News Release

For More Information: Kalle Raita, CEO, drawElements Ltd. [email protected] Phone: +358 40 723 1441

drawElements Quality Program Adds OpenCL Support

HELSINKI, Finland – June 4th, 2012 – drawElements Ltd. launches OpenCL test module to broaden the coverage of the drawElements Quality Program – a complete solution for measuring and improving GPU quality. The OpenCL module helps driver developers to resolve bugs and analyze performance characteristics of the system. OpenCL users will be able to design algorithms to match the performance profile of the target compute device as well as predict potential pitfalls created by the bugs. drawElements Quality Program (dEQP) is a powerful toolkit sold with annual license. The program consists of a graphical and a large set of tests already supporting Khronos developed graphics , OpenGL ES and EGL. In similar fashion as the previous modules, the OpenCL module tests various aspects of the GPU and the driver. The results show strengths and weaknesses of the platform in terms of correctness, stability, and performance.

“As a world leader in processing solutions for and tablets, has developed a new family of Snapdragon™ processors that will provide superior compute performance, enabling new and compelling OpenCL applications to be developed for upcoming mobile devices built with the Snapdragon S4 class of processors,” said Chris Kolb, director of graphics software development at Qualcomm. “The drawElements Quality Program has been an important piece of Qualcomm's verification suite for OpenCL and is helping us bring our OpenCL solutions to market."

“We are expanding our GPU analysis tools in a natural direction – GPU-based computation. An ecosystem with predictable, reliable platforms fosters innovative applications. We, at drawElements, are looking forward to seeing the wonders the maturing OpenCL ecosystem will astonish us with. ” said Kalle Raita, the CEO of the drawElements Ltd.

© drawElements Ltd. www.drawelements.com [email protected] 2

About drawElements drawElements is a software expert company focused on technologies for the embedded space. Our main product is the drawElements Quality Program, a benchmarking system for measuring the quality of GPUs and their drivers. Our crew has also been working on related technologies such as run-time optimized blitters, OpenGL ES 2.0 drivers and software rasterizers. drawElements is based out of Helsinki, Finland.

Further information can be found from http://www.drawelements.com.

### Khronos, OpenKODE, WebGL, OpenVG, OpenSL ES and OpenMAX are trademarks of the Inc. OpenCL is a trademark of Apple Inc., COLLADA is a trademark of Computer Entertainment Inc. and OpenGL is a registered trademark and the OpenGL ES and OpenGL SC logos are trademarks of International used under license by Khronos. All other product names, trademarks, and/or company names are used solely for identification and belong to their respective owners.

© drawElements Ltd. www.drawelements.com [email protected]