Australian 'Yports Commission &Mk~Mm Birds with High-Energy
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Australian 'yports Commission &mk~mm birds with high-energy of the latest edition of the^ JOIN WORLD CLASS SCORPIO CARTRIDGES 12 ROSEBERY ST, BALGOWLAH 2093 Phone BH: (02) 948 6607 Fax: (02) 949 4228 AH: (02) 948 8182 AmCLAY TARGET NEWS -JANUARY 1992 PAGE 1 January 1992 - Vol. 45, No. 1 CTSN is the official journal of the AUSTRALIAN CLAY TARGET ASSOCIATION INCORPORATED. All correspondence should be addressed to: Alan J. Maher, Executive Dimtor, F! 0. Box 557, Mount Waverle~Vie. 3149. Phone: (03) 807 7577. Fax: (03) 8072716. Business Addm3 Essex Rd,Wnt Wavwle~ Vic. 3149. Subscription rate is $25.00 per annum. Junior Shooter Subscription $15.00 Copy Deadlines: February issue closes December 31. March issue closes January 31. The CTSN is published monthly at Newsprinters Pty Ltd, Melbourne Rd, South Shepparton, Vic. 3630. Phone (058) 20 1555. Typesetting by Southern Cross Typesetting, 31 Boileau St, Keysborough 3173. Phone (03) 798 8999. Director of Coaching: Mr Murray Alexander 289 William St, Pecth WA 6000 Phone BH (09) 328 7704 AH (09) 399 4590. ACTA Historian: Mr George Blggs, 4 Hugh St, Knoxfield, Vic. 3180. Phone (03) 801 2748. PAGE 2 AmCLAY TARGFX NEWS -WARY 1992 Olympic Oames EXECUTIVE It is with a great deal of wure that I am able to confirm the selection of three shotgumen to the Olympic Shooting TeKn with DIRECTORS the seven member team and donalteam manager now confirmed [email protected]: Phillip Adams, Ben Sandskom, Pat Murray, Lynn- Marie Freh Shotgun: Russell Mark, Michael Diamond, John Summers. NOTES Coach: to be appointed Manager: David Madarlane ASARA. We congmhllate all who have gained selection for hcelona and wish them welL We Iwk fomard to their respective competitions with the added interest being in their proven ability as medal Anew year to look fonvard to which is in itself an exciting pmspect candidates for Austda. when the uresmra of 1990 are looked back UWUL Hadsaid that Olvm~ic. Msd~line Nationals we, that is-all of us who are dtedwith ckftarget sb6ting, have ~eimonth&bling withit the first oftheNationalChampionships a respnshility to work forthe betterment of the sport and the future for 1992 with the ISU Nationals being held at Brisbane Gun Club. The of this Association which is enterha- its fiftvgeventh vear of conditions published in the December issue of the CPSN for the operations. National T&ting Squad will mme into opeation and we wish all well Duringthisperiodthesporthas~emdmanyhighs,and as they strive &this anpetition for peisonal honours. unfortunately as well many lows, all of which are part of the AssociaMs proud history. In 1992 we have an opporhity to %p Nationals expand the highs for the betterment of the sport. Planning for the Apail ltap Nationals at Wagga Gun Club is well under way and eagerly awaited for thcse who prefer down the line ACTABistorg shooting. Just a reminder ior all who intend on competing, 289 Loads Our histoh Mr George Bihas compiled a g~eatdeal of are to be used in all events at Wagga. information into his .won to be released history book of the Awxhtioq which by what I have already been able to view will Rule Redew befullofinteresttomanyof~~~oldermembersandprmrideaninsight With 1992 being the fiith year of the cycle of rule reviews, the into the Association for many of our newer members. Details on the National Rules Committee will be presenting recommendationsto the avaibbilitv of the historv of the ACTA will be Dublished in the CISN. Executive Committee for consideration at their May mee+ing. Rule hopefully h the early &t of this year. ~istohyis something to look changes as such will not be made at the meeting as part of the five back on certainly, it is also something to be created and as an year review they will however be dixussed in depth. Should yw Association we look fonvard to creating history in the years ahead have any conshuctive thoughts on the ~Iesthen please let your State which will reflect as well then as our present history does today. Association have them for discwsion. If your views receive the support of your State Association then they will be able to he Morof Coaching ' discussed at National level. When reading this months CISN you will noZice the appointment of Mr Munay Akxander from Perth, YVA, to the position of Director Combined Nationals of Coaching, which is purely an administrative non coaching role. A recommendation has been dvedfrom the VCTA in support Munay who mmes to the position with a great deal of experi~ce of reoombii the Skeet and 'Rap Nationals. This suggestion was is one of only six accredited level 3 ccaches having attained this first raised some two or so years ago and does appear to be gaining degreeofexcellencedmiqhistermasStateCoachingDirectorfor momenhun If you have any spdcviews on the matter then please Western Australia direct them to your State Association who will, if support is received, lb all ~~~ ~ and~ ~ re-direct the matter through the respective shooters representative enable members to understand amredate..~~--~~~ the role that Munay is oaupyins && the sport we have published the to the National Championships Committee. respomibjlities and duties ofthe position which he willno doubt fulfil with great distinction to the benefit of the Assodation and all 1992 mem!mm. In wi&m all members and th.eir fadies a han~vand eniovable is new pail Gould GtoUwk all members for &iL conktion to As the position part time, no dctions are placed on any sport activities of a penonal or business nahue, in particda~activities the development of the of clay target shooting in the year associated with cornmerid opemlions from within the fueamts and passed and trust that this year will be a fruitful one for all shwters. allied indmtrh. clubs and the Assodation as a whole - a year which will he This change of direction has been made possible owing to the remembered with pride. reshuchuing of the grants received from the Australian Sports Kkn J. Maher Comndssion who oreviouslv hadhded a full Iime National Coachina Executive Director Directoz ~ndert& 16.the ~ssodaton does still receive thg ASC grant, however being applied in other areks, the reporting m@mants of the Director of Coaching to the ASC no longer exist whrchenablesthepositon tobeshuchmdinadifiererkmannerfrom the position of National Coaching Directw a position which no longer exists. STATE POSTAL TEAMS Munay wiU also be providing regular and informative cohunns for theCISNwhichwillbeofinterestto~ersineachofthethree WTGN disciplines. Hands on waching reqmsibilitiies within the sport will rest with The-~~- followinn--.- resulk~ have- been~~ received- ~ -bv , the- - ~~----ACTA ofbe the respective State Coachhg Director who will with the assistance Open 'nap 1500: Queensland 1486. Victoria 1475, New South Wales ofhiszoneand&b~implementthecoachingprocedureof 1471. Tdsmania 1454. South Australia 1453. Northern Tenitory 1410. the Natirmal Coaching Council under the chairmanship of Ross Ladies 'Rap 375: Victoria 335, Queensland 333, %maria 322. Silvester (Mamgement). Junior 'Rap 375: Victoria 363, Queensland 352, Tasmania 277. National Shooting Conunittee Open Skeet 500: Victo~ia488, Queensland 487, Tasmania 485. New &nth Wales 481. Northern Temtorv. 472. 'lb ensure thal the r-ements of the Association's Constitution Ladies Skeet 125: Victoria 108. are conwlied with the National Shootina Committee has been Junior Skeet 125: Victoria 115. resttudukd to effectively produce three c&mittees. Open Trench 4M):New Swth Wales 372, %mania 364. V~ctoria336. Ladies Rendt 75: 'lkmwzh 55. Junior lknch 300. Vioria 244. ISU Skeet 400. New South Wales 312. Vioria 355. The Newton Thomas Junior Award was won by G. Giespie from the Bendigo Clay 'Exget Club with a possible score of 75/75. A- A- CLAY TARGET NEWS -JANI~ARY 1982 PAGE 3 hSA,as stated, did not get into the public debate, as in its opinion there was nothing to be gained because of the emotion being generated by the media and the anti-gun ownership lobby. Rather ASR coneenhated its efforts in the areas which are of real influence, and where decisions will ultimately be made. Thjs was in the lnea af.-. Police and~- Government.. -~ ~ at-~ both state and federal levels.-~~ Our experience, over many years, has proved to us that Police Offidals and Governments, are prepared to, and do listen to, logical rational and suMantive subsuhmissions which are presented in a cc- operative raw than a mnfrontational style. Several State Shdng Organisations, and individual shooting affiliates of those orqa&atio& made presentations to theii owi police deparhw& and focai politifhm. The Police WersCouncil, following its meeting on October 23 issued a statement, and a copy of its drafl proposals for the forkmrha Premier Conference. Whilst 6are recommMded in certain areas of private gun ownm,asrelated tom~andfieldshwting,~have not been recommended as being necessary for the or(lanisea kgihate,~tivetargetshooteI ASA's concern to protect the privileges of its members in the manner in which it did has proved successful, and vindicates the decision to pmethe low p%61e, but specificallydkded, program that it adopted From Neal Tamblyn, Secretary General, Australian Shooting Associahon (ASA) YATIONAL DIRECTOR OF Some months ago the A?& very deliberately decided not to COACHING become involved in the highly emotive public debate concerning fiearms ownership, and the peripheral issues which went hand in hand with that debate. ASA mmpMthe following national shwting orghtions: Austdan Clay %get Association Australian SmaUbore &Air RiUe Assoda*ion National Idne