Vol. 4, No. 2, Summer 2017 EVENT CALENDAR MAGAZINE July 19th August 3rd September 16th Titanic at the Fork it Over Senior Concerns’ Reagan Library 32nd Annual Ultimate Dining Summer 2017 • Vol. 4 Issue 2 This Issue’s Featured Photographers Cover Photo (Westlake Lake) by Renee Appell Betsy Friedman 14 Holly Castillo 32 Juliet Wojciechowski 8, 9, 24 Renee Appell 1, 6, 10, 12, 16, 20, 22, 26 Conejo365 | Summer 2017 | 1 MORTGAGE EXECUTIVE MAGAZINE LA WEST CONVENTIONAL Freddie Mac Super Conforming Loan Program No up-front mortgage insurance premium Owner-occupied, second homes & investment properties FHA FHA Purchase to 580 FICO Owner-occupied primary residence Down payments may be gifted 3.5% down Direct Lender Purchase & Refinance JUMBO Delegated underwriting up Close On Time to $3 Million Competitive rates Owner or non-owner occupied 1st time Homebuyers allowed BRANCH LOCATION 5655 Lindero Canyon Rd. Suite #126 Westlake Village, CA 91362 STEVE HADDAD Branch Manager, Westlake Village NMLS# 238275 818.207.4889
[email protected] *14 business day guarantee only applies to purchase transactions. This guarantee does not apply to Reverse Mortgages, FHA 203k, loans that require prior approval from an investor, brokered loans, or loans with a 2nd td. The guarantee does not apply if events occur beyond the control of New American Funding, including but not limited to; appraised value, escrow or title delays, 2nd lien holder approval, short sale approval, or lender conditions that cannot be met by any party. The 14 day trigger begins when your initial application package is complete and you have authorized credit card payment for your appraisal.