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-■ ■- ■ rfQ THE WEATHER iNET PRESS RUN! roreemst br V. 8. Weather Boreas. ! AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION Net* Haves OB' THE EVENING HERALD for the month of May, 1927 Warmer today; Cloudy on Sun 4,995 anrhEBtfr Ettpmttg i^trali day. MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JUNE 25, 1927. (TEN PAGES' PRICE THREE CENTS VOL. X U ., NO. 228. Classified AdTertlslng on page 8 ('nUU. Cl Mil’ ARBITRATION Kahn Comes Home Well, Well, Even The Dogs Here, Kiwanians CHINESE W AR fURlTAlN ON VERGE Here is a new Another promi Figh t At School Meeting picture of Henry .o---- C. Heinz, busi SCENE SH inS IS SEEN ON nent spring voy ness executive ager abroad to OF PARLEY VICTORY and civic leader come home re Some school districts in Manches-<*>fast sparring and growling in the of Atlanta, Ga., TO THE NORTH cently to New schoolhouse, the two principals roll and new presi WAGOTUTE ter have gained the reputation of dent of Kiwanis York was Otto ed outside, and each managed to ob being scrappy and full of fight at tain a jaw-hold on the other. The Internatio n a 1 . Her Proposal at Arms Cut H. Kahn, banker their respective meetings, but what fight then resolved Itself into a con Banks, insurance ESKIMO PROGRAMS and patron of was probably the most spectacular test to see which dog could pull the reality and ware- U. S. Has Now Nearly 4,000 Conference on Capital Much Local Interest in Spec-, art and music. fight of the year, eclipsing even the other's head off. houses are His return on famous Manning-Loomis tourna .Masters Interfere. among his inter Soldiers at Peking— Fear TO GO OVER RADIO ulating How Connecticut' the S. S. Majestic ment in the Fifth, and the Buckley- Right here, however, their mas ests. Ships Will Be Discussed; ended several Jenseu affair at the Green, took ters intervened, and by consider Henrj- C. Heinz months spent place at the annual meeting of the able effort and maneuvering around That the City Will Soon Be Co. Will Answer Carmen’s! touring Europe. ! First School District in Oakland on succeeded in pulling the fighters Donald McMillan Plans To Gibson Waiting For Fur I Kahn Thursday evening. apart. "Tige” came out slightly The meeting promised to be e.x- better off, as “ Jack” hung on so WIVES OF AVIATORS Evacuated- Request For Increase, Iceedingly tame and without e.xcite- hard that, he lost two teeth. Thus Erect Broadcasting Sta ther Instructions From ment, but hardly had it gained it is seen that the matter of con solidation Is yet to be settled. RECORD GATHERING headway under the guidance of ARE N0T_W0RRYING Peking, June 25.— One hundred Washington. Arbitration of the wage dispute William McNall, when the proceed The remainder of the meeting tion In Far North. ings were violently interrupted by was peaceful and orderly. The re United States marines arrived here' ■which has arisen between members BIDS CURATE ADIEU as pretty a sta'nd-up and knock- ports of the officers ■were read and T m Used to My Husband today increasing the strength ofl of tlie Trolleymens’ Union and the I down dog fight as one might care accepted without comment. The the American legation guard to 430 j Wiscassett, Me.. June 25.— Eski- Geneva. June 23.— Great Britain Connecticut Company meets with I to see. The participants were officers for the coming year were appears to be on the verge of se ' Walter Shipman's "Tige," breed un- elected as follows: Committee, Wal men— the largest in Peking. : mo musical compositions and In- general favor here, local trolleymen Taking Chances,” Calmly curing at least a partial victory in I certain, and Francis . Wetherell’s ter Shipman, Georgia M. Shipman I Carrying 1,000 marines with an| clian folk lore, broadcast from tlie and members of the Union sa.\'. The St. Mary’s Biggest Congre I Airedale "Jack" both of whom hap- and Sherwood G. Bowers; clerk I aviation unit, the United States! northern regions of Labrador, will the Tri-Partite conference here, by Irolle.'men feared that the Connec I pened to wander into the school- and treasurer, Sherwood G. Bowers; Says Mrs. Acosta. I transport Chaumont left Shanghai | enchantment of the di winning a discussion on the ques ticut Company would not arbitrate, ! house at the same time. It seems collector, Francis P. Wetherell. today and ! ■^'ersified radio programs of the tion of capital ships. but the decision of the directors to gation Gives Farewell to that “ Jack" favors consolidation of Xo School Tax. in about three days. This will bring' coming winter, according to plans the First School District with the It was voted to lay no tax, as the While Great Britain has refused .‘^ubiiiit the riuestion to a committee! Roosevelt Field, Mineola, N. Y..'the American defense force i of Donald B. McMillan, famous Eighth District, while "Tige" ‘s indebtedness of the district has not I June 25.— “ I’m used to my husband! north up to 3,000 marines and 800 | explore’- and his scientific to witlulraw her proposals for tha wii.s made la.st night. I Rev. David Kelly. firmly convinced that what was yet reached the point where it is ' taking‘ chances and “I’m not at all..i | infantrymen.- , , ------ ; expedition, which sailed from this reduction of capital ship tonnage, In Connecticut witli the argu-j _______ ' good enough for his father is good I practical to pay it off. There has apprehensive about this fliglU. i Mny Leave City j (-oday. the United States and Japan have 1 both declared these sug.gestions to ment the Connecticut Company last j enough for him, and that the First | been no school tax in the First Dis- across the Atlantic.” I Chang Tso Lin's military forces | To Erect Station District can well take care of itself, i trict since 1903. be outside the scope of the present niclit released to all ncwspaiiei'S i That Re^. Da\id Kcll>, curate o. i j This expression from Mrs. Beitjare showing activity of a sort that; a broadcastinp station, the farth- 'Anyhow, when thj two arch-oppon-j Necessary repairs to the school I Acosta, in an interview today, is 1 leads to renewed rumors of possi- world will be conference. the following s-atement: i Episconal church for the However. Hugh Gibson, chief I ents spied each other, the matter j property and money to pay for typical of the calm attitude of the i ble evacuation, although all state-1 erected by the party and it is plan “ Thr Connecticut Co., has foriPa-Sg ■winter and springy has made American delegate, made a state had to be settled right tlien. The them were voted, and following a wives of members of the Byrd e.x-] ments issued from the generalissl- ned to have the Indians and Eski- ''overal weeks been meeting with a I 3- host of warm friends during his I fight was staged on catch-as-catch-! few miscellaneous remarks, the pedltion who are impatiently wait-i mo's headquarters and by Pan^ Fu,; gygj. jj ment to the press today, indicating eommittee repr'^senting certain of | stay in Manchester, ■was demon- 'can rules. After some lightning-1 meeting adjourned. ing to take off for Paris in the the new premier, deeJare that North: station will be at that the capital sliip proposals of Ihe emiiloyees. Tlie qiiestinns dis-j— giant three-motored monoplane, China will continue its fight against i near the Indian village of Great Britain ■would be discussed in cussed were requests of the men the Southerners. the present conference. for increased ^^agps and changes in America. Nain, headquarters for the expedi Mrs. Acosta, a small, dark-eyed Militarv cars are making recon- tion which is sponsored by the Malting Instructions the working condifior.':. The mat HOP TO HONOLULU naissances along the Peking-Tien-j Museum of Chicago. The ex- “No one -wants to deny Great ters most stroii'-'ly urged by the HEIR TO MILLIONS woman, the mother of two boys, ------, — , ----- . ------- -- . Tsin railroad and landing places, is known as tlie Rawson- Britain the right to discuss capital committee were v,-ages and the Bert, Jr., four years old, and Allyn Lee, three years old, told Interna- for aeroplanes are being projected | McMillan Field Museum expedition. ships here," said Gibson. “ Ho-w far cicht liour day foi all employees. tional News Service she certainly outside the city walls. ' Auxiliary schooner “ Bowdoin” we Americans will discuss capilai "The comiian\- told the commit IS NEXT BIG RACE IS KILLED BY FALL ships or ■whether we will only stat-^ tee that the revenues of the com did not regard the forthcoming 1. S. Informed | figging schooner “ Radio” lad- flight to Paris as the most danger The increase in the stiength ofj with supplies left here today un- our position remains to be seen. pany had fallen off over one hun "The British proposals have been dred thou.sand dollars for the first ous adventure her strapping, black- tlie American military guard leads command of McMillan, with halred iiusband has participated in. to some conjecture and there are, auspicious farewell ceremonies, referred to Washington and we five months this vear as compared are awaiting instructions." with the same period last year and Army, Navy and Civilian|HisCompanion, Also Wealthy Tests More Dangerous some who believe that the 'United cabin cruiser “ Seeko” to be “Why, I think the work he has States legation has information of^ used in exploring bays of Labrador Gibson’s statement immediateiy that it does not want to ask for an led to rumors that a private agree increase in fares unless absoIutel>' been doing all along, making test a possible evacuation.