
By John Delavera www.JohnDelavera.com

The Barking Videos by John Delavera 1

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The Barking Videos by John Delavera 2 Video 4 Traffic

I’m going to go over a special blogging system that is built to generate traffic and visitors to your blog. The first thing you do is write a blog post. You have to be the judge here on whether it is a great blog, a good blog or an ordinary blog.

This is how I recommend you treat a great blog post. The first thing you have to do is ping blogging directories. Depending on the platform you use for blogging you may have a ping list built in to your blog list where it is automatic. A word press blog offers this. I’m going to give you the ping directories anyways to make sure you are covered no matter what happens. Pingomatic is pretty much the official ping site that people use but believe it or not, it’s very limited. There are many other options out there and the two that I am going to show you are my favorite because they have tons of option.

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The first one is Feedshark.brainlist.com. If you look, there are quite a few options here and if you compare to pingomatic, there’s a big difference between them. The options here are not the same as pingomatic. Some of them are but most of them are not. You put

The Barking Videos by John Delavera 4 in your title, you put in your URL and your RSS feed and if you have a you can put in those directories as well.

Next is pinggoat.com. Last site was feedshark.brainbliss.com. .Blog name, URL, RSS feed and as you can see this one is huge. There are a ton of options here and most of these blog directories don’t even know about you yet so it’s definitely worthwhile to use this site. It has a ton of sites built in so please use it; it will help you. The next thing we do is we think of the important key words for our industry. For this blog, I would say internet marketing would be a great one. Here we have internet marketing blog. What you do is you go to these and you comment on their post. If they’re ranking this well in Google, they’re going to get you some good traffic. Comments are turned off for this one. Let’s see, are they turned off for all posts, no they’re not. Here, you place a comment and by clicking on your name it will take them to your blog. So it is very smart to utilize this tactic here as it will generate a ton of traffic to your blog.

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The next thing we do is submit our RSS feed to RSS directories. There are many options but I recommend submitting them now. This is an advanced version of it but the basic idea is exactly the same. So you put your information in here, the database is already built in on that one but you would simply go through this will fill in all the information for you. You can get the free version of this software at submitemnow.com, completely free, it’s submits your RSS feed to113 blogs in RSS directories. What that does is give you back links and will help you with your ranking.

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The Barking Videos by John Delavera 7

Now, last but not least, this the most important part. The service called only wire.com. What this does is you can take your URL to your blog post. You can change these. You input your tags; they are space separated so what you do is you separate every word in your key word phrases with a space. That will put it on the page for that tag. Then, you slam all the words together with no spaces for key word phrases. Then you separate them with a dash. Than we go down to the bottom. Here are our comments or description depending on the site. Here are all of the sites that it submits to. It’s definitely worth using. It’s simple, you click once. This is at only www.wire.com.

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Next, this is a site called socializer. It’s available at ekstreme.com/socialize. This has roughly 50 different book marking sites built right in and just like only wire it will pull your URL and your title from the page of your blog. So this makes it much easier for you. Seriously, you’ll be directing so much traffic to your blog, you’ll question where all the visitors came from. It’s really very simple to do and very simple to use.

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Now, the other important part is with the customizable blog. You should give your visitors the ability to bookmark your posts. That’s what this is right here. There are simple word press plugins that allow you to do this very easily. If you set up one of this social book marking plug-ins, one is notable. Go and look and see if you can add more options for sites because most of them allow you to put up to 50-70 different social book marking services at the bottom of every post. It makes your post very, very easy to spread around the internet. You want these people to vote for you. It’s very easy to do, it’s a very simple process and your blog is going to generate you a ton of traffic and income if done properly.

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