44:kGRIC,. COLLEGc- DEC 3 1949 THE s_ipPts,PN./

PECTRUTHE SPECTRUM Vol. LXV No. 11 Friday, Dec. 2, 1949 Military Ball Underway Tonight At Nine Formal Hop Queen of the Ball Victor Borge To Appear At Takes Place . Festival Tuesday, Wednesday Victor Borge, internationally teachers, Victor Schioler, Frederich At Festival famous Danish concert pianist and Lomond and Egon Petri. monologist, will appear Tuesday Featuring the music of Amby Borge gained a reputation as one Meyer and his orchestra, the and Wednesday evenings at 8 on of the foremost young artists on the stage of Festival Hall. strictly formal Military Ball will the European concert stage. But he get under way tonight at 9 in the Only holders of student activity could never take the concert class- Field house. tickets will be admitted Tuesday icism with dead seriousness. He The ball, generally considered to night. The performance Wednes- satirized the concert manner off day evening will be open to the stage and then brought his devas- general public and lyceum patrons tating humor to his concert audi- will be admitted upon season course ence. tickets. Since his arrival in this coun- Mr. Borge left Europe in 1941 try in 1941, 'the inimitable' when Hitler invaded Denmark. He Borge has given America some- was starring in a revue in Sweden thing new in entertainment. The at the time of the invasion and Borge paradox is a virtuoso pian- he left for the United States with ist and one of the funniest come- his American wife on the last ship dians of modern times. out. He is a product of Denmark Arrived in the United States, he Cook Tenneson where he was born in Copenhagen. spent a hilarious year learning the English language and being a cele- be the highlight of NDAC's social His father was an eminent violin- season, will be climaxed by the ist and had played under Richard brity, the Danish Noel Coward. Then, on the West Coast, he was grand march, which will be led by Wagner. His mother was gifted Robert Tenneson and his guest, 'discovered by Rudy Vallee who pianist and music teacher. Patricia Cook. Mr. Tenneson is Borge early demonstrated a introduced him to Bing Crosby. Crosby enjoyed the Dane so much president of , child's virtuosity at the piano. He honorary military organization he put him on the air for fifty- on studied at the Royal Opera of campus. won scholarships to four performances. American list- Copenhagen, Mrs. William D. Toussaint, presi- Miss Marion Paris, sophomore in home economics from Fargo, the Music Conservatory of Copen- eners got further acquainted when will be crowned Queen of Company F-2, NDAC Chapter of the Borge became the summer replace- dent of Guidon, auxiliary of Scab-. hagen and University of Berlin. He bard and Blade, and her husband National Honorary Society of at the Military under the famed music ment for Fibber McGee and Molly. studied will be second in line. Vice-presi- Ball tonight. Selected from among seven candidates representing He has been greeted in the con- dent of Guidon, Joyce McCaul, and all sororities and the Independent Student association, she will be cert hall as the fine artist he is her escort will be in the third posi- entered in the nation-wide Pershing Rifle Sweetheart contest to College Directory when he returned to the classics, tion. be held early next spring. Miss Paris is a member of Kappa Alpha leavening his programs always Presentation of the ranks of Theta sorority. with the scintillating monologues honorary colonel and honorary maj- Now Available that have enchanted audiences or will be made to Mrs. Toussaint throughout Europe and the United The 1949-60 college directory iS and Miss McCaul, respectively, dur- States. He may, for example, pause ing the evening. now available at the registrar's of- before brilliantly playing Stravin- Christmas Convocation Set fice says A. H. Parrott, director Several members of NDAC's sky to talk about his boyhood. The faculty and administration, as well of admissions and records. time, perhaps, when his father Made up according to standard as Gov. and Mrs. Fred G. Aandahl, Tuesday At Festival Hall found the reflective little boy sit- Will be honored guests at the form, the directory contains the ting in front of a roaring fire in :names and addresses of all staff event. The annual Christmas Convo- Glee Club in a program of Christ- the living room and scolded him cation will be held at Festival hall mas music. members and students with the ad- roundly, "because, you see, we had dition of the officers of the Tuesday morning featuring the The convo will start at 9:40 no fireplace." NDAC Chorus, Band and Men's a.m. with the singing of carols campus organizations. Registration led by Chorus director Ernest Van Vlissingen. Starts January 3 The Festival hall stage has been YM, YW To Host built up for this year's perform- Because January 2, 1960, is a ance to highlight the different legal holiday, registration for the Needy Children groups; special lighting effects winter quarter will begin on Tues- will be used in conjunction with day, January 3. It will be com- Underpriviledged children in Far- the program. pleted in two days instead of the go will be invited to the annual A great deal of work goes into usual three days. Kiddie's Christmas Party sponsor- the preparation of the Christmas A. H. Parrott announced this ed by the YM and YW on Decem- convo and a large student turn- registration schedule last week. ber 8 from 5:30 to 7 in the YMCA out for the affair will be appreciat- Seniors will register in the morn- building. ed, say officials in charge of the ing of January 3; juniors, in the A picnic supper of hot dogs, event. !afternoon. The morning and after- baked beans, milk and ice cream noon of January 4 will be used for will be served in the Fireside room. the sophomores and freshmen re- The children will participate in Pershing Rifles spectively, Regular classes will organized games and relays. Snow begin Thursday, January 5. White and the Seven Dwarfs will be dramatized by the YW, and To Crown Queen Santa Claus will give each of the For the first time in military ball children a gift. history a queen will be crowned Walster To Speak Co-chairmen in charge of the tomorrow night following the grand Dean H. L. Walster will speak party are Marcia Erickson, Pelican march and presentation of honorary on the topic, "Food and Land" Rapids, Minn., for the YW and commissions. The Pershing Rifles Walt Matson, Fargo, for the YM. at the Agricultural Economic Squad, in charge of the beauty con- Seminar Thursday at 4:00 p.m. in test, will select the queen from Committees are: Food; Shirley Room 215 Morrill Hall. Holcomb, Luverne, Dorothy Sand, photographs submitted by various Emerado (G.I.) and Twila Wat- organizations on campus. terud, Esmond. Entertainment; Strictly a formal affair, men are $10 REWARD Irene Vogel, Granville, and Norma requested to wear tuxedos or their $10.00 reward for return of ring Seefeldt, Grand Rapids. Buying and military uniforms for the dance probably lost between library and Engineering building. Ring is Gold wrapping presents; LaVonne Som- which will be held from 9 p.m. un- mers, Mhd, Joan Hauge, Leith and til 1 a.m. and Silver, an heirloom and has coat of rams on top. Contact Jose two men from the YM. Clean-up; In charge of arrangements is R. Iranzo or Spectrum office. Junette Hill, Fargo and Katherine Lloyd Flynn. In charge of other Kloster, Sharon. Asking children committees are Alfred Barbee, and transportation; Pat Kennedy, concessions; Jane Greenshields, in- Be' at Festival Tuesday morn- Fargo, Winona Anderson, Fargo, vitations; Laurel Geiszler, cere- ing for the Christmas convoca- tion. and two YM members. mony; Virgil Holden, tickets, Page Two THE SPECTRUM Friday, Dec. 2, 1949 SAI To Meet Army Seeking To Enlist At Tarbell Graduates In Women's Corps Women who are now in their en's Army Corps, Regular Army, Residence senior year in college or who have according to communications re- been graduated from college now ceived here recently. Members of Sigma , have the opportunity to become The Army, which is seeking a national honorary musical sorority, commissioned officers in the Worn- high caliber of women on which will entertain next Wednesday, at to build its corps of the future, a Contemporary American musi- wants women who have demons- cale in the home of Mrs. W. P. Tar- trated qualities of leadership and bell. Homemakers have achieved good academic rec- On the program for the evening ords. will be Mary Dullea, Virginia Bor- The report stated, however, that derud, Jacqueline Slough, and Mary Meet Dec. 6-8 owing to the limited number that Ranney. A two piano number will may be appointed annually, only The State' •Homemakers council the best qualified will be selected. be played by Olivia Tarbell and will be meeting on the NDAC Betty Marks. To be eligible to apply, the in- campus next Tuesday, Wednesday dividual must be a college graduate Maxine Sill and Grace Wold will and Thursday to recommend and represent the active chapter at the or a prospective graduate in her discuss projects for the 1950-51 musicale, while Mrs. Dorothy Wal- senior year; have attained her Homemakers clubs program. 21st birthday, but not have passed ters and Mrs. Alma Blegen will be Meetings begin at 8:45 a.m. alumnae hostesses. her 27th birthday on the date of Tuesday in the "Y" auditorium appointment; be a citizen of the with Mrs. L. R. Maust of Cando United States, unmarried; have presiding. Fifty two delegates re- no dependents under 18 years of Paint Dept. presenting fifty-three counties will age; be of good moral character; Major R. E. Phillips, PAS&T at NDAC pins the Distinguished be present. The meetings are open not be or have been a member to the public. Military Student award on Lloyd Flynn, senior Air Force cadet of a subversive organization; and The delegates will attend the Gets Circulars at recent ceremonies. Similiar awards were presented to six- be physically fit. Christmas convocation Tuesday Applications and further infor- teen other Air Force and Army cadets at the same time. The morning in a body. On Thursday The National Paint, Varnish and Army awards were presented by Lt. Col. Neil Lovsnes, PMS&T. mation can be obtained at the mili- Lacquer association of Washington, the council members will be taken tary department. D. C., has contributed to the NDAC on a tour of the campus. Selection will be competitive and paint department ten bound will be determined in the Depart- volumes which include circulars and Mandt Heads Newly Formed ment of the Army after a thorough abstract reviews about paint. Debate Team Has screening procedure which. in- Approximately 500 additional cludes investigations and inter- circulars dating back to November, Selected Members views. 1912, have also been sent. Some Arnold Society For Cadets of these circulars have been re- Sherman Mandt, junior in Agri- Scabbard and Blade organization. Miss Harding, head of the NDAC ceived, while the others will be culture, was recently elected com- Other officers elected are: Wil- Debate team, has announced names Tryota Meet Set' here in the near future. manding officer of NDAC's new- liam Shenko, executive officer; of those selected for the organi- At the convention of the Nation. formed Arnold Society for Air Laurel Geiszler, operations offi- zation. al Paint, Varnish and Lacquer as- Cadets. The society is the Air cer; Fred Buelow, secretary; and Members named are John Lambie, December 6 sociation at Atlantic City in Nov- Ernest Solberg, Bob Runice, Rich- ROTC counterpart to the ROTC Richard Thompson, adjutant. The NDAC Tryota Club will hold ember of this year, Dr. Wouter ard McMahon, Rhoda Israelson, The society held an organiza- its annual Ellen H. Richards meet- Bosch, chairman of the NDAC James Price, and Rowland Bemis. tional banquet last Wednesday eve- ing December 6 at 6:15 p.m. in paint and varnish department, ex4 1AS Sends Five ning in the Colonial room of the The Debate team will partici- pressed the need for these circul- pate in a tournament at the Uni- Ceres hall. Gardner hotel. Carl H. Schmidt, Girls who were unable to at- ars and abstracts and requested director of personnel was the guest versity of North Dakota on Jan- that they be sent. On St. Paul Tour uary 1,4, on the topic: "Resolved tend the November initiation will speaker. be initiated at this meeting. From now on, the paint depart- that the U. S. should nationalize Five members of the NDAC stu- Entertainment was provided by Arlene Greuel is social chairman ment will receive all the associa- all basic non-agricultural indus- dent branch of the Institute of the Mayo Kucera, the one man band, for the meeting; a dessert supper tion's circulars and abstracts. Ac- tries." Aeronautical Sciences accompan- and Ernest Van Vlissingen who led will precede the affair. Tickets for cording to Bosch, these circulars The group will also attend the ied by R. K. Wattson, honorary the group in a number of songs. the supper are 25c and must be will be of great value to the paint Red River Valley tournament at chairman of the branch, went to Prof. R. K. Wattson accompanied purchased in advance. department as almost no publica- Concordia college in February and Holman Field at St. Paul on Fri- the group at the piano. An entertainment skit has been tions older than 1947 are present will enter another meet at Mis- day, Nov. 25 for an inspection trip W. J. Swenson and Jerry Thur., prepared by Patricia Kennedy, so- in the chemistry library. soula, Montana in April. through the Northwest Airlines nau were in charge of the program. cial chairman. overhaul factory. Gene LaMuro took charge of de- The parts of Ellen H. Richards The group viewed maintenance corations and Russ Parsons made and other home economics pioneers 20 Initiated )processes being carried out on the banquet arrangements. Camera Club will be taken by Irene Vogel, Bev- Martin 202 and Douglas DC-6 air- erly Litzinger, Carol Jean Smith, In Alpha Zeta planes and heavy aircraft engines, Meets Wednesday Lois Fitzloff and Maxine Pladson. instruments and accessories. Civil Service The project for this meeting will NDAC Dacotah Chapter of Alp- The tour was conducted under A meeting of the NDAC Camera be for each member to bring a ha Zeta, national honorary agricul- the supervision of L. E. Geror, Sets New Exam Club will be held Wednesday eve- small gift for a Home Economics tural fraternity, held their initia- director of Mechanicals Operations ning at 7:30 in room 22, Engineer- department in Germany. tion banquet in the English Room for Northwest Airlines. The U. S. Civil Service Commis- ing building. Next week has been of Graver Hotel Tuesday evening, sion has announced an examina- designated beginners week for the November 15th. tion for Physical Science Aid to club. Radio Students About 45 alumni, actives and DiedericgHeads fill positions paying from $2,200 to The club will hear a lecture by initiates were present. Chancellor $3,100 in various Federal agenc- Mr. Kirkpatrick of the Physics de- Adapting Scripts George Pratt introduced guest ies in Washington, D. C., and , vicin- partment. Refreshments will follow speaker Jack Pyle, manager of Beaux Arts Ball ity. the meeting. Students in Miss West's radio Armour & Co., West Fargo, who Warren Diedrich, a senior in The optional branches covered by labs have been working on com- gave an interesting talk on the by- this examination are chemistry, mercials and dialogues from var- products of the packing industry Architecture, has been elected chairman of the revived Beaux physics, metallurgy, g e o 1 o g y, ious scripts. and their utilization for the bet- mathematics, and other branches of Dairy Group terment of man-kind. Arts Ball to be held in the winter They are going to do two or three quarter. physical science except meteoro- scripts before the end of the quar- New members initiated were: logy. Meets Thursday Committees for decorations, en- ter. One of their projects will in- Wallace Aanderud, Carl Ekstrom, To qualify for these positions, clude dramatizing some of the Julius Anderson, Norman McCal- tertainment etc. were also appoint- All students interested in the ed at the meeting held last week. all applicants will be required to dairy field are urged. to meet next scenes from "East Lynne." ky, John Kaspari, William Drum. * * take a written test. In addition, for mond, Robert Askew, Vernon Dan- Thursday evening in the Dairy The tape machine is now being The freshmen students have giv- positions paying $2,450 and above, building at 7:30. used in the labs to play back ielson, Robert Kitterman, Alfred they must have had from 1 to 4 Bye, Victor Horne, Richard Meet-, en the "Black Cat" the new look Primarily a get together meet- character sketches so that the stu- with a new coat of paint. years of appropriate experience in ing, refreshments will be served. dents can hear their own mistakes. zold, Osborne Arlien, John Lambie, * * the physical sciences. Rolf Berg, William Best, Harold . Mr. Kurke, prominent Fargo For the higher grades, part of Blume, Donald Flatau, Russell Lor- this experience must have been in enz, and Marvin Jensen. Architect, will speak to the mem- bers of A. C. N. Mr. Kurke will a specific branch of physical Examination Schedule discuss the plans and the building science, depending upon the posi- of our new campus library. tion for which application is made. A. H. Parrott, director of admissions a nd records, has released Science Club Seeks Pertinent education may be sub- the following final examination schedule fo r the close of the .1949 stituted for the required experi- autumn quarter. New Members ence. Brown To Address Tuesday, December 13-8:00-12:00. All regular 11:00 classes Further information and appli- 1:15- 5:15.... All regular 1:16 classes Officials of the NDAC Natural cation forms may be obtained from Science club have announced their I RC Banquet most first- and second-class post Wednesday, December 14—S :00-12 :00 .... A 11 regular 8:00 classes desire to enroll more members in offices, from civil services region- 1:15-.6:15....A 11 regular 2:10 classes Dr. J. N. Brown, president of the organization. The club recent-, al offices, or from the U. S. Civil Thursday, December 15-8:00-12:00....A 11 regular 9:00 classes Concordia college, will address the ly toured the Moorhead Crystal Service Commission, Washington 1:15- 5:15....A 11 regular 3:05 classes International Relations club at a Sugar Beet plant with fifty mem- 25, D. C. Applications must be re- December 16-8:00-12:00.... All regular 10:00 classes banquet meeting on Wednesday Friday, bers. ceived in the Commission's Wash- at 6:30 p.m. in the English room 1:15- 3:15 . . A 11 classes not indicated Films were shown at a meeting ington office not later than Decem- ,at the Graver hotel. above. of the group November 3. ber 13, 1949. According to club officials, the Reservations must be made in All courses of four credits or more and all classes meeting only requirement for membership advance with any one of the of- on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, will use the first half of the ex- ficers by 6:00 p.m. Tuesday. $1.25 Take in the Christmas Convo is interest enough to attend; dues amination period. Courses held on Tuesday and Thursday will use are 50c a year. Lunch is featured per plate will be collected at the Tuesday. It's in the morning at the last half of that same period. at each meeting. banquet. Festival hall, 9:40 sharp.

Friday, Dec. 2, 1949 THE SPECTRUM Page Three To Schedule Sweeney To Speak At FFA Meet Wallace Sweeney, vocational ag- FFA chapter. ricultural instructor at Casselton, Mr. Sweeney graduated here in Attention Students and Parties Today North Dakota, will be the speaker 1947 and for the past two years at the Future Farmers of America has been teaching at Casselton. James O'Toole, Commissioner of meeting Wednesday nite at 7:16 After the regular business meet- Faculty Campus Affairs, requests that all in Morrill Hall. ing a movie will be shown and organizations planning parties for Mr. Sweeney will speak on the lunch will be served. the winter and spring terms have problems encountered when open- Bison pictures will be taken also. From now on, the Health Service will a representative attend a meeting ing a new vocational agricultural It is urged that all members at- issue excuses for absences on account of illness in the Green room of Old Main at department and in setting up an tend. 4:00 today to schedule the parties on the winter and spring term cal- only to those students who have been seen by endars. a member of the Health Service staff at the time of the illness. Ball To Head Music Club Health Committee Leo Hall was elected president of the NDAC Staff and Notes club at an election held Novem- A COMBINATION THAT'S HARD TO BEAT ber 17. Other officers elected were GOOD FOOD — AND A PLACE TO MEET Donna Hartman, vice-president; Carol Thibodo, recording secretary; Arland Iverson, corresponding sec- Dugout retary; Raymond Wagner, trea- Reasonable Prices surer; Dwain Belcher, publicity chairman; Patricia Brockmeier, social chairman; Jane Remboldt, membership chairman; Barbara Belcher, program chaiman; and Mrs. Kay Wendland, club councilor. Dance Crystal Ballroom Old Time Dancing Every Tuesday Night Phi Up Holds Apron Sale Phi Upsilon Omicron, National Sat., Dec. 3 - Amby Meyer Honorary Home. Economics Frater- \11-E 7/1/9/4/ 11 nity, will hold an apron sale, Wed- nesday, December 7, in the lounge NEXT THURSDAY---FATS CARLSON • of the Dean of Women's office' in Old Main at NDAC. All aprons are made by present Phi U. members.

LSA Sets Party SENIORS—A- S°11IF/ NATIONAL An LSA term party in the form The $2.50 that you paid for your gloss print of an old-fashioned hay ride will 6,--- CLEANES be held tomorrow night, at 7:30. for the BISON will still apply on Christmas The LSA Center has been chosen Just 4 Blocks West of Main Gate as the meeting place from where photographs at the Voss Studio. transportation will be provided out WE CALL FOR AND DELIVER to the country where hay-filled wagons will be waiting. Dial 5545 "VOSS" PORTRAITS are BEAUTIFUL Music in the form of an accord- ian, lunch, recreation and folk games in a "little one room school- house" in the country will finish 74.■••••••■■ the evenings program.

LOST For . . Hamilton wrist watch with ex- H I M pansive bracelet. Sweep second hand. Lost November 17 in Field ASSURED PLEASURE House. Contact Harry Bruhn at AGR house. WITH A GIFT FROM

See the Christmas Convo Tues- day morning. The NDAC Band, Chorus and Glee club will feature THE FARGO TOGGERY in the event at Festival hall.

SEASON'S BEST FOR-- le very tact that ailitmeti I with ui ayain ouyht to 9 Xmas Flowers and Orin, joy enough, Out we 4 want to the lily 6y wiihiny Plants everyone a wonoefetiul holiday. 9 TO ALL A LARGE SELECTION TO CHOOSE FROM OUR FRIENDS PHONE 6401 AT N.D.A.C. Service Drug Store L. B. Hartz Store Fargo Floral Co. FARGO'S MODERN DRUG STORE B. A. and Florine Boling BROADWAY AT 6TH AVE. NO. 1136 North 13th ACROSS FROM Y.M.C.A. J. G. HALBEISEN S. W. LEBIEN Phone 2-6491 '13 '38 Page Four THE SPECTRUM Friday, Dec. 2, 1949 THE SPECTRUM 5 Published every Friday at Fargo, North Dakota, by the NDAC Board of Publica- EDUCATION? by Fisher fiekati Fete tions. State College Station, Fargo, North Dakota. Subscription rate $1.00 per term. Entered as second class matter December 10, 1945, at the post office at Fargo, North By MORGEN HENRY Dakota, under the act of March 3, 1879. That big old buffoon Santa Claus SPECTRUM STAFF will be wheezing down our chim- Editor Robert A. Johnson Managing Editor Jane Shea neys pretty soon Sports Editor John Paulsen, John Hesse and I think it is Business Manager Gordon Kartenson Circulation Manager Ann Hook high time to get Photographer Don Christensen the business of the Santa Claus myth ironed out for once and for Letter to the Editor .. . all. With this goal In comment on a recent Spectrum in regard to High School em- in mind we sent blems and sweaters we would like to say this: out form letters We wonder if it ever occurred to you that some of us came to o to an average, this college to receive an education. Many athletes who would un- Henry (disinterested, un- doubtedly improve the athletic teams of this school are spending lettered, and somewhat preoccupied their spare time engaged in part-time jobs. group of people to determine what Furthermore it has been noticed in previous years that mem- the general opinion is of the ques- bers of athletic teams are almost exclusively composed of fraternity tion: "IS THERE OR IS THERE members. And in order to be a member of a fraternity a person needs NOT A SANTA CLAUS?" financial resources. The letters that follow have been In conclusion we would like to say that there are probably better unedited, cleaned up and chosen athletes and gentlemen behind the high school letters and awards at random: Dear M. H. than behind the Green and Yellow. We hold absolutely nothing against I am seven years old and I our alma-mater in fact we like our school and we are not ashamed don't believe in Santa Claus be- of the high school we attended either. cause last year I peeked and saw (Names withheld) Daddy putting on a beard and a red suit with white trimming. Mary Jane A: How can you be sure that Editorial Daddy isn't Santa Claus? A current battle that we would do well to keep in view is one "He wants to join the band, Mr. Euren !" Dear Mr. Henry, being waged on the eastern seaboard in regard to a freedom that I don't believe in Santa Claus we take pretty much for granted. at all as I asked for a Gilbert Commuters in Washington, D.C., are now protesting the instal- "Super-Engineer" set last year and lation of radio speakers in inter-city buses. The speakers pour the by he brought a bicycle, $4,000 in concerted slush and drivel of contemporary radio into the helpless 14,11ti Rosemary Sullivan cash and a Hispano-Suiza which uses oil. ears of the passengers who cannot turn them off. Philbert Van Puff And, in New York the New Yorker Magazine has taken up cudgels against a local railway station which has performed the The revival of stadium boots to wearing a lovely engagement ring A: Buck up Philbert, maybe same feat with the depot, passengers, workers, transients et al slush through the newly fallen as of Thanksgiving week comple- he'll do better this year. being bombarded by broadcast programs. snow, the sparkling Xmas tree at ments of Doug Schnell, Sigma Chi. Dear Mister Morgen, the end of Broadway, and the Also acquiring a diamond' is an- The conflict seems to be clear cut: either the air is free or it I believe in Santa Claus because posting of the final exam sched- other Kappa, Annette Martin who I am 11 years old and last year is not. ule are just a few of the many received her ring from A.T.O. Ells- Santa got stuck half way down the The New Yorker magazine points out a significant difference reminders that vacation time is worth Hendrickson. Marlys Mc- chimney and I got a long stick between visual and auditory reception: you do not have to look at not very far away. Gauvran and Faye Reed are the and poked him and poured water things that you wish not to; but the ear, indiscriminate organ that However the real proof of our new owners 'of those classy frat. on him. He got mad. I think he it is, hearkens to whatever initial signal is sent its way. You give glorious exam season's approach ernity pins seen frequently on, is still in there. the same amount of initial attention to the boob yelling "Rinso is the gala military ball which will campus. Marlys is wearing Bob Joey White " as you do to the first few words of Deems Taylor an- be held tonight in the field house Strandemo's Theta Chi pin and A: The old man been around nouncing the afternoon concert. at NDAC. Promising to be the Pete Olson's white cross is Faye's lately? added bit of jewelry. Since we are unable to segregate the sounds that are cast about biggest hit in the history of Scab- Dear Mr. H. Alph Gams are boasting a new us, it seems highly logical that we should take a concerted stand bard and Blade. these boys have I'm eighty-five years old this pledge this week and have added over the comparative freedom that goes with it. If this last rampart worked hard and long to make to- ,year and I've always believed in the name of Margaret Beaver to is given up we may find ourselves suddenly brought up short with- night an evening long to remem- Santa Claus because every year, their roll call. Carol Busch and out a shred of personal liberty remaining.—W.R.A. ber. right smack on Christmas morn- The ball tonight seems to put Janice Bohn are taking their turns ing I hear harness jingling, the the lid on one of the busiest weeks at washing dishes in the Theta sound of hooves and a jolly old of social visiting, according to the kitchen with multi help from their man in white leaves something on Tte Seo3e report of entertainment handed in sister pledges. the porch. to the Spec office. The Thetas and The A.T.O's came through Helmer Perkins By PAT O'LEARY By the way, Joyce and Eunice the Phi Mus started the week off beautifully this week by not just Some of the Sigs' dates really are both getting honorary com- by having an exchange pot-luck. entertaining one sorority, but A: That's the milk man. thought that Sigma Chi had a missions from Guidon. I can hear You know that's when so many combined all of them by inviting Dear Mister Henry: live wire-party two weeks ago. Bill now: Yes Sir! No Sir! Yes Thetas go to the Phi Mu house two girls from each organization I hope you wil excoose the writin And that's strictly off the record. Sir! and so many Phi Mus go to the over to dinner Monday evening. as I don't -write so well. I had a * * * Theta house and . . . oh well, you The Sigs likewise invited several, hard time with your letter as I of their favorite damsels over for idon't read so well either. But if Why not glass in the tap floor of It wasn't published in the police must get the drift by now. the new library, Getting off the subject of drift. a bite to eat, and from the com- it's about the election I voted for bulletin, but some dirty desperados ments received our loss is going to Dewey. ala Fredrick (rumored to be a horde of hungry ing people, the Theta Chis and the Martin, and make Sigma Chis followed suit by en- be their gain. Clem amazons from Dakota hall) abs- That's about all this week fel- a big dance conded with all the coffee and cup- tertaining the Alpha Gams and the A: It's quite obvious that you door? It's not low students. The A.T.O.'s' and the 2:090–\ cakes that the Civil Engineers Thetas respectively. The Alpha . believe in Santa Claus. Phi Mus are going to put candles -'"'conducive to had scrimped and saved for their Gams had such a good time at their on the frosting and have their term Dear Mr. Henry, school work, but big bi-monthly pow-wow. first entertainment that they de- I am afraid I shall have to re- neither is the parties on Saturday. The Newman cided to do a turn-about and had gard your letter as being beside MGR—and it's so There they were, all set to com- club is even starting next week the A.G.R.'s over for an afternoon the point inasmuch as I AM Santa „ far! pute the, snow load of the frosting off by having a sleigh ride party of fun. Claus and I've got Nina, Pinta and * * upon the cupcakes and the amount on Sunday and so if I were you, Hobo parties had their hey-day Santa Maria here to prove it. That picture in of reinforcing needed in the cof- I would spend the time it takes to fee; but they ended up comput- this week too with both the Kappas Santa Claus O'Leary Sunday's Fargo and the Gamma Phis donning their read this column to nap a bit and Forum, showing the leaders of the ing the reactions due to the ten- rest up for a really tremendous A: It's Blitzen, Spitzen, Donder, sion caused by the stress and best looking jeans and entertain- Military Ball was a little confus- ing the S.A.E.'s at the Kappa weekend. etc., and watch out for the boys strain of hunger pangs. in the white jackets. ing, to say the least. The question house and the Sigma Phi Delts at Before signing off, I would like is: will Joyce McCall escort Eunice The next day, some people didn't the G. Phi abode. To put the frost- ,to sincerely thank Morgen Henry Well, all in all, we do seem to Toussaint, or will Mrs. Toussaint think that the Oldest Engineering ing on the cake, meaning the for taking over for me several have proven that Santa Claus does escort Miss McCall ? And where is building would be able to take the pledges that is, the Sig pledges weeks ago. If at any time Morgen, exist (hell, heh), Little Morgen increased wind load. Bill Toussaint? entertained at the Sig house for you are not able to get your scin- Henry has been a good boy all the new gals of Gamma Phi. Hold- tilating column written, I shall year, hasn't cursed in print more be glad to incorporate your news ling their own at the Kappa Delta than once or twice and is looking The House of Perfect Diamonds house, the pledges of that soror- with the social angle. Perhaps we for a new convertible with white WATCH and JEWELRY REPAIRING ity entertained both the S.A.E. and could call the column "Henry Sez" side-wall tires and a beige steer- Seriously, it is the sort of attitude ing wheel. Now old Santa isn't go- TROPHYS, MEDALS and ENGRAVING Sigma Phi Delt pledges. The 's drifted over to that Morgen Henry took when his ing to be a slob and forget to bring it, is he ? 'Cause if Santa Wirnmer's Jewelry the Phi Mu house and since I am fellow columnist was loafing on 610 • Front Street Fargo, North Dakota just drifting along trying to end the job which makes one think that does he's going to get his jolly old a paragraph, with no further adieu, the fellow who said, "the age of foot in Morgen's bear trap—ho, ho. ho. . . we will leave the entertainment chivalry is dead" was a little off field. the beaten path. Sunday will be a big day on the (Morgen Henry's nomination for Model Laundry & Cleaners calender for the Kappas when they LOST the big event of next week is the Clothing Called For and entertain at their annual orphans A dark grey topcoat has been , Christmas convo Tuesday morn- Delivered party. Complete with a visit from lost in the Hasty Tasty by Carl ing which he (M.H. that is) per- Santa Claus, the little ones should Thorstad, 909-2nd Ave. North, sonally guarantees to be an ex- DIAL 7578 633-35 N. P. AVENUE have a bang-up good time. Moorhead. Will the finder please, trecrnely satisfying experience for Kappa Jean Hoverson is now call 3-2739. all who attend.) Friday, Dec. 2, 1949 THE SPECTRUM Page Five Book Review 474e Scoop By MARVIN JONES On Other Campuses By KEN GRISWOLD affiliation with the national agro- 1•++++.11,********************•**********tict **tic*** **le*** "The Egyptian," Mika Waltari nomy society. The organizational 1, An era which historical novel- U.N.D. troubles — Upstate frater- meeting will be in Morrill 215 at By CAROL SETHER scent variety and come in a design ists have heretofore overlooked is nities seem to be having troubles 7:30 on Wednesday, December 7. especially prepared for the St. Olaf colorfully depicted in Mika Wal- these days. First, the UND frat- * The 1948 "College Eye," Iowa library. tari's novel of Egypt 1400 years ernities are having a scholastic This space State Teacher's College paper, won before Christ. The setting is fresh average which is not high—and an All-American rating for the Prizes ranging from pen and and alive, but the European touch second, the little U fraternity boys 12th consecutive year. The award pencil set to $150 are being offer- adds little more than this to the don't seem to know haw to act was made by the Associated Col- ed in the annual English composi- familiar pattern of the racy his- when they're out with a lady. In dedicated to those who get their legiate Press of the University of tion contests to be held in the torical novel. fact the Dean of women upstate publicity in the Forum. Minnesota. spring at Miami University, Ox- has been heard to pound her fist * * * The "College Eye" rated excel- ford, Ohio. The contests are open "The Egyptian" is the self- and tell the little fraternity boys lent in three departments, news to all undergraduates without re- told tale of Sinuhe, a legendary `to leave her girls alone.' Dr. R. L. Post, associate entomo- values and sources, news writing, logist, and Russell McCaney, AC gard to curriculum. Egyptian hero placed in the de- A suggestion — Send down a editing and headlines, typography * * clining years of the Eighteenth student, led discussions on "In- and makeup. couple U fraternity boys and we'll secticidal Applications and Potato A success was scored by a street Dynasty. Of a mysterious ori- Show them how AC men are gentle- gin, Sinuhe grows up in a doc- Yields in North Dakota for 1949" dance and block party held by sev- men. at the Walsh County Fair and Improvements on the campus of eral fraternities at Miami Uni- tor's family in Thebes, and fol- the South Dakota State College at lows his step-father's profession State Potato Show. versity. An unpaid attendance of AC students Bertram Berg and * * Brookings, South Dakota were ap- over 1500 people was recorded. The to become skull surgeon to the George Walstad are delegates to proved by the last session of the royal house of Egypt. His edu- Dr. J. A. Munro, ag entomology street was decorated with balloons the National 4-H Club Congress. state legislature and are now well and colored lights. The fraternity cation under the priests of Am- professor, and W. J. Colberg re- under way. Plans include steam Don Piepkorn, another AC stu- cently completed a survey on Eu-, houses along the street were il- mon—the most powerful of dent, is on the 4-H stock judging tunnel repairs, Ag Hall, the new Egyptian deities—is completed ropean Corn Borer larvae over- luminated with giant replicas of team which is coached by Melvin $800,000 home of the agricultural their respective pins and set off by travel about the whole of the 'wintering in the state. in Kirkeide, an AC graduate. This department, and a $250,000 Print- the glare of spotlights. then civilized world. Sinuhe • * * event is held in conjunction with ing and Rural Journalism building .

travels to the child-ruled king- the national Livestock Exposition. A rose by any other name—With C * dom of Babylon; to corrupt and the Spinster Skip over, Senior The 80 piece Moorhead State teeming Syria; to the land of SALES & SERVICE Staff members should be conspic- Teacher's College choir, under the the Hittites, forgers of the new Military Ball's tonight. uous by their hanging heads. * * * * direction of Dr. H. Duane Har- LONGINES • • • • metal—iron; to Crete, the care- mon, has begun work on the ora- free land of seamen where youth To organize Agronomy Club—A The Mayville State Teachers col- meeting is set for the organization torio "Elijah." The oratorio will WITTNAUER is sacrificed to the sacred bulls. lege entomology class, under W. be presented sometime before the of an Agronomy Club which will W. Darlington, inspected the AC On his return to Egypt Sinuhe Christmas holidays. .14 be a student affiliate of the Am- entomology department and in- • • WATCHES finds the country on the verge of erican Society of Agronomy. All sect collections last week. a civil war. The Pharaoh Akhnaton Tests taken last spring in the students and faculty members in- * * has dethroned Ammon and estab- terested in agronomy and related library at St. Olaf College, North- lished Aton—a monotheistic deity fields are urged to attend this or- Only 19 shopping days till Christ- field, Minnesota, showed that illu- Martinscn's much like the Hebrew Jehovah mas. mination on the tables was insuf- ganizational meeting according to * Ouse batehf and close to a Christian god. Akh- Lennart Almen and Russ Lorenz. ficient for concentrated study. New naton dreams of a world of peace Several agronomy professors will Quote of the week—Bruce Bullard, lamps have been installed recently 4th Street at Center Ave. and justice ruled by his gad of explain and discuss the purpose A AS, sophomore, says, "Is Khat- which are located down the cen- Moorhead, Minn. love while his colonies revolt and and benefits of such a club and its chaturian, Libbys or Heinz ?" ter of each table, are of an incande- his generals clamor for war. Torn between his belief that Egypt is not ready for this change and his Dance Members To 0 0 RCA VICTOR faith in the new deity, Sinuhe be- comes involved in the political in- PHILCO trigue, wars, and assassinations Attend Mpls. Meet THE PERFECT framed in which eventually lead to Ammon's Mrs. H. G. Anderson, instructor PERSONAL GIFT LWIZENITH qhristmas Glow restoration and his own exile. in the women's physical education he Perfect Written by the best known of department, and several women Fraternal or Monogra- Finnish authors, "The Egyptian," from her dance class will attend sued Sterling silver in- VICTOR as a history for the masses is au- a district meet of dance clubs at laid Pipes at $7.50 ea. thentic, detailed, interesting. As the University of Minnesota on COLUMBIA a serious novel it falls far short December 3. With orders of six or of the possibilities present in the more at $6.50 each DECCA main theme—man's rejection of a NDAC women's physical educa- true saint. Mr. Waltari's vast de- tion department has no dance club 625 - 1st Ave N. CAPITOL scriptive power is wasted on too at present but the women desire Fargo many incidents and intrigues which to become members of the nation- M-G-M gain no credibility in the trans- al honorary dance club, Orchesis. "The Finest In Records" position from use in modern times Colleges from Minnesota, North to the ancient Egyptian setting. Dakota, and Wisconsin will be re- presented at this meeting.

Don't miss the Christmas Con- Kappa Tau Delta vocation Tuesday morning. Initiates Five Five students were initiated into Kappa Tau Delta, honorary frat- ernity of architects, on Sunday, November 20. Those initiated were Wilbur Harris, Irvin Holman, P1CTUDE Phillip McLernan, Earl Uthus and HELLO JANE: K. P. Iverson. THIS IS BETTY. WIEDCYW Gerald Gater, instructor in the architecture department, w a s I'M HAVING SCHERLING'S MAKE Washable Rayon portshirt made an honorary member. Mem- bership in Kappa Tau Delta is AN EIGHT BY TEN COLORED EN- Handsome colors, set off in based on scholarship, professional `window pane' size checks by interest, leadership, personality LARGEMENT OF MY SENIOR PIC- bold complimentary colored and character. TURE AND I'M GOING TO GIVE IT stripes, fashion another' TO JIM FOR CHRISTMAS. IT'S McGregor exclusive. Color- Schickele Chairs JUST WHAT HE'S BEEN WANT- fast, completely washable and a compliment to any Tenure Meeting ING. man who wears it. Dr. Ranier Schickele, head of the NDAC agricultural department, $395 will chair a Northern Great Plains Tenure meeting at Lincoln, Nebras- ka, December 8 to 10. Mr. Phil Thair, also of the agri- Site gelS cultural economics department will • a • • • 0 • gr •Ir present a progress report to the convention on the study of pro-. Patronize Your Advertiser duction risks in North Dakota. Open Today WELCOME TO THE REOPENING ACROSS FROM THE OF OUR CAMPUS NDAC CAMPUS CASH & CARRY STORE Page Six THE SPECTRUM Friday, Dec. 2, 1949 1949 Bison Grid Squad Herd Meets Dragons In

10.1: •-•'/ Local Opener By JOHN HESSE The local college basketball sea- son will open this weekend when the Bison meet MSTC on the Moor- head school's home court tomor- row night. The game is scheduled to begin at 8 p.m. with a prelimin- ary game between the freshman teams of the two schools slated to begin at 7. X./ The Dragons are always a tough opponent for the ;Herd, especially in the first game of the season. The Dragons won the first game last year, and went on to top the Bison most of the time the rest the year. The most potent scoring threat for the Dragons is big Curt Mc- Camy, six foot seven inch cen- ter. McCamy was an all-stater from West Fargo in his high school days, and played his freshman ball at the University HERE IS the 1949 NDAC football squad. The Herd completed a nine-game winless season by losing to Augustana, 13-7. Earlier, of Minnesota. In 1947 he trans- Marquette, Concordia, ISTC, Morningside, South Dakota, Montana State, NDU, and Sb SC had topped the Bison. ferred to NDAC where he under- studied Red Brostrom in the Bi- Front, left to right, Thomas Doran, Ed Zybatosky, Bob Gagnon, Trainer Mary Evans, Jason Larson, Merton Brunsvold, . and Orville Overboe. son pivot spot. However, it wasn't until McCamy transfer- Second, left to right, John Richards, Milt Resvick, Bill Toussaint, Co-captains, Neil Gustafson and Vern Freeh, Clink McGeary, Kermit red to MSTC that he found him- Olgaard, and Lou Borcuk. self and began to use his height Third, left to right, Line coach Sol Kampf, John Duginski, Dick Sander, Dom Gentile, Ray Mork, Maynard Huisman, Bill Seals, Al to a greater advantage. The Keating, Chet Rouleau, and Head coach Howard Bliss. last two years he has been lead- ing the Dragon scorers and has Fourth,: left .to right, Ken Hansen, Jack McLarnan, Bill McGuishin, Dave Olwin, Ray Curtis, Dick Keeley, Landis Jensen, Pat Mar- become one of the top players in cella, and Eino Martino. the Minnesota Teachers College conference. On the other side of the ledger, Paulsen's Pencil fo, Yearlings To the top hand in the Bison aggre- gation is one of the smallest men on the floor. Dave Torson stands and how he expects to get there.GearyI captured a first-team center By JOHN PAULSEN barely six feet tall, but his one As far as I know his charges are spot on the paper's all-loop ag- Play Opener The Home Folks, handed set shots from out in the well pleased with their treatment gregation. McGeary also got heavy court have established him as or leastwise those who want to at his hands. Says one: "Tough consideration for the all-state team Saturday one of the most dangerous men in shell out for the privilege, get their but fair." His greatest attribute, center berth which went to Art the North Central conference. Last first opportunity tomorrow night in my opinion, is his confidence in Lee of Minot. By JOHN MASHEK season Dave was placed on the all- to look at Charley Bentson's first his men. From the first, the new The same quartet—Freeh, Gen- Coach Norm Evans of the baby conference quintet, but not on his offering as head cage coach at tutor boosted his men and acclaim- tile, 1VIcGeary, and Keeley — got Bison is rapidly whipping his scoring ability alone. Although NDAC. ed his belief in their ability. He consideration for the Forum's all- freshman squad in shape for the he is usually the smallest man in One promising development, on seems to have laid a pretty solid city team. This time it was Freeh first freshman game, December 3. the ball game, he can rebound with the best of them, and his defensive the basis of limited observation at who nailed down a first team The game will be a preliminary af- .foundation upon which to proceed. work is some of the finest. Torson pre-season prac- fair with the MSTC B squad at 7 What happens from now on is guard spot. also is an expert passer and drib- tice sessions, o'clock. More games are being likely to depend upon several fac- Congratulations are in order. scheduled for the team to act as bler. seems to be that tors. Among them are how well curtain raisers for the North Cen- Expected Back Other Bison who should see Bentson's men- his men adapt to a new system, this week with a first hand report tral Conference games of the var- plenty of action in the Dragon the same perfor- how much help is forthcoming from on Arnold Galiffa, great Army sity. mers who though A working squad of 15 men is contest are Bob Geston, a flashy men like Sondag, Dick Hilden, and quarterback, who, after the Navy guard, centers Clayton (Sonny) rarely far out of practicing daily to prepare for Dave Turner, all of Whom have game was called the top football Sondag and Dick Hansen, and the coming 'hardwood season. The any ball game been away from competition for a player of his generation by one forwards, Mary Evans, Art frosh have been scrimmaging with last winter seem- year or so, how well Bentson and Bredahl, Mary (Packy) Schafer, midwestern sports writer, is athle- Coach Bentson's cagers using var- ed to repeatedly his men adapt to actual game con- tic director C. C. Finnegan. Mr. and, and Dave (Whitie) Turner. fall just short— ious offensive and defensive pat- ditions, how well the Herd can Mrs. Finnegan were in Philadelphia terns under game conditions. Jim Gotta, who beat the Bison Paulsen are showing in- offset rather decided height dis- for the Army-Navy game and visit- Those surviving Evan's cuts are with his one handed push shots creased aptitude. Bentson himself advantages, how lucky NDAC is ed in Georgia. Both Finnegan and Jim O'Connor, Jerry Geisler, Art on one occasion last year will prob- has said he felt his men were dis- in avoiding injuries to key men like football coach Howard Bliss, who Bunker, Dale Peppel, Duane And- ably be set to go for the Dragons covering talents they didn't even Dave Torson, and how lucky they has also been out of town are erson, Rodney Fercho, Roger Fer- on Saturday. Forwards Keith know they possessed. One would are, period. The Bison are as far expected in Minneapolis on Mon- cho, Tommy Hool, Dick Welk, Ro.. Woods and Jim Bagne are also ex- pected to be in the game for the be immediately inclined to opine or further after Tuesday's success day for the annual North Central ger Huizenga, and Ozzie Twedt. The starting line-up is still wide Dragons. that this increased effectiveness along now as could reasonably be conference meetings. plus some expected help from a expected. Where they will go from open and competition for the five berths is keen. few transferees and some former here is pure, but hopefully plea- Patronize Your Advertisers Bison who weren't on last year's sant, speculation. squad should • boost the Herd well Several Bison Tickets above last year's status. footballers got consideration for E. E. Kaiser, Director of Phy- 11- There are, however, equalizing 11E IVIEX CAFE the Fargo Forum's all-North Da- sical Education, announced that factors. Bentson was certainly cor- "FAMOUS FOR FINE FOOD' kota and all-NCC conference teams. student admission tickets to rect when he said his squad would The two squads, largely selections Saturday's MSTC-NDAC game suffer a diStinct height advantage may be purchased in the NDAC 202 First Avenue North Moorhead of sports editor Eugene Fitzgerald, against a really big club. Bob Grant athletic department ticket of- gave consideration to end Dom and Clayton Sondag, both reserve fice or the bookstore today. Gentile, guard LaVerne Freeh, and centers in past years, will be Kaiser said these tickets may back Dick Keeley in picking both NDAC's chief height contributors be purchased for fifty cents, FOR A MORE DELICIOUS, RICHER, squads, while center Clink Mc- until after the Christmas holidays plus an NDAC activity ticket. SMOOTHER ICE CREAM when Jack Garrett's return to eligi- bility will help out. Ask For CASS CLAY Bentson's acid test is yet to FARGO THEATRE BARBER SHOP come, but in his pre-season meth- ods, the new Herd tutor has earn- For Your Next Haircut Cass-Clay Cooperative Creamery ed wide commendation. Bentson seems to proceed in orderly fash- BILL BENSHOOF, Prop. Moorhead ion, knows where he wants to go



By JOHN HESSE to pay them their yearly visit on FOOTBALL STILL REIGNS January 1 or 2, as it is this year. Down in Dallas it will be a little Although it's basketball season strange for the Texas fans when at NDAC, across the nation foot- SMU won't be there to put on ball is still the top game right the show. But in their place will now. A couple of really fine games be the Owls from Rice Institute. It are still slated for this weekend was announced last week that the and then there are always the bowl North Carolina Tarheels will fur- games for New. Years Day. nigh t h e competition. Charlie What might have been the game (Choo-Choo) Justice will make his of the year will more than likely last collegiate appearance at that follow the same pattern that most time. Notre Dame tussles have when How about the Sugar Bowl ? the Irish take the long hawl down That will probably feature Okla- the Dallas, Texas to meet the Mus- homa against either Kentucky or tangs of SMU. Somehow or other, Tulane. The Sooners are plenty the Mustangs have failed to live strong this year and should be able up to the predictions of the sport to make it tough for either the scribes who had them touted as one of the top teams in the nation. Wildcats or the Green Wave. Tu- lane was knocked off for the sec- Indeed, they have their great All- ond time last Saturday by Louisi- MAJOR Bob Phillips of the NDAC ROTC department wielded the carving knife Thanksgiving Day American, Doak Walker and Kyle as Bison Cagers celebrated the holiday with turkey in Coach Chuck Bentson's home. Rote, another stellar back, but the ana State. Watch that team. The Bayou Bengals are a sophomore Rear, left to right, Dick Hanson, Jack Cavanaugh, Art Bredahl, Dave Turner, Dick Hilden, Clayton line hasn't been able to hold the other teams with any great suc- team who beat such southeastern Sondag, Billy Phillips, Jimmy Phillips, Tom Hool, Dave Torson, and Bob Geston. powers as North Carolina, Vander- cess. The Mustangs have lost to Front, left to right, Major Phillips, Mary Evens, Mar Shafer, Mike Hennessey, Jack Garrett, Bob bilt, and Tulane, dropping contests Rice and Baylor to mention two, but Grant, Danny Hennessey, and the Bentsons: Chuck and Mike. they can boast wins over Texas to Kentucky and Georgia. In the Vanderbilt game, the Commo- and powerful Kentucky. dores gained four yards from The Irish should make this quite scrimmage in the first half. These a walk-away. They have their two lads should be in a major bowl, if Bison Win Opener Tuesday Night; great backs, All-American Red not next year, the year after. Sitko, and potential All-American Bob Williams. But in addition they BASKETBALL SEASON OPENS have one of the strongest lines in But in North Dakota and the sur- Beat Gustavus Adolphus, 56-42 the country. If the Mustangs can rounding territory, the cage sport snap the long Irish winning streak is the big thing. Last year around Montevideo, Minn., — NDAC victory over Gustavus Adolphus winter, had eight points, and with Walker on the injured list, this time, the sport writers were jumped off to an early lead and at Montevideo on Tuesday. The Mary Shafer, who joined Geston, they will have to pull a miracle out predicting dire things for the Bi- was headed only once in regist- score of the tilt, season opener Torson, and Bob Grant in cap- of coach Matty Bell's hat. But son. Well, for the most part, those ering a decisive opening-game for both teams, was 56-42. The able rebound work for NDAC, they did it against Kentucky with stories were the truth, but there game was a charity affair. had nine. Walker in the hospital, and maybe was one bright spot in the Bison The game inaugerated new Veteran Andy Papke led Gusty they can repeat it "for Doak," but cage darkness. More typewriter coaching careers for Bison men- floor performers while guard it is really doubtful if any team ribbon was worn out in the Spec- tor Chuck Bentson and Gusty Rod Rehwalt paced Gustavus on the college gridiron today can trum sport department yelling coach Gus Young, both of whom scorers with eight points. stop the mighty onslaught of the about a small fellow from Moor- were in their first contests. Fighting Irish. head by the name of Dave Torson. NDAC yielded a height ad. BOWL FEVER Well, if you have something to A pair of Bison guards, Dave vantage to the losers, but the Come New Years there will be yell about you might just as well Torson and Bob Geston, led Bison offset their disadvantage quite an epidemic of Bowl Fever do it. Dave is good, and the 9nly scorers on both teams and the with mid-season rebounding abil- all around the country. Ohio State, guy in the world who doesn't know two Herd veterans displayed out- ity. Big Ten Champs will be out in it is Dave himself. Well you'll par- standing floor performances. Pasedena to try and stop Lynn don us, please if we repeat our Torson had 20 points while Ges- The victors displayed a smooth Waldorf's Golden Bears of Bark- raptures about the Moorhead Mite ton tallied 12. -functioning offense that per- ley. California is undefeated this again this year, but we still be- However, Bentson got effec- formed at sometimes mid-season year, and Ohio State lost to Minn- lieve that you should give credit tive jobs from a host of Bison. efficiency. esota and tied mighty Michigan. where credit is due, and credit is Dave Turner, out of action last NDAC led at the half, 25-24. But the Big Ten representatives certainly due to Dave. have yet to get a taste of defeat Just from watching the team in the New Year classic. Perhaps practice, it looks as though Chuck after this five year contract is Bentson is determined not to let Women's)Sports Underway over, the Pacific Coast confer- the Bison continue their losing ence will be loath to renew the ways again this year. But things Badminton tournaments are the Bowling teams are still hard at contract with the Western confer- that work in practicve, might never highlights of the Women's Athletic work over at Kossick's in Moor- ence. They hate to see their teams work out under actual game con- association at present. Joy Aaser head. At the last meeting Shirley go down to defeat in the Rose ditions. But this may be the end and Ruby Anderson won the first Arneson had a high score of 157, Bowl year after year, but if they of the long win famine here at game in doubles in the tournament Betty Talmo score of 145, and are looking for, as they say they NDAC. But let's not make any while Elaine Lichtsinn won the Elinor Carlson a score of 139 are, the best team in the nation, rash predictions. We'll just sit first game in singles. for the three lines bowled. Betty they won't be disappointed when back and give the boys a chance to MARY SHAFER Talmo leads in NDAC women's the Big Ten champions comes over really show their stuff. The tournament is played in a bowling with an average score of round robin which means that each 131. Doris Tallackson is second team in doubles and each individ- with an average score of 120 and Intramural Board Announces Rule, Schedule Revisions ual in singles will play everyone Lois Johnson is third with an entered in the contest. average-of 113. By JOAN L. SULLIVAN games previously scheduled for Coops 0 2 Rule changes were the main Thursday will be played with the BRACKET B topic of discussion at the Intra- first one starting at 7:00, the W L MEET ME AT THE Mural business meeting Monday. next at 8:00 and the last at 9:00. Theta Chi 3 0 Then on Thursday the three reg- LMC 2 0 A new rule pertaining to the last A two minutes of the game was ularly scheduled 9:00 games will Sigs 1 0 C. HASTE' TASTY made. Hereafter the team attempt- be held, starting at 7, 8 and 9:00 St. B3 1 1 FOR ing a free throw in the final two respectively. On Monday the 12th SAE 1 1 1 LUNCHES, DINNERS, AND COKE_ S minutes will keep possession of the three 7:00 games scheduled for AGR 3 1 1 Across from the Campus the ball after the try, regardless Thursday will be held starting at St. B 4 0 2 of the accuracy of the toss. The 7, 8 and 9:00. SPD 0 2 timing method was also changed. The standings up to the Novem- ISA 1 0 2 The game time will consist of two ber 29 games are as follows: BRACKET C Musical Gifts At halves with each team allowed one BRACKET A W L time out a half. The clock will be W L FHB 2 0 stopped for free throws and time Kappa Sigs 2 0 St. B 1 2 0 outs only. Dorm 2 0 AGR 1 2 0 aCleaa A change has been made in next SAE 2 2 1 ATO 2 1 1 music compnrw week's basketball schedule. Tues., ATO 1 1 1 ICappa Psi 1 1 day's games will go off as sched.. ISA 2 1 1 Kappa Sigs 2 1 2 uled but all Wednesday games will YMCA 0 1 St. B 2 0 1 be held on Monday, December 5. AGR 2 0 2 Pharm C1 0 2 Then on Wednesday the three 8:00 MSF 0 2 Theta Chi 2 0 3 Patronize Our Advertisers Your XMAS GIFT HEADQUARTERS Ted arapoot, FOR THE COLLEGE MAN

219 BROADWAY FARGO We Feature the finest in Men's Accessories

Page Eight THE SPECTRUM Friday, Dec.. 2, 1949

CHURCH NEWS SILVER ACCS1 CAFE LSA BILL KENNEY, Prop. "A Changeless Christ for r. Changing Countryside" is the topic 304 First Ave. South Moorhead, Minn . of 0. Leonard Orvedal, rural life commissioner who is the guest speaker on the regular LSA pro-. gram Sunday, Dec. 4, at 4:30 in the college "Y." The topic and the speaker will be introduced by H. L. Walster, FOSS DRUG dean of the NDAC School of Agri- culture. Corner N. P. Ave. and Broadway dial 6679 The program will be followed with a buffet supper, group meet- Manhattan Shirts ings, special interest seminars, and singing. Hathaway Shirts Bible Study breakfast will be Business Stationery held at 9 o'clock Sunday morning Damon Ties Publications—Pamphlets as usual. COMMERCIAL PRINTING Hi-noon Focus is held at 12-1 o'- Cohama Ties clock every Monday through Fri- of all kinds day. Monday's program is "C. S. Swank Jewelry Lewis Says," a reading of the au- thor's works. Tuesday's LSWel- Textron Pajamas come brings a movie, Wednesday's Midwest Printing & "Views and Interviews," Thurs- day's "Campus Comments" with ... Lithographing Co. something new on Friday, "This is Complete, expert radio service on any make of Auto radio What I Think!", completes the "E ••• Co. SEYMOUR LANDFIELD week's schedule. 70 Broadway, Fargo 820 N.P. AVE. PHONE 7373 64-5th St. N„ Phone 8124 Be on hand for the LSA hay ride 24 Hour Wrecker Service Saturday, Dec. 3, at 7:30. The Cen- ter has been chosen as the meet- ing place.

GAMMA DELTA The NDAC Gamma Delta group will meet at Our Redeemer Luther- an Church of Moorhead at 5 p.m. Sunday. Lunch will be served. A topic discussion will be led by a member of the group. A bus- iness meeting will follow; the meeting will be ended by a de- votion.

WESTMINSTER FELLOWSHIP The NDAC Westminster Fellow- ship will meet next Sunday in the Fireside room of the college for supper and social hour at 6:30. All students are welcome.

JOHN ROBINSON CLUB John Robinson club will meet at Plymouth Congregational church at 6:00 o'clock Sunday evening. Supper will be served, after which there will be a social hour.


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