Police Continue Huflt for Rape Suspect
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I. Ig; L!b J nlMOtVE - - a I b I . , I p r I- 0 S .\ I2:° men Balk Rute rEi fI U.S. Posiaga 05 1111ff PUgLICtlggggy PA I D fofo 04fTOSr, Bugle News SO CENTS 1111fr IL 60714 PERCOPY 7459 WAUKECAN SD, NLES, IL 60714 -THURSDAY, MAY 25, 2005 VOL, 43, NO. 45 : Area police departments on alert; Niles Water Attacks occurred in Nues, Morton Grove, Mt. Prospect From the Rate Increase Ifficetiva Jattet .2000, Iba malar talo for Nitos cus rentar s Léft willi canoa sa[narrt52.65per shoarard gallons te $296 par Police continue huflt Hand Iltoas:trd galbas, a ?- peecatrt by Bd Bosser Tha waler rute is adjoesad pa. riedicolly 5e alIsal i ncraaeas- te thu Cast ai pranidieg moloc to forrapesuspect w&ll be a the WhEe Eagli rar- Rtorat Friday nightt- Ike commonly. Carss lar cannel. equipmeal and capirai After a sa-rias ai home msa. kit-cas as, where a man wading tedinNiIs Polico Chict si(tnu rasultieg in the tapa of a Police seek suspect Ray Ciovancilis retirement peajects incrarse arch year. und Ihn saspacts description idosii- Nibs cuemac and Ilse altewplod fiad Imimsalfue u police officer parry. The 58-year-old chief rho pniar Wa tuera 5e (neI ir June 1999) wns insufficient sa apaeata ce000l onsoals nf mamen ie Ska- lin ose casa showing u badgr) wee taken ill e couple of yearn kin end Mt. Prospoci earlian this aed errare d she komos br,sndisk- age bal kas bounced back she oyaIent. Tina new rase is celcaissad to mscaath, Hilas Palico raid that ea ing a gas. wall. Ide has been amambee al provide Operatic grcacauas-. bus recae t incidents have been ra. The Skakie woman wos pis- thu department fer 35 years no ptarst, lar tisa Watansyatam. parlad. Iat.sslmlppod und handcuffed, Tha loar roparted ullack oc. and her female hnueakeeper tied V/b reparted three meeths Continenti es. Pege 46 cucad oo Muy I I 1h mbenaman up, balata rho eunyccl ransacked 0go 5sy Iselped croase NOR- identifying himenolfos o cencas. Ihoisomo. Following a brief TAP. en inser-nillagelcity rack Oasis Waterpark worimat forcibly antarad Iba vtraggtJ with the hameomnar, t, force which cambices savanal upaetmeous uf o maman in-Mar. ha suspect fled Ihr scene. Tho pelica forcas to open Memorial r.ci5hboring sea GravaAfter a straggle, the aciduns oacuac-d au May 5. which issarstigole major sah- Day Weekend wemaa asunagod ta encape un- Ora sneak earlier, he Mt. Niirs Park Dielrics is gestiag huevad. bum the suspect in still at Prospect maman aIse managed Arno polu;dr;amntonln aro large nem'ssmng I tteabovesospe at in tire randy ta open its puai fur Ike t oescape the suspact's grasp - Whjle Chini Rey also The .nuepa et is bIiovcd by whab ka began polling ut bar recen t hams, bre&s.ios intire craareda veryeaccese lui smug 2000 season. Oasis Walerpark. suburban pmrlica to he mho sama dances Ha promptly Sad mho ates. He fa denc,Ibed na s omeak 7877 N. Milwaukee Aaaaae. mama, ponnlblprest tali,cargO- program, PRIDE., which atan who pusad as a polica otO- ocean, t easing the woman us- mas ased in combatting drug mdi opera Momarial Wackand lmrg op ta tOO paostda. IMay 27. 211. aed 29), IcoLard cur is Ilma Mm; Peospeal und Ska. Cautinaed un Page 46 - pcabloms. - Pol, 8d35 Ballard Read will Durieg ays I Iyears e Opas 5ko following weekood. Hiles Park Dissriclisvary Nues Park District Honors 2-Time Coetloned oc Puge 46 proud to on000nca heir ascol- lees uquasic safely ecaord. Ali Olympic Skater, David Santee lifeguards ore rained by ko EI- lis& AssuçiaiesLifngaard Trainieg Program. a comprohee- sloe course Ihot mondales pro- - fassieealism os well as technical copnrliso. Dudng she swimming Coaiimrnntl arm Page 46 Leak discovered at Morton Grove pool by Clsrintine Caplingep The good cmos is thai Siate Senator Walter Dudyca will heie MG Community atrendoncofarIba grandre- Directory apeeiog al Oriote Puoi on Salue- Pages 21-28 day, Jure 3, 20gO, frate I t ant. la 2 noon. The bud rowe is that 0e Friday, May g,000 Noten Rath Dlalflci koanred 2-lime Olpuipian, David Saeteo. Santee, who Mouao Grano Park Diasricl witi ìe preaontiy iba Gagerai Meager g! tito lcci.aod Arosa, waa recognized for hin colrlriboljge.lo lite Home Section have to repair a leakage preblem Rhalinfi eamrrruailp e! aver 5 yeam, Sartlee competed in lime 1976 and -1980 WinIer Olympien aed belote lhepool opens far tise nom- Rniohed2nd ¡g the World Cimampiensfripo in 5982 io RegS Hamiltoe. l0/n are pmgd Io bane David ge Pages 32-34 mer. The leakage wan discuocred ear aiaff,Executive Directe, Jgseph LoVes'de noW. Ha ¡e a luje profesnioeal agd a rule model fas' whats iba pool was lslled May 10, got' young athletes.Sagtee, becoming lite aecond alhlete io be hnngs'ed al Nl/ea Park Oiairicl Ice. Classified - rod tested Map t I la SOC how he Lund litio year, leSawieg Chicago gtack,mrawkoref, EddIe Olczyh. Pages 40-44 tsewrqsdporeet will perform. The Piclmarod from lait te dghts Cgmmie.aioner Chorlas ßurhuglig; Commlaolgner BIll Terplrmao; IceLand Cnm.tiaarml on l'age 46 Maemugarbavid Sedee; Vige President Elaine Heinen; Cemmluaiaoer Wail Bannen. .TllE BUGLE, TIWRSDAY;MdSY25;ta50..... ,, Pulle;3 -p;to;2 TIIEßUGL,'flflJltSfl)tY, MAY 252OOO' 'Serving the public' Handgun safety locks available Dedication ceremony for PioneerPark ir atm elmor) ho prenest a fulare psocaatiOrn: Brgionirg Jane Ist the Hites t.Shore your weupan en. Police will once again slush its )rtgedy. TIra ieskn being finco Letter to the Editors away are Master Guard Trigger cocked, unloaded and lackad, Handgun Sefely campaign by 2. Knep the key for the lOgger gixieg OUI handgun safety cubs lecks; ihmqualily eafetp dasisa will BI any handgux and most ni- lock wilts yea er in a sedare te- lles and shetgaon. eimtios nut of roach cf Ilse ehil- 'Keep Memorial Day for what Miles srsideotu will hr able ro remI. Memorial Day pick ap rho locks ateshieg Iseo i bloke timo weapon and um- it was originally intendedt Ceremony between 9 am. end 5 p.m. deity mnuimihicx in aepirrate lacahion. , at the Hiles Police Dopt. locatod 4. Toauh your ehiidrer rol Io DoerdiIor: read: "Happy Memorial Day." o! 7200 N. Milwaukee Ave, Tire Inuult any firearm withoul ihr di- This Memorial Day, our aouo- While lisis in000ro! form of en- A briaf eeroruooy will br held pression Won danignad to coil o!- onMemri4eiDay, Macday, May roquinainretufoeahtainin13a roc) sapetsision 5f ao udeil, try ir blamed by nao- S. Rasend Ihr sedal number of involvemrnL in declared coo- irolion to ihn doy, it won aboi 29, 2000r al .10 mm,. by Nilas leek are you muni br a Hilas rea- ideet ponsenning a solid Illinois tirofiratorniothe aseasIhr filets allirough orany of car mili- e'anty misdirected, VpW Pass #7712, iii boson of the There istitileio he happy War Vainrsnn, at the Nilon Vasa- Daiseo Lieoese an Idenlifreahico waapon should get lent on 5101m, tory cooliouc 10 CarVe as peace- card. There in a limit ef 2 lacks 6. Nesor heap your wrupon keepers in dislara Iroable spots shout an this er subnaqseei Me- sens Memaniel Wrterfolt hoceted mariol Days. If ciharasine, the al Ihn seuthwnst earner of Mil- por trousahaid, where ir is "Roedily Arcesuiblo" thrcaghoat the world. Tise doc- like enden pour pillow, rho mot- gers hey foco ace real cod unfor- remains af retoroad misuissg-in- wuukrn and Toehy Anenane, Nilsn Police are xmo racam- mended that e timamm awsar trous or on Ihn nightsmand bolide giviirg_ de tract! 0gto loss from adios Veterans would be greeted Hiles. The publie in welcome sa followingadditicoal rho bed. she original cod true iosporlancc wilit the song, "Happy Days Ara ahtend. lakeihr of Memorial Day - to coolmem- Here Agaio" aod exclamations orate liresuprcmcsacrifices of joy instead of a colar gaard, made bysons, daughters,fc- somber ntiiilary aedpatriotic touxic oioog with tracs of sud- NORBERT POOLS thera, moihers, oncles, and aunts in recenwars aod military oc- cesa, Make no mistaka readers, ihr Ireedarns we aojoy today an ANNUAL TENT SALE Unfortunately, there aro many a saneo ware paid mint the toen Ceromoey fer Pioneer Park, 7h35 N. Her- Maioe Towoohip Ssperviaor Mark Thompeen (nfaediog) of if' or tite phyoieel and meo- 0e Map 6, 2000, Nilaa Path Dintrict bald a Dedication who stili seo this doy os a mneh- Eaecutire Direcior Joseph LoVerdo aatd. showed that elected officia)s really do 'heme" the public ache end tie-is te signify rho fsrni hal- tal acts iecarred by conrbatuotu lam. Thn park ¡a a woederiui addition io Iba casemueity " "A opache) thanks io the Village o! Niiou for tire completionel the traffic ergoal which providee addr' aer,tea op freoh coffee for two gueule ei the aonoal LIone Glob .Co/èman GUARANTEED iday of nummer. Neighborhood on bat 'afiolds marked by decae- Pancake Broak!aniheldafMaioa WentHigh Scheel oe Aprilllfls, talion ! 'rd death. Patients io VA tians) protoc)ieo far everyooe Who uoee nor parla. LOWEST cì;ïk communilien and cities hat ear- Now yose con rarI Funtitare Cernsranp doct celebratory parader or thin honpito t can ottesl to this caen- Pioneer Park flan ao bR-Irala mini-ge)! coarae, baiting cagea,walkieg path, piapgraood, cocees- Enjoying tise coffee are Dee Pirole (left), e Doe Flamed reeidenb PRICES occasion fonlrr this irroverence alone, ball fields and field houue, Formare detallo ca))Nifes Papk. Dishohcf Howard Laboro Cachar al aedCharlahhoBrawo ofAdiogfon H)ghts, FURNITURE by allowing domen, holen twirl- t sep and ramowbar fuie- (847) 967-6633 or Pioneer Parh al (847) g47-9092 after5 p.m.