Draft recommendations on the new electoral arrangements for Kent County Council Electoral review May 2015 Translations and other formats For information on obtaining this publication in another language or in a large-print or Braille version please contact the Local Government Boundary Commission for England: Tel: 0330 500 1525 Email:
[email protected] The mapping in this report is reproduced from OS mapping by the Local Government Boundary Commission for England with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office, © Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. Licence Number: GD 100049926 2015 Contents Summary 1 1 Introduction 2 2 Analysis and draft recommendations 4 Submissions received 4 Electorate figures 5 Council size 5 Division patterns 6 Detailed divisions 6 Ashford Borough 8 Canterbury City 10 Dartford Borough 14 Dover District 16 Gravesham Borough 18 Maidstone Borough 20 Sevenoaks District 22 Shepway District 25 Swale Borough 28 Thanet District 31 Tonbridge & Malling Borough 33 Tunbridge Wells Borough 35 Conclusions 37 Parish electoral arrangements 37 3 Have your say 40 Appendices A Table A1: Draft recommendations for Kent County Council 42 B Submissions received 50 C Glossary and abbreviations 52 Summary Who we are The Local Government Boundary Commission for England (LGBCE) is an independent body set up by Parliament. We are not part of government or any political party. We are accountable to Parliament through a committee of MPs chaired by the Speaker of the House of Commons. Our main role is to carry out electoral reviews of local authorities throughout England.