12 MAY - 28 MAY 2017 VOL 34 - ISSUE 10

to Mum, with love

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Living Legends 4

About the Budget 8

As We Were 10

I have mentioned on a couple of occasions, heading out to the country to visit my grandparents. I History 11 spent a lot of time out at the farm when I was younger. This was a letter written by my ‘Pa’ when one of their daughters was married. Happy Mother’s day Nan. Local Politician Say 12 Dedicated to my beautiful wife At times a command she would utter, one he knew must be obeyed, The Hills And Beyond 13 when she said, “Man you be home “THE MOTHER OF FOUR” early or else.” So off to the tractor, Community Groups 14 It was here at this very place a long time ago that a when the sun was still high, and home young man and his bride to be knelt at the steps of to the five, or was it forty-five. Puzzles & Answers 15 this altar, right where their daughter knelt today. Little children with party hats on, There they exchanged the vows that they knew mouths full of lollies and things, Classifieds 30 they would keep as the priest gave his blessing. running everywhere with their screams The Groom gazed at her beauty with love in his of delight, it was good to see how they Trades & Services 31 heart, his mind never pondered that one day she loved the freedom of the bush. After could be the Mother of four. the candle smoke had cleared, then it overfed, one day she remarked, “You know, soon Back on the farm shoulder to shoulder they was home with the lot, load after load. it will be just you and me, three cats and the dog, toiled. Their days were long and they worked hard. Fourteen into one Valiant will go, I know, but no then you won’t come last,” laughed the mother They comforted each other on the loss of both more. of four. mothers so young. Through droughts and one When sleeping little heads on pillow lay, they sat When the last had left the nest, she announces, flood they survived. Their needs were small, but close by the fires warm glow. They talked about “It’s Tech courses I’ll tackle.” their joy was enormous when at last she really was this day and their dreams of tomorrow, with her But alas, the memory has waned, so the study the mother of four. head on his shoulder it was not long before little is hard, and writing of notes long. But her will is Like a mother hen she cradled and nourished snores of sleep would creep up from the mother so strong, and when good test results obtained them in an old house that sparkled with of four. there was a shout of joy, “I am much brighter cleanliness. She worked so hard to make it a One of the wonders this woman has to be how than I thought,” cried his mother of four. With Home. For relaxation it was off to golf with the she could sleep so peacefully, yet hear every toss of confidence high, it’s teaching the disabled she four, with two in a pram and two close by, home a child, or the unlatching of a door by a husband goes. after a round of nine. Tired and exhausted, she sat coming home late. With lessons well prepared they soon know her down and retorted, “There will definitely be no as a warm hearted woman. What a delight it is. more!” cried the mother of four. One day she announces, while all were in attendance “It is painting I shall do”. We all agreed, When they see her it is with shouts of joy and With the fourth on the floor and walking what a great idea – “Start at the back, around the hugs of warmth, this is how they greet this mother about, noise levels rose, but the wooden spoon front of the house then on to the fence”. With a of four. on tails silence achieved, but all wooden spoons look only she could give, off she goes, soon back disappeared. When rowdiness returned wooden As this writer sits and ponders, as he often does from town with oils and brushes and things on to in his search for words, his greatest wish is that coat hangers came out, order restored, and once canvas went many scenes. more there was a smile on the face of this mother the mind would learn what the heart already of four. As if by magic pictures appeared of landscapes, knows, then this pen would write and tell the trees and places she has seen whole world how great it is the love that this man over the years. Now they are has for the mother of four. in frames hanging on walls Fate must play its hand and the time will come here and many other places for this life to end but I know when this woman – all signed by the mother knocks on Heaven’s door the Lord will say, “Enter, of four. pure-hearted woman, your deeds have been great, At China Plate Painting you preformed all your tasks, you have lived true she is now going so well and straight, you have cared for Mine, and you they’ve even made her have cared for your own, the rewards here are President. plenty for this mother of four.” So, once a week the plates It is hoped that in some distant time, when all get painted and jokes get memory has lapsed, someone will come across told, and the one who these lines and read with joy and be proud to tell listens and laughs is the that they are akin to this mother of four. mother of four. Well, the time has come, for these phrases to Every time one of her end and they have been a labour of love from brood left her nest we beginning to end, one I hope will be appreciated noted that their place at by the mother of four. the table for a little while was always set, and we were By the Father of Four Hills to Hawkesbury Living • May 12, 2017 • 3 June 6 2014:H-H 2011 5/06/2014 11:15 PM Page 7 June 6 2014:H-H 2011 5/06/2014 11:15 PM Page 7

You may be surprised to learn, for instance, that research shows beet greens may: You may be surprised to learn, for instance, that research shows• Help beet ward greens off osteoporosis may: by boosting bone strength •• Help Fight ward Alzheimer's off osteoporosis disease by boosting bone strength PLANT A PLANT FOR MUM •• Fight Strengthen Alzheimer's your immunedisease system by stimulating the Mayor of The Hills Shire, legacy for their mother, they will production of antibodies and white blood cells Councillor Yvonne Keane is inviting continue to enrich one of The Hills’ • Strengthen your immune system by stimulating the If you've never tried beet greens before, don't let them children of all ages to celebrate their favourite parks,” Mayor Keane added. production of antibodies and white blood cells mum or a maternal figure in their intimidate you. They can be added raw to vegetable juice To add to the day’s events, there If you've never tried beet greens before, don't let them lives by planting a native plant in or sautéed lightly right along with other greens like will be a barbecue breakfast and intimidate you. They can be added raw to vegetable juice their honour. spinach and Swiss chard. attendees can explore the historical or sautéed lightly right along with other greens like Mayor Keane said The Hills Shire Try This Healing Recipe for Russian Beet Soup (Borscht) public space, which is one of the spinach and Swiss chard. Council’s Plants for Mum event is earliest Government Farm sites in TryThere This are Healing many Recipeways to for enjoy Russian beets: Beet Soup (Borscht) a wonderful initiative that allows . residents to plant a native plant There• Grate are many them waysraw over to enjoy salads beets: Plants for Mum is a free event and is with their mother, grandmother • Add them to your fresh vegetable juice open to all residents from 9am to 11am. • Grate them raw over salads or guardian, or in their memory at •• Add Lightly them steam to your them fresh vegetable juice Heritage Park on Sunday 21 May. Equipment is supplied on the •• Lightly Marinate steam them them with lemon juice, herbs, and olive oil “This is a great opportunity to come day. However, participants are encouraged to wear trousers, a hat, For• Marinate an even morethem intense with lemon flavor, juice, try Borscht, herbs, and or beet olive soup, oil along and plant a commemorative which is a traditional Russian dish. This particular recipe plant with your mother or pay tribute long-sleeve shirt and closed-in shoes. For an even more intense flavor, try Borscht, or beet soup, below, from Dirt Doctor, also includes homemade broth, to her memory in a beautiful park Bookings are essential and need to which is a traditional Russian dish. This particular recipe making it particularly nourishing and healing. that you can visit with your family for be made before May 19. below, from Dirt Doctor, also includes homemade broth, years to come,” Mayor Keane said. making it particularly nourishing and healing. To RSVP your place, email “Not only will participants have [email protected] or call the opportunity to plant a growing (02) 9843 0108.

RETIRE IN STYLE TO NORTH RICHMOND HAWKESBURY FACES Retire in style to North Richmond Mary grew up in STAGEConstruction 3 nowENQUIRIES occupied on Stage WELCOME I 3 leftground at $450,000 floor a vibrant social and Please3 bedroom phoneReady for villas anto appointmentoccupy has commenced. now to inspect. cultural atmosphere where there would This isSTAGE a retirement Deposits4 Awaiting community being Council for taken. over approval 55s. always be activities and Stage 5 isPriced well underway,Enquiries at $440,000 with Welcome a and completion $450,000 date gatherings with visitors, Please PhoneEnquiries for an appointment welcome to inspect including the Rouse, expected by the end of July this year. Featuring Cape, McQuade and 6 Thistwo bedroom is a retirement two bathroom communityluxury units in fora 2 storeyover Town families from all apartment55s featuring block with 3 bedroom lift access groundand ducted floor air- villas over NSW. When she Borscht Ingredients: conditioning. There will be an undercover walkway to was 25, Mary married • 4 cup of organic, homemade beef stock with garage, ducted air conditioning, George Scarvell from Borscht Ingredients: undercover allocated car spaces nearby. Clare House, and they • 1 tablespoon butter private courtyard garden. • 4 cup of organic, homemade beef stock • Affordable costs had several children •• 1 3 tablespoon or 4 medium butter size beets – thinly sliced • Affordable costs but she was widowed • Walk to shops, health practitioners and bus stop after five years. A •• 3 1 or onion 4 medium – thinly size sliced beets – thinly sliced • Walk to shops, Health practitioners • 1 cup of shredded red cabbage number of years later, • 1 onion – thinly sliced • Nearby and scenic bus walksstop along the Hawkesbury River Mary met and married •• 1 1/8 cup cup of shreddedminced parsley red cabbage foreshore John Valentine Stuart • 1 tablespoon Sherry (optional) • Nearby scenic walks along the Blomfield and four • 1/8 cup minced parsley • 8km from Hawkesbury Hospital • Lemon juice – 1 tablespoon Hawkesbury River foreshore children were born. • 1 tablespoon Sherry (optional) The couple remained in • Salt and pepper • Security gated property • Lemon juice – 1 tablespoon • 8km from Hawkesbury Hospital the Hawkesbury until •• Salt Sour and Cream pepper (optional) • Vital• SecurityCall in every gated home property the early 1890s when they relocated to the Instructions:• Sour Cream (optional) • Spacious• Vital Community Call in every Centre villa Southern Highlands. Instructions:• Over medium low heat, melt butter in a medium size soup pot. Mary continued to take • Over medium low heat, melt butter in a medium size A selection of 19th century an interest in the community and • Add onions and beets and cook until soft – about 7 or soup pot. photographs called Hawkesbury died in her 85th year in Moss Vale in 8 minutes. • Add onions and beets and cook until soft – about 7 or Faces, from the albums of Mary 1931. • Add a dash of salt and pepper. Stir in broth. Anne Amelia Stewart, is currently 8 minutes. Her wonderful collection, which • Simmer for about 20 minutes. Then add fresh on display at Hawkesbury Central included poems, letters, invitations, • Add a dash of salt and pepper. Stir in broth. cabbage, parsley, nutmeg, and sherry. Simmer for a Library until 25 June, during opening plus photographs of residents hours. • Simmercouple minutesfor about more, 20 minutes. season Then with additionaladd fresh salt and of the Hawkesbury and family cabbage,pepper, serve, parsley, and nutmeg, enjoy. and sherry. Simmer for a Born in Windsor in 1846, Mary acquaintances, remained in the couple minutes more, season with additional salt and was the only daughter of Dr William family. Now the collection has • Add a dollop of sour cream if you like. pepper, serve, and enjoy. Farquharson Stewart and Elizabeth been scanned, courtesy of Mary’s • Add a dollop of sour cream if you like. Durham. Dr Stewart had migrated descendant, Mrs Foster. Dr Mercola is the founder of the world’s most visited natural health web site, from Scotland and was the first A free curator’s talk will be held Mercola.com. Phone Patricia salaried doctor at Windsor Hospital. on Wednesday, 24 May at 10am Dr Mercola is the founder of the world’s most visited natural health web site, Phone Patricia General Advice Disclaimer: This article has been prepared on a general Her father died when she was just about the collection and some of the Mercola.com. 34 Beaumont Avenue North Richmond 2754 advice basis only. The information may not be appropriate to your individual 34 Beaumont Avenue North Richmond 2754 a baby and her mother married for people featured in the display of 19th Generalneeds andAdvice you Disclaimer:should always This seek article advice has from been your prepared medical on practitioner a general a second time, to George Gordon, Phone:Phone:Phone 45714571 45454545 Mobile:Mobile 0447 04470447 334 334334 615 615615 century Hawkesbury Faces. Go to advicebefore basis making only. any The decisions. information may not be appropriate to your individual Windsor’s Clerk of Petty Sessions in www.hawkesburylibrary.eventbrite. needs and you should always seek advice from your medical practitioner www.riverside-gardens.com.au 1858. com or call 4560 4460 to book. before making any decisions. www.riverside-gardens.com.auHills to Hawkesbury Living June 6 • 7 4 • Hills to Hawkesbury Living • May 12, 2017 Hills to Hawkesbury Living June 6 • 7 MEMORIES CHILDHOOD GAMES Skipping rope to a rhyme or NOW WHAT ABOUT YOUR bouncing balls on a wall to catch MEMORIES OR YOUR STORY? Some of our most endearing the ground and then try to pick each them again were popular amongst memories from our childhood one up in one hand with a swift grab You can write about childhood relate to the games we once played without dropping the others. the girls as were also doing cart memories of where you may have wheels, somersaults and handstands. in the school playground or with Remember the “Monkey Bars” grown up or moving into the area. friends in a park somewhere. Kids where you could hang upside down How many of you also used also Tell us about your school days. today with their computer games from your knees or swing from one pieces of asbestos (fibro) used as Where you worked, played or went and mobile phones generally don’t bar to another. Or perhaps the old markers on a chalked out “Hop on holidays; your first car; that first appreciate the fun we once had with wooden see-saw where you and a Scotch” grid on the playground or date, getting married or maybe the our simplistic although sometimes mate would be at either end and roadway? No asbestos worries in history of your family, group or dangerous games. bounce up and down. Sometimes those days. organisation in the district. This Some games came about due to someone may stand in the middle Then there was also the “Razzle page is about memories so tell us fashion or marketing campaigns. of the see-saw and apply pressure to Dazzle” also known by many other yours. Playing the old “Yo-yo” was very one side or the other. One minute names including “Merry-Go-Round” If you have some great memories, popular when Coca-Cola used it for you would be high in the sky and in many suburban parks. Kids would or perhaps you belong to a a marketing campaign. Kids would next you would come down with a spin it around getting it to go faster local community organisation learn the various moves or tricks such bang as you hit the ground. and faster and jump onto it or off it. and would like to share your as “Walking the Dog” or “Rocking the Another popular piece of Many kids suffered grazes or worst as organisation’s history or story Cradle” and many others. playground equipment would be they landed badly. Dizziness was a with us then feel free to share Who can forget the “Hula Hoop” the tall metal slides or slippery dips problem for a lot. When I ask people your memories or experiences by craze? The hoop would swing which after sitting in the sun on a now about those days they say they writing to 17 Rose St, Baulkham around your waist or your arm and hot summer’s day would just about were fun and they really enjoyed Hills, NSW, 2153 or email to sometimes fly off into the distance. bake your backsides as you slid down the razzle dazzle, monkey bars, ivorjones@hillstohawkesbury. It provided good exercise as well as the steep straight metal slide unless see-saws, tall metal slides or slippery com.au. fun. Another fun game was “The you were coming down head first on dips etc just as we also enjoyed You can also share memories on Limbo” popularised by Chubby your stomach. neighbourhood or family fireworks any of my Facebook memories Checker and the song “Limbo Rock”. The swings with the wooden seat and bonfires despite the many groups including Hills District “Jacks” was popular as a game to where you would work up to go injuries and mishaps that occurred. Memories at facebook.com/ test your dexterity. Having five pork as high as you could and then as it Don’t forget to contribute your groups/Hills.memories or knuckle bones (later you could buy would slow down you would jump memories and also any old photographs Hawkesbury Happenings & coloured plastic bones to play the off before it stopped were also great that you would like to see published in Memories at facebook.com/groups/ game) you would place the bones on fun for some. this magazine’s “as we were” section. Hawkesmemories. binet homes


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There were so many about Vida McLellan, a missionary problems, discouragements, nurse who served in Ethiopia disappointments, sadness, hurt and from 1955 – 1974. Vida grew up as always, so very much to do. It on a farm in the out-back of New was a time of terrible persecution. South Wales. In 1955, after nurses’ Evangelists and believers were training and Bible College, she arrested and ordered to deny their travelled to Ethiopia to serve in faith in Jesus. If they didn’t, they very remote and difficult areas in were severely beaten and put in southern Ethiopia. Vida, married prison under shocking conditions. Dick McLellan, while at language Many were put in chains and that school in 1955. For sixty years Vida caused terrible sores. Some died. has served alongside Dick both in They had to rely on family and Ethiopia and after their return to friends to bring food for them. Australia. Churches and houses were burned In 1960 after 5 years in Ethiopia down and their families treated Vida and Dick and their children badly. You would think things John and Jane sailed home to couldn’t get any worse, but they did. Australia by ship for a break and Despite these things the churches to tell their supporters of the work were increasing and many more and raise more funds for their work people believed in Jesus. Land Rover 4X4 purchased by supporters from Australia in Ethiopia. Whilst in Australia It was about this time that Baloti Vida gave birth to their second and her son Desta moved on to daughter, Mimi. This was a totally the compound to help me with different environment compared to the women’s work. I had first met giving birth in Ethiopia, for a start Baloti in 1956 on our way to Bako. it was clean. Through generous She and I became lifelong partners supporters the family were able to in crime. Baloti was a woman of raise enough funds to purchase a great faith. She knew the Gofa Land Rover 4X4 along with food, language so well that she could clothing, medical and building translate for me. We had a group equipment. of young women who came for After arriving back in Addis Ababa scripture classes and we taught we were busy for the next few weeks them sewing. They made skirts and getting our goods through customs tops by hand stitching with a back and hiring a truck to take them back stitch. They loved what they made to Bulki. Dick bought the new Land and got all dressed to have a photo Rover and went through all the usual taken. It was clear that there was a bureaucratic nightmare needed to great need for a women’s ministry get his Ethiopian licence. When all in Gofa. Then l had an idea. Back this was finished, we packed up our in Australia I had been asked to new vehicle and started on our way speak at two Women’s Conventions Our house at Bulki_ tin roofed to collect water, mud walls and ceiling back to Bulki over a very rough road. and this set me to thinking: ‘Why It was good to be in our own home not have a Women’s convention Dana Meja heard the good news slaves. Then he made provisions again. here on the mountains of Bulki?’ from a very ordinary man called for all his wives — I don’t know This next five year term at This would be a first in Ethiopia. Wandaro. Wandaro was different. how many wives he had — and Bulki would turn out to be a real There were many conferences for He was naïve, unassuming and kept only his first wife. He also men, but nothing for women. A totally guileless, but he was also freed all his slaves. When Baloti lot could go wrong. What if they bold and uninhibited. Dana Meja turned sixteen years of age she was Fergies Tree Works didn’t come? What if it all fell was used to people approaching married to another slave, Omocho, through? So many problems. The him in timidity and fear for he was who had also belonged to Dana fathers would have to stay at home a great man, a powerful chief who Meja. Baloti and Omocho believed and care for older children and owned a wide tract of land, the in the Lord Jesus. They made a vow the mother bring their babies with owner of many slaves, wives and that they would serve the Lord far them for two or three days. Would herds of cattle and sheep. Wandaro better than they ever served Dana they accept that? Dick talked to the was just a poorly clad stranger, Meja. They learned to read and elders and evangelists. They were but he said to the chief, “Someday study the Bible. happy with the idea. So we invited you will die. If you do not repent God gave them a little daughter an American missionary colleague and believe in Jesus Christ before whom they named Persis. Persis from Soddo, Selma Bergsten, who you die, you will go to Hell. You grew to be a beautiful little girl who knew the language well and did will burn in the Lake of Fire that was inseparable from her mother. women’s work in Woliatta to come never goes out.” Nobody, but She was a joy. One day, however, as the main speaker along with nobody, had ever spoken to the Persis became very sick. She was When you’re stuck between a rock Baloti. great chief, Dana Meja, in this taken to the SIM Hospital at Soddo, and a hard face, give us a call… Baloti had been born a slave. The way. ‘These words and Wandaro’s but no medicine could save her. She chief, Dana Meja, had many slaves, boldness made such an impression became worse and died. Baloti was 9653 3745 one of whom was Baloti. In fact she on the chief that he could not get expecting her second child at this • Tree removals • Tree pruning • Stump grinding wasn’t very important at all. Hardly Wandaro’s words out of his head. time and the loss of Persis was very • Hedging • Trimming even a person. She had less value Eventually he believed. Then he hard on her. than some of the cows that her went home and witnessed to his No job is TOO BIG or too small, we do it all! master owned. family. And, he witnessed to all his Continue on next issue 6 • Hills to Hawkesbury Living • May 12, 2017 COMMUNITY NEWS GALSTON VIEW CLUB the life of Eglantine, daughter Our club meets this month on SYDNEY WRITERS’ FESTIVAL @ The Galston VIEW Club which of the mysteriously prosperous the SPECIAL FIRST MONDAY HAWKESBURY LIBRARY raises money to support The Smith Mr Amberline Stark. When the of the month (due to public The Sydney Writers’ Festival Family’s Learning for Life program law catches up with him and holiday on 12th June) at 9.30am is an annual literary festival will hold its monthly luncheon Amberline is sent to the penal for 10.00am. Venue Galston Club which presents over 300 events, meeting on: colony of Australia, Eglantine has 21 Arcadia Road, Galston. Come attracting audiences of over WHEN: Wednesday 24th May, 2017 to grow up and fend for herself. along and bring your partner. 100,000 throughout Sydney at Dural Country Club at 11am. Join Sandra in a conversation Enjoy Friendship, Fellowship and and participating suburbs. It about love knots and cut ties, Fun. brings together writers from DETAILS: The guest speaker will old worlds and new beginnings, be Merinda Air -- W.I.R.E.S. NSW Contact Secretary Julie PO Box 822, various forms and backgrounds, and the importance of a taking a Wildlife, Rescue and Education Round Corner 2158 including the best contemporary chance. Service. Visitors are always welcome. novelists, writers of cutting-edge Free, no bookings. *** nonfiction, plus a range of popular WHEN: Wednesday 28th June, 2017 We have a special mini-precinct set personalities and international at Dural Country Club at 11am. FLOOD RISK MANAGEMENT guests. up at Parramatta Riverside Theatres DETAILS: The guest speaker will be STRATEGY LAUNCHED For the first time, Hawkesbury Gary Cook from The State Library for young adult fiction lovers called ‘ALL DAY YA’ on Saturday May 27. Infrastructure NSW launched Library Service will be participating of N.S.W. which has a history dating Resilient Valley, Resilient Communities in the Sydney Writers’ Festival, back to 1826 and is renowned for We also have ‘FAMILY DAY’ - the Hawkesbury-Nepean Valley Flood which will be held from Monday, its historical and contemporary on Sunday May 28 at Walsh Bay Risk Management Strategy last Friday, 22 to Sunday, 28 May 2017. The collections. Visitors are always featuring talks by kid’s books 3 May 2017 at Governor Phillip Park, Library is pleased to announce welcome. superstars Lauren Child and Andy Windsor. The Flood Strategy is a that Sandra Leigh Price will give Bookings Vivien 98941189. Griffiths, as well as a range of FREE comprehensive long term framework an author talk at the Library on programming, for families and kids *** for the NSW Government, Councils, Wednesday, 24 May from 6pm to under 12. businesses and the community to 7:30pm. Please be in touch to arrange. work together to reduce and manage Visit www.hawkesburylibrary. SANDRA LEIGH PRICE AT Contact Julie +61 (0) 450 115 252. the flood risk in the Hawkesbury- HAWKESBURY LIBRARY FOR THE eventbrite.com to book or call 4560 *** Nepean Valley. 4460. Copies of Sandra’s book will SYDNEY WRITERS’ FESTIVAL The Mayor of Hawkesbury, be available to purchase and to be May 24, 6:00pm-7:00pm Councillor Mary Lyons-Buckett has signed. Entry is $5 and includes Sandra Leigh Price’s glittering PROBUS CLUB OF ROUND CORNER welcomed the opportunity to be refreshments and will be held at and gritty (The River Sings) is set (DURAL) involved in the preparation of the Hawkesbury Central Library, 300 in 1825 in London and follows Monday 5th June 2017 Flood Strategy. George Street, Windsor.

Castle Hill Fortnightly Markets Women’s, Men’s and Children’s Clothes... House hold items, Books and lots more Devonshire Tea HeldHeld on on 25th 21st March May Over 30 Years Experience • 24 Hour Emergency Tree Services • Land Clearing FromFrom 9am9am to 3pm,3pm, • Protect your assets through 10/50 vegetation control & At Castle Hill Scout Hall reduction • Fire trail and Firebreak maintenance 1 Rowallan Avenue • Tree Removal / Tree pruning and Deadwood • All Crane work Castle Hill • Stump Grinding • Fully Insured All Welcome PO Box 3004, Maraylya NSW 2765 To book a stall please email 1800 445 600 [email protected] www.arbortreegroup.com.au | [email protected]

Hills to Hawkesbury Living • May 12, 2017 • 7 FINANCIAL ABOUT THE BUDGET By Sandra Dignam NEGATIVE GEARING from Every Loan From 1 July 2017 deductions for plant The following and equipment items briefly discusses such as washing proposals of the machines and ceiling 2017 Federal fans will only be Government allowed if the investor Budget and purchased them as such adoption depends on independently and the proposals being passed as not as part of the legislation. property purchase. Multiple deductions The focus here is on Home owners by successive investors and investors in property. buying the same FIRST HOME BUYERS property will not be allowed for these items. First Home Buyers will be able Existing investments to salary sacrifice $15,000 per year will be treated under from July 1st 2017 up to a maximum the existing rules and of $30,000, to deposit into their purchases after Budget Super Fund as savings toward a night will have the new Scott Morrison MP deposit for their first home. These rules applied. pre-tax deposits, as well as deemed in an area with much higher capital JOB CREATION From 1st July 2017 investors will earnings on the deposits will be growth. Increased Transport and taxed at 15%. not be able to claim tax deductions for travel expenses “related to This adds up to a large sum Infrastructure spending will These funds plus earnings on the inspecting, maintaining or collecting of money lost forever, not to create jobs which should help the funds can be withdrawn from 1st rent for a residential rental mention the emotional cost and economy. July 2018. On withdrawal, they will property”. upheaval of getting rid of loved be taxed at marginal tax rates, less a possessions and moving away EDUCATION FUNDING 30% offset. Negative Gearing implies you are planning to lose money on your from a familiar community and Education funding changes include Because of the better growth rate investment. There are ways to make family and friends. an additional $18.6 Billion in school of Superannuation Funds and the money in property without making A better solution in many cases funding over the next decade with concessional rate of tax, the overall a loss and relying on capital gain is to take a Reverse Mortgage up to 24 elite private and Catholic benefit could be as high as a 30% to make sense of the investment. where equity can be released from schools to lose some funding and increase in savings. Check with Sandra before buying a a home and used for any purpose an increase in university fees of 7.5% First Home Buyers still need a plan negatively geared property whatever i.e. expenses, health costs, travel with higher repayments on HECS to save outside this arrangement your income. and lifestyle, with no repayments loans. and should develop a relationship made until last owner passes or with a Finance or Mortgage Broker EMPTY HOUSES permanently moves into full time CHILD CARE FUNDING to help them establish a plan to get From 7.30pm on budget night care. Please call me on 9653 2034 if The Child Care Subsidy for families into their first home. I am more than 2017, foreign owners who make you want information or help with earning more than $185,710 in happy to help point you in the right a foreign investment application this option. 2017-18 will face an annual cap of direction. for residential property, will be $10,000 whereas families earning up charged an annual vacancy charge AFFORDABLE HOUSING to $185,710 in 2017-18 will not face for properties not occupied for six The Capital Gains Tax discount a cap. months each year. will increase from 50 per cent to 60 Payless per cent for qualifying affordable SOME IMPACTS OR ASSUMPTIONS $ PAINTING CONTRACTOR PTY LTD RETIREES housing provided to tenants on According to the Government Lic No: 264325C Lic No: 124588C Older Australians will be low to moderate incomes with rent the economy will expand by encouraged to downsize. From 1st charged below the private rental around 3% in the year to June 2018, Domestic - Commercial - July 2018 people aged 65 and older market rate, and managed through unemployment should remain Industrial will be able to make a non-taxed a registered community housing below 6%, inflation will increase to contribution of up to $300,000 to provider. The investment must be 2.25% in 2018, wages growth will their Superannuation after selling held for a minimum period of three progressively increase, commodity We Guarantee Your their home, in addition to any other years. prices to remain at around current Satisfaction contributions they are eligible to levels and dollar will BANK TAX Pensioner Discount - make. go slightly lower. I don’t believe in older Australians A tax on bank liabilities for banks All Suburbs selling their greatest asset and with greater than $100 billion of WIN downsizing unless that is what they liabilities is great news as the big If you would like a free e-book on Call for a free Quote really want to do. It is very expensive banks make such amazing profits “The 7 Steps to Mortgage Freedom Fully Insured to downsize. The costs include Real however, we all know ultimately and Wealth Through Property” email Estate Agents fees upward of 2.2% of either the shareholders including [email protected] and we will Call Alex: the sales price, plus Stamp Duty on Superannuation Funds and send you a link to download it. If you the new purchase, plus moving costs, Mortgage holders are the ones would like a hard copy of the book M. 0408 439 230 plus the opportunity cost of larger who will ultimately pay this tax in email name and phone details and Ph. 9899 5760 capital gains on a more expensive reduced dividends or increased fees you will go in the draw to win one of home which almost certainly will be and interest charges. 10 copies we are giving away. 8 • Hills to Hawkesbury Living • May 12, 2017 AUSSIE’S TRAINING SUCCESS SAFETY IMPROVEMENT WORK ON PUTTY ROAD AT COLO joined the team over two years ago. Mal had a background in the pump by Dominic Perrottet MP “Work is expected to take around industry and was easily able to slot Member for Hawkesbury eight shifts to complete and every into the company’s sales team. Member for Hawkesbury effort will be made to minimise the impact of noise on nearby “Working with a number of our key Dominic Perrottet has announced essential safety improvement work residents and businesses,” Mr customers in a demanding after- Perrottet said. market support role he impressed me will be carried out later this month with his commitment to service and on Putty Road at Colo. “For the safety of workers and positive attitude,” said Aussie Pumps Mr Perrottet said the NSW motorists, traffic control and lane Sales Manager Brad Farrugia. “With Government has allocated closures will be in place during our in-house training program he $115,000 to provide better work hours. has been able to develop his technical advanced warning and greater “Motorists should plan their knowledge and personal skills to a guidance for motorists driving journey, drive to the conditions and point that we’ve been able to promote around bends. follow the direction of all signs.” him into a leading sales role in our “Work will be carried out Roads and Maritime Services Aussie’s Mal Patel introduces new High Pressure Division,” he said. between Upper and Lower Colo thanks the community for its recruit Phoebe Sazzara to the Aussie Australian Pump is a leading Road to improve safety for road patience while work is carried out. pressure cleaner range. manufacturer and supplier of pumps users, particularly motorcyclists Temporary traffic changes will Employment is a two way and pressure cleaners for the rural and reduce the occurrence and continue to be in place to make partnership, with both the company and commercial markets. It runs out severity of crashes,” Mr Perrottet sure the work zone is safe. and employees continually of a 2 ½ hectare site in Norwest’s said. boutique industrial business park. Lane closures will be in place developing skills and knowledge. “Work will involve installing a and may affect travel times. Local company Australian Pump has The company is keen to recruit and rail on the existing safety barrier Please keep to speed limits and cultivated a comprehensive training train local fitters and engineers, as and two vehicle activated signs.” follow sign and traffic controllers’ program that ensures staff are able well as sales staff, who want to work Work is scheduled to be carried directions. For the latest traffic to develop and thrive, and provides in a stimulating environment. out from Monday 15 May to Friday updates, you can call 132 701, visit opportunities for advancement. Further information on the career 14 July on weekdays between 7am livetraffic.com or download the One beneficiary of this successful opportunities available Australian and 5pm, excluding public holidays Live Traffic NSW App for iPhone, training program has been Mal Patel. Pump is available on the website, and weather permitting. iPad and Android. Originally from Gujarat in India, Mal www.aussiepumps.com.au AUSTRALIAN STUDENTS CHANCE TO FLY TO ANTARCTICA Federal Member for Mitchell, the and maintenance lifespan of the Hon MP, welcomed an icebreaker, representing the single Antarctic experience of a lifetime for biggest investment in the history of students in Mitchell, who will have Australia’s Antarctic program. the chance to name the nation’s new “The icebreaker will be more than icebreaker vessel, with the winning 156 metres long and accommodate entry receiving a trip to Antarctica. 116 expeditioners. It will be equipped “Up to 12 students and 4 teachers with an array of cutting-edge will fly to Antarctica for a day, scientific equipment including a becoming the first children to set foot moon pool, multi-beam bathymetric on the icy continent as part of the echo sounders, hydrophones and Australian Antarctic Program. The underwater cameras. Seven new winning students will fly from Hobart curriculum-aligned modules about the to Australia’s Wilkins Aerodrome icebreaker have also been developed where they will meet Antarctic on the Australian Antarctic Division’s scientists, as well as expeditioners website, ‘Classroom Antarctica’. living and working at nearby Casey research station,” Alex Hawke said. “The competition is an opportunity to inspire the Antarctic scientists and “The ‘Name our Icebreaker’ policy makers of the future, engaging competition has two categories: primary (years 5 and 6) and them to learn about the Antarctic secondary (years 7 and 8) with classes environment, climate, history and able to enter their suggested name in Australia’s role there. a written or video format. “Entries in the ‘Name our Icebreaker’ “The competition will give young competition will be judged by a panel of Australians the opportunity to name Antarctic experts on criteria including the sophisticated new Antarctic originality, creativity, sincerity, resupply and research vessel which appropriateness and alignment with will shape the future of Australia’s the values, objectives and activities of Antarctic Program. the Australian Antarctic Program. “The Turnbull Government “The competition closes on Friday has committed to a $1.9 billion 9 June. The winning entry will be package under the Australian publicly announced in September Antarctic Strategy and 20 Year 2017, with the prize flight taking Action Plan to cover the design, place in November 2017,” concluded build and 30 year operational Alex Hawke MP. Hills to Hawkesbury Living • May 12, 2017 • 9

BWA_Hills-Hawksby_Qtr_124x96mm_Final.indd 1 15/09/2015 1:56 pm Collection compiled by Ivor Jones showing life in the AS WE WERE Hills and Hawkesbury area during past decades.

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Photo Captions: The above were all contributed by Michael Johnston of Baulkham Hills from his family collection. 1. Bella Vista Packing shed from the Pearce Family Collection 2. Amaroo Park Raceway, Annangrove c1975 From the collection of Derek Woodlands 3. Heywood Family Home of the George Acres family, Baulkham Hills (demolished 1990) from the Pearce Family Collection. 4. William (Bill) Keith Johnston aged about six, his brothers Arthur 20 and Fred 14 5. Bill Johnston aged about four (1912) in front of older children at Castle Hill Public School 6. William Henry Johnston headmaster of Castle Hill Public School from 1910 to 1919 with his wife Edith (nee Doran) If you have some old interesting photos from the district that you would like published in this magazine please send them to 17 Rose St.,Baulkham Hills NSW 2153 or email to ivorjones@ hillstohawkesbury.com.au 10 • Hills to Hawkesbury Living • May 12, 2017 FOR MORE HISTORY VISIT HILLSTORY.COM.AU HISTORY EMPIRE NIGHT: A CRACKER OF A NIGHT once the touch paper was ignited. Loud explosions May 24 was Empire Day, and the children rebuilt the mound so the heralded the lighting of traditional night to celebrate the celebration could be held that night double bungers and throw British Empire with a bonfire and and on time. fireworks. downs hitting the ground. Popular fireworks were Catherine Spectacular displays in the Australian children wheels, sparklers, Mount Vesuvius, sky were guaranteed when enthusiastically prepared for the double bungers, Tom Thumbs, fuses were set on fire on big night for weeks before hand by Roman candles, throw downs, the sky rockets - a brief dragging branches from near and and sky rockets. The Catherine glow at the base then a far to build the mound. On the wheels had to be nailed onto a swift whoosh as the solid night before one particular ‘cracker vertical post and when ignited fuel burnt inside, lifting night’ the children where awakened spun rapidly, sending out a brilliant the rocket a hundred feet to the sound of burning timber. shower of fiery sparks. Sparklers Baulkham Hills children building a bonfire on land into the air to burst in a Someone had lit the mound and the were considered the more gentle now near Windsor Road and Old Northern Road. ball of coloured flame. children were very disappointed. A fireworks, giving off star-like sparks whilst the huge bonfire burnt local man offered his truck to take when lit. Mount Vesuvius was The mothers supported the children into bushland and load cone shaped and released a variety their children’s efforts by providing sending flames and sparks high into up with dry branches. Eagerly the of coloured balls through the top cakes and hot chocolate drinks the sky in celebration of Empire.

EXPLORING THE SOUTHERN SKIES airfoil shapes and develop the basis The report on the Astrographic for aircraft wing designs at Stanwell Catalogue was ultimately published produce the Carte du Ceil: the Park. in the 1960s, with over a million star Astrographic Catalogue. The NSW positions plotted. A memorial plaque government saw merit in the project In 1930, due to Mr Short’s can be seen today in Observatory Park and on 21 October 1893 set aside 5 impending retirement and a between Pennant Hills and Beecroft acres (2 hectares) on the corner of lack of funds to replace him, the Roads, indicating exactly where the Pennant Hills and Beecroft Roads for government closed the facility. telescope was once mounted. the construction of an observatory. Light pollution and the increasing The Pennant Hills Observatory was vibration from trucks passing along Interested in astronomy? July is a completed in 1898. the road were other factors in the rich period to observe meteors. The decision to shut the observatory, Delta Aquarids may be seen about 12 The Pennant Hills site - known and in 1931 the telescope was July for a period of 14 days. Observe as Red Hill – was chosen as it was a moved back to the Sydney on a dark night (moon absent) and high point at 615 feet (190 metres) Observatory. facing towards the east. above sea level and free of wood Matron Walsh and Red Hill Observatory fire smoke, with easy access to Sydney by road or railway. The observatory, a circular building In 1887 the Congress of with rotating dome and 330mm Do You Need a Home Sewerage International Astronomers designed telescope, was operated for 32 years a project to photomap the entire by James Short, the astronomical Treatment System? southern hemisphere night sky. This photographer. One of the assistants Home Sewage Treatment had never been attempted before at Red Hill was Lawrence Hargrave, and the project would eventually who went on to experiment with Call the system designTaylex experts!ABS ST ALBANS ON THE MACDONALD RIVER Specialising in rural homeAdvanced sewerage Blower System The township of St Albans nestles family has a long association with An Advanced Secondary (with Nutrient Reduction) treatment systems.Home Sewage Treatment Plant in the tranquil Macdonald Valley less this famous hotel being the licensee than 100km from Sydney. The drive for upwards of 100 years. Accredited service Concrete or Plastic from Sydney takes you through West The last of the family to hold the SOLAR Pennant Hills, Dural, Glenorie and agents of POWER licence was Mrs James Jurd, who, COMPLIANT Wisemans Ferry. After crossing the with her husband, took charge Hawkesbury River on the ferry, you in 1921. James passed away in will be on the threshold of a most 1931 with Mrs Jurd experiencing beautiful valley that stretches north- difficulties in running the business west alongside the Yengo National and consequently deciding to Park. surrender her licence. The people The first governor of New South of the Macdonald River Valley Our most popular system! Wales, Arthur Phillip, sailed up fought against the surrender We offer: Produces clear, odourless recycled the Hawkesbury River in 1788 and considering the hotel was a great • Quarterly servicing per local councilwater requirements for irrigation named this stream The First Branch. asset to the district; some even • Supply/ installation of onsite sewer•Low and Power Usagestormwater systems He was looking for land suitable to suggested “they might die of •Chemical Free Disinfection Avail. •Self Diagnostic Controller establish farms to grow food for the thirst”. Mr Ted Bernsdorff and • High quality Taylex ABS domestic•No systems Joins in Tank settlement at Sydney Cove. family took over the hotel in 1934 • Repairs, upgrades and retrofits •Full Wall Construction •No Cross Contamination The Settler’s Arms Inn had other and promised he would bring the old building up-to-date for the 15 Year Tank Warranty Includes Internal Walls name in its early history. In 1848, it 3 Year Electrical Components Warranty was named the Traveller’s Arms at convenience of patrons. To visit St Bullock’s Wharf by publican John Albans today and see this beautiful Sullivan. James Jurd became the old Georgian building in its P: (02) 9654 8123 M: 0417 236 034 licensee in 1853 making the change perfect setting is to walk into the E: [email protected] to The Settler’s Arms. The Jurd nineteenth century. Hills towww.taylex.com.au Hawkesbury Living • May 12, 2017 • 11 Even Our Standard System is Advanced! YOUR LOCAL POLITICIAN’S SAY STATE MEMBER FOR BAULKHAM HILLS - an increase to 11.6 - 14.6 c/kWh. Congratulations to Chad Voysey, HON DAVID ELLIOTT MP The tariff is not subsidised by other Thomas Hartmann and Matthew energy users so it won’t increase Dolbel on graduating from the The Premier’s Volunteer Goulburn Police Academy and I Recognition Program celebrates the power prices. It will help deliver RECOGNISE YOUR VOLUNTEERS lower energy bills for NSW’s 350,000 thank them for their commitment to importance of volunteering and has combating crime, and protecting the Local residents can acknowledge solar households. recognised the hard work of more community. the efforts of community members than 14,000 volunteers across NSW. Feed-in tariffs are a payment for I know the qualifications our who give their time to help others, by excess generation fed into the grid. To nominate a volunteer for the officers have completed at the Police nominating them for the Premier’s The benchmark range is lower than Premier’s Volunteer Recognition Academy, together with the on-the- Volunteer Recognition Program. the amount charged for electricity by Program or for more information job training they will undertake at The contributions of local retailers as it excludes distribution about volunteering in NSW please The Hills Local Area Command, volunteers to the Baulkham Hills visit www.volunteering.nsw.gov.au. costs as well as retail services, will ensure they are more than community cannot be overstated. metering and billing. FAIRER DEAL FOR SOLAR adequately prepared to step into this Day in and day out, local CUSTOMERS IN BAULKHAM HILLS The Government wants to important role. residents from school students to expanding access to solar power Policing can be an extremely grandparents are tirelessly working Solar households and businesses in to help with bills, particularly for challenging profession. Our to strengthen the fabric of our Baulkham Hills can receive higher vulnerable households through our officers encounter the best and community by lending a hand to prices for the power they feed-in to Home Energy Action Program. the worst of humanity, so I’m very those who need it. the grid, following release of a new draft tariff by IPART. The CSIRO says 35 per cent of pleased that our community will I encourage residents to recognise generation by 2050 could come from benefit from the enthusiasm of our In Baulkham Hills, 3623 households a local who gives their time to help rooftop solar. Solar and batteries in new officers starting their career and businesses are generating power others by nominating them for the homes and businesses are critical to on the beat. from solar systems. Premier’s Volunteer Recognition future supply. Class 330 includes 178 recruits Program. More consumers are realising the When shopping around customers who have attested as Probationary Categories for the program benefit of installing solar to help Constables. These new recruits will keep bills down. should consider all aspects of a include student volunteers, people retailer’s offer, including charges, commence on-the-job training on who have made a significant Consumers can avoid costly energy feed-in tariffs, discounts, late Monday and will continue distance volunteering effort, retired by consuming as much from solar payment fees or early exit fees. education before graduating with volunteers, people with more than as possible, and the feed-in tariff an Associate Diploma in Policing 25 years of volunteering experience rewards the excess power that goes The final tariff determination Practice. and people who have been back into the grid. will be issued in June following consultation. The men and women who took volunteers for more than 40 years. The benchmark feed-in tariff attestations join more than 3,759 People who volunteer are happier, will more than double, and help THREE NEW POLICE OFFICERS FOR officers who have become sworn healthier and more connected to customers negotiate a better deal THE HILLS LAC NSW Police officers since 2011. their communities. from energy retailers. The Hills Local Area Command has The NSW Liberals & Nationals Over 2.1 million people volunteer in IPART’s draft determination of welcomed three new probationary Government is committed to NSW, contributing 240 million hours a fair value for solar more than constables following the recent boosting the authorised strength of of their time, and adding an estimated doubles the previous tariff of 5.5 - 7.2 Police Academy attestation parade of the NSW Police Force to 16,795 over $5 billion of value each year. cents per kilowatt hour, proposing Class of 330. this term of Government.

MACQUARIE LABOR CANDIDATE - • Limit direct borrowing by THANKS FOR GETTING TO KNOW HON SUSAN TEMPLEMAN MP self-managed superannuation COUNCIL AT THE SHOW! funds; prices have risen at 4 times the rate Visitor numbers in the Hawkesbury • Increased foreign investor fees of wages growth over the past year, boomed over the weekend with THE GREAT AUSTRALIAN DREAM and penalties; and house prices in Sydney have the 2017 annual Hawkesbury Show NIGHTMARE soared by nearly 50 per cent, which • Establish a bond aggregator to being one of the best ever shows held As I sit in my office in Windsor is an increase that we have definitely increase investment in affordable according to many locals. writing this article, thousands of housing; felt here in the Hawkesbury. Renters The Hawkesbury Show was a Australians, young and old, are aren’t exempt from this either, • Boost homelessness support for great success with special events at trying to figure out what on earth with the proportion of low-income vulnerable Australians; it is they have to do to achieve the the Show including woodchopping, households in rental stress exceeding • Getting better results from the art, crafts and agricultural exhibits, great Australian dream of owning 40 per cent. And local groups work their own home. However, the National Affordable Housing racing pigs, the Isuzu D-Max Precision hard to ensure the homeless have Agreement; Driving Team, horse events plus answer will not be found in the healthy meals. family finances and this dream is • Re-establish the National flyball dog demonstrations, unchained now more of a nightmare Housing affordability is a Housing Supply Council and the BMX performances and special guests complex problem that requires including singing cowboys with the The housing market has become Minister for Housing. a comprehensive response – Animal Wranglers and the skilful trick a monster of its own, and it is time Each of these proposals on their which is exactly what Labor has rider Mikayla Jade. for sensible and considered policy proposed. own is not going to change housing to intervene and shift the burden affordability, but together they will Over 7,000 people visited of this monster off the shoulders of We have a clear plan for housing be able to make a real difference. Hawkesbury City Council’s display affordability: young people and families, and onto Only a Labor Government will tent at this year’s Hawkesbury the shoulders of government. • Reform negative gearing and tackle the housing affordability Show. Council’s display featured Since the Liberals came to office capital gains tax concessions; crisis and work towards pushing a theme of ‘Getting to Know in September 2013, they have • Facilitate a COAG process to the great Australian dream of Your Council’ as well as plenty of done nothing to address housing introduce a uniform vacant owning your own home back within giveaways, information and a special affordability. Consequently home property tax across all major reach of middle and working class recycling competition - lucky prize ownership is at a 60 year low, house cities; Australians. winners will be notified soon! 12 • Hills to Hawkesbury Living • May 12, 2017 WHAT’S ON IN THE HILLS TO HAWKESBURY REGION THE HILLS AND BEYOND SAT 13TH MAY NETWORKING FOR GROWTH - 6:00pm - 9:00pm at Baulkham Hills North Come along to this workshop to learn Public School Hall, 2a Girralong Ave, the ABC of de-cluttering, donating and LADIES DAY OUT CHARITY EVENT WORKSHOP As a member of the chamber you have Baulkham Hills 2155 sustainable removal of stuff. Come and support SPIN Hawkesbury with a wonderful opportunity to grow your Call 0412 761 097. 5:30pm - 7:30pm at Castle Hill Library, Cnr a fashionable afternoon tea. Guests will business through growing your network. In Visit www.thehills.nsw.gov.au Castle & Pennant Streets, Castle Hill 2154 indulge in a delicious meal with a glass of this practical, thought provoking, interactive Call 02 9843 0310. champagne while watching a fashion show NOVELS AT NIGHT - CASTLE HILL and enjoyable workshop we will look at key Visit www.thehills.nsw.gov.au by Style Intro, there will also be a selection of BOOK CLUB tips, tools and techniques to help you. local giftware stores with candles, make up, Castle Hill Library’s newest book club! Join 9:30am - 11:30am EST at Hills Shire Council, WEDNESDAY 24TH MAY shoes, jewellery etc. an informal group who will gather every 3 Columbia Ct, Baulkham Hills NSW 2153 1:30 PM at Uniting Church Hall, 25 West 3rd Thursday of the month to discuss their INFORMATION SESSION Visit www.sydneyhillsbusiness.com.au Market St, Richmond latest read. Would you like to know more about the Call 9686 3499. Visit www. INTRODUCTIONS WITH IMPACT 6:30pm - 7:30pm at Castle Hill Library, 14 Sydney Hills Business Chamber and the sydneyhillsaustralia.com.au WORKSHOP Pennant Street, Castle Hill 2154 many advantages of membership? This free How to reply to the big question: So, what Call 9761 4510. Visit www.thehills.nsw.gov.au information session is held just before our LIVING SUSTAINABLY HABITAT Business After 5 event so if you’re keen to WALK - FRED CATERSON RESERVE do you do clearly, concisely, confidently and compellingly. Learn to articulate your Unique FRIDAY 19TH MAY know more you can come along and then Learn about the diversity of plants which Selling Proposition, in a way that has you enjoy free attendance at the networking provide food and shelter for local wildlife. DURAL BOOK CLUB feeling relaxed and confident while your event that follows. Join in this easy stroll through the lower end Due to popular demand we now have a audience readily recognises your value and 4:30pm - 5:15pm EST at The Fiddler, Cnr of the rejuvenated Fred Caterson Reserve. second book club at Dural, meeting the 3rd wants to know more. Commercial and Windsor Rds, Rouse Hill 10:00am - 12:00pm at Fred Caterson Friday of the month. 12:30pm - 2:30pm EST at 3 Columbia Ct, NSW 2155 Reserve, Cnr Showground & Gilbert Roads, 10:00 AM at Dural Library, Pellitt Lane, Baulkham Hills NSW 2153 Visit www.sydneyhillsbusiness.com.au Castle Hill 2154 Dural 2158 Visit www.sydneyhillsbusiness.com.au Call 02 9654 3571 (Thurs) 02 9843 0579 Call 9761 5755. BUSINESS AFTER FIVE (Mon-Wed & Fri). LEADING AND MANAGING PEOPLE Visit www.thehills.nsw.gov.au Join the SHBC Business Community at The Visit www.thehills.nsw.gov.au Why should anyone be led by you? In this Fiddler to network with and learn from GET CRAFTY - VINEGAR HILL businesses in your region. practical, thought provoking, interactive and If you’re interested in anything craft related, enjoyable workshop we will look at key tips, 5:30pm - 7:30pm EST at The Fiddler, Cnr SAT 13TH, 27TH MAY beginner or expert, come and meet people Commercial and Windsor Rds, Rouse Hill tools and techniques to help you. with similar interests. You could learn THE HAWKESBURY HARVEST 3:00pm - 5:00pm EST at Hills Shire Council, NSW 2155 FARMERS & FINE FOOD MARKETS or teach someone a new craft such as Visit www.sydneyhillsbusiness.com.au 3 Columbia Ct, Baulkham Hills NSW 2153 needlepoint, quilting or knitting. The Hawkesbury Harvest Farmers and Visit www.sydneyhillsbusiness.com.au 10:30am - 12:30pm at Vinegar Hill Memorial Fine Food Markets run on the 2nd and Library, 29 Main Street, Rouse Hill 2155 WED 24TH - FRI 26TH MAY 4th Saturdays of the month (except THURS 18TH, 25TH MAY Call 8889 5200. Visit www.thehills.nsw. THE AUSTRALIAN RED CROSS BLOOD January) from 8am - 12noon at Castle Hill gov.au Showground, Castle Hill. ART AFTER SCHOOL X 4 SERVICE IS COMING TO TOWN 8:00am - 12:00pm at Castle Hill Thursdays 4-5.30pm 4, 11, 18, 25 May Art The Mobile Blood Donor Centre will be Showground, Off Showground Road, classes for school age children, exploring SAT 20TH, SUN 21ST MAY visiting the Richmond Oval car park from Castle Hill 2154 a new topic or technique each week. HILLS RELAY FOR LIFE 2017 Wednesday 24th May to Friday 26th May. 8:30am - 2:30pm at Richmond Oval, Call 0406 237 877. Visit www. Hawkesbury Regional Gallery, Windsor $50 Join us for the ‘Hills Relay for Life’ 20th & 21st Windsor Street, Richmond harvesttrailsandmarkets.com.au per term – all materials supplied. May @ Castle Hill Showground – Cancer Call 13 14 95. Visit www.donateblood.com.au 4:00pm - 5:30pm at Hawkesbury Regional Fightback. Cancer survivors and carers will SAT 13TH, SUN 14TH MAY Gallery, Windsor be leading the first lap at the Hills Relay For Call (02)4560 4441. FRIDAY 26TH MAY BROMELIAD AUTUMN SHOW Life at Castle Hill Showground on Saturday, Visit www.hawkesbury.nsw.gov.au May 20. BSA Autumn Show will include 20 sales BEYOND WORDS BOOK & MOVIE 9:30am, 10:00am at Castle Hill tables that are continually restocked, GROUP - DURAL LIBRARY THURSDAY 18TH MAY Showground, Entry off Showground Road, displays, competitors, literature, information Looking for a new book club with a twist? Castle Hill 2154 and advice. Please bring a box. LIVING SUSTAINABLY WORKSHOP - Try Beyond Words Book and Movie Group. Visit www.thehills.nsw.gov.au 9:00am - 4:00pm at Federation Pavilion - MUSHROOM GROWING Never judge a book by its movie. Castle Hill Showground, Entrance Doran Discover all about growing your own 1:30pm - 3:00pm at Dural Library, Pellitt Drive off Showground Rd, Castle Hill 2154 gourmet mushrooms at home. Learn the SAT 20TH MAY (MONTHLY Lane, Dural 2158 Call 0408 202 269. basics of growing mushrooms in bags, logs ON THE 3RD SATURDAY) Call 9761 5755. Visit www.thehills.nsw.gov.au Visit www.bromeliad.org.au and in the ground with very minimal outlay. 10:00am - 12:00pm at Community WINDSOR RIVERSIDE MARKETS TUESDAY16TH MAY Environment Centre, Annangrove Park, Fashion, Homewares, Art, Craft, Photography, Currie Ave, Annangrove 2156 Jewellery, Food, Fresh Produce, Music, Kids Banksia Yarns TALKING TWEENS JUNIOR BOOK Call 02 9654 3571 (Thurs) 02 9843 0579 Zone and more! CLUB - DURAL LIBRARY (Mon-Wed & Fri). 9:00am - 2:00pm at Governor Phillip Park, Got something to say? Get talking with Talking Visit www.thehills.nsw.gov.au Windsor Tweens book club. We want to know what Visit www.sydneyhillsaustralia.com.au MAY you’ve been reading and maybe you’ll hear WRITERS AT DURAL about a great book too. Talking Tweens get Come along to our author panel series, SUNDAY 21ST MAY hear about the writing process and the Banksia Yarns together every second Tuesday in Dural Library. EARN YOUR TUCKER - ROUSE HILL 3:30pm - 4:30pm at Dural Library, Pellitt inspiration behind their stories. Benefit from Lane, Dural 2158 their experience as you learn tips to develop HOUSE & FARM Call 9761 5755. Visit www.thehills.nsw. your own creative writing. At the end of the program, you’ll sit on the Check gov.au 10:30am - 12:00pm at Dural Library, Pellitt veranda for some well-earned tucker! This is out our sale Lane, Dural 2158 a rural property with uneven terrain. Please table! Shop 7 Magnolia Mall WEDNESDAY 17TH MAY Call 9761 5755. Visit www.thehills.nsw.gov.au wear enclosed shoes, hat and clothing suitable for walking across a farm property. 285 Windsor St, Richmond YARN ON A STICK OR TWO - DURAL BAULKHAM HILLS NORTH PUBLIC 10:30am - 12:30pm at Rouse Hill House & SCHOOL GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY Farm, 356 Annangrove Rd, Rouse Hill 2155 0401 279853 LIBRARY Shop 7 Magnolia Mall Knitting is the new Yoga! Come along and JUBILEE EVENING Call 02 9627 6777. Visit www.thehills.nsw. 285Hours: Windsor Mon - St, Fri: Richmond 9:30 - 5pm join a friendly, informal group and learn a Come and celebrate with us over drinks and gov.au Shop 7 Magnolia Mall canapés with all who share a connection Sat: 9:30 - 1pm new craft. Bring along 4mm needles and 285 Windsor St, Richmond wool. to our wonderful school throughout our 50 TUESDAY 23RD MAY [email protected] 279853 year history! Canapés, wine, beer and soft 0401 279853 10:00am - 11:00pm at Dural Library, Pellitt FREE RESOURCE RECOVERY Hours: Mon - Fri: 9:30 - 5pm Lane, Dural 2158 drink will be served throughout the evening Hours: MonSat: 9:30- Fri: 9:30- 1pm - 5pm Call 9761 5755. Visit www.thehills.nsw. (as alcohol will be served, attendees must be WORKSHOP: LIVING WITH LESS: shop@ banksiayarns.com.au Sat: 9:30 - 1pm gov.au over the age of 18). DE-CLUTTERING [email protected] to Hawkesbury Living • May 12, 2017 • 13 COMMUNITY GROUPS

Hornsby Ku-ring-gai & Hills District 02 9990 3514 [email protected] Hawkesbury District Agricultural Contact John Jones 4579 6061 or Glenwood, behind Emmanuel Baptist Cricket Association Inc www.sleepoz.org.au Association Ian West4721 8709 Church each Saturday from 10am til 4pm. Operates from various locations in region - STaR Association Hawkesbury Agricultural Show, horse Thursday Ladies Tennis Competition Phone 9629 1656, Taz Zampetides 0409 call for information a club in your area. The STaR (Special Teaching and Research) & cattle shows, show hire facilities. in the Hills District 994 455 or Jim Barrett 0438 701 275. Craig Menzies 0488 772 707 Association is a small registered charity Volunteers accepted. Players of all standards are welcome. The Hills Trefoil Guild [email protected] established by a group of parents and Hawkesbury Showground. Meetings: 3rd For more details and contacts please see The Hills Trefoil Guild, part of Girl Guides www.hkhdca.com.au professionals who believe in the value of Tuesday of each month 7.30pm-9.00pm at our website at hillsladiestennis.org Australia meets third Friday, each month, The Lions Club of Berowra Inc inclusive education. STaR provides early Showground Committee Room. 10am-12.30, at the Castle Hill Guide Hall, 4577 3591 (BH) Tennis A charity service club. Meetings held on intervention support for children up to the Ladies over 50 needed to play tennis on Bounty Ave, Castle Hill. Warm welcome to third Thursday of the month at 7:00pm age of 6 with disabilities and their families [email protected]. all women who are prepared to make the www.hawkesburyshow.com.au Tuesday mornings 9.30 – 12.30 at West for 7:30pm. within mainstream childcare centres. Pennant Hills Sports Club, New Line Road, Guide promise. President Colin Hunter 9456 1121 Hours: Mon-Fri 9.00 am - 5.00 pm. Castle Hill Senior Citizens Club Inc., West Pennant Hills. Call Evelyn 02 9634 4987 [email protected] Suite 5, 11 Packard Ave, Castle Hill NSW 2154. All seniors are welcome to be a member Contact 9484 –7635 or 9899-5450 The Hawkesbury Nepean Chapter www.berowralions.org.au Email: [email protected] of our club. Our activities include: Indoor The National Seniors Australia Are The Hawkesbury Nepean Chapter of Rotary Club Of West Pennant Hills & Web: www.star.org.au. Call: 8850 1269. Bowls, Cards, Rummy-Kub, Darts, Bus tours, the Fellowship of First Fleeters meet BBQ’s and luncheons. you over 50? Cherrybrook Inc Cystic Fibrosis Australia Retired, or thinking about it. If so, take every second Saturday of the month at Meets at Springfield Receptions, 245 National body comprising member State Contact Secretary for further information 11am in the Tebbutt Room adjoining Phone 02 9680 8786. a look at the National Seniors Australia, Newline Rd, Dural NSW 2158. Meetings Associations. Assists member organisations Hills branch. At each meeting we have the Hawkesbury Library at 300 George are held every Monday night at 6:30pm to achieve common objectives by Annangrove Playgroup a guest speaker participate in lunch St Windsor. Members do not necessarily Jim Simpson 0439 465 725 developing national education programs & Playgroup for 0-6 year olds. No weekly after the meeting. Also, weekly lunch have to be descendants of those who www.wphcrotary.org collecting & distributing information about fees.Fridays 9-11am within Annangrove locations, monthly trips and tours. arrived aboard the First Fleet at Sydney Cystic Fibrosis at national and international Public School. 185 Annangrove Road, 2nd Castle Hill Rovers Convivial surroundings and friendly Cove on 26 January 1788. Members can levels. Unit 26, 5 Inglewood Pl, Norwest Annangrove. Youth organisation for males and females people, with similar interests, come include spouses, partners and friends Business Park, Baulkham Hills NSW 2153. Open day Wed 20th Aug, 10-12noon. 18-26 interested in abseiling, caving, along and be made welcome! We of descendants and those interested in Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. Contact Annette: 0434 401 077 canyoning, bushwalking, hiking, flying, meet first Thursday each month at the Australia History. 1800 635 008. [email protected]. rock climbing, scuba diving, socialising Arcadian Quilters Baulkham Hills Sports Club, 11 renown Call Sharon 0419 434 776. www.cysticfibrosis.org.au. and other adventurous activities. Arcadian Quilters have been involved in a road, Baulkham Hills. Time: 9.30am to Glenorie Maroota Bioregional Forum Rover Advisor Todd McDonnell The Hills Community Aid and quilting activity with the residents at Bupa 11.45 approx. This group addresses local environmental 0409 221 459. [email protected] Information Service Inc Round Corner. Our aim was to promote Further detail ph 9899 3940 or 9674 1857. and heritage concerns. We meet at www.gwsrovers.com.au Hills Community Aid have Tax Help hand work and enthusiasm to the Bupa Visit www.hillsnsa.com 7.30pm on the first Wednesday of each available Tuesday, Wednesday and group in producing an article they could Zonta Club of Sydney Dural Country Club month at the Glenorie Community Hall on Thursday at Hills Community Aid, 390 all share in. Quilting fabric was precut and Meetings held 3rd Mon of month 6.00pm. Lawn bowlers are always welcoming new Old Northern Road. Windsor Road Baulkham Hills or Learning given to those who wanted to join in on Bookings essential and visitors always members. Bowls is great for fitness, fun Please come along to a meeting or email in the Hills, Balcombe Heights Estate 92 making the group quilt. The blocks are a welcome. and friendship. Bowling days are Tuesday, Tessa Corkill at [email protected] Seven Hills Road Baulkham Hills (Turner basic 9 patch and were hand sewn by the Hills Inc Meets at Hills Lodge Boutique Wednesday, Saturday. We offer free Arcadian Quilters Inc Building 4 & 5). 390 Windsor Road, residents at their leisure. We collected the Hotel, Windsor Rd, Castle Hill NSW 2154. coaching to both men and women. meet at the Galston Community Baulkham Hills NSW 2153. blocks late last year and this is the result. We President Brenda Bradbery 9484 2700 or 9653 1250 or 9651 4160 and Health Centre the first and third Call Hills Community Aid 9639 8620. presented the finished quilt, complete with 0414 641 408 Wednesday of the month at 10.00. We a sleeve through which a piece of dowel Ladies Tennis Club at Crestwood [email protected] Learning in the Hills would welcome new members. was threaded to enable it to be hung Reserve www.zontadistrict24.org Tutored and social classes range from $35 Looking for new players, Tuesday Contact Carole 9894 7749. - $95 per term. on a wall in the establishment. The most Community Fdn of North West Sydney 930am-1130am. Wanderers Bushwalking & Outdoor For a copy of our full program please ring rewarding part was asking those who did a CFNWS is an independent, not for profit, Call Jenny 9624 2236 or 0432 494 132 if Club 9639 7918 or www.hca.org.au/learning- block to identify it. Some confusion to start charitable organisation operating since 2007 you need more details. meet every second Tuesday of each in-the-hills/. with as they couldn’t believe the end result. and run entirely by volunteers. Our Bridging On their closer inspection blocks were soon Pennant Hills Mens Probus Club month at Crestwood Community Centre, the Gap program works with local service Macquarie Towns Garden Club recognised and identified causing much A Speaker is organised for each month. Crestwood Drive, Baulkham Hills at 8 p.m. providers to bridge the gap by providing If you love gardening, are passionate laughter. Bupa have given us a challenge On the 2nd Friday we organise an outing Details additional assistance to disadvantaged about plants, and enjoy the company of in making a Care Quilt. This will also involve with our partners and on a 5th Friday we www.bushwalkingnsw.org.au/wanderers people in the region including sport and other like-minded people, we invite you to residents and staff. Arcadian Quilters meet organise a Blokes Only outing. or 9639 9738 join our garden club. We meet on the first recreation assistance, essential equipment at the Galston Health and Community Meet on the 4th Friday of each month at View Club Parramatta Thursday of the month at Windsor. and services and No Interest Loans Scheme. Centre, Corner of the Glade and 17 Arcadia Pennant Hills Bowling Club, Yarrara Road meets first Wednesday of each month Susan Fennelly 4575 4095 Kellyville Community Centre, Wrights Rd, Road, Galston. Visitors most welcome. Pennant Hills, commencing at 10am. 11am for 11.30am with lunch and a guest [email protected] Kellyville NSW 2155. For further information please ring Carole Contact John Crane 9487 1385 speaker [email protected] www.macquarietownsgardenclub. 9894 7749 North Rocks Senior Citizens Club Inc Call 96354191 or 88974934 www.cfnws.org.au wordpress.com/ The Hills Learning Centre Our over 50’s Club offers friendly social YMCA NSW Community Visitors Drum4Fun Australian Sikh Association Inc Parent Support Group - meets every third activities including carpet bowls, snooker, Scheme African influenced drumming classes held ASA offers Daily Path/Keertan/Scriptual Wednesday of the month at 7.30pm. Join table tennis, bingo, cards, scrabble and Looking for caring volunteers to give fortnightly at Dural Memorial Hall 604 Old Readings, questions can be asked about us this month on the 17th –Topic: “Coping darts. We meet at the Senior Citizens’ a friendly visit to a person living in an Northern Rd Dural Thursdays 7-8.30pm Sikh history, culture and beliefs. ASA with challenging behaviours” Hall, behind the tennis courts in North Aged Care Home in Dural, West Pennant provides Punjabi language classes, and cost $100 for 5 week term $25 casual visit. RSVP [email protected] Rocks Park, corner of North Rocks Road Term 3 begins 17th July Hills, Baulkham Hills orsurrounding areas. some music classes. A Resource Centre Contact Mary on (02)8850 0555. and Farnell Avenue, Carlingford. Weekly Volunteers are given proper induction has been built where services like library, [email protected] Find us on Facebook www.facebook.com/ activities are on Mondays and Wednesdays mob 0417 141 262 www.drum4fun.com.au and training, on-going support and are cultural youth activities and Community thehillslearningcentre 8.15am to 4pm. On the second Saturday of carefully matched, ensuring compatibility Forums etc. are offered. Winston Hills Joey Scouts Dural Men’s Shed each month Crazy Whist and snooker are in personality, interests and background. 8 Meurants Lne, Glenwood NSW 2768. Joey Scouts is for boys and girls 6–8 years. Woodwork and Metalwork/Welding held from 1.15pm to 4pm. Morning teas, For more information please contact: 0433 580 539 Joeys help to develop leadership and team facilities. Meets at Dural Sport and Leisure sausage sizzles and lunches are also held. Caterina Raccosta on 9633 8209 / [email protected]. www.asainc.org.au skills, meet new friends and be creative, Centre corner Pellitt Lane and Kenthurst Rd Call the Secretary on 9980 6813. 0402-255-193. caterina.raccosta@ Scouts Australia - Greater Western imaginative and have fun. each Thursday and Saturday from 9am. Red Cross, Castle Hill Branch ymcansw.org.au Sydney Region Monday nights 6.30–7.30pm. Winston Hills Enquiries Chris Thomas 0402478498. Meet on the second Friday each month Scout Hall, Edison Parade, Winston Hills. PROBUS CLUB OF ROUND CORNER Provide young people with a program that www.duralmensshed.org in The Tribute Room, 1st Floor, Castle Hill (DURAL) has them and you feeling good, having Contact Helen Sara 9862 8482. Library Building from 9.30am – 11am. Email [email protected]. Bushrangers Hash House Harriers Our club meets on the second Monday of fun, and developing life skills. Activities Our group is one of about 8 clubs in the New members welcome. Call 8850.7056. the month at 9.30am for 10.00am. Come for youth aged 6-26 years. Referral to local The Family History Group of the Sydney district and part of a worldwide Hills District Women’s Bowling Club, along and enjoy friendship, fellowship and groups, meeting on various evenings. Parramatta and District Historical Society organization of Hash House Harriers Jenner Street, Baulkham Hills a large variety of activities. Venue Galston Tues-Fri 9.00am - 3.30pm. Ph 9639 2488 New members and visitors are always (google). All newcomers are most Welcomes all ladies interested in playing, or Club, 21 Arcadia Road, Galston. [email protected] welcome. Meets on the first Saturday welcome. Meet every Monday evening learning to play, lawn bowls. FREE coaching Contact: Secretary, Julie www.greaterwestscouts.com.au of each month at 1.30pm in the Coach at 6.30pm at a pre determined area in is available Tuesday (3.00-5.00pm) and PO Box 822, Round Corner 2158 House, Hambledon Cottage, Cnr. Hassall Boys’ Brigade NSW the Hills district, we are a social mixed Saturday morning (9.30-11.00am). Social and Probus Club of the Hills Inc Youth activities for 5-18 year olds. Male Street & Gregory Place, Parramatta. walking/running group. Club Competition bowls are played each Phone (02) 9686 3203. Meetings are held at the Wesley Uniting Only. Boys. NSW Head Office: For more information contact Peter Tuesday from 9.30am. Mixed “mufti” bowls Church, Showground Road, Castle Hill 896 7247 & 1800 819 704 Country Womens Association, Kurrajong Matthey 0408289562 are played Thursday and Sunday mornings on the second Wednesday each month [email protected] Meets on 3rd Wednesday of each month, Hawkesbury Woodcraft Co-operative Ltd and Thursday night. commencing at 9.30am. The club is a boys.brigadeaustralia.org 10am to 12pm at the CWA Hill, 58 Old New members ladies/gents all ages For information about joining the Club or men’s club ,however wives/partners Sleep Disorders Australia - NSW Bells Line of Road, Kurrajong. are welcome to learn or engage in to enquire about FREE coaching please attend all outings and every second Provides information and support for people Contact Gwenyth Cox 02 4572 1317. Woodturning, Box Making, Scrollsawing, phone The Hills Club on 9639 2733 meeting. We have an interesting guest living with sleep disorders, especially sleep Hawkesbury Artists & Artisans Trail Marquetry, Model making, Pyrography, www.thehillswomensbowls.com.au. speaker each month and morning tea apnoea, restless legs syndrome and insomnia. Contact: 02 45 677 400 etc. Meet every Sat & 3rd Tues at Glenwood Men’s Shed is included. Vacancies exist for new Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. 39 Brunette Dr, Email: [email protected] Woodlands Rd, Wilberforce between Late model woodwork machinery and members. Castle Hill NSW 2154. Web: www.haat.com.au 10.00am –2.00pm. facilities. Meets at 992 Old Windsor Rd, For more information call 02 96296459. 14 • Hills to Hawkesbury Living • May 12, 2017 PUZZLES & ANSWERS ACROSS DOWN

1. Baby duck 1. Injure 5. Actress, ... Kidman 2. Man’s neck scarf 9. Wanders 3. Spoon 10. Satisfy 4. Meditation state 12. C American nation 13. Army doctor 6. Pakistan metropolis 14. Command to stop horse 7. Intermittently (2,3,3) 16. Rejections 8. Morning walk 19. Envious 11. Impartial 21. Whirlpool 15. Larrikins 24. Desert plants 17. Actor, Samuel ... (1,7) 25. Person in book 18. Drug 27. GPS device (3,3) 20. Nauseous 28. Lovely 21. Facilitates 29. Kindest 30. Step up 22. Layers 23. Squirm in pain 26. Ethiopia’s Addis ...

CROSSWORD Answers from last issue

SUDOKU Answers from last issue

Hills to Hawkesbury Living • May 12, 2017 • 15 All Upholstery & Curtains. SUNDAY, MAY 14 9651 4129, www.gotchacovered.com.au 628 Old Northern Rd, Dural

SBS Program Guide – Week 29 (2016) ABC (2) SEVEN (7) 7TWO (72) 7MATE (73) NINE (91) GEM (92) TEN (10) 11 (11) ONE (1) SBS (3)

Monday July 11th, 2016 ALL MARKETS REJOIN

6:00 Rage 6:00 NBC Today 6:00 Home Shopping 6:00 Home Shopping 6:00 Paw Patrol 6:00 Home Shopping 6:00 Mass For You At 6:00 Toasted TV 6:00 Home Shopping7:30 am Tour De France: Daily Update8:35 - Daily updatesWeatherwatch of the Tour de France 2016. Hosted by Michael Tomalaris. Reporting by Dave McKenzie and Henk Vogels. Commentary by Robbie McEwen, Matthew Keenan, Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwen. (France) (Sport) (Cycling)

8:40 am French News - News via satellite from FT2 Paris, in French, no subtitles. 7:00 Weekend 7:00 6:30 Amazing Facts 6:30 Fishing Western 6:30 Dora The Explorer 6:30 Leading The Way Home 6:05 Team Hot Wheels 8:00 2017 Super Rugby 8:40 French News 9:30 am Greek News From Cyprus - News via satellite from CyBC Cyprus, in Greek, no subtitles.

10:30 am German News - News via satellite from DW Berlin, in German, no subtitles.

Breakfast 10:00 The Morning 7:00 Tomorrow’s World Australia 7:00 Weekend Today 7:00 New Hope 6:30 Hillsong 7:05 Pokemon 10:00 Healthy Homes11:00 am Spanish News - News via9:30 satellite from RTVELive Madrid, in Spanish, Premier no subtitles.

12:00 pm Arabic News - News via satellite from DRTV Dubai, in Arabic, no subtitles.

12:30 pm Turkish News - News via satellite from TRT Turkey, in Turkish, no subtitles.

9:00 Insiders Show - Weekend 7:30 Leading The Way 7:30 Home Shopping 10:00 Sports Sunday Ministries-New Hope 7:00 Joseph Prince: 7:35 Cardfight!! Australia 1:00 pm Tour De France: Stage ReplayLeague - Replay of the Tour de France. Hosted by Michael Tomalaris. Reporting by Dave McKenzie and Henk Vogels. Commentary by Robbie McEwen, Matthew Keenan, Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwen. (France) (Sport) (Cycling) CC **Replay**

3:00 pm Hairy Bikers' Asian Adventure - South Korea - Korean food is set to be the next big 10:00 Offsiders 12:00 TBA 8:00 David Jeremiah 10:00 AFL Game Day 11:00 Sunday Footy On The Road New Creation Church Vanguard G 10:30 Escape Fishingthing in the UK so the bikers12:00 want to find out Arabic more about this hot new trendNews on the horizon. On a night out with some young Seoulites they discover a cuisine that doesn’t pull any punches when it comes to flavour, including Korean BBQ and fried chicken. Si discovers he has a natural gift for the Koreans’ national sport, archery; while Dave brushes up on his Gangnam style dancing. They meet a robotic kitchen assistant and on a trip to the Korean 10:30 The World This 1:20 TBA 8:30 It Is Written 11:30 The AFN Fishing Show 7:30 Beyond Today 7:30 Joel Osteen 8:05 Jar Dwellers SOS With ET seaside, the bikers take part12:30 in a rather unique Turkish squid festival. (Part 6 of 6)News (From the UK) (Food Series) (Rpt) G CC

4:00 pm This Is Brazil! - São Paulo & Fortaleza - Fernanda heads to the biggest city in the southern hemisphere and discovers how the rich get around the massive metropolis. Amongst the chaos of its 20 million residents, São Paulo reveals itself as a melting pot of Week 2:40 TBA 9:00 Home Shopping Show 1:00 Subaru Full Cycle 8:00 Key Of David 8:00 Good Chef Bad 8:30 Sanjay And Craig 11:00 Fishing Australiacultures. At the Central Market1:00 she faces off Speedweekwith a huge sandwich, meets Pablo, a bicycle shop owner popular with those who want to avoid the mile-long traffic jams, and then heads to an open-air nightclub featuring the sounds of one of the country’s best DJs. After a quick stopover in the city of Fortaleza, where she meets up with one of Brazil’s top female surfers, Fernanda spends time on the island paradise of Fernando de Noronha. (Ep.2) (Commissioned by SBS) (Documentary/Travel) (Rpt) G CC 11:00 Compass 4:00 Better Homes And 9:30 Inside Volleyball 12:30 Big Angry Fish 1:30 World Surf League 8:30 Home Shopping Chef 9:00 Teenage Mutant 11:30 Cruise Mode 3:00 The Bowls Show 5:00 pm Tour De France: Highlights - Highlights of the Tour de France. Hosted by Michael Tomalaris. Reporting by Dave McKenzie and Henk Vogels. Commentary by Robbie McEwen, Matthew Keenan, Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwen. (France) (Sport) (Cycling) CC

11:30 Songs Of Praise Gardens 10:00 NBC Today 1:30 Mark Berg’s 2:30 Air Ambulance ER 10:00 Gurus Explore 8:30 Everyday Gourmet Ninja Turtles 12:00 Gillette World6:00 pm Nigella Bites - Rainy Days4:00 - Nigella Lawson FIFA rolls back the rainWorld clouds with her foul- Cup weather recipes, conjuring up elaborate, time-consuming creations, including chocolate cloud cake, aubergine involtini and home-made pasta with meatballs. (S.2,Ep.9) (From the UK) (Food Series) (Rpt) G CC

6:30 pm SBS World News - Up-to-date reports and analysis of the major national and international 12:00 Landline 5:00 At 5 11:00 Fishing Addiction 3:30 Nine’s Live Sunday Indonesia With Justine Schofield 10:00 Totally Wild Sport news stories of the day in2018 Australia's only world Magazine news service. (An SBS Production) 1:00 Gardening 5:30 Sydney Catch-Up 2:30 Brandi And Jarrod Football 10:30 Odette 9:00 What’s Up Down 10:30 Teenage Mutant 12:30 Operation Repo 4:30 Cycling Australia Weekender 2:00 Nigel Marven’s 3:00 Seinfeld 1:00 Getaway Under Ninja Turtles 1:00 Pat Callinan’s 4x4 5:00 Small Business 1:30 The Halcyon Cruise Ship Adventures 4:30 AFL: Rnd 8: North 1:30 Destry Rides 9:30 Studio 10: Sunday 11:00 The Brady Bunch Adventures Secrets 2:15 Michelle’s Story 3:00 Annabel Langbein Melbourne v Sydney Again 12:00 TBA 12:00 Family Ties 2:00 Monster Jam 5:30 Nancy Wake 2:45 The Book Club 3:30 Sean’s Kitchen 3:30 The Glenn Miller 2:00 Ben’s Menu 1:00 Becker 3:00 Fairless: Back On 3:15 The Mix 4:00 Hairy Bikers Story 2:30 Places We Go With 2:00 Rules Of The Bike 3:45 Australia Wide 4:30 Homes Under The Jennifer Adams Engagement 4:00 Megafactories 4:15 Australian Story Hammer 3:00 Jamie & Jimmy’s 3:00 Everybody Loves 5:00 What’s Up 4:45 The Coroner 5:30 One Foot In The Food Fight Club Raymond Downunder 5:30 TBA Grave 4:00 RPM 4:00 The King Of 5:30 I Fish Queens 5:00 Frasier 6:00 Anh’s Brush With 6:00 Seven News 6:15 Some Mothers Do 7:30 The Fast And The 6:00 Nine News 6:00 Antiques 5:00 TEN Eyewitness 6:30 Mary: The Making 6:00 M*A*S*H 6:30 SBS World News Fame 7:00 House Rules ‘ave ‘em Furious Sunday Roadshow News First At Five Of A Princess 7:00 Scorpion 7:30 Eurovision Song 6:30 TBA 8:30 Sunday Night 7:00 Border Security 9:45 Movie: The Karate 7:00 The Voice 7:00 To The Manor 6:00 Family Feud 8:30 Russell Coight’s All 8:00 Attenborough’s Contest 2017 Final 7:00 ABC News 9:30 The Suspects 8:00 Coastwatch Oz Kid 8:30 60 Minutes Born 6:30 Modern Family Aussie Adventures Animal Attraction 11:30 Eurovision Top 40 7:40 Doctor Who 10:30 The Blacklist 8:30 Escape To The 12:35 Ink Master 9:30 Black Power: 8:10 New Tricks 7:00 MasterChef 9:00 TBA 9:00 Movie:The Songs 8:30 Grantchester 11:30 Training Day Country America’s Armed 9:20 Major Crimes Australia 9:30 TBA Gambler 9:15 DCI Banks 12:30 Winners & Losers 11:30 Nick Knowles’ Resistance 11:20 The Closer 8:30 Bull 10:00 TBA 11:20 Freddie Flintoff: 10:05 The Doctor Blake Original Features 11:30 Murder In The 12:20 To The Manor 9:00 NCIS: New Orleans 11:00 Sex And The City The Gloves Are Off Mysteries First Born 11:30 48 Hours 12:20 Rules Of Engagement

11:00 The Weekly With 1:30 Harry’s Practice 12:30 Psychic TV 1:30 Brandi And Jarrod 12:30 Step Dave 12:55 Explore Fillers 1:30 Home Shopping 1:30 The King Of 12:20 Gillette World 1:30 Movie: Dumas Charlie Pickering 2:00 Home Shopping 3:30 Sean’s Kitchen 2:00 MXTV 1:30 The Avengers 1:00 Home Shopping 4:00 The Home Team Queens Sport 3:25 A Pang For Brasil 11:30 Line Of Duty 3:30 Harry’s Practice 4:00 Homes Under The 3:00 Mark Berg’s 2:30 Global Shop 1:30 Major Crimes 4:30 CBS This Morning 2:00 Becker 12:50 RPM 4:25 Food Lovers’ 12:35 rage 4:00 Meet The Press Hammer Fishing Addiction 3:00 The Baron 3:30 The Closer 3:00 Everybody Loves 1:50 Operation Repo Guide To Australia 3:25 Mad Dogs 5:00 Seven Early News 5:00 Nick Knowles’ 4:00 Big Angry Fish 4:00 Good Morning 4:30 Joyce Meyer, Raymond 2:20 Rush 5:00 Eurovision Song 4:10 Murder, She Wrote 5:30 Sunrise Original Features 5:00 Hook Line And America Enjoy Everyday Life 4:00 Family Ties 4:20 Gillette World Contest 2017 Final 5:00 Insiders Sinker 5:00 Nine News Early 5:00 Seaway 5:00 Teenage Mutant Sport Edition Ninja Turtles 4:30 Whacked Out 5:30 Today Sports 5:00 The Doctors

SBS Program Guide – Week 29 (2016) ABC 2 (22) GO (93) SBS VICELAND (32) Monday July 11th, 2016 ALL MARKETS REJOIN

5:00 Morning Children’s 4:00 Bananas In Pyjamas, 7:30 River Monsters 6:00 Morning 4:00 Looney Tunes 11:55 Adult Swim 2:30 Yo-Kai Watch 6:10 Hong Kong7:30 am TourNews De France: Daily12:55 Update - Daily updatesStates of the Tour de Franceof 2016. Hosted by 8:35 Kinky Business 3:00 Thai News Michael Tomalaris. Reporting by Dave McKenzie and Henk Vogels. Commentary by Robbie McEwen, Matthew Keenan, Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwen. (France) (Sport) (Cycling)

Programs Fireman Sam, Tree Fu Tom, 8:20 TBA Children’s Program Cartoons Master List 12:00 Harvey Birdman: 3:00 Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal 6:30 Chinese8:40 am News French News - News viaUndress satellite from FT2 Paris, in French, no subtitles. 9:30 Rivals 3:30 Bangla News

9:30 am Greek News From Cyprus - News via satellite from CyBC Cyprus, in Greek, no subtitles.

10:30 am German News - News via satellite from DW Berlin, in German, no subtitles. 12:00 Sesame Street, Arthur, The Numtums, Mike The 8:30 Whovians 12:00 Yo-Kai Watch 4:10 Superman Attorney At Law 3:30 Spongebob 7:00 Russian News 1:40 10,000 BC 10:25 Full Frontal With 4:00 Punjabi News 11:00 am Spanish News - News via satellite from RTVE Madrid, in Spanish, no subtitles.

12:00 pm Arabic News - News via satellite from DRTV Dubai, in Arabic, no subtitles.

Sally & Possum, dirtgirlworld, Knight 9:00 John Conway Tonight 12:30 Spongebob 7:00 Batman - The 12:10 Mike Tyson Squarepants 7:30 Polish 12:30News pm Turkish News - News 2:30via satellite from TRTWe Turkey, inAre Turkish, noYoung subtitles. Samantha Bee 4:30 Sri Lankan

1:00 pm Tour De France: Stage Replay - Replay of the Tour de France. Hosted by Michael Tomalaris. Reporting by Dave McKenzie and Henk Vogels. Commentary by Robbie McEwen, Matthew Keenan, Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwen. (France) (Sport) (Cycling) CC Puffin Rock, hoopla doopla!, 6:00 Ben And Holly’s Little 10:00 Louis Theroux’s Weird Squarepants Movie Mysteries 4:00 Steven Universe 8:00 Maltese News**Replay** 3:35 The Brain 11:15 Sex Toys Sinhalese News

3:00 pm Hairy Bikers' Asian Adventure - South Korea - Korean food is set to be the next big thing in the UK so the bikers want to find out more about this hot new trend on the horizon. On a night out with some young Seoulites they discover a cuisine that doesn’t pull any This Is Scarlett And Isaiah, Kingdom Weekends 1:00 Beyblade Burst 9:35 Olympus Has 12:25 Black Jesus 4:30 Little Charmers 8:30 Macedonianpunches when it comes5:25 to flavour, includingTough Korean BBQ and friedYoung chicken. Si discovers 2:05 France 24 News 5:00 Korean News he has a natural gift for the Koreans’ national sport, archery; while Dave brushes up on his Gangnam style dancing. They meet a robotic kitchen assistant and on a trip to the Korean seaside, the bikers take part in a rather unique squid festival. (Part 6 of 6) (From the UK) (Food Series) (Rpt) G CC Olivia, Ready, Jet, Go!, 6:10 Go Jetters 10:50 Forbidden Love 1:30 Steven Universe Fallen 12:55 Swamp Hunters 4:50 Rabbids News Teachers In English From Paris 5:30 Indonesian 4:00 pm This Is Brazil! - São Paulo & Fortaleza - Fernanda heads to the biggest city in the southern hemisphere and discovers how the rich get around the massive metropolis. Amongst the chaos of its 20 million residents, São Paulo reveals itself as a melting pot of cultures. At the Central Market she faces off with a huge sandwich, meets Pablo, a bicycle Postman Pat, Sydney Sailboat, 6:20 Little Roy 11:40 An Idiot Abroad 2:00 Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V 1:25 For The Love Of Invasion 9:00 PopAsia TVshop owner popular with6:30 those who want Vs.to avoid theArashi mile-long traffic jams, and then News heads to an open-air nightclub featuring the sounds of one of the country’s best DJs. After a quick stopover in the city of Fortaleza, where she meets up with one of Brazil’s top female surfers, Fernanda spends time on the island paradise of Fernando de Noronha. (Ep.2) (Commissioned by SBS) (Documentary/Travel) (Rpt) G CC

Messy Goes To Okido, Scout 6:35 Peter Rabbit 12:25 Stolen Seas 2:30 Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal Cars 5:10 We Bare Bears 10:00 Portuguese5:00 pm Tour De France: Highlights7:20 - Highlights Ifof the You Tour de France. Are Hosted byThe Michael Tomalaris. Reporting by Dave McKenzie and Henk Vogels. Commentary by Robbie McEwen, Matthew Keenan, Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwen. (France) (Sport) (Cycling) CC

6:00 pm Nigella Bites - Rainy Days - Nigella Lawson rolls back the rain clouds with her foul- And The Gumboot Kids, 6:50 Shaun The Sheep 2:00 ABC News Update 3:00 The Powerpuff 2:25 Looney Tunes 5:30 Yu-Gi-Oh! News weather recipes, conjuringOne up elaborate, time-consuming creations, including chocolate cloud cake, aubergine involtini and home-made pasta with meatballs. (S.2,Ep.9) (From the UK) (Food Series) (Rpt) G CC

6:30 pm SBS World News - Up-to-date reports and analysis of the major national and international Mister Maker’s Arty Party, Play 7:00 Spicks And Specks Girls Cartoons Master List Classic 10:50 Urdu Newsnews stories of the day in Australia's only world news service. (An SBS Production) School, 3:30 We Bare Bears 11:35 Hindi News 12:00 Vice News Tonight Susan Templeman MP FEDERAL MEMBER FOR MACQUARIE Available to help with: We’re here to Centrelink Medicare Get in contact with my office: Child NBN Office: Shop 24, 227 George St, Windsor NSW 2756 help in the Blue Support NDIS Mail: PO Box 855, Windsor NSW 2756 Taxation Mountains and the Immigration Phone: (02) 4573 8222 Hawkesbury Defence and Education Email: [email protected] Veterans and Training Affairs susan.templeman www.susantempleman.com.au

16 • Hills to Hawkesbury Living • May 12, 2017 MONDAY, MAY 15

SBS Program Guide – Week 29 (2016) ABC (2) SEVEN (7) 7TWO (72) 7MATE (73) NINE (91) GEM (92) TEN (10) 11 (11) ONE (1) SBS (3)

Monday July 11th, 2016 ALL MARKETS REJOIN

6:00 ABC News 6:00 Sunrise 6:00 Home Shopping 6:00 Home Shopping 6:00 Today 6:00 Friends 6:00 Entertainment 6:00 Toasted TV 6:00 Home Shopping7:30 am Tour De France: Daily Update6:00 - Daily updatesFrance of the Tour de France 2016.24 Hosted English by Michael Tomalaris. Reporting by Dave McKenzie and Henk Vogels. Commentary by Robbie McEwen, Matthew Keenan, Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwen. (France) (Sport) (Cycling)

8:40 am French News - News via satellite from FT2 Paris, in French, no subtitles. Breakfast 9:00 The Morning 6:30 Medical 6:30 Adventure Angler 9:00 Today Extra 6:30 This Is Your Day! Tonight 6:05 Littlest Pet Shop 8:00 RPM News 9:30 am Greek News From Cyprus - News via satellite from CyBC Cyprus, in Greek, no subtitles.

10:30 am German News - News via satellite from DW Berlin, in German, no subtitles.

9:00 ABC News Show Emergency 7:00 Hook Line And 11:30 Nine’s Morning 7:00 Creflo Dollar 6:30 Good Chef Bad 6:30 Dofus 9:00 Fishing Edge11:00 am Spanish News - News via6:30 satellite from RTVEDeutsche Madrid, in Spanish, no subtitles. Welle

12:00 pm Arabic News - News via satellite from DRTV Dubai, in Arabic, no subtitles.

12:30 pm Turkish News - News via satellite from TRT Turkey, in Turkish, no subtitles.

Mornings 11:30 Seven Morning 7:00 Get Arty Sinker News Ministries Chef 7:05 Pokemon 9:30 Just Go 1:00 pm Tour De France: Stage ReplayEnglish - Replay of the Tour deNews France. Hosted by Michael Tomalaris. Reporting by Dave McKenzie and Henk Vogels. Commentary by Robbie McEwen, Matthew Keenan, Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwen. (France) (Sport) (Cycling) CC **Replay**

3:00 pm Hairy Bikers' Asian Adventure - South Korea - Korean food is set to be the next big 10:00 Landline News 7:30 Tashi 8:00 Mark Berg’s 12:00 Ellen 7:30 Home Shopping 7:00 My Market 7:35 Cardfight!! 10:00 M*A*S*H thing in the UK so the bikers7:00 want to find outLIVE more about this hotCycling new trend on the horizon. On a night out with some young Seoulites they discover a cuisine that doesn’t pull any punches when it comes to flavour, including Korean BBQ and fried chicken. Si discovers he has a natural gift for the Koreans’ national sport, archery; while Dave brushes up on his Gangnam style dancing. They meet a robotic kitchen assistant and on a trip to the Korean 11:00 A Country Road 12:00 Midday Movie: : 8:00 Larry The Lawn Fishing Addiction 1:00 Crazy People 8:00 Ellen Kitchen Vanguard G 11:00 Hogan’s Heroesseaside, the bikers take part9:00 in a rather uniqueFrench squid festival. (Part 6 of 6)News (From the UK) (Food Series) (Rpt) G CC

4:00 pm This Is Brazil! - São Paulo & Fortaleza - Fernanda heads to the biggest city in the southern hemisphere and discovers how the rich get around the massive metropolis. Amongst the chaos of its 20 million residents, São Paulo reveals itself as a melting pot of 12:00 ABC News At Noon Don’t Look Back Mower 9:00 Big Angry Fish 3:00 Nine News Now 9:00 Home Shopping 7:30 The Bold & The 8:00 Totally Wild 12:00 Get Smart cultures. At the Central Market9:30 she faces off Greekwith a huge sandwich, meetsNews Pablo, a bicycle From shop owner popular with those who want to avoid the mile-long traffic jams, and then heads to an open-air nightclub featuring the sounds of one of the country’s best DJs. After a quick stopover in the city of Fortaleza, where she meets up with one of Brazil’s top female surfers, Fernanda spends time on the island paradise of Fernando de Noronha. (Ep.2) (Commissioned by SBS) (Documentary/Travel) (Rpt) G CC 1:00 Grantchester 2:00 The Daily Edition 8:30 Harry’s Practice 11:00 Charlie’s Angels 4:00 Nine’s Afternoon 9:30 Danoz Beautiful 8:35 Bob The Builder 1:00 Cheers Cyprus 5:00 pm Tour De France: Highlights - Highlights of the Tour de France. Hosted by Michael Tomalaris. Reporting by Dave McKenzie and Henk Vogels. Commentary by Robbie McEwen, Matthew Keenan, Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwen. (France) (Sport) (Cycling) CC

1:50 DCI Banks 3:00 The Chase 9:00 Home And Away 12:00 T.J Hooker News 10:30 Friends 8:00 Family Feud 9:00 Super Wings 2:00 Matlock 6:00 pm Nigella Bites - Rainy Days10:30 - Nigella Lawson German rolls back the rain clouds with hNewser foul- weather recipes, conjuring up elaborate, time-consuming creations, including chocolate cloud cake, aubergine involtini and home-made pasta with meatballs. (S.2,Ep.9) (From the UK) (Food Series) (Rpt) G CC

6:30 pm SBS World News - Up-to-date reports and analysis of the major national and international 2:35 Kitchen Cabinet 4:00 Seven News At 4 9:30 NBC Today 1:00 Wipeout USA 5:00 Millionaire Hot 11:30 Suncorp Super 8:30 Studio 10 9:30 Crocamole 3:00 Jake And Thenews stories of the day in11:00 Australia's only world Spanish news service. (An SBS Production) News 3:10 Eggheads 5:00 The Chase 10:30 Meet The Press 2:00 Combat Dealers Seat Netball 2017 11:00 The Talk 10:00 Dr. Quinn, Fatman 12:00 Arabic News 3:40 Doctor Who Australia 11:30 Annabel Langbein 3:00 Doomsday Castle Giants V Vixens 12:00 Dr Phil Medicine Woman 4:00 Diagnosis Murder 12:30 Turkish News 4:30 Whovians 12:00 Dr Oz 4:00 Swamp People 1:30 To The Manor 1:00 TBA 11:00 JAG 5:00 Star Trek: The Next 1:00 Al Jazeera News 5:00 ABC News: Early 1:00 Hairy Bikers 5:00 Mythbusters Born 2:30 Ben’s Menu 12:00 Judging Amy Generation 2:00 The Chefs’ Line - Edition 1:30 One Foot In The 2:00 Antiques 3:00 Judge Judy 1:00 The Division Greek 5:30 The Drum Grave Roadshow 3:30 My Market 2:00 Becker 2:30 Food Safari Fire 2:00 Some Mothers Do 3:00 Heartbeat Kitchen 3:00 The King Of Bitesize ‘ave ‘em 5:20 Are You Being 4:00 Everyday Gourmet Queens 2:35 Barbra Streisand 3:00 Property Ladder Served? Christmas With Justine Schofield 4:00 Rules Of 3:30 In Search Of The 4:00 Deal Or No Deal 4:30 The Bold & The Engagement Dark 5:00 60 Minute Beautiful 4:30 Everybody Loves 4:30 Meet The Makeover Raymond Monkeys 6:00 Dream Build 6:00 Seven News 6:00 Medical 6:00 American Pickers 6:00 Nine News 6:00 Friends 5:00 TEN Eyewitness 5:30 Frasier 6:00 M*A*S*H 5:30 Letters & Numbers 6:10 Grand Designs 7:00 Home and Away Emergency 7:00 Pawn Stars 7:00 A Current Affair 7:00 As Time Goes By News First At Five 6:30 Neighbours 7:30 MacGyver 6:00 The Chefs’ Line 7:00 ABC News 7:30 House Rules 6:30 Bargain Hunt: 7:30 World’s Most 7:30 The Voice 7:30 Planet Earth Ii 6:00 Family Feud 7:00 Malcolm In The 8:30 Undercover Boss 6:30 SBS World News 7:30 7.30 8:40 Seven Year Switch Anglesey 25 Extreme 8:50 Lip Sync Battles 8:40 DCI Banks 6:30 The Project Middle 9:30 2017 Formula 1 7:30 Hair Care Secrets 8:00 Australian Story 9:40 Ramsay’s Hotel 7:30 Jonathan Creek 8:30 Highway Patrol: 9:50 The Last Resort 10:40 Cold Case 7:30 MasterChef 7:30 How I Met Your Spanish Grand Prix 8:30 Island With Bear 8:30 Four Corners Hell 8:30 Foyle’s War Knife Attack 12:10 Rizzoli & Isles 11:40 Footy Classified Australia Mother 10:30 House Of Lies Grylls 9:20 Media Watch 10:40 Ramsay’s Kitchen 10:30 Blue Murder 9:00 Movie: 2 Fast 2 8:30 Have You Been 8:00 The Simpsons 11:00 Super Rugby Extra 9:25 24 Hours In 9:35 Q&A Nightmares USA Furious Paying Attention 9:30 Supernatural Time Emergency 10:40 Lateline 11:40 11:10 America’s Hardest 9:30 Prison Break 10:30 The XFiles 10:25 SBS World News 12:10 Red Band Society Prisons Late Edition

11:10 The Business 1:10 Harry’s Practice 12:00 Bargain Hunt 12:30 1:05 Gurus Explore 12:35 Friends 10:30 Elementary 11:30 The Late Late 12:00 Home Shopping 11:00 The World Game 11:30 Golf: PGA TOUR 2:00 Home Shopping 1:00 Deal Or No Deal 1:30 Swamp People Indonesia 1:00 Home Shopping 11:30 The Project Show with James 2:00 Diagnosis Murder 11:30 Versailles Highlights:The Players 4:00 NBC Today 1:30 Foyle’s War 2:30 Doomsday Castle 1:30 Home Shopping 1:30 Heartbeat 12:30 The Late Show Corden 3:00 Matlock 1:35 Witnesses Championship, TPC 5:00 Seven Early News 3:30 Dr Oz 3:30 American Pickers 2:00 Extra 3:30 Miss Marple With Stephen Colbert 12:30 The King Of 4:00 Jake And The 4:45 Luke Nguyen’s Sawgrass 5:30 Sunrise 4:30 Property Ladder 4:30 Pawn Stars 2:30 Global Shop 4:30 Joyce Meyer, 1:30 Home Shopping Queens Fatman Greater Mekong Bitesize 12:25 Secret State 5:30 Harry’s Practice 5:00 Hook Line And 3:00 Skippy - The Bush Enjoy Everyday Life 4:00 The Home Team 1:30 Frasier 5:00 The Doctors 4:55 Rachel Khoo’s 1:10 The Mix Sinker Kangaroo 5:00 Seaway 4:30 CBS - This 2:30 Rules Of Kitchen Notebook 1:40 rage 3:30 Good Morning Morning Engagement Melbourne Bitesize 3:20 The Tunnel America 3:00 Judging Amy 5:00 CGTN English 4:10 Murder, She Wrote 5:00 Nine News Early 4:00 Dr Quinn News 5:00 Antiques Edition Medicine Woman 5:30 NHK World Roadshow: Abbotsford 5:30 Today 5:00 Becker English News 5:45 France 24 Feature

SBS Program Guide – Week 29 (2016)

ABC 2 (22) GO (93) SBS VICELAND (32) Monday July 11th, 2016 ALL MARKETS REJOIN

5:00 Morning Children’s 4:00 Bananas In Pyjamas, 8:30 Louis Theroux’s Weird 6:00 Morning 4:00 Kids’ Wb 8:00 Top Gear 2:30 Pokemon 6:10 Hong Kong7:30 am TourNews De France: Daily4:00 Update - Daily updates365: of the Tour Every de France 2016. DayHosted by 5:35 If You Are The 1 2:15 CCTV News In Michael Tomalaris. Reporting by Dave McKenzie and Henk Vogels. Commentary by Robbie McEwen, Matthew Keenan, Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwen. (France) (Sport) (Cycling)

Programs Fireman Sam, Tree Fu Tom, Weekends Children’s Program Weekdays 9:10 A Walk Among 3:00 Sonic Boom 6:30 Chinese8:40 am NewsFrench News - News viaDocumentaries satellite from FT2 Paris, in French, no subtitles. 6:35 Mythbusters English From Beijing

9:30 am Greek News From Cyprus - News via satellite from CyBC Cyprus, in Greek, no subtitles.

10:30 am German News - News via satellite from DW Berlin, in German, no subtitles. 12:00 Sesame Street, Play The Numtums, Hey Duggee, 9:20 Life And Death Row 12:00 Dawson’s Creek 4:05 The Amazing The Tombstones 3:30 Wild Kratts 7:00 Russian News 4:05 The Event 7:30 The Feed 3:00 Thai News 11:00 am Spanish News - News via satellite from RTVE Madrid, in Spanish, no subtitles.

12:00 pm Arabic News - News via satellite from DRTV Dubai, in Arabic, no subtitles.

School, dirtgirlworld, Puffin Peg + Cat, Charlie And Lola, 10:15 The Office 1:00 World’s Funniest World Of Gumball 11:30 Most Terrifying 4:00 Little Charmers 7:30 Polish12:30 News pm Turkish News - News Makersvia satellite from TRT Turkey, in Turkish, no subtitles. 8:00 South Park 3:30 Bangla News

1:00 pm Tour De France: Stage Replay - Replay of the Tour de France. Hosted by Michael Tomalaris. Reporting by Dave McKenzie and Henk Vogels. Commentary by Robbie McEwen, Matthew Keenan, Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwen. (France) (Sport) (Cycling) CC Rock, hoopla doopla!, This Peppa Pig, Floogals 10:45 John Conway Tonight Videos Top 10 4:30 Be Cool Scooby Places In America 4:30 Teen Titans 8:00 **Replay** 4:10 Illusions Of 8:30 Movie: Midnight 4:00 Punjabi News Latin American 3:00 pm Hairy Bikers' Asian Adventure - South Korea - Korean food is set to be the next big thing in the UK so the bikers want to find out more about this hot new trend on the horizon. On a night out with some young Seoulites they discover a cuisine that doesn’t pull any Is Scarlett And Isaiah, Olivia, 6:00 Ben And Holly’s Little 11:45 Whovians Countdown Doo! 12:30 Adventure Time 4:50 Power Rangers punches when it comesGrandeur to flavour, including Korean BBQ and fried chicken. Si discovers Express 4:30 Sri Lankan 8:30 Macedonianhe has a natural gift for the Koreans’ national sport, archery; while Dave brushes up on his Gangnam style dancing. They meet a robotic kitchen assistant and on a trip to the Korean seaside, the bikers take part in a rather unique squid festival. (Part 6 of 6) (From the UK) (Food Series) (Rpt) G CC Curious George, Postman Kingdom 12:15 Peaky Blinders 2:00 Beyblade Burst 5:00 Ben 10 1:00 Regular Show Super Megaforce 4:40 Food, Booze 10:45 Movie: Point Sinhalese News 9:00 Croatian4:00 pm NewsThis Is Brazil! - São Paulo & Fortaleza - Fernanda heads to the biggest city in the southern hemisphere and discovers how the rich get around the massive metropolis. Amongst the chaos of its 20 million residents, São Paulo reveals itself as a melting pot of cultures. At the Central Market she faces off with a huge sandwich, meets Pablo, a bicycle Pat, Sydney Sailboat, Messy 6:10 Go Jetters 1:15 HitRecord On TV: RE: 2:30 Hi-5 5:30 Teen Titans 1:30 Ben 10 5:10 Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V shop owner popular withAnd those who wantTattoos to avoid the mile-long traffic jams, and then Blank 5:00 Korean News 9:30 Serbian Newsheads to an open-air nightclub featuring the sounds of one of the country’s best DJs. After a quick stopover in the city of Fortaleza, where she meets up with one of Brazil’s top female surfers, Fernanda spends time on the island paradise of Fernando de Noronha. (Ep.2) (Commissioned by SBS) (Documentary/Travel) (Rpt) G CC

Goes To Okido, Scout and the 6:20 Little Roy Games 3:00 Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V 6:00 Regular Show 2:00 Rabbids 5:30 Yu-Gi-Oh! 10:00 Dutch5:00 News pm Tour De France: Highlights5:05 - Highlights Viceof the Tour de France.News Hosted by Michael 12:15 Desus And 5:30 Indonesian Tomalaris. Reporting by Dave McKenzie and Henk Vogels. Commentary by Robbie McEwen, Matthew Keenan, Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwen. (France) (Sport) (Cycling) CC

6:00 pm Nigella Bites - Rainy Days - Nigella Lawson rolls back the rain clouds with her foul- Gumboot Kids, Mister Maker’s 6:35 Peter Rabbit 1:40 Doctor Who 3:30 Nexo Knights 6:30 Adventure Time Invasion Classic 10:30 Tamil Newsweather recipes, conjuringTonight up elaborate, time-consuming creations, including chocolate Mero News cloud cake, aubergine involtini and home-made pasta with meatballs. (S.2,Ep.9) (From the UK) (Food Series) (Rpt) G CC

6:30 pm SBS World News - Up-to-date reports and analysis of the major national and international Arty Party, Play School 6:50 Shaun The Sheep 2:30 ABC News Update 7:00 The Middle 11:00 Japanese Newsnews stories of the day in Australia's only world news service. (An SBS Production) 12:45 @midnight 7:00 Spicks And Specks 7:30 Science Of 11:35 Hindi News 1:15 The Feed 7:30 Doctor Who Stupid 12:00 Eurovision Song 1:45 Rivals 8:15 TBA Contest 2017 Final

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SBS Program Guide – Week 29 (2016) ABC (2) SEVEN (7) 7TWO (72) 7MATE (73) NINE (91) GEM (92) TEN (10) 11 (11) ONE (1) SBS (3)

Monday July 11th, 2016 ALL MARKETS REJOIN

6:00 ABC News 6:00 Sunrise 6:00 Home Shopping 6:00 Home Shopping 6:00 Today 6:00 Friends 6:00 Entertainment 6:00 Toasted TV 6:00 Home Shopping7:30 am Tour De France: Daily Update6:00 - Daily updatesFrance of the Tour de France 2016.24 Hosted English by Michael Tomalaris. Reporting by Dave McKenzie and Henk Vogels. Commentary by Robbie McEwen, Matthew Keenan, Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwen. (France) (Sport) (Cycling)

8:40 am French News - News via satellite from FT2 Paris, in French, no subtitles. Breakfast 9:00 The Morning 6:30 Medical 6:30 Adventure Angler 9:00 Today Extra 6:30 Skippy - The Bush Tonight 6:05 Littlest Pet Shop 8:00 Super Rugby Extra 6:30 Deutsche Welle 9:30 am Greek News From Cyprus - News via satellite from CyBC Cyprus, in Greek, no subtitles.

10:30 am German News - News via satellite from DW Berlin, in German, no subtitles.

9:00 ABC News Show Emergency 7:00 Hook Line And 11:30 Nine’s Morning Kangaroo 6:30 Good Chef Bad 6:30 Dofus Time 11:00 am Spanish News - News viaEnglish satellite from RTVE Madrid, News in Spanish, no subtitles.

12:00 pm Arabic News - News via satellite from DRTV Dubai, in Arabic, no subtitles.

12:30 pm Turkish News - News via satellite from TRT Turkey, in Turkish, no subtitles.

Mornings 11:30 Seven Morning 7:00 Get Arty Sinker News 7:00 Creflo Dollar Chef 7:05 Pokemon 9:00 Fishing Edge1:00 pm Tour De France: Stage Replay7:00 - Replay of LIVEthe Tour de France. Cycling Hosted by Michael Tomalaris. Reporting by Dave McKenzie and Henk Vogels. Commentary by Robbie McEwen, Matthew Keenan, Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwen. (France) (Sport) (Cycling) CC **Replay**

3:00 pm Hairy Bikers' Asian Adventure - South Korea - Korean food is set to be the next big 10:00 Four Corners News 7:30 Tashi 8:00 Mark Berg’s 12:00 Ellen Ministries 7:00 My Market 7:35 Cardfight!! 9:30 M*A*S*H thing in the UK so the bikers9:00 want to find outFrench more about this hot new trendNews on the horizon. On a night out with some young Seoulites they discover a cuisine that doesn’t pull any punches when it comes to flavour, including Korean BBQ and fried chicken. Si discovers he has a natural gift for the Koreans’ national sport, archery; while Dave brushes up on his Gangnam style dancing. They meet a robotic kitchen assistant and on a trip to the Korean 10:45 Media Watch 12:00 Midday Movie: 8:00 Larry The Lawn Fishing Addiction 1:00 Before Sunrise 7:30 Home Shopping Kitchen 8:00 Totally Wild 11:00 Hogan’s Heroesseaside, the bikers take part9:30 in a rather uniqueGreek squid festival. (Part 6News of 6) (From the UK) From (Food Series) (Rpt) G CC

4:00 pm This Is Brazil! - São Paulo & Fortaleza - Fernanda heads to the biggest city in the southern hemisphere and discovers how the rich get around the massive metropolis. Amongst the chaos of its 20 million residents, São Paulo reveals itself as a melting pot of 11:00 Grand Designs Wedding For One Mower 9:00 Big Angry Fish 3:00 Nine News Now 8:00 Ellen 7:30 The Bold & The 8:35 Bob The Builder 12:00 Get Smart cultures. At the Central MarketCyprus she faces off with a huge sandwich, meets Pablo, a bicycle shop owner popular with those who want to avoid the mile-long traffic jams, and then heads to an open-air nightclub featuring the sounds of one of the country’s best DJs. After a quick stopover in the city of Fortaleza, where she meets up with one of Brazil’s top female surfers, Fernanda spends time on the island paradise of Fernando de Noronha. (Ep.2) (Commissioned by SBS) (Documentary/Travel) (Rpt) G CC 12:00 ABC News At Noon 2:00 The Daily Edition 8:30 Harry’s Practice 10:00 Doomsday Castle 4:00 Nine’s Afternoon 9:00 Home Shopping Beautiful 9:00 Super Wings 1:00 Cheers 10:30 German News 5:00 pm Tour De France: Highlights - Highlights of the Tour de France. Hosted by Michael Tomalaris. Reporting by Dave McKenzie and Henk Vogels. Commentary by Robbie McEwen, Matthew Keenan, Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwen. (France) (Sport) (Cycling) CC

1:00 Seven Types Of 3:00 The Chase 9:00 Home And Away 11:00 Charlie’s Angels News 9:30 Danoz 8:00 Family Feud 9:30 Crocamole 2:00 Matlock 6:00 pm Nigella Bites - Rainy Days11:00 - Nigella Lawson Spanish rolls back the rain clouds with Newsher foul- weather recipes, conjuring up elaborate, time-consuming creations, including chocolate cloud cake, aubergine involtini and home-made pasta with meatballs. (S.2,Ep.9) (From the UK) (Food Series) (Rpt) G CC

6:30 pm SBS World News - Up-to-date reports and analysis of the major national and international Ambiguity 4:00 Seven News At 4 9:30 NBC Today 12:00 T.J Hooker 5:00 Millionaire Hot 10:30 Friends 8:30 Studio 10 10:00 Dr. Quinn, 3:00 Super Rugby newsExtra stories of the day in12:00 Australia's only world Arabic news service. (An SBS News Production) 2:00 The Time Of Our 5:00 The Chase 12:00 Dr Oz 1:00 Wipeout USA Seat 11:30 As Time Goes By 11:00 The Talk Medicine Woman Time 12:30 Turkish News Lives Australia 1:00 Jonathan Creek 2:00 Mythbusters 12:10 Up The Chastity 12:00 Dr Phil 11:00 JAG 4:00 Diagnosis Murder 1:00 PBS Newshour 3:00 The Cook And The 2:00 Mr Selfridge 3:00 Doomsday Belt 1:00 TBA 12:00 Judging Amy 5:00 Star Trek: The Next 2:00 The Chefs’ Line Chef 3:00 Property Ladder Preppers 2:10 The Hairy Bikers 2:00 Entertainment 1:00 The Division Generation 2:30 Creative Minds 3:25 Eggheads 4:00 Deal Or No Deal 4:00 Brandi And Jarrod Best Of British Tonight 2:00 Becker 3:20 SBS Flashback 4:00 Antiques 5:00 60 Minute 4:30 American Pickers 3:10 Heartbeat 2:30 Ben’s Menu 3:00 The King Of 3:25 Secrets Of The Roadshow Makeover 5:30 Pawn Stars 5:20 Are You Being 3:00 Judge Judy Queens Brain 5:00 ABC News: Early 6:00 Medical Served? 3:30 My Market 4:00 Rules Of Edition Emergency Kitchen Engagement 5:30 The Drum 4:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 6:00 Dream Build 6:00 Seven News 6:30 Bargain Hunt: : 6:00 American Pickers 6:00 Nine News 6:00 Friends 4:00 Everyday Gourmet 5:30 Frasier 6:00 M*A*S*H 4:30 Wild Brazil 6:10 Grand Designs 7:00 Home and Away Westpoint 29 7:00 Pawn Stars 7:00 A Current Affair 7:00 As Time Goes By With Justine Schofield 6:30 Neighbours 7:30 48 Hours 5:30 Letters And 7:00 ABC News 7:30 House Rules 7:30 Father Brown 7:30 Highway Patrol 7:30 The Last Resort 7:30 New Tricks 4:30 The Bold & The 7:00 Malcolm In The 9:30 Movie: All Good Numbers 7:30 7.30 8:40 Seven Year Switch 8:30 Judge John Deed 8:30 Outback Truckers 8:40 Love Child 8:40 Midsomer Beautiful Middle Things 6:00 The Chefs’ Line 8:00 Ask The Doctor 9:50 Ramsay’s Kitchen 10:30 Mighty Planes 9:30 Outback Pilots 9:40 Operation Murders 5:00 TEN Eyewitness 7:30 How I Met Your 11:30 The Americans 6:30 SBS World News 8:30 War On Waste Nightmares 10:30 Ice Road Truckers Thailand 10:50 Cold Case News First At Five Mother 7:30 Great Continental 9:30 Foreign 10:50 The Amazing Race 11:30 Car Chasers 10:40 The Mysteries Of 11:50 Scott And Bailey 6:00 Family Feud 8:00 The Simpsons Railway Journeys - Correspondent 11:50 The Goldbergs Laura 6:30 The Project 8:30 Dance Flick Madrid To Gibraltar 10:00 The Book Club 10:30 Lateline 12:20 Aquarius 11:30 Downton Abbey 12:00 American Pickers: 11:40 Mike & Molly 1:00 Home Shopping 7:30 MasterChef 10:10 How I Met Your 12:30 Breakout Kings 8:30 Insight 11:00 The Business 1:20 Harry’s Practice 1:00 Bargain Hunt The Italian Job: Part 1 12:10 20/20 1:30 Heartbeat Australia Mother 1:30 Home Shopping 9:30 Dateline 11:20 Q&A 2:00 Home Shopping 2:00 Mr Selfridge 1:00 Pawn Stars 1:00 The Baron 3:30 The Hairy Bikers 8:30 NCIS 11:10 The Late Late 2:00 Get Smart 10:00 SBS World News 12:25 Making Australia 4:00 NBC Today 3:00 Deal Or No Deal 1:30 Ice Road Truckers 2:00 Extra Best Of British 9:30 NCIS: New Orleans Show with James 3:00 Matlock Late Edition Great 5:00 Seven Early News 3:30 Dr Oz 2:30 Brandi And Jarrod 2:30 Global Shop 4:30 Joyce Meyer, 10:30 TBA Corden 4:00 Diagnosis Murder 10:30 The Legacy 1:25 rage 5:30 Sunrise 4:30 Property Ladder 3:00 Mark Berg’s 3:00 Skippy - The Bush Enjoy Everyday Life 11:30 The Project 12:10 The King Of 5:00 The Doctors 11:35 Movie: A Royal 4:10 Murder, She Wrote 5:30 Harry’s Practice Fishing Addiction Kangaroo 5:00 Dangerman 12:30 The Late Show Queens Affair 5:00 Antiques 4:00 Big Angry Fish 3:30 Good Morning With Stephen Colbert 1:10 Everybody Loves 2:05 The Tribe Roadshow: Guernsey 5:00 Hook Line And America 1:30 Home Shopping Raymond 3:55 Inside Assad’s Sinker 5:00 Nine News Early 4:00 The Home Team 1:35 Frasier Syria Edition 4:30 CBS - This 2:30 Rules Of 5:00 CGTN English 5:30 Today Morning Engagement News 3:00 Judging Amy 5:30 NHK World 4:00 Dr Quinn English News Medicine Woman 5:00 Becker

SBS Program Guide – Week 29 (2016) ABC 2 (22) GO (93) SBS VICELAND (32) Monday July 11th, 2016 ALL MARKETS REJOIN

5:00 Morning Children’s 4:00 Bananas In Pyjamas, 7:30 Dirty Jobs 6:00 Morning 4:00 Kids’ Wb 8:30 Meet The 2:30 Pokemon 6:10 Hong Kong7:30 am TourNews De France: Daily12:00 Update - Daily updatesThe of the TourSorcerer de France 2016. Hosted by 6:30 The Foodies 12:50 @midnight Michael Tomalaris. Reporting by Dave McKenzie and Henk Vogels. Commentary by Robbie McEwen, Matthew Keenan, Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwen. (France) (Sport) (Cycling)

Programs Fireman Sam, Tree Fu Tom, 8:20 The Checkout Children’s Program Weekdays Hockers 3:00 Sonic Boom 6:30 Chinese8:40 am NewsFrench News - News viaAnd satellite from The FT2 Paris, inWhite French, no subtitles. Snake 6:35 Mythbusters 1:20 The Feed

9:30 am Greek News From Cyprus - News via satellite from CyBC Cyprus, in Greek, no subtitles.

10:30 am German News - News via satellite from DW Berlin, in German, no subtitles. 12:00 Sesame Street, Play The Numtums, Hey Duggee, 8:50 An Idiot Abroad 12:00 Dawson’s Creek 4:05 The Amazing 9:00 21 Jump Street 3:30 Wild Kratts 7:00 Russian News 2:00 Savage U 7:30 The Feed 1:50 Flophouse 11:00 am Spanish News - News via satellite from RTVE Madrid, in Spanish, no subtitles.

12:00 pm Arabic News - News via satellite from DRTV Dubai, in Arabic, no subtitles.

School, dirtgirlworld, Puffin Peg + Cat, Charlie And Lola, 9:40 Banged Up Abroad 1:00 World’s Funniest World Of Gumball 11:10 Airplane Repo 4:00 Little Charmers 7:30 Polish12:30 News pm Turkish News - News 3:00via satellite from TRTStreet Turkey, in Turkish, Genius no subtitles. 8:00 South Park 2:15 RT News In

1:00 pm Tour De France: Stage Replay - Replay of the Tour de France. Hosted by Michael Tomalaris. Reporting by Dave McKenzie and Henk Vogels. Commentary by Robbie McEwen, Matthew Keenan, Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwen. (France) (Sport) (Cycling) CC Rock, hoopla doopla!, This Peppa Pig, Floogals 10:25 Archer Videos Top 10 4:30 Be Cool Scooby 12:10 South Beach 4:30 Teen Titans 8:00 **Replay** 3:30 The Feed 8:30 Search Party English From Moscow Ukrainian News 3:00 pm Hairy Bikers' Asian Adventure - South Korea - Korean food is set to be the next big thing in the UK so the bikers want to find out more about this hot new trend on the horizon. On a night out with some young Seoulites they discover a cuisine that doesn’t pull any Is Scarlett And Isaiah, Olivia, 6:00 Ben And Holly’s Little 10:50 The Office Countdown Doo! Tow 4:50 Power Rangers punches when it comes4:00 to flavour, includingIllusions Korean BBQ and fried chicken. Of Si discovers 9:20 Hamilton’s 3:00 Thai News 8:30 Macedonianhe has a natural gift for the Koreans’ national sport, archery; while Dave brushes up on his Gangnam style dancing. They meet a robotic kitchen assistant and on a trip to the Korean seaside, the bikers take part in a rather unique squid festival. (Part 6 of 6) (From the UK) (Food Series) (Rpt) G CC Curious George, Postman Kingdom 11:20 Life And Death Row 2:00 Beyblade Burst 5:00 Ben 10 12:35 The Middle Super Megaforce Grandeur Pharmacopeia 3:30 Bangla News 9:00 Croatian4:00 pm NewsThis Is Brazil! - São Paulo & Fortaleza - Fernanda heads to the biggest city in the southern hemisphere and discovers how the rich get around the massive metropolis. Amongst the chaos of its 20 million residents, São Paulo reveals itself as a melting pot of cultures. At the Central Market she faces off with a huge sandwich, meets Pablo, a bicycle Pat, Sydney Sailboat, Messy 6:10 Go Jetters 12:15 TBA 2:30 Hi-5 5:30 Teen Titans 1:00 Regular Show 5:10 Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V shop owner popular with4:30 those who want Food,to avoid the mile-long Booze traffic jams, and then 10:10 Abandoned 4:00 Punjabi News 9:30 Serbian Newsheads to an open-air nightclub featuring the sounds of one of the country’s best DJs. After a quick stopover in the city of Fortaleza, where she meets up with one of Brazil’s top female surfers, Fernanda spends time on the island paradise of Fernando de Noronha. (Ep.2) (Commissioned by SBS) (Documentary/Travel) (Rpt) G CC

Goes To Okido, Scout and the 6:20 Little Roy 1:00 Dirty Jobs 3:00 Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V 6:00 Regular Show 1:30 Ben 10 5:30 Yu-Gi-Oh! 10:00 Dutch5:00 News pm Tour De France: HighlightsAnd - Highlights Tattoos of the Tour de France. Hosted by Michael 11:50 Vice News 4:30 Sri Lankan Tomalaris. Reporting by Dave McKenzie and Henk Vogels. Commentary by Robbie McEwen, Matthew Keenan, Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwen. (France) (Sport) (Cycling) CC

6:00 pm Nigella Bites - Rainy Days - Nigella Lawson rolls back the rain clouds with her foul- Gumboot Kids, Mister Maker’s 6:35 Peter Rabbit 1:55 ABC News Update 3:30 Lego Friends 6:30 Adventure Time 2:00 Rabbids Classic 10:30 Nepali Newsweather recipes, conjuring5:00 up elaborate, time-consuRivalsming creations, including chocolate Tonight Sinhalese News cloud cake, aubergine involtini and home-made pasta with meatballs. (S.2,Ep.9) (From the UK) (Food Series) (Rpt) G CC

6:30 pm SBS World News - Up-to-date reports and analysis of the major national and international Arty Party, Play School 6:50 Shaun The Sheep 7:00 The Middle Invasion 11:00 Japanese Newsnews stories of the day5:30 in Australia's onlyIf world You news service. Are (An SBS Production)The 1 12:20 Desus and Mero 5:00 Korean News 7:00 Spicks And Specks 7:30 The Big Bang 11:35 Hindi News 5:30 Indonesian Theory News Glenorie Growers’ Market rear Glenorie RSL Club 4th Sunday each month • 8:00am - 1:00pm [email protected] enquiries: 0423 727 826 Locally grown produce, meat, cheese & honey handmade jewellery • unique gifts • original art

18 • Hills to Hawkesbury Living • May 12, 2017 WEDNESDAY, MAY 17

SBS Program Guide – Week 29 (2016) ABC (2) SEVEN (7) 7TWO (72) 7MATE (73) NINE (91) GEM (92) TEN (10) 11 (11) ONE (1) SBS (3)

Monday July 11th, 2016 ALL MARKETS REJOIN

6:00 ABC News 6:00 Sunrise 6:00 Home Shopping 6:00 Home Shopping 6:00 Today 6:00 Friends 6:00 Entertainment 6:00 Toasted TV 6:00 Home Shopping7:30 am Tour De France: Daily Update6:00 - Daily updatesFrance of the Tour de France 2016.24 Hosted English by Michael Tomalaris. Reporting by Dave McKenzie and Henk Vogels. Commentary by Robbie McEwen, Matthew Keenan, Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwen. (France) (Sport) (Cycling)

8:40 am French News - News via satellite from FT2 Paris, in French, no subtitles. Breakfast 9:00 The Morning 6:30 Medical 6:30 Adventure Angler 9:00 Today Extra 6:30 This Is Your Day! Tonight 6:05 Littlest Pet Shop 8:00 Star Trek: The Next News 9:30 am Greek News From Cyprus - News via satellite from CyBC Cyprus, in Greek, no subtitles.

10:30 am German News - News via satellite from DW Berlin, in German, no subtitles.

9:00 ABC News Show Emergency 7:00 Hook Line And 11:30 Nine’s Morning 7:00 Creflo Dollar 6:30 Good Chef Bad 6:30 Dofus Generation 11:00 am Spanish News - News via6:30 satellite from RTVEDeutsche Madrid, in Spanish, no subtitles. Welle

12:00 pm Arabic News - News via satellite from DRTV Dubai, in Arabic, no subtitles.

12:30 pm Turkish News - News via satellite from TRT Turkey, in Turkish, no subtitles.

Mornings 11:30 Seven Morning 7:00 Get Arty Sinker News Ministries Chef 7:05 Pokemon 9:00 Fishing Edge1:00 pm Tour De France: Stage ReplayEnglish - Replay of the Tour deNews France. Hosted by Michael Tomalaris. Reporting by Dave McKenzie and Henk Vogels. Commentary by Robbie McEwen, Matthew Keenan, Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwen. (France) (Sport) (Cycling) CC **Replay**

3:00 pm Hairy Bikers' Asian Adventure - South Korea - Korean food is set to be the next big 10:00 Q&A News 7:30 Tashi 8:00 Mark Berg’s 12:00 Ellen 7:30 Home Shopping 7:00 My Market 7:35 Cardfight!! 9:30 M*A*S*H thing in the UK so the bikers7:00 want to find outLIVE more about this hotCycling new trend on the horizon. On a night out with some young Seoulites they discover a cuisine that doesn’t pull any punches when it comes to flavour, including Korean BBQ and fried chicken. Si discovers he has a natural gift for the Koreans’ national sport, archery; while Dave brushes up on his Gangnam style dancing. They meet a robotic kitchen assistant and on a trip to the Korean 11:05 Grand Designs 12:00 Midday Movie: 8:00 Larry The Lawn Fishing Addiction 1:00 The Last Resort 8:00 Ellen Kitchen 8:00 Totally Wild 11:00 Hogan’s Heroesseaside, the bikers take part9:00 in a rather uniqueFrench squid festival. (Part 6 of 6)News (From the UK) (Food Series) (Rpt) G CC

4:00 pm This Is Brazil! - São Paulo & Fortaleza - Fernanda heads to the biggest city in the southern hemisphere and discovers how the rich get around the massive metropolis. Amongst the chaos of its 20 million residents, São Paulo reveals itself as a melting pot of 12:00 ABC News At Noon Unanswered Prayers Mower 9:00 Big Angry Fish 2:00 Love Child 9:00 Home Shopping 7:30 The Bold & The 8:35 Bob The Builder 12:00 Get Smart cultures. At the Central Market9:30 she faces off Greekwith a huge sandwich, meetsNews Pablo, a bicycle From shop owner popular with those who want to avoid the mile-long traffic jams, and then heads to an open-air nightclub featuring the sounds of one of the country’s best DJs. After a quick stopover in the city of Fortaleza, where she meets up with one of Brazil’s top female surfers, Fernanda spends time on the island paradise of Fernando de Noronha. (Ep.2) (Commissioned by SBS) (Documentary/Travel) (Rpt) G CC 12:30 National Press Club 2:00 The Daily Edition 8:30 Harry’s Practice 10:00 Doomsday 3:00 Nine News Now 10:30 Friends Beautiful 9:00 Super Wings 1:00 Cheers Cyprus 5:00 pm Tour De France: Highlights - Highlights of the Tour de France. Hosted by Michael Tomalaris. Reporting by Dave McKenzie and Henk Vogels. Commentary by Robbie McEwen, Matthew Keenan, Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwen. (France) (Sport) (Cycling) CC

Address 3:00 The Chase 9:00 Home And Away Preppers 4:00 Nine’s Afternoon 11:30 As Time Goes By 8:00 Family Feud 9:30 Crocamole 2:00 Matlock 6:00 pm Nigella Bites - Rainy Days10:30 - Nigella Lawson German rolls back the rain clouds with hNewser foul- weather recipes, conjuring up elaborate, time-consuming creations, including chocolate cloud cake, aubergine involtini and home-made pasta with meatballs. (S.2,Ep.9) (From the UK) (Food Series) (Rpt) G CC

6:30 pm SBS World News - Up-to-date reports and analysis of the major national and international 1:30 The Book Club 4:00 Seven News At 4 9:30 NBC Today 11:00 Charlie’s Angels News 12:10 Carry On Cowboy 8:30 Studio 10 10:00 Dr. Quinn, 3:00 Jake And Thenews stories of the day in11:00 Australia's only world Spanish news service. (An SBS Production) News 2:00 The Time Of Our 5:00 The Chase 12:00 Dr Oz 12:00 T.J Hooker 5:00 Millionaire Hot 2:10 The Hairy Bikers 11:00 The Talk Medicine Woman Fatman 12:00 Arabic News Lives Australia 1:00 Lovejoy 1:00 Wipeout USA Seat Best Of British 12:00 Dr Phil 11:00 JAG 4:00 Diagnosis Murder 12:30 Turkish News 2:55 Poh’s Kitchen on 2:00 The Great 3:00 Brandi And Jarrod 3:10 Heartbeat 1:00 TBA 12:00 Judging Amy 5:00 Star Trek: The Next 1:00 PBS Newshour the road Outdoors 3:30 Doomsday 5:20 Are You Being 2:00 Entertainment 1:00 The Division Generation 2:00 The Chefs’ Line 3:25 Eggheads 3:00 Property Ladder Preppers Served? Tonight 2:00 Becker 2:30 Kylie Kwong 4:00 Antiques 4:00 Deal Or No Deal 4:30 American Pickers 2:30 Ben’s Menu 3:00 The King Of 3:00 Dateline Roadshow 5:00 60 Minute 5:30 Pawn Stars 3:00 Judge Judy Queens 3:30 Insight 5:00 ABC News: Early Makeover 3:30 My Market 4:00 Rules Of 4:30 Wild Thailand Edition 6:00 Medical Kitchen Engagement 5:30 Letters & Numbers 5:30 The Drum Emergency 4:30 Everybody Loves 6:00 Dream Build Raymond 6:10 Grand Designs 6:00 Seven News 6:30 Bargain Hunt: 6:00 American Pickers 6:00 Nine News 6:00 Friends 4:00 Everyday Gourmet 5:30 Frasier 6:00 M*A*S*H 6:00 The Chefs’ Line 7:00 ABC News 7:00 Home and Away Stafford 9 7:00 Pawn Stars 7:00 A Current Affair 7:00 As Time Goes By With Justine Schofield 6:30 Neighbours 7:30 Bear Grylls: 6:30 SBS World News 7:30 7.30 7:30 House Rules 7:30 Inspector Morse 7:30 Pawn Stars 7:30 The Last Resort 7:30 Death In Paradise 4:30 The Bold & The 7:00 Malcolm In The Mission Survive 7:35 Tony Robinson’s 8:00 Anh’s Brush With 8:40 The Aussie 9:30 Families Of Crime Australia 8:40 Britain’s Got Talent 8:40 Poirot Beautiful Middle 8:30 Attenborough’s Coast To Coast Fame Property Flippers 10:45 I Shouldn’t Be 8:00 Storage Wars 10:10 Chicago Med 9:50 Silent Witness 5:00 TEN Eyewitness 7:30 How I Met Your Nature’s Great Events 8:30 Fargo 8:30 The Weekly With 9:50 The Big Bang Alive Canada 11:10 Proof 11:00 The Widower News First At Five Mother 9:30 Shark Tank 10:25 The Young Pope Charlie Pickering Theory 11:45 Bargain Hunt 9:00 Aussie Pickers 6:00 Family Feud 8:00 The Simpsons 11:30 SBS World News 9:00 You Can’t Ask 10:20 Trial And Error 12:45 Lovejoy 10:00 American Pickers 6:30 The Project 9:00 Futurama Late Edition That: Ice Users 11:20 Blindspot 9:30 Pacific Heat 9:30 The Warriors 12:20 Bates Motel 2:00 Home Shopping 11:00 Barter Kings 12:05 Air Ambulance ER 12:00 Hope And Wire 7:30 MasterChef 10:00 Bob’s Burgers 10:30 Undercover Boss 12:00 Movie: They Have 10:00 The Ex-PM 1:20 Men At Work 4:00 Deal Or No Deal 11:30 Hardcore Pawn 1:00 Anger 1:00 Home Shopping Australia 10:30 Son Of Zorn 11:30 Legends Escaped 10:30 Lateline 2:00 Home Shopping 4:30 Property Ladder: 12:00 Heroes Reborn Management 1:30 Heartbeat 8:30 This Is Us 11:00 Duckman 12:30 Home Shopping 1:50 Movie: Sarah’s Key 11:00 The Business 4:00 NBC Today The Not So Silent 1:00 American Pickers 1:30 Cybershack 3:30 The Hairy Bikers 9:30 Madam Secretary 11:30 The Late Late 2:00 Diagnosis Murder 3:55 The Story Of 11:15 Four Corners 5:00 Seven Early News Partner 2:00 Home Shopping 2:00 Extra Best Of British 10:30 Hawaii Five-O Show with James 3:00 Hogan’s Heroes China 12:05 Media Watch 5:30 Sunrise 5:30 Harry’s Practice 4:00 Pawn Stars 2:30 Global Shop 4:30 Joyce Meyer, 11:30 The Project Corden 4:00 Jake And The 5:00 CGTN English 12:20 The Weekly With 4:30 Heroes Reborn 3:00 Skippy - The Bush Enjoy Everyday Life 12:30 The Late Show 12:30 The King Of Fatman News Charlie Pickering 5:30 What Went Down Kangaroo 5:00 Dangerman With Stephen Colbert Queens 5:00 The Doctors 5:30 NHK World 12:50 rage 3:30 Good Morning 1:30 Home Shopping 1:30 Frasier English News 3:15 Golf: PGA TOUR America 4:00 The Home Team 2:30 Rules Of Highlights: The Players 5:00 Nine News Early 4:30 CBS - This Engagement Championship, TPC Edition Morning 3:00 Judging Amy Sawgrass 5:30 Today 4:00 Dr Quinn 4:10 Murder, She Wrote Medicine Woman 5:00 Antiques 5:00 Becker Roadshow

SBS Program Guide – Week 29 (2016) ABC 2 (22) GO (93) SBS VICELAND (32) Monday July 11th, 2016 ALL MARKETS REJOIN

5:00 Morning Children’s 4:00 Bananas In Pyjamas, 8:20 Bodyshockers 6:00 Morning 4:00 Kids’ Wb 8:00 Police Ten 7 2:30 Pokemon 6:10 Hong Kong7:30 am TourNews De France: Daily12:00 Update - Daily updatesMovie: of the Tour de FranceMarriage 2016. Hosted by 5:10 Vice News 1:30 @midnight Michael Tomalaris. Reporting by Dave McKenzie and Henk Vogels. Commentary by Robbie McEwen, Matthew Keenan, Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwen. (France) (Sport) (Cycling)

Programs Fireman Sam, Tree Fu Tom, 9:10 The Aliens Children’s Program Weekdays 8:30 The Core 3:00 Sonic Boom 6:30 Chinese8:40 am NewsFrench News - News viaAnd satellite from Other FT2 Paris, in French, Disasters no subtitles. Tonight 2:00 The Feed

9:30 am Greek News From Cyprus - News via satellite from CyBC Cyprus, in Greek, no subtitles.

10:30 am German News - News via satellite from DW Berlin, in German, no subtitles. 12:00 Sesame Street, Play The Numtums, Hey Duggee, 9:55 Russell Howard’s Stand 12:00 Dawson’s Creek 4:05 The Amazing 11:10 Airplane Repo 3:30 Wild Kratts 7:00 Russian News 1:45 Alarm for Cobra 5:40 If You Are The 1 2:30 France 24 News 11:00 am Spanish News - News via satellite from RTVE Madrid, in Spanish, no subtitles.

12:00 pm Arabic News - News via satellite from DRTV Dubai, in Arabic, no subtitles.

School, dirtgirlworld, Puffin Peg + Cat, Charlie And Lola, Up Central 1:00 World’s Funniest World Of Gumball 12:10 The Middle 4:00 Little Charmers 7:30 Polish12:30 News pm Turkish News - News 11via satellite from TRT Turkey, in Turkish, no subtitles. 6:40 Mythbusters In English From Paris

1:00 pm Tour De France: Stage Replay - Replay of the Tour de France. Hosted by Michael Tomalaris. Reporting by Dave McKenzie and Henk Vogels. Commentary by Robbie McEwen, Matthew Keenan, Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwen. (France) (Sport) (Cycling) CC Rock, hoopla doopla!, This Peppa Pig, Floogals 10:20 The Office Specials Videos Top 10 4:30 Be Cool Scooby 12:35 Adventure Time 4:30 Teen Titans 8:00 **Replay** 2:40 Woman With 7:35 The Feed 3:00 Thai News Ukrainian News 3:00 pm Hairy Bikers' Asian Adventure - South Korea - Korean food is set to be the next big thing in the UK so the bikers want to find out more about this hot new trend on the horizon. On a night out with some young Seoulites they discover a cuisine that doesn’t pull any Is Scarlett And Isaiah, Olivia, 6:00 Ben And Holly’s Little 11:05 Catfish Countdown Doo! 1:00 Regular Show 4:50 Power Rangers punches when it comesGloria to flavour, including Steinem Korean BBQ and fried chicken. Si discovers 8:05 Brooklyn Nine 3:30 Bangla News 8:30 Macedonianhe has a natural gift for the Koreans’ national sport, archery; while Dave brushes up on his Gangnam style dancing. They meet a robotic kitchen assistant and on a trip to the Korean seaside, the bikers take part in a rather unique squid festival. (Part 6 of 6) (From the UK) (Food Series) (Rpt) G CC Curious George, Postman Kingdom 11:50 Banged Up Abroad 2:00 Beyblade Burst 5:00 Ben 10 1:30 Ben 10 Super Megaforce 3:10 9:00 Movie:Fearless 4:00 Punjabi News 9:00 Croatian4:00 pm NewsThis Is Brazil! - São Paulo & Fortaleza - Fernanda heads to the biggest city in the southern hemisphere and discovers how the rich get around the massive metropolis. Amongst the chaos of its 20 million residents, São Paulo reveals itself as a melting pot of cultures. At the Central Market she faces off with a huge sandwich, meets Pablo, a bicycle Pat, Sydney Sailboat, Messy 6:10 Go Jetters 12:35 World’s Toughest Jobs 2:30 Hi-5 5:30 Teen Titans 2:00 Rabbids 5:10 Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V shop owner popular with3:40 those who want Theto avoid the mile-longFeed traffic jams, and then Vampire Killers 4:30 Sri Lankan 9:30 Serbian Newsheads to an open-air nightclub featuring the sounds of one of the country’s best DJs. After a quick stopover in the city of Fortaleza, where she meets up with one of Brazil’s top female surfers, Fernanda spends time on the island paradise of Fernando de Noronha. (Ep.2) (Commissioned by SBS) (Documentary/Travel) (Rpt) G CC

Goes To Okido, Scout and the 6:20 Little Roy 1:35 Dirty Jobs 3:00 Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V 6:00 Regular Show Invasion 5:30 Yu-Gi-Oh! 10:00 Dutch5:00 News pm Tour De France: Highlights4:10 - Highlights Illusionsof the Tour de France. Hosted Of by Michael 10:40 An American Sinhalese News Tomalaris. Reporting by Dave McKenzie and Henk Vogels. Commentary by Robbie McEwen, Matthew Keenan, Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwen. (France) (Sport) (Cycling) CC

6:00 pm Nigella Bites - Rainy Days - Nigella Lawson rolls back the rain clouds with her foul- Gumboot Kids, Mister Maker’s 6:35 Peter Rabbit 2:25 ABC News Update 3:30 Lego Friends 6:30 Adventure Time Classic 10:30 African Newsweather recipes, conjuringGrandeur up elaborate, time-consuming creations, including chocolate Werewolf In London 5:00 Korean News cloud cake, aubergine involtini and home-made pasta with meatballs. (S.2,Ep.9) (From the UK) (Food Series) (Rpt) G CC

6:30 pm SBS World News - Up-to-date reports and analysis of the major national and international Arty Party, Play School 6:50 Shaun The Sheep 7:00 The Middle 11:00 Japanese Newsnews stories of the day4:40 in Australia's onlyFood, world news service. Booze (An SBS Production) 12:35 Vice News 5:30 Indonesian 7:00 Spicks And Specks 7:30 RBT 11:35 Hindi News And Tattoos Tonight News 7:30 Dirty Jobs 1:05 Desus and Mero

Hills to Hawkesbury Living • May 12, 2017 • 19 THURSDAY, MAY 18

SBS Program Guide – Week 29 (2016) ABC (2) SEVEN (7) 7TWO (72) 7MATE (73) NINE (91) GEM (92) TEN (10) 11 (11) ONE (1) SBS (3)

Monday July 11th, 2016 ALL MARKETS REJOIN

6:00 ABC News Breakfast 6:00 Sunrise 6:00 Home Shopping 6:00 Home Shopping 6:00 Today 6:00 Friends 6:00 Entertainment 6:00 Toasted TV 6:00 Home Shopping7:30 am Tour De France: Daily Update6:00 - Daily updatesFrance of the Tour de France 2016.24 Hosted English by Michael Tomalaris. Reporting by Dave McKenzie and Henk Vogels. Commentary by Robbie McEwen, Matthew Keenan, Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwen. (France) (Sport) (Cycling)

8:40 am French News - News via satellite from FT2 Paris, in French, no subtitles. 9:00 ABC News Mornings 9:00 The Morning 6:30 Medical 6:30 Adventure Angler 9:00 Today Extra 6:30 Skippy - The Bush Tonight 6:05 Littlest Pet Shop 8:00 2017 Formula 1 News 9:30 am Greek News From Cyprus - News via satellite from CyBC Cyprus, in Greek, no subtitles.

10:30 am German News - News via satellite from DW Berlin, in German, no subtitles.

10:00 Australian Story Show Emergency 7:00 Hook Line And 11:30 Nine’s Morning Kangaroo 6:30 Good Chef Bad 6:30 Dofus Spanish Grand11:00 Prix am Spanish News - News via6:30 satellite from RTVEDeutsche Madrid, in Spanish, no subtitles. Welle

12:00 pm Arabic News - News via satellite from DRTV Dubai, in Arabic, no subtitles.

12:30 pm Turkish News - News via satellite from TRT Turkey, in Turkish, no subtitles.

10:30 Foreign 11:30 Seven Morning 7:00 Get Arty Sinker News 7:00 Creflo Dollar Chef 7:05 Pokemon 9:00 Fishing Edge1:00 pm Tour De France: Stage ReplayEnglish - Replay of the Tour deNews France. Hosted by Michael Tomalaris. Reporting by Dave McKenzie and Henk Vogels. Commentary by Robbie McEwen, Matthew Keenan, Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwen. (France) (Sport) (Cycling) CC **Replay**

3:00 pm Hairy Bikers' Asian Adventure - South Korea - Korean food is set to be the next big Correspondent News 7:30 Tashi 8:00 Mark Berg’s 12:00 Ellen Ministries 7:00 My Market 7:35 Cardfight!! 9:30 M*A*S*H thing in the UK so the bikers7:00 want to find outLIVE more about this hotCycling new trend on the horizon. On a night out with some young Seoulites they discover a cuisine that doesn’t pull any punches when it comes to flavour, including Korean BBQ and fried chicken. Si discovers he has a natural gift for the Koreans’ national sport, archery; while Dave brushes up on his Gangnam style dancing. They meet a robotic kitchen assistant and on a trip to the Korean 11:00 Grand Designs 12:00 Movie: Killer 8:00 Larry The Lawn Fishing Addiction 1:00 The Last Resort 7:30 Home Shopping Kitchen 8:00 Scope 11:00 Hogan’s Heroesseaside, the bikers take part9:00 in a rather uniqueFrench squid festival. (Part 6 of 6)News (From the UK) (Food Series) (Rpt) G CC

4:00 pm This Is Brazil! - São Paulo & Fortaleza - Fernanda heads to the biggest city in the southern hemisphere and discovers how the rich get around the massive metropolis. Amongst the chaos of its 20 million residents, São Paulo reveals itself as a melting pot of 12:00 ABC News At Noon Assistant Mower 9:00 Big Angry Fish 2:00 Chicago Med 8:00 Ellen 7:30 The Bold & The 8:35 Bob The Builder 12:00 Get Smart cultures. At the Central Market9:30 she faces off Greekwith a huge sandwich, meetsNews Pablo, a bicycle From shop owner popular with those who want to avoid the mile-long traffic jams, and then heads to an open-air nightclub featuring the sounds of one of the country’s best DJs. After a quick stopover in the city of Fortaleza, where she meets up with one of Brazil’s top female surfers, Fernanda spends time on the island paradise of Fernando de Noronha. (Ep.2) (Commissioned by SBS) (Documentary/Travel) (Rpt) G CC 1:00 Great Southern 2:00 The Daily Edition 8:30 Harry’s Practice 10:00 Brandi And Jarrod 3:00 Nine News Now 9:00 Home Shopping Beautiful 9:00 Super Wings 1:00 Cheers Cyprus 5:00 pm Tour De France: Highlights - Highlights of the Tour de France. Hosted by Michael Tomalaris. Reporting by Dave McKenzie and Henk Vogels. Commentary by Robbie McEwen, Matthew Keenan, Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwen. (France) (Sport) (Cycling) CC

Land 3:00 The Chase 9:00 Home And Away 11:00 Charlie’s Angels 4:00 Nine’s Afternoon 10:30 Friends 8:00 Family Feud 9:30 Crocamole 2:00 Matlock 6:00 pm Nigella Bites - Rainy Days10:30 - Nigella Lawson German rolls back the rain clouds with hNewser foul- weather recipes, conjuring up elaborate, time-consuming creations, including chocolate cloud cake, aubergine involtini and home-made pasta with meatballs. (S.2,Ep.9) (From the UK) (Food Series) (Rpt) G CC

6:30 pm SBS World News - Up-to-date reports and analysis of the major national and international 2:00 The Time Of Our 4:00 Seven News At 4 9:30 NBC Today 12:00 T.J Hooker News 11:30 As Time Goes By 8:30 Studio 10 10:00 Dr. Quinn, 3:00 Jake And Thenews stories of the day in11:00 Australia's only world Spanish news service. (An SBS Production) News Lives 5:00 The Chase 12:00 Dr Oz 1:00 Wipeout USA: 5:00 Millionaire Hot 12:10 Lease Of Life 11:00 The Talk Medicine Woman Fatman 12:00 Arabic News 3:00 Surfing The Menu Australia 1:00 Lovejoy: The World Cup Seat 2:10 The Hairy Bikers 12:00 Dr Phil 11:00 JAG 4:00 Diagnosis Murder 12:30 Turkish News 3:25 Eggheads 6:00 Seven News Judas Pair 2:00 What Went Down Best Of British 1:00 TBA 12:00 Judging Amy 5:00 Star Trek: The Next 1:00 PBS Newshour 4:00 Antiques 7:00 Home and Away 2:00 I Shouldn’t Be 2:30 American Pickers 3:10 Heartbeat 2:00 Entertainment 1:00 Beauty And The Generation 2:00 The Chefs’ Line - Roadshow Alive 4:30 Pawn Stars 5:20 Are You Being Tonight Beast Indian 5:00 ABC News 3:00 Property Ladder 5:00 Brandi And Jarrod Served? 2:30 Ben’s Menu 2:00 Becker 2:30 Kylie Kwong 5:30 The Drum 4:00 Deal Or No Deal 5:30 Barter Kings 3:00 Judge Judy 3:00 The King Of 3:00 Classic Floyd 6:00 Dream Build 5:00 60 Minute 3:30 My Market Queens 3:25 The Ark Of The 6:10 Grand Designs Makeover Kitchen 4:00 Rules Of Covenant 6:00 Medical Engagement 4:20 Britain’s Ultimate Emergency Pilots: Inside The RAF 7:00 ABC News 8:30 Holiday Horrors 6:30 Bargain Hunt: 6:00 American Pickers 6:00 Nine News 6:00 Friends 4:00 Everyday Gourmet 4:30 Everybody Loves 6:00 M*A*S*H 5:30 Letters And 7:30 7.30 Caught On Camera Brackley 22 7:00 Beverly Hills Pawn 7:00 A Current Affair 7:00 As Time Goes By With Justine Schofield Raymond 7:30 Car Crash Britain Numbers 8:00 The Checkout 9:30 The Big Bang 7:30 The Vicar Of 7:30 The Big Bang 7:30 Nine’s Live 7:30 Weird Wonders Of 4:30 The Bold & The 5:30 Frasier 8:30 COPS: Adults Only 6:00 The Chefs’ Line 8:30 Seven Types Of Theory Dibley - Christmas Theory Thursday Night The World Beautiful 6:30 Neighbours 9:00 Movie: Dragon 6:30 SBS World News Ambiguity 11:30 Grimm: Silence Of 2004 9:30 Family Guy Football 8:40 Executive 5:00 TEN Eyewitness 7:00 Malcolm In The Eyes 7:30 Great British 9:30 Restoration Man The Slams 8:30 Murdoch 10:30 American Dad 9:50 The Footy Show Decision News First At Five Middle 11:00 Graceland Railway Journeys 10:20 Lateline Mysteries 11:30 World’s Craziest 11:20 Black Adder II 6:00 Family Feud 7:30 How I Met Your 8:05 Luke Nguyen’s 10:50 The Business Fools 6:30 The Project Mother Greater Mekong 8:00 The Simpsons 11:05 Streets Of Your 12:30 Odyssey 11:30 Bargain Hunt 12:00 1:30 Home Shopping 12:00 Friends 7:30 MasterChef 8:30 Sex And The City 12:00 Home Shopping 8:35 Italy Unpacked Town 1:30 Manhattan Love 12:30 Psychic TV: 1:00 Ink Master 2:00 Extra 12:30 Getaway Australia 10:35 Empire 2:00 Bellator MMA 9:40 Medici: Masters Of 12:05 The Agony Of Life Story Psychic TV 2:00 MXTV 2:30 Global Shop 1:00 Call And Win 8:30 Law & Order 11:35 The Late Late 4:00 COPS Florence 12:35 It’s A Date 2:00 Home Shopping 3:30 Lovejoy: The 3:00 Mark Berg’s 3:00 Skippy - The Bush 3:00 Heartbeat 10:30 Blue Bloods Show with James 4:30 Get Smart 10:40 SBS World News 1:05 National Press 4:00 NBC Today Judas Pair Fishing Addiction Kangaroo 4:00 Adventures In 11:30 The Project Corden 5:00 The Doctors Late Edition Club Address 5:00 Seven Early News 4:30 Property Ladder 4:00 Big Angry Fish 3:30 Good Morning Rainbow Country 12:30 The Late Show 12:35 The King Of 11:15 Masters Of Sex 2:05 Movie: The 5:30 Sunrise 5:30 Harry’s Practice 5:00 Hook Line And America 4:30 Joyce Meyer, With Stephen Colbert Queens 12:20 Movie: Sandcastle Spanish Main Sinker 5:00 Nine News Early Enjoy Everyday Life 1:30 Home Shopping 1:30 Frasier 2:05 The Seventies 3:45 The Chuck In Edition 5:00 Gideon’s Way 4:00 The Home Team 2:30 Rules Of 2:55 Worst Place To Be 3:55 Scar 5:30 Todays 4:30 CBS - This Engagement A Pilot 4:10 Murder, She Wrote Morning 3:00 Judging Amy 3:50 Restaurant Man 5:00 Antiques 4:00 Dr Quinn 5:00 CGTN English Roadshow Medicine Woman News 5:00 Becker 5:30 NHK World English News

SBS Program Guide – Week 29 (2016) ABC 2 (22) GO (93) SBS VICELAND (32) Monday July 11th, 2016 ALL MARKETS REJOIN

5:00 Morning Children’s 4:00 Bananas In Pyjamas, 8:20 The Weekly With Charlie 6:00 Morning 4:05 The Amazing 8:30 The Best Of Me 2:30 Pokemon 6:10 Hong Kong7:30 am TourNews De France: Daily12:00 Update - Daily updatesMovie: of the Tour de FranceCracks 2016. Hosted by In 6:35 Mythbusters 12:35 @midnight Michael Tomalaris. Reporting by Dave McKenzie and Henk Vogels. Commentary by Robbie McEwen, Matthew Keenan, Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwen. (France) (Sport) (Cycling)

Programs Fireman Sam, Tree Fu Tom, Pickering Children’s Program World Of Gumball 11:00 Mike & Molly 3:00 Sonic Boom 6:30 Chinese8:40 am NewsFrench News - News viaThe satellite from Shell FT2 Paris, in French, no subtitles. 7:30 The Feed 1:05 The Feed

9:30 am Greek News From Cyprus - News via satellite from CyBC Cyprus, in Greek, no subtitles.

10:30 am German News - News via satellite from DW Berlin, in German, no subtitles. 12:00 Sesame Street, Play The Numtums, Hey Duggee, 8:50 The Inbetweeners 12:00 Dawson’s Creek 4:30 Be Cool Scooby 11:30 South Beach 3:30 Wild Kratts 7:00 Russian News 2:00 Alarm For Cobra 8:00 Full Frontal With 1:35 Abandoned 11:00 am Spanish News - News via satellite from RTVE Madrid, in Spanish, no subtitles.

12:00 pm Arabic News - News via satellite from DRTV Dubai, in Arabic, no subtitles.

School, dirtgirlworld, Puffin Peg + Cat, Charlie And Lola, 9:20 Comedy Up Late 1:00 World’s Funniest Doo! Tow 4:00 Little Charmers 7:30 Polish12:30 News pm Turkish News - News 11via satellite from TRT Turkey, in Turkish, no subtitles. Samantha Bee 2:30 Deutsche Welle

1:00 pm Tour De France: Stage Replay - Replay of the Tour de France. Hosted by Michael Tomalaris. Reporting by Dave McKenzie and Henk Vogels. Commentary by Robbie McEwen, Matthew Keenan, Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwen. (France) (Sport) (Cycling) CC Rock, hoopla doopla!, This Peppa Pig, Floogals 9:50 Broad City Videos Top 10 5:00 Ben 10 12:00 The Middle 4:30 Teen Titans 8:00 **Replay** 3:00 Street Genius 8:30 Dateline English News Maltese News 3:00 pm Hairy Bikers' Asian Adventure - South Korea - Korean food is set to be the next big thing in the UK so the bikers want to find out more about this hot new trend on the horizon. On a night out with some young Seoulites they discover a cuisine that doesn’t pull any Is Scarlett And Isaiah, Olivia, 6:00 Ben And Holly’s Little 10:10 The Office Specials Countdown 5:30 Teen Titans 12:30 Adventure Time 4:50 Power Rangers punches when it comes3:30 to flavour, includingThe Korean BBQFeed and fried chicken. Si discovers 9:00 The Truth About 3:00 Thai News 8:30 Macedonianhe has a natural gift for the Koreans’ national sport, archery; while Dave brushes up on his Gangnam style dancing. They meet a robotic kitchen assistant and on a trip to the Korean seaside, the bikers take part in a rather unique squid festival. (Part 6 of 6) (From the UK) (Food Series) (Rpt) G CC Curious George, Postman Kingdom 11:05 Bad Education 2:00 Beyblade Burst 6:00 Regular Show 1:00 Regular Show Super Megaforce 4:00 Illusions Of Female Desire 3:30 Bangla News 9:00 Croatian4:00 pm NewsThis Is Brazil! - São Paulo & Fortaleza - Fernanda heads to the biggest city in the southern hemisphere and discovers how the rich get around the massive metropolis. Amongst the chaos of its 20 million residents, São Paulo reveals itself as a melting pot of cultures. At the Central Market she faces off with a huge sandwich, meets Pablo, a bicycle Pat, Sydney Sailboat, Messy 6:10 Go Jetters 11:35 Comedy Next Gen 2:30 Hi-5 6:30 Adventure Time 1:30 Ben 10 5:10 Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V shop owner popular withGrandeur those who want to avoid the mile-long traffic jams, and then 9:50 Party Legends 4:00 Punjabi News 9:30 Serbian Newsheads to an open-air nightclub featuring the sounds of one of the country’s best DJs. After a quick stopover in the city of Fortaleza, where she meets up with one of Brazil’s top female surfers, Fernanda spends time on the island paradise of Fernando de Noronha. (Ep.2) (Commissioned by SBS) (Documentary/Travel) (Rpt) G CC

Goes To Okido, Scout and the 6:20 Little Roy 12:35 That ‘70s Show 3:00 Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V 7:00 The Middle 2:00 Rabbids 5:30 Yu-Gi-Oh! 10:00 Dutch5:00 News pm Tour De France: Highlights4:30 - Highlights Food,of the Tour de France. Booze Hosted by Michael 10:15 Flophouse 4:30 Sri Lankan Tomalaris. Reporting by Dave McKenzie and Henk Vogels. Commentary by Robbie McEwen, Matthew Keenan, Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwen. (France) (Sport) (Cycling) CC

6:00 pm Nigella Bites - Rainy Days - Nigella Lawson rolls back the rain clouds with her foul- Gumboot Kids, Mister Maker’s 6:35 Peter Rabbit 2:55 ABC News Update 3:30 Lego Friends 7:30 Survivor: Game Invasion Classic 10:30 Somali Newsweather recipes, conjuringAnd up elaborate, Tattoos time-consuming creations, including chocolate 10:45 Sex In The Sinhalese News cloud cake, aubergine involtini and home-made pasta with meatballs. (S.2,Ep.9) (From the UK) (Food Series) (Rpt) G CC

6:30 pm SBS World News - Up-to-date reports and analysis of the major national and international Arty Party, Play School 6:50 Shaun The Sheep 4:00 Kids’ Wb Changers 11:00 Japanese Newsnews stories of the day5:00 in Australia's onlyVice world news service.News (An SBS Production)Tonight World’s Cities 5:00 Korean News 7:00 Spicks And Specks Weekdays 11:35 Hindi News 5:30 If You Are The 1 11:45 Vice News Tonight 5:30 Indonesian 7:30 Dirty Jobs 6:30 The Good Vibe Guys 12:10 Desus and Mero News WHY ADVERTISE IN THE HILLS TO HAWKESBURY LIVING? • Over 10,000 magazines are picked up by local consumers by choice from stands in local shopping centres, clubs and petrol stations. • The TV guide is eagerly sought after and in high demand with our pick up rate constantly exceeding 99%. • A full page ad costs less than printing 10,000 flyers and distribution is free. Rather than being seen as junk mail, it is picked up to be viewed daily. • With the TV Guide, your ad will be seen again and again over the 16 day period over which the magazine is designed to be kept. • Value for money, our display advertisements cost less than half of the average cost of other local publications which are viewed once only. • Local readers support the local advertisers and appreciate and support a local free TV guide. TO ENQUIRE OR PLACE AN AD PLEASE EMAIL [email protected] FOR FURTHER DETAILS OR CALL MELINDA LONGHURST ON 0499 040 726 OR THE OFFICE 1300 616 614

20 • Hills to Hawkesbury Living • May 12, 2017 FRIDAY, MAY 19

SBS Program Guide – Week 29 (2016) ABC (2) SEVEN (7) 7TWO (72) 7MATE (73) NINE (91) GEM (92) TEN (10) 11 (11) ONE (1) SBS (3)

Monday July 11th, 2016 ALL MARKETS REJOIN

6:00 ABC News 6:00 Sunrise 6:00 Home Shopping 6:00 Home Shopping 6:00 Today 6:00 Friends 6:00 Entertainment 6:00 Toasted TV 6:00 Home Shopping7:30 am Tour De France: Daily Update6:00 - Daily updatesFrance of the Tour de France 2016.24 Hosted English by Michael Tomalaris. Reporting by Dave McKenzie and Henk Vogels. Commentary by Robbie McEwen, Matthew Keenan, Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwen. (France) (Sport) (Cycling)

8:40 am French News - News via satellite from FT2 Paris, in French, no subtitles. Breakfast 9:00 The Morning 6:30 Medical 6:30 Adventure Angler 9:00 Today Extra 6:30 This Is Your Day! Tonight 6:05 Littlest Pet Shop 8:00 Star Trek: The Next News 9:30 am Greek News From Cyprus - News via satellite from CyBC Cyprus, in Greek, no subtitles.

10:30 am German News - News via satellite from DW Berlin, in German, no subtitles.

9:00 ABC News Show Emergency 7:00 Hook Line And 11:30 Nine’s Morning 7:00 Creflo Dollar 6:30 Good Chef Bad 6:30 Dofus Generation 11:00 am Spanish News - News via6:30 satellite from RTVEDeutsche Madrid, in Spanish, no subtitles. Welle

12:00 pm Arabic News - News via satellite from DRTV Dubai, in Arabic, no subtitles.

12:30 pm Turkish News - News via satellite from TRT Turkey, in Turkish, no subtitles.

Mornings 11:30 Seven Morning 7:00 Get Arty Sinker News Ministries Chef 7:05 Pokemon 9:00 Fishing Edge1:00 pm Tour De France: Stage ReplayEnglish - Replay of the Tour deNews France. Hosted by Michael Tomalaris. Reporting by Dave McKenzie and Henk Vogels. Commentary by Robbie McEwen, Matthew Keenan, Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwen. (France) (Sport) (Cycling) CC **Replay**

3:00 pm Hairy Bikers' Asian Adventure - South Korea - Korean food is set to be the next big 10:00 One Plus One News 7:30 Tashi 8:00 Mark Berg’s 12:00 Ellen 7:30 Home Shopping 7:00 My Market 7:35 Cardfight!! 9:30 M*A*S*H thing in the UK so the bikers7:00 want to find outLIVE more about this hotCycling new trend on the horizon. On a night out with some young Seoulites they discover a cuisine that doesn’t pull any punches when it comes to flavour, including Korean BBQ and fried chicken. Si discovers he has a natural gift for the Koreans’ national sport, archery; while Dave brushes up on his Gangnam style dancing. They meet a robotic kitchen assistant and on a trip to the Korean 10:30 Compass 12:00 Midday Movie: 8:00 Larry The Lawn Fishing Addiction 1:00 Other People’s 8:00 Ellen Kitchen 8:00 Baby Animals In 11:00 Hogan’s Heroesseaside, the bikers take part9:00 in a rather uniqueFrench squid festival. (Part 6 of 6)News (From the UK) (Food Series) (Rpt) G CC

4:00 pm This Is Brazil! - São Paulo & Fortaleza - Fernanda heads to the biggest city in the southern hemisphere and discovers how the rich get around the massive metropolis. Amongst the chaos of its 20 million residents, São Paulo reveals itself as a melting pot of 11:00 Grand Designs The Making Of A Mower 9:00 Big Angry Fish Money 9:00 Home Shopping 7:30 The Bold & The Our World 12:00 Get Smart cultures. At the Central Market9:30 she faces off Greekwith a huge sandwich, meetsNews Pablo, a bicycle From shop owner popular with those who want to avoid the mile-long traffic jams, and then heads to an open-air nightclub featuring the sounds of one of the country’s best DJs. After a quick stopover in the city of Fortaleza, where she meets up with one of Brazil’s top female surfers, Fernanda spends time on the island paradise of Fernando de Noronha. (Ep.2) (Commissioned by SBS) (Documentary/Travel) (Rpt) G CC 12:00 ABC News At Noon Hollywood Madam 8:30 Harry’s Practice 10:00 Doomsday 3:00 Nine News Now 10:30 Friends Beautiful 8:35 Bob The Builder 1:00 Cheers Cyprus 5:00 pm Tour De France: Highlights - Highlights of the Tour de France. Hosted by Michael Tomalaris. Reporting by Dave McKenzie and Henk Vogels. Commentary by Robbie McEwen, Matthew Keenan, Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwen. (France) (Sport) (Cycling) CC

1:00 Restoration Man 2:00 The Daily Edition 9:00 Home And Away Preppers 4:00 Nine’s Afternoon 11:30 As Time Goes By 8:00 Family Feud 9:00 Super Wings 2:00 Matlock 6:00 pm Nigella Bites - Rainy Days10:30 - Nigella Lawson German rolls back the rain clouds with hNewser foul- weather recipes, conjuring up elaborate, time-consuming creations, including chocolate cloud cake, aubergine involtini and home-made pasta with meatballs. (S.2,Ep.9) (From the UK) (Food Series) (Rpt) G CC

6:30 pm SBS World News - Up-to-date reports and analysis of the major national and international 2:00 Hiding 3:00 The Chase 9:30 NBC Today 11:00 Charlie’s Angels News 12:10 The Night My 8:30 Studio 10 9:30 Crocamole 3:00 Jake And Thenews stories of the day in11:00 Australia's only world Spanish news service. (An SBS Production) News 2:55 Silvia’s Italian 4:00 Seven News At 4 12:00 Dr Oz 12:00 T.J Hooker 5:00 Millionaire Hot Number Came Up 11:00 The Talk 10:00 Dr. Quinn, Fatman 12:00 Arabic News Table 5:00 The Chase 1:00 Better Homes And 1:00 Wipeout USA Seat 2:10 The Hairy Bikers 12:00 Dr Phil Medicine Woman 4:00 Diagnosis Murder 12:30 Turkish News 3:25 Eggheads Australia Gardens 3:00 Doomsday Best Of British 1:00 Jamie’s Comfort 11:00 JAG 5:00 Star Trek: The Next 1:00 PBS Newshour 4:00 Antiques 2:00 The Vicar Of Preppers 3:10 Heartbeat Food 12:00 Judging Amy Generation 2:00 The Chefs’ Line - Roadshow Dibley 4:00 Mythbusters 5:20 Are You Being 2:00 Jamie’s 30 Minute 1:00 Beauty And The Indian 5:00 ABC News: Early 3:00 Property Ladder 5:00 Beverly Hills Pawn Served? Meals Beast 2:30 The Point Review Edition 4:00 Deal Or No Deal 5:30 The Big Bang 2:30 Jamie’s 15 Minute 2:00 Becker 3:00 The Marngrook 5:30 The Drum 5:00 60 Minute Theory Meals 3:00 The King Of Footy Show Makeover 3:00 Judge Judy Queens 4:30 Heston’s Great 6:00 Medical 3:30 My Market 4:00 Rules Of British Food Emergency Kitchen Engagement 6:00 Dream Build: 6:00 Seven News 6:30 Bargain Hunt: 7:00 AFL Pre-Game: 6:00 Nine News 6:00 Friends 4:00 Everyday Gourmet 4:30 Everybody Loves 6:00 M*A*S*H 5:25 Gourmet Farmer 6:10 Grand Designs 7:00 Better Homes And Anglesey 26 Geelong v Western 7:00 A Current Affair 7:00 As Time Goes By With Justine Schofield Raymond 7:30 MacGyver Afloat Bitesize 7:00 ABC News Gardens 7:30 Gold Coast Bulldogs 7:30 Nine’s Live Friday 7:30 Monarch Of The 4:30 The Bold & The 5:30 Frasier 8:30 Walker, Texas 5:30 Letters And 7:30 The Link 8:30 Tales From The Medical 7:30 AFL: Rnd 9: Night Football Glen Beautiful 6:30 Neighbours Ranger Numbers 8:00 QI:Next Coast With Robson 8:30 Movie: The Town Geelong v Western 10:10 Mr. Nice Guy 8:30 Life As We Know It 5:00 TEN Eyewitness 7:00 Malcolm In The 10:30 Highlander 6:00 The Chefs’ Line 8:30 River Green Bulldogs 10:50 The Paradise News First At Five Middle 6:30 SBS World News 9:30 Silent Witness:In 9:30 Mighty Trains 11:00 Canadian Pickers 6:00 Family Feud 7:30 How I Met Your 7:30 Great British Plain Sight (Part 1) 12:00 Ink Master 6:30 The Project Mother Railway Journeys 7:30 The Living Room 8:00 New Girl 10:30 Lateline 10:30 World’s Most 11:10 Bargain Hunt 2:00 MXTV 12:10 Murder In The 12:00 Friends 8:30 The Graham 8:30 Scent Of A 11:30 Burn Notice 8:35 Movie: Purple Rain 11:05 The Business Extreme 12:10 Vasili’s Garden 3:00 Mark Berg’s First 12:30 Gurus Explore Norton Show Woman 12:30 Home Shopping 10:40 SBS World News 11:20 Planet America 11:30 Air Crash 1:00 Psychic TV: Fishing Addiction 1:00 Anger Indonesia 9:30 TBA 11:45 The Late Late 2:00 Matlock Late Edition 11:50 rage Investigations Psychic TV 4:00 Big Angry Fish Management 1:00 Call And Win 10:30 TBA Show with James 3:00 Walker, Texas 11:10 Movie: 3 12:30 Wild Planet 4:00 Dr Oz 5:00 Hook Line And 1:30 Home Shopping 3:00 Gideon’s Way 11:30 The Project Corden Ranger 1:15 37 Days 1:30 The Real 5:00 Room For Sinker 2:00 Step Dave 4:00 Heartbeat 12:30 The Late Show 12:45 The King Of 4:00 Highlander 3:25 Hard Seachange Improvement 3:00 The Avengers With Stephen Colbert Queens 5:00 The Doctors 5:00 CGTN English 2:00 Home Shopping 5:30 Harry’s Practice 4:00 Global Shop 1:30 Home Shopping 1:55 Frasier News 4:00 Dr Oz 4:30 Good Morning 2:30 Rules Of 5:30 NHK World 5:00 NBC Today America Engagement English News 3:00 Judging Amy 4:00 Dr Quinn Medicine Woman 5:00 Becker

SBS Program Guide – Week 29 (2016) ABC 2 (22) GO (93) SBS VICELAND (32) Monday July 11th, 2016 ALL MARKETS REJOIN

5:00 Morning Children’s 4:00 Bananas In Pyjamas, 7:00 Spicks And Specks 6:00 Morning 4:05 The Amazing 10:45 Beetlejuice 2:30 Pokemon 6:10 Hong Kong7:30 am TourNews De France: Daily12:00 Update - Daily updatesMovie:White of the Tour de France 2016. Hosted by 5:00 Vice News 12:40 Vice News Tonight Michael Tomalaris. Reporting by Dave McKenzie and Henk Vogels. Commentary by Robbie McEwen, Matthew Keenan, Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwen. (France) (Sport) (Cycling)

Programs Fireman Sam, Tree Fu Tom, 7:30 Dirty Jobs Children’s Program World Of Gumball 12:30 American 3:00 Sonic Boom 6:30 Chinese8:40 am NewsFrench News - News viaNight satellite from FT2 Wedding Paris, in French, no subtitles. Tonight 1:10 @midnight

9:30 am Greek News From Cyprus - News via satellite from CyBC Cyprus, in Greek, no subtitles.

10:30 am German News - News via satellite from DW Berlin, in German, no subtitles. 12:00 Sesame Street, Play The Numtums, Hey Duggee, 8:20 Catfish: Tracie & Reece 12:00 Dawson’s Creek 4:30 Be Cool Scooby Digger 3:30 Wild Kratts 7:00 Russian News 1:55 Alarm for Cobra 5:30 If You Are The 1:40 PopAsia TV 11:00 am Spanish News - News via satellite from RTVE Madrid, in Spanish, no subtitles.

12:00 pm Arabic News - News via satellite from DRTV Dubai, in Arabic, no subtitles.

School, dirtgirlworld, Puffin Peg + Cat, Charlie And Lola, 9:05 Ladyboys 1:00 World’s Funniest Doo! 1:00 Surfing 4:00 Little Charmers 7:30 Polish12:30 News pm Turkish News - News 11via satellite from TRT Turkey, in Turkish, no subtitles. One 2:40 NHK World

1:00 pm Tour De France: Stage Replay - Replay of the Tour de France. Hosted by Michael Tomalaris. Reporting by Dave McKenzie and Henk Vogels. Commentary by Robbie McEwen, Matthew Keenan, Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwen. (France) (Sport) (Cycling) CC Rock, hoopla doopla!, This Peppa Pig, Floogals 9:50 The Aliens Videos Top 10 5:00 Ben 10 Australia TV 4:30 Teen Titans 8:00 **Replay** 2:50 365: Every Day 6:30 Vs. Arashi Series English News Bosnian News 3:00 pm Hairy Bikers' Asian Adventure - South Korea - Korean food is set to be the next big thing in the UK so the bikers want to find out more about this hot new trend on the horizon. On a night out with some young Seoulites they discover a cuisine that doesn’t pull any Is Scarlett And Isaiah, Olivia, 6:00 Ben And Holly’s Little 10:35 Adam Hills Countdown 5:30 Teen Titans 1:30 Ben 10 4:50 Power Rangers punches when it comesDocumentaries to flavour, including Korean BBQ and fried chicken. Si discovers 7:30 The Friday Feed 3:00 Thai News 8:30 Macedonianhe has a natural gift for the Koreans’ national sport, archery; while Dave brushes up on his Gangnam style dancing. They meet a robotic kitchen assistant and on a trip to the Korean seaside, the bikers take part in a rather unique squid festival. (Part 6 of 6) (From the UK) (Food Series) (Rpt) G CC Curious George, Postman Kingdom 11:15 Penn And Teller 2:00 Beyblade Burst 6:00 Spy Kids 4: All 2:00 Rabbids Super Megaforce 2:55 The Foodies 8:00 Legally Brown 3:30 Bangla News 9:00 Croatian4:00 pm NewsThis Is Brazil! - São Paulo & Fortaleza - Fernanda heads to the biggest city in the southern hemisphere and discovers how the rich get around the massive metropolis. Amongst the chaos of its 20 million residents, São Paulo reveals itself as a melting pot of cultures. At the Central Market she faces off with a huge sandwich, meets Pablo, a bicycle Pat, Sydney Sailboat, Messy 6:10 Go Jetters 12:00 Bodyshockers 2:30 Hi-5 The Time In The World Invasion 5:10 Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V shop owner popular with3:00 those who want Streetto avoid the mile-long Genius traffic jams, and then 8:30 Adam Looking 4:00 Punjabi News 9:30 Serbian Newsheads to an open-air nightclub featuring the sounds of one of the country’s best DJs. After a quick stopover in the city of Fortaleza, where she meets up with one of Brazil’s top female surfers, Fernanda spends time on the island paradise of Fernando de Noronha. (Ep.2) (Commissioned by SBS) (Documentary/Travel) (Rpt) G CC

Goes To Okido, Scout and the 6:20 Little Roy 12:45 That ‘70s Show 3:00 Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V 7:45 Harry Potter 5:30 Yu-Gi-Oh! 10:00 Dutch5:00 News pm Tour De France: Highlights3:30 - Highlights Theof the Tour de Feed France. Hosted by Michael For Eve 4:30 Sri Lankan Tomalaris. Reporting by Dave McKenzie and Henk Vogels. Commentary by Robbie McEwen, Matthew Keenan, Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwen. (France) (Sport) (Cycling) CC

6:00 pm Nigella Bites - Rainy Days - Nigella Lawson rolls back the rain clouds with her foul- Gumboot Kids, Mister Maker, 6:35 Peter Rabbit 3:10 ABC News Update 3:30 Regal Academy And The Goblet Of Classic 10:30 Armenian weather recipes, conjuring4:00 up elaborate, time-consuIllusionsming creations, including Of chocolate 9:20 Twiz And Tuck Sinhalese News cloud cake, aubergine involtini and home-made pasta with meatballs. (S.2,Ep.9) (From the UK) (Food Series) (Rpt) G CC

6:30 pm SBS World News - Up-to-date reports and analysis of the major national and international Play School 6:50 Shaun The Sheep 4:00 Kids’ Wb Fire 11:00 Japanese Newsnews stories of the dayGrandeur in Australia's only world news service. (An SBS Production) 10:15 Housos 5:00 Korean News Weekdays 11:35 Hindi News 4:30 Food, Booze And 10:45 MOVIE: Painted 5:30 Indonesian Tattoos Skin News

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SBS Program Guide – Week 29 (2016) ABC (2) SEVEN (7) 7TWO (72) 7MATE (73) NINE (91) GEM (92) TEN (10) 11 (11) ONE (1) SBS (3)

Monday July 11th, 2016 ALL MARKETS REJOIN

6:00 rage 6:00 NBC Today 6:00 Home Shopping 6:00 Fishing Western 6:00 Paw Patrol 6:00 Edgar Wallace 6:00 Fishing Edge 6:00 Toasted TV 6:00 Home Shopping7:30 am Tour De France: Daily Update6:00 - Daily updatesFrance of the Tour de France 2016.24 Hosted English by Michael Tomalaris. Reporting by Dave McKenzie and Henk Vogels. Commentary by Robbie McEwen, Matthew Keenan, Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwen. (France) (Sport) (Cycling)

8:40 am French News - News via satellite from FT2 Paris, in French, no subtitles. 10:30 rage Guest 7:00 Weekend Sunrise 8:00 The Great Australia 6:30 Dora The Explorer Mysteries 6:30 Everyday Gourmet 6:05 Pokemon 8:00 Get Smart News 9:30 am Greek News From Cyprus - News via satellite from CyBC Cyprus, in Greek, no subtitles.

10:30 am German News - News via satellite from DW Berlin, in German, no subtitles.

Programmer 10:00 The Morning Outdoors 7:00 Hook Line And 7:00 Weekend Today 7:20 GEM Presents With Justine Schofield 7:00 Totally Wild 9:00 Gillette World11:00 am Spanish News - News via6:30 satellite from RTVEDeutsche Madrid, in Spanish, no subtitles. Welle

12:00 pm Arabic News - News via satellite from DRTV Dubai, in Arabic, no subtitles.

12:30 pm Turkish News - News via satellite from TRT Turkey, in Turkish, no subtitles.

11:40 Grand Designs Show 9:00 NBC Today Sinker 10:00 Today Extra 7:30 Adventures In 7:00 RPM 7:30 Mako Island Of Sport 1:00 pm Tour De France: Stage ReplayEnglish - Replay of the Tour deNews France. Hosted by Michael Tomalaris. Reporting by Dave McKenzie and Henk Vogels. Commentary by Robbie McEwen, Matthew Keenan, Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwen. (France) (Sport) (Cycling) CC **Replay**

3:00 pm Hairy Bikers' Asian Adventure - South Korea - Korean food is set to be the next big 12:30 QI 12:00 Dream Academy 11:30 Room For 7:30 Adventure Angler 12:00 Four Weddings Rainbow Country 8:00 Family Feud Secrets 9:30 Hogan’s Heroesthing in the UK so the bikers7:00 want to find outLIVE more about this hotCycling new trend on the horizon. On a night out with some young Seoulites they discover a cuisine that doesn’t pull any punches when it comes to flavour, including Korean BBQ and fried chicken. Si discovers he has a natural gift for the Koreans’ national sport, archery; while Dave brushes up on his Gangnam style dancing. They meet a robotic kitchen assistant and on a trip to the Korean 1:00 River 12:30 Bewitched Improvement 8:00 Home Shopping 1:00 Kevin Can Wait 8:00 Danoz 8:30 Life Inside The 8:00 Totally Wild 10:30 Cheers seaside, the bikers take part9:00 in a rather uniqueFrench squid festival. (Part 6 of 6)News (From the UK) (Food Series) (Rpt) G CC

4:00 pm This Is Brazil! - São Paulo & Fortaleza - Fernanda heads to the biggest city in the southern hemisphere and discovers how the rich get around the massive metropolis. Amongst the chaos of its 20 million residents, São Paulo reveals itself as a melting pot of 2:00 Making Couples 1:00 Katherine Mills 12:00 Vasili’s Garden 9:00 My Fishing Place 1:30 Who Do You Think 8:30 Home Shopping Markets 8:30 Scope 11:30 World Rugbycultures. At the Central Market9:30 she faces off Greekwith a huge sandwich, meetsNews Pablo, a bicycle From shop owner popular with those who want to avoid the mile-long traffic jams, and then heads to an open-air nightclub featuring the sounds of one of the country’s best DJs. After a quick stopover in the city of Fortaleza, where she meets up with one of Brazil’s top female surfers, Fernanda spends time on the island paradise of Fernando de Noronha. (Ep.2) (Commissioned by SBS) (Documentary/Travel) (Rpt) G CC Happy 2:00 TBA 12:30 SA Weekender 9:30 Harley Davidson You Are? 9:00 Escape To The 9:00 A Taste Of Travel 9:05 The Loop Sevens Highlights Cyprus 5:00 pm Tour De France: Highlights - Highlights of the Tour de France. Hosted by Michael Tomalaris. Reporting by Dave McKenzie and Henk Vogels. Commentary by Robbie McEwen, Matthew Keenan, Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwen. (France) (Sport) (Cycling) CC

3:00 War On Waste 3:30 Adam’s Pasta 1:00 The Great Day Out TV 2:30 Goddess Country 9:30 Studio 10: 11:35 Charmed 12:00 Jake And6:00 The pm Nigella Bites - Rainy Days10:30 - Nigella Lawson German rolls back the rain clouds with hNewser foul- weather recipes, conjuring up elaborate, time-consuming creations, including chocolate cloud cake, aubergine involtini and home-made pasta with meatballs. (S.2,Ep.9) (From the UK) (Food Series) (Rpt) G CC

6:30 pm SBS World News - Up-to-date reports and analysis of the major national and international 4:00 Landline Pilgrimage 1:30 Out Of The Blue 10:00 Temporary 4:30 The Garden Gurus 10:20 Explore Fillers Saturday 1:30 Rules Of Fatman news stories of the day in11:00 Australia's only world Spanish news service. (An SBS Production) News 4:30 Midsomer 4:00 Wild Planet 2:00 Creek To Coast Australians 5:00 Nine News: First 10:30 Suncorp Super 12:00 The Living Room Engagement 1:00 Diagnosis Murder 12:00 Arabic News Murders 5:00 Seven News At 5 2:30 Sydney 10:30 Speed With Guy At Five Netball 2017 1:00 Healthy Homes 2:30 Becker 2:00 Star Trek 12:30 Turkish News 6:00 Compass 5:30 Border Security - Weekender Martin 5:30 Getaway Giants V Firebirds 1:30 Fishing Australia 3:30 Everybody Loves 3:00 MacGyver 1:00 PBS Newshour 6:30 Gardening Australia’s Front Line 3:00 Club Rugby 11:30 TBA 12:30 As Time Goes By 2:00 Ben’s Menu Raymond 4:00 Merv Hughes 2:00 Small Business Australia 2017: Rnd 8: Northern 12:00 Brandi And Jarrod 1:00 Bengal Brigade 2:30 Good Chef Bad 4:30 The King Of Fishing Secrets Suburbs v Randwick 12:30 What Went Down 3:00 Balletlujah! The Chef Queens 4:30 4WD Touring 2:30 Death: A Series 1:00 Man Finds Food Music Of KD Lang 3:00 TBA 5:30 Frasier Australia About Life 1:30 AFL: Rnd 9: St 4:00 The Great Gatsby 3:30 Jamie’s 15 Minute 6:30 Everybody Loves 5:00 M*A*S*H 3:30 The Chefs’ Line Kilda v Sydney Meals Raymond 5:30 Megafactories 4:30 AFL: Rnd 9: GWS v 6:30 Attenborough’s Richmond Animal Attraction 7:00 ABC News 6:00 Seven News 5:00 Nigel Marven’s 7:30 Movie: Prince Of 6:00 Nine News 7:00 Suncorp Super 4:00 What’s Up Down 7:30 Last Man Standing 7:30 Car Crash Britain 5:30 Walking Through 7:30 The Coroner: The 7:00 Movie: Pirates Cruise Ship Adventures Persia: The Sands Of Saturday Netball 2017 Under 8:30 TBA 8:00 Supercars: History- Northumbria Foxby Affair Of The Caribbean: On 6:00 Dog Patrol Time 7:00 The Voice Lightning v Swifts 4:30 Escape Fishing 9:30 The Great Indoors Highlights 6:30 SBS World News 8:15 The Halcyon Stranger Tides 6:30 Mighty Planes 9:50 Movie: Layer Cake 10:00 Begin Again 8:45 Suncorp Super With ET 10:00 Sex And The City 9:30 Bear Grylls 7:30 The Six Wives Of 9:05 New Tricks: 9:50 Movie: The Rock 7:30 Billy Connolly’s 12:05 BBQ Pitmasters Netball 2017 5:00 TEN Eyewitness 10:30 48 Hours Henry VIII With Lucy London Underground 12:35 Kochie’s Business Tracks Across America Fever v Collingwood News First At Five Worsley 10:05 Seven Types Of Builders 8:30 Movie: Saving Mr. 10:30 Regarding Henry 6:00 Gold Coast Cops 8:30 RocKwiz Salutes Ambiguity:Anna 1:00 Wild Planet Banks 6:30 TBA The Legends

11:05 Sammy J And 2:00 HomeShopping 11:00 Dog Patrol 1:00 Ink Master 12:10 The Presidio 12:45 GEM Presents 7:30 David 11:20 Speechless 12:30 Bellator MMA 9:30 Movie: Ex Machina Randy In Ricketts Lane: 4:00 It Is Written 11:30 I Shouldn’t Be 2:00 Brandi And Jarrod 2:00 Home Shopping 1:00 Call And Win Attenborough’s Planet 11:50 The Loop 4:00 RPM 11:35 Movie: The Bodyguard 4:30 Sons And Alive 2:30 MXTV 2:30 Annie Hall 3:00 The Siege Of Earth 2:20 Everybody Loves 5:00 The Doctors Robogeisha 11:30 rage Guest Daughters 12:30 Deal Or No Deal 3:00 Mark Berg’s 4:20 Nine Presents Pinchgut 8:30 Law & Order: Raymond 1:25 Movie: The Horde Programmer 5:00 Dr Oz 1:00 Psychic TV: Fishing Addiction 4:30 Global Shop 5:05 GEM Presents S.V.U. 3:30 Rules Of 3:10 The Class Of ‘92 5:00 rage Psychic TV 4:00 Big Angry Fish 5:00 Extra 5:10 The Hairy Bikers 10:30 TBA Engagement 5:00 CGTN English 4:00 Club Rugby 5:00 Hook Line And 5:30 Wesley Impact Ride Again Cookbook 11:30 Supercars: 4:00 The King Of News 2017: Rnd 8: Northern Sinker 5:45 GEM Presents Highlights Queens 5:30 NHK World Suburbs v Randwick 12:30 48 Hours 5:00 Touched By An English News 2:30 Home Shopping Angel 4:30 It Is Written 5:00 Hour Of Power With Bobby Schuller

SBS Program Guide – Week 29 (2016) ABC 2 (22) GO (93) SBS VICELAND (32) Monday July 11th, 2016 ALL MARKETS REJOIN

5:00 Morning Children’s 4:00 Bananas In Pyjamas, 8:10 Would I Lie To You? 6:00 Morning 3:30 We Bare Bears 8:30 The Lord Of The 3:00 Ground Floor 6:10 Hong Kong7:30 am NewsTour De France: Daily12:00 Update - Daily updatesVice of the Tour News de France 2016. Hosted by 6:20 The Business Of 1:25 France 24 News Michael Tomalaris. Reporting by Dave McKenzie and Henk Vogels. Commentary by Robbie McEwen, Matthew Keenan, Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwen. (France) (Sport) (Cycling)

Program Fireman Sam, Tree Fu Tom, The 8:40 Live at the Apollo Children’s Program 4:00 Justice League Rings: The Fellowship 4:00 Spongebob 6:30 Chinese8:40 am News French News - News viaTonight satellite from FT2 Paris, in French, no subtitles. Life In English From Paris

9:30 am Greek News From Cyprus - News via satellite from CyBC Cyprus, in Greek, no subtitles.

10:30 am German News - News via satellite from DW Berlin, in German, no subtitles. 12:00 Sesame Street, Arthur, Numtums, Hey Duggee, Peg 9:30 Russell Howard’s Stand 12:00 Move It Unlimited Of The Ring Squarepants 7:00 Russian News 12:50 Rivals 7:20 If You Are The 3:00 Thai News 11:00 am Spanish News - News via satellite from RTVE Madrid, in Spanish, no subtitles.

12:00 pm Arabic News - News via satellite from DRTV Dubai, in Arabic, no subtitles.

Sally & Possum, dirtgirlworld, + Cat, Charlie And Lola, Peppa Up Central 12:30 Spongebob 4:30 Clarence 12:00 Adult Swim 4:30 Power Rangers 7:30 Polish 12:30News pm Turkish News - News 1:50via satellite from TRTThe Turkey, in RaftTurkish, no subtitles. One 3:30 Bangla News

1:00 pm Tour De France: Stage Replay - Replay of the Tour de France. Hosted by Michael Tomalaris. Reporting by Dave McKenzie and Henk Vogels. Commentary by Robbie McEwen, Matthew Keenan, Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwen. (France) (Sport) (Cycling) CC Puffin Rock, hoopla doopla!, Pig, Floogals 9:50 Comedy Up Late Squarepants 5:00 Ben 10: 12:05 Harvey Ninja Steel 8:00 Romanian News**Replay** 2:40 Life After Food 8:30 Movie: South 4:00 Punjabi News

3:00 pm Hairy Bikers' Asian Adventure - South Korea - Korean food is set to be the next big thing in the UK so the bikers want to find out more about this hot new trend on the horizon. On a night out with some young Seoulites they discover a cuisine that doesn’t pull any This Is Scarlett And Isaiah, 6:00 Ben And Holly’s Little 10:20 Comedy Next Gen 1:00 Beyblade Burst Omniverse Birdman: Attorney At 4:50 Rabbids 8:30 Macedonianpunches when it comes3:05 to flavour, includingHipsters Korean BBQ and fried chicken. Si discovers Park: Bigger, Longer & 4:30 Sri Lankan he has a natural gift for the Koreans’ national sport, archery; while Dave brushes up on his Gangnam style dancing. They meet a robotic kitchen assistant and on a trip to the Korean seaside, the bikers take part in a rather unique squid festival. (Part 6 of 6) (From the UK) (Food Series) (Rpt) G CC Olivia, Ready, Jet, Go!, Postman Kingdom: Trip To The Seaside 11:20 Archer 1:30 Power Rangers 5:30 Batman Law Invasion 9:00 Croatian News 3:40 50 Ways To Kill Uncut Sinhalese News 4:00 pm This Is Brazil! - São Paulo & Fortaleza - Fernanda heads to the biggest city in the southern hemisphere and discovers how the rich get around the massive metropolis. Amongst the chaos of its 20 million residents, São Paulo reveals itself as a melting pot of cultures. At the Central Market she faces off with a huge sandwich, meets Pablo, a bicycle Pat, Sydney Sailboat, Messy 6:10 Go Jetters 11:45 The Inbetweeners Ninja Steel 6:00 Scooby Doo! 12:15 Mike Tyson 5:10 We Bare Bears 9:30 Serbian Newsshop owner popular withYour those who want Mammy to avoid the mile-long traffic jams, and then 10:00 Movie: This Is 5:00 Korean News heads to an open-air nightclub featuring the sounds of one of the country’s best DJs. After a quick stopover in the city of Fortaleza, where she meets up with one of Brazil’s top female surfers, Fernanda spends time on the island paradise of Fernando de Noronha. (Ep.2) (Commissioned by SBS) (Documentary/Travel) (Rpt) G CC

Goes To Okido , Scout and the 6:20 Little Roy 12:10 Broad City 2:00 Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V Haunted Holidays Mysteries 5:30 Yu-Gi-Oh! 10:00 Dutch5:00 News pm Tour De France: Highlights4:35 - Highlights Abandonedof the Tour de France. Hosted by Michael Spinal Tap 5:30 Indonesian Tomalaris. Reporting by Dave McKenzie and Henk Vogels. Commentary by Robbie McEwen, Matthew Keenan, Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwen. (France) (Sport) (Cycling) CC

6:00 pm Nigella Bites - Rainy Days - Nigella Lawson rolls back the rain clouds with her foul- Gumboot Kids, Mister Maker, 6:35 Peter Rabbit 12:35 The Office 2:30 Sonic Boom 6:30 Zathura: A 12:30 Black Jesus Classic 10:30 Hungarian weather recipes, conjuring5:30 up elaborate, time-consuHuang’sming creations, includingWorld chocolate 11:35 Abandoned News cloud cake, aubergine involtini and home-made pasta with meatballs. (S.2,Ep.9) (From the UK) (Food Series) (Rpt) G CC

6:30 pm SBS World News - Up-to-date reports and analysis of the major national and international Play School 6:50 Shaun The Sheep 3:15 ABC News Update 3:00 The Powerpuff Space Adventure 1:00 The Almighty News news stories of the day in Australia's only world news service. (An SBS Production) 12:25 Party Legends 7:00 Spicks And Specks Girls Johnsons 11:00 Japanese News 12:55 Flophouse 7:30 Penn And Teller 11:35 Hindi News PASS2GO Corner of Railway & CRESTWOOD Jenner Street CENTRE PHARMACY Phill’s Airport Baulkham Hills GLANMIRE ROAD, Shuttle Service 9639 2733 BAULKHAM HILLS TRANSFERS & CHARTERS OPEN 7 DAYS Look hats happene at the Hills .thehillscl.co.a PHONE: REE BINGO Monay, Tesay, enesay an Thrsay at 11.30a Phone: 9624 1434 9899 3559 FREE BINGO Monday 7pm, Tuesday & Wednesday 11.30am Monday - Friday 9am - 6pm Rales an happy hors on riay, Satray an Snay [email protected] Saturday and Sunday 9am - 12.30pm or the inoration o eers an gests [email protected]

22 • Hills to Hawkesbury Living • May 12, 2017 SUNDAY, MAY 21

SBS Program Guide – Week 29 (2016) ABC (2) SEVEN (7) 7TWO (72) 7MATE (73) NINE (91) GEM (92) TEN (10) 11 (11) ONE (1) SBS (3)

Monday July 11th, 2016 ALL MARKETS REJOIN

6:00 rage 6:00 NBC Today 6:00 Home Shopping 6:00 Home Shopping 6:00 Paw Patrol 6:00 Home Shopping 6:00 Mass For You At 6:00 Toasted TV 6:00 Home Shopping7:30 am Tour De France: Daily Update7:00 - Daily updatesAl of the Jazeera Tour de France 2016. Hosted English by Michael Tomalaris. Reporting by Dave McKenzie and Henk Vogels. Commentary by Robbie McEwen, Matthew Keenan, Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwen. (France) (Sport) (Cycling)

8:40 am French News - News via satellite from FT2 Paris, in French, no subtitles. 7:00 Weekend Breakfast 7:00 Weekend Sunrise 6:30 Amazing Facts 6:30 Adventure Angler 6:30 Dora The Explorer 6:30 Leading The Way Home 6:05 Littlest Pet Shop 8:00 2017 Super Rugby News 9:30 am Greek News From Cyprus - News via satellite from CyBC Cyprus, in Greek, no subtitles.

10:30 am German News - News via satellite from DW Berlin, in German, no subtitles.

9:00 Insiders 10:00 The Morning 7:00 Tomorrow’s World 7:30 Home Shopping 7:00 Weekend Today 7:00 New Hope 6:30 Hillsong 6:30 Dofus 10:00 Healthy Homes11:00 am Spanish News - News via7:30 satellite from RTVEItalian Madrid, in Spanish, no News subtitles.

12:00 pm Arabic News - News via satellite from DRTV Dubai, in Arabic, no subtitles.

12:30 pm Turkish News - News via satellite from TRT Turkey, in Turkish, no subtitles.

10:00 Offsiders Show - Weekend 7:30 Leading The Way 9:30 Dream Car Garage 10:00 Sports Sunday Ministries-New Hope 7:00 Joseph Prince: 7:05 Pokemon Australia 1:00 pm Tour De France: Stage Replay8:10 - Replay of Filipinothe Tour de France. Hosted byNews Michael Tomalaris. Reporting by Dave McKenzie and Henk Vogels. Commentary by Robbie McEwen, Matthew Keenan, Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwen. (France) (Sport) (Cycling) CC **Replay**

3:00 pm Hairy Bikers' Asian Adventure - South Korea - Korean food is set to be the next big 10:30 The World This 12:00 Bewitched 8:00 David Jeremiah 10:00 AFL Game Day 11:00 Sunday Footy On The Road New Creation Church 7:35 Cardfight!! 10:30 Escape Fishingthing in the UK so the bikers8:40 want to find outFrench more about this hot new trendNews on the horizon. On a night out with some young Seoulites they discover a cuisine that doesn’t pull any punches when it comes to flavour, including Korean BBQ and fried chicken. Si discovers he has a natural gift for the Koreans’ national sport, archery; while Dave brushes up on his Gangnam style dancing. They meet a robotic kitchen assistant and on a trip to the Korean Week 12:30 TBA 8:30 It is Written 11:30 The AFN Fishing Show 7:30 Beyond Today 7:30 Joel Osteen Vanguard G With ET seaside, the bikers take part9:30 in a rather uniqueGreek squid festival. (Part 6News of 6) (From the UK) From (Food Series) (Rpt) G CC

4:00 pm This Is Brazil! - São Paulo & Fortaleza - Fernanda heads to the biggest city in the southern hemisphere and discovers how the rich get around the massive metropolis. Amongst the chaos of its 20 million residents, São Paulo reveals itself as a melting pot of 11:00 Compass 1:40 TBA 9:00 TBA Show 1:00 Subaru Full Cycle 8:00 Key Of David 8:00 Good Chef Bad 8:05 Jar Dwellers SOS 11:00 Fishing Australiacultures. At the Central MarketCyprus she faces off with a huge sandwich, meets Pablo, a bicycle shop owner popular with those who want to avoid the mile-long traffic jams, and then heads to an open-air nightclub featuring the sounds of one of the country’s best DJs. After a quick stopover in the city of Fortaleza, where she meets up with one of Brazil’s top female surfers, Fernanda spends time on the island paradise of Fernando de Noronha. (Ep.2) (Commissioned by SBS) (Documentary/Travel) (Rpt) G CC 11:30 Songs Of Praise 2:50 TBA 9:30 Inside Volleyball 12:30 Big Angry Fish 1:30 Surfing Australia 8:30 Home Shopping Chef 8:30 Sanjay and Craig 11:30 Cruise Mode 10:30 German News 5:00 pm Tour De France: Highlights - Highlights of the Tour de France. Hosted by Michael Tomalaris. Reporting by Dave McKenzie and Henk Vogels. Commentary by Robbie McEwen, Matthew Keenan, Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwen. (France) (Sport) (Cycling) CC

12:00 Landline 4:00 Better Homes And 10:00 NBC Today 1:30 Mark Berg’s TV 10:00 Adventures In 8:30 Everyday Gourmet 9:00 Teenage Mutant 12:00 Gillette World6:00 pm Nigella Bites - Rainy Days11:00 - Nigella Lawson Spanish rolls back the rain clouds with Newsher foul- weather recipes, conjuring up elaborate, time-consuming creations, including chocolate cloud cake, aubergine involtini and home-made pasta with meatballs. (S.2,Ep.9) (From the UK) (Food Series) (Rpt) G CC

6:30 pm SBS World News - Up-to-date reports and analysis of the major national and international 1:00 Gardening Gardens 11:00 Home And Away Fishing Addiction 2:00 2017 SOUTHERN Rainbow Country With Justine Schofield Ninja Turtles Sport news stories of the day in12:00 Australia's only world Arabic news service. (An SBS News Production) Australia 5:00 Seven News At 5 Catch-Up 2:30 AFL Pre-Game: 80 CLASSIC 10:30 Domestic Blitz 9:00 What’s Up Down 10:00 Totally Wild 12:30 Operation Repo 12:30 Turkish News 1:30 The Halcyon 5:30 Sydney 2:00 Nigel Marven’s Melbourne v North 2:30 Air Ambulance ER 11:30 The Hairy Bikers Under 10:30 Teenage Mutant 1:00 Pat Callinan’s 4x4 1:00 Speedweek 2:20 Stories I Want To Weekender Cruise Ship Adventures Melbourne 3:30 Nine’s Live Sunday Best Of British 9:30 Studio 10: Sunday Ninja Turtles Adventures 3:00 The Bowls Show Tell You In Person 6:00 Seven News 3:00 Annabel Langbein 3:00 AFL: Rnd 9: Football 12:30 The Garden Gurus 12:00 TBA 11:00 The Brady Bunch 2:00 Monster Jam 4:00 Motorcycles: 2:45 The Book Club 7:00 House Rules 3:30 Sean’s Kitchen Melbourne v North Canterbury Bulldogs v 1:00 Getaway 1:00 The Doctors 12:00 Family Ties 3:00 Attenborough’s Superbike World 3:15 The Mix 4:00 Hairy Bikers - The Melbourne Sydney Roosters 1:30 Gunfight At 2:00 Ben’s Menu 1:00 Becker Nature’s Great Events Championship 2017 3:45 Australia Wide Pubs That Built Britain 6:00 Seinfeld Comanche Creek 2:30 Places We Go With 2:00 Rules Of 4:00 Megafactories 4:30 Cycling: Incycle 4:15 Australian Story 4:30 Homes Under The 3:30 The War Lord Jennifer Adams Engagement 5:00 What’s Up 5:00 Small Business 4:45 The Coroner Hammer 3:00 Jamie’s 15 Minute 3:00 Everybody Loves Downunder Secrets 5:30 Ask The Doctor Meals Raymond 5:30 I Fish 3:30 RPM 6:00 The Checkout 8:30 Sunday Night 5:30 One Foot In The 6:30 Movie: The Fast & 6:00 Nine News 6:00 Antiques 4:00 Supercars: 4:00 The King Of 6:00 M*A*S*H 5:35 Hitler’s Secret 6:30 Anh’s Brush With 9:30 The Suspects - Grave The Furious: Tokyo Drift 7:00 The Voice Roadshow Highlights Queens 7:00 Scorpion Attack On America Fame True Australian Thrillers 6:15 Some Mothers Do In order to avoid a jail 8:30 60 Minutes 7:00 To The Manor 5:00 TEN Eyewitness 5:00 Frasier 8:00 COPS: Adults Only 6:30 SBS World News 7:00 ABC News 10:30 The Blacklist ‘ave ‘em sentence, Sean Boswell 9:30 TBA Born News First At Five 6:30 Percy Jackson: Sea 8:30 Supercars: 7:30 Italy’s Invisible 7:40 Doctor Who 11:30 Training Day 7:00 Border Security heads to Tokyo to live with 10:30 TBA 8:10 New Tricks 6:00 Family Feud Of Monsters Highlights Cities 8:30 Grantchester 12:30 Winners & Losers 8:00 Coastwatch Oz his military father. In a 11:30 House 9:20 Major Crimes 6:30 Modern Family 8:35 Russell Coight’s All 9:30 MotoGP 2017 8:40 The Story Of God 9:15 DCI Banks 1:30 The Real 8:30 Escape To The low-rent section of the city, 7:00 MasterChef Aussie Adventures 11:00 Bear Grylls: With Morgan Freeman 10:05 The Doctor Blake Seachange Country Sean gets caught up in Australia 9:05 TBA Mission Survive Mysteries 2:00 Home Shopping the underground world of drift racing. 11:00 The Weekly With 3:30 Harry’s Practice 11:30 Homes Under The 8:30 Movie: The Fast 12:30 Step Dave 11:20 The Closer 8:30 Bull 10:05 Whose Line Is It 12:00 Gillette World 10:30 Great British Charlie Pickering 4:00 Dr Oz Hammer And The Furious 1:30 The Avengers 12:20 To The Manor 9:30 NCIS: New Orleans Anyway? Australia Sport Railway Journeys 11:30 Line Of Duty 5:00 Seven Early News 12:30 Psychic TV 10:45 Rude Tube 2:30 Global Shop Born 11:30 48 Hours 10:35 How I Met Your 12:30 RPM 11:30 Live Premier 12:30 rage 5:30 Sunrise 3:30 Sean’s Kitchen 11:45 Ink Master 3:00 The Baron 12:55 Explore Fillers 1:30 Home Shopping Mother 1:00 Operation Repo League 2:35 Mad Dogs 4:00 Escape To The 12:45 What Went Down 4:00 Good Morning 1:00 Home Shopping 4:00 The Home Team 11:05 Everybody Loves 1:30 World Rugby 2:15 Movie: Baaria 3:20 DCI Banks: Buried Country 2:15 MXTV America 1:30 My Perfect 4:30 CBS - This Raymond Sevens Highlights 4:55 Shane Delia’s (Part 2) 3:00 Mark Berg’s 5:00 Nine News Early Cosmetics Morning 12:05 The King Of 2:00 World Rugby Spice Journey Turkey 4:10 Murder, She Fishing Addiction Edition 2:00 Major Crimes Queens Sevens Highlights Bitesize Wrote: Murder In The 4:00 Big Angry Fish 5:30 Today 4:00 Adventures In 1:00 Becker 2:30 Rush Electric Cathedral 5:00 Pro Bull Riding Rainbow Country 2:00 Rules Of 4:30 Whacked Out 5:00 Insiders Greatest Hits 4:30 Joyce Meyer, Engagement Sports Enjoy Everyday Life 3:00 The Brady Bunch 5:00 The Doctors 5:00 Seaway 3:30 Family Ties 4:30 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

SBS Program Guide – Week 29 (2016) ABC 2 (22) GO (93) SBS VICELAND (32) Monday July 11th, 2016 ALL MARKETS REJOIN

5:00 Morning Children’s 4:00 Bananas In Pyjamas, 7:30 River Monsters 6:00 Morning 4:00 Justice League 12:10 Harvey 2:45 Sonic Boom 6:10 Hong 7:30Kong am Tour De France: Daily12:00 Update - Daily updatesVice of the Tour News de France 2016. Hosted by 8:35 Date My Race 3:00 Thai News Michael Tomalaris. Reporting by Dave McKenzie and Henk Vogels. Commentary by Robbie McEwen, Matthew Keenan, Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwen. (France) (Sport) (Cycling)

Programs Fireman Sam, Tree Fu Tom, 8:20 Gruen Pitch Rewind Children’s Program Unlimited Birdman: Attorney At 3:00 Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal News 8:40 am French News - News viaTonight satellite from FT2 Paris, in French, no subtitles. 9:35 Rivals 3:30 Bangla News

9:30 am Greek News From Cyprus - News via satellite from CyBC Cyprus, in Greek, no subtitles.

10:30 am German News - News via satellite from DW Berlin, in German, no subtitles. 12:00 Sesame Street, Arthur, The Numtums, The Gruffalo, 8:30 Whovians 12:00 Yo-Kai Watch 4:30 Superman II Law 3:30 Spongebob 6:30 Chinese News 12:55 States Of 10:30 Drunk History 4:00 Punjabi News 11:00 am Spanish News - News via satellite from RTVE Madrid, in Spanish, no subtitles.

12:00 pm Arabic News - News via satellite from DRTV Dubai, in Arabic, no subtitles.

Sally & Possum, dirtgirlworld, The Gruffalo’s Child 9:00 John Conway Tonight 12:30 Spongebob 7:00 Batman Returns 12:20 Mike Tyson Squarepants 7:00 Russian12:30 pmNews Turkish News - News Undressvia satellite from TRT Turkey, in Turkish, no subtitles. 11:25 Sex Toys: Frisky 4:30 Sri Lankan

1:00 pm Tour De France: Stage Replay - Replay of the Tour de France. Hosted by Michael Tomalaris. Reporting by Dave McKenzie and Henk Vogels. Commentary by Robbie McEwen, Matthew Keenan, Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwen. (France) (Sport) (Cycling) CC Puffin Rock, hoopla doopla!, 6:00 Ben And Holly’s Little 10:00 Louis Theroux’s Weird Squarepants 9:30 Catwoman Mysteries 4:00 Steven Universe 7:30 Polish News**Replay** 1:45 10,000 BC Business Sinhalese News

3:00 pm Hairy Bikers' Asian Adventure - South Korea - Korean food is set to be the next big thing in the UK so the bikers want to find out more about this hot new trend on the horizon. On a night out with some young Seoulites they discover a cuisine that doesn’t pull any This Is Scarlett And Isaiah, Kingdom Weekends 1:00 Beyblade Burst 11:35 Bad Robots 12:35 Black Jesus 4:30 Little Charmers 8:00 Maltese Newspunches when it comes2:35 to flavour, includingWe Korean BBQAre and fried Young chicken. Si discovers 2:15 France 24 News 5:00 Korean News he has a natural gift for the Koreans’ national sport, archery; while Dave brushes up on his Gangnam style dancing. They meet a robotic kitchen assistant and on a trip to the Korean seaside, the bikers take part in a rather unique squid festival. (Part 6 of 6) (From the UK) (Food Series) (Rpt) G CC Olivia, Ready, Jet, Go!, 6:10 Go Jetters 10:50 Ladyboys 1:30 Steven Universe 12:05 Adult Swim 1:05 Swamp Hunters 4:50 Rabbids 8:30 Macedonian 3:40 The Brain: China In English From Paris 5:30 Indonesian 4:00 pm This Is Brazil! - São Paulo & Fortaleza - Fernanda heads to the biggest city in the southern hemisphere and discovers how the rich get around the massive metropolis. Amongst the chaos of its 20 million residents, São Paulo reveals itself as a melting pot of cultures. At the Central Market she faces off with a huge sandwich, meets Pablo, a bicycle Postman Pat, Sydney Sailboat, 6:20 Little Roy 11:40 An Idiot Abroad 2:00 Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V 1:35 For The Love Of Invasion News shop owner popular with5:25 those who want Toughto avoid the mile-long Youngtraffic jams, and then News heads to an open-air nightclub featuring the sounds of one of the country’s best DJs. After a quick stopover in the city of Fortaleza, where she meets up with one of Brazil’s top female surfers, Fernanda spends time on the island paradise of Fernando de Noronha. (Ep.2) (Commissioned by SBS) (Documentary/Travel) (Rpt) G CC

Messy Goes To Okido, Mister 6:35 Peter Rabbit 12:25 House of Surrogates 2:30 Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal Cars 5:10 We Bare Bears 9:00 PopAsia5:00 pm TV Tour De France: HighlightsTeachers - Highlights of the Tour de France. Hosted by Michael Tomalaris. Reporting by Dave McKenzie and Henk Vogels. Commentary by Robbie McEwen, Matthew Keenan, Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwen. (France) (Sport) (Cycling) CC

6:00 pm Nigella Bites - Rainy Days - Nigella Lawson rolls back the rain clouds with her foul- Maker, Play School 6:50 Shaun The Sheep 1:55 ABC News Update 3:00 The Powerpuff 2:35 Looney Tunes 5:30 Yu-Gi-Oh! 10:00 Portugueseweather recipes, conjuring6:30 up elaborate, time-consuVs. Arashiming creations, including chocolate cloud cake, aubergine involtini and home-made pasta with meatballs. (S.2,Ep.9) (From the UK) (Food Series) (Rpt) G CC

6:30 pm SBS World News - Up-to-date reports and analysis of the major national and international 7:00 Spicks And Specks Girls Cartoons Master List Classic News news stories of the day7:20 in Australia's onlyIf world You news service. Are (An SBS Production) The 3:30 We Bare Bears 10:50 Urdu News One 11:35 Hindi News

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SBS Program Guide – Week 29 (2016) ABC (2) SEVEN (7) 7TWO (72) 7MATE (73) NINE (91) GEM (92) TEN (10) 11 (11) ONE (1) SBS (3)

Monday July 11th, 2016 ALL MARKETS REJOIN

6:00 ABC News 6:00 Sunrise 6:00 Home Shopping 6:00 Home Shopping 6:00 Today 6:00 Friends 6:00 Entertainment 6:00 Toasted TV 6:00 Home Shopping7:30 am Tour De France: Daily Update6:00 - Daily updatesFrance of the Tour de France 2016.24 Hosted English by Michael Tomalaris. Reporting by Dave McKenzie and Henk Vogels. Commentary by Robbie McEwen, Matthew Keenan, Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwen. (France) (Sport) (Cycling)

8:40 am French News - News via satellite from FT2 Paris, in French, no subtitles. Breakfast 9:00 The Morning 6:30 Medical 6:30 Adventure Angler 9:00 Today Extra 6:30 This Is Your Day! Tonight 6:05 Littlest Pet Shop 8:00 RPM News 9:30 am Greek News From Cyprus - News via satellite from CyBC Cyprus, in Greek, no subtitles.

10:30 am German News - News via satellite from DW Berlin, in German, no subtitles.

9:00 ABC News Show Emergency 7:00 Hook Line And 11:30 Nine’s Morning 7:00 Creflo Dollar 6:30 Good Chef Bad 6:30 Dofus 8:30 Operation11:00 amRepo Spanish News - News via6:30 satellite from RTVEDeutsche Madrid, in Spanish, no subtitles. Welle

12:00 pm Arabic News - News via satellite from DRTV Dubai, in Arabic, no subtitles.

12:30 pm Turkish News - News via satellite from TRT Turkey, in Turkish, no subtitles.

Mornings 11:30 Seven Morning 7:00 Get Arty Sinker News Ministries Chef 7:05 Pokemon 9:00 Fishing Edge1:00 pm Tour De France: Stage ReplayEnglish - Replay of the Tour deNews France. Hosted by Michael Tomalaris. Reporting by Dave McKenzie and Henk Vogels. Commentary by Robbie McEwen, Matthew Keenan, Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwen. (France) (Sport) (Cycling) CC **Replay**

3:00 pm Hairy Bikers' Asian Adventure - South Korea - Korean food is set to be the next big 10:00 Landline News 7:30 Tashi 8:00 Mark Berg’s 12:00 Ellen 7:30 Home Shopping 7:00 My Market 7:35 Cardfight!! 9:30 Just Go thing in the UK so the bikers7:00 want to find outAl more about Jazeera this hot new trend on the horizon.English On a night out with some young Seoulites they discover a cuisine that doesn’t pull any punches when it comes to flavour, including Korean BBQ and fried chicken. Si discovers he has a natural gift for the Koreans’ national sport, archery; while Dave brushes up on his Gangnam style dancing. They meet a robotic kitchen assistant and on a trip to the Korean 11:00 Back Roads 12:00 Movie: Fatal 8:00 Larry The Lawn Fishing Addiction 1:00 Extra 8:00 Ellen Kitchen Vanguard G 10:00 M*A*S*H seaside, the bikers take partNews in a rather unique squid festival. (Part 6 of 6) (From the UK) (Food Series) (Rpt) G CC

4:00 pm This Is Brazil! - São Paulo & Fortaleza - Fernanda heads to the biggest city in the southern hemisphere and discovers how the rich get around the massive metropolis. Amongst the chaos of its 20 million residents, São Paulo reveals itself as a melting pot of 11:30 Croc College Acquittal Mower 9:00 Big Angry Fish 1:30 The Voice 9:00 Home Shopping 7:30 The Bold & The 8:00 Totally Wild 11:00 Hogan’s Heroescultures. At the Central Market7:30 she faces off Italianwith a huge sandwich, meetsNews Pablo, a bicycle shop owner popular with those who want to avoid the mile-long traffic jams, and then heads to an open-air nightclub featuring the sounds of one of the country’s best DJs. After a quick stopover in the city of Fortaleza, where she meets up with one of Brazil’s top female surfers, Fernanda spends time on the island paradise of Fernando de Noronha. (Ep.2) (Commissioned by SBS) (Documentary/Travel) (Rpt) G CC 12:00 ABC News At 2:00 The Daily Edition 8:30 Harry’s Practice 11:00 Charlie’s Angels 3:00 Nine News Now 9:30 Danoz Beautiful 8:35 Bob The Builder 12:00 Get Smart 8:10 Filipino News 5:00 pm Tour De France: Highlights - Highlights of the Tour de France. Hosted by Michael Tomalaris. Reporting by Dave McKenzie and Henk Vogels. Commentary by Robbie McEwen, Matthew Keenan, Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwen. (France) (Sport) (Cycling) CC

Noon 3:00 The Chase 9:00 Home And Away 12:00 T.J Hooker 4:00 Nine’s Afternoon 10:30 Friends 8:00 Family Feud 9:00 Super Wings 1:00 Cheers 6:00 pm Nigella Bites - Rainy Days8:40 - Nigella Lawson French rolls back the rain clouds withNews her foul- weather recipes, conjuring up elaborate, time-consuming creations, including chocolate cloud cake, aubergine involtini and home-made pasta with meatballs. (S.2,Ep.9) (From the UK) (Food Series) (Rpt) G CC

6:30 pm SBS World News - Up-to-date reports and analysis of the major national and international 1:00 Grantchester 4:00 Seven News At 4 9:30 NBC Today 1:00 Wipeout USA News 11:30 Suncorp Super 8:30 Studio 10 9:30 Crocamole 2:00 Matlock news stories of the day in9:30 Australia's only worldGreek news service. (An SBSNews Production) 2:00 Parliament 5:00 The Chase 10:30 Escape To The 2:00 What Went Down 5:00 Millionaire Hot Netball 2017 11:00 The Talk 10:00 Dr. Quinn, 3:00 Jake And The 10:30 German News Question Time Australia Country 3:00 Doomsday Castle Seat Vixens v Thunderbirds 12:00 Dr Phil Medicine Woman Fatman 11:00 Spanish News 3:15 Eggheads 11:30 Annabel Langbein 4:00 Doomsday 6:00 Nine News 1:30 To The Manor 1:00 TBA 11:00 Jag 4:00 Diagnosis Murder 12:00 Arabic News 3:45 Doctor Who 12:00 Dr Oz Preppers 7:00 A Current Affair Born 2:30 Ben’s Menu 12:00 Judging Amy 5:00 Star Trek: The Next 12:30 Turkish News 4:30 Whovians 1:00 Hairy Bikers - The 5:00 Mythbusters 2:00 Antiques 3:00 Judge Judy 1:00 The Division Generation 1:00 Al Jazeera News 5:00 ABC News: Early Pubs That Built Britain 6:00 American Pickers Roadshow 3:30 My Market 2:00 Becker 2:00 The Chefs’ Line Edition 1:30 One Foot In The 7:00 Pawn Stars 3:00 Escape To The Kitchen 3:00 The King Of 2:30 Ella Fitzgerald 5:30 The Drum Grave Country 4:00 Everyday Gourmet Queens Swings With The 6:00 Dream Build 2:15 Some Mothers Do 4:15 Heartbeat With Justine Schofield 4:00 Rules Of Tommy Flanagan Trio ‘ave ‘em 5:20 Are You Being Engagement 3:00 Live Premier 3:00 Property Ladder Served? League 6:10 Grand Designs 6:00 Seven News 4:00 Deal Or No Deal 7:30 World’s Most 7:30 The Voice 6:00 Friends 4:30 The Bold & The 4:30 Everybody Loves 6:00 M*A*S*H 5:30 Letters & Numbers 7:00 ABC News 7:00 Home and Away 5:00 60 Minute Extreme 9:00 TBA 7:00 As Time Goes By Beautiful Raymond 7:30 MacGyver 6:00 The Chefs’ Line 7:30 7.30 7:30 House Rules Makeover 8:30 Movie: Fast Five 10:00 Botched 7:30 Planet Earth II 5:00 TEN Eyewitness 5:30 Frasier 8:30 Movie: Die Hard 6:30 SBS World News 8:00 Australian Story 8:40 Seven Year Switch 6:00 Medical 11:10 America’s Hardest 11:00 Law And Order 8:40 DCI Banks News First At Five 6:30 Neighbours 11:10 Super Rugby Extra 7:30 How To Get Fit 8:30 Four Corners 9:50 Ramsay’s Hotel Emergency Prisons 12:00 Rizzoli & Isles 9:40 The Silence Of The 6:00 Family Feud 7:00 Malcolm In The Time Fast 9:20 Media Watch Hell 6:30 Bargain Hunt 12:25 Talking Footy Lambs 6:30 The Project Middle 8:35 Island With Bear 9:35 Q&A 10:50 Ramsay’s Kitchen 7:30 Jonathan Creek 1:25 American Pickers 12:00 Footy Classified 7:30 How I Met Your Grylls 10:40 Lateline Nightmares USA 8:30 Foyle’s War Mother 9:30 24 Hours In 10:30 Blue Murder 8:00 The Simpsons Emergency 11:10 The Business 11:50 The Goldbergs 12:00 Bargain Hunt 2:30 Pawn Stars 1:00 2017 SOUTHERN 1:00 Home Shopping 7:30 MasterChef 9:30 Supernatural 12:10 House Of Lies 10:30 SBS World News 11:30 Golf: PGA TOUR 12:20 Red Band Society 1:00 Deal Or No Deal 3:00 Mark Berg’s 80 CLASSIC 1:30 My Perfect Australia 10:30 The XFiles 12:40 MotoGP 2017 Late Edition Highlights: Byron 1:20 Harry’s Practice 1:30 Foyle’s War: High Fishing Addiction 1:30 Home Shopping Cosmetics 8:30 Have You Been 11:30 The Late Late 2:10 Gillette World 11:00 The World Game Nelson, Irving TX 2:00 Home Shopping Castle 4:00 Big Angry Fish 2:00 Extra 2:00 Planet Earth II Paying Attention? Show with James Sport 11:30 Versailles 12:25 Secret State 4:00 NBC Today 3:30 Dr Oz 5:00 Pro Bull Riding 2:30 Global Shop 3:00 Heartbeat 9:30 Prison Break Corden 2:30 Diagnosis Murder 1:30 Witnesses 1:10 The Mix 5:00 Seven Early News 4:30 Property Ladder Greatest Hits 3:00 Skippy - The Bush 4:00 Adventures In 10:30 Sherlock Holmes: 12:30 The King Of 3:30 Matlock 4:30 Food Lovers’ 1:40 rage 5:30 Sunrise 5:30 Harry’s Practice Kangaroo Rainbow Country Elementary Queens 4:30 Operation Repo Guide To Australia 3:20 The Tunnel 3:30 Good Morning 4:30 Joyce Meyer, 11:30 The Project 1:30 Frasier 5:00 The Doctors 5:00 CGTN English 4:10 Murder, She Wrote America Enjoy Everyday Life 12:30 The Late Show 2:30 Rules Of News 5:00 Antiques 5:00 Nine News Early 5:00 Seaway With Stephen Colbert Engagement 5:30 NHK World Roadshow: Edition 1:30 Home Shopping 3:00 Judging Amy English News Aberglasney 5:30 Today 4:00 The Home Team 4:00 Dr. Quinn, 5:45 France 24 Feature 4:30 CBS - This Medicine Woman Morning 5:00 Becker

SBS Program Guide – Week 29 (2016) ABC 2 (22) GO (93) SBS VICELAND (32) Monday July 11th, 2016 ALL MARKETS REJOIN

5:00 Morning Children’s 4:00 Bananas In Pyjamas, 7:30 Doctor Who 6:00 Morning 4:05 The Amazing 8:00 Top Gear 2:30 Pokemon 6:10 Hong Kong7:30 am TourNews De France: Daily12:00 Update - Daily updatesMovie: of the Tour de FranceThe 2016. HostedFirst by 5:30 If You Are The 1 2:20 CCTV News In Michael Tomalaris. Reporting by Dave McKenzie and Henk Vogels. Commentary by Robbie McEwen, Matthew Keenan, Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwen. (France) (Sport) (Cycling)

Programs Fireman Sam, Tree Fu Tom, The 8:15 Little Roy: Let’s Rock Children’s Program World Of Gumball 9:30 Street Outlaws 3:00 Sonic Boom 6:30 Chinese8:40 am NewsFrench News - News viaBeautiful satellite from FT2 Paris, in French,Thing no subtitles. 6:30 Mythbusters English From Beijing

9:30 am Greek News From Cyprus - News via satellite from CyBC Cyprus, in Greek, no subtitles.

10:30 am German News - News via satellite from DW Berlin, in German, no subtitles. 12:00 Sesame Street, Play Numtums, Hey Duggee, Peg 8:25 Gruen Pitch Rewind 12:00 Dawson’s Creek 4:30 Be Cool Scooby 10:30 Car SOS 3:30 Kate And Mim 7:00 Russian News 2:10 Alarm for Cobra 7:30 The Feed 3:00 Thai News 11:00 am Spanish News - News via satellite from RTVE Madrid, in Spanish, no subtitles.

12:00 pm Arabic News - News via satellite from DRTV Dubai, in Arabic, no subtitles.

School, Lah-Lah’s Adventures, + Cat, Charlie And Lola, Peppa 8:30 Louis Theroux’s Weird 1:00 Lip Sync Battle Doo! 11:30 South Beach Mim 7:30 Polish12:30 News pm Turkish News - News 11via satellite from TRT Turkey, in Turkish, no subtitles. 8:00 South Park 3:30 Bangla News

1:00 pm Tour De France: Stage Replay - Replay of the Tour de France. Hosted by Michael Tomalaris. Reporting by Dave McKenzie and Henk Vogels. Commentary by Robbie McEwen, Matthew Keenan, Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwen. (France) (Sport) (Cycling) CC Puffin Rock, hoopla doopla!, Pig, Floogals Weekends 2:00 Beyblade Burst 5:00 Ben 10 Tow 4:00 Little Charmers 8:00 **Replay** 3:00 Street Genius 8:30 Movie: To Die 4:00 Punjabi News Latin American 3:00 pm Hairy Bikers' Asian Adventure - South Korea - Korean food is set to be the next big thing in the UK so the bikers want to find out more about this hot new trend on the horizon. On a night out with some young Seoulites they discover a cuisine that doesn’t pull any This Is Scarlett And Isaiah, 6:00 Ben And Holly’s Little 9:20 Life And Death Row 2:30 Hi-5 5:30 Teen Titans 12:00 The Middle 4:30 Teen Titans punches when it comes3:30 to flavour, includingVICE Korean BBQ and fried chicken. Si discovers For 4:30 Sri Lankan 8:30 Macedonianhe has a natural gift for the Koreans’ national sport, archery; while Dave brushes up on his Gangnam style dancing. They meet a robotic kitchen assistant and on a trip to the Korean seaside, the bikers take part in a rather unique squid festival. (Part 6 of 6) (From the UK) (Food Series) (Rpt) G CC Olivia, Curious George, Kingdom 10:15 Little Britain 3:00 Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V 6:00 Regular Show 12:30 Adventure Time 4:50 Power Rangers 4:05 Illusions Of 10:30 Movie: A Girl Sinhalese News 9:00 Croatian4:00 pm NewsThis Is Brazil! - São Paulo & Fortaleza - Fernanda heads to the biggest city in the southern hemisphere and discovers how the rich get around the massive metropolis. Amongst the chaos of its 20 million residents, São Paulo reveals itself as a melting pot of cultures. At the Central Market she faces off with a huge sandwich, meets Pablo, a bicycle Postman Pat, Sydney Sailboat, 6:10 Go Jetters 10:45 John Conway Tonight 3:30 Nexo Knights 6:30 Adventure Time 1:00 Regular Show Dino Charge shop owner popular withGrandeur those who want to avoid the mile-long traffic jams, and then Walks Home Alone At 5:00 Korean News 9:30 Serbian Newsheads to an open-air nightclub featuring the sounds of one of the country’s best DJs. After a quick stopover in the city of Fortaleza, where she meets up with one of Brazil’s top female surfers, Fernanda spends time on the island paradise of Fernando de Noronha. (Ep.2) (Commissioned by SBS) (Documentary/Travel) (Rpt) G CC

Messy Goes To Okido, Mister 6:20 Little Roy: Let’s Rock 11:45 Whovians 4:00 Kids’ Wb 7:00 The Middle 1:30 Ben 10 5:10 Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V 10:00 Dutch5:00 News pm Tour De France: Highlights4:30 - Highlights Food,of the Tour de France. Booze Hosted by Michael And Night 5:30 Indonesian Tomalaris. Reporting by Dave McKenzie and Henk Vogels. Commentary by Robbie McEwen, Matthew Keenan, Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwen. (France) (Sport) (Cycling) CC

6:00 pm Nigella Bites - Rainy Days - Nigella Lawson rolls back the rain clouds with her foul- Maker’s, Play School 6:35 Peter Rabbit 12:15 Peaky Blinders Weekdays 7:30 Science Of 2:00 Rabbids Invasion 5:30 Yu-Gi-Oh! 10:30 Tamil Newsweather recipes, conjuringTattoos up elaborate, time-consuming creations, including chocolate 12:20 Desus and Mero News cloud cake, aubergine involtini and home-made pasta with meatballs. (S.2,Ep.9) (From the UK) (Food Series) (Rpt) G CC

6:30 pm SBS World News - Up-to-date reports and analysis of the major national and international 6:50 Shaun The Sheep 1:15 HitRecord On TV Stupid Classic 11:00 Japanese Newsnews stories of the day5:00 in Australia's onlyVice world news service.News (An SBS Production) 12:50 @midnight 7:00 Spicks And Specks 1:40 Doctor Who 11:35 Hindi News Tonight 1:20 The Feed 2:30 ABC News Update 1:50 Party Legends Richmondhydroponics Its a perfect time for pruning Need Business Cards? lighten up those shady areas for winter Full Range of Hydroponic Equipment 4 Generations of Tree Experts - We cater to all gardeners & all budgets. Promotional Flyers? Invoice Over 60 years in the Industry. Knowledge and Expertise you can trust. We have all size hydro setups available using simple technology and products (nutrients & Books? Brochures? Tree Removal additives) so even people with balconies. Pruning • Stump Grinding • Land Clearing We can assist with both graphic design & printing. Affordable Mulch Sales • Firewood Sales Mon-Fri 10am-5.00pm Sat - 10am to 2pm prices, friendly service. Ph: 02 4571 1620 | Fax: 02 4571 1082 M: 0414 635 650 Unit 3/84 Bells Line of Road, North Richmond NSW 2754 Call now 9652 1193 or [email protected] T: 9653 2205 [email protected] [email protected] www.richmondhydroponics.com.au Check out our prices online - www.adelphi.net.au www.mcardletrees.com.au

24 • Hills to Hawkesbury Living • May 12, 2017 TUESDAY, MAY 23

SBS Program Guide – Week 29 (2016) ABC (2) SEVEN (7) 7TWO (72) 7MATE (73) NINE (91) GEM (92) TEN (10) 11 (11) ONE (1) SBS (3)

Monday July 11th, 2016 ALL MARKETS REJOIN

6:00 News Breakfast 6:00 Sunrise 6:00 Home Shopping 6:00 Home Shopping 6:00 Today 6:00 Friends 6:00 Entertainment 6:00 Toasted TV 6:00 Home Shopping7:30 am Tour De France: Daily Update6:00 - Daily updatesFrance of the Tour de France 2016.24 Hosted English by Michael Tomalaris. Reporting by Dave McKenzie and Henk Vogels. Commentary by Robbie McEwen, Matthew Keenan, Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwen. (France) (Sport) (Cycling)

8:40 am French News - News via satellite from FT2 Paris, in French, no subtitles. 9:00 ABC News 9:00 The Morning 6:30 Medical 6:30 Adventure Angler 9:00 Today Extra 6:30 Skippy - The Bush Tonight 6:05 Littlest Pet Shop 8:00 Super Rugby Extra News 9:30 am Greek News From Cyprus - News via satellite from CyBC Cyprus, in Greek, no subtitles.

10:30 am German News - News via satellite from DW Berlin, in German, no subtitles.

Mornings Show Emergency 7:00 Adventure Angler 11:30 Nine’s Morning Kangaroo 6:30 Good Chef Bad 6:30 Dofus Time 11:00 am Spanish News - News via6:30 satellite from RTVEDeutsche Madrid, in Spanish, no subtitles. Welle

12:00 pm Arabic News - News via satellite from DRTV Dubai, in Arabic, no subtitles.

12:30 pm Turkish News - News via satellite from TRT Turkey, in Turkish, no subtitles.

10:00 Four Corners 11:30 Seven Morning 7:00 Get Arty 8:00 Mark Berg’s News 7:00 Creflo Dollar Chef 7:05 Pokemon 9:00 Fishing Edge1:00 pm Tour De France: Stage ReplayEnglish - Replay of the Tour deNews France. Hosted by Michael Tomalaris. Reporting by Dave McKenzie and Henk Vogels. Commentary by Robbie McEwen, Matthew Keenan, Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwen. (France) (Sport) (Cycling) CC **Replay**

3:00 pm Hairy Bikers' Asian Adventure - South Korea - Korean food is set to be the next big 10:45 Media Watch News 7:30 Tashi Fishing Addiction 12:00 Ellen Ministries 7:00 My Market 7:35 Cardfight!! 9:30 M*A*S*H thing in the UK so the bikers7:00 want to find outAl more about Jazeera this hot new trend on the horizon.English On a night out with some young Seoulites they discover a cuisine that doesn’t pull any punches when it comes to flavour, including Korean BBQ and fried chicken. Si discovers he has a natural gift for the Koreans’ national sport, archery; while Dave brushes up on his Gangnam style dancing. They meet a robotic kitchen assistant and on a trip to the Korean 11:00 Grand Designs 12:00 Movie: The Hunt 8:00 Larry The Lawn 9:00 Big Angry Fish 1:00 Extra 7:30 Home Shopping Kitchen Vanguard G 11:00 Hogan’s Heroesseaside, the bikers take partNews in a rather unique squid festival. (Part 6 of 6) (From the UK) (Food Series) (Rpt) G CC

4:00 pm This Is Brazil! - São Paulo & Fortaleza - Fernanda heads to the biggest city in the southern hemisphere and discovers how the rich get around the massive metropolis. Amongst the chaos of its 20 million residents, São Paulo reveals itself as a melting pot of 12:00 ABC News At Noon For The I-5 Killer Mower 10:00 Doomsday Castle 1:30 The Voice 8:00 Ellen 7:30 The Bold & The 8:00 Totally Wild 12:00 Get Smart cultures. At the Central Market7:30 she faces off Italianwith a huge sandwich, meetsNews Pablo, a bicycle shop owner popular with those who want to avoid the mile-long traffic jams, and then heads to an open-air nightclub featuring the sounds of one of the country’s best DJs. After a quick stopover in the city of Fortaleza, where she meets up with one of Brazil’s top female surfers, Fernanda spends time on the island paradise of Fernando de Noronha. (Ep.2) (Commissioned by SBS) (Documentary/Travel) (Rpt) G CC 1:00 Last Tango In 2:00 The Daily Edition 8:30 Harry’s Practice 11:00 Charlie’s Angels 3:00 Nine News Now 9:00 Home Shopping Beautiful 8:35 Bob The Builder 1:00 Cheers 8:10 Filipino News 5:00 pm Tour De France: Highlights - Highlights of the Tour de France. Hosted by Michael Tomalaris. Reporting by Dave McKenzie and Henk Vogels. Commentary by Robbie McEwen, Matthew Keenan, Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwen. (France) (Sport) (Cycling) CC

Halifax 3:00 The Chase 9:00 Home And Away 12:00 T.J Hooker 4:00 Nine’s Afternoon 9:30 Danoz 8:00 Family Feud 9:00 Super Wings 2:00 Matlock 6:00 pm Nigella Bites - Rainy Days8:40 - Nigella Lawson French rolls back the rain clouds withNews her foul- weather recipes, conjuring up elaborate, time-consuming creations, including chocolate cloud cake, aubergine involtini and home-made pasta with meatballs. (S.2,Ep.9) (From the UK) (Food Series) (Rpt) G CC

6:30 pm SBS World News - Up-to-date reports and analysis of the major national and international 2:00 Parliament 4:00 Seven News At 4 9:30 NBC Today 1:00 Doomsday News 10:30 Friends 8:30 Studio 10 9:30 Crocamole 3:00 Super Rugby newsExtra stories of the day in9:30 Australia's only worldGreek news service. (An SBSNews Production) Question Time 5:00 The Chase 12:00 Dr Oz Preppers 5:00 Millionaire Hot 11:30 As Time Goes By 11:00 The Talk 10:00 Dr. Quinn, Time 10:30 German News 3:30 Eggheads Australia 1:00 Jonathan Creek 2:00 Wipeout USA Seat 12:10 Long Dark Hall 12:00 Dr. Phil Medicine Woman 4:00 Diagnosis Murder 11:00 Spanish News 4:00 Antiques 2:00 Mr Selfridge 3:00 What Went Down 6:00 Nine News 2:00 The Hairy Bikers 1:00 TBA 11:00 Jag 5:00 Star Trek: The Next 12:00 Arabic News Roadshow 3:00 Property Ladder 3:30 Doomsday 7:00 A Current Affair Best Of British 2:00 Entertainment 12:00 Judging Amy Generation 12:30 Turkish News 5:00 ABC News: Early 4:00 Deal Or No Deal Preppers 3:00 Escape To The Tonight 1:00 The Division 1:00 PBS Newshour Edition 5:00 60 Minute 4:30 American Pickers Country 2:30 Ben’s Menu 2:00 Becker 2:00 The Chefs’ Line 5:30 The Drum Makeover 5:30 Pawn Stars 4:15 Heartbeat 3:00 Judge Judy 3:00 The King Of 2:30 Creative Minds 6:00 American Pickers 5:20 Are You Being 3:30 My Market Kitchen Queens 3:20 Secrets Of The 7:00 Pawn Stars Served? 4:00 Everyday Gourmet 4:00 Rules Of Brain With Justine Schofield Engagement 4:25 I Bought Rainforest 6:00 Dream Build 6:00 Seven News 6:00 Medical 7:30 Highway Patrol 7:30 The Last Resort 6:00 Friends 4:30 The Bold & The 4:30 Everybody Loves 6:00 M*A*S*H 5:30 Letters And 6:10 Grand Designs 7:00 Home and Away Emergency 8:00 Motorway Patrol 8:40 Love Child 7:00 As Time Goes By Beautiful Raymond 7:30 48 Hours Numbers 7:00 ABC News 7:30 House Rules 6:30 Bargain Hunt 8:30 Outback Truckers 9:40 Operation 7:30 New Tricks 5:00 TEN Eyewitness 5:30 Frasier 8:30 Movie: High 6:00 The Chefs’ Line 7:30 7.30 8:40 Seven Year Switch 7:30 Father Brown 9:30 Outback Pilots Thailand 8:40 Midsomer News First At Five 6:30 Neighbours Crimes 6:30 SBS World News 8:00 Ask The Doctor: 9:50 Ramsay’s Kitchen 8:30 Judge John Deed 10:30 Ice Road Truckers 10:40 The Mysteries Of Murders 6:00 Family Feud 7:00 Malcolm In The 10:50 The Americans 7:30 Great Continental Diet Nightmares 10:30 Mighty Planes 11:30 Car Chasers Laura 10:50 Cold Case 6:30 The Project Middle 11:50 Breakout Kings Railway Journeys 8:30 War On Waste 10:50 The Amazing 11:30 Downton Abbey 7:30 MasterChef 7:30 How I Met Your 8:30 Insight 9:30 Foreign Race Australia Mother 9:30 Dateline Correspondent 11:50 The Goldbergs 8:30 NCIS 8:00 The Simpsons 10:00 The Book Club 12:20 Aquarius 12:30 Bargain Hunt 12:00 American Pickers 11:40 Mike & Molly 11:50 Scott And Bailey 9:30 NCIS: Los Angeles 8:30 Futurama 12:45 Home Shopping 10:00 SBS World News 10:30 Lateline 1:20 Harry’s Practice 1:30 Mr Selfridge 1:00 Pawn Stars 12:05 20/20 1:00 Home Shopping 11:30 The Project 9:00 Road Trip 2:15 Get Smart Late Edition 11:00 The Business 2:00 Home Shopping 2:30 Father Brown 1:30 What Went Down 1:00 The Baron 1:30 My Perfect 12:30 The Late Show 11:00 How I Met Your 3:15 Matlock 10:30 Witnesses 11:20 Q&A 4:00 NBC Today 3:30 Dr Oz 2:30 MXTV 2:00 Extra Cosmetics With Stephen Colbert Mother 4:10 Diagnosis Murder 12:40 Movie: Potiche 12:25 Making Australia 5:00 Seven Early News 4:30 Property Ladder 3:00 Mark Berg’s 2:30 Global Shop 2:00 The Hairy Bikers 1:30 Home Shopping 11:30 The Late Late 5:05 The Doctors 2:30 Grass Fed Great 5:30 Sunrise 5:30 Harry’s Practice Fishing Addiction 3:00 Skippy - The Bush Best Of British 4:00 The Home Team Show with James 4:00 Obama At War 1:25 rage 4:00 Big Angry Fish Kangaroo 3:00 Heartbeat 4:30 CBS - This Corden 5:00 CGTN English 4:10 Murder, She Wrote 5:00 Pro Bull Riding 3:30 Good Morning 4:00 Friends Morning 12:30 The King Of News 5:00 Antiques Greatest Hits America 4:30 Joyce Meyer, Queens 5:30 NHK World Roadshow: Bath 1 5:00 Nine News Early Enjoy Everyday Life 1:30 Frasier English News Edition 5:00 Dangerman 2:30 Rules Of 5:30 Today Engagement 3:00 Judging Amy 4:00 Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman 5:00 Becker

SBS Program Guide – Week 29 (2016) ABC 2 (22) GO (93) SBS VICELAND (32) Monday July 11th, 2016 ALL MARKETS REJOIN

5:00 Morning Children’s 4:00 Bananas In Pyjamas, 7:30 Dirty Jobs 6:00 Morning 4:05 The Amazing 8:30 Meet The 2:30 Pokemon 6:10 Hong Kong7:30 am TourNews De France: Daily12:00 Update - Daily updatesMovie: of the Tour de FranceBaaria 2016. Hosted by 6:35 Mythbusters 12:20 @midnight Michael Tomalaris. Reporting by Dave McKenzie and Henk Vogels. Commentary by Robbie McEwen, Matthew Keenan, Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwen. (France) (Sport) (Cycling)

Programs Fireman Sam, Tree Fu Tom, The 8:20 The Checkout Children’s Program World Of Gumball Hockers 3:00 Sonic Boom 6:30 Chinese8:40 am NewsFrench News - News via2:35 satellite from FT2Vice Paris, in French, World no subtitles. Of 7:30 The Feed 12:50 The Feed

9:30 am Greek News From Cyprus - News via satellite from CyBC Cyprus, in Greek, no subtitles.

10:30 am German News - News via satellite from DW Berlin, in German, no subtitles. 12:00 Sesame Street, Play Numtums, Hey Duggee, Peg 8:50 An Idiot Abroad 12:00 Dawson’s Creek 4:30 Be Cool Scooby 9:00 22 Jump Street 3:30 Kate And Mim 7:00 Russian News Sports 8:00 Young And 1:20 Huang’s World 11:00 am Spanish News - News via satellite from RTVE Madrid, in Spanish, no subtitles.

12:00 pm Arabic News - News via satellite from DRTV Dubai, in Arabic, no subtitles.

School, Lah-Lah’s Adventures, + Cat, Charlie And Lola, Peppa 9:35 Banged Up Abroad 1:00 Lip Sync Battle Doo! 11:15 Airplane Repo Mim 7:30 Polish12:30 News pm Turkish News - News 3:05via satellite from TRTStreet Turkey, in Turkish, Genius no subtitles. Black 2:15 RT News In

1:00 pm Tour De France: Stage Replay - Replay of the Tour de France. Hosted by Michael Tomalaris. Reporting by Dave McKenzie and Henk Vogels. Commentary by Robbie McEwen, Matthew Keenan, Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwen. (France) (Sport) (Cycling) CC Puffin Rock, hoopla doopla!, Pig, Floogals 10:25 Archer: Double 2:00 Beyblade Burst 5:00 Ben 10 12:15 The Middle 4:00 Little Charmers 8:00 **Replay** 3:35 The Feed 8:30 Search Party English From Moscow Ukrainian 3:00 pm Hairy Bikers' Asian Adventure - South Korea - Korean food is set to be the next big thing in the UK so the bikers want to find out more about this hot new trend on the horizon. On a night out with some young Seoulites they discover a cuisine that doesn’t pull any This Is Scarlett And Isaiah, 6:00 Ben And Holly’s Little Indecency 2:30 Hi-5 5:30 Teen Titans 12:45 Go Surround 4:30 Teen Titans punches when it comes4:05 to flavour, includingIllusions Korean BBQ and fried chicken. Of Si discovers 9:20 Fargo 3:00 Thai News News he has a natural gift for the Koreans’ national sport, archery; while Dave brushes up on his Gangnam style dancing. They meet a robotic kitchen assistant and on a trip to the Korean seaside, the bikers take part in a rather unique squid festival. (Part 6 of 6) (From the UK) (Food Series) (Rpt) G CC Olivia, Curious George, Kingdom 10:50 Little Britain 3:00 Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V 6:00 Regular Show Sound 4:50 Power Rangers Grandeur 11:20 Vice News 3:30 Bangla News 8:30 Macedonian4:00 pm This Is Brazil! - São Paulo & Fortaleza - Fernanda heads to the biggest city in the southern hemisphere and discovers how the rich get around the massive metropolis. Amongst the chaos of its 20 million residents, São Paulo reveals itself as a melting pot of cultures. At the Central Market she faces off with a huge sandwich, meets Pablo, a bicycle Postman Pat, Sydney Sailboat, 6:10 Go Jetters 11:20 Life And Death Row 3:30 Lego Friends 6:30 Adventure Time 1:00 Regular Show Dino Charge shop owner popular with4:35 those who want Food,to avoid the mile-long Booze traffic jams, and then Tonight 4:00 Punjabi News 9:00 Croatian Newsheads to an open-air nightclub featuring the sounds of one of the country’s best DJs. After a quick stopover in the city of Fortaleza, where she meets up with one of Brazil’s top female surfers, Fernanda spends time on the island paradise of Fernando de Noronha. (Ep.2) (Commissioned by SBS) (Documentary/Travel) (Rpt) G CC

Messy Goes To Okido, Mister 6:20 Little Roy: Wakey Wakey 12:10 TBA 4:00 Kids’ Wb 7:00 The Middle 1:30 Ben 10 5:10 Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V 9:30 Serbian5:00 pm NewsTour De France: HighlightsAnd - Highlights Tattoos of the Tour de France. Hosted by Michael 11:50 Desus and Mero 4:30 Sri Lankan Tomalaris. Reporting by Dave McKenzie and Henk Vogels. Commentary by Robbie McEwen, Matthew Keenan, Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwen. (France) (Sport) (Cycling) CC

6:00 pm Nigella Bites - Rainy Days - Nigella Lawson rolls back the rain clouds with her foul- Maker, Play School 6:35 Peter Rabbit 12:45 Dirty Jobs Weekdays 7:30 The Big Bang 2:00 Rabbids Invasion 5:30 Yu-Gi-Oh! 10:00 Dutch Newsweather recipes, conjuring5:05 up elaborate, time-consuRivalsming creations, including chocolate Sinhalese News cloud cake, aubergine involtini and home-made pasta with meatballs. (S.2,Ep.9) (From the UK) (Food Series) (Rpt) G CC

6:30 pm SBS World News - Up-to-date reports and analysis of the major national and international 6:50 Shaun The Sheep 1:35 ABC News Update Theory Classic 10:30 Nepali Newsnews stories of the day5:35 in Australia's onlyIf world You news service. Are (An SBS Production) The 1 5:00 Korean News 7:00 Spicks And Specks 11:00 Japanese News 5:30 Indonesian News 11:35 Hindi News

THE AUSTRALIANA Mothers Day 14th May Sunday 21st May Come along and enjoy your This year we will be holding our first Village Country Fair PIONEER VILLAGE Mother’s Day at • We are inviting local people to bring in crafts, produce etc The Australiana Pioneer Village • There will be many stalls to browse through – many from our Twilight Markets • Lucky Gate prizes • Raffle • We will have food stalls, enjoy the tastes from the local area as well as International cuisine Why not treat mum to a lovely morning tea of • Entertainment throughout the day • We are holding a Mini Back to Back challenge – watch the demonstration from the wool being scones or damper, have lunch at the Oxboro Inn or sheared from the sheep’s back, to the wool being spun to a child’s jumper being knitted ready The Damper Camp or bring along a picnic lunch for a child to wear.

There will also be the Penny Arcade, rides and more. Anyone interested in have a stall please email Joanne [email protected] Rose Street, Wilberforce NSW 2756, Australia Ph 0245 751 777 | www.theapv.org.au Put this date in your diary now as you do not want to miss this Event

Hills to Hawkesbury Living • May 12, 2017 • 25 All Upholstery & Curtains. WEDNESDAY, MAY 24 9651 4129, www.gotchacovered.com.au 628 Old Northern Rd, Dural

SBS Program Guide – Week 29 (2016) ABC (2) SEVEN (7) 7TWO (72) 7MATE (73) NINE (91) GEM (92) TEN (10) 11 (11) ONE (1) SBS (3)

Monday July 11th, 2016 ALL MARKETS REJOIN

6:00 News Breakfast 6:00 Sunrise 6:00 Home Shopping 6:00 Home Shopping 6:00 Today 6:00 Friends 6:00 Entertainment 6:00 Toasted TV 6:00 Home Shopping7:30 am Tour De France: Daily Update6:00 - Daily updatesFrance of the Tour de France 2016.24 Hosted English by Michael Tomalaris. Reporting by Dave McKenzie and Henk Vogels. Commentary by Robbie McEwen, Matthew Keenan, Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwen. (France) (Sport) (Cycling)

8:40 am French News - News via satellite from FT2 Paris, in French, no subtitles. 9:00 ABC News 9:00 The Morning 6:30 Medical 6:30 Adventure Angler 9:00 Today Extra 6:30 This Is Your Day! Tonight 6:05 Littlest Pet Shop 8:00 Star Trek: The Next News 9:30 am Greek News From Cyprus - News via satellite from CyBC Cyprus, in Greek, no subtitles.

10:30 am German News - News via satellite from DW Berlin, in German, no subtitles.

Mornings Show Emergency 7:00 Ultimate Fishing 11:30 Nine’s Morning 7:00 Creflo Dollar 6:30 Good Chef Bad 6:30 Dofus Generation 11:00 am Spanish News - News via6:30 satellite from RTVEDeutsche Madrid, in Spanish, no subtitles. Welle

12:00 pm Arabic News - News via satellite from DRTV Dubai, in Arabic, no subtitles.

12:30 pm Turkish News - News via satellite from TRT Turkey, in Turkish, no subtitles.

10:00 Q&A 11:30 Seven Morning 7:00 Get Arty 8:00 Mark Berg’s News Ministries Chef 7:05 Pokemon 9:00 Fishing Edge1:00 pm Tour De France: Stage ReplayEnglish - Replay of the Tour deNews France. Hosted by Michael Tomalaris. Reporting by Dave McKenzie and Henk Vogels. Commentary by Robbie McEwen, Matthew Keenan, Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwen. (France) (Sport) (Cycling) CC **Replay**

3:00 pm Hairy Bikers' Asian Adventure - South Korea - Korean food is set to be the next big 11:05 Grand Designs News 7:30 Tashi Fishing Addiction 12:00 Ellen 7:30 Home Shopping 7:00 My Market 7:35 Cardfight!! 9:30 M*A*S*H thing in the UK so the bikers7:00 want to find outAl more about Jazeera this hot new trend on the horizon.English On a night out with some young Seoulites they discover a cuisine that doesn’t pull any punches when it comes to flavour, including Korean BBQ and fried chicken. Si discovers he has a natural gift for the Koreans’ national sport, archery; while Dave brushes up on his Gangnam style dancing. They meet a robotic kitchen assistant and on a trip to the Korean 12:00 ABC News At Noon 12:00 Movie: Absence 8:00 Larry The Lawn 9:00 Big Angry Fish 1:00 The Last Resort 8:00 Ellen Kitchen Vanguard G 11:00 Hogan’s Heroesseaside, the bikers take partNews in a rather unique squid festival. (Part 6 of 6) (From the UK) (Food Series) (Rpt) G CC

4:00 pm This Is Brazil! - São Paulo & Fortaleza - Fernanda heads to the biggest city in the southern hemisphere and discovers how the rich get around the massive metropolis. Amongst the chaos of its 20 million residents, São Paulo reveals itself as a melting pot of 12:30 National Press Club Of The Good Mower 10:00 Doomsday 2:00 Love Child 9:00 Home Shopping 7:30 The Bold & The 8:00 Totally Wild 12:00 Get Smart cultures. At the Central Market7:30 she faces off Italianwith a huge sandwich, meetsNews Pablo, a bicycle shop owner popular with those who want to avoid the mile-long traffic jams, and then heads to an open-air nightclub featuring the sounds of one of the country’s best DJs. After a quick stopover in the city of Fortaleza, where she meets up with one of Brazil’s top female surfers, Fernanda spends time on the island paradise of Fernando de Noronha. (Ep.2) (Commissioned by SBS) (Documentary/Travel) (Rpt) G CC Address 2:00 The Daily Edition 8:30 Harry’s Practice Preppers 3:00 Nine News Now 10:30 Friends Beautiful 8:35 Bob The Builder 1:00 Cheers 8:10 Filipino News 5:00 pm Tour De France: Highlights - Highlights of the Tour de France. Hosted by Michael Tomalaris. Reporting by Dave McKenzie and Henk Vogels. Commentary by Robbie McEwen, Matthew Keenan, Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwen. (France) (Sport) (Cycling) CC

1:30 The Book Club 3:00 The Chase 9:00 Home And Away 11:00 Charlie’s Angels 4:00 Nine’s Afternoon 11:30 As Time Goes By 8:00 Family Feud 9:00 Super Wings 2:00 Matlock 6:00 pm Nigella Bites - Rainy Days8:40 - Nigella Lawson French rolls back the rain clouds withNews her foul- weather recipes, conjuring up elaborate, time-consuming creations, including chocolate cloud cake, aubergine involtini and home-made pasta with meatballs. (S.2,Ep.9) (From the UK) (Food Series) (Rpt) G CC

6:30 pm SBS World News - Up-to-date reports and analysis of the major national and international 2:00 Parliament 4:00 Seven News At 4 9:30 NBC Today 12:00 T.J Hooker News 12:10 On The Buses 8:30 Studio 10 9:30 Crocamole 3:00 Jake And Thenews stories of the day in9:30 Australia's only worldGreek news service. (An SBSNews Production) Question Time 5:00 The Chase 12:00 Dr Oz 1:00 Wipeout USA 5:00 Millionaire Hot 2:00 The Hairy Bikers 11:00 The Talk 10:00 Dr. Quinn, Fatman 10:30 German News 3:30 Eggheads Australia 1:00 Lovejoy 2:00 What Went Down Seat Best Of British 12:00 Dr. Phil Medicine Woman 4:00 Diagnosis Murder 11:00 Spanish News 4:00 Antiques 6:00 Seven News 2:00 The Great 3:00 Brandi And Jarrod 6:00 Nine News 3:00 Escape To The 1:00 TBA 11:00 Jag 5:00 Star Trek: The Next 12:00 Arabic News Roadshow Outdoors 3:30 American Pickers 7:00 A Current Affair Country 2:00 Entertainment 12:00 Judging Amy Generation 12:30 Turkish News 5:00 ABC News: Early 3:00 Property Ladder 4:30 Pawn Stars 7:30 The Last Resort 4:15 Heartbeat Tonight 1:00 The Division 1:00 PBS Newshour Edition 4:00 Deal Or No Deal 5:00 Inside West Coast 5:20 Are You Being 2:30 Ben’s Menu 2:00 Becker 2:00 The Chefs’ Line 5:30 The Drum 5:00 60 Minute Customs Served? 3:00 Judge Judy 3:00 The King Of 2:30 Kylie Kwong: 6:00 Dream Build Makeover 6:00 American Pickers 3:30 My Market Kitchen Queens Heart And Soul 6:10 Grand Designs 7:00 Pawn Stars 4:00 Everyday Gourmet 4:00 Rules Of 3:00 Dateline 7:00 ABC News With Justine Schofield Engagement 3:30 Insight 4:30 Wild Thailand 7:30 7.30 7:00 Home and Away 6:00 Medical 7:30 Baggage Battles 8:40 Britain’s Got Talent 6:00 Friends 4:30 The Bold & The 4:30 Everybody Loves 6:00 M*A*S*H 5:30 Letters & Numbers 8:00 Anh’s Brush With 7:30 House Rules Emergency 8:00 Storage Wars 10:10 Chicago Med 7:00 As Time Goes By Beautiful Raymond 7:30 Bear Grylls: 6:00 The Chefs’ Line Fame 8:40 The Aussie 6:30 Bargain Hunt 9:00 Aussie Pickers 11:10 Two And A Half 7:30 Death In Paradise 5:00 TEN Eyewitness 5:30 Frasier Mission Survive 6:30 SBS World News 8:30 The Weekly With Property Flippers 7:30 Inspector Morse 10:00 American Pickers Men 8:40 Poirot News First At Five 6:30 Neighbours 8:30 Attenborough’s 7:35 Tony Robinson’s Charlie Pickering 9:50 The Big Bang 9:30 Families Of Crime 11:00 Barter Kings 11:40 The Footy Show 9:50 Silent Witness 6:00 Family Feud 7:00 Malcolm In The Nature’s Great Events Coast To Coast 9:00 You Can’t Ask That Theory 10:30 I Shouldn’t Be 11:30 Hardcore Pawn 1:40 Gurus Explore 11:00 The Widower 6:30 The Project Middle 9:30 Shark Tank 8:30 Fargo 9:30 The Warriors 10:20 Trial And Error Alive Thailand 7:30 MasterChef 7:30 How I Met Your 10:30 48 Hours 10:25 The Young Pope 10:00 The Ex-PM 11:20 Blindspot 11:30 Bargain Hunt Australia Mother 11:30 SBS World News 8:30 This Is Us 8:00 The Simpsons Late Edition 10:30 Lateline 12:20 Bates Motel 12:30 Lovejoy 12:00 Heroes Reborn 2:05 Extra 12:00 Hope And Wire 9:30 Madam Secretary 9:00 Futurama 11:30 Legends 12:00 Movie: A Serious 11:00 The Business 1:20 Men At Work 1:30 Deal Or No Deal 1:00 American Pickers 2:30 Global Shop 1:00 Home Shopping 10:30 Hawaii Five-O 9:30 Pacific Heat 12:30 Home Shopping Game 11:15 Four Corners 2:00 Home Shopping 2:00 Home Shopping 2:00 Home Shopping 3:00 Skippy - The Bush 1:30 My Perfect 11:30 The Project 10:00 Bob’s Burgers 2:00 Diagnosis Murder 2:15 Movie: Mother 12:05 Media Watch 4:00 NBC Today 4:00 Deal Or No Deal 4:00 Pawn Stars Kangaroo Cosmetics 12:30 The Late Show 10:30 Son Of Zorn 3:00 Hogan’s Heroes Fish 12:20 The Weekly With 5:00 Seven Early News 4:30 Property Ladder 4:30 Heroes Reborn 3:30 Good Morning 2:00 The Hairy Bikers With Stephen Colbert 11:00 Duckman 4:00 Jake And The 3:55 The Story Of Charlie Pickering 5:30 Sunrise 5:30 Harry’s Practice 5:30 MXTV America Best Of British 1:30 Home Shopping 11:30 The Late Late Fatman China 12:50 rage 5:00 Nine News Early 3:00 Heartbeat 4:00 The Home Team Show with James 5:00 The Doctors 5:00 CGTN English 3:15 Golf: PGA TOUR Edition 4:00 Friends 4:30 CBS - This Corden News Highlights: Byron 5:30 Today 4:30 Joyce Meyer, Morning 12:30 The King Of Queens 5:30 NHK World English Nelson, Irving TX Enjoy Everyday Life 1:30 Frasier News 4:10 Murder, She Wrote 5:00 Dangerman 2:30 Rules Of 5:00 Antiques Engagement Roadshow 3:00 Judging Amy 4:00 Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman 5:00 Becker

SBS Program Guide – Week 29 (2016) ABC 2 (22) GO (93) SBS VICELAND (32) Monday July 11th, 2016 ALL MARKETS REJOIN

5:00 Morning Children’s 4:00 Bananas In Pyjamas, 7:30 Dirty Jobs 6:00 Morning 4:05 The Amazing 8:30 Police Ten 7 2:30 Pokemon 6:10 Hong Kong7:30 am TourNews De France: Daily12:00 Update - Daily updatesMovie: of the Tour de FranceThe 2016. Hosted by 6:35 Mythbusters 2:15 The Feed Michael Tomalaris. Reporting by Dave McKenzie and Henk Vogels. Commentary by Robbie McEwen, Matthew Keenan, Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwen. (France) (Sport) (Cycling)

Programs Fireman Sam, Tree Fu Tom, The 8:20 War On Waste Children’s Program World Of Gumball 9:00 300 3:00 Sonic Boom 6:30 Chinese8:40 am NewsFrench News - News viaLight satellite from FT2Thief Paris, in French, no subtitles. 7:35 The Feed 2:45 France 24 News

9:30 am Greek News From Cyprus - News via satellite from CyBC Cyprus, in Greek, no subtitles.

10:30 am German News - News via satellite from DW Berlin, in German, no subtitles. 12:00 Sesame Street, Play Numtums, Hey Duggee, Peg 9:20 The Aliens 12:00 Dawson’s Creek 4:30 Be Cool Scooby 11:30 Bad Robots 3:30 Kate And Mim 7:00 Russian News 1:25 Alarm for Cobra 8:05 Brooklyn Nine- In English From Paris 11:00 am Spanish News - News via satellite from RTVE Madrid, in Spanish, no subtitles.

12:00 pm Arabic News - News via satellite from DRTV Dubai, in Arabic, no subtitles.

School, Lah-Lah’s Adventures, + Cat, Charlie And Lola, Peppa 10:05 Russell Howard’s Stand 1:00 Lip Sync Battle Doo! 12:00 The Middle Mim 7:30 Polish12:30 News pm Turkish News - News 11via satellite from TRT Turkey, in Turkish, no subtitles. Nine 2:55 Thai News

1:00 pm Tour De France: Stage Replay - Replay of the Tour de France. Hosted by Michael Tomalaris. Reporting by Dave McKenzie and Henk Vogels. Commentary by Robbie McEwen, Matthew Keenan, Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwen. (France) (Sport) (Cycling) CC Puffin Rock, hoopla doopla!, Pig, Floogals Up Central 2:00 Beyblade Burst 5:00 Ben 10 12:30 Adventure Time 4:00 Little Charmers 8:00 **Replay** 3:00 Street Genius 9:00 Movie: 3:25 Bangla News Ukrainian 3:00 pm Hairy Bikers' Asian Adventure - South Korea - Korean food is set to be the next big thing in the UK so the bikers want to find out more about this hot new trend on the horizon. On a night out with some young Seoulites they discover a cuisine that doesn’t pull any This Is Scarlett And Isaiah, 6:00 Ben And Holly’s Little 10:30 Little Britain 2:30 Hi-5 5:30 Teen Titans 1:00 Regular Show 4:30 Teen Titans punches when it comes3:30 to flavour, includingThe Korean BBQ Feed and fried chicken. Si discovers Excalibur 3:55 Punjabi News News he has a natural gift for the Koreans’ national sport, archery; while Dave brushes up on his Gangnam style dancing. They meet a robotic kitchen assistant and on a trip to the Korean seaside, the bikers take part in a rather unique squid festival. (Part 6 of 6) (From the UK) (Food Series) (Rpt) G CC Olivia, Curious George, Kingdom 11:00 Catfish 3:00 Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V 6:00 Regular Show 1:30 Ben 10 4:50 Power Rangers 4:05 Illusions Of 11:40 Movie: 4:25 Sri Lankan 8:30 Macedonian4:00 pm This Is Brazil! - São Paulo & Fortaleza - Fernanda heads to the biggest city in the southern hemisphere and discovers how the rich get around the massive metropolis. Amongst the chaos of its 20 million residents, São Paulo reveals itself as a melting pot of cultures. At the Central Market she faces off with a huge sandwich, meets Pablo, a bicycle Postman Pat, Sydney Sailboat, 6:10 Go Jetters 11:40 Banged Up Abroad 3:30 Lego Friends 6:30 Adventure Time 2:00 Rabbids Invasion Dino Charge shop owner popular withGrandeur those who want to avoid the mile-long traffic jams, and then Sharknado Sinhalese News 9:00 Croatian Newsheads to an open-air nightclub featuring the sounds of one of the country’s best DJs. After a quick stopover in the city of Fortaleza, where she meets up with one of Brazil’s top female surfers, Fernanda spends time on the island paradise of Fernando de Noronha. (Ep.2) (Commissioned by SBS) (Documentary/Travel) (Rpt) G CC

Messy Goes To Okido, Scout 6:20 Little Roy: Gnomey 12:30 World’s Toughest Jobs 4:00 Kids’ Wb 7:00 The Middle 5:10 Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V 9:30 Serbian5:00 pm NewsTour De France: Highlights4:35 - Highlights Food,of the Tour de France. Booze Hosted by Michael 1:25 Vice News 5:00 Korean News Tomalaris. Reporting by Dave McKenzie and Henk Vogels. Commentary by Robbie McEwen, Matthew Keenan, Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwen. (France) (Sport) (Cycling) CC

6:00 pm Nigella Bites - Rainy Days - Nigella Lawson rolls back the rain clouds with her foul- and the Gumboot Kids, Mister O’Brien 1:30 Dirty Jobs Weekdays 7:30 RBT 5:30 Yu-Gi-Oh! 10:00 Dutch Newsweather recipes, conjuringAnd up elaborate, Tattoos time-consuming creations, including chocolate Tonight 5:30 Indonesian News cloud cake, aubergine involtini and home-made pasta with meatballs. (S.2,Ep.9) (From the UK) (Food Series) (Rpt) G CC

6:30 pm SBS World News - Up-to-date reports and analysis of the major national and international Maker, Play School 6:35 Peter Rabbit 2:20 ABC News Update Classic 10:30 African Newsnews stories of the day5:05 in Australia's onlyVice world news service. News (An SBS Production) 1:50 Desus and Mero 6:50 Shaun The Sheep 11:00 Japanese News Tonight 7:00 Spicks And Specks 11:35 Hindi News 5:35 If You Are The 1

HILLS TO LIMITED TIME ONLY! Subscribe now to receive your copy of the Hills to Hawkesbury Living HAWKESBURY Magazine directly to your mailbox. SUBSCRIPTION We are now offering an additional 2 FREE ISSUES when you subscribe for 6 months, or 4 FREE ISSUES when you subscribe for 12 months. SPECIAL Look for the subscription form in this issue today!

26 • Hills to Hawkesbury Living • May 12, 2017 THURSDAY, MAY 25

SBS Program Guide – Week 29 (2016) ABC (2) SEVEN (7) 7TWO (72) 7MATE (73) NINE (91) GEM (92) TEN (10) 11 (11) ONE (1) SBS (3)

Monday July 11th, 2016 ALL MARKETS REJOIN

6:00 ABC News 6:00 Sunrise 6:00 Home Shopping 6:00 Home Shopping 6:00 Today 6:00 Friends 6:00 Entertainment 6:00 Toasted TV 6:00 Home Shopping7:30 am Tour De France: Daily Update6:00 - Daily updatesFrance of the Tour de France 2016.24 Hosted English by Michael Tomalaris. Reporting by Dave McKenzie and Henk Vogels. Commentary by Robbie McEwen, Matthew Keenan, Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwen. (France) (Sport) (Cycling)

8:40 am French News - News via satellite from FT2 Paris, in French, no subtitles. Breakfast 9:00 The Morning 6:30 Medical 6:30 Adventure Angler 9:00 Today Extra 6:30 Skippy - The Bush Tonight 6:05 Littlest Pet Shop 8:00 Star Trek: The Next News 9:30 am Greek News From Cyprus - News via satellite from CyBC Cyprus, in Greek, no subtitles.

10:30 am German News - News via satellite from DW Berlin, in German, no subtitles.

9:00 ABC News Show Emergency 7:00 Ultimate Fishing 11:30 Nine’s Morning Kangaroo 6:30 Good Chef Bad 6:30 Dofus Generation 11:00 am Spanish News - News via6:30 satellite from RTVEDeutsche Madrid, in Spanish, no subtitles. Welle

12:00 pm Arabic News - News via satellite from DRTV Dubai, in Arabic, no subtitles.

12:30 pm Turkish News - News via satellite from TRT Turkey, in Turkish, no subtitles.

Mornings 11:30 Seven Morning 7:00 Get Arty 8:00 Mark Berg’s News 7:00 Creflo Dollar Chef 7:05 Pokemon 9:00 Fishing Edge1:00 pm Tour De France: Stage ReplayEnglish - Replay of the Tour deNews France. Hosted by Michael Tomalaris. Reporting by Dave McKenzie and Henk Vogels. Commentary by Robbie McEwen, Matthew Keenan, Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwen. (France) (Sport) (Cycling) CC **Replay**

3:00 pm Hairy Bikers' Asian Adventure - South Korea - Korean food is set to be the next big 10:00 Australian Story News 7:30 Tashi Fishing Addiction 12:00 Ellen Ministries 7:00 My Market 7:35 Cardfight!! 9:30 M*A*S*H thing in the UK so the bikers7:00 want to find outAl more about Jazeera this hot new trend on the horizon.English On a night out with some young Seoulites they discover a cuisine that doesn’t pull any punches when it comes to flavour, including Korean BBQ and fried chicken. Si discovers he has a natural gift for the Koreans’ national sport, archery; while Dave brushes up on his Gangnam style dancing. They meet a robotic kitchen assistant and on a trip to the Korean 10:30 Foreign 12:00 Movie: Adopting 8:00 Larry The Lawn 9:00 Big Angry Fish 1:00 The Last Resort 7:30 Home Shopping Kitchen Vanguard G 11:00 Hogan’s Heroesseaside, the bikers take partNews in a rather unique squid festival. (Part 6 of 6) (From the UK) (Food Series) (Rpt) G CC

4:00 pm This Is Brazil! - São Paulo & Fortaleza - Fernanda heads to the biggest city in the southern hemisphere and discovers how the rich get around the massive metropolis. Amongst the chaos of its 20 million residents, São Paulo reveals itself as a melting pot of Correspondent Terror Mower 10:00 Baggage Battles 2:00 CHICAGO MED 8:00 Ellen 7:30 The Bold & The 8:00 Scope 12:00 Get Smart cultures. At the Central Market7:30 she faces off Italianwith a huge sandwich, meetsNews Pablo, a bicycle shop owner popular with those who want to avoid the mile-long traffic jams, and then heads to an open-air nightclub featuring the sounds of one of the country’s best DJs. After a quick stopover in the city of Fortaleza, where she meets up with one of Brazil’s top female surfers, Fernanda spends time on the island paradise of Fernando de Noronha. (Ep.2) (Commissioned by SBS) (Documentary/Travel) (Rpt) G CC 11:00 Grand Designs 2:00 The Daily Edition 8:30 Harry’s Practice 10:30 Brandi And Jarrod 3:00 Nine News Now 9:00 Home Shopping Beautiful 8:35 Bob The Builder 1:00 Cheers 8:10 Filipino News 5:00 pm Tour De France: Highlights - Highlights of the Tour de France. Hosted by Michael Tomalaris. Reporting by Dave McKenzie and Henk Vogels. Commentary by Robbie McEwen, Matthew Keenan, Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwen. (France) (Sport) (Cycling) CC

12:00 ABC News At Noon 3:00 The Chase 9:00 Home And Away 11:00 Charlie’s Angels 4:00 Nine’s Afternoon 10:30 Friends 8:00 Family Feud 9:00 Super Wings 2:00 Matlock 6:00 pm Nigella Bites - Rainy Days8:40 - Nigella Lawson French rolls back the rain clouds withNews her foul- weather recipes, conjuring up elaborate, time-consuming creations, including chocolate cloud cake, aubergine involtini and home-made pasta with meatballs. (S.2,Ep.9) (From the UK) (Food Series) (Rpt) G CC

6:30 pm SBS World News - Up-to-date reports and analysis of the major national and international 1:00 Great Southern 4:00 Seven News At 4 9:30 NBC Today 12:00 T.J Hooker News 11:30 As Time Goes By 8:30 Studio 10 9:30 Crocamole 3:00 Jake And Thenews stories of the day in9:30 Australia's only worldGreek news service. (An SBSNews Production) Land 5:00 The Chase 12:00 Dr Oz 1:00 Wipeout USA 5:00 Millionaire Hot 12:10 Hell Is A City 11:00 The Talk 10:00 Dr. Quinn, Fatman 10:30 German News 2:00 Parliament Australia 1:00 Lovejoy 2:00 Search For Lost Seat 2:00 The Hairy Bikers 12:00 Dr. Phil Medicine Woman 4:00 Diagnosis Murder 11:00 Spanish News Question Time 2:00 I Shouldn’t Be Giants Best Of British 1:00 TBA 11:00 Jag 5:00 Star Trek: The Next 12:00 Arabic News 3:00 Surfing The Menu Alive 3:00 American Pickers 3:00 Escape To The 2:00 Entertainment 12:00 Judging Amy Generation 12:30 Turkish News 3:30 Eggheads 3:00 Property Ladder 5:00 Pawn Stars Country Tonight 1:00 Beauty And The 1:00 PBS Newshour 4:00 Antiques Roadshow 4:00 Deal Or No Deal 5:30 Barter Kings 4:15 Heartbeat 2:30 Ben’s Menu Beast 2:00 The Chefs’ Line 5:00 ABC News: Early 5:00 60 Minute 6:00 American Pickers 5:20 Are You Being 3:00 Judge Judy 2:00 Becker 2:30 Kylie Kwong: Edition Makeover 7:00 AFL: Rnd 10: Served? 3:30 My Market Kitchen 3:00 The King Of Heart And Soul 5:30 The Drum 6:00 Medical Geelong v Port 4:00 Everyday Gourmet Queens 3:00 Classic Floyd: 6:00 Dream Build Emergency Adelaide With Justine Schofield 4:00 Rules Of Floyd Around The Med 6:10 Grand Designs Engagement 3:25 The Great Pyramid 7:00 ABC News 6:00 Seven News 6:30 Bargain Hunt 10:15 The Front Bar 6:00 Nine News 6:00 Friends 4:30 The Bold & The 4:30 Everybody Loves 6:00 M*A*S*H 4:20 Britain’s Ultimate 7:30 7.30 7:00 Home and Away 7:30 The Vicar Of 11:15 World’s Craziest 7:00 A Current Affair 7:00 As Time Goes By Beautiful Raymond 7:30 Car Crash Britain: Pilots: Inside The RAF 8:00 The Checkout 7:30 TBA Dibley Fools 7:30 RBT 7:30 Weird Wonders Of 5:00 TEN Eyewitness 5:30 Frasier Heroes And Villains 5:30 Letters & Numbers 8:30 Janet King 8:30 TBA 8:30 Murdoch 11:45 Ink Master 8:30 The Footy Show The World News First At Five 6:30 Neighbours 8:30 COPS: Adults Only 6:00 The Chefs’ Line 9:25 Restoration Man 9:30 The Big Bang Mysteries 10:30 World’s Funniest 8:40 Legends Of The 6:00 Family Feud 7:00 Malcolm In The 9:00 Movie: Swelter 6:30 SBS World News 10:15 Lateline Theory Videos Top 10 Fall 6:30 The Project Middle 11:10 Graceland 7:30 Great British 10:45 The Business 11:30 Grimm Countdown 11:20 The Black Adder II 7:30 MasterChef 7:30 How I Met Your Railway Journeys Australia Mother 8:05 Luke Nguyen’s 8:00 The Simpsons Greater Mekong 11:00 Streets Of Your 12:30 Odyssey 11:30 Bargain Hunt 1:00 What Went Down 11:30 Kevin Can Wait 12:00 Friends 8:30 Law & Order: 8:30 Sex And The City 12:10 Home Shopping 8:35 Michael Mosley: Town 1:30 Manhattan Love 12:30 Psychic TV 2:00 MXTV 12:00 Air Ambulance ER 12:30 Getaway S.V.U. 10:40 Empire 2:10 Jake And The Should I Eat Meat? 12:00 The Agony Of Life Story 3:30 Lovejoy 3:00 Mark Berg’s 1:00 Anger 1:00 Call And Win 10:30 Blue Bloods 11:40 The Late Late Fatman 9:35 Medici: Masters Of 12:30 It’s A Date: How 2:00 Home Shopping 4:30 Property Ladder Fishing Addiction Management 3:00 Heartbeat 12:30 The Late Show Show with James 3:10 Matlock Florence Important Is A Sense 4:00 NBC Today 5:30 Harry’s Practice 4:00 Big Angry Fish 1:30 Home Shopping 4:00 Adventures In With Stephen Colbert Corden 4:10 COPS: Adults Only 10:35 SBS World News Of Humour On A Date? 5:00 Seven Early News 5:00 Pro Bull Riding 2:00 Extra Rainbow Country 1:30 Home Shopping 12:40 The King Of Queens 4:40 Gillette World Late Edition 1:00 Reality Check 5:30 Sunrise Greatest Hits 2:30 Global Shop 4:30 Joyce Meyer, 4:00 The Home Team 1:30 Frasier Sport 11:05 Masters Of Sex 1:30 National Press 3:00 Skippy - The Bush Enjoy Everyday Life 4:30 CBS - This 2:30 Rules Of 5:00 The Doctors 12:15 Movie: Black Field Club Address Kangaroo 5:00 Gideon’s Way Morning Engagement 2:05 The Seventies 2:30 Movie: The Boy 3:30 Good Morning 3:00 Judging Amy 3:50 Restaurant Man With Green Hair America 4:00 Dr. Quinn, 5:00 CGTN English 4:10 Murder, She Wrote 5:00 Nine News Early Medicine Woman News 5:00 Antiques Edition 5:00 Becker 5:30 NHK World English Roadshow 5:30 Today News

SBS Program Guide – Week 29 (2016) ABC 2 (22) GO (93) SBS VICELAND (32) Monday July 11th, 2016 ALL MARKETS REJOIN

5:00 Morning Children’s 4:00 Bananas In Pyjamas, 7:30 Dirty Jobs 6:00 Morning 4:05 The Amazing 10:30 2 Broke Girls 2:30 Pokemon 6:10 Hong Kong7:30 am TourNews De France: Daily12:00 Update - Daily updatesMovie: of the Tour de FranceTen 2016. Hosted by 7:30 The Feed 1:05 Desus and Mero Michael Tomalaris. Reporting by Dave McKenzie and Henk Vogels. Commentary by Robbie McEwen, Matthew Keenan, Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwen. (France) (Sport) (Cycling)

Programs Fireman Sam, Tree Fu Tom, The 8:20 The Weekly With Charlie Children’s Program World Of Gumball 11:30 South Beach 3:00 Sonic Boom 6:30 Chinese8:40 am NewsFrench News - News viaWinters satellite from FT2 Paris, in French, no subtitles. 8:00 Full Frontal With 1:30 @midnight

9:30 am Greek News From Cyprus - News via satellite from CyBC Cyprus, in Greek, no subtitles.

10:30 am German News - News via satellite from DW Berlin, in German, no subtitles. 12:00 Sesame Street, Play Numtums, Hey Duggee, Peg Pickering 12:00 Survivor: Game 4:30 Scooby Doo! Tow 3:30 Kate And Mim 7:00 Russian News 1:45 Alarm for Cobra 11 Samantha Bee 2:00 The Feed 11:00 am Spanish News - News via satellite from RTVE Madrid, in Spanish, no subtitles.

12:00 pm Arabic News - News via satellite from DRTV Dubai, in Arabic, no subtitles.

School, Lah-Lah’s Adventures, + Cat, Charlie And Lola, Peppa 8:50 The Warriors Changers Spooky Games 12:00 The Middle Mim 7:30 Polish12:30 News pm Turkish News - News 2:40via satellite from TRTBalls Turkey, in Turkish, Deep no subtitles. 8:30 Dateline 2:35 Deutsche Welle

1:00 pm Tour De France: Stage Replay - Replay of the Tour de France. Hosted by Michael Tomalaris. Reporting by Dave McKenzie and Henk Vogels. Commentary by Robbie McEwen, Matthew Keenan, Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwen. (France) (Sport) (Cycling) CC Puffin Rock, hoopla doopla!, Pig, Floogals 9:20 Comedy Up Late 3:00 Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V 5:00 Ben 10 12:30 Adventure Time 4:00 Little Charmers 8:00 **Replay** 3:05 Street Genius 9:00 Drunk Stoned English News Maltese News 3:00 pm Hairy Bikers' Asian Adventure - South Korea - Korean food is set to be the next big thing in the UK so the bikers want to find out more about this hot new trend on the horizon. On a night out with some young Seoulites they discover a cuisine that doesn’t pull any This Is Scarlett And Isaiah, 6:00 Ben And Holly’s Little 9:50 Broad City 3:30 Lego Friends 5:30 Teen Titans 1:00 Regular Show 4:30 Teen Titans punches when it comes3:35 to flavour, includingThe Korean BBQ Feed and fried chicken. Si discovers Brilliant Dead 3:00 Thai News 8:30 Macedonianhe has a natural gift for the Koreans’ national sport, archery; while Dave brushes up on his Gangnam style dancing. They meet a robotic kitchen assistant and on a trip to the Korean seaside, the bikers take part in a rather unique squid festival. (Part 6 of 6) (From the UK) (Food Series) (Rpt) G CC Olivia, Curious George, Kingdom 10:10 The Inbetweeners 4:00 Kids’ Wb 6:00 Regular Show 1:30 Ben 10 4:50 Power Rangers 4:05 Illusions Of 10:40 Party Legends 3:30 Bangla News 9:00 Croatian4:00 pm NewsThis Is Brazil! - São Paulo & Fortaleza - Fernanda heads to the biggest city in the southern hemisphere and discovers how the rich get around the massive metropolis. Amongst the chaos of its 20 million residents, São Paulo reveals itself as a melting pot of cultures. At the Central Market she faces off with a huge sandwich, meets Pablo, a bicycle Postman Pat, Sydney Sailboat, 6:10 Go Jetters 10:35 Little Britain Weekdays 6:30 Adventure Time 2:00 Rabbids Invasion Dino Charge shop owner popular withGrandeur those who want to avoid the mile-long traffic jams, and then 11:10 Flophouse 4:00 Punjabi News 9:30 Serbian Newsheads to an open-air nightclub featuring the sounds of one of the country’s best DJs. After a quick stopover in the city of Fortaleza, where she meets up with one of Brazil’s top female surfers, Fernanda spends time on the island paradise of Fernando de Noronha. (Ep.2) (Commissioned by SBS) (Documentary/Travel) (Rpt) G CC

Messy Goes To Okido, Scout 6:20 Little Roy: The Big Cover 11:05 Bad Education 7:00 The Middle 5:10 Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V 10:00 Dutch5:00 News pm Tour De France: Highlights4:35 - Highlights Food,of the Tour de France. Booze Hosted by Michael 11:35 Sex In The 4:30 Sri Lankan Tomalaris. Reporting by Dave McKenzie and Henk Vogels. Commentary by Robbie McEwen, Matthew Keenan, Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwen. (France) (Sport) (Cycling) CC

6:00 pm Nigella Bites - Rainy Days - Nigella Lawson rolls back the rain clouds with her foul- and the Gumboot Kids, Mister Up 11:40 Comedy Next Gen 7:30 Survivor: Game 5:30 Yu-Gi-Oh! 10:30 Somali Newsweather recipes, conjuringAnd up elaborate, Tattoos time-consuming creations, including chocolate World’s Cities Sinhalese News cloud cake, aubergine involtini and home-made pasta with meatballs. (S.2,Ep.9) (From the UK) (Food Series) (Rpt) G CC

6:30 pm SBS World News - Up-to-date reports and analysis of the major national and international Maker, Play School 6:35 Peter Rabbit 12:35 That ‘70s Show Changers Classic 11:00 Japanese Newsnews stories of the day5:05 in Australia's onlyVice world news service.News (An SBS Production)Tonight 12:35 Vice News 5:00 Korean News 6:50 Shaun The Sheep 1:45 Dirty Jobs 11:35 Hindi News 5:35 If You Are The 1 Tonight 5:30 Indonesian 7:00 Spicks And Specks 2:55 ABC News Update 6:35 Mythbusters News WE WELCOME YOUR CONTRIBUTIONS INTERESTED IN ADVERTISING? Letters to the Editor, local community group reports We offer a range of sizes and prices to suit your small and details of local events. or large business. Get in contact now to discuss how Please email us at we can assist with your advertising needs. [email protected] or call 02 9652 1193. Call Melinda Longhurst on 0499 040 726

Hills to Hawkesbury Living • May 12, 2017 • 27 FRIDAY, MAY 26

SBS Program Guide – Week 29 (2016) ABC (2) SEVEN (7) 7TWO (72) 7MATE (73) NINE (91) GEM (92) TEN (10) 11 (11) ONE (1) SBS (3)

Monday July 11th, 2016 ALL MARKETS REJOIN

6:00 News Breakfast 6:00 Sunrise 6:00 Home Shopping 6:00 Home Shopping 6:00 Today 6:00 Friends 6:00 Entertainment 6:00 Toasted TV 6:00 Home Shopping7:30 am Tour De France: Daily Update6:00 - Daily updatesFrance of the Tour de France 2016.24 Hosted English by Michael Tomalaris. Reporting by Dave McKenzie and Henk Vogels. Commentary by Robbie McEwen, Matthew Keenan, Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwen. (France) (Sport) (Cycling)

8:40 am French News - News via satellite from FT2 Paris, in French, no subtitles. 9:00 ABC News 9:00 The Morning 6:30 Medical 6:30 Adventure Angler 9:00 Today Extra 6:30 This Is Your Day! Tonight 6:05 Littlest Pet Shop 8:00 MotoGP 2017 News 9:30 am Greek News From Cyprus - News via satellite from CyBC Cyprus, in Greek, no subtitles.

10:30 am German News - News via satellite from DW Berlin, in German, no subtitles.

Mornings Show Emergency 7:00 Big Angry Fish 11:30 Nine’s Morning 7:00 Creflo Dollar 6:30 Good Chef Bad 6:30 Dofus 9:30 M*A*S*H11:00 am Spanish News - News via6:30 satellite from RTVEDeutsche Madrid, in Spanish, no subtitles. Welle

12:00 pm Arabic News - News via satellite from DRTV Dubai, in Arabic, no subtitles.

12:30 pm Turkish News - News via satellite from TRT Turkey, in Turkish, no subtitles.

10:00 One Plus One 11:30 Seven Morning 7:00 Get Arty 8:00 Mark Berg’s News Ministries Chef 7:05 Pokemon 11:00 Hogan’s Heroes1:00 pm Tour De France: Stage ReplayEnglish - Replay of the Tour deNews France. Hosted by Michael Tomalaris. Reporting by Dave McKenzie and Henk Vogels. Commentary by Robbie McEwen, Matthew Keenan, Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwen. (France) (Sport) (Cycling) CC **Replay**

3:00 pm Hairy Bikers' Asian Adventure - South Korea - Korean food is set to be the next big 10:30 Compass News 7:30 Tashi Fishing Addiction 12:00 Ellen 7:30 Home Shopping 7:00 My Market 7:35 Cardfight!! 12:00 Get Smart thing in the UK so the bikers7:00 want to find outAl more about Jazeera this hot new trend on the horizon.English On a night out with some young Seoulites they discover a cuisine that doesn’t pull any punches when it comes to flavour, including Korean BBQ and fried chicken. Si discovers he has a natural gift for the Koreans’ national sport, archery; while Dave brushes up on his Gangnam style dancing. They meet a robotic kitchen assistant and on a trip to the Korean 11:00 Grand Designs 12:00 Movie: Striking 8:00 Larry The Lawn 9:00 Big Angry Fish 1:00 Benny & Joon 8:00 Ellen Kitchen Vanguard G 1:00 Cheers seaside, the bikers take partNews in a rather unique squid festival. (Part 6 of 6) (From the UK) (Food Series) (Rpt) G CC

4:00 pm This Is Brazil! - São Paulo & Fortaleza - Fernanda heads to the biggest city in the southern hemisphere and discovers how the rich get around the massive metropolis. Amongst the chaos of its 20 million residents, São Paulo reveals itself as a melting pot of 12:00 ABC News At Noon Poses Mower 10:00 Search For Lost 3:00 Nine News Now 9:00 Home Shopping 7:30 The Bold & The 8:00 Baby Animals In 2:00 Matlock cultures. At the Central Market7:30 she faces off Italianwith a huge sandwich, meetsNews Pablo, a bicycle shop owner popular with those who want to avoid the mile-long traffic jams, and then heads to an open-air nightclub featuring the sounds of one of the country’s best DJs. After a quick stopover in the city of Fortaleza, where she meets up with one of Brazil’s top female surfers, Fernanda spends time on the island paradise of Fernando de Noronha. (Ep.2) (Commissioned by SBS) (Documentary/Travel) (Rpt) G CC 1:00 Restoration Man 2:00 The Daily Edition 8:30 Harry’s Practice Giants 4:00 Nine’s Afternoon 10:30 Friends Beautiful Our World 3:00 Jake And The 8:10 Filipino News 5:00 pm Tour De France: Highlights - Highlights of the Tour de France. Hosted by Michael Tomalaris. Reporting by Dave McKenzie and Henk Vogels. Commentary by Robbie McEwen, Matthew Keenan, Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwen. (France) (Sport) (Cycling) CC

2:00 Hiding 3:00 The Chase 9:00 Home And Away 11:00 Charlie’s Angels News 11:30 As Time Goes By 8:00 Family Feud 8:35 Bob The Builder Fatman 6:00 pm Nigella Bites - Rainy Days8:40 - Nigella Lawson French rolls back the rain clouds withNews her foul- weather recipes, conjuring up elaborate, time-consuming creations, including chocolate cloud cake, aubergine involtini and home-made pasta with meatballs. (S.2,Ep.9) (From the UK) (Food Series) (Rpt) G CC

6:30 pm SBS World News - Up-to-date reports and analysis of the major national and international 3:00 Silvia’s Italian 4:00 Seven News At 4 9:30 NBC Today 12:00 T.J Hooker 5:00 Millionaire Hot 12:00 It Shouldn’t 8:30 Studio 10 9:00 Super Wings 4:00 Diagnosis Murdernews stories of the day in9:30 Australia's only worldGreek news service. (An SBSNews Production) Table 5:00 The Chase 12:00 Dr Oz 1:00 Wipeout USA Seat Happen To A Vet 11:00 The Talk 9:30 Crocamole 5:00 Star Trek: The Next 10:30 German News 3:30 Eggheads Australia 1:00 Better Homes And 2:00 Search For Lost 6:00 Nine News 2:00 The Hairy Bikers 12:00 Dr. Phil 10:00 Dr. Quinn, Generation 11:00 Spanish News 4:00 Antiques 6:00 Seven News Gardens Giants 7:00 A Current Affair Best Of British 1:00 The Living Room Medicine Woman 12:00 Arabic News Roadshow 7:00 Better Homes And 2:00 The Vicar Of 3:00 What Went Down 3:00 Escape To The 2:00 Entertainment 11:00 Jag 12:30 Turkish News 5:00 ABC News: Early Gardens Dibley 4:00 Mountain Men Country Tonight 12:00 Judging Amy 1:00 PBS Newshour Edition 8:30 TBA 3:00 Property Ladder 5:00 Doomsday 4:15 Heartbeat 2:30 Ben’s Menu 1:00 Beauty And The 2:00 The Chefs’ Line 5:30 The Drum 4:00 Deal Or No Deal Preppers 5:20 Are You Being 3:00 Judge Judy Beast 2:30 The Point Review 6:00 Dream Build 5:00 60 Minute 6:00 Mythbusters Served? 3:30 My Market Kitchen 2:00 Becker 3:00 The Marngrook 6:10 Grand Designs Makeover 4:00 Everyday Gourmet 3:00 The King Of Queens Footy Show 7:00 ABC News 6:00 Medical With Justine Schofield 4:00 Rules Of 4:30 Heston’s Great Emergency Engagement British Food 7:30 The Link 11:00 TBA 6:30 Bargain Hunt 7:00 AFL Pre-Game: 7:30 Nine’s Live Friday 6:00 Friends 4:30 The Bold & The 4:30 Everybody Loves 6:00 M*A*S*H 5:25 Gourmet Farmer 8:00 QI: New 12:30 Wild Planet 7:30 Gold Coast Sydney v Hawthorn Night Football 7:00 As Time Goes By Beautiful Raymond 7:30 MacGyver Afloat Bitesize 8:30 River 1:30 The Real Medical 7:30 AFL: Rnd 10: South Sydney Rabbitohs 7:30 Monarch Of The 5:00 TEN Eyewitness 5:30 Frasier 8:30 Walker, Texas 5:30 Letters & Numbers 9:30 Silent Witness: In Seachange 8:30 Escape To The Sydney v Hawthorn v Parramatta Eels Glen News First At Five 6:30 Neighbours Ranger 6:00 The Chefs’ Line Plain Sight (Part 2) Country 11:00 Outback Hunters 10:10 Last Man Standing 8:40 TBA 6:00 Family Feud 7:00 Malcolm In The 10:30 Highlander 6:30 SBS World News 10:35 Lateline 9:30 Building Dream 12:00 What Went Down 12:15 Murder In The 11:00 TBA 6:30 The Project Middle 11:30 Burn Notice 7:30 Great British Homes First 11:30 The Paradise 7:30 The Living Room 7:30 How I Met Your Railway Journeys 1:15 Nine Presents 8:30 The Graham Mother 8:35 Movie: The Blues Norton Show Brothers 11:05 The Business 2:00 Home Shopping 10:30 Homes Under The 12:30 Mountain Men 1:30 Home Shopping 12:30 Friends 9:30 TBA 8:00 New Girl 12:30 Home Shopping 11:00 SBS World News 11:20 Planet America 4:00 Dr Oz Hammer 1:30 Ink Master 2:00 Step Dave 1:00 Call And Win 10:30 TBA 8:30 Sabrina 2:00 Matlock Late Edition 11:50 rage 5:00 NBC Today 11:30 Bargain Hunt 2:30 MXTV 3:00 The Avengers 3:00 Gideon’s Way 11:30 The Project 11:10 Rules Of 3:00 Walker, Texas 11:30 Movie: The Look 12:30 Vasili’s Garden 3:00 Mark Berg’s 4:00 Global Shop 4:00 Escape To The 12:30 The Late Show Engagement Ranger Of Love 1:00 Psychic TV Fishing Addiction 4:30 Good Morning Country With Stephen Colbert 11:40 The Late Late 4:00 Highlander 1:25 Hard 4:00 Dr Oz 4:00 Outlaw Nitro America 5:00 Heartbeat 1:30 Home Shopping Show with James 5:00 The Doctors 5:00 CGTN English 5:00 Room For Funny Cars Corden News Improvement 12:40 The King Of Queens 5:30 NHK World English 5:30 Harry’s Practice 1:30 Frasier News 2:30 Rules Of Engagement 3:00 Judging Amy 4:00 Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman 5:00 Becker

SBS Program Guide – Week 29 (2016) ABC 2 (22) GO (93) SBS VICELAND (32) Monday July 11th, 2016 ALL MARKETS REJOIN

5:00 Morning Children’s 4:00 Bananas In Pyjamas, 7:30 Dirty Jobs 6:00 Morning 4:30 Scooby Doo! 12:20 American 2:30 Pokemon 6:10 Hong Kong7:30 am TourNews De France: Daily12:00 Update - Daily updatesMovie: of the Tour de FranceMy 2016. Hosted by 5:05 Vice News 1:05 Vice News Michael Tomalaris. Reporting by Dave McKenzie and Henk Vogels. Commentary by Robbie McEwen, Matthew Keenan, Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwen. (France) (Sport) (Cycling)

Programs Fireman Sam, Tree Fu Tom, The 8:20 Catfish: John & Kelsey Children’s Program And The Spooky Digger 3:00 Sonic Boom 6:30 Chinese8:40 am NewsFrench News - News viaFather’s satellite from FT2 Paris, Guests in French, no subtitles. Tonight Tonight

9:30 am Greek News From Cyprus - News via satellite from CyBC Cyprus, in Greek, no subtitles.

10:30 am German News - News via satellite from DW Berlin, in German, no subtitles. 12:00 Sesame Street, Play Numtums, Hey Duggee, Peg 9:05 Ladyboys 12:00 Dawson’s Creek Scarecrow 12:50 Lip Sync Battle 3:30 Kate And Mim 7:00 Russian News 1:45 Alarm For Cobra 5:35 If You Are The 1 1:30 @midnight 11:00 am Spanish News - News via satellite from RTVE Madrid, in Spanish, no subtitles.

12:00 pm Arabic News - News via satellite from DRTV Dubai, in Arabic, no subtitles.

School, Lah-Lah’s Adventures, + Cat, Charlie And Lola, Peppa 9:50 The Aliens 1:00 Lip Sync Battle 5:00 Ben 10 1:20 Go Surround Mim 7:30 Polish12:30 News pm Turkish News - News 11via satellite from TRT Turkey, in Turkish, no subtitles. 6:35 Vs. Arashi 2:00 PopAsia TV

1:00 pm Tour De France: Stage Replay - Replay of the Tour de France. Hosted by Michael Tomalaris. Reporting by Dave McKenzie and Henk Vogels. Commentary by Robbie McEwen, Matthew Keenan, Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwen. (France) (Sport) (Cycling) CC Puffin Rock, hoopla doopla!, Pig, Floogals 10:35 Little Britain 2:00 Beyblade Burst 5:30 Teen Titans Sound 4:00 Little Charmers 8:00 **Replay** 2:40 Vice Does 7:30 The Friday Feed 3:00 Thai News Bosnian News 3:00 pm Hairy Bikers' Asian Adventure - South Korea - Korean food is set to be the next big thing in the UK so the bikers want to find out more about this hot new trend on the horizon. On a night out with some young Seoulites they discover a cuisine that doesn’t pull any This Is Scarlett And Isaiah, 6:00 Ben And Holly’s Little 11:05 Penn And Teller 2:30 Hi-5 6:00 Fantastic Mr. 1:30 Ben 10 4:30 Spongebob punches when it comesAmerica to flavour, including Korean BBQ and fried chicken. Si discovers 8:00 Legally Brown 3:30 Bangla News 8:30 Macedonianhe has a natural gift for the Koreans’ national sport, archery; while Dave brushes up on his Gangnam style dancing. They meet a robotic kitchen assistant and on a trip to the Korean seaside, the bikers take part in a rather unique squid festival. (Part 6 of 6) (From the UK) (Food Series) (Rpt) G CC Olivia, Curious George, Kingdom 11:45 Bodyshockers 3:00 Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V Fox 2:00 Rabbids Invasion Squarepants 3:05 Street Genius 8:30 Adam Looking 4:00 Punjabi News 9:00 Croatian4:00 pm NewsThis Is Brazil! - São Paulo & Fortaleza - Fernanda heads to the biggest city in the southern hemisphere and discovers how the rich get around the massive metropolis. Amongst the chaos of its 20 million residents, São Paulo reveals itself as a melting pot of cultures. At the Central Market she faces off with a huge sandwich, meets Pablo, a bicycle Postman Pat, Sydney Sailboat, 6:10 Go Jetters 12:35 That ‘70s Show 3:30 Regal Academy 7:45 Harry Potter 4:50 Power Rangers shop owner popular with3:35 those who want Theto avoid the mile-longFeed traffic jams, and then For Eve 4:30 Sri Lankan 9:30 Serbian Newsheads to an open-air nightclub featuring the sounds of one of the country’s best DJs. After a quick stopover in the city of Fortaleza, where she meets up with one of Brazil’s top female surfers, Fernanda spends time on the island paradise of Fernando de Noronha. (Ep.2) (Commissioned by SBS) (Documentary/Travel) (Rpt) G CC

Messy Goes To Okido, Scout 6:20 Little Roy: Sweet Tooth 2:50 ABC News Update 4:00 Kids’ Wb And The Order Of The Dino Charge 10:00 Dutch5:00 News pm Tour De France: Highlights4:05 - Highlights Illusionsof the Tour de France. Hosted Of by Michael 9:25 Twiz And Tuck Sinhalese News Tomalaris. Reporting by Dave McKenzie and Henk Vogels. Commentary by Robbie McEwen, Matthew Keenan, Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwen. (France) (Sport) (Cycling) CC

6:00 pm Nigella Bites - Rainy Days - Nigella Lawson rolls back the rain clouds with her foul- and the Gumboot Kids, Mister 6:35 Peter Rabbit Weekdays Phoenix 5:10 Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V 10:30 Armenian Newsweather recipes, conjuringGrandeur up elaborate, time-consuming creations, including chocolate 10:15 Housos 5:00 Korean News cloud cake, aubergine involtini and home-made pasta with meatballs. (S.2,Ep.9) (From the UK) (Food Series) (Rpt) G CC

6:30 pm SBS World News - Up-to-date reports and analysis of the major national and international Maker, Play School 6:50 Shaun The Sheep 4:05 The Amazing 10:30 Season Of The 5:30 Yu-Gi-Oh! 11:00 Japanese Newsnews stories of the day4:35 in Australia's onlyFood, world news service. Booze (An SBS Production) 10:45 Movie: Painted 5:30 Indonesian 7:00 Spicks And Specks World Of Gumball Witch Classic 11:35 Hindi News And Tattoos Skin II News

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28 • Hills to Hawkesbury Living • May 12, 2017 SATURDAY, MAY 27

SBS Program Guide – Week 29 (2016) ABC (2) SEVEN (7) 7TWO (72) 7MATE (73) NINE (91) GEM (92) TEN (10) 11 (11) ONE (1) SBS (3)

Monday July 11th, 2016 ALL MARKETS REJOIN

6:00 rage 6:00 NBC Today 6:00 Home Shopping 6:00 Adventure Angler 6:00 Paw Patrol 6:00 Edgar Wallace 6:00 Fishing Edge 6:00 Toasted TV 6:00 Home Shopping7:30 am Tour De France: Daily Update6:00 - Daily updatesFrance of the Tour de France 2016.24 Hosted English by Michael Tomalaris. Reporting by Dave McKenzie and Henk Vogels. Commentary by Robbie McEwen, Matthew Keenan, Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwen. (France) (Sport) (Cycling)

8:40 am French News - News via satellite from FT2 Paris, in French, no subtitles. 10:30 rage Guest 7:00 Weekend Sunrise 6:30 TBA 8:00 Home Shopping 6:30 Dora The Explorer Mysteries 6:30 Everyday Gourmet 6:05 Pokemon 8:00 Get Smart News 9:30 am Greek News From Cyprus - News via satellite from CyBC Cyprus, in Greek, no subtitles.

10:30 am German News - News via satellite from DW Berlin, in German, no subtitles.

Programmer 10:00 The Morning 7:00 TBA 9:00 Dream Car Garage 7:00 Weekend Today 7:20 GEM Presents With Justine Schofield 7:00 Totally Wild 9:00 Gillette World11:00 am Spanish News - News via6:30 satellite from RTVEDeutsche Madrid, in Spanish, no subtitles. Welle

12:00 pm Arabic News - News via satellite from DRTV Dubai, in Arabic, no subtitles.

12:30 pm Turkish News - News via satellite from TRT Turkey, in Turkish, no subtitles.

11:40 Grand Designs Show - Weekend 7:30 TBA 9:30 Harley Davidson 10:00 Today Extra 7:30 Adventures In 7:00 RPM 7:30 Mako Island Of Sport 1:00 pm Tour De France: Stage ReplayEnglish - Replay of the Tour deNews France. Hosted by Michael Tomalaris. Reporting by Dave McKenzie and Henk Vogels. Commentary by Robbie McEwen, Matthew Keenan, Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwen. (France) (Sport) (Cycling) CC **Replay**

3:00 pm Hairy Bikers' Asian Adventure - South Korea - Korean food is set to be the next big 12:30 QI: New 12:00 Dream Academy 8:00 The Great TV 12:00 Four Weddings Rainbow Country 7:30 I Fish Secrets 9:30 Hogan’s Heroesthing in the UK so the bikers7:00 want to find outAl more about Jazeera this hot new trend on the horizon.English On a night out with some young Seoulites they discover a cuisine that doesn’t pull any punches when it comes to flavour, including Korean BBQ and fried chicken. Si discovers he has a natural gift for the Koreans’ national sport, archery; while Dave brushes up on his Gangnam style dancing. They meet a robotic kitchen assistant and on a trip to the Korean 1:00 River 12:30 Bewitched Outdoors 10:00 Temporary 1:00 Britain’s Got Talent 8:00 Danoz 8:00 Family Feud 8:00 Totally Wild 10:30 Cheers seaside, the bikers take part7:30 in a rather uniqueItalian squid festival. (Part 6 ofNews 6) (From the UK) (Food Series) (Rpt) G CC

4:00 pm This Is Brazil! - São Paulo & Fortaleza - Fernanda heads to the biggest city in the southern hemisphere and discovers how the rich get around the massive metropolis. Amongst the chaos of its 20 million residents, São Paulo reveals itself as a melting pot of 2:00 Life At 7 1:00 Katherine Mills 9:00 NBC Today Australians 2:15 Overboard 8:30 Home Shopping 8:30 Life Inside The 8:30 Scope 11:30 World Rugbycultures. At the Central Market8:10 she faces off Filipinowith a huge sandwich, meets News Pablo, a bicycle shop owner popular with those who want to avoid the mile-long traffic jams, and then heads to an open-air nightclub featuring the sounds of one of the country’s best DJs. After a quick stopover in the city of Fortaleza, where she meets up with one of Brazil’s top female surfers, Fernanda spends time on the island paradise of Fernando de Noronha. (Ep.2) (Commissioned by SBS) (Documentary/Travel) (Rpt) G CC 3:00 War On Waste 2:00 TBA 11:30 Room For 10:30 Speed With Guy 4:30 The Garden Gurus 9:00 Domestic Blitz Markets 9:05 The Loop Sevens Highlights 8:40 French News 5:00 pm Tour De France: Highlights - Highlights of the Tour de France. Hosted by Michael Tomalaris. Reporting by Dave McKenzie and Henk Vogels. Commentary by Robbie McEwen, Matthew Keenan, Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwen. (France) (Sport) (Cycling) CC

4:00 Landline 3:30 Adam’s Pasta Improvement Martin 5:00 Nine News: First 10:00 The Avengers 9:00 A Taste Of Travel 11:35 Charmed 12:00 Jake And6:00 The pm Nigella Bites - Rainy Days9:30 - Nigella Lawson Greek rolls back the rain clouds News with her foul- weather recipes, conjuring up elaborate, time-consuming creations, including chocolate cloud cake, aubergine involtini and home-made pasta with meatballs. (S.2,Ep.9) (From the UK) (Food Series) (Rpt) G CC

6:30 pm SBS World News - Up-to-date reports and analysis of the major national and international 4:30 Midsomer Pilgrimage 12:00 Vasili’s Garden 11:30 TBA At Five 11:00 They Who Dare 9:30 Studio 10: Saturday 1:30 Rules Of Fatman news stories of the day in10:30 Australia's only world German news service. (An SBS Production) News Murders 4:00 Wild Planet: 12:30 SA Weekender 12:00 Search For Lost 5:30 Getaway 1:15 Solomon And 12:00 The Living Room Engagement 1:00 Diagnosis Murder 11:00 Spanish News 6:00 Compass: North America: North 1:00 The Great Day Out Giants Sheba 1:00 My Market 2:30 Becker 2:00 SuperUtes 12:00 Arabic News Goodbye Harry Haxton America: Revealed 1:30 Out Of The Blue 1:00 Big Shrimpin’ 4:15 A Time To Love Kitchen 3:30 Everybody Loves Highlights 12:30 Turkish News 6:30 Gardening 5:00 Seven News At 5 2:00 Creek To Coast 2:00 Mountain Men And A Time To Die 1:30 Fishing Australia Raymond 3:00 MacGyver 1:00 PBS Newshour Australia 5:30 Border Security - 2:30 Sydney 3:00 Doomsday 2:00 Ben’s Menu 4:30 The King Of 4:00 Merv Hughes 2:00 Small Business Australia’s Front Line Weekender Preppers 2:30 Pat Callinan’s 4x4 Queens Fishing Secrets 3:00 Club Rugby 2017: 4:00 World Of X Games Adventures 5:30 Frasier 4:30 4WD Touring 2:30 Death: A Series Rnd 9: Parramatta v 4:30 Speed With Guy 3:30 Jamie’s 15 Minute 6:30 Everybody Loves Australia About Life West Harbour Martin Meals Raymond 5:00 M*A*S*H 3:30 The Chefs’ Line 5:00 Life On The Edge 7:30 Last Man Standing 5:30 Megafactories 5:30 Walking Through History 7:00 ABC News 6:00 Seven News 6:00 Dog Patrol 5:30 BBQ Pitmasters 6:00 Nine News 7:00 Suncorp Super 4:00 What’s Up Down 8:30 TBA 6:30 Attenborough’s 6:30 SBS World News 7:30 The Coroner 7:00 TBA 6:30 Mighty Planes 6:30 The Kick Saturday Netball 2017 Under 9:30 The Great Indoors Nature’s Great Events 7:30 The Six Wives Of 8:15 Delicious 8:50 TBA 7:30 Billy Connolly’s 7:00 AFL: Rnd 10: 7:00 The Vow Giants v Lightning 4:30 Escape Fishing 10:00 Rules Of 7:30 Car Crash Britain Henry VIII With Lucy 9:05 New Tricks: 11:20 The Goldbergs: Tracks Across America Richmond v Essendon 9:05 Safe Haven 8:45 Suncorp Super With ET Engagement 8:30 Bear Grylls: Worsley Romans Ruined Just Say No 8:30 Movie: The Help 10:30 Movie: Stripes 11:25 Night Falls On Netball 2017 5:00 TEN Eyewitness 11:10 Speechless Mission Survive 8:30 RocKwiz Salutes 11:50 Kochie’s Business 11:30 Dog Patrol 12:45 Ink Master Manhattan Fever v Vixens News First At Five 11:30 The Loop 9:30 48 Hours The Legends Builders 1:35 Anger 10:30 Unforgettable 6:00 Gold Coast Cops 10:30 Moments Of 9:30 Movie: 12:20 Benefits Street Management 6:30 TBA Impact Nightcrawler 11:30 Megafactories 10:05 Janet King 1:30 Harry’s Practice 12:00 I Shouldn’t Be 2:00 Outlaw Nitro 2:00 Home Shopping 12:50 GEM Presents 7:30 David 2:00 Becker 12:30 Bellator MMA 11:40 Movie: A Teacher 11:00 Sammy J And 2:00 Home Shopping Alive Funny Cars 2:30 To The Devil A 1:00 Call And Win Attenborough’s Planet 3:00 Everybody Loves 2:30 RPM 1:05 Great British Randy In Ricketts Lane 4:00 It is Written: The 1:00 Psychic TV 4:00 Big Shrimpin’ Daughter 3:00 On The Buses Earth Raymond 3:00 MotoGP 2017 Railway Journeys 11:25 rage Guest Secrets Of Resilience 4:00 Club Rugby 2017: 5:00 Ironman Western 4:20 Explore Fillers 4:40 Edgar Wallace 8:30 Law & Order: 4:00 The King Of 4:30 Whacked Out 1:45 LIVE FA Cup Final: Programmer 4:30 Sons And Rnd 9: Parramatta v Australia 4:30 Global Shop Mysteries S.V.U. Queens Sports Chelsea V Arsenal 5:00 rage Daughters West Harbour 5:00 Extra 9:30 TBA 5:00 Touched By An 5:00 The Doctors 5:00 CCTV English 5:00 Dr Oz 5:30 Wesley Impact 10:30 TBA Angel News 11:30 48 Hours 5:30 NHK World 1:30 Home Shopping English News 4:30 It Is Written 5:00 Hour Of Power With Bobby Schuller

SBS Program Guide – Week 29 (2016) ABC 2 (22) GO (93) SBS VICELAND (32) Monday July 11th, 2016 ALL MARKETS REJOIN

5:00 Morning Children’s 4:00 Bananas In Pyjamas, 8:45 Live at the Apollo 6:00 Morning 4:00 Justice League 8:30 The Lord Of 3:00 Ground Floor 6:10 Hong Kong7:30 am NewsTour De France: Daily12:00 Update - Daily updatesVice of the TourNews de France 2016. Tonight Hosted by 7:20 If You Are The 3:00 Thai News Michael Tomalaris. Reporting by Dave McKenzie and Henk Vogels. Commentary by Robbie McEwen, Matthew Keenan, Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwen. (France) (Sport) (Cycling)

Program Fireman Sam, Tree Fu Tom, The 9:30 Russell Howard’s Stand Children’s Program Unlimited The Rings: The Two 4:00 Surfing 6:30 Chinese8:40 am News French News - News via12:50 satellite from FT2Rivals Paris, in French, no subtitles. One 3:30 Bangla News

9:30 am Greek News From Cyprus - News via satellite from CyBC Cyprus, in Greek, no subtitles.

10:30 am German News - News via satellite from DW Berlin, in German, no subtitles. 12:00 Sesame Street, Arthur, Numtums, Hey Duggee, Peg Up Central 12:00 Move It 4:30 Clarence Towers Australia TV 7:00 Russian News 1:50 The Raft 8:30 Movie: Roger 4:00 Punjabi News 11:00 am Spanish News - News via satellite from RTVE Madrid, in Spanish, no subtitles.

12:00 pm Arabic News - News via satellite from DRTV Dubai, in Arabic, no subtitles.

Sally & Possum, Lah-Lah’s + Cat, Charlie And Lola, Peppa 9:55 Comedy Up Late 12:30 Spongebob 5:00 Ben 10: 12:10 Adult Swim 4:30 Power Rangers 7:30 Polish 12:30News pm Turkish News - News 2:40via satellite from TRTVice Turkey, in Turkish,Does no subtitles. Waters: The Wall 4:30 Sri Lankan

1:00 pm Tour De France: Stage Replay - Replay of the Tour de France. Hosted by Michael Tomalaris. Reporting by Dave McKenzie and Henk Vogels. Commentary by Robbie McEwen, Matthew Keenan, Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwen. (France) (Sport) (Cycling) CC Adventures, Puffin Rock, Pig, Floogals 10:25 Comedy Next Gen Squarepants Omniverse 12:15 Harvey Ninja Steel 8:00 Romanian News**Replay** America 11:00 Movie: Sunshine Sinhalese News

3:00 pm Hairy Bikers' Asian Adventure - South Korea - Korean food is set to be the next big thing in the UK so the bikers want to find out more about this hot new trend on the horizon. On a night out with some young Seoulites they discover a cuisine that doesn’t pull any hoopla doopla!, This Is Scarlett 6:00 Ben And Holly’s Little 11:25 Archer 1:00 Beyblade Burst 5:30 Batman: The Birdman: Attorney At 4:50 Rabbids 8:30 Macedonianpunches when it comes3:05 to flavour, includingHipsters Korean BBQ and fried chicken. Si discovers On Leith 5:00 Korean News he has a natural gift for the Koreans’ national sport, archery; while Dave brushes up on his Gangnam style dancing. They meet a robotic kitchen assistant and on a trip to the Korean seaside, the bikers take part in a rather unique squid festival. (Part 6 of 6) (From the UK) (Food Series) (Rpt) G CC And Isaiah, Olivia, Ready, Jet, Kingdom, Go Jetters, Little 11:50 The Inbetweeners 1:30 Power Rangers Brave And The Bold Law Invasion 9:00 Croatian News 3:35 50 Ways To Kill 12:50 Twiz And Tuck 5:30 Indonesian 4:00 pm This Is Brazil! - São Paulo & Fortaleza - Fernanda heads to the biggest city in the southern hemisphere and discovers how the rich get around the massive metropolis. Amongst the chaos of its 20 million residents, São Paulo reveals itself as a melting pot of cultures. At the Central Market she faces off with a huge sandwich, meets Pablo, a bicycle Go!, Postman Pat, Sydney Roy, Peter Rabbit 12:15 Broad City Ninja Steel 6:00 Madly 12:25 Mike Tyson 5:10 We Bare Bears 9:30 Serbian Newsshop owner popular withYour those who want Mammy to avoid the mile-long traffic jams, and then 1:40 Party Legends News heads to an open-air nightclub featuring the sounds of one of the country’s best DJs. After a quick stopover in the city of Fortaleza, where she meets up with one of Brazil’s top female surfers, Fernanda spends time on the island paradise of Fernando de Noronha. (Ep.2) (Commissioned by SBS) (Documentary/Travel) (Rpt) G CC

Sailboat, Messy Goes To Okido, 6:50 Shaun The Sheep 12:40 Little Britain 2:00 Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V Madagascar Mysteries 5:30 Yu-Gi-Oh! 10:00 Dutch5:00 News pm Tour De France: Highlights4:30 - Highlights Abandonedof the Tour de France. Hosted by Michael 2:10 France 24 News Tomalaris. Reporting by Dave McKenzie and Henk Vogels. Commentary by Robbie McEwen, Matthew Keenan, Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwen. (France) (Sport) (Cycling) CC

6:00 pm Nigella Bites - Rainy Days - Nigella Lawson rolls back the rain clouds with her foul- Scout and the Gumboot Kids, 7:00 Spicks And Specks 3:10 ABC News Update 2:30 Surfing Australia TV 6:30 Legend Of The 12:40 Black Jesus Classic 10:30 Hungarian weather recipes, conjuring5:25 up elaborate, time-consuBallsming creations,Deep including chocolate In English From Paris cloud cake, aubergine involtini and home-made pasta with meatballs. (S.2,Ep.9) (From the UK) (Food Series) (Rpt) G CC

6:30 pm SBS World News - Up-to-date reports and analysis of the major national and international Mister Maker, Play School 7:30 Penn And Teller 3:00 The Powerpuff Guardians 1:10 The Almighty News news stories of the day6:20 in Australia's onlyThe world news service.Business (An SBS Production) Of 8:10 Would I Lie To You? Girls Johnsons 11:00 Japanese News Life 3:30 We Bare Bears 11:35 Hindi News

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FOR SALE RELAX REPAIR TREE SERVICES WANTED TO BUY WANTED REIKI / QIGONG / TAI CHI Sky High Tree Service WANTED TO WELLBEING & RELAXATION On Site Pump Repair WANTED FOR YOUR BODY BUY RECORDS Need to Mind and soul during an & Service Professional, on-time, tidy & energy healing friendly service • LP’s and 45’s Old motorbikes, Fixing all types of water Garden maintenance & mulching Sell your Bathe in the unique combination • Old Carpenter’s Hedge trimming, Tree removal and going or not. of the support, to nourish your pumps Tools lopping, Back-yard clean ups, Stump House? whole being at Tank, Irrigation, Pool, Bore, • Old Fishing Reels, No Chinese grinding & High-pressure cleaning TUNDEWORLD. Fire and Sewerage Rods, Books, Lego models please. Call Dave FOR BOOKING • Old Corgi, Matchbox Competitive Rates Fully insured and qualified Call Terry 0450489233 CONTACT TUNDE etc models 0431 466 450 / [email protected] Call Terry 0455 289 591 Call Mark Gospel 0455 289 591 www.tundeworld.com 0416 177 550 Call Ron (02) 98751767

SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL COMMUNITY caring people to connect with their THROUGH community and make a real difference. VolunteeringVictims and Witnesses Visit www.vwccs.org.au of Crime Court Support (VWCCS)  is a volunteer agency that has been providing services in the Parramatta NSW BEGONIA SOCIETY MONTHLY court precinct since 2009. Since MEETING its commencement, VWCCS has When: Sunday 21 May 2017 at 2pm provided support to more than 6,000 Venue: Bloomin’ Greenery Nursery victims and witnesses of crime as well 226 Annangrove Road ANNANGROVE as assisting with more than 60,000 NSW 2156 enquiries from the general public. This month’s speaker’s topic is The vast majority of victims and ‘Caring for your Begonia’. Visitors witnesses have no prior experience Welcome. Details Ross 02 9679 1386. of the criminal justice system. They Email [email protected]. Visit often experience an overwhelming www.begoniansw.com.au sense of isolation and have little or no knowledge of what is expected of  them or what might happen during ANNUAL HOBBY SHOW & SHOW ‘N’ their court experience. SHINE VWCCS volunteers play an When: Saturday 10th & Sunday 11th important role to enable victims and JUNE 2017, 9am to 3pm witnesses to be more confident and Venue: East Kurrajong School of Arts better informed when giving evidence. Hall, 1090 East Kurrajong Road, East VWCCS is managed and run entirely Kurrajong by volunteers providing daily services at the Local, District and Children’s The Hobby Show will feature many Court. Court Support Officers assist exhibits, some of which include Classic victims and witnesses by explaining & Vintage Vehicles, Rocker Cover Racers, court processes and legal terminology, Antique Tools & Machinery, Lawn accompanying clients to court and Mowers, Drawing & Painting, Games, assisting with any liaison required as Photography, Candle & Soap Making, well as referrals to other agencies. Crafts, Jewellery Making, Metal Art, Militaria, Poultry, Retro Homewares, VWCCS is currently seeking Stamps & Coins, Tonka Trucks, Vintage volunteers who wish to become Court Arnott’s Tins and Woodworking. Support Officers. A comprehensive Induction and Training Programme On Saturday morning at 9am the will be held in August. This Tractor Trek will arrive, having volunteering activity provides an ideal travelled from Freemans Reach. environment for compassionate and Contacts: 4576 5031 or 4576 3335

30 • Hills to Hawkesbury Living • May 12, 2017 SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL BUSINESSES TRADES & SERVICES

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