Extensions of Remarks E1207 EXTENSIONS of REMARKS
June 20, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1207 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS IN TRIBUTE TO CORPORAL SHEILA drug-addiction prevention programs, teenage Rock, TX, for his retirement after 50 years in C. MIDDLETON pregnancy prevention programs, and low-in- the community banking profession. Achieving come housing programs. 50 years in the community banking profession HON. DONNA M. CHRISTENSEN Mr. Anand is a much sought-after consultant is a rare honor and Dale should be com- because he is very familiar with federal, state OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS mended for having reached this milestone. On and city rules and regulations for funding June 25, 2006, Dale will retire with grateful ac- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES agency financial reporting procedures. He has knowledgment from his communities, cus- Tuesday, June 20, 2006 conducted certified audits including A–133, re- tomers, and friends. He leaves behind a leg- Mrs. CHRISTENSEN. Mr. Speaker, I rise to viewed and prepared financial statements in- acy of tireless service, active community par- pay tribute to one of our Virgin Islands’ hero- cluding cash flow analysis and other related ticipation, and positive impact on local econo- ines—Corporal Sheila Christina Middleton. statements for various non-profit government mies. Born in Far Rockaway, Queens, she moved funded organizations. As community banks are merged and ac- with her family to St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands A full service accounting professional, Mr. quired at a rapid rate, it is important to note in 1996. Anand has established internal control sys- that there are still bankers who participate fully After graduating the Virgin Islands Police tems including budgetary controls, structural in their communities and strengthen those Academy in 1981 she served the department polices and procedures with respect to the communities by their dedication to service and as a patrol officer for 9 years.
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