1 SHACKLEWELL GREEN CONSERVATION AREA APPRAISAL October 2017 2 This Appraisal has been prepared by Matt Payne, Senior Conservation & Design Officer (contact:
[email protected]), for the London Borough of Hackney (LBH). The document was written in 2017, which is the 50 th anniversary of the introduction of Conservation Areas in the Civic Amenities Act 1967. All images are copyright of Hackney Archives or LBH, unless otherwise stated Maps produced under licence: London Borough of Hackney. Shacklewell Green Conservation Area Appraisal October 2017 3 CONTENTS 1 Introduction 1.1 Statement of Significance 1.2 What is a Conservation Area? 1.3 The format of the Conservation Area Appraisal 1.4 The benefits of Conservation Area Appraisal 1.5 Acknowledgments 2 Planning Context 2.1 National Policies 2.2 Local Policies 3 Assessment of Special Interest Location and Setting 3.1 Location and Context 3.2 The Surrounding Area and Setting 3.3 Plan Form and Streetscape 3.4 Geology and Topography Historic Development 3.5 Archaeological Significance 3.6 Origins, Historic Development and Mapping Architectural Quality and Built Form 3.7 The Buildings of the Conservation Area Positive Contributors 3.8 Listed Buildings 3.9 Locally Listed Buildings 3.10 Buildings of Townscape Merit Neutral & Negative Contributors 3.11 Neutral Contributors 3.12 Negative Contributors Open Space, Parks and Gardens, and Trees 3.13 Landscape and Trees 3.14 Views and Focal Points Activities and Uses 3.15 Activities and Uses 4 Identifying the Boundary 3.16 Map of the Proposed