh, Iran (Received 25 Oct 2015, Accepted 1 Feb 2016) ombstones have been mirrors of the culture tombstones design and decoration in this region. T and customs of traditional societies in Iran. Precisely, according to researchers, the study of In pristine areas such as the city of the province these sort of disregarded monuments should be of Ilam; Darreh-shahr, decorative motifs of performed for a better realization of local culture tombstones are a gateway to the world of in this area. A very interesting point in religious and cultural thoughts of the people of investigation and recognition of the under study this land. The city Darreh-shahr cemetery reliefs is gender segregation which can be tombstones are similar to other Iran regions and perceived based on design. Female graves are Abdanan tombstones in Ilam, Adorned with decorated with motifs such as scissors, double reliefs and decorative motifs, they are derived comb, Krkit (carpets comb) and mausoleums from the cultural, social and religious context of decorated with images of men hunting, one- people who live in this area. The current study sided comb, dagger or sword. Some exceptions presents a survey and identification of Mahdi- can be seen among the tombstones and Saleh-Majin cemetery tombstones, Var- inscriptions decoration depending on the social kamareh, Koleh-jub, Qur-Qamarbeg, Sheikh- status of the deceased person. In addition, the Makan and Babaseyf-e-din-Aramu cemetery a artist uses motifs that are tribal women's and rural district in the central district of Darreh- men's specific features in this area,
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