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Whereas the signatory of this order has been empowered U/s-8 of Covid-19 Regulations-2020 framed by Govemment of to take effective measures for containment of the epidemic which

has already been declared a pandemic.

Whereas the District Disaster Management Authority has the power to take necessary measures U/s 30 & 34 ofDisaster Management Act to prevent the spread of this disaster.

Whereas the objective of the administration is to go for immediate geographic quarantine,

social distancing, enhanced active surveillance, ensure testing of all suspected cases and compulsory

home quarantining of contact cases and their isolation as per need.

Whereas a case of Covid-l9 has been tested positive in Aghariapada,, Samasingha of

Kolabira Block and it is necessary to have time and effort for contact tracing up to the last mile and point, so that the scope of transmission is eliminated and the fledging chain is broken.

Now having the perspective of public interest in the background and for the sake of speedy completion of active surveillance in the area of immediate contact and neighborhood, the following area is declared as zone of "containm ent" & "Buffer".

The household at Aghariapada, Samasingha where the quarantined inmates has been tested

positive is considered the focal point, a circumference around that as per the following description is

hereby declared as zone of containment. Further there will be an outer circumference and the area intersticed is declared "Buffer".

Boundary point of zone of containment (Map attached)

The containment-zone shall comprise of the boundary as delineated below.

Reena Patel House+ Biswajit shop -+ Prasanta Patel House +' Mandir i Boundary point of Buffer of containment (.Map attached\ The Buffer -zone shall comprise of the boundary as sketched below.

Side of Jagannath Mandir+ Loknath patel House -+ Hrudananda Patel House -+ Kulamani Patel House. l The vehicular movement in totality both in public and private is stopped in the containment zone excluding the vehicles permitted for supply of essential items, medicines, health surveillance, sanitization and other necessary activity to be undertaken by District Administration and to be used by the police for enforcement of Law and Order and conformity to stipulations. In the Buffer-zone -2- . . -^^--+:^l i+omo aomfrnrn rnholesaleu,,holesale to retailrett permitted for transportation.of movement of vehicles will be :tttl"1t::m: for the purposewil.lbeaccordedbytheCollector&Districtmagistrate, shops. However permission r scale and size of and business establishments irrespectiv" Jharsuguda. A11 the Shops .ot :n. points if located in the Buffer- with immediate effect. The whoresale containment -zonew,l be crosed of medicine and other essential AM tg 01.00 pM. The supply chain zone will remain open from 07.00 itemswillbekeptuninterruptedbytheDistrictAdministration. foll0wed will stay in-door and this is to be A11 the inhabitants of the containment-zone and establishments in the strict penal action. The institutions without deviation. violation will invite will remain closed' All of lockdown in the containment area containment-zone enjoying exemption Govt.andPrivatelnstitutionsbothinContainment&BuffelZofiearec]os;]]':"]:*::i*-,:li"* be adhered ; order.No' z3zglP..&DM(DM) dt' 01 '05'2021will of operation as enunciated in the Govt' , ' & Buffer zone' The wilr seize to operate both in containment to and the exemption arlowed therein and sanitization of officers to ensure smooth suppry of essentials fo*owing officers will act as Nodar the Containment-zone' - of Essential ommodities' 1. Diptilata Barik, MI, Kolabirl Supply f . , . of the areas. Maintenance of sanitation and sanitization 2, Sri Rajesh Padhi, PEo, :,,"":,.,:1a. 3.SriBijayKumarSoy,BDO'Kolabira-MaintenanceofLawandOrder 4,Dr.DolamaniTandi,Superintendent,Kolabira,CHC-Healthrequirement. ,5. Jharsuguda overall supervision will be done by Sub-Collector, will make necessary arrangement for immediate 6. Superintendent of Police, Jharsuguda deploymentofadequatepoliceatthepointsofrequirementtobesupervisedeitherbyAddl.

Superintendent of Police or SDPO' Jharsuguda' l contactTracing kept under ,1 ----...*^.{ ill be line listed, tracked and Contactsoftheconfirmedandsuspectedcasesw,^-,{

surveillance in the period of restriction' Surveillance

TheareaofContainmentwilibeunderactivesurveillance.CDM&PHO,Jharsugudawill in respect of all the houses in work force immediatery to conduct the exercise mob,ize required Jharsuguda at a ratio wilr be also named by the cDM&pHo, containment-zone. Supervisory officers arg.00 i" morning. Since all the active surveilance rvil start from 06.05.202r lhe of 1:4. The t* they may not have any with mask by the Dist. Administration fam*ies in the area have been provideJ them for delivery at household not teams wir be carrying masks with such need. However the visiting last 14 days by the IDSP or ascertained SARI case either reported in the having the same. All ILI and both in the be tracked and reviewed thoroughly across-the district exercise rv,l in course of our contact at the earliest be colected from a[ cases of confirmed containment & Buffe r zone.Swab will Labs' for testing.at-\ the designated -3-

This order will come into force with immediate effect and shall remain as such until the same is either rescinded or withdrawn. ,\n4!-.,-r"/ y'orsrRIcr MAGIsTRATE & COLLECTOR, JHARSUGUDA Memo.No. S27g Dated :05.05.2021 Copy submitted to the R'D.C.QIID), for kind information. "Z ,. W (5-]^)-l )brsrrucr MAGISTRATE & COLLECTOR, JHARSUGUDA

C;py f*wr.d.d to ih. Superintendent of Police, Jharsuguda for information and necessary action. ,4 ., V'r-<.i -r,rY/ , btsrrucr MAGISTRATE & .OLLECTOR, JHARSUGUDA ve.o.No. -lZ YD /Emg. Dated :05.05.2021 Copy to the Person concerned for information and necessary action.

"l MAGISTRATE & COLLECTO& JHARSUGUDA Memo.No. 5ZY)-Jv^e. '' Dated :05.05.2021 Copl, to the CDM&PHO, Jharsuguda for information and necessary *Or.*.O n \-#.f-rrli:^-- I TZPTSTRTCTt -,--"--- MAGISTRATE & COLLECTOR, JHARSUGUDA Memo.No. SZV L Dated :05.05.2021 Copy to the PD, DRDA, Jharsuguda/ Sub-Collector -cum- SDM, Jharsuguda / Tahasildar, Kolabira/ BDO, Kolabira/ EE, PWD(R&B), Jharsuguda for information and necessary action.

Copy to the DI&PRO/ DIO, NIC, Jharsuguda for publicity'



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: Untitled map

Untitled layer

Untitled layer

,ui"7' ccrurRt N M ENT zoN E W a**nrPatel House W Biswajit Shop 'W ?rasantPatelHouse W Jagannalh Mandir


r-' Side of Jagannath mandir

.f' Loknath Patel H0u$e

ir Hrudanand Patel House

'r, Kulamani Patel House