Brachiopods and crinoids from the MiddleUpper Devonian boundary beds in the Darende-Gürün and Van-Zincirklran areas (Eastern Taurus, Turkey) RÉMY GOURVENNEC & ·IZZET HOªGÖR Two new sections in the Eastern Taurides, Turkey, have yielded brachiopods and crinoids of Middle–Late Devonian age. Fifteen brachiopod species, among them two are new (Paillettia menae sp. nov. and Eodmitria sezgini sp. nov.) and three crinoid species have been identified. A late Givetian to early Frasnian age has been established for these sections based on the brachiopods, whereas crinoids rather indicate a late Givetian age. This fossil assemblage reflects strong af- finities with Gondwanan and peri-Gondwanan domains. • Key words: brachiopods, crinoids, Devonian, Gümüșali For- mation, Turkey, new species. GOURVENNEC,R.&HOȘGÖR, Ý. 2015. Brachiopods and crinoids from the Middle–Upper Devonian boundary beds in the Darende-Gürün and Van-Zincirkýran areas (Eastern Taurus, Turkey). Bulletin of Geosciences 90(3), 577–600 (10 figures, 3 tables). Czech Geological Survey, Prague. ISSN 1214-1119. Manuscript received June 27, 2014; accepted in revised form May 22, 2015; published online June 18, 2015; issued September 30, 2015. Rémy Gourvennec (corresponding author), CNRS UMR 6538 “Domaines Océaniques”, IUEM, Université de Bretagne Occidentale, Avenue Le Gorgeu, CS 93837, F-29238 Brest, France;
[email protected] • Ýzzet Hoþgör, Çalýk Enerji, Petrol ve Gaz Grubu, Ak Plaza, Yașam Caddesi No. 7 – Kat 9, Söðütözü -Ankara, Turkey;
[email protected] Studies on Paleozoic brachiopods and crinoids in Turkey are nic system, is located along the southern portion of Anato- few, especially in the region of Van. A lot of our current lia, covering an area of about 127,500 km2.