Extensions of Remarks E97 EXTENSIONS of REMARKS
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February 2, 1999 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E97 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS COMBAT VETERANS MEDICAL Health, Education and Welfare. Anthony seniors. Because Medicare's payment to man- EQUITY ACT Celebrezze worked to build Congressional aged care plans was based on the average support for Medicare and the Civil Rights Act fee for service payment in the county, the HON. TOM BLILEY of 1964, two legislative achievements that re- HMO payments were higher than appropriate. OF VIRGINIA flect the principles of compassion and de- We also know that there are a number of cency. other ways in which we are still overcompen- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES In 1965, he was appointed by President sating Medicare managed care plans. A chart Tuesday, February 2, 1999 Johnson to a federal judgeship. Six years later highlighting these current overpayments is at- Mr. BLILEY. Mr. Speaker, today I rise to re- the Federal Building in Cleveland was re- tached. introduce the Combat Veterans Medical Equity named the Anthony J. Celebrezze Federal So, rather than rewrite historical evidence to Act. This legislation guarantees eligibility for Building. He was in the public eye for five dec- advocate increased funding of the Veterans Administration (VA) hospital care ades, serving Ohio and the nation with honor Medicare+Choice program, I have put together and medical services based on the award of and dignity. President Johnson said of The Medicare+Choice Improvement Act to the Purple Heart Medal. It also sets the enroll- Celebrezze that ``with tolerance and energy make important consumer protection improve- ment priority for combat injured veterans for with single minded purpose, he presided over ments in the Medicare+Choice Program. The medical service at level threeÐthe same level the greatest thrust for the future of American bill would: as former prisoners of war and veterans with education and health that his nation has ever Broaden consumer protections so that bene- service-connected disabilities rated between known.'' ficiaries can leave health plans that have an- 10 and 20 percent. Judge Celebrezze was my role model, a nounced that they are terminating Medicare Most people are unaware that under current man whose love of family and his community participation and join another law, the Purple Heart does not qualify a vet- was never ending. I will never forget his warm Medicare+Choice plan to purchase a Medigap eran for medical care at VA facilities. This bill smile, his friendly greetings, and his sense of policy; would change the law to ensure combat- decency, honesty and fairness. I am proud to Provide new protections for Medicare's dis- wounded veterans receive automatic access have known him, and I think of him often. I, abled and ESRD patients. to treatment at VA facilities. like many other Ohioans, will miss him terribly. Prohibit door-to-door cold-call marketing of We as a nation owe a debt of gratitude to I ask you to join me in honoring the memory Medicare+Choice plans to seniors; all our veterans who have been awarded the of this great man, Anthony J. Celebrezze. He Protect state efforts to provide comprehen- Purple Heart for injuries suffered in service to will be greatly missed. sive prescription drug benefits to their seniors; this country. This bill is long overdue and I am f End Medicare+Choice plans' abilities to ger- proud to sponsor this bill for our Nation's Pur- rymander their Medicare service areas in com- ple Heart recipients. THE MEDICARE+CHOICE parison to their commercial business; This bipartisan legislation has over 100 IMPROVEMENT ACT Require HCFA to calculate the portion of original cosponsors and has been endorsed beneficiaries in a region receiving services by the Military Order of the Purple Heart. HON. FORTNEY PETE STARK through VA or DOD; f OF CALIFORNIA Require the NAIC to reconfigure the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Medigap policies so that they better meet the IN MEMORY OF ANTHONY J. needs of today's Medicare beneficiaries. CELEBREZZE Tuesday, February 2, 1999 On the health plan side of the equation, my Mr. STARK. Mr. Speaker, I rise today with legislation would take care of one of their most HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH a number of my colleagues to introduce The pressing concerns: it would move the ACR OF OHIO Medicare+Choice Improvement Act. I don't submission date (the date that health plans IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES need to tell you that the large number of must submit their pricing and benefit data for Medicare+Choice plan terminations this past the following year to HCFA) from the current Tuesday, February 2, 1999 year was a real shock to many of our Medi- date of May 1 to July 1. This would give Mr. KUCINICH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to care beneficiaries. In a number of commu- health plans two additional months to compile honor the memory of a great servant of the nities, beneficiaries are left with fewer afford- necessary data for the upcoming year. This people of Ohio, Judge Anthony J. Celebrezze. able coverage options in Medicare. might not move the date as far as health plans Celebrezze served Ohioans for over five dec- We should take immediate steps to make would like, but there are serious costs to move ades. His recent death at the age of 88, is a changes to the Medicare+Choice program that the date further in the year. As one example, sorrowful event for myself and many in my will protect beneficiaries when health plans moving the date any later would seriously state. leave the program, and we should make cer- jeopardize the ability of HCFA to prepare the Born in Anzi, Italy, Celebrezze emigrated to tain improvements that will aid health plans' ``Medicare&You'' beneficiary handbook which Cleveland at the age of two. He was one of abilities to project costs and continue as Medi- is mailed to seniors each year. 13 children. Like so many immigrants, An- care providers. I disagree with assertions that On the topic of risk adjustment, I think that thony Celebrezze grew up with modest the only way to do this is to throw more HCFA's proposal to phase-in risk adjustment means, but what he lacked in advantages he money into the Medicare+Choice program and over the next five years is just too long. We more than made up for in effort and ability. He will oppose efforts of that nature. have solid evidence that Medicare managed worked his way through college at John Car- History always has had a way of getting dis- care plans have been enrolling healthier pa- roll University and through law school at Ohio torted and the Medicare+Choice program is a tients and making more money off of them be- Northern. fine example of that happening. Let us re- cause of that fact (again, see the attached In 1950, Anthony was elected to the Ohio member, the Medicare+Choice program was chart). The hospital-based risk adjustment pro- Senate. Three years later he was elected created as part of the Balanced Budget Act. In posed by HCFA is a first step toward fixing mayor of Cleveland. He was the first foreign other words, the purpose of creating the this inequity. It would finally put in place a fi- born mayor of Cleveland. For an unprece- Medicare+Choice program was to save money nancial incentive to enroll less healthy bene- dented five terms Anthony Celebrezze tire- in the Medicare program. ficiaries. We need to be moving forward as lessly served the people in this position. His We have known for years that our payment quickly as possible with this mechanism. I do leadership of the city brought Cleveland na- system for Medicare managed care plans concede that a phase-in approach is appro- tional recognition and respect. In 1962, he overcompensated them for the risk of the pa- priate, but my legislation would have that was appointed by President John F. Kennedy tients they were insuring. Medicare HMOs phase-in occur over three years rather than to the Secretary of the U.S. Department of have historically insured younger, healthier five. · This ``bullet'' symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. E98 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks February 2, 1999 We have an opportunity this year to make THE 509TH BOMB WINGÐSECOND on Court Street. It was from this point that he improvements to the Medicare+Choice pro- TO NONE launched his long career of courage and com- gram that will protect beneficiaries when mitment to his community. health plans make business decisions about HON. IKE SKELTON Because of Marty's hard work and strong whether to continue participating in Medicare. OF MISSOURI devotion, he was promoted to lieutenant in This bill makes those improvements without IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 1967 where he was assigned to the Lombard senselessly increasing Medicare expenditures Street Station. Following his duty there, he on a program that already costs more than Tuesday, February 2, 1999 was transferred to headquarters as a veteran traditional Medicare. I look forward to working Mr. SKELTON. Mr. Speaker, let me take firefighter. For the past ten years, Marty with my colleagues to make these important, this means to pay tribute to the successful worked as an administrative aide in the fire reasonable, and necessary fixes to the leadership of the 509th Bomb Wing at White- chief's office. Medicare+Choice program.