Encore Theatre

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Encore Theatre T~ <>!Sv «: THE LIMA HEWS BOAKUINU HUIJMK with MAJOR HUOPLE )UT OUII WAV , 'IT'S uweeDEVAW-E ~\nr AMD JUST T HE SHOLJLP Lionel Barry more Cast Anniversary of Sound Films HOvV 6UCH A WILD, W A COOtO" A OF HlHBI?:*S ; IPJDUGH FBLLSR. COOLP "*v WHY, HE / HER. COOK •KCOMU SUCH-A PERFECT VCOESN'T < INSTID O' cooto 1 TO In 'Encore Theatre' Pla)r 0WOTCEMAN IM SUCH A I DO THAT M a r k e d i n Li ma Theatres r SMAWT TIME,' LOOK- f WOvy,,AWP / HER.-HE1 SLEEP IM t«e L'.TH«Rfe HE I'S TELL1KJ' TM' V HG OWNS A BE rtUKJWIW' ..TCfMLER Lionel JJatrymore will b« heard'as DK Bill Brown, when "Kneor* WAGOJ BOSS WHERE TO J THE WHOLE J HER.-AN' TH' AR L_ Theatre" pre»ent» "A Man to Keipember," over, CBS al 8:30 p< nj. This i« it! Tuesday'* the day which mark»vthe 20th araniverimry of GIT Off- THET'6 HIM ^\ RANCH/ jf HULL. - A60OT JUST WORkiS Tuesday. The -lory, adapted from Kathryn Hnviland-Tnylor • nowUv .ftund motion pieturw. On AuK. 6, me, Wainei Brother-. telcM-d SBAKIN' HIS the flr*t film which could »p«ak, revolutionising,; the moving picture 'Failure," deals with the sacrifices of a gmall-town doctor who set asid* Induitry and caihink within it«lf the will to explore the adv.ntai(« of personal security for the welfare of the community. MBS' pioneer public service program, the "American Now.on tap at the local theatreu are examples of the ouUlandinf Air/ will discuss the currently topical question, "What is the >efore the 600-caral solution spar- achievement made in the moving •, , ''"',"' "' "..""',.." ... ,,.; /^ Best Solution „to the Palestine ties ; thru the mist picture world. A—t th—e S>gm--=- . i. THEATRE GUIDE Problem," on the broadcast at Mike (The Falcon) Warinf in- the fllm "Younjt Widow" which CL j* 8:30 p. m. Tuesday. cst» ?5,000 in a new Broadway has cauied no much exclamation OBIO—"Nlfhl and T>ajr" with Cary If, -"^ A 600-carat diamond, worth play and loses it overnight when by fans. J«ne Rusnell, tabbed a» Grant and Ale-Kin.Smith. ; b/' . half-million dollars, disappears he iea'dihK lady is shot on stage "the world'* , mo»t exciting: bru- 1VIMU — "Centennial, Hummer" from a tiny room, just as a \yorld n the premiere performance. Dc- mfttle," is- starred in the fllrn with, with.J>ami« Ciain. Cornel W)ld«, W* famous diamond cutter poses his ermined to recoup his losses, Louis Hay ward. A story which Linda Dai'nell and William Kythe. cleaver over the stone,'arid "Nick Mike go'es behind the footlighta may -be the BHine as many, others BIOKA—"Younx Widow" with Jan* V- *l MT ton . —..—*.. I Carter. Master Detective," wider- o trap the killer and clear IhV of today is to be found to unfold Kus»ell and l^ouii Hay ward: .alto takes "The Case of the Diplomat isrne of an innocent man in "Mur- in -the picture. "Queen .of Burlesque/' ^ V & Diamond" at 7 p. m. Tuesday ovei ler is a Bad Play," latest of th« "Night and Day" at the Ohio •TATB—"A* ' Stolen Life" with , MBS. 'Adventures of the Falcon," heard theatre is the anniversary film J8ett« Davl*, Dime CI*rJc and Nick runs across the trail oJ! a at 7:30 p. m. Tuesday over MBS." and it brings to film fans some of Glenn Kord; also "Hold That INOCTURMAL man who has disguised his fact Cole Porter's most delightful mu- Woman." /•tf-r-S' /A ':Vte\T FROrw ^ ^ GENERAL NAMED fi-fc with .parafin injections, a seeom lYMC""Thftn Thei'e Were None"' r fic and excerpts of his life. In THE 'SOUK. ''DOUGH' T, w. WC. U- * ^*T. *ri . 'GOURMETS •=- corpse, and sundry other leads WASHINGTON, Aug. 6—(AP) technicolor, the film ; brings »ome- and "Six-Gun Gospel." T-" "--•-"•«•'""• —Brig. Gen. Sidney R. Hinds was thirtg of an "eyeful" to, long-wait- AM.ZW — "OlilahoniH Kid" and _ designated by the War Department - ing movie-goers in the line of a "Son* of the Saddles." ,J A MOB LBD lY'SOMt .VVSM. BUTlO B^WHAtSV. JUST A PAST *9 RADIO GUIDE today to diiect the_ firing of _the Y' MEAN ; : ruusical. 9BITX-HT—"Hand« Acrose the ftNOSAJUR-RIOIN' MUS 15 V FIRST YOU 'THEY'RE- TUB 105*.? \ ' VOU» L1TTLS national rifle and pistol champion- At the Quilim is "Centennial Border" and "Banger Signal.'" PRfcYIN' ON MOOi 5K?! :",V«X>TTA SE^^ i "-- ~v~~; '- •••- • TOOTS!!* WILL; (Lima Tirat) ships at Camp Peiry, 0., Aug. 31. «>t,OBIA »miTB-nr — "Chrlslma» HA.W! THAT'S FORMS//.0POIA-IUCK/ YOU ,)W1V» NEVER TUKSDAY. AUG. « Summer" with the music of Jer- L T'II HANDLE THAT.^TiHROUWTH'UlODl^4WOTHiN' *jT »*iN, . The event is being revived after In Connecticut." ME? ome Kern. Nearly every number I Bwlfe^_.BBa. ^1 «mL'TIME-M*CHINrK±-omW^ .TO BURY.':; ^ a four-year wartime lapse. »i the film has been heard on the COMIHO UP 4:4S—Front J?»K« Faire/I Serial—nbe O«IO—"Canyon Fasnaife" due Fri- Sparrff" »nd Th« Hawk. Serial—cfan "hit parade"— truly a feather in Tennesjit Jtd (repeat at 5:451—nbo ALWAYS COOL k the cap of. the composer. Jeanne day. Tom Mix (repeat* *t 6:46. 6:45)—Jnbi QtTXUA—•"The Return of .JR,u»ty" J:tO—Newa Report for IS Min3.—nbe Grain, Cornel Wilde, Linda Dar- QuincT How* and News Period—cbs /] nell and William Eythe liave the and "Karoo Polo" due 'Friday. Walter Kiernan and New*—*bc-e««t tnOMA.—"The Run-Around" and Se* Hound . —mbn-wwt starring xoles in the film. • ?F J:J3—^Ecboci of Tropics: Sport*—nbe ~Tnturt* Today ** In one, of her best roles to date, ".Danger Womau" due Wednesflay. Frontier* of Science, talki —cb» 1:00, 3:3S, 8:«, 9:XS Bette Davis again capture* the IJTATC — "Waltz Time" and "A B'pt Superman <a!»o <:15l—mbi-«e»t Man Who Dared" due Thursday. Dick Tracy Repeat' —sbc-west complete interest of her audience t (:!•—Larry Carr in aon« ihow—eb» ill "A 'Stolen Life" in which she J.TB1C—"Hitch-hike to Happiness", Capt. Uidoiebt (alao 8 :!0) —niba-weit and "Wagon, Wheel Westward" Jack Armstronc . Beptat—abc.west etars with Dane Clark and Glenn >u snore. 1:45—ixrwell Thomaa 4 Newacaat—cbe Ford. The film is a mystery-ro- due Thursday. 6-6. World Netra and Cbmnientary—«bi mance which puts Belte in the *U,KoT—"They 'Hade Me a Crim- Cal Tinnrj (repeat at 10:15)—abe ICAKfTSOl I SUPPOSE _^O" "I5THATBSCABSEKDU <:tl—Badio't Sapp«r CInb—nbe-basie inal" and "Corpus Christi Ban- 1AT3T , Waiting for Clayton —cb» ftim spotlight once again. Shar- TK1KJK. IDOfAR. flits" due Wednesday. SPIELER'S t6 PERSUAP6 YOU.' Newa Commentary * 0«er»*«*—abe ing" the billing .is "Hold That Tnlton Lewii ft. (repeat at 7)—mba OT»T*jc.nr—"Scarlet Clue" and ORCt:s • WHY: Woman," at the State. ' iTlSS^£€5' i-li—Mrws 41 Comment of World—nbe "Rosie the Riveter" due Wednes- •roso/y L^tHAl YOU SO EAST/ ^Skylini Roof , —eba "Hitqh Hike to Happiness" and its Elmer Davis and Commentary—zbc Wheel Westward" are day, s UW/ELS Dancine for IS Minute*—mbs-bssic scheduled to open at the Lyric QIiOmiA BmiTB-nr—"The Corn is rr f ;J»—Wart« Donoiran with Song—nbe ..Wrf. Green" due Wednesday. American Melodiea Sons. Orch.—cba theatre Thursday.- Now showing -ORE Eex Maupin * Hit Orcheatra—abe 5.« "Then There Were None" and : .Arthur Hal* in. Commentr—mbs-basic i:4S—Itahtnborn and Comment—nbe "Six Gun Gospel." ,' : Bill Brandt Ept». (repeat 1:1S)—mb» "They Made Me A Criminal' Man Charters Plane I:M—The Frolic* p* 1946. Variety—nbe "Bit Town" NewBpaper Drama^-cbs end ''Corpus Christ! Bandits" wil To Get Sox Relief taw and Abner. Comody. Skit—abe ?pen at the Allen theatre Wednes- if Nick Carter, Detective Drama—mba ST. HELENS, Ore., Aug. 6 — 7-IS—The O'Neill*. Serial Skit—abe day Vhile "Oklahoma Kid" and 7:3§—A Dat« with Judy. Drama—noe "Song, of the Saddle" are the cur- (AP)—Ben Coleman wanted his I Theatre of Romance. Dramatie—cb» e ! Sammy Kay. :.' . -..'. ~~*^ rent -billings at the theatre; wife to end her vacation -wi The Falcon. Drama (r-pt 10^0)—mba. .'•Scarlet Clue" and "Rosie the 7:55—Five Minntea Newa Period—cbi friends at Woodland. Wash., tut g:««—Grand Maranee —"be Riveter" will make their appear Arthur Godfrey Talent Sconts —cbs fcnces at the Lima Drive-In the there was Tio telephone. So. he Here'a Morgan, Ted Ma3one Ult—abc fctre as "The Corn. Is Green," with chartered a plane and flew over Gabriel Heatter and Comment—moa ...OELI«HTEPTO«*EETVOU BWTHE WW,T»fc QUITECUWOOS duf/UmSIKSO,tx3CTOR,IKHi« U-PLJtCEWUTO 8:15—Real ttfe Storfei, Drama—«uba Bette Davis and John Dall, opens the friends'" house, dropping rocks _ "viiiroti MK.AKRNMTHY. I'VE HEMU> OLlEP OK VOU »»OU' T ANEW PATIENT OF YOURS-, W*l. ^""^'^p^TrnKr WwtTH W«, «:JO—Fwd Waring-a Ni«ht Mttsic—nbe »c the Gloria Drive-In. "Christ M CALLS cm oe. kCSRBWDEfcU. ABOUT YOU SOONER, BUT REGION. «r IT* THE SWAE MPiN,/AN&.TELI Encore Theatre i'^r* with a message attached. After I^B) Ai.^>lVT\ISt C WiOWHWk Doctors Talk; To E« Annonnced—KM mas In Connecticut" is the curren several went wide, one finally WWN6 OVER W PUTS? / I'VE BEEN OUT ? SSOULBUKeTOHELyHlSFWWtYl " American Fortmi, Gnest PaneJr-»M attraction at the latter theatre.
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