JASs Invited Reviews Journal of Anthropological Sciences Vol. 88 (2010), pp. 49-72

Metaplasticity and the human becoming: principles of neuroarchaeology

Lambros Malafouris

McDonald Institute for Archaeological , Downing Street, Cambridge, CB2 3ER, U.K. e-mail: [email protected], [email protected]

Summary - Important recent developments in brain and cognitive sciences offer new avenues for productive cooperation between and . Archaeologists can now learn more about the biological and neural substrates of the human cognitive abilities and use that knowledge to better define and identify their archaeologically visible traces and possible signatures. In addition, important questions and prevailing assumptions about the emergence of modern human cognition can be critically reviewed in the light of recent neuroscientific findings. Thus there is great prospect in the archaeology of mind for developing a systematic cross-disciplinary endeavor to map the common ground between archaeology and neuroscience, frame the new questions, and bridge the diverge analytical levels and scales of time. The term ‘neuroarchaeology’ is introduced to articulate this rapidly developing field of cross-disciplinary research, focusing on questions and problems that emerge at the interface between brain and over the long- term developmental trajectories of human becoming. Neuroarchaeology aims at constructing an analytical bridge between brain and culture by putting , embodiment, time and long term change at center stage in the study of mind. This paper presents a critical overview of this new research field and introduces the notion of ‘metaplasticity’ to describe the enactive constitutive intertwining between neural and cultural plasticity. In this context, I summarize the main objectives, cross-disciplinary links, and theoretical grounding of this new approach to the archaeology of mind and outline some of the foundational issues and methodological challenges such a project might face.

Keywords - Neuroscience, Material culture, Cognitive archaeology, Material engagement.

Introduction in the past decade or so, the archaeology of mind has apparently come of age with a series of remark- The last three decades have seen radical able theoretical advances and a growing number advancements in the way we approach and under- of new empirical findings. The initial skepticism stand the and of human about “paleopsychological” investigations gave mind. Naturally, trying to reconstruct past ways way to a systematic research endeavor, which fuses of thinking as they emerge and take shape in the different schools of thought and research strands different cultural trajectories of our species (see together (e.g. neo-evolutionary, culture-historical, Renfrew, 1994, 2006) has been a great challenge processual, post-processual, anthropological, bio- for archaeology. Yet, despite the many problems, medical) in a highly interdisciplinary and rapidly and from its own unique long-term perspective, growing research field that we call nowadays the archaeology has managed to contribute a great archaeology of mind or cognitive archaeology (e.g. deal to our knowledge about the embodied, social Renfrew & Zubrow, 1994; Renfrew & Scarre, and cultural basis of the human mind. Especially 1998; Renfrew et al., 2008; Renfrew, 2001a,b,

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2004, 2007, 2008; Knappett, 2005, 2006; Stout Meanwhile, evolutionary neuroscience et al., 2008; Stout & Chaminade, 2007, 2009; research has also made important steps towards an Bruner, 2003, 2004, 2007; Mellars et al., 2007; understanding of the basic principles of brain evo- Mellars & Gibson, 1996; Davidson & Noble, lution and of -culture co-evolution 1989; de Beaune et al., 2009; D’ Errico, 1998; (e.g. Deacon, 1997; Stout & Chaminade, 2007, D’Errico et al., 2003; Gosden, 2008; Gibson, 2009). As a result, we can now make better sense 1993; Wynn & Coolidge, 2003, 2004; Coolidge of the evolutionary changes (structural/functional) & Wynn, 2001, 2004, 2005, 2009; Wynn, 2002; that occurred, the ways in which human brains Deacon, 1997; Read & van der Leeuw, 2008; differ, as well as the manner in which these differ- Humphrey, 1998; Hodgson & Helvenston, 2006; ences evolved (see Schoenemann, 2006; Holloway, Mithen, 1996; Mithen & Parsons, 2008; Noble 1999, 2008; Striedter, 2006). In this context, new & Davidson, 1996; Malafouris, 2004, 2007, methodological advances in the field of palae- 2008a,b,c, 2010a). oneurology (Bruner, 2003, 2004, 2008) enable Meanwhile, parallel to the developments tak- for a more nuanced interpretation of the observed ing place within the field of cognitive archeology, variation in endocranial morphology, and a better remarkable advances have been made in studies understanding of the patterns of growth (changes of brain function in the field of neuroscience. in size) and development (changes in shape) of the Technological breakthroughs in brain as reflected in the available record of fossil technologies (Cacioppo & Decety, 2009; Heeger endocasts. A notable example here, is the impor- & Ress, 2002; Miller, 2008) opened a new win- tant evidence presented recently by E. Bruner, dow on the human mind and offered a whole for a non-allometric increase in parietal volume new set of in vivo exploratory possibilities. New associated with the advent of anatomically mod- research domains like social (Lieberman 2007; ern humans (AMH) (Bruner et al., 2003; Bruner Frith 2008), affective (Davidson & Sutton,1995), 2004, 2008, 2010). developmental (Blakemore, 2008; Blakemore & Important to note also in this connection, are Choudhury, 2006; Blakemore et al., 2008), criti- the many theoretical frameworks, such as ‘devel- cal (Choudhury et al., 2009) and cultural neuro- opmental systems theory’ (DST) (Oyama, 1985, science (Chiao, 2009; Chiao & Ambady, 2007; 2000; Oyama et al., 2001; Griffiths & Gray, Han & Northoff, 2008; Roepstorff, 2008; 1994, 2001, 2004; Griffiths & Stotz, 2000), Wexler, 2006; Domìnguez et al., 2009) have now ‘niche construction’ (Laland et al., 2001a,b; emerged advancing our knowledge about neural Sterenly, 2001, 2003, 2004), ‘neuroconstructiv- plasticity and the experiential, social and cultural ism’ (Mareschal et al., 2007a,b; Westermann et modulation of the developing human brain. A al., 2006; 2007; Quartz & Sejnowski, 1997), representative example of the recent important and ‘probabilistic epigenesis’ (Gottlieb, 2007, empirical and theoretical discoveries can be seen 2003, 2002), which provide us a new, non- in the case of ‘mirror neurons’ and the theory linear, and interactive model for understanding of embodied simulation, which have shed new the relationship between genes, the brain, and light on the neural mechanisms of imitation, and behaviour that characterises the human cognitive offer a new explanatory framework for approach- becoming and helps us reframe some key issues ing social cognition (Gallese & Goldman, 1998; in human evolution. Last but not least important Gallese, 2003). Moreover, hypotheses like that of theoretical developments in cognitive archaeol- ‘neural exploitation’, emphasize the role of senso- ogy and material culture studies such as Material rimotor systems in the formation of abstract con- Engagement Theory (MET) (Fig. 1) (Malafouris, cepts, providing new perspectives on how the 2004, 2007, 2008a; Renfrew, 2004; Malafouris brain facilitates and supports the transmission of & Renfrew, 2010) and interactive network cultural values, beliefs, and practices (Gallese & approaches (Knappett, forthcoming; Gamble, Lakoff, 2005; Gallese, 2005; Iacoboni, 2009). 2007) assist us in rethinking our conventional L. Malafouris 51

ideas about the boundaries between cognition and material culture and the embodied character of human experience. All these different and rapidly evolving theo- retical and empirical research strands offer new sources of evidence and raise new challenges for the archaeology of mind. Most importantly, they carry the promise for productive cross-discipli- nary cooperation and future research synergies. Fig. 1 - Material engagement theory (MET) as The aim of neuroarchaeology is precisely to an explanatory path develops along the lines of channel the huge emerging analytic potential of three interrelated working hypotheses which can summarised as follows: (a)The hypothesis current neuroscientific research in the direction of extended mind, which explores the consti- of an integrated research program, spanning the tutive intertwining of cognition with material whole spectrum of cognitive sciences, and target- culture, (b) the hypothesis of enactive signifi- cation, which explores the nature of the mate- ing the big picture of human cognitive becom- rial sign not as a representational mechanism ing. The task that, at the same time confronts us, but as a semiotic conflation and co-habitation is about bringing these perspectives, insights, and through matter that enacts and brings forth the ways of thinking together, avoiding to reduce the world, and finaly, (c) the hypothesis of material agency, which explores agency not as a human one to the other. property but as the emergent product of situ- ated activity.

More than a brain: distributed phenomena. At the centre of investi- theoretical foundation and gation is now the question about how these abili- epistemological challenges ties (e.g. , symbolic capacity, theory of mind (ToM), causal belief, learning by teaching, We should start by underlying two major ‘we’ intentionality, sense of selfhood, working epistemic features that could be used to differ- mem¬ory, autonoesis, ability to plan and inno- entiate the approach of neuroarchaeology: the vate) relate to the embodied character of human first of these features is found in the explicit experience. Thus, whereas the majority of stud- concern of neuroarchaeology with understand- ies in cognitive archaeology seem to be primarily ing the processes by which human cognitive concerned with WHEN and WHERE (e.g., to abilities grow, evolve, and change over time. This use one very common question, where and when epistemic feature can be contrasted with more symbolic thinking and language first appeared in traditional approaches in cognitive archaeology the archaeological record) neuroarchaeology is pre-occupied with the task of associating specific primarily concerned with the WHAT, WHY and human abilities with specific time periods, geo- HOW (e.g., what is symbolic thinking? Why and graphic regions, or fixed evolutionary stages. The how did symbolism emerge? What forms of signi- objective of neurorchaeology is to move beyond fication count as symbolic meta-representational the logic of the ‘localizer’, in order to study the thinking? How do we identify the material traces emergence and of human intel- of symbolic capacity in the archeological record?). ligence, the ontological ingredients of long-term Naturally, in approaching the above questions, the cognitive change, and the causal mechanisms (evo focus falls on the changing nature of the human or devo) that underlie human cognitive becoming brain. Nonetheless, and this brings us to the sec- from the Early Stone Age (ESA) to the present. ond major differentiating feature of neuroarchae- Such an endeavor can only be achieved through ology, the quest for establishing empirical, yet a serious cross-disciplinary attempt to under- culturally sensitive and philosophically informed stand human cognitive abilities as enactive and links between the brain’s functional structure and

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archaeologically observable behavioural traces, is such an angle, it should be made clear from the grounded on the methodological ‘embedment’ of start that the intellectual of neuroarchae- the human brain. The term ‘embedment’ derives ology in this context lies with developmental sys- from the fusion of the terms ‘embodiment’ – tems theory (DST) (Oyama, 1985, 2000; Oyama referring to the intrinsic relationship between et al., 2001; Griffiths & Gray, 1994, 2001, 2004; brain and body - and ‘embeddedness’ - describ- Griffiths & Stotz, 2000) and neuroconstructivism ing the intrinsic relationship between brain/body (Mareschal et al., 2007a,b; Quartz & Sejnowski, and environment. Northoff, in his ‘Philosophy 1997) rather than classical evolutionary psychol- of the Brain’, introduced this neologism i.e., ogy (see review by Cosmides & Toody, 1987, ‘embedment’ (2004, p.19) to define the inextri- 1992). No doubt, the mind, as a product of cable connection between brain, body, and envi- evolution, is constrained by a number of inher- ronment. Drawing upon this notion, and fusing ited genetic structures, brain circuits, and repre- perspectives from ‘active externalism’ (Clark & sentations. The study of cognitive development Chalmers, 1998; Clark, 1997), embodied (Clark, and evolution requires a better understanding 2008, 2001; Gallagher, 2005 ), and distributed of how these neural substrates, structures and cognition (Hutchins, 1995, 2008; Kirsh, 1995; mental representations are shaped. In order to 1996), neuroarchaeology, approaches the human do so, however, we need first to recognise that brain as an extremely plastic, and culturally situ- these ‘internal’ or ‘genetic’ constrains cannot ated bio-artefact permeated by and medi- determine the developmental trajectory a priori: ated by material culture. Recognizing the causal “The fertilised egg contains neither a ‘language efficacy and the constitutive role of material cul- acquisition device’ nor a knowledge of the basic ture in the human cognitive system as exemplified tenets of folk . These features come by the principles of Material Engagement Theory into existence as the mind grows” (Griffiths & (MET) (Fig. 1) (Malafouris 2004; Renfrew 2004; Stotz, 2000, 31). Malafouris & Renfrew 2010), and taking the Developmental systems theory (DST) (Griffiths brain-artefact interface (Malafouris 2010a) as & Stotz, 2000; Oyama et al., 2001; Griffiths & its principal analytical unit, neuroarchaeology Gray, 2004) recognizes that the developmental attempts to construct a new integrative approach trajectory of an organism is not a fixed genetic to the study of human cognitive becoming (evo program, but rather, a matrix of resources that or devo). The broader objective is twofold: On serve as the actual physical causes of development. the one hand, to identify new topics and ques- The notions of ‘extended inheritance’ and the tions about the emergence of human ‘parity thesis’ can exemplify the crux of this inno- which could facilitate the partnership between vative framework, pointing out that we should archaeology and neuroscience, and, on the other not single out a particular type of resource as the hand, to rethink and restate old problems and principal source of inter-generational stability questions from the new perspective point that (e.g., genetic rather than environmental, internal such a partnership could enable. rather than external; Oyama, 2000). Evolution is not just change in gene frequencies, but change in the entire spectrum of developmental resources. Cognitive evolvability: the All elements of the developmental matrix matter. developmental challenge DST draws attention to the many causal path- ways by which resources come to be deployed To an important extent, the concern of neu- in development (Griffiths & Stotz, 2000, p.34). roarchaeology as a theoretical framework with Moreover, the way in which individual resources evolved cognitive structures and the cognitive contribute to development takes the form of history of our species, can be viewed as a new an ‘interactive construction’ (the effect of each form of evolutionary epistemology. Seen from resource depends on its interaction with many L. Malafouris 53

others). It is especially in this connection that theoretical frameworks like ‘neuroconstructivism’ have been extremely helpful, offering a devel- opmental account of the neural system as heav- ily constrained by multiple interacting factors, intrinsic and extrinsic, to the developing organ- ism. Similarly to DST, these flexible and interact- ing constrains span multiple levels of analysis, i.e., from genes and the individual cell to the physi- cal and social environment. Therefore, cognitive development is explained as a trajectory emerg- ing from the interplay of these constraints. In this context of special interest is the view of brain and cognitive development known as probabilistic epigenesis (PE) (Gottlieb, 2002). In particular, the probabilistic epigenesist view of development emphasizes the interac- tions between experience and gene expression (Gottlieb, 2007). The unidirectional formula prevalent in molecular biology by which genes drive and determine behavior (Fig. 2) is replaced with a new scheme which explicitly recognizes the bidirectionality of influences between the genetic, Fig. 2 - New theoretical frameworks such as that behavioral, environmental, and socio-cultural of ‘neuroconstructivism’ and ‘probabilistic epi- levels of analysis. Genetic causality gives way to genesis’ provide us a new, non-linear and inter- active model for understanding the relationship what has been termed “developmental-relational between genes, the brain and behaviour that causality” (Gottlieb & Halpern, 2002). As sum- characterise human cognitive becoming (a). marized by Gottlieb (2007, p.1) the PE “frame- Cognitive development is no longer seen as the progressive unfolding of information that is a work emphasizes the reciprocity of influences within laid out in the genome. The traditional view of and between levels of an organism’s developmental a one-directional flow of cause and effect from manifold (genetic activity, neural activity, behavior, genes (DNA) to RNA to the structure of proteins they encode gives way to a subtler picture where and the physical, social, and cultural influences of physical, social, cultural aspects of environment the external environment) and the ubiquity of gene– and behaviour plays fundamental role in trigger- environment interaction in the realization of all phe- ing the expression of genes (b). notypes”. Put it simply, the above statement means that differences and variations in life and learn- that epigenetic outcomes are “probabilistic” rather ing experiences caused by social, environmental, than predetermined. The problem, of course, and cultural factors, can cause individuals of the similarly to any other ‘context-based’ explanatory same genotype to have different neural, cognitive, logic, is how to identify on which, among the and behavioral outcomes. This also implies that many, ‘external’ factors to focus upon. Whatever one cannot correlate a particular genotype with a the case, the thing to note is that the key question certain neural or behavioral outcome without tak- is no longer about if culture influences the neu- ing into consideration the ‘external’ mediational ral of genetic level, but rather about which of the properties and experiential factors. This unpre- manifold dimensions and developmental events dictability of the phenotype of similar genotypes in human life might have played the crucial role when confronted with novel or different develop- behind the presence or absence of certain neural mental trajectories and circumstances, indicates or genetic outcome.

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Let us illustrate that by using some charac- by high collectivism”, and finally, (c) that “greater teristic empirical examples where genetic activ- population frequency of S allele carriers is associated ity is shown to be influenced by neural, behav- with decreased prevalence of anxiety and mood dis- ioral, and external environmental events. Take orders due to increased cultural collectivism”. Taken for instance the much-studied inhibitory neuro- together, these findings exemplify the culture–gene transmitter serotonin. The serotonin transporter co-evolution of human behavior and complement gene (SLC6A4) contains a polymorphic region, current conception of how cultural values serve known as 5-HTTLPR, comprising a short (S) adaptive functions by tuning societal behavior. allele and a long (L) allele version that results We should also note, from the perspective of in differential 5-HTTexpression and function animal studies, that in rhesus monkeys a positive (Lesch et al., 1996; Hariri, 2009). Evidence from correlation between lowered serotonin metabo- indicates that individuals lism and rearing practices has been shown carrying the S allele of the serotonin transporter (Bennett et al., 2002). Serotonin concentration gene produce significantly less 5-HTT mRNA was not simply a consequence of having a certain and protein, resulting in higher concentrations type of short allele but also of a certain type of of serotonin relative to individuals carrying the rearing practice (mother vs peer rearing). In other L allele (Lesch et al., 1996). It is interesting to words, the neural outcome is a consequence of note that the S allele of the serotonin transporter at least two components: a genetic component gene is associated with increased negative emo- (genotype of the animal), and a behavioural/ tion, including heightened anxiety (Sen et al., environmental component (rearing context and 2004; Munafo` et al., 2005) and increased risk history of the animal). for depression in the presence of environmental risk factors (e.g. exposure to chronic life stress, such as interpersonal conflict, loss or threat) Metaplasticity and culture effects (Uher & McGuffin, 2008; see also Munafo` et al., 2009). More importantly, there is evidence These examples, by showing that even gene that brain regions that are regulated by seroton- expression can be influenced in very specific ergic neurotransmission and are critical to emo- ways by environmental and experiential fac- tional behaviour, like the amygdala, varies as a tors, clearly contrast to many conventional ideas function of 5-HTT (e.g. individuals carrying in evolutionary psychology (e.g., Pinker, 1997) the S allele showing greater amygdala response that would see culture as a mere epiphenomenal to emotional stimuli relative to those carrying influence upon a biologically pre-determined the L allele) (Chiao & Blizinsky, 2009; Hariri and universally shared set capacities or features of et al., 2002). human cognition. Maybe, as Griffiths & Stotz Recently, Chiao & Blizinsky (2009) were suggest, what we need to recognise is that “what able to demonstrate a robust association between individuals inherit from their ancestors is not a cultural values of individualism–collectivism mind, but the ability to develop a mind” (2000, (Triandis, 1995) and allelic frequency of the sero- p.31; see also Karmiloff-Smith, 1992; Jordan, tonin transporter gene (5-HTTLPR). Specifically, 2008). Moreover, as theory of niche construction in their study, they showed (a) that geographi- points out, the defining feature of this ability cal regions characterized by cultural collectivism may rest in the systematic changes that humans exhibit a greater prevalence of S allele carriers of can bring about in its course by altering their the serotonin transporter gene, (b) “that global social and technological environments (Sterenly, variability in historical pathogen prevalence pre- 2001, 2003, 2004). Archaeology may well testify dicts global variability in individualism–collectiv- that significant parts and episodes of this long ism owing to genetic selection of the S allele of the developmental trajectory of the human mind serotonin transporter gene in regions characterized appear relatively recently in the archaeological L. Malafouris 55

record and can certainly be seen as the emergent (functional but also structural/anatomical) caused products of various culturally-instantiated and by our ordinary developmental engagement with transmitted, embodied social and technological cultural practices and the material world. processes, rather than innate biological capaci- Cognitive archaeology, from its own peculiar ties. Thus, neuroarchaeology, not only adopts an cross-disciplinary perspective, can confirm that interactionist, constructivist, and integrative per- one of the most distinctive features of human spective on human development and evolution, psychology is the extraordinary projective plas- but also recognizes that many of the constitu- ticity of mind and its reciprocal openness to tive elements and processes of human cognitive cultural influence and variation: We have a plas- development might be argued to extend beyond tic mind, which is embedded and inextricably skin and skull into the realm of available tech- enfolded with a plastic culture. Steven Mithen nologies and cultural practices. and Lawrence Parssons, echoing the DST thesis It has been widely known within cultural we discussed above, have recently taken the argu- psychology and cognitive that cul- ment from plasticity a step further, proposing ture modulates and mediates nearly every facet not only that the brain has continued to evolve of human psychology and behavior. Drawing on in recent times (Mithen & Parssons, 2008), but this well established tradition, in recent years, the that it can also be seen as an item of material cul- rapidly developing field of , ture. The brain is as much a cultural artefact as a tries to explore this ‘culture effect’ at the level of biological entity. Like any other item of material the human brain offering a wealth of experimen- culture, e.g. a ceramic vessel, the human brain tal evidence. Some characteristic empirical exam- and body can be grown and moulded into differ- ples of current research in cultural neuroscience ent shapes and decorated in different styles. Like can be found in (a) studies of cultural variation in a piece of clay, thrown on the wheel of culture, memory performance (e.g. cultural difference in the human mind and brain is subject to continu- thinking styles - holistic versus analytic - seem to ous re-shaping, re-wiring and re-modelling (cf. affect how people encode and retrieve informa- also Malafouris, 2008c). The traditional view tion) (Chua, Boland & Nisbett, 2005; Nisbett that takes the brain as a biological constant after & Masuda, 2003), (b) studies of cultural vari- the appearance of Homo sapiens and/or modern ation in the experience (Tsai, 2007), expression behaviour needs to be revised. “Although hidden (Elfenbein & Ambady, 2002) and regulation of from view within the cranium, the living brain emotions (Chiao et al., 2008; Mesquita & Leu, is both an artefact of culture and a cultural arte- 2007), (c) studies concerning the modulation fact” (Mithen & Parssons, 2008). of visual experience by cultural beliefs (Hedden It’s precisely for these reasons that the focus et al., 2008), or, finally, (d) studies about the of neuroarchaeology is not restricted to early effect of culture on conceptions of selfhood (for prehistory but extends in more recent periods instance, the recent cross-cultural neuroimaging of human development. From the viewpoint of findings for the modulation of medial prefron- neuroarchaeology, human cognitive evolution tal response during self-relevant processing as a is primarily based upon an ever-increasing rep- function of individualistic and collectivistic cul- resentational flexibility that allows for environ- tural values (Chiao et al., 2009a,b; see also Zhu mentally and culturally derived plastic changes et al., 2007). in the structure and functional architecture of In addition, new insights about neural plas- the human brain (Malafouris, 2008a,b, 2009; ticity from cognitive, social, developmental, com- Renfrew et al., 2008). On this construal, the parative, and , has drasti- brain, far from a hard-wired modular organ cally changed our ideas of the brain from that adapted to a specific ancestral lifestyle emerge as of a fixed biological entity to a dynamic bio-cul- a co-evolutionary process of deep enculturation, tural system, subject to constant transformations projective material engagement (Malafouris,

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2004, 2008a,b), and ‘profound embodiment’ p.238; Chiao, 2009). Explaining cognitive vari- (Clark, 2008, 2007; Wheeler & Clark, 2008), ation is inseparable from the study of how cul- which continues into the present. It is the study tural differences came into being which entails of this distinctive feature of the human mind close examination of the way cultural phenom- as an extended cognitive system - what we may ena, physical artefacts, and practices were cre- call metaplasticity - that defines the meaning and ated, transformed, and transmitted across the analytical scope of neuroarchaeology. I should scales of time. A joint attempt at reconstructing clarify that metaplasticity is a term originally the emergence of this embodied and interactive coined in neuroscience to refer to the emergent system in human evolution and its cultural vari- higher-order properties of synaptic plasticity ation could foster a two-way productive dialogue itself and their modification (Zhang & Linden, between cultural neuroscience and archaeol- 2003, p.896). In the context of neuroarchaeol- ogy (Malafouris, 2009; Malafouris & Renfrew, ogy, the term is used in a much broader sense to 2008). To this end, the unique preoccupation of characterize the emergent properties of the enac- archaeology with material culture, change, long tive constitutive intertwining between neural time-spans and large-scale processes can provide and cultural plasticity (Malafouris 2009, 2010; an additional means for exploring the emergence Malafouris & Renfrew, 2008). of cultural variation. It follows from what we discussed that this empirical opening of neuroarchaeogy into the biological bases of the human mind does not Methodological considerations: the aim in any way to reduce cultural change, dif- case of neuroimaging ference, and variability to some innate biologi- cal universals. Instead, neuroarchaeology aims: Having sketched the theoretical and epistemo- (a) at explaining change and understanding the logical outline of neuroarchaeology we may turn long-term developmental mechanisms of syn- now on the issue of methods. A series of studies ergetic co-evolution of brain with culture and conducted by D. Stout and his colleagues attempt- the material word, and (b) to understand the ing to explore the neural foundations and evolu- nature and meaning of cultural difference and tionary antecedents of complex human tool mak- variation across the different levels and tem- ing and tool using skills by applying functional poral scales of human experience and explain brain imaging, offer a good example to ground how the one affects and interact with the other our discussion (Stout et al., 2000; Stout, 2005; in evolutionary time. In the former sense neu- Stout & Chaminade, 2007; Stout et al., 2008; roarchaeology, drawing on the lines of Material Stout & Chaminade, 2009). These studies, inte- Engagement Theory (MET) (Malafouris, 2004, grating evolutionary, archaeological, anthropo- 2007, 2008a,b; Malafouris & Renfrew 2010; logical and neuroscientific approaches to human Renfrew, 2004, 2006, 2007) remains primarily tool use, demonstrate the experimental potential concerned with figuring out the causal efficacy and can be used to illustrate the many theoretical of the materiality and the built environment in and methodological challenges involved. the human cognitive system. In the second sense, Take, for instance, the fluorodeoxyglu- neuroarchaeology can be seen as the cultural neu- cose positron emission tomography (FDG- roscience of the past (Malafouris, 2009). As I dis- PET) study of Oldowan toolmaking (Stout & cuss elsewhere, both disciplines, although based Chaminade, 2007). In this study, conducted on a quite different scale of spatial and temporal with six inexperienced subjects learning to resolution, share the common objective to inves- make stone tools of this early type, Stout & tigate and characterize the mechanisms by which Chaminade (2007) documented, in modern the bidirectional, mutual constitution of culture, humans, reliance on a parietofrontal (for a recent brain, and genes occur (Chiao & Ambady, 2007, discussion of available data on the evolution of L. Malafouris 57

the fronto-parietal system in the human genus Late Acheulean knapping and which possibly see Bruner & Holloway, 2010) perceptual-motor reflects the emergence of higher levels of inten- and grasp system, as well as bilateral activations tional organization in flake removal. These higher in the dorsal intraparietal sulcus (IPS) related to levels of intentional organization and technical human visual specializations (Orban et al., 2006) competences in stone knapping can only emerge associated with the distinctive demands of tool through deliberate practice and skill acquisi- making. Of particular interest was the absence tion that would have been greatly enhanced and of recruitment of prefrontal cortex (PFC) activa- facilitated by joint action and communication. tions associated with strategic action planning. Thus, although imaging data derived from ‘mod- These results suggest the possibility that evolved ern’ humans and their tool using abilities cannot parietofrontal circuits, enhancing sensorimotor offer a direct proof for the co-evolution of tool adaptation and affordance perception rather than use and language, they nonetheless clearly sup- higher abstract level prefrontal action planning port the view that human technological, social systems and conceptualisations, were central to and linguistic capacities evolved together in a ESA technological evolution. This observation fit mutually reinforcing way (e.g. Gibson, 1993). also nicely with current findings from paleoneu- So what is it that these pilot experiments tell rology indicating a species-specific neomorphic us about the methodological potential of neu- hyperthrophy of the parietal volumes in modern roarchaeology? Obviously, archaeology has no humans (Bruner, 2010). However, one problem direct access to the human brain. Nonetheless, with this study of novice toolmakers was that the use of functional MRI has the potential it did not address the question of skilled expert to play a prominent role in neuroarchaeology flaking performance, which might involve strate- as part of experimental studies with modern gic elements and neural substrates not implicated humans. Clearly, there are many problems - not in novice toolmaking. To address this question, the least because of the constraints imposed by a follow up study was conducted, involving this using functional imaging - but there is also a time skilled flaking (expert Oldowan and com- great deal of promise, especially if one considers plex Acheulean toolmaking) (Stout et al., 2008). that brain imaging itself is in a very active state of Following the same methods, this second study constant development. of expert ESA toolmaking was based on limited These exciting prospects, however, come with sample of three professional archaeologists, each some clear requirements. In particular: First, with more than 10 years toolmaking experience. archaeologists must learn about neuroscience’s Despite this limited sample size, the FDG-PET methods, data, and presuppositions before decid- procedure yielded a large signal to noise ratio ing which experimental approach and scale of tem- sufficient for statistical analysis. Brain activation poral resolution might work best. What is it that a data collected for two toolmaking tasks: Oldowan brain activation map actually represents, and how flake production and Acheulean hand axe mak- does it relate with broader archaeological issues ing and were contrasted with a control task con- and questions? Second, archaeologists must take sisting of bimanual percussion without flake an active role informing and influencing the ques- production and the results of the previous study tions to be asked in the environment of the brain with novice inexperienced subjects (Stout et al., (MRI) scanner and, of course, in interpreting and 2008, p.1941). Comparisons between Oldowan contextualizing the data derived from these stud- and Late Acheuelan knapping methods reveal a ies against the background of current archaeologi- transition to more complex action organization cal problems. The aim of this endeavor should be in the later, accompanied by increased anterior at establishing testable, empirical, and conceptual frontal and right hemisphere (RH) contribu- links, between brain structure, cognitive func- tions. Of particular interest is the RH ventro- tion, and archaeologically observable behaviours lateral prefrontal cortex activation, seen only in (see e.g. Wynn et al., 2009). Naturally, there are

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important restrictions to the inferences that can be of thought and behavior which consist of “softly drawn about past cognitive operations from imag- assembled” patterns of activity that arise as a func- ing data based on experiments with modern sub- tion of time (van Gelder, 1995; Thelen, 1995) (for jects. However, as we discussed in the example of a good review of the current of progress, problems tool making abilities, although imaging data from and prospects of neuroimaging technologies see modern humans cannot directly reveal the neural Miller, 2008). Real progress can only be made organization of extinct hominin species, if carefully through a systematic attempt to contextualise the combined with available archaeological, compara- available knowledge about ‘locality’ within the tive and fossil data, they could help clarify the rela- temporal and socio-cultural frame of some work- tive demands of specific, evolutionarily significant ing hypothesis. The approach of neuroarchaeol- behaviours and thus constrain hypotheses about ogy focused on explaining mutual constitution of human cognitive evolution (Stout et al., 2008, brain, body and culture beyond skin and across p.1944). Last, it should be made clear that (a) the the scales of time, may have much to offer to this cognitive processes and associated neural systems end protecting us from a sterile neurocentrism engaged in a complex natural situation may dif- that has no place in the archaeology of mind. fer substantially from those observed in the puri- fied environment of the lab (cf. Kingstone et al., 2008), which also means that (b) there might well Practice-effects be ‘external’ components, with a constitutive role for the enactment of a given cognitive operation, Practice effects (also known as automatiza- that do not correlate to any observed brain acti- tion or familiarity effects) relate to the question vation pattern, or evoked blood oxygenation level of how the brain changes in response to prac- dependent (BOLD) response, simply because they tice, or during the process of skill acquisition do not participate in brain’s space or time. (Kelly & Garavan, 2005). What are the prin- A final potential pitfall remains and should be ciples governing experience-dependent plastic pointed out. The epistemic power of the neuroim- changes in the human brain? From an archaeo- age, as an enchanting device able to translate and logical perspective, knowing about how the brain visualise some of the most complicated aspects of responds to practice and experience is essential human mental life by way of a ‘snapshot’ view of for understanding the neural correlates and tem- brain activity, may mislead us to adopt an unwar- poral structure of learning, memory, innovation, ranted, ‘neurocentric’ view of human intelligence. and transmission of cultural skills and practices. This attitude should be resisted by adopting a Thus, practice effects is a topic particularly perti- critical neuroscience perspective (Choudhury et nent to neuroarchaeology. al., 2009) and by explicitly grounding neuroar- Consider for example the knapping PET chaeology, as already discussed, to the principles experiments discussed previously. The recorded of material engagement theory (MET) and the changes in brain function in these experiments, distributed cognition approach. As Dietrich Stout provide a good illustration of the important dif- reminds us ‘PET images do not explain how neu- ferences between the different stages of skill acqui- ronal activity contributes to mental behaviour’ sition (e.g. before vs after learning or novices vs what they do indicate is where this activity takes experts). For instance, the evidence of increased place (2005, 280). As archaeologists, we doubt sensorimotor and cognitive demands, was related that simply knowing which area of the brain lights to the changing nature of expert performance up during some task performance, like knapping and to the complexity of toolmaking methods. for example, is the sort of information that will Naturally, understanding the effect of practice on make, in itself, a big difference in the study of the functional anatomy of task performance on a human cognition. Moreover, neuroimaging tech- range of motor, visuomotor, perceptual, and cog- niques often fail to capture the dynamical aspects nitive tasks demands a careful identification of L. Malafouris 59

the effects of task practice at each level of analysis - from the social, behavioural and cognitive levels, to the level of neuronal function. Nonetheless, the relationship between task practice and neuro- physiological change presents additional interest from the view-point of neuroarchaeology, given its unique preoccupation with embodied action and material engagement practices. A recent review paper by Kelly & Garavan (2005) attempts to explain the particular pat- terns of practice-related changes observed, and the mechanisms likely to underlie those changes in activation. They distinguish three main pat- terns of practice-related activation change: a) Activation increases in the brain areas in- volved in task performance. This pattern Fig. 3 - Plastic effects associated with practice: refers to both practice-related expansions in (a) Redistribution: the task activation map con- cortical representations and increases in the tains more or less the same brain regions at the strength of activations. In addition, it usu- end (T2) as at the beginning (T1) of practice but the activation level (Y & Y’) within those ally reflects recruitment of additional corti- areas has change (increase or decrease) as a cal units with practice (Poldrack, 2000). result of practice. More simply, the functional b) Activation decreases in the brain areas in- anatomy of the task remains basically the same. volved in task performance. Such decreases (b) Scaffolding: Denotes a network of brain regions (X, Z) which are recruited to cope with in the extent or intensity of activations are the increased cognitive demands of unskilled being associated with increased neural effi- performance at the early stages of practice ciency as the result of more efficient use of (T1), and which at a later stage falls away (T2). (c) Reorganization: a shift in the cognitive proc- specific ‘neuronal circuits’ or a more precise esses underlying a given task performance can functional circuit (Garavan et al., 2000; be observed, which is reflected as a change in Poldrack, 2000; Petersen et al., 1998). the actual location of activations (Y & Y*). c) Functional reorganization of brain activ- ity across a number of brain areas (Kelly practice. More simply, the functional anatomy & Garavan 2005, p.1089). This pattern of of the task remains basically the same. Thus the practice-related reorganization of the func- pattern of redistribution of functional activations tional anatomy of task performance may be can be understood and broadly observed as the distinguished into two types, namely, redis- neurophysiological ‘pruning’ of attentional and tribution and reorganization both of which control areas as a result of increasing familiarity constitute some combination of activation with the task. The notion of a scaffolding sys- increases and decreases (see Fig. 3). tem that contributes to novel task performance should be noted in this connection (Peterson et Redistribution, scaffolding and reorganization al., 1998; Chein & Schneider, 2005). This sys- Kelly & Garavan (2005) define redistribution tem refers to the existence of a scaffolding network (Figure 3a) as a form a pseudo-reorganization of of brain regions which are recruited to cope with functional activations. Specifically, the task acti- the increased cognitive demands of unskilled per- vation map contains more or less the same brain formance at the early stages of practice, and which, regions at the end as at the beginning of prac- at a later stage, fall away (Fig. 3b). Prefrontal cor- tice, but the activation level within those areas tex (PFC), anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), and has changed (increase or decrease) as a result of posterior parietal cortex (PPC), are the main areas

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considered to perform the ‘scaffolding’ role (Kelly – due to the differential mechanisms of plasticity & Garavan, 2005). A good example of such a between sensory/motor and cognitive domains. neural scaffolding network can be seen in the way The second factor is the effect of the time-window activity in the working memory system declines of imaging and underlines the importance of time as a function of practice and automatization (e.g. in understanding the effects of practice in the van Raalten et al., 2008). In particular, working functional anatomy of any given task. As Kelly & memory is closely associated with the informa- Garavan observe: “The point in practice at which tion processing and control mechanisms crucially participants are imaged has significant effects on the involved in supporting early learning or novel levels of activation observed. In order to make strong task performance. Several studies in a wide range conclusions regarding the effects of practice in any of cognitive tasks, e.g., mirror reading (Kassubek study, researchers must be sure they have imaged the et al., 2001), motor sequence learning (Toni et entire window of practice-related effects” (Kelly & al., 1998), verb generation (Raichle et al., 1994), Garavan 2005, p.1097). report practice or automatization-induced activ- Another parameter to consider, in this con- ity decreases in the working memory system. text, is whether practice effects may also exert These decreases in working memory activity after differing effects on the developing and mature practice, seem to be closely related to one’s infor- brain. Blakemore et al. (2008), to give one exam- mation processing abilities which reflect how ple from developmental neuroscience, inves- well an individual can manage the complexity tigated using fMRI the development, during of information processing demands when several adolescence, of the neural network underlying tasks have to be executed simultaneously. More thinking about intentions. Comparing brain simply, information processing abilities reflect the activation of adolescent and adults answering amount of tasks that can be processed simultane- questions about intentional causality vs physical ously (Ramsey et al., 2004). causality they observed, on the one hand, that Coming now to the case of reorganization adolescents activated part of the medial PFC (Fig. 3c), this refers to an actual shift in the more than did adults and, on the other hand, cognitive processes underlying a given task per- that adults activated part of the right STS more formance. This process switching is reflected as than did adolescents. In other words, the neu- a change in the actual location of activations. ral network of interest remains the same but the What this means is ‘that neurobiologically and relative roles of the different areas that comprise cognitively, different tasks are being performed this network change with age - from anterior at the beginning and end of practice’ (Kelly & (medial prefrontal) regions to posterior (tempo- Garavan, 2005, 1090; see also Poldrack, 2000). ral) regions. These results suggest that the neural The functional and cognitive system, and thus the neural strategy, associated processes present early in practice are replaced by with intention understanding changes from early different processes and different neuroanatomy adolescence through to adulthood. late in practice (for a good example in the case of Clearly then, rather than acting in isola- a mirror reading task see (Poldrack et al., 1998; tion, there are many factors that must be taken Poldrack & Gabrieli, 2001). into account in the discussion of practice-effects. In addition to the above major types or pat- Moreover, these various factors are interactive, terns of practice-effects, Kelly & Garavan also and any number of them can come into play in identify two further factors that influence the determining the particular pattern of practice- observed practice-related changes: The first factor effects observed in any study. The crucial ques- is the effect of task domain and refers to the diver- tion for neuroarchaeology in this respect concerns gent effect of practice on functional activations the appropriate ‘time window’ that will enable us – i.e., increasing activity in sensory/motor tasks to move across the scales of time. This calls for and decreasing activation in higher cognitive tasks a methodology that, among other things, must L. Malafouris 61

be able to integrate different temporalities (cul- simply measuring the increase or decrease of tural, evolutionary and neuronal). This would regional brain activity provides, at best, a partial be a methodology able to cut across the different view about the cognitive or behavioural tasks temporalities, on the one hand, of a brain activa- in question. Even if the same activation pattern tion map obtained during the learning, concep- can be observed to characterize any single region tion, planning or execution of a given technical or across several behavioural and cognitive opera- cognitive task, and on the other, of the embodied tions, this does not also mean that the interac- knowledge of the cultural practices and artefacts tions of this brain region with other brain regions that mediate and transmit the same task. Only remained the same. In contrast to the modular then we can start thinking about the possible ways pre-specified view of the human mind, where that, for instance, in our previous example of tool cognition is seen as the additive result of a large use, a brain activation map and a chaîne opératoire number of separable and localizable functions (Schlanger, 1994; Bar-Yosef & Van Peer, 2009) inside the brain, it is becoming increasingly clear can be combined and complement each other. that the different brain regions and their func- From the perspective of neuroscience, this tional neural networks work in concert and close is an objective which can be accomplished by interaction. Therefore, a decrease in activation incorporating ‘event-related’ methods for exam- within a particular area may be associated with ining the temporal profile of activity within each increased connectivity between that area and region of the brain (Donaldson, 2004; Handy, another as part of an efficient neural networking 2005). In addition, new innovative methods are strategy to accomplish the task (Kelly & Garavan currently developed which enable the exploration 2005). Notable here, is the idea of a ‘neural con- of brain responses measured with fMRI during text’ introduced by McIntosh (1998, 1999) to naturalistic tasks, and thus to address questions emphasize and account for the increased con- (e.g. about social interaction, memory or naviga- nectivity of the human brain. On this construal, tion abilities) that are either difficult, or indeed the function of a particular brain region should impossible to explore using conventional passive be viewed in terms of the emergent properties viewing of static stimuli (see Spiers & Maguire, of large-scale neural network interactions rather 2007). From the perspective of neuroarchaeology, than localized isolated activity. Cognitive opera- we need to place these cognitive events at a dif- tions are the products of such dynamic interac- ferent scale of temporal and spatial resolution. A tions. So, focusing on the changes in the neu- basic precondition for this, however, is to recog- ral context of activity, that is, the interactivity nize that ‘a cognitive process is delimited by the between different brain regions, may be far more functional relationships among the elements that significant than focusing on changes in regional participate in it, rather than by the spatial colloca- activity: “The important factor is not that a partic- tion of the elements’ (Hollan et al., 2000, p.176). ular event occurred at a particular site, but rather Thus, an expansion of the unit of analysis beyond under what neural context did that event occur - in the boundaries of the individual brain in order to other words, what was the rest of the brain doing?” incorporate body and culture is a methodological (McIntosh, 1998, p.533). sine qua non. I argue that from a long-term neuroarchaeo- logical perspective we need to extend this logic of interactivity beyond skin and skull and into the Material engagement and extended realm of cultural practices and artefacts as well reorganization (Malafouris, 2008a,b, 2010a,b). But how should we approach and describe interactivity from such A preliminary conclusion that can easily be an angle? Above all, what possible role material drawn from current findings in the context of culture might have played in shaping the spatial practice-related neuroimaging would be that and temporal patterns of interactivity?

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As far as the micro-scale of brain processes is or other interaction with the world. For neu- concerned, we suggested, that in order to under- roarchaeology, on the other hand, interactivity stand how the brain is changed by practice we is not an ‘internal’ consequence of practice or need to integrate “analysis of changes in activity interaction with the material world but continu- within specific regions and patterns of connectiv- ous and co-extensive with it. The claim here, as ity between regions” (Kelly & Garavan, 2005). E. Hutchins argues for the distributed cognition But in the case of macro-scale processes of mate- approach, “is that, first and foremost, thinking is rial engagement, I argue, that simply to know interactions of brain fand body with the world. what was the rest of the brain doing when a par- Those interactions are not evidence of, or reflections ticular activation event occurred, that is, the ‘neu- of, underlying thought processes. They are instead ral context’ of activity (McIntosh, 1998, 533), is the thinking processes themselves” (Hutchins 2008, not enough. The concern of neuroarchaeology is p.2112). As I have argued elsewhere, “the func- to understand the nature of plastic changes, not tional structure and anatomy of the human brain at the level of the individual, but at the system is a dynamic construct of cultural experiences medi- level of metaplasticity, that is, where neural and cul- ated, and often constituted, by the use of material tural plasticity meet and exchange properties. At this objects and artefacts which for that reason should be broader systemic context of social action, ‘profound seen as continuous integral parts of the human cog- embodiment’ (Clark, 2007, 2008), and mate- nitive architecture” (Malafouris, 2008b, p.404). rial engagement (Malafouris, 2004, 2008a,b,c), The aim of this argument, which I call the blind material culture competes, equally with any other man’s stick (BMS) hypothesis from the famous brain region, for a place in the cognitive network. example in phenomenology (Merleau-Ponty, At the level of metaplasticity the meaning and 1962; Bateson, 1973, p.318), is to enable us to scope of interactivity takes on a new broader sig- think differently about the place and effect of nificance. At that level, any decrease or increase of the material world and embodiment inside the neural activation within any given brain region, mind. The notion of the brain-artefact interface may be also the effect of the engagement of that (BAI) nicely exemplifies the above synergy signi- area with another extra-neural resource (bodily or fying the point of intersection between cognition artefactual) that although located outside the brain and material culture (Malafouris, 2010a). It also they it can be seen as complementary and continu- offers a useful and widely applicable analytic unit ous with the brain. A good example to consider for doing away with some deeply misconceived in this respect is gesture. Recent studies not sim- assumptions about the mind’s function, ontol- ply show that gesture is tightly intertwined with ogy, and location. speech in timing, meaning, and function, but also To illustrate that, let us use the example of a suggest that gesturing reduces cognitive load, and Mycenaean Linear B tablet (Malafouris, in press) thus frees speakers’ cognitive resources to perform (Fig. 4). It cannot be too strongly emphasized other tasks (e.g. memory) (Goldin-Meadow & that a Linear B tablet, like many other tech- Wagner, 2005, p.238; Goldin-Meadow, 2003). nologies of remembrance, seen as an ‘external’ The same enactive logic can be extended to the memory resource, must have had a major effect case of material culture and any other form of cul- on the cognitive structure of the people engaged tural practice. with this new skill or technique. But how pre- The key metatheoretical difference of neu- cisely could this effect be understood? Would it roarchaeology in comparison to the way the be simply a case of cultural scaffolding, where notion of interactivity is being understood a new external resource is added to support the within neuroscience is the following: from a limited biological capacities of the hippocampus neuroscience perspective, interactivity is a proc- of the Mycenaean scribe? Or, is it something ess that happens between activity regions inside more drastic and closer to the phenomenon of the individual brain as a consequence of practice reorganization we discussed previously? In the L. Malafouris 63

Fig. 4 - Mycenaean Linear B tablet (MY Oe 106) from the House of the Oil Merchant at Mycenae (13th century BC). The tablet registers an amount of wool which is to be dyed (ko-ro-to)(National Archaeological Museum of Athens, n. 7671). case of ‘internal’ brain processes, we said, that behaviour; a new cognitive operation, i.e. read- the way to discriminate using imaging data true ing, now emerges and becomes available in the reorganization from redistribution (‘scaffold- system (for the possible neurological implications ing’), is by looking at how the cognitive opera- of that see Castro-Caldas et al., 1998). As Merlin tions underlying task performance are changed Donald was one of the first to point out “unlike through practice. If the cognitive processes are the constantly-moving and fading contents of fundamentally changed by practice, then, we biological working memory, the contents of this have a true reorganization of functional activa- externally-driven processor can be frozen in time, tions which is likely to be reflected in a neuro- reviewed, refined, and reformatted» (Donald, biologically different task map. I argue that a 1991, pp.308-319). The reformattable nature of similar logic can be applied in the case of cultural exograms allows for information to be altered, practices and technologies like that of the Linear and then re-entered into storage, in ways that B script. The Linear B tablets, more than sim- an engram clearly cannot afford. Moreover, the ply amplifying the Mycenaean memory system, decrease of brain activity in the working mem- they brought about a radical change into the ory system that the use of the Linear B tablets nature of the cognitive operations involved, and have brought about, can be associated with an in the functional architecture of the system as a increase to the overall multitasking ability of the whole. They have effected an extended reorganisa- cognitive system (Ramsey et al., 2004). Increased tion (Fig. 5). More simply, the Mycenaean per- and skilful material engagement often correlates son now engages in a different sort of cognitive with neuronal disengagement which effects a

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of memory as distributed process see esp. Sutton 2008, 2006). The question for neuroarchaeology becomes then one about the possible ways that observed brain changes (functional or anatomical) can be associated with the various ‘complemen- tary’ strategies and culturally situated tasks that humans recruit when ‘adapting the environment instead of Oneself’ (Kirsh, 1996, 1995).


From a strictly archaeological perspective, it might seem that the numerous methodological puzzles surrounding any attempt to reconstruct the evolutionary and developmental trajectories that shaped our minds and brains, may appear to fall outside the empirical domain of archaeology proper. So long as neural ensembles and activation patterns do not fossilise, it may seem wiser to for- get the brain and focus on the wider and archaeo- logically visible behavioural adaptations that made Fig. 5 - The metaplastic process of material humans what they are. This would have been, engagement depicted schematically here as an indeed, a legitimate criticism if neuroarchaeology extended reorganisation of the Mycenaean cog- nitive system. The change in the actual location was to follow the usual old-fashioned ‘internal- of activations (Y & Y*) makes better sense in ist’ strategy aiming to reduce archaeological vis- the context of transformations caused by the ible behaviours and changes to the biological or use of the Linear B script. However, to under- neural level. But, as it has been exemplified in this stand the nature of these transformations we need to see the Linear B tablets as an active and paper neuroarchaeology is strictly an interaction- continuous, albeit ‘extraneural’, part of the cog- ist approach, aiming primarily to understand the nitive system. bidirectional links between brains, minds and cul- ture. Brain activity is a crucial component of the liberation of processing resources (e.g. Gilbert et human mind but so is also material culture. The al., 2001), and facilitates ‘neural recycling’, i.e., human mind as an interactive, embodied, and dis- the process by which cultural inventions and tributed autonoetic system is neither restricted to practices, such as reading and arithmetic, invade nor can it be identified with the temporal and spa- evolutionarily older brain circuits and inherit tial boundaries of the brain within. The real ques- many of their structural constraints (Deheane, tion, then, for archaeology, as with many other 2005; Dehaene & Cohen, 2007). disciplines, is not if we should study the brain, Important to keep in mind when approaching but rather how we should study the brain (see also these issues is that brains, bodies, and things do Clark, 1997, p.130). not replicate, but rather complement each other. Consider the example of a potter throwing a Hence instead of asking what region or neural vessel on the wheel (Malafouris, 2008c; Knappett network in the head of the Mycenaean individual & Malafouris, 2008). Try to imagine the com- is responsible for Mycenaean memory, we should plex ways brain, body, wheel, and clay relate and ask how memory is enacted and propagated across interact with one another throughout the differ- people, artefacts, space and time (for discussion ent stages of this activity, and think some of the L. Malafouris 65

resources (physical, mental or biological) needed & Garavan, 2005; Quartz & Sejnowski, 1997; for the enaction of this creative process. Where Petersen et al., 1998) within their temporally and do we draw the boundary between biology and spatially extended sociotechnical networks. The culture? Where does the potter’s brain stop and role of material culture in opening up, objectify- culture begin? Trying to separate brain, body, and ing, and helping humans realizing or exploiting material culture in the above nexus of mediated new cognitive possibilities, becomes, then, a key activity, is like trying to construct a pot keeping object of study. your hands clean from the mud. The archaeologi- cal record may well testify that significant changes in human cognitive development are the product Acknowledgments of engagement processes between humans and the material world of a similar interactive type, realised I wish to thank Emiliano Bruner and two anonymous in different trajectories of cultural development, reviewers for their useful comments on an earlier draft and of course over longer time spans (from simple of this paper. Research was funded by a ‘‘European tool use, navigating, hunting, and food gathering Platform for Life Sciences, Mind Sciences and the practices, to more complicated use of symbols and ’’ grant by the Volkswagen Stiftung. development of the first writing systems). It is becoming increasingly understood, that the neu- ral circuitry and functional anatomy of the brain References is changed through the social experience of action. Culturally situated, perceptual, affective, and social Bar-Yosef O. & Van Peer P. 2009. The Châine experiences, play a definitive role in the acquisition Opératoire Approach in Middle Palaeolithic and maturation of neural mechanisms underlying Archaeology. Curr. Anthropol., 50: 103-131. a wide range of fundamental skills. The develop- Bateson G. 1973. Steps to an ecology of mind. ment of new materials and technologies, as well as Granada, London. of new uses of space and conceptions of time, as Bennett A.J., Lesch K.P., Heils A., Long J., these can be observed in the archaeological record, Lorenz J., Shoaf S.E., Champoux M., Suomi bring about new constraints for the human brain. S.J., Linnoila M., & Higley J.D. 2002. Early New styles, materials, manufacture techniques, experience and serotonin transporter gene vari- and cultural practices would put novel demands ation interact to influence primate CNS func- on the bodies and brains of the people making tion. Mol. ., 7: 118–122. and using those objects. By the same token, how- Blakemore S.J. 2008. The social brain in adoles- ever, all these new artefacts and forms of engage- cence. Nat. Rev. Neurosci., 9: 267-277. ment, construct new interactive possibilities and Blakemore S.J. & Choudhury S. 2006. developmental affordances. The principal concern Development of the adolescent brain: implica- of neuroarchaeology lies, on the one hand, with tions for executive function and social cogni- identifying the distinctive developmental phases tion. J. Child Psychol. Psychiatry., 47: 296–312. of these processes and, on the other, with under- Blakemore S.J., den Ouden H., Choudhury S., & standing the complex ways the variety of cultural Frith C. 2008. Adolescent development of the scaffolding (either in the form of material arti- neural circuitry for thinking about intentions. facts and technologies or in the form of cultur- Soc. Cogn. Affect. Neurosci., 2: 130- 139. ally transmitted practices and learning) is able to Bruner E. 2003. Fossil traces of the human transform, extend, and re-organise the dynamics thought: paleoneurology and the evolution of of the cognitive system. The challenge ahead of us the genus Homo. J. Anthropol. Sci., 81: 29–56. lies in contextualizing brain activation maps and Bruner E. 2004. Geometric morphometrics and the associated patterns of reorganization, redis- paleoneurology: brain shape evolution in the tribution and scaffolding (Poldrack, 2000; Kelly genus Homo. J. Hum. Evol., 47: 279–303.

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