Outrun 2011 to 2012
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OUTTURN 2011-12 DEPARTMENT FOR EDUCATION DATA COLLECTION LA Bristol City of LA No. 801 Year 2011-12 TABLE A SPENDING BY SCHOOLS Nursery Primary Secondary Special Schools Schools Schools Schools Total £ £ £ £ £ (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) EXPENDITURE 1 Teaching staff (E01) 2405470.4 59905550.79 33074836.5 7243632.1 102629489.8 2 Supply teaching staff (E02) 109799.2 2266041.82 537265.5 155924.9 3069031.42 3 TOTAL TEACHING STAFF 2515269.6 62171592.61 33612102 7399557 105698521.2 4 Education Support Staff (E03) 1951827.2 20504680.03 6109539.5 5583486.7 34149533.43 OTHER EMPLOYEE COSTS 5 Premises staff (E04) 102974.4 2378181.41 916879.8 328467.9 3726503.51 6 Administrative & clerical staff (E05) 364175.8 5561638 4046825.4 841464.6 10814103.8 7 Catering Staff (E06) 0 72022.1 231132.7 107681.2 410836 8 Cost of other staff (E07) 159186.4 2358273.88 1288068.6 1381611 5187139.88 9 Indirect employee expenses (E08) 20931.4 251808.25 164809.3 62324.4 499873.35 10 Development and training (E09) 48942.5 524781.5 154284.7 161251.2 889259.9 11 Supply teacher insurance (E10) 38596 926164.92 53406.8 78761.8 1096929.52 12 Staff related insurance (E11) 29336.4 272333.96 0 52406.2 354076.56 13 TOTAL OTHER EMPLOYEE COSTS 764142.9 12345204.02 6855407.3 3013968.3 22978722.52 RUNNING EXPENSES 14 Building maintenance and improvement (E12) 250692.1 3054478.44 860730.5 377803.8 4543704.84 15 Grounds maintenance and improvement (E13) 57916.1 422702.53 110841.2 35078.1 626537.93 16 Cleaning and caretaking (E14) 117656.7 1773093.55 325222.4 123048.6 2339021.25 17 Water and sewerage (E15) 18697.7 398298.07 92919.7 34916.9 544832.37 18 Energy (E16) 98641.5 1684033.74 611933.9 201001.4 2595610.54 19 Rates (E17) 83338.5 1099907.2 1150420 0 2333665.7 20 Other occupation costs (E18) 116504.8 1041204.29 3987825 250535.1 5396069.19 21 Learning resources (not ICT equipment) (E19) 154404.1 5504253.69 3254764 822797.3 9736219.09 22 ICT learning resources (E20) 22468.5 1159657.7 1328674 65759.6 2576559.8 23 Examination fees (E21) 0 0 1222812.8 13654.8 1236467.6 24 Administrative supplies (E22) 151580.7 993236.44 910519.83 212698 2268034.97 25 Other insurance premiums (E23) 10879.2 275937.31 110583.5 20685.6 418085.61 26 Special facilities (E24) 0 2537.3 705.7 341.5 3584.5 27 Catering supplies (E25) 125802.3 5006690.14 438550.3 106590.65 5677633.39 28 Agency supply teaching staff (E26) 33458 2721747.56 413058.3 135174.8 3303438.66 29 Bought-in professional services - curriculum (E27) 140112.6 2235453.04 1051526.01 367155.17 3794246.82 30 Bought-in professional services - other (E28) 138283.1 2071272.4 664437.7 247465 3121458.2 31 Loan interest (E29) 0 7593.7 23749.9 8727.5 40071.1 32 Community focused school staff (E31) 476.5 174388.15 231008.38 754.2 406627.23 33 Community focused school costs (E32) 12983.22 30324.36 114982.77 23.92 158314.27 34 TOTAL RUNNING EXPENSES 1533895.62 29656809.61 16905265.89 3024211.94 51120183.06 35 TOTAL GROSS EXPENDITURE 6765135.32 124678286.3 63482314.69 19021223.94 213946960.2 FUNDING 36 Funds delegated by the LA (I01) 6151355.5 103904082.5 47393123.89 16963780.4 174412342.3 37 Funding for sixth form students (I02) 0 0 5976319.4 11325 5987644.4 38 SEN funding (Not for special schools) (I03) 307628.8 12261098.1 5638161.7 57796.1 18264684.7 39 Funding for minority ethnic pupils (I04) 0 0 0 0 0 40 Pupil Premium (I05) 0 3502063 984693 162056 4648812 41 Other government grants (I06) 10573 50130 178365.5 0 239068.5 42 Pupil focused extended school funding and/or grants (I15) 0 0 0 0 0 43 Community focused school funding and/or grants (I16) 68500 5000 0 0 73500 44 TOTAL FUNDING 6538057.3 119722373.6 60170663.49 17194957.5 203626051.9 INCOME 45 Other grants and payments (I07) 253488 2283912.05 637191.4 1372555.3 4547146.75 46 Income from facilities and services (I08) 244032.9 1388083.87 2252159.8 566085 4450361.57 47 Income from catering (I09) 33741.8 2287139.3 316113 90600.7 2727594.8 48 Receipts from supply teacher insurance claims (I10) 55616.3 699937.4 34548 131595.2 921696.9 49 Receipts from other insurance claims (I11) 34880.3 496027.41 45402.8 97342.8 673653.31 50 Income from contributions to visits etc. (I12) 0 437035.2 58293.9 4342.5 499671.6 51 Community focused school facilities income (I17) 84293 234477.65 233400.56 1445 553616.21 52 Total income NOT including donations and/or voluntary funds 706052.3 7826612.88 3577109.46 2263966.5 14373741.14 53 Donations and/or voluntary funds (I13) 951.4 800007.5 168267.3 14208.7 983434.9 54 TOTAL INCOME INCLUDING DONATIONS AND/OR VOLUNTARY FUNDS 707003.7 8626620.38 3745376.76 2278175.2 15357176.04 55 SCHOOLS NET CURRENT EXPENDITURE 6058131.62 116051665.9 59736937.93 16743048.74 198589784.2 56 Capital Expenditure from Revenue - CERA (E30) (Schools) 135069 922679 0 0 1057748 BALANCES Opening balances at 01/04/2011 57 Committed revenue balance (B01) 663390.75 6774655.25 1551964.32 1047108.16 10037118.48 58 Uncommitted revenue balance (B02) 0 0 0 0 0 59 Community focused school revenue balance (B06) 22067.18 31910.1 531797.74 0 585775.02 Closing balances at 31/03/2012 60 Committed revenue balance (B01) 868914.15 9487908.28 2429825.91 1498350.04 14284998.38 61 Uncommitted revenue balance (B02) 0 0 0 0 0 62 Community focused school revenue balance (B06) 161400.46 66675.24 419207.15 666.88 647949.73 TOTAL Govt. Grants Outside AEF Capital Expenditure Teaching staff Education support staff Other Employees Running Expenses EXPENDITUREIncome NET Current Expenditure Govt. Grants Inside AEF not including YPLA grants Grants from YPLA LEA NET Revenue Expenditure Inter-authority recoupment included in (j) Inter-authority recoupment included in (l) (Excluding CERA) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) (l) (m) (n) (o) (p) (q) (r(i)) (r(ii)) (s) SCHOOLS BUDGET SPENDING BY SCHOOLS (brought forward) 63 Nursery Schools 2515269.6 1951827.2 764142.9 1533895.62 6765135.32 707003.7 6058131.62 0 0 0 6058131.62 0 64 Primary Schools 62171592.61 20504680.03 12345204.02 29656809.61 124678286.38626620.38 116051665.9 3502063 0 0 112549602.9 0 65 Secondary Schools 33612102 6109539.5 6855407.3 16905265.89 63482314.69 3745376.76 59736937.93 984693 0 6182750 52569494.93 0 66 Special Schools 7399557 5583486.7 3013968.3 3024211.94 19021223.94 2278175.2 16743048.74 162056 0 0 16580992.74 0 67 TOTAL SCHOOLS BUDGET (Excluding CERA line 56) 105698521.2 34149533.43 22978722.52 51120183.06 213946960.215357176.04 198589784.2 4648812 0 6182750 187758222.2 SPENDING BY LA WITHIN THE SCHOOLS BUDGET (EXCLUDING DELEGATED OR DEVOLVED FUNDING) 68 Nursery Schools 440129 72408 148672 377198 1038407 464726 573681 25487 0 0 548194 0 0 0 69 Primary Schools 2159435 333434 2590206 3916587 8999662 3096559 5903103 391118 0 0 5511985 0 0 0 70 Secondary Schools 752778 128640 1088474 22557435 24527327 2426778 22100549 17594484 0 0 4506065 0 0 0 71 Special Schools 195274 33657 7220 1134592 1370743 1306508 64235 10169 0 0 54066 1061916 1139514 0 72 Private/voluntary/independent fees for education for Under 5s (Not NMSS) 127325 169683 476426 11311140 12084574 59871 12024703 0 0 0 12024703 73 Independent/Non-Maintained schools fees 0 0 0 5310767 5310767 0 5310767 0 0 0 5310767 74 Education out of school 3090563 890977 284580 1206873 5472993 567575 4905418 0 0 291915 4613503 0 406463 75 School Meals/Milk 0 0 0 492986 492986 10243 482743 263379 0 0 219364 0 0 76 Other Support Services : expenditure falling within the definition of the Schools Budget 235 0 351622 2673084 3024941 95340 2929601 0 0 0 2929601 0 0 77 TOTAL SCHOOLS BUDGET (excluding CERA) (lines 67 to 76) 112464260.2 35778332.43 27925922.52 100100845.1 276269360.223384776.04 252884584.2 22933449 0 6474665 223476470.2 1061916 1545977 78 Capital Expenditure from Revenue (CERA) (Spending by LEA in Schools Budget) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 79 SUBTOTAL: CENTRAL EXPENDITURE WITHIN THE SCHOOLS BUDGET (including CERA) (lines 68 to 76 + line 78) 62322400 8027600 54294800 18284637 0 291915 35718248 80 TOTAL SCHOOLS BUDGET (including CERA) (line 67 + line 79 + line 56 col (f)) 277327108.223384776.04 253942332.2 22933449 0 6474665 224534218.2 TOTAL Govt. Grants Outside AEF Capital Expenditure Teaching staff Education support staff Other Employees Running Expenses EXPENDITURE Income NET Current Expenditure Govt. Grants Inside AEF not including YPLA grants Grants from YPLA LEA NET Revenue Expenditure Inter-authority recoupment included in (j) Inter-authority recoupment included in (l) (Excluding CERA) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) (l) (m) (n) (o) (p) (q) (r(i)) (r(ii)) (s) LEA BUDGET LA CENTRAL FUNCTIONS Central Administration 81 Central Administration 54588 34306 2052734 3526063 5667691 132173 5535518 1360920 0 0 4174598 0 0 82 Teacher Development 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 83 HE/ FE courses run on behalf of the authority 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 84 PRC, Redundancy, Existing Early Retirement and Pension liabilities costs 20245 52074 2475577 2298384 4846280 0 4846280 0 0 0 4846280 0 0 85 SUB-TOTAL CENTRAL ADMINISTRATION (lines 81 to 84) 74833 86380 4528311 5824447 10513971 132173 10381798 1360920 0 0 9020878 Support and Access 86 Pupil Support 877411 0 90305 0 967716 967716 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 87 Other support services: expenditure falling within the definition of the LA budget 92443 0 2098911 802809 2994163 592183 2401980 118390 0 0 2283590 0 0 88 Home to school transport: SEN transport expenditure (5-25) 0 0 61938 5789914 5851852 31363 5820489 0 0 0 5820489 0 0 89 Home to school transport: other home to school transport expenditure 0 0 144406 60032 204438 36435 168003 0 0 0 168003 0 0 90 SUB-TOTAL SUPPORT AND ACCESS (lines 86 to 89) 969854 0 2395560 6652755