RESEARCH ARTICLE Dietary changes needed to reach nutritional adequacy without increasing diet cost according to income: An analysis among French adults Matthieu Maillot1, Florent Vieux1, Fabien Delaere2, Anne Lluch2, Nicole Darmon3* 1 MS-Nutrition, Faculte de MeÂdecine La Timone, Marseille, France, 2 Danone Nutricia Research, Centre a1111111111 Daniel Carasso, Palaiseau, France, 3 NORT, Aix-Marseille UniversiteÂ, INRA, INSERM, Marseille, France a1111111111 *
[email protected] a1111111111 a1111111111 a1111111111 Abstract Objective OPEN ACCESS To explore the dietary changes needed to achieve nutritional adequacy across income lev- Citation: Maillot M, Vieux F, Delaere F, Lluch A, els at constant energy and diet cost. Darmon N (2017) Dietary changes needed to reach nutritional adequacy without increasing diet cost Materials and methods according to income: An analysis among French adults. PLoS ONE 12(3): e0174679. Individual diet modelling was used to design iso-caloric, nutritionally adequate optimised 10.1371/journal.pone.0174679 diets for each observed diet in a sample of adult normo-reporters aged 20 years (n = Editor: Jean Adams, University of Cambridge, 1,719) from the Individual and National Dietary Survey (INCA2), 2006±2007. Diet cost UNITED KINGDOM was estimated from mean national food prices (2006±2007). A first set of free-cost mod- Received: August 31, 2016 els explored the impact of optimisation on the variation of diet cost. A second set of iso- Accepted: March 12, 2017 cost models explored the dietary changes induced by the optimisation with cost set equal to the observed one. Analyses of dietary changes were conducted by income quintiles, Published: March 30, 2017 adjusting for energy intake, sociodemographic and socioeconomic variables, and smok- Copyright: © 2017 Maillot et al.