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THE EVENING STAR, Washington, D. C. A-22 raipsr. trout w. ixw Sandlot Play Keeps | Jean Dubuc, Discovery Dead at 27; Finals Slated Illinois Tonight Reset for Kambletonian ' Ex-TigerStar, Famed Weight Carrier in Wednesday Dies at 70 Aug. 29 (AP».— l mile and a quarter on tracks! AAU Swim BALTIMORE. swimming The sandlot baseball tourna- FORT MYERS, Fla.. Aug. 28 Discovery, the horse that car- from1 coast to coast when trav-; The District AAU ment involving the winners and 11 AP'.—Jean iChauncey) Du-iried Alfred O. Vanderbilt to < eling horses weren’t the vogue championships move into the 70, former star pitcher of ago, finals at 7 o'clock tonight at runnersup in the Gauzza and Through 1962 jbuc, the top in racing 23 years In 33 races when he was 4 Spring Country Departmental Leagues, sched- the Detroit Tigers, died In a to his death yes ter- , years the Indian Club 111., Aug. 28 (AP).; was sent and 5 old, his average with Congressional’s uled for Tuesday, has been set DuQUOIN. hosoltal here yesterday. day age ) weight men and trotting at the of 27. was 131 pounds. He won back Wednesday. —The Hambletonlan. Born in Bt. Johnsbury, Vt., the the Walter Reed women holding until for 3-year-olds, will be The mercy killing at Van- I mile-and-three-sixteenths The change was made, ac- classic and raised In Nashua, N. H.. Merchants and Citizens' comfortable leads in their re- held through 1862 at DuQuoin derbilt's Sagamore Farm end- Han- spective divisions. cording to Bernie McCarty. Dubuc lived here the past five ed association of quarter dicap at Saratoga with 139 director, because State Fairgrounds, preserving an a Congressional earned 70 1 tournament rural setting years. He was a salesman for of a century. It spanned a pe- Only one other horse, Wh»k of the long holiday week end. the race's over services points as the meet opened last Eastern bidders with open an ink firm. Funeral riod in which Discovery helped Broom IIin the 1913 Suburban, ¦ Security Agency might at Indian Spring. National and will be held Monday at St. his owner become the leading ever won a major American! Naval Welfare checkbooks. here, Receiving Station was second Health. Education and a, 'Francis Catholic Church money winner twice. distance race with as much. will represent Depart- That was the decision by with 58 and defending-cham- the A righthander, Dubuc went big When he limped from League and Strick’s 8-7 vote of the Hambletonlan i Discovery was the indi- the pion Walter Reed followed with mental 1 - directly from Notre Dame to defunct Restaurant and the Black Sox Society directors after a 2 2 l vidual winner in 1935 and his now Havre de Grace 34. yesterday the Cincinnati club and later famous Handicap in 1836. Discovery! Gauzza League. hour session in which grandson, the Native Ann Bancroft, the only double the strong bids were made by three pitched for the New York Dancer, provided the bulk left behind a record of 27 vic- 1 4 The Sox won the sec- of; ! night, paced Black up the Giants and Boston Red Sox as money winnings tories In 63 races and was out! winner last the half in the Gauzza Eastern tracks to dress Vanderbilt's in girls by winning jjp ond title with appeal. well as Detroit. He began his of the money only 16 times. Hej Walter Reed circuit yesterday with a 1-0 classic commercial 1953. 200-yard freestyle with The present contract of Gene big league career with Cincin- had earned $195,287. of jthe a ! victory Peoples Drugs on Vanderbilt, who became a which! meet record of 2:33.7 and the over and Hayes, owners of the , nati in 1808 and ended it with ! the highest purse was $11.C75 !the South Ellipse. The game Don I multi-millionaire, on reaching 200-yard Individual medley plant, through 'the Giants in 1818. But the chestnut of the at was called after seven innings DuQuoin runs 121 In 1933, also bought Discov- son 2:54.5. Miss Bancroft's record They were awarded a Dubuc' ill-tempered Display because of darkness. 1858. Os French descent, ery that year. The 2-year-old wasn’t was one of six set in the meet. three-year extension. won a total of 86 games. all! through doing good for : Each team got four hits, with 'colt cost him $25,000. his Reed, defending but 13 with Detroit, where master. At Sagamore Farm Walter also the Sox coming up with the Suffolk's Bid Best he; racing stable he competi- roomed with Ty Cobb ! Vanderbilt's producer of famous champion in women’s | only run in the seventh with once earned $303,605 in 1935. Dis- \ [became a tion. totaled 86 points. Con- Jones The race has been successful His best years were 1812 and ¦ {daughters who bore such fa- two out when Ben years In agri- covery accounted for $102,545 gressional was second with 44 walked, in Its two this 1815. He won 17 games In each mous sons as Native Dancer. stole second and scored coal mining com- of it. and the Naval Receiving Sta- Tommy single. cultural and of those seasons. Bold Ruler. Hasty Road and on Hill’s munity, pari-mutuel bet- As a competitor. Discovery tion had 4. I Industrial League. where Dubuc is survived by several Traffic Judge. He also sired * vir e In the ting allowed. was admired even more for his Dispose, Weeper Yesterday's results: * isn't . nephews. | Loser and a v M#Pjp|:v>^- ! Federal Storage took a half nieces and His wife weight-carrying ability than his A Traditionally, the race has j number of other stakes winners. MIA ! game lead over second place ’| died in 1856. ! spectacular record. He had 200-yard freestyle: been held in a rural setting, the When he 26 years old I—Dennis John- | Silver Hill with a 6-3 victory misfortune to race as a 3- was a ston (Congressional >; 3—Tom Murphy in the daytime and over a.mile ‘ Aug. 29 <AP>.— •ibnte "’.’.sVia id to at Sar- <C >; 3—Corby Coutts ‘Walter Reed*. ! over Jack Pry behind the six- CHICAGO. year-old at the time as him Time 3; 16.7 (new record, old reco-d, track. William E. (Eddie) Stack. 70. same ' atoga. Paul Mellon paid $49,000 2: hit pitching of Southpaw Den- the great Cavalcade and fin- IS hi. I Suffolk Downs, near Boston, 1 a former pitcher for three ma- ] for one of his daughters, high- 300-yard brea.stroke l—Bob Laramy nis Hill. ished second to him in four • Receiving Station). 3—Robert made the strongest bid. At jor league clubs, died yester- ' ?st price of the sale for filly. Naval and Silver Hill meet t races, including the Kentucky a Brings »C>; A—Jerry Yurrow <WRi. Federal present only a thoroughbred day. Stack with the Chi- Bud Stotler, who trained him Time. :<:(•: 4 j at 5:30 p.m. today on the West f was ! | Derby. Iftft-yard backstrope: l—Roy Hall running track, Suffolk offered -1 cago Cubs, the Phillies and and died himself only recently. • NRS>: 3—Barry King (WR): 3—Luca Ellipse in the only sandlot Discovery was a real horse- Fry <D». Time, 1:13. M(r I add 100 per cent to the purse Brooklyn Dodgers from I ’ said of Discovery “the good 300-yard butterfly: game scheduled. to s 1910 man’s horse He at dis- l—Tom Ca.o- I lor a $200,000 total, to stage aito 1915 Services will be held i won ‘ Lord makes one like him every meria <NRS': 3 —Walt Roger* <NRB>; tances from 5 1 2 furlongs to a 1 3—Robin Best iC). Time, .’:3d 5 (new week-long supporting program; ;! tomorrow. 1 50 years or so. and sometimes Irecord: old record. 3:43.3' . race any time not even 4ftft-yard individual medley 1— L and to hold the t that often.” Walt Rogers (NRS): 3—Tom Calomens •#' |||i between August 1 and Octo- (NRB) 3—John Bott (C). Time. 6 49 5 BRAVES Johnny Bejshak. who rode , (new record, old record. 5:53.5'. From Page A-20 ber l.„ SOO-vard freestyle relay l -Con- Continued The Hayes Brothers’ bid was Four Tie for Lead RACING Discovery to most of his stakes i yressional “A” <j Bolt. T. Murphy, Continued From Page victories, > R. Best. D. Johnston'. 3—Walter traded Rush to the Braves last for the same terms as the pres- A-20I now is custodian of Reed A 3—Congressional 3” | -he jockeys’ quarters [ Time, 9:37 6. winter. ent contract—to add 45 pei In First Round of ally, also are supplementary f at Charles and Town. Bejshak a WOMEN Rush walked but one cent or $32,000. whichever is nominees. was son-in- . .(w of the late 300-yard freestyle: I—Ann1 —Ann Ban- struck out seven while giving Four other races, all Trainer Stotler. croft (WRC «C>; r.i greater, to the purse. Vancouver Golf $25,000- 1 3—Karen Johnston up eight singles, plus a triple added, pro- J—Janet Gallagher (C> Time. 3.31 3 Turned Down are on tomorrow’s •new record: old record. 3 .33.', » and double to Orlando Cepeda. Others VANCOUVER, British Co- gram. Belmont Park has the i 300-yard breastroke: I—Cart Britts lumbia, (AP). j * C»; 3—Juay Panneton (WR); 3 The Giants’ 10 hits were The other bids rejected were Aug.