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4-8-1992 Lanthorn, vol. 26, no. 26, April 8, 1992 Grand Valley State University

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LanthornGrand Valley State University's Student-Run Newspaper

Volume 26 Issue 26______;____ April 8, 1992 fZ Kate Millet Documentary maker Ken delivers highly Burns' lecture studied charged lecture the role of history By Rebecca Andrews the solution to this is to By Jennifer L. Staff Writer start thinking as women. W igger Burns How does one do this? News Writer likened the The lecture given last Millet suggested looking at Civil War. in week by Kate Millet at the some figures that she Multi-award winning w h ich th e Eberhard Center was both obtained from the United film maker Ken Burns Unit e d highly charged and well- Nations so that women can spoke to a packed St a t e s attended. Millet, who has see themselves as one Louis Armstrong fo u g h t to penned Sexual Politics group. Three-fourths of preserve the and The Loonev Bin, is a Theatre about history the world’s women are Union, to a writer, artist, activist and and America last illiterate. Women make current civil feminist. up one-half of the world’s Thursday, April 2. w a r now Millet touched on a population, they perform According to Burns, being fought variety of subjects ranging two-thirds of the total work son of GVSU professor to fin d a from feminism and hours, yet they only make Robert Burns and backlash, to patriarchy one-tenth of the world’s creator of such co m m o n and the need for economic income and they own only documentary films as culture. distribution in her one-one hundredth of the “The Civil War* and He w arned lecture, which was world’s property. “The Brooklyn Bridge*, th a t to o entitled “Women and the Other interesting history is “not only the often today's Future." statistics that Millet story of war, generals, m ulti - On the subject of quoted: an executive and presidents, but c u 11 u r a 1 feminism, Millet stated makes 97 times as much also of real persons e d u c a t i o n that “Feminism is not a as the average worker and who form the fabric of d 1 vide s straightforward matter, that the average income American history. p e o p le of there is always has gone down 24%. “P e rso n a l feelings d i f f e r e n t’s all a sign Of the Clarence Thomas are the glue which tie backgrounds, of progress...that you’ve confirmation hearing. history together and providing an j been effective. Of course Millet has this to say. which keep history e x cu se to there is a campaign “Anita Hill testified on alive in our minds and not deal with against feminism.. .which Saturday, was dismissed our hearts." t h e PHOTO BY ADAM CARROLL is well described in Susan on Sunday and Thomas This conviction was differences. Faludi’s Backlash. There was confirmed on Tuesday. Film maker Ken Bums spoke Thursday reflected in the format ’ Burns also night to a large crowd In the Louis are cycles of change and The Senate Committee spoke of the we know how difficult of the 38-year-old New Armstrong Theater on muLti-culturcdtsm said that there wasn't challenge to these changes are to bring Hampshire resident’s and his Civil War documentary. enough to prove that find the one about.” Thomas was guilty of what lecture, in which he Millet went on to stress Hill accused him of but wove anecdotes, true history. 1 must forgive," he the importance for any what they forgot was that quotes from famous “The truth is always wrote, "Does my white group of getting their it was not a trial but ajob and everyday people, somewhere between (two counterpart hearing changes made into interview. And that personal experiences, extremes), but to that chorus realize that legislation, to protect Thomas should have been and quotes from understand that truth question is for both of what they have beyond reproach." letters. there can never be two us?" accomplished. Millet also spoke on the “Many see history as truths, or three truths, After the 50 minute Otherwise, it’s very easy Gulf War, “We saw 20 years an unnecessary and or 100 truths, “ he said. lecture. Burns to lose all that you have worth of money blown up. Irrelevant collection of “There can only be one answered questions gained. That was the result of our things which should tru th .” from the audience. Patriarchal society, inflated military budget. be left dead In the Bums shared experts When asked about the where men control Housing and education past," Burns from some of the letters baseball documentary everything, and programs were shoved commented. he has received in he is currently working patriarchy, have created aside. We saw trillions of “This is not true. reaction to “The Civil on, Bums said, “What two totally different life dollars blown up and (we’re Through history we War." is not important when experiences, according to told) don’t worry, we’ll get can see our flaws, our One particularly moving making a documentary Millet. Millet f^ls that some more.” strengths, our deepest letter was written by a is the subject, but Millet lambasted the recesses, and our black man in reaction to rather what that subject patriarchal society and highest ambitions." hearing a chorus in the reveals about the encouraged feminists to According to Burns, documentary singing: “Do people." take a world view, to see history is invaluable in you want your freedom?" “ttie American society all women as united in the that it is not only the This man spoke of the generally cares much movement. “Imagine a world where story of our past and hate he felt as he heard more about baseball human affairs are roots, but in that it this chorus for the white than political life, and conducted rightly and let’s also affects the present slave-owners. that’s all right. It hope that it is our future," and the future. “They must change, and reveals who we are." said Millet. Page 2 The Lanthorn April 8,1992 prepare themselves for in the state. Stories compiled by Yeltsin and his economic keep the numbers secret battle, here are some Bush on the Rebecca Andrews reforms, something which his when voters are fed up with environment- Bush says government’s lavish summaries of their views on Staff Writer predecessor Mikhail he will veto any legislation spending on comforts. civil rights and the Gorbachev never received. that unduly burdens The Boeing 747 that Bush environment. WORLD Yeltsin’s reforms are aimed American business but he normally uses includes a Bush on civil rights- Bush One out of every 40 at moving the country toward passed the Clean Air Act in a free market economy. separate bedroom, bathroom has twice vetoed and then adults in Africa Is infected his first term. Democrat BUI Clinton with shower, office, meeting signed a Civil Rights Act with the HIV virus, which The President favors accused Bush of moving too room, a doctor’s office and during his term. While he causes AIDS, according to increased use of nuclear slowly on economic and state-of-the-art supports equal rights for all the Journal of Commerce. power and would simplify humanitarian aid to the communications equipment. races and religions, he does the licensing process for NATIONAL former Soviet republics. One congressional not favor using quotas to nuclear plants. Last Wednesday, Richard Nixon has called estimate put the annual cost achieve that goal. Clinton on the President Bush pledged the U.S. support for Russia past $70 million, most of The most notable of his environment- Clinton that the United States pathetic. which Is tucked away in the several minority favors Improving the would help to finance a Pentagon budget and not appointments Is that of quality of air and water $24 billion International The White House claims labeledwlth its true purpose. Judge Clarence Thomas to and would increase aid fund for the former that only $29,000 was spent Some of the other perks the Supreme Court last fall. research Into alternative Soviet Union. last year to fly PresidentBush which the President receives: Clinton on civil rights- and renewable energy He rejected the Idea that and his entourage around the - White House residential Clinton’s policy rests on he has been slow to country and the world. staff of 96 full-time positions providing equal access to forces. support the collapsed “Air Force One alone costs Including butlers, maids, education, economic Clinton doesn’t favor communist superpower In American taxpayers $41,000 doorman, chefs, carpenters, opportunity, and health care heavy restrictions but Its efforts at democratic anhour in flight, which would plumbers, engineers, for all Americans, regardless strongly opposes nuclear reform. mean that $29,000 would florists, and calligraphers. of race, gender, religion, or power and supports This Isn’t any Johnny- provide about 40 minutes of - Free health care. sexual orientation. increased automotive fuel come-lately thing and this airtime," said Paul Kanjorskl, - Air Force One, which has As evidence of his efficiency. Isn’t driven by electlonyear D-Pa., who is the chairman a conference room, office, 85 commitment, Clinton cites pressures. It's what’s right of the committee Investigating phones, crew of 23 and his record as Arkansas Police in Clinton, Utah, for the United States," the White House’s claims. seating for 70. governor, emphasizing his were summoned by an Bush said at a White House The real cost lsbelng hidden - Entertainment budget of appointments of minorities irate father who wanted news conference. from voters— White House $50,000 for personal to staff positions and state them to arrest his 6-year- The decision was a vote travel runs tens of millions of dinners. boards, as well as actions old son for eating Hostess of the West’s confidence In dollars— by an designed to improve the Ding Dongs without Russian President Boris administration determined to As Bush and Clinton status of minority businesses permission. FLASHBACK FLASHBACK FLASHBACK FLASHBACK •Professors requiring students to subscribe to a Senate looking into unnecessary course fees magazine or newspaper. •Professors requiring a By Mel Cronenwett Student Senate Is not published In the course tuition, any listed course fees Staff Writer investigating concerns that catalog for their classes, and the cost of textbooks, book they authored and then professors are collecting fees Students expect to pay but have been surprised by not using It for class. professors asking for The complaints have also additional money during the been brought to the course. Executive Committee of the Senate has received Faculty Senate and dean of T dyota enough complaints to academic services Mary Investigate, said executive Seeger has been working assistant Len VanPopering. with the Political Action ACCEPTS The three most common Committee of the Student complaints are: Senate regarding these DIPLOMAS •Professors asking for concerns. additional money to make The Senate now needs copies of material used in specific cases in writing to FOR CREDIT class. present as documentation. Here's proof that your diploma is six months away from graduation. The If there are excessive costs Any students that feel a definitely worth more than the piece of hot scoop: Your dream Toyota can be for copying, professors are professor has collected an paper it’s written o a In fact it can get yours for no money down and a 90day* supposed to request money unnecessary fee can contact you into a wild, yet practical, V2 Toyota deferred payment' We offer you all this through the dean of their the Senate at 895-3231 or Paseo. Or any one of our quality cars phis special College Grad finance rates. stop at their office in Kirkhof. and trucks For even lower monthly payments, talk department. Okay, motivated coDegians, you can to yourToyota dealer about leasing. now take advantage of die incredible See your nearest Toyota dealer for a Toyota Class of '92 Retail Financing brochure with v Ml TOYOTA tmoc- Program if your diploma is from a four- fuD details and MOTOR year college, graduate school or regis­ qualification CREDIT tered nursing program. 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Drawing w ill he held on April 27


This Week at 12 Packs 2 Liters $2.99 Grand Valley FoodsMl plus deposit plus deposit Page 4 The Lan thorn April 8,1992 inevitably die soon after her No, Right to Life had to birth. Theirplanwastohelp stick Its fat ass in where it other children by donating clearly did not belong and as Baby Theresa’s organs to a result Theresa’s organs By Rebecca Andrews had deteriorated beyond the Instead, he avoids the Issue those who needed them. Staff Writer Imagination. I was a student point where they could be painter one summer and my and tries to explain it. Big Baby Theresa died last used. crew leader was a regular mistake. Monday as her parents were Last week’s column was What consolation can intentionally humorous but user and had been for life, The problem Is that forced to wage an and you could definitely tell. Clinton Is stuck In an unsuccessful legal battle to Right to Life offer Theresa’s now there are some serious parents? They deprived things that need addressing. It wasn't pretty, but what election where the public declare her brain dead so we’re talking about Is having wants to know everything that they could donate her them of the only way they I was at the library last night could make sense of tried pot. and he’s trying desperately organs. The problem? Right looking for material and I Theresa’s short time on this Anyway, Clinton evidently to avoid political gaffes. to Life decided to butt In, came up with just loads of earth and they did it in the hemmed and hawed In Clinton should Just try and called the organ stuff. name of political posturing. response to the Inquiry and playing It straight Instead donating process piecemeal -First of all, the Issue (?) of Furthermore, Right to Life whether or not Bill Clinton responded with “I have never of dancing around the murder. broken the laws of my Issues. Never mind the fact that seems to enjoy invading has ever smoked pot I think other people’s rights in the it would be safe to say that country." Finally, he -Second, and this is more Baby Theresa had no admitted to having smoked sensitive. Is the story ofBaby cognitive ability; she could name of saving the children. m ok everybody of a certain So why are there are hungry, generation (the 60s) has dope, but without Inhaling Theresa. This poor child feel neither pain, or more poor, mistreated, and tried pot and compared with it. What? Run that one by was bom with anenephaly— importantly, pleasure. Never abused children in this alcohol addiction and crack. my again. lack of a brain. Her parents mind that her parents world? Why don’t they It Isn’t terribly serious. He would have been better knew of the defect because wanted to help other concentrate on those I’m not saying that regular off saying yes, I tried it a of ultrasound tests and tried children, that they wanted children that are with us, use of pot is wonderful by couple of times and didn’t to prepare themselves for Theresa’s death to have some any stretch of the like It. End of the story. the fact that she would positive consequences. now? be dealt with and Improved. Reader defends The Lanthorn While these letters address sponsors open houses' Dear Editors of the Lanthorn, under assumed names. the problem, they fail to People enter professions address what is of utmost 8y$eidman School of One question enters my because of the rewarding importance: the solution. Business completion of their mind after I completely read feeling they get doing their Instead of backlashing and baccalaureate degrees. the Lanthorn each week; “Why j ob. Surely there is no reward degrading these journalists, I Did you know that... If you are interested in do you work here?" for any of you who work at the believe that more constructive - two thirds of MBA the MBA or want to learn I really feel sorry for you Lanthorn. means will yield more candidates do not; have more aboutthe program, Journalists who have to think The letters to the Editor that meaningful results. , undergraduate* degrees mark your calendar for twice about what you write address racism do warrant For example, it is my in ; business one of the following forrisk ofbeing called a racist. serious conslderationbecause understanding that Mr. Galr administration? information sessions: No wonder there are so racism is a very serious must purchase his own CD’s - you can earn your Tuesday, April 14from many columnists now writing problem In society that must Please see VIEW, p. 11 ; MBA in the evening at 4-5 p.m. in 121 LHH. the Eberhard Center Tuesday, April! 4 from whlleyou workfuli time? 6-7 p.m. In 122 LHH. Claudia Sterna, the Monday, April 20 from MBA Program Director, 7*8 p.m. in 415 EC. will be meeting with If you cannot attend Grand Valley students one of the sessions, •: wibo: may be interested please call Ms. Ba|ema at : in pursuing master of 771-6675 with your questions or to request 'degrees following ! information. j a> MOB Laka Mhhtgart Of. ♦ $estp ffem tk M in g ■ c a l l n o w ! 8 9 2 .4 3 6 6 CD NEW OWNERS • NEW PRICES • NEW SERVICES (10383 42nd Ave) Domino's Accepts All Competitor Coupons!

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You know, I think I’ll start ran out. I’m rapidly becoming convinced that If someone Is my column this week by Will the Wolverines to challenge Bush for the awardlngmyself the “Golden prevail? By the time you read With the controversy of the film Basic Instinct Schmuck” award. this Wednesday evening, White House, this is NOT our man. of homosexuals being portrayed in a negative I also award myself the well have known. Let me If he can’t answer simple “Dumb Doofus with the Just cover myself by saying light, do you think homosexuals are portrayed questions without dodging Brains of a Caribbean Carrot two things now: We’re negatively on campus? the truth, what will he do If number one! Walt till next Fly" medal. “On campus I Why? Don’t ask. Let’sjust year- 1993 will be U of M’s he gets in office? Even more important, “In the movie I don’t know any get on with this week’s big year. where are the Issues In this think they were.” homosexuals. happenings. There. That should cover campaign? Buried agalnjust - Marie Munoz The ones I’ve Several readers last week a win or a loss. Junior known in life, saw my blurb ranking Cape Thank you, Jodie Foster, like 1988. And now the thoughts off English/Spanish everybody seems Fear as the year’s best film for helping the Rumbler the top of my head, as the to treat them like and wondered If that was avoid going 0 for 5 In his Rumbler plays the Initial everyone else.” exactly what I meant to say. Oscar picks. Game this week: -Derek Graves I was wrong. I realized What a sweep for Silence “I don’t know enough about the AMS- Congrats on your Senior there are five films out there of the Lambs! This marks homosexuality issue on campus to happy event from a former Mathematics that were actually better the first time since 1975that know they’re treated negatively Interviewing Techniques than Cape Fear In 1991 and a film has swept all the major but I have to say with the movie student. “No.notreally. Idon’tknow without further ado, let’s awards (Picture, Actor, Basic Instinct I feel they were RA- Still In the mood for much about the gay population count them down: Actress, Director, and for overreacting in taking advantage schwing? on campus. I don’t see how 5. Homicide some strange reason of the situation to get their cause EF from Shakespeare- they could take offense to it, 4. Career Opportunities Screenplay) heard, which is okay by me, but you’re cute... I’d love to take it’s just a movie.” 3. H ighlander 2 Mercedes Ruehl? Huh? they’re taking advantage of the you out sometime before I 2. Cool As Ice Before we go on, three situation.” graduate. Freshman 1. The Doors words- Garth Brooks sucks. - Robert Stewart CW- forget you read the Nursing Any questions, contact the I feel like smoking a joint Freshman above comment. Rumbler. right now- but I’d better not Biomedical science UM- Congrats on a fine All doubters cast aside inhale it. Jr wM your fears- the Fab Five Is W hat the heck is Bill season. very much for real! Clinton doing saying that he SU- 24 days to go, bud! I wish I could’ve said the smoked pot but didn’t Aren’t you getting anxious to get away from GVSU? same for Indiana. That inhale? “I don’t think they’re treated second game was extremely That’s like saying I drank See ya next week and look negatively because with the “Ten forward to May 2. “I don’t really close, but the Hoosler magic beer and didn’t swallow it. think so, they Percent of U” group, people seem have a fair shot; pretty open to it, otherwise 1 don’t Naomi Wolf to visit campus for lecture they have their think as many would be out of the By Rebecca Andrews recipient of numerous pornographic generation own activities. I closet because they’d be afraid.” News Writer writing awards. Including bom after 1960. even have one in - Monica Franklin the Academy of American Wolf goes on to say that my class that got Sophomore The noted author and Poets prize (twice). Wolfs the intensified stranglehold up to talk to us in Business/Marketing speaker Naomi Wolf will be writings have been printed on women’s magazines by Social Problems on campus Wednesday, April in both British and U.S. beauty advertisers and their 280,” 8 at7p.m. on the Promenade publications. money is a censorship and - A1 Swanson Deck at the Kirkhof Center. Wolf, a third wave feminist, civil rights Issue. Junior Her lecture is entitled “The explores the damaging Wolf also states In The Political Beauty Myth" after her effects of the beauty myth Beauty Mvth that the skinny Science seminal work The Beauty today in The Beauty Mvth. idea of womanhood (the Mvth. Her work pinpoints the average model weighs 23 Wolf studied as a Rhodes damage done by the percent less than the average Scholar at Oxford University, proliferation of pornographic woman), is part of counter- There are hundreds where the ideaforThe Beauty Images to a new generation feminist public policy. Mvth was bom: of women: the anorexic/ Please see WOLF, p. 7 of questions on the “I began to write a doctoral thesis that made me see how GMAT, GRE and LSAT. Ideas about beauty were LANTHORN^^pQ used by 19th and 20th century male writers to This checklist will help defend the creative act as ^ Deadline is April 17th, 1992 at noon being Implicitly masculine. you answer all of them. r'^-V This contest is open to all GVSU students and staff. “I saw that beauty was not about women, but about Torn in your best b/w 5*7 or 8*10 photographs to convenient. The Lanthom (basement of Kirkhof Center). Direct Kaplan makes test prep i women, but about a power entries to the photo editor. With 150 centers anaand thouthousands o f class schedules, the struggle. I realized that a S i ® odds are we'll be ready to teach when and where you THE JUDGES: First Piece... *50* Top three plus need us to be there. similar phenomenon In the * A 0*1 * Julie Edlnser Second Pises... *30* three honorable & t ,VV' Robert Cooley mentions will be contemporary world was •Cl*-: Robert Burs) Third Place... 520* printed In issue #28 I taking place globally, and it David Rethbun • (silt Mrttau 10 Cmnm Oe») of The Lanthom. Kaplan helps you manage your time. had reached an emergency Diagnostic tests and personalized counseling help you recognize stumbling blocks early on, before they hurt level. I had to address that Con MSI SpMMOrsd by LOW PRICES A CONVENIENT LOCATIONS! f t ® NEW! Custom color photo processing your performance. first." st 28th Strsst store. Wolf has also been the • 1533 Wealthy • 51 Monro# Mall • 31M Plain field • 2883 S. Wilson, Grindvills • 2035 28th Strsst SE • Kaplan offers the best value. Our courses are competitively priced and offer the complete preparation that has helped more students get Ef into the school of their choice than anyone else. Kaplan is the industry leader. 53 years of experience and 2 million graduates prove we’ve got the expertise and resources it takes to help Ef students succeed.

Kaplan Test Prep gf The Answer (D l‘)92 Stanley H. Kaplan KducJt tonal (’enter l tJ .y- Page 7 Spanky should address biologically. So guys, buy condoms and find a new place to ... „ issues stash them. Dear Spanky: ' wearing black tights with Throw them in your white shoes, and black Dear Miss Spanked: Maybe a pair of handcuffs glove compartment or Hello! maybe you can shoes With white tights. Thanx for the mail! I or aleatherwhip, butl don’t something, but it is tacky address some Important Vanina White should agree that the racial battle want to scare away my few to fill your wallet in hopes Issues inyour column. The come to your classes and in the paper has gotten readers with a butt shot. of getting some booty. Lanthom 's racial debate Is show you how to dress, stale. You’ve stumped me on the Sorry Miss Spanked, but getting a bit old. dean shorts with tights? It is important, but dressing before Easter some guys are so dumb That’s like putting a dress rehashing old letters is not issue. My way of thinking that a light switch is the Fresh topic one: on a cat. What’s the point? going to solve any is that traditions are meant only turn-on that they The only thing more problems. to be broken. know. annoying than Dave Fresh topic three: Ooohh, don’t slam Dave. I personally don’t think It was great to hear from Benner’s viewpoint is Condom machines inthe Well, actually I have no calling Vanna would help you, keep in touch seeing his picture every womens restrooms. Aren’t idea who Dave is so you matters either. everybody. week. women already pressured can slam him for now. That tired old tramp has See all of you next issue. Why is he the only enough to take care ofbirth For all I know he is some a hard enough time Take care. Lanthom staff member to control? (The pill, IUD, etc.) kind of alien offspring spinning letters, let alone have his picture printed? The least men can do is that’s obsessed with dressing herself or anyone Melissa: Denying that Let’s see a picture of your carry a condom. sports. else. you know me to your freshly spanked butt) However- carrying a Why is he the only one Hey Vanna, I’d like to buy friends is mortal sin condom in one’s wallet with a picture? a vowel? Get a real job! (punishable by hands Fresh topic two: does not, I repeat, does not Haven’t you seen the rest I also agree that condom slapping against your My roommate tells me ensure a sexual interlude. of us staff writers? (Just machines should not be in buttocks). Yonk! that it Is a maj or faux pas to (Nor does it serve as atum - kidding) a womens restroom. I think wear white anything before on) I really don’t know the that guys should be Mel from the L a n th o m , Easter. answer, but some sort of responsible for at least do you remember me? I To all you beautiful Spank on, Spanky! picture for Spanky Sez something. was Cupid at a party in college women: stop Miss Spanked would be a new twist. My Let’s face it guys, women your past. I Just wanted butt? I don’t think so. have it a lot rougher to say HI. WOLF, from p. 5 ------Thinness is not beautiful Womens Studies Club. because they do, they are in and of itself; hunger is states what she hopes vulnerable to those beautiful as a political students will get out of pronouncements that solution which keeps attending the lecture: invite them to subscribe many women from “She’s talking about the to conventional engaging in activism. beauty myth and the definitions of beauty. Wolf concludes that the traditional college “So that, we hope that beauty myth keeps women student places an Naomi Wolf will assist Sob& hungry and impoverished. inordinate amount of students in analyzing the £y E>*-y — (polo's It slowly kills us all value on cultural beauty myth for what it - SfreKJooil " physically and appearances, and is." emotionally. We are the silent sufferers. We need S o lo i’S fctoc-fc. "^t.p a*J 5 -1-® to see Just how beautiful a**rtjejr one. c£ K«s Spec.Ws y a /l we are. Professor Doris Rucks, co-coordinator of the I B o j o s I ( S p e c i a l t *

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T b r Q t t f o O c t c k - +or u p &clc's

&S -2272 J- % p*\ ' II P*N 11111111 i iTYff 11Hiiiiiiiui Wednesday April 8, 1992

Wheelchair basketball rolls into Grand Valley By Lynnelle Tans Campus Life Writer tournaments. Involved in as many positive “I love it, its amazing how activities as we can" stated Team effort, leadership tough it really is," he said. “It Mike Arnold, Director of the and enthusiasm was evident makes you appreciate the Shilo House. at the annual wheelchair things we take for granted. ” The kids go to school, have basketball tournament The 1st place trophy went household responsibilities, sponsored by the to the Kentwood Hard therapy and fun recreational Therapeutic Recreation Rollers, 2nd place went to activities. The money will mmm new,wfc*rea I Club. the Campus Reckers and 3rd help buy games for the kids. ;e of Greeks/ said Fifteen teams participated place winners were White The TR club is composed JB in the tournament in the Men Can’t Jump. of TR majors which are have Aconcernedmemberof Field House Sunday. Each year the TR Club trained to develop and ig it .< audience; asked, Their experience ranged sponsors a worthy cause to Implement, facilitate active Greek system due to ^Whatstggestionsdoyou from never being in a donate the teams entry fee leisure functions for people have for us?" wheelchair to college to. with disabilities. Merkle and the traveling teams (CMU and This year the money went The 30 member TR club Several Greeks and audience agreed to meet EMU) to one professional to Shilo House, an holds socials and 'nO^-Greeks gathered to to set goals and begin a team, The Kentwood Hard adolescent substance abuse fundraisers and volunteers hear the panel’s system. Rollers. program. The state funded throughout the year. They viewpoints on the “ThisGreeksystemhas Leroy Hackley from residential treatment center also travel to other colleges subject. great potential for Campus Recreation has houses 15 kids. to play in wheelchair The panelists were: growth," commented played in three “We try to get them basketball tournaments. Ann Leslie, Greek life ^ ;\vV' Coordinator; Keith The possibility of more Grand Valley professors worth mentioning " Carlson* President of Greek housing was also By Audra Lousias Delta Sigma Phi and discussed and the idea is Campus Life Editor Northup, Natural Resource Mathematics and Computer Inter Fraternity Council; being explored further. Management. Science. 'Bart Merkle. Dean of Non-Greeks also The following is a list of th e He R eally Kdows His He must be doing > Students and Assistant attended the forum, some of Grand Valley’s S tu ff Award: Joseph something right If so many Provost; and Stu however, no one spoke professors who I think are Preston, History. people recommend him. t'h z i e out for or against the worth mentioning for their He relays history as if he The Welcome to the 90’s topic, : interesting instructing styles. were there watching Award: Lorelle Thomas, Art. The: panelists “I think the Creek The awards are my own. Napoleon and Bismarck The Neighbor from The expressed their system is an avenue for The This Guy Really Loves change the world. N orth Award: James viewpoints to the students to get involved, H is W ife Award: “Uncle The He R eally Knows his Thompson, Political tinny four years at GVSU, Marty" Levin, Computer S tu ff II Award: Thomas Science. and answer period l had an opportunity to Science. Herzog, Psychology. Nice guy, makes you think. followed. be a founding father of The husband of Rosa The Off on a Tangent The Thanks for Driving • :.!1 t is ray opinion that Delta Sigma Phi, I chose Femandez-Levln, Spanish Award: Thomas Out Award: All adjunct the Greek system should not to because I found department, always Cunningham, Philosophy. faculty who add a great be abolished if it is not leadership in other mentioned what a great wife The A d jectiv e Award: touch to the teaching. making a positive avenues. I felt it wasn’t he has and you can tell he Margaret Proctor. The All-Time Favorite, contribution to a for me," said Dan thinks she is muy hermosa. Communications. Can’t Say Enough About campus community.” Breaker, staff assistant The Cool Feminist Award: This lady really gets you to Him Award: Mark stated Merkle, for the Excellence in Toni Perrlne, Film and Video. dig deep to express your Luttenton. Biology. Carlson then Leadership program. Finally, somebody who will feelings through writing. Funny, energetic, cares mentioned the Greeks’ Approximately 40% of admit that Pretty Womanwas The Screw the System about students, knows a lot, support to various the people involved with really poor. Award: Patti Bridges, makes you want to come to special groups and this program are Greeks. The Indiana Jones Award: English/Llberal Studies. class, knows what it’s like sponsored activities, for The open forum was Mark Luttenton, Biology. Teaches you to not be to be a student, cool, hot. example. Wil Keim, a sponsored by pmlcron Costa Rica, the Grand afraid to stand against All In all, I think Grand motivational speaker Delta Kappa, the River, what’s next? what’s wrong. Valley has a lot of teaching ih% ^sitld • campus, honorary leadership The N ice Guy Award: Tie The Everybody Wants talent. I also think Grand Ifood'-drtves and i fraternity. between Fred Chapman, Him For Statistics Award: Valley needs more Communications and Mel Robert Blanchard, professors of color. Campus English for $100. clean-up to be By Sherry Stolts served. The Jeopardy Sigma Tau Delta is a held Saturday Tournament of Minds will National English Honor By Audra Lousias be an event you won’t want Society which recognizes Campus Life Editor to miss. distinguished students Come be a part of our who have Organizations will gather to make studio audience for the first accomplishments in either the Allendale campus a more annual broadcast of linguistics or the literature beautiful place at noon, Saturday. Jeopardy, Tournament of of the English language. As part of the Volunteer! GVSU Minds, sponsored by Iota The local chapter. Iota project, students will pick up paper, Tau Chapter of Sigma Tau Tau, was founded in 1985 trash and other campus pollutants. Delta. and has steadily grown to In order to participate, simply . The competition between a membership of forty come to the Klrkhof Center at noon GVSU professional staff honor students. and Sigma Tau Delta on Saturday and grab a garbage For more information bag. members will be held on regarding the society, Thursday, April 9, at 6 p.m. please contact Pam Collins You will then be assigned a in 132 Lake Huron Hall. at 457-6185. or Dr. designated area on campus to clean up. Admission is free and Lockerd in 125 Lake Huron refreshments will be Hall. Anyone interested should contact the Student Life Office at 895-3295. April 8,1992 The Lan thorn P»ge9 J S s a s B m Open forum to be held for Senate nominees J° fo ! By Mel Cronenwett '1 V '6 T & W k - Staff Writer All senators are required lml - oxjfSethfo^ H ^ wl AH to attend the open forum to The nominees for the listen to student opinion and cabinet of Student Senate response to the nominees. f OUe4 ftt«T "ft T l M IM| will present their platforms Only senators vote for A \ » /vrt'-hlft i i .In at an open forum in the cabinet members, so they Crow’s Nest. Kirkhof, noon, are attending the forum to jfu^ Wednesday, April 15. learn how the student body The newly elected fall 1992 they represent wants them senators will nominate to vote. members to cabinet at Voting will be Thursday, M general assembly on April 16. Thursday, April 9. The open forum will be Nominees will have two sponsored by Omlcron Delta OUr /*U>** jivr minutes to make a Kappa, the honorary CiLCV f — -to D / presentation at the forum. leadership fraternity. ___ 'i-rtjt a ~? c x c a s V )^ K e c i ^ i d o ^ "“AM iW rc. aW ost *drX c o £ Or\er of-k- |Cia 4 ^ CD -^ese l^sK-.r-ls t -4V* e_f£-r\y 175-, ^ (b o j are. c o o l ./ Dp'frvOyy lA 0(\S>icy\Cp / ED YOUNG ORTHODONTICS FOR CHILDREN AND ADULTS Sur^tiS/'U rda! VteW M ie/) joe«?o ~ t o ^ M 2 , - k w u n /S', EDWARD YOUNG, D.D.S. 2140 Lake Michigan Dr. NW vVAen?b]cA ailenfp|. . - Grand Hapids, MI 49504 cne.*op-a.~ I£L K f / t r - * ' i /I / . .1/^1 ^ -Td/iKi^P ■ p r . 9

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U2's ability to captivate audience still roars

By Jason Orzechowski Adam Clayton and Larry wonderful thing that the Entertainment Writer The Palace of Auburn Hills the Joshua Tree album, Mullen Jr. take the stage, was the location of the only which brought them ever band did what they wanted their presence is felt from U2 still has the power and Michigan appearance of U2 closer to the mainstream to do, and played mostly the front row all the way new material. the magic to thrill an on their “Zoo T.V." tour. and ever closer to the “rock back to the nose-bleed Bono didn’t preach this audience. Those who got tickets, and star" status they have now seats. It is magical, Their live show that has those who tried, know that acquired. time around. It appears wonderful, intense and been called “the closest this concert was the hottest Gone are the days when U2 has quite a sense of “wholly other!" thing to a religious ticket to hit the circuit in nobody knew about U2; humor about this rock star U2 opened with eight experience" by several recent memory. The concert gone are the days when you thing. Self-mockery was a consecutive songs from the writers, myself included. sold out in 17 minutes. could see U2 without getting welcome sight. new album Achtung Baby, Their newly acquired I must admit that I had a wrist-band to buy tickets; U2 is still utterly serious including “The Fly” and about their music, but they “rock star” status hasn’t my doubts about U2 after Oh how I longfor those days! “Mysterious Ways"— for affected the quality of their such a ticket hassle, but I Success has not spoiled don’t take themselves as shows adversely. In fact, guess they can’t help it that U2. They still deliver a those who know only MTV. seriously as in the past. They continued with a few they are better than ever, they are rock stars. phenomenal show, no Reviews-a-plenty have songs off Rattle and Hum maybe even better than the Their audience has matter how large the venue. been written about U2 and Joshua Tree. real thing! steadily increased ever since When Bono, The Edge, shows— both locally and Eventually they got to nationally— so I will spare y. .y : : / ' : ' '■ ' : ' : “Bad” and “Pride (in the you the redundancy. ! | i # | v x - name of love)" off of The I would like to say that ...... Unforgettable Fire— much U2 Is the best band in the to the crowd’s approval. world! There were a lot of people Other bands may have present Just dying to hear higher energy or more old U2, and I was one of extravagant shows, but I them. ' have yet to encounter a Was sexism a factor in Beauty and the ? But I thought it was a band with the magic of U2. By Shellie VanDeCreek Reflections on long ago, and whether we Patrick instead of shooting Entertainment Writer without her beauty, the his rounds off in the air. moral would not have come like it or not, women were not equal in our society until GREENACRES I disagreed, noting the Recently, Beth and I across. Belle could have had unspoken, yet unparalleled received a letter from a any man she wanted, but very recently. bond that had formed woman who felt our ratings she fell in love with the Beast. If we don’t want our with Mel Cronenwett between the pair. o{Beauty and theBeastwert Not to mention themessage children to see how sexist When my brother didn’t unwarranted because she that inner beauty leads to the world was, we are going Along with the great thought the movie portrayed beauty throughout. Look to have to bum every history physical wars that my buy my reasoning, I sexist stereotypes. We both how the Beast changed with book. brother and I have, are the questioned his critique gave it a perfect ten. love. I didn’t think the movie intellectual wars of upper based on the fact that it was Unfortunately, we cannot Is the film sexist because it was sexist at all and I think echelon stimulus. coming from someone who print the letter because it doesn’t show Belle with a the message was a beautiful Our most poignant watches Green Acres on a was written anonymously. career? I don’t think so. She one. Someday, I want my discussion has centered religious basis. However, since I did think was smart. Her favorite thing children to see this movie, upon the television series After my brother stuffed the movie was absolutely to do was bury her nose in a the girls and the boys. Green Acres, starring the my mouth with his Mr. Ed wonderful in every way, I book. I do appreciate the letter king of the dumbfounded, feed bag so I couldn’t speak, feel it necessary to defend it. All this while, the men were and if anyone else wants to Eddie Albert, and that maven he explained that Green Beauty and the Beast off hunting or indulging in write. I’d be happy to hear of the beehive hairdo, Eva Acres was a great work of escaped being sexist in the inventions. from you. Gabor. surrealism. contemporary version of the Who comes across as the It is nice to have readers Believe it or not, our Surrealism. film by updating Belle’s wiser? Let's not forget the take an interest in our argument was triggered from Georges Melies. Salvador character. treatment of Gaston, the reviews and ratings. I hope a discussion of the movie Dali. . . Mr. Haney? Her beauty is not the only male chauvinist pig. He got I didn’t offend the writer of Point Break, starring the Zen I waited for my brother to thing that makes her the what he deserved, and the that letter; I just wanted to Master of dirty dancing, be swallowed up through the character we love. In the entire audience hated him. make sure that he or she Patrick Swayze, and that kitchen sink and sucked film, she is portrayed as Maybe Belle didn’t have it understood my view of the most excellent MTV child down to hell where he would smarter than any of the all— career, marriage, family. film. Keanu Reeves. be surrounded by black I hope that feelings have males in the film. She wasn’t the modern Tom said that the scenes velvet Elvis paintings. changed because the movie The writer of that letter woman. You do have to between the two stars were No way could Green Acres really deserves to be loved said that Belle’s beauty alone remember, however, that this unrealistic. He thinks that be surreal, I said. Green by all. I still give it a 10. makes it sexist. However, is a story which takes place Keanu would have shot Please see MEL, p. 12

c a m s f l x s e k then we will segue nicely interview of vehicle. The band, all of MR. BUNGLE UVE! into a review of the show and see what them but Patton, were sitting makes him tick." I even around and were cordial By Chris Flisek and then end. Got it? prepared a bunch of enough. Entertainment Writer or 3)you’re Just gonna skip THE FIRST INTERVIEW: to the dirty parts. The rest of Shannon, the road manager questions that had nothing “Where are you from?" I Stop! Don’t read this article you may read on. with the dyed red hair and to do with Faith No More, was asked and I told them. “Oh, How grand the rapids," if l)youVe never heard of Okay, here’s how we’re horn rimmed glasses told this was gonna be great. they replied. I waited a few Mr. Bungle; 2)You think gonna do this. This article me to go into the band’s van I got into the rusted, blue minutes for Patton to show Mike Patton is “that dreamy will begin with an interview to do the interview. van and was quickly struck singer from Faith No More;" with the guys in Mr. Bungle, I was psyched; “I’m gonna by the odor permeating the ' lease see MR., p .l l April 8, 1992 The Lanthcm Page l i somewhat slightly set When the band kicked In, like he was singing VIEW, from p. 5 ------dazed by the fame so did the crowd, slamming from the pits of Hell for his music reviews. that took their andjumplnglnafrenzybacked andthebandplayed Now of course he Is going to purchase singerandmay soon with a deafening soundtrack. aheavydirgebehlnd music that he prefers, anyone else in his overtake them). Minutes Into the first song, him. shoes would do the same. Who’d you make Lars, the bald lead singer ran The song turned How about someone offering Mr. Gaira this record for? It onto stage, dumped beer onhis out to be “The CD of a different style (classical, jazz, rap, doesn’t have mass head and proceeded to vent his Stroke" by Billy etc.) that he can borrow to review. appeal.... anger for 45 minutes. Squier, which was Or volunteer your opinion and be a S: “It doesn’t? Is a tight four piece followed by a guestreviewerforyourmusicalpreference. Damn Doyouhave with a sound that covers straight version of Solutions that work make everybody arty food?" everything from speed metal to the theme to happy. Describe the industrial. Look for’em. ‘Thunderball.” Finally, Iwouldlike to address the Issue average Mr. Bungle After a slight intermission The second and of sports teams named after Native fan the members of Mr. Bungle last set featured American tribes. S:“Seethatguyin came out wearing rubber Patton wearingafull I can't really help but think that we’re the orange jacket? masks and Patton came out bondage mask, making amountain out of amole hill with Before we go on, he's wearing overalls, abaseballcap leaping Into the this issue. gonna get really and abondagemask that made crowd and not being For If we are to keep this Issue constant trashed, rush the him look like Hannibal Lector. able to escape and throughout all races and professions, stage and then fall This was the stuff of fever screaming for then I hope to God that there are no Into the crowd in dreams. security to get him Boilermakers, Patriots, Angels, 49ers, etc. (sings) a Jesus The crowd began shouting out Thebass player out there that are offended Itythe usage of Christ pose. (Patton out song titles and the band spent most of the their Image to sports teams. then shrieked: “He’s responded with a waltz which set layingonhis side Now, you may say that isn't the point PHOTO BY BOB COOLEY f a t ! segued Into acountry rhythm. and laughing. but It Is. Trevorfrom Mr. Bungle a t S t Andrew s AAARRRGGHH!!") Patton stepped to the The lastfew songs If we’re truly going to eliminate racism, Hall, We model ourselves microphone and In his best were old jazz we cannot achieve this by just giving MR., from p. 1 0 ______alter Prince. We country twang began singing: standards and special attention to one group. want to open a club In a cold “Gotta find a way, abetterway, Patton climbed up We must be consistent so that every up until the lead guitarist, any way,” the chorus to to the balcony, racialgroup receives equal understanding known only as Scummy, said, state and then make a movie.” Has Patton’s success affected “Territorial Pisslngs,” by finished a song and respect that they deserve. “Whenever yer ready, man.” you? Nirvana. (possibly a Cole We must also achieve this not at the Where’d the name, Mr. S: “We’re riding his coattails." The crowd ate it up and Porter song) tossed expense of ary other racial group, for by Bungle come from? Did you (Patton then kicked the van so slammed and jumped and the microphone degrading one group to make another get It from that 1950s hard that people outside looked screamed along. onto the stage, look better does nothing more than “feed educational film that Pee Wee towards it I thanked the band The next song was “Dead vanished into the fuel to the fire." Herman showed on an HBO and left knowing that this was Goon” from the Mr. Bungle throng of people on When I read letters that have been special years ago? disc; a lilting song about auto­ thebakoityandwas published In the Lanthom latefy, I can’t Scummy; “No.hetookttfrom a preview of things to come). THE REVIEW: It was a erotic suicide. Patton tossed gone. The band help but wonder who holds the most us and look where it got him.” capacity crowd at Detroit’s St himself around and screamed followed suit prejudice of alL (It was then I heard what “ T . r AiKlrew’sHallonFrtday.MaTCh like he was ready to kill The Mr. Bungle ^edlteadogwhlmpwng ^ tftheftee someone. show was Toallmybrothers and sisters regardless tatheback^ovrtrfsgM. .^^atuK irashow . 1,000 Mid-song, during Bungle’s dangerous stuff, of race. W asyourju^^aysthe rfuswrealtheBun^esho». “Slowly Going Deaf,” Patton man. It was ^^rfnolsethatltlson ^ G m tm stopped and said to the crowd, beautiful and It was Peace. (whowereopenlngforthe entire “I used to be a young stage over. Bill Phelps ^ week tour} took the stage at diver once, but I could hear the The end. about 8p.m. amidst a cloud of grown- ups laughing. You things Into fire, fog and ttirumm of feedback. wanna squeeze my lemon?" nowwwcovvtaltrttoT^tess monJtor and then went back Into the scratches against the side of ^ g * dnnnnief Hashed song. $ 5 tu d io 2 8 ° the van). . bizarre and grotesque imagery The next number featured 1350 28th St SW Call 538-8760 tor Showtiines I read an article before throughout the short yet fierce Patton'svoicedlstortedto sound album came out that said & Rock-A-Doodle (G) because of contractual Starts Fri, April 10 Animated obligations with Patton, Stephen King’s Thunderheart (R) Val presumably, that the names of Sleepwalkers (R) Brian Kilmer, Graham Greene the band had to be kept secret Krause, Made hen Amick The Cutting Edge (PG) Why the anonymity? (A loud The Power Of One (PG13) D.B. Sweeny, Moira Kelly shriek came from the back of Morgan Freeman the van, followed by a fierce OH BOY! Ladybugs (PG13) Rodney kick to the side of the vehicle, FemGully... The Last Dangerfield, Jackee Rainforest (G) Animated, nobody seemed t o notice. I Basic Instinct (R)- Michael realized It must be Patton and voices of Robin Williams, Douglas, Sharon Stone Buddy's Back! Christian Slater he obviously wanted no part of My Cousin Vinny (R)- Joe the interview). In n big Broadway musical Newsies (PG) Robert Duvall, Pesci, Marisa Tomai, Ralph S: “What anonymity?” (Ifyou that's rocking the world Christian Bale Macchio have the Bungle disc & Wayne’s World (PG13)- wondered If anybody else In Now Showing Dana Carvey, Michael Myers, the band Is White Men Can’t Jump Rob Lowe, Donna Dixon They’re Just a bunch of (R) Wesley Snips, Woody The Hand That Rocks overgrownkids, unwashedand HarrelrslsonBeethoven (PG) The Cradle (R)- Rebecca Charles Grodin DeMomay, Annabella Sciorra Straight Talk (PG) Dolly Fried Green Tomatoes Parton, James Woods (PG13)- Kathy Bates, Jessica Sounds Lawn mower Man (R)- Jeff Tandy, Mary Louise Parker, Fahey, Pierce Brosnan Mary Stuart Masterson

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837-6140 k ? !/,:>■ 0Uack Loeks Theatres G uild . i \ L T U S A i r USAlr it the officiil ilftine ofThe BroadweyTheitre ( • ft ( r)(A £ h »1L . k l«Afc>«*i ------—— — Page 12 The Lanthom April 8 , 1992 — - - —— - - ...... — ■ ■ ' Music entrances crowd at The Reptile House By Jason Orzechowski the entire set, but I don’t Entertainment Writer completely lousy— they were clad In an assortment band. As they progressed just sounded like every of leather clothing. Lead know If they knew what to they evolved Into what they think about it, or how to The ElectricHellflre Club other band— thus, I was singer Thomas Thom’s are: today— a dance band. returned to The Reptile not impressed with their bleach white hair stood In react. “Thrill Kill went a step I talked to Thom after the House on March 25, performance. sharp contrast to the beyond this (small club show and asked him to entrancing the near- As If copying the sound darkness of the set. All of shows), and these are the describe the music to me in capacity crowd with dark of every band was not this contributed to best places to play," Thom his own terms. He replied sounds of electronic enough, they did a cover of creating an extremely explained. that there really was no way damnation, and David Bowie’s “Heroes" visual show. The Electric Hellflre Club to describe it. appropriately stunning which was sacrilegious to I was surprised and is apparently the “We’re an electronic band visual chaos. say the least. pleased to see that the embodiment of Thom’s, with many Influences The Electric Hellflre Club The Electric Hellflre Club band played to the and the rest of the band’s, including everything from Is a Reptile favorite and came on about midnight. audience the entire show, vision ofwhatmusic should heavy metal to Industrial and this time was the band’s The candle-lit stage was taking every opportunity be. even Arabic music," he third appearance at the engulfed In fog, which to Involve the crowd. The . You can’t put a label on commented. club. reminded me of the Jane's crowd responded by them; they are what they This being the case, they D etroit’s N ew F lesh A ddiction “Ritual" stage getting involved, are. Although I’m not are apparently having a hard opened the night with an set, though much less ex­ sometimes to the point of exactly sure what that is, I time signing a record deal all too familiar techno-pop travagant. absurdity. At one point, like it. Electric Hellflre Club with anyone. sound. The sound emanating an overly enthusiastic fan plans to return In the Thom described the band At times the music from the amps was the laid on the stage and future, but no word yet on as being “high risk" In that almost completely embodiment of eerieness— allowed another fan to when. they have no specific target duplicated NinelnchNails. a low roar mixed with pour hot candle wax all April looks like a great audience. Hellflre has been There were several songs I choral samplings— very over him. I hope It was month for live music at The togetherforjust under ayear, could have sworn used NIN spooky, very cool! worth It! Reptile with such bands as and they have yet to put out songs as samples. A barrage of lighting The eerie atmosphere Sire recording artists Poster a commercial release. The singer’s voice was effects came In unison with created by the music and Children on April 8, C/Z Thom was with My Life similar to Dave Gahan’s of the pounding tribal drums. the lights continued for artists Pom Orchard on the The Thrill Kill Kuk for three Depeche Mode. Hellflre was underway! the entire show— leaving 16, Tool on the 17, N ew F lesh w as not The four band members me dazed, confused and years and found it hard to Fractured Cylinder from very pleased with the leave the success that Thrill New York on the 22, Grand performance. K ill K u lt was enjoying. Rapids’ R elease on the 29, I think the audience Apparently Thrill Kill was and StotfromAnnArboron really enjoyed the show. doing something “harder arid the 30. Don't miss 'em! Most of them stayed for darker” when he joined the Are you thinking“■7“ about going to ? And the winners are... M By Beth Grienke graduate school ? ^ Entertainment Writer Jonathan Demme, B est tied in second place. \ t D irector; and B est P ic­ Julian Boyance, Mary E. The 1991 Academy ture. Duron, J. M. Hawley, and V Awards were presented Now is time to give the Angela D. Squire all got Monday, March 30 on results of our annual three of the five correct. ABC. contest. The first place Thanks to all who en­ The Silence of the Lambs winner was Pam Kellogg. tered. Winners may swept most of the major She picked 4 out of the 5 picked up their prizes at categories: Jodi Foster, correct. the Lanthom front office Best Actress; Anthony After the tie-breaker was in the lower level of Hopkins. Best Actor; used, four entries remained Kirkhof.

MEL, from p. 10 ------Acres Is a farce— it makes said he found on the moon dialing the time. fun of the differences between in The Beeping Rodc? How would the pig carry city and country folk. And how could a pig deliver the papers? Tom asked. Tom barreled me with a paper route like Arnold Mr. Ed feedbag?! Ronkin Will Turn Your questions: Ziffel does? That night, I had What about the No I pounced. Of course a pig nightmares of Arnold Ziffel Thoughts Into Reality. Trespassing episode In could deliver a paper route, chasing my down on a dirt which Oliver claims to have if It didn’t have to collect! bike: “I want my two dollars!" been talking to a man that Pigs are one of the smartest At least my brother and I everyone said died 20 years animals on the earth. They can agree on the meritous earlier? rank after dolphins and qualities of that masterpiece What about the kid who before people who use to of mise en scene... Joe vs. LSAT • GMAT • GRE • MCAT shows up with a rock that he spend their Friday nights The Volcano. IAYi ;.

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Martinez and Denbrock join Laker staff By Brian Rntkowski NHL strike hurts more Sports Editor Martinez played on two He was a graduate national championship assistant under then head William (Willie) Martinez teams at the University of coach Tom Beck in 1986 than just the owners Miami. and 1987 working with the and Mike Denbrock have By Frank Busceml joined Grand Valley’s The Florida native has offensive line and tight ends. Staff Writer best shot at Lord Stanley’s coaching staff as the Lakers spent two years as a Denbrock moved on In Cup as they’ve had in begin their spring football graduate assistant at the 1988 to Michigan State to It was a mighty cold day decades. drills this week. Miami and also quarterback continue his graduate work 17 years ago. Then it happened. After Coach Brian Kelly has and receivers coach at where he coached under That was the day when 75years of continuous play, Juggled his coaching staff Bethune - Cookman George Perles In 1988 and my parents put me into my continuous tradition and since defensive coordinator College. 1989. first pair of ice skates and excitement, it happened. Brian VanGorder left last In 1985, Martinez spent Denbrock then moved on pushed me onto the pond The fax from the National month to take the head one year playing in the to Illinois State where he near my house. My love for Hockey League President, coaching position at Wayne Baltimore Oriole farm was the assistant offensive a sport was bom. John Ziegler read: “It is State. system after which, he spent line coach for two seasons. I remember going to one with deep regret that I advise Kellyannounced that both three years coaching high Last summer, he was with of the last few hockey games that effective 3:01 p. m. Martinez and Denbrock school football in the Boca the ColumbusThunderbolts ever held at Detroit’s (EST) April 1, 1992,1 have would be assistant coaches Raton area. of the Arena football league Olympia Arena. declared the NHL season along with Jim Cramer, a Denbrock returns to his and plans to return to the I remember going to the suspended on a day-to-day member of the 1991 squad, alma mater after lettering team In the summer when game with my dad and basis until further notice." who will handle the in football as a tight end for the franchise moves to sitting four rows off of the A strike? In hockey? defensive line. the Lakers from 1982-85. Cleveland. rink, watching players’ Why? faces smash against the This is the only major Weather finally allows Lakers to start season glass at Joe Louis Arena. league sport that has never By Alan Babbitt I remember the first goal had a player strike. This is SportsWriter inning, Kortz came back to win. I ever scored. That’s hockey. the only sport where the hurt the Lakers again. He Jeff Bates was the man for Maybe IJust have some of players don’t cry like silly The Laker baseball team singled and was balked to Grand Valley In the second that Canadian hockey- little children over millions finally got what they wanted second by pitcher Rod game. oriented blood in me. of dollars. from Mother Nature - good Wilson. Two wild pitches by He went three for three with Hockey is easily the most The main issue is Just weather to open the baseball Wilson allowed Kortz to score three RBIs while holding the entertaining sport In this that— money. season with. what was the game winning Bulldogs down with a fine world. The grace, the The players want one After countless run. relief pitching performance. finesse, the brutal thing, the owners want rescheduling of games, Coach The Lakers rallied In the Grand Valley rallied again smashing, the pure speed. another. Andy Chopp and his squad seventh on Scott Finley’s in the seventh inning to tie Besides, it beats the hell The players want more opened up the season against double that brought In two the game six to six going Into out of baseball. freedom of movement. Hope College. more runs as Grand Valley the last half of the seventh This hockey season has Including unrestricted free Despite six errors, the tied the game at three. inning. been most entertaining. I agency for 10-year players. Lakers pulled out the victory Aquinas won 4-3. Troy Young of Ferris won had looked forward to the They want to keep their the game for the Bulldogs on over the Flying Dutchmen, 9- Conference rival Ferris playoffs for quite some time, share of $11 million from State University hosted the his double which drove in the 4. as the Red Wings have their Please see NHL, p. 14 Fans received a little Lakers for a doubleheader game-winning runs. surprise If they traveled to on Saturday. The Lakers came away from The Bulldogs, conference Big Rapids with a zero and the Lakers responded with which accounted for the Kimble Field to watch Grand a solid 7-4 victory over the Lakers only scoring two Valley and Aquinas College champs for the past four two record In the conference. seasons, entered the contest Coach Chopp needed to Tartars. earned runs. tangle. A victory is a victory, without a victory yet this somehow perk up his Laker Senior Tom Batdorff The game was moved to provided a steady though, no matter how ugly Michigan Lutheran season. squad. Chopp called on the ace of When the team arrived at performance from the It may be. Seminary’s baseball Grand Valley travels to his staff, southpaw Todd the Field House at seven a.m. mound as Grand Valley diamond, since Kimble Field Spartan country on Schmitt to pitch against Sunday morning to leave for scored all of their runs in was not In playing condition Wednesday to take on the Ferris. their doubleheader against the fifth inning. yet. Michigan State. Schmitt threw a fine game, Wayne State, a chartered bus Freshman Mike Bell got Right hander Shane Beach If the weather stays as giving up three runs on six rolled up which would provide his first collegiate start in got the start. He did not fare beautiful this week, Coach hits over six Innings of work, the Lakers with a relaxing the nightcap. too well as Aquinas touched Nerves got to him a little Chopp and team should have him up for three runs on Lack of offense hurt the ride to Detroit. Around Lansing, the bus bit as Wayne State roughed their home opener on three hits In the first two Lakers in the first game of pulled up into the Windmill him up for three runs In the Saturday, April 11th. innings. this twinbill. Restaurant as the guys had a first Inning. Saginaw Valley visits for a Chris Lemange of Aquinas Scott Finley and John Coso bountiful breakfast before the Grand Valley came back pair of doubleheaders over cracked a double to drive In drove the Lakers only runs Important doubleheader. to win seven to three. Wayne the weekend. Dave Kortz to lead the charge. as Ferris got Its first taste of Chopp's strategy worked as State committed six errors In the bottom of the sixth victory with the three to two anothervictory as she struck out 2 while walkingjust one Lady Lakers go 5-4 on road trip to Improve to 6-4. Trlna Sinks added another home By Mike Araey run to the Laker circuit clout Sports Writer 4-4. Tournament, finishing in of starter Wlrth, running her Game two was closer, as third place. record to 2 wins against 4 count. Last week, the Lady Lakers Grand Valley outhit VanHom struck out 3 en defeats. But you can’t win 'em all. Oakland City avenged their had nine road games in six Northwood 7 to 6, but there route to a 3-2 victory over A ten-run sixth Inning previous defeat as they days, with seven of those wets no change in the end Livingston, Alabama. The helped GVSU past Oakland dropped the Lakers, 4 to 2. being played in two. result. Janelle Williams had Lakers pounded out 6 hits, City (Indiana), 16-4. Kim GVSU had 6 hits, but The trip got off to a rough 3 hits, while Lyles, as VanHom upped her record Sebesta held Oakland City committed 5 errors, not start Monday in Midland, as Hamming, Sheree Knola. to 5-4. to Just 3 hits while the helping the cause of Stuck the Lady Lakers dropped 2 and Dannelle LaFave had The second game of the Lakers slapped out 12. Stacl as her record went to 2-5. to North wood Institute by one each. Kelly Wlrth took tourney was a slugfest, as Lubin homered for the She struck out 6 and walked scores of 3-0 and 3-2. the loss, walking 4 and the Lakers and Southern Lakers and Sebesta’s record two. The Lakers were held to striking out 2, dropping her Indiana combined for 2 5 hits went to 2-2. The Lady Lakers Just 3 hits in game one, record to 2-3. and 7 errors. Thirteen hits On Saturday the Lakers rebounded and once again gathered by Kim Lyles, Kelly Then the Lakers went belonged to Grand Valley as began where they left off, defeated Livingston, this Adler, and Dana Hamming. south, translating into wins. they left with an 11 -9 victory. defeating Athens State time 3-1. Sebesta got the Allison VanHom took the They won 5 and lost 2 at the Freshman Nicole Stuck (Alabama) by the count of 8 grabbed the victory In relief to 7. VanHom grabbed Please see ROAD, p. 14 loss, dropping her record to Kentucky Wesleyan Page 14 The Lanthorn April 8,1992 - ■ ■ 1 ■ 1 'jNHL, from p. 1 3 ------Calvin Relays highlight individuals hockey cards. They want and wait, not knowing By Mike Amey which side to take. Mark Cosby threw 244 feet, The Laker men’s 1600 an $18.9 million playoff Sports Writer Do they not care about one quarter inch for third meter relay team took bonus money pool us? Couldnttheywait until place, second with a time of 3:36.4, increase over three The track teams ran at the seasons and they want the summer to argue? Calvin Relays Saturday, but Johnson and Cosby took and the women, comprised this deal to be retroactive Don’t they care for our the format was different than second in the Javelin as they of the same lineup that won the sprints, took second also to September, 1991. needs? usual. The events were run flung 299 feet. North and Swan’s throw of 171 feet, 5 with a time of 4:10.8. The owners want free “I don’t know if our fans and scored as combined will ever forgive us,” said events Instead of Individual. inches took third for the Cosby was the only pole agency restrictions, a vaulter of the day in either President Ziegler. No team scores were kept, ladies. larger share of the hockey meet, so he naturally took What offends me is that as the Lakers ran against The women’s hurdle relay card revenue, a $9.1 first, reaching 14 feet, 6 Ferris State, Hope, Calvin, team, of Connie Klein, million increase in the my family has Red Wings Aquinas, and Kalamazoo Jennifer Cahaney, Kelly inches. playoffpoolover two years. season tickets and I haven’t The women’s lineup of College. Beschoner, and Amy Jones They want theirs to be a gone to a game yet. This Cahaney, Bos, Mitchell, and Tony Armour and Mike took first with a time of 64 one-year deal to expire in sucks! Beschoner took second in Mull combined for third place seconds. Steve Nederveld, June 1993. I can’t take watching the 800 meter relay with a in the men’s long jump as Joe Wilkinson, Tony Armour The truth is that both baseball all summer, all time of 1:48.0, while the men their distances totaled 40 and Chad Grabill ran a time sides are stupid. The the while wondering about took third in the event. feet, 3 inches. Kerry of 62.7 seconds in the men’s playoff season isjust two the NHL season that was, Randolph and Sandy hurdles for second place. . Pete Bodaiy, Laney, Roger games away. This is the then wasn’t, then was, and Fleming tookflrst in the same The end of the men’s race Bloomer, and Grabill took time that the owners make then wasn’t. That’s worse third in the3200meter relay event for the women with a provided a scare, according most of their money and than watching a soap with a time of 8:25.8. distance of 32 feet, 5 Inches. to coach Gary Martin. “Steve this is where the players opera. Julie Edinger set a new Shot putters Daren fell crossing the finish line earn their bonuses. American nature is that and hit his chin. He’s alright outdoor record in the high of a small infantile child; if Johnson and Randy Kloss jump, reaching 5 feet, 5 For example, Brian took third for the men, now," but the air was tense Leetch of the New York we don’t get our way, we’ll throwing 81 feet, one half for a few moments. Inches. She and Klein took first in the event with a Rangers could lose almost pout. I remember being in inch. Grabbing second with Grand Valley won both $50,000 in bonus money. elementary school the last sprint medleys, as Nusun combined height of 10’5". a distance of 67 feet, 5 and a He is a candidate for the time I did something like Muhammad, Mull, Kurt Dan Wilkinson and half inches for the women Hart Trophy, for the that, ok, so maybe it was were Dindy North and Kelly Prusser, and Todd Laney Armour combined to reach 12’4" in the men’s highjump league’s most valuable last week. Who’s counting Swan. crossed the line after3:42.13 for the men. Beschoner, for third place. The Laker player, the Norris Trophy, anyway? North and Swan also took for the best defenseman, A friend said to me as I first in the discus, throwing Cahaney, Julie Bos, and men’s distance medley team took third with a time of his contract gives him a was writing this that by the 224 feet, 4 and a half inches. Angie Mitchell ran 4:27.0 for bonus if he scores 100 time it went to print, the For the men, Johnson and the women’s victory. 11:20.9. “We’re really excited about points (he has 98) and all strike would be over, and I our first semi-home outdoor players get a $25,000 would look stupid. I would meet (at Houseman Field)", bonus if their team wins rather look stupid and have commented Martin. “With the Stanley Cup. hockey, than look manly good weather, we hope to Strikes are childish, and have no hockey. break more records." especially the baseball Congratulations to the Saturday morning, 11 ones, and this could end Lake Superior State KEG BEER SPEC/Al a.m. is the time for that up the same way. Some Lakers, who, for this week meet at Houseman Field. owners had the locks on anyway, satisfied my Getting there from Grand the dressing room hockey fix, and won the Bud/Bud Light 1/2 Barrel 555 Valley is easy. Take US 131 changed so that the NCAA Hockey Title over to 1-96 East, go to the College players could not practice Wisconsin. Busch/Busch light 1/2 Barrel $45 Ave. exit and turn right. or even get their personal Speaking of stupid, how From there, take College to belongings. about the Wisconsin Fountain and turn left. Turn The worst part of the players throwing their Molson Canadian left on Houseman Ave from Loose Bottles Case whole mess is that fans sticks at the Lakers with Fountain and the track is suffer the most. two seconds left in the ' 453-1007 on the right. 3 9 9 0 Lake Michigan Dr. N.W. Some of the players said game? Such children - lnduda* *100 nbate W alker. MI 49504 that the strike could last a shouldn't be allowed to Btg, fla t, Ilgam Lotttiy, Lotto, Itjt, Cofict, Euttrn Union A|«nl. Pa«Ul 8<*tUHce few days to four or five carry large wooden objects. months. The players That's why 1 like the pros. blame the owners, and So friends, until next the owners blame the time. HI be waiting with At Sera Ike, We Don't Believe In players, while we sit here my skates. V ______J ROAD, from p. 13 ------win (3-2), backed up by The T artars sent GVSU Taking Chances, That's Why We... home with third place as 6 hits. That game put Grand Valley into the they defeated the Lakers • Use sterile, disposable equipment semifinals, pitting them 9 to 3. VanHom's luck against conference rival ran out as she took the. • Provide a pleasant and relaxing environment Wayne State. loss, dropping her record • Test every donation for hepatitus and AIDS to 6-5. Offensive virus s ta r s in • Require a physical exam prior to donating Kentucky for 1992 BSN the Lakers were plasma (physician on premise) STUDENTS. Williams, who • Physical is FREE went 14 for 33, batting .424, Enter the Air Force Help Us Help People W ho Need Plasm a ^ immediately after gradua­ H am m ing, 10 tion — without waiting for the for 26 with a results of your State Boards. You .385 average, can earn great benefits as an Air and Adler hit Force nurse officer. And if selected .375. going 9 for Sera Biologicals during your senior year, you may Tec 24. qualify for a five-month internship The Lakers (616) 241-6335 at a major Air Force medical facili­ played at home 00 1973 S Division ty. To apply, you’ll need an overall . Monday against 2.50 GPA Serve your country Grand Rapids, MI Madonna - i o ^ r while you serve your career. . ... College, and USAF HEALTH PROFESSIONS COLLECT travel to Adrian Call or Stop by (313) 463-8599 Thursday and to Tuesday - Friday Lake Superior 7:00 am • 5:00 pm On Your First Donation S ta te on Sorry, we’re (With this Coupon) FORCET Saturday. closed Monday LOCAL ID REQUIRED • April 8,1992 The Lanthom Page IS perspective, I think both given the chance to live up to teams benefltted-the Sox in his potential. If he got into a A View From The the short run and the Cubs slump, Torboig would either moreso in the long run since bench him or he’d get sent to Sosa and Patterson are both the minors. With his m S tAv -CN

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