44:kGRIC,. COLLEGc- DEC 3 1949 THE s_ipPts,PN./ PECTRUTHE SPECTRUM Vol. LXV No. 11 Friday, Dec. 2, 1949 Military Ball Underway Tonight At Nine Formal Hop Queen of the Ball Victor Borge To Appear At Takes Place . Festival Tuesday, Wednesday Victor Borge, internationally teachers, Victor Schioler, Frederich At Festival famous Danish concert pianist and Lomond and Egon Petri. monologist, will appear Tuesday Featuring the music of Amby Borge gained a reputation as one Meyer and his orchestra, the and Wednesday evenings at 8 on of the foremost young artists on the stage of Festival Hall. strictly formal Military Ball will the European concert stage. But he get under way tonight at 9 in the Only holders of student activity could never take the concert class- Field house. tickets will be admitted Tuesday icism with dead seriousness. He The ball, generally considered to night. The performance Wednes- satirized the concert manner off day evening will be open to the stage and then brought his devas- general public and lyceum patrons tating humor to his concert audi- will be admitted upon season course ence. tickets. Since his arrival in this coun- Mr. Borge left Europe in 1941 try in 1941, 'the inimitable' when Hitler invaded Denmark. He Borge has given America some- was starring in a revue in Sweden thing new in entertainment. The at the time of the invasion and Borge paradox is a virtuoso pian- he left for the United States with ist and one of the funniest come- his American wife on the last ship dians of modern times. out. He is a product of Denmark Arrived in the United States, he Cook Tenneson where he was born in Copenhagen. spent a hilarious year learning the English language and being a cele- be the highlight of NDAC's social His father was an eminent violin- season, will be climaxed by the ist and had played under Richard brity, the Danish Noel Coward. Then, on the West Coast, he was grand march, which will be led by Wagner. His mother was gifted Robert Tenneson and his guest, 'discovered by Rudy Vallee who pianist and music teacher. Patricia Cook. Mr. Tenneson is Borge early demonstrated a introduced him to Bing Crosby. Crosby enjoyed the Dane so much president of Scabbard and Blade, child's virtuosity at the piano. He honorary military organization he put him on the air for fifty- on studied at the Royal Opera of campus. won scholarships to four performances. American list- Copenhagen, Mrs. William D. Toussaint, presi- Miss Marion Paris, sophomore in home economics from Fargo, the Music Conservatory of Copen- eners got further acquainted when will be crowned Queen of Company F-2, NDAC Chapter of the Borge became the summer replace- dent of Guidon, auxiliary of Scab-. hagen and University of Berlin. He bard and Blade, and her husband National Honorary Society of Pershing Rifles at the Military under the famed music ment for Fibber McGee and Molly. studied will be second in line. Vice-presi- Ball tonight. Selected from among seven candidates representing He has been greeted in the con- dent of Guidon, Joyce McCaul, and all sororities and the Independent Student association, she will be cert hall as the fine artist he is her escort will be in the third posi- entered in the nation-wide Pershing Rifle Sweetheart contest to College Directory when he returned to the classics, tion. be held early next spring. Miss Paris is a member of Kappa Alpha leavening his programs always Presentation of the ranks of Theta sorority. with the scintillating monologues honorary colonel and honorary maj- Now Available that have enchanted audiences or will be made to Mrs. Toussaint throughout Europe and the United The 1949-60 college directory iS and Miss McCaul, respectively, dur- States. He may, for example, pause ing the evening. now available at the registrar's of- before brilliantly playing Stravin- Christmas Convocation Set fice says A. H. Parrott, director Several members of NDAC's sky to talk about his boyhood. The faculty and administration, as well of admissions and records. time, perhaps, when his father Made up according to standard as Gov. and Mrs. Fred G. Aandahl, Tuesday At Festival Hall found the reflective little boy sit- Will be honored guests at the form, the directory contains the ting in front of a roaring fire in :names and addresses of all staff event. The annual Christmas Convo- Glee Club in a program of Christ- the living room and scolded him cation will be held at Festival hall mas music. members and students with the ad- roundly, "because, you see, we had dition of the officers of the Tuesday morning featuring the The convo will start at 9:40 no fireplace." NDAC Chorus, Band and Men's a.m. with the singing of carols campus organizations. Registration led by Chorus director Ernest Van Vlissingen. Starts January 3 The Festival hall stage has been YM, YW To Host built up for this year's perform- Because January 2, 1960, is a ance to highlight the different legal holiday, registration for the Needy Children groups; special lighting effects winter quarter will begin on Tues- will be used in conjunction with day, January 3. It will be com- Underpriviledged children in Far- the program. pleted in two days instead of the go will be invited to the annual A great deal of work goes into usual three days. Kiddie's Christmas Party sponsor- the preparation of the Christmas A. H. Parrott announced this ed by the YM and YW on Decem- convo and a large student turn- registration schedule last week. ber 8 from 5:30 to 7 in the YMCA out for the affair will be appreciat- Seniors will register in the morn- building. ed, say officials in charge of the ing of January 3; juniors, in the A picnic supper of hot dogs, event. !afternoon. The morning and after- baked beans, milk and ice cream noon of January 4 will be used for will be served in the Fireside room. the sophomores and freshmen re- The children will participate in Pershing Rifles spectively, Regular classes will organized games and relays. Snow begin Thursday, January 5. White and the Seven Dwarfs will be dramatized by the YW, and To Crown Queen Santa Claus will give each of the For the first time in military ball children a gift. history a queen will be crowned Walster To Speak Co-chairmen in charge of the tomorrow night following the grand Dean H. L. Walster will speak party are Marcia Erickson, Pelican march and presentation of honorary on the topic, "Food and Land" Rapids, Minn., for the YW and commissions. The Pershing Rifles Walt Matson, Fargo, for the YM. at the Agricultural Economic Squad, in charge of the beauty con- Seminar Thursday at 4:00 p.m. in test, will select the queen from Committees are: Food; Shirley Room 215 Morrill Hall. Holcomb, Luverne, Dorothy Sand, photographs submitted by various Emerado (G.I.) and Twila Wat- organizations on campus. terud, Esmond. Entertainment; Strictly a formal affair, men are $10 REWARD Irene Vogel, Granville, and Norma requested to wear tuxedos or their $10.00 reward for return of ring Seefeldt, Grand Rapids. Buying and military uniforms for the dance probably lost between library and Engineering building. Ring is Gold wrapping presents; LaVonne Som- which will be held from 9 p.m. un- mers, Mhd, Joan Hauge, Leith and til 1 a.m. and Silver, an heirloom and has coat of rams on top. Contact Jose two men from the YM. Clean-up; In charge of arrangements is R. Iranzo or Spectrum office. Junette Hill, Fargo and Katherine Lloyd Flynn. In charge of other Kloster, Sharon. Asking children committees are Alfred Barbee, and transportation; Pat Kennedy, concessions; Jane Greenshields, in- Be' at Festival Tuesday morn- Fargo, Winona Anderson, Fargo, vitations; Laurel Geiszler, cere- ing for the Christmas convoca- tion. and two YM members. mony; Virgil Holden, tickets, Page Two THE SPECTRUM Friday, Dec. 2, 1949 SAI To Meet Army Seeking To Enlist At Tarbell Graduates In Women's Corps Women who are now in their en's Army Corps, Regular Army, Residence senior year in college or who have according to communications re- been graduated from college now ceived here recently. Members of Sigma Alpha Iota, have the opportunity to become The Army, which is seeking a national honorary musical sorority, commissioned officers in the Worn- high caliber of women on which will entertain next Wednesday, at to build its corps of the future, a Contemporary American musi- wants women who have demons- cale in the home of Mrs. W. P. Tar- trated qualities of leadership and bell. Homemakers have achieved good academic rec- On the program for the evening ords. will be Mary Dullea, Virginia Bor- The report stated, however, that derud, Jacqueline Slough, and Mary Meet Dec. 6-8 owing to the limited number that Ranney. A two piano number will may be appointed annually, only The State' •Homemakers council the best qualified will be selected. be played by Olivia Tarbell and will be meeting on the NDAC Betty Marks. To be eligible to apply, the in- campus next Tuesday, Wednesday dividual must be a college graduate Maxine Sill and Grace Wold will and Thursday to recommend and represent the active chapter at the or a prospective graduate in her discuss projects for the 1950-51 musicale, while Mrs. Dorothy Wal- senior year; have attained her Homemakers clubs program. 21st birthday, but not have passed ters and Mrs. Alma Blegen will be Meetings begin at 8:45 a.m.
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