Times-GazetteWarren eastbayri.com WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 2014 VOL. 148, NO. 8 $1.00 State questions Icy ‘rescue’ on the Kicky town’s use of federal CDBG grant Questions arise over $75,000 spent on now- defunct Liberty Street School housing plan BY TED HAYES
[email protected] The question of whether the Town of Warren misused feder- al funds intended for an afford- able/elderly housing develop- ment that was never built has thrown funding for several pop- ular programs here into limbo. At issue is the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program, a federal HUD program that distributes money to towns for community development projects. Those funds are administered by the Rhode Island Division of Plan- ning’s Office of Housing and Community Development, and Warren regularly applies for receives thousands of dollars MATT PRIMIANO worth of grants every year. But now, funding for pro- A ‘victim’ is hauled away after being rescued from the icy Kickemuit River during Sunday’s practice. grams that have already been approved, including Warren’s Warren Fire Department so cold of late that ice on the riv- the like. low interest home improve- takes advantage of frigid er was eight inches thick: The volunteers, especially the ment program, are facing addi- cold to practice ice “We had to use a chainsaw to younger ones, took to it imme- tional scrutiny from the state rescues on Kickemuit get through it,” Warren Fire diately. after the Town of Warren, state Chief Al Galinelli said. “They were all gung ho, good officials believe, misused funds Chief Galinelli had been kids,” the chief said.