East Lyn A4 leaflet FINAL:Layout 1 08/06/2010 11:57 Page 2

Lynmouth Bay Watersmeet and Glenthorne Fisheries Black Rocks River Lyn, North , Salmon Season: 1 March - 30 Sept Start of (no worm or maggot before 16th June. catch and release of all salmon is mandatory for the whole season). Fishery A39 Sea Trout & Brown Trout: 15th March - 30th Sept T ORS (no worm or maggot for sea trout before 16th June. catch and release of all sea trout is mandatory for the 4 ROAD No Fishing in 2 2 shaded area whole season. brown trout fishing by artificial fly only) PRIVATE A separate Environment Agency rod fishing licence is required E Bonnicott a Horner’s Neck Wood Woodside s Ramsey Pool t Wood Fishery restrictions to protect Salmon and Sea trout Bridge L Upper Lyn Rock Pool Furze Trilly y Crook Pool n Lower Lyn Rock Pool Pool Wood R . Overflow Pool i Wester Wood Chiselcombe Catch and release of all salmon and sea trout is mandatory for the whole season ve r FB Bridge Horner Ash Bridge Permitted baits are restricted to artificial fly and artificial lure until 16th June. Pool Vellacotts Pool Worm or maggot may be fished from 16th June on a single Circle patterned Barton Wood Black Pool Lyn Lower hook of no larger than a standard size 4. Peal Pool Rock Pool Stag Pool NORTH Dumbledon Pool Watersmeet Fishing with worm or maggot is Bridge Pool Watersmeet

r House Long Pool Frogwell not allowed at any time in 1 e /2 mile t Wood a End of Long Pool. 1 kilometre W E Day and week Reproduced by permission of Ordnance Survey. Upper Stag Pool Fishery a © Crown Copyright and database right 2009. All rights reserved. k s Ordnance Survey licence number AL 100018591 a Barton o t permits available r a Wood L Wilsham y Mill from: o n Wood Wood Ban on sale of rod-caught H Ashford Pool R ive sea trout and salmon (New B r r a brook Filling Station, . A39 Ford Byelaw) - no person shall sell, offer or Tel: 01598 752248 Hillsford Rockford FB expose for sale or have in possession for Rockford Inn, Brendon. Bridge Fox Pool sale any salmon or migratory trout which Tel: 01598 741214 Combe Park Buddle Pool has been taken by rod and line. B3223 Birch Meadow Pool Tourist Information Centre, Town Hall, Wood Grafton Wood . Tel: 0845 6603232 Fishing allowed A road Noticeboard Please avoid making contact with the river bed to help Angling Centre, 63 Station Road, Taunton. Tel: 01823 282 518 Fishing allowed (children) B Road FB Footbridge protect important wildlife No fishing (private fishery) Minor road / track Parking habitats. Take extra care not to Porlock Visitor Centre, West End, High Street, Porlock. Tel : 01643 863150 Woodland Footpath disturb fish and river gravel The National Trust, , Lynmouth. Tel: 01598 752648 during March when salmon and trout are laying their eggs in gravel in the shallow, fast flowing parts of the river. It is an offence under the Salmon & Freshwater Fisheries Act 1975 to More copies of this leaflet can be downloaded from www.nationaltrust.org.uk/watersmeet wilfully disturb these fish spawning areas.

Printed on waterproof paper Please report any incidents relating to pollution, illegal fishing or flood risk to the Environment Agency on 0800 807060 (free 24 hour incident hotline) or sightings of wildlife or litter pollution to National Trust wardens/rangers on 01598 763306. Canoeing arrangements detailed overleaf