
Chapter 8 Review Questions

1. What did the Enlightenment of the eighteenth century referred? Page: 297

2. During the eighteenth century, “enlightened” people typically imagined God as what? Page: 298

3. What did the eighteenth-century Pietists and Methodists stress? Page: 299

4. Describe eighteenth-century . Page: 300

5. Who were the eighteenth-century ? Page: 300

6. How did ’s influential doctrine of the separation and balance of powers suggest that good government could be obtained? Page: 304

7. How was the great French Encyclopédie, completed between 1751 and 1772, viewed? Page: 302

8. What was less concerned than Montesquieu with? Page: 305

9. Voltaire’s famous polemical slogan, “Écrasez l’infâme!” or “Crush the infamous things,” referred to what? Page: 305

10. Describe the ideas of Rousseau. Page: 307

11. What was Rousseau’s most direct contribution to the ? Page: 308

12. What characterized Enlightenment thought? Page: 310-311

13. What did ’s Wealth of Nations argue for? Page: 308

14. Enlightenment thinkers generally believed in , , , and , but they took divergent and inconsistent positions on many issues. How did Montesquieu and Rousseau view the and religion? How did Voltaire view political ? Page: 310

15. Enlightened grew out of earlier absolutism represented by the likes of Louis XIV but differed from absolutism in what way? Page: 311

16. Enlightened despotism had the least success in reforming society where? Page: 312

17. The practical difficulties of the French monarchy could be attributed to what? Page: 312, 314

18. What were the “Maupeou ” newly created by the king’s chief minister forbidden to do? Page: 314

19. undertook a program of internal consolidation of her empire in which she broke the power of local governments and monopolies except where? Page: 315

20. In order to watch over the whole structure of his enlightened reform, what did Joseph II create? Page: 318

21. Before 1789, the largest free-trade area on the continent was where? Page: 315

22. How did deal with throughout his kingdom? Page: 319

23. What occurred as a result of the Enlightenment in ? Page: 320-321

24. Under , what happened to ? Page: 321

25. In foreign affairs, what were Catherine’s achievements? Page: 323-324

26. How did enlightened despotism view the divine right theory? Page: 325

27. What happened by the end of the era of enlightened despotism, just prior to the French Revolution? Page: 325

28. The symbolized what? Page: 327

29. Characteristic of the demands of the age of democratic revolution between 1760 and the French Revolution were what? Page: 329

30. What did the democratic revolutions reject? Page: 330

31. In the eighteenth century, the aspect of British politics which provoked the most public criticism was what? Page: 332

32. George III sought to increase the influence of the crown by creating what? Page: 331

33. , who virtually founded modern philosophical , favored what type of government? Page: 334

34. What was a major trend in eighteenth-century British politics? Page: 335