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Priceless Take One Vol. 19 Number 19 An Award Winning Weekly Newspaper Thursday, October 28, 2010 Constitutional Ballot To Bluemont Receives Leave Question To Voters Challenge Award By Rachel Whitten KansasReporter Bluemont Elementary School has for-profit corporation whose primary TOPEKA, Kan. – A refined def- received a Challenge Award Certificate purpose is to strengthen confidence in inition of the right to bear arms in of Merit from the Confidence in Kansas public education and to Kansas, and a measure taking away Kansas Public Education Task Force. increase awareness of the positive the legislature’s ability to keep the The award recognizes schools for out- aspects of public education in this standing achievement and uncommon state. The Task Force was created in mentally ill from voting will be up accomplishment based on Kansas 1981 to promote cooperation among for Kansans to decide on Nov. 2. Assessment results from 2010 and state education agencies, bring recog- The two proposed Kansas con- other qualifying factors, specifically nition to volunteers serving public edu- stitutional amendments are the first the sample size, ethnicity and socio- cation in Kansas, and to heighten since 2005, when voters approved economic status of those taking the awareness of the important role of pub- a legal definition of marriage test. Bluemont Elementary School lic education in our society. Constitutional amendment ques- received the award as a result of its Bluemont Elementary School will tion number one clarifies an indi- performance on the 6th grade Math receive the award at a recognition din- vidual’s right to bear arms. Assessments. ner on November 10 in Junction City. In the current Kansas law, when The Confidence Task Force is a not- it states “the people have the right to bear arms for their defense and security,” the “people” is defined William Allen White as people as a group, referring to a militia according to Kansas Exhibit At Technical Library Supreme Court case from Opening October 25 at the title of the “Sage of Emporia”. 1905. The new definition redefines Manhattan Area Technical Library is This exhibit examines the life of the law to mean individuals, not a the traveling exhibit William Allen William Allen White. Historic photos, collected group. The proposed White: Sage of Emporia. For half a quotes, newspaper articles, and more amendment says “a person has the century, Emporia newspaper editor tell the story of this famous Kansan. right to keep and bear arms for the William Allen White had something to This exhibit is produced by the Kansas defense of self, family, home and say on virtually every topic that had State Historical Society. anything to do with Kansas or the state, for lawful hunting and recre- Visit or call Manhattan Area nation. Born in Emporia in 1868, he Technical Library, 3136 Dickens Ave., ational use, and for any other law- grew up in El Dorado, attend the Manhattan, KS. Hours of operation are ful purpose.” College of Emporia and the University 8:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m. M-Th and 8:00 “It’s just making certain we have Vote of Kanas. He worked for newspapers a.m.-3:30 p.m. on Friday. William an individual, not a collective right in Topeka and Kansas city before buy- Allen White: Sage of Emporia will be to gun ownership in Kansas,” said Tuesday, Noverber 2 ing the Emporia Gazette in 1895. open for viewing from October 25- state Sen. Tim Huelskamp, a Thereafter until his death in 1944, Novemer 10. Admission to the exhibit Republican from Fowler, who he wrote countless editorials as well as is free. spearheaded the measure in the “It’s in the Constitution that they who had come and said that was articles and books that earned him the Senate during the 2009 session, can, but they haven’t ever done it. really inappropriate,” Owens said. along with state Sen. Mike People are just concerned ‘what if “There are a lot of people who Peterson, a Republican from they did?’ It’s a preemptory kind of have had diagnoses of mental ill- Wichita. a thing.” ness who are perfectly fine on National Adoption Constitutional amendment ques- The issue rose during the 2010 medication and they shouldn’t be tion number two deals with an old, session, starting in the Senate deprived of their right.” Day Is Nov. 15th never used provision of the Kansas Judiciary Committee, of which Although Owens said he hopes Constitution that gives the state Owens is the chair. Advocates for voters approve the measure, he TFI Family Services, Inc. will be on adoption, as well as celebrate our holding a National Adoption Day legislature the ability to vote to the mentally ill and mentally dis- said it not much will change if they newest forever families. Celebration in Manhattan on The event is planned for: keep mentally ill people from vot- abled brought the law’s provision don’t. to the attention of the committee November 15. We invite you to partic- Date: November 15 ing. “It’s one of those things where if ipate with us! and spoke out against the legisla- Time: 6:00-8:00 PM “The legislature has never enact- it passes that’s great, if it doesn’t National Adoption Day will be rec- Location: TFI Family Services, ed anything that would deprive ture’s ability to keep mentally ill pass you look at the historical per- ognized throughout the United States, Inc.’s Manhattan Office 116 S 4th St., people with a mental illness of vot- people from voting. spective and see the legislature has in communities large and small, when Suite 1, Manhattan, KS 66502 ing,” said state Sen. Tim Owens, a “There were a number of people never done anything with it any- an unprecedented number of courts Details: Families who have adopted Republican from Overland Park. in the [mental health] industry … way,” Owens said. open their doors on Saturday, in the last year will be honored. November 20 to finalize the adoptions In the United States, there are of thousands of children in foster care 123,000 children in foster care waiting and celebrate all families that adopt. In to be adopted by permanent, loving Shawnee County District Courthouse, families. National Adoption Day will Blecha Receives Field’s Highest Honors TFI Family Services, Inc. will have up serve to raise the public’s awareness of By Greg Tammen understanding of innate immunology became involved in a project on the to 30 adoptions finalized on this one the ever-growing need for adoptive KSU News Service in domestic animals.” immune system in animals. This day. homes for these waiting children. In Despite making what are arguably Shi, a former graduate student of chance study led to him earning a doc- A local celebration for area families the past year, TFI Family Services, Inc. some of the biggest advancements in Blecha’s, spearheaded the nomination torate in the field. Soon after, Blecha, who have adopted children this past has had families adopt 179 children. research on the animal immune sys- campaign, which consisted of letters of his wife and sons moved to Manhattan, year will take place at TFI Family Your involvement will help place tem, Frank Blecha puts his students’ support and a list of Blecha’s achieve- and he began working at K-State in Services, Inc.’s Manhattan Office dur- adoption in the spotlight and help us success before his own. ments. 1981. ing our monthly resource family sup- reach families who may choose to Now his former students have Since beginning his work in veteri- Since then he’s investigated the port meeting. This meeting will focus adopt. helped Blecha, a Kansas State nary immunology nearly 36 years ago, capabilities of cytokines and antimi- University distinguished professor of Blecha has authored 139 refereed jour- crobial peptides, and has worked with immunophysiology, interim associate nals, 24 book chapters and more than interferons. His greatest work, though, Kansas Home Sales Rise In dean for research in the College of 200 abstracts; contributed to four uni- has been that with his students, he said. Veterinary Medicine, and head of the versity patents; raised more than $9 Blecha keeps a file with each of his department of anatomy and physiolo- million in funds from the U.S. former postdoctoral and graduate stu- September, But Trail 2009 gy, earn national recognition for his Department of Agriculture, National dents’ contact information and career By Gene Meyer, KansasReporter through September are about 2.4 per- contributions to veterinary immuniolo- Institutes of Health and the American paths. Some have gone on to teach at TOPEKA, Kan. - Kansas’ home cent below last year’s, but “we are con- gy. Heart Association, among others; and universities, others are CEOs of their sales slipped again in September, vinced that, without the homebuyer tax On Dec. 6 in Chicago, Ill., Blecha made more than 100 invited presenta- own companies, and one works for the reflecting the lingering after-effects of credit program being available during will be formally recognized by the tions at regional, national and interna- USDA and another for Pfizer expired homebuyers’ tax credits, the the first part of 2010, we would see American Association of Veterinary tional conferences. Incorporated. They keep in contact and state’s realtors report. (even) fewer people buying homes,” Immunologists as the 2010 Teaching, and even immunology, consider Blecha a friend. The Kansas Association of Realtors said Pittsburg, Kan. Realtor Brian Distinguished Veterinary weren’t areas Blecha originally consid- That’s part of what makes this award this week reported 2,138 homes were Jones, president of the Kansas associa- Immunologist of the Year.