CONFERENCE WEB SITE: May 3,1999. Pre-registration savings deadline 19991999 USENIXUSENIX AnnualAnnual TechnicalTechnical ConferenceConference JUNEJUNE 6–11,6–11, 1999 1999 MONTEREYMONTEREY CONFERENCECONFERENCE CENTERCENTER MONTEREY,MONTEREY, CALIFORNIA, CALIFORNIA, USA USA "USENIX has always been a great event offering high-quality sessions, broken up into tutorials, an exhibition and a technical conference, that tends to draw a very seriously technical crowd" Phil Hughes, Linux Journal TalkTalk toto youryour peerspeers andand leading-edgeleading-edge developers,sharedevelopers,share problemsproblems andand theirtheir solutions,andsolutions,and bringbring homehome ideas,techniquesideas,techniques andand technologiestechnologies you'llyou'll applyapply immediately.immediately. SponsoredSponsored byby TheThe USENIXUSENIX AssociationAssociation USENIX Conference Office Non-Profit 22672 Lambert Street, Suite 613 Organization Lake Forest, CA 92630 US Postage PAID Phone: 1.949.588.8649 USENIX Fax: 1.949.588.9706 Association Email:
[email protected] Office hours: 8:30 am–5:00 pm Pacific Time Please pass the brochure along to a colleague! y er b egist .R 1999. ve ents/usenix99 a ay 3, v S M g/e 19991999 USENIXUSENIX .usenix.or www AAnnnnuauall TTeecchhnniiccaall CCoonnffeerreennccee JUNEJUNE 6–11,6–11, 19991999 MONTEREMONTEREYY CCONFERENCEONFERENCE CENTERCENTER MONTEREMONTEREYY,, CCALIFORNIA,ALIFORNIA, USAUSA A renowned conference by and for programmers,, developers,,and system administrators workinging inin adadvvanced systems and software.. Refereed papers track—at the heart of our reputation for cutting-edge technical excellence—this year’s highly current interest research reports cover resource management, file systems, virtual memory systems, security, Web server performance, storage systems, O/S performance, and more. The FREENIX track—top-quality technical presentations on the latest developments in the world of freely redistributable software, including the business side of developing open source software.