HBA E.D.G.E. Leadership Study D ecember Sponsorship Deadline


(See page 3)

tHE nEWSLEttER OF tHE HEALtHCARE BUSInESSWOMEn’S ASSOCIAtIOn Required Experience for Healthy Careers nOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2006 Healthcare Businesswomen’s Association Named One of Nation’s Top 100 Leadership Development Programs FAIRFIElD, nJ—Th e Healthcare Businesswomen’s Associa- men who are interested in improving their leadership skills tion (HBA) has been recognized as off ering one of the top through education, networking and mentoring. Unlike 100 leadership development programs in North America, other organizations, the HBA is diligent about providing according to Leadership Excellence, the magazine of leadership a global experience for its members, but remains fl exible to development, managerial eff ectiveness, and organizational allow for regional diff erences and member needs. productivity. Th e HBA off ers specialized programs that range in size For 22 years, Leadership Excellence has ranked the best from intimate leadership discussions to invitation-only seg- leadership development programs. Th is year marks the fi rst ment-specifi c workshops, such as Women in Science and time the HBA has applied for the honor and the fi rst time Entrepreneurs. Th e HBA’s largest event is its “Woman of the the organization has appeared on the list. Year” luncheon, the industry’s premier event that attracts up “We are thrilled that the HBA has been recognized to 2,000 people to help honor one woman in the industry globally as one of the top leadership develop- who has been a role model for others. ment organizations,” said Debra L. Newton, For professional development, the annual President, HBA and President, Newton Grey. HBA Leadership Conference attracts hundreds “We are proud of our 30-year heritage of helping of members and non-members who are eager to individuals and corporations recognize the im- tOP learn the latest in leadership development topics portance of developing leadership. Our ranking in a two-day conference setting, complete with is a testament to the variety of custom programs 100 interactive plenary sessions and workshops. Th is and strong core content the HBA off ers to help year’s conference: Mastering the New Standard, women in healthcare advance their careers.” was held November 2–3, 2006 in Boston, with “Th ese programs appear to deliver the best return on in- an exciting line up of speakers and workshops for partici- vestment,” said Ken Shelton, editor of Leadership Excellence. pants at all levels in their careers to advance their leader- “Participants come in with clear expectations and come away ship skills. with concrete applications and accountability for results. Th e HBA extends a special thank you toLaurie Cooke Th ey are better people as a result of their participation in and Donna Ramer for their eff orts in preparing and sub- the program.” mitting the HBA application for the award. More about Leadership Excellence and the full survey About the HBA’s leadership Programs fi ndings can be found on the magazine’s website: www. HBA’s leadership programs are open to women and LeaderExcel.com. v

success is due to the hard work and vi- HBA Achieves New Milestone; sion of our dedicated volunteers.” (For more on these volunteers’ eff orts, please see Hits 3,000 Member Mark President’s Forum on page 12.) Newton attributed the recent swell Carol Sardinha one month earlier, the HBA achieved in membership to the HBA’s high-qual- HBA Bulletin Editor, Director of Corporate its own major new milestone by reach- ity professional development programs Communications, Gorman Health Group ing the 3,000-member mark for the off ered at the chapter, affi liate and global fi rst time. levels, as demonstrated by the recent he Dow Jones Industrial Aver- “Th is is the fi rst time in the HBA’s histo- Top 100 Leadership Development Pro- age achieved a historical mile- ry that the membership has grown to this grams award by Leadership Excellence T stone when it reached 12,000 level,” said HBA President Debra L. Magazine(see related article above). points for the fi rst time in October. But Newton. “Much of the credit for this turn to 3,000 mEmBER mARk on page 11

www.hbanet.org is published bimonthly for the members of the Healthcare Businesswomen’s Association, 373 Route 46 West, Bldg. E, Suite 215, Fairfield, NJ 07004. Phone: (973) 575-0606 HBA to Unveil Enhanced Web Site, Fax: (973) 575-1445 E-Mail: [email protected] Web: www.hbanet.org editor Revamped News Bulletin Carol Sardinha managing editor Joanne Tanzi BA members should look for some ship Conference. contributing editors Rosemary Azzaro exciting new changes to the HBA’s “We want the HBA Bulletin to become Wendy Hauser Kim A. Rowe H two major communication vehicles the source for cutting edge information on art director — the HBA Bulletin and the HBA web site building healthy careers, showcase the value DeborahAnne Chingas Sandke administrative coordinator — starting in 2007. of HBA membership through member testi- Rosanne Gogerty In an effort to provide more timely news monials, and be kept on the shelf by members Please send correspondence regarding the HBA Bulletin to Joanne Tanzi at the above address. and information to the membership and cre- as a valuable reference tool,” Levins said. HBA BOARD OF DIRECTORS ate a more interactive community forum for Watch for more details in the coming PRESIDENT—Debra L. Newton, President, Newton Grey, Inc. PRESIDENT-ELECT—Cathy Kerzner, President & COO, EKR HBA members, the HBA has embarked on a weeks in the HBA Bulletin and the web site: Therapeutics, Inc. v FIRST VICE PRESIDENT—Elizabeth M. Mutisya, MD, MBA major campaign to redesign its web site (www. www.hbanet.org. Candidate, Class of 2007, Wharton School hbanet.org SECOND VICE PRESIDENT—Ceci Zak, Vice President, Allergy ). An RFP and vendor selection Sales & Marketing, sanofi-aventis IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT—Barbara M. Pritchard, process is already underway. Both the national President, The Pritchard Group & Intermedica, Inc. and chapter leadership will work closely with Your Action is Required TREASURER—Lori Ryan, Executive Director, Business Planning & Analysis, Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation the new vendor to specify content and design SECRETARY—Terri Pascarelli, ASD Managed Markets, Astra Zeneca Pharmaceuticals, LP requirements and develop the information for 2007 Directory DIRECTOR, ADVISORY BOARD—Catherine Angell Sohn, PharmD, Senior Vice President, WWBD & Strategic architecture necessary to help the new web Alliances, GlaxoSmithKline The time is now to go online to review your DIRECTOR OF CORPORATE DEVELOPMENT— site foster the organization’s goals. Robin Winter-Sperry, MD, President, Scientific Advantage, LLC contact information, make any changes, and DIRECTOR OF NEW INTIATIVES—Linda DaSilva, MS, RPh, “The HBA wants the new web site to be Senior Director, Corporate Planning, Corporate Planning and then authorize your listing for the print version Communications, Eisai Inc. more of a community site that will further DIRECTOR OF MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS—Ilyssa Levins, of the 2007 HBA Membership Directory. President, HCIL LLC the goals of the HBA while providing a forum DIRECTOR OF MEMBERSHIP DEVELOPMENT—Kimberly Farrell, Due to a change in our database system, you CEO/President, Unlimited Performance Training, Inc. for members to communication in a simple MUST authorize your listing online—even if DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS—Donna Ramer, President, format,” says HBA Board Member Ilyssa StrategCations, Inc. your current contact information is correct.* DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS—Rita Sweeney, President & Levins, Director of HBA’s Marketing and COO, Dorland Global Corporation The deadline for “authorization” and any DIRECTOR OF RESEARCH—Lisa Courtade, Director, Business Communications. Information & Research, Merck & Co., Inc. changes to your listing is December 31. DIRECTOR OF SPECIAL EVENTS—Susan Torroella, President/ In addition to continuing to serve as the CEO, Columbia MedCom Group Any changes made after 12/31/2006 will ATLANTA CHAPTER PRESIDENT— Internet presence for the global HBA orga- Eileen Woods, Managing Partner, Agentive not appear until the 2008 Directory. BOSTON CHAPTER PRESIDENT—Debbie Thomas, Vice President, Marketing, Aurora Imaging Technology, Inc. nization, the revamped HBA web site will CHICAGO CHAPTER PRESIDENT—Jane Kiernan, General Manager provide a portal to all HBA chapters and af- Your next step is to: Global Cintex Nutrition, Baxter Healthcare Corporation INDIANA CHAPTER PRESIDENT—Candice P. Lange, President, filiates, foster a stronger sense of community Lange Advisors c *Go to www.hbanet.org METRO CHAPTER PRESIDENT—Leigh Ann Soltysiak, among HBA members through enhanced Marketing Director, WW, , Johnson & Johnson c Click on “My HBA Account” at the left of MID-ATLANTIC CHAPTER PRESIDENT—Leigh Ann Ruggles, interactivity capabilities, capitalize on the Account Executive, American Healthways the screen SAN FRANCISCO CHAPTER PRESIDENT—Arlene Kirsch, PhD, Vice HBA’s strategic alliances, and generate new President, Kaiser Team, GlaxoSmithKline c Login with your email address and EUROPE Affiliate PRESIDENT—Amy Rojas, Head of New advertising revenues, Levins said. Marketing Initiatives, Novartis Pharma AG password GREATER PHILADELPHIA Affiliate PRESIDENT— In addition, the revamped web site will Lee Ann Kimak, Senior Director, Web Strategy, RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK Affiliate PRESIDENT— enable the HBA to provide more timely and c Click “General” at top of screen Nancy Wysenski SAN ANTONIO Affiliate PRESIDENT—Debra Wells, President/ relevant news, information, and updates to the c Click “Update My Profile” CEO, StrokeGuard Inc SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Affiliate PRESIDENT— membership on a more frequent basis than Heather Linehan, Consultant, McCormack & Farrow c Review contact information and make CEO—Laurie Cooke, RPh, Healthcare Businesswomen’s is currently possible with the HBA Bulletin Association any changes EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR—Carol Davis-Grossman, Healthcare newsletter, which is published bi-monthly. Businesswomen’s Association Starting in 2007, breaking HBA news c Scroll down to Directory Listing HBA COmmITTEE CHAIRS stories, calendars of events, and other updates Authorization, check either “I agree...” ASSOCIATION RELATIONS—Donna R. Cryer, JD CHAPTERS/AFFILIATES—Elizabeth M. Mutisya, MD will be communicated primarily through the or “Do not publish” CORPORATE DEVELOPMENT— Robin Winter-Sperry, MD new web site and related electronic distribu- c Click submit at the bottom of the page INITIATIVE DEVELOPMENT—Marilyn Mitchell and Cindy Johnson tion tools. LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE—Eve Dryer and Deborah IMPORTANT! We cannot guarantee Coogan Seltzer and Mary-Margaret Armstrong The HBA Bulletin will continue to be NOMINATING—Barbara M. Pritchard your listing will be accurate in the PROMOTIONS produced and distributed, but will focus Marketing—Violet Aldaia and Kelley Connors 2007 Directory unless you go online to Newsletter—Carol Sardinha primarily on features and other “evergreen” Website—Wendy White articles, including “Skills for Success,” trend review or edit your contact information PUBLIC RELATIONS—Heather Brucker WOTY—Barbara M. Pritchard and Cathy Kerzner pieces, research reports—as well as cover- as it appears there and then give us age of major HBA events, including the your authorization.

REQUIRED EXPERIEnCE FOR HEALtHY CAREERS “Woman of the Year” Award and the Leader- ©2006 Healthcare Businesswomen’s Association  www.hbanet.org HBA Bulletin November/December 006

of advancing women into senior ranks E.D.G.E. Leadership Study of leadership. Th e results should also be expandable to related industries such as December Sponsorship healthcare communications services and medical devices, as well as geographic Deadline Approaches expansion to global markets. Among other questions EDGE will answer: he late December deadline for women into key leadership positions c Are the career opportunities of corporate sponsorship of the within their organizations will have a turn to E.D.G.E. on page 11 T groundbreaking HBA EDGE clear competitive edge over companies (Empowerment, Diversity, Growth, that don’t have this kind of information,” Excellence) benchmarking study is fast said HBA CEO Laurie Cooke. COMING SOON: approaching. So now is the time for Studies previously conducted by companies that haven’t already done so Booz Allen Hamilton (BAH), HBA’s e HBA ACE Award to get involved in this major HBA initia- partner in the EDGE initiative, have tive designed to further advance women’s shown that in spite of the progress that for Corporate careers in the pharmaceutical and biotech has been made in recent years, women Initiatives industries—while also giving sponsor- are still underrepresented in key senior ing organizations a competitive edge in leadership positions within many cor- The HBA is pleased to an- recruiting and retaining top talent (see porate environments, Cooke noted. July-August HBA Bulletin, page 1). Talented women who don’t advance nounce the creation of the As of November 1, fi ve companies, within their organizations often end new HBA ACE AWARD, honor- including three of the top fi ve pharma up leaving. In fact, BAH has previously companies, had already committed to estimated that the absolute cost to a ing corporate initiatives that being sponsors. Th e HBA is continuing company that loses one senior-level em- demonstrate ADVANCEMENT, to have discussions with several of the ployee can range as high as $250,000. top 50 pharma and biotech fi rms re- In addition to having access to COMMITMENT and ENGAGE- garding this opportunity to underwrite detailed reports with critical informa- MENT in advancing the role research that will enable the industry to tion, benchmarks, and best practices measure how well women have fared for advancing women within their or- and impact of women in the in the industry—and within their own ganizations, companies that sponsor healthcare industry (see lead organizations—relative to other com- EDGE will benefi t enormously from panies and industries. the positive publicity they will gain by article in July/August 2006 “Th ere is a signifi cant need for a being part of this initiative. “Sponsor- HBA Bulletin). Companies are dedicated research study that delivers ing organizations will be able to show meaningful data and actionable insight defi nitely that they are committed to invited to nominate programs into the specialized life science indus- promoting women as leaders within that can be evaluated against tries for US and EU corporations and their companies—which is a real plus functions as a model for future progress for recruiting top talent,” Cooke said. these criteria: measurable re- in advancing women’s careers,” said sults, support for the business Lisa Courtade, and the HBA’s Director more About EDGE of Research. “Th e HBA EDGE study EDGE is designed to provide a model case, senior management will provide pharma and biotech with for career tracking in the unique environ- stewardship, execution that critical benchmarks and best practices, ments of pharmaceuticals and biotechnol- similar to those already established ogy in the US and Europe. Th e EDGE can be replicated, and sus- for other Fortune 500 companies and Study will investigate and publish the tainability. Applications will industries such as technology, manufac- results of a large, multiphase review of turing, and consumer sales.” how pharma/biotech companies with soon be available at www. Th e benefi ts to companies that spon- operating divisions in the US and Europe hbanet.org and will be due sor EDGE are numerous. “Given the recruit, retain, and advance executive-level increasingly competitive war for recruit- women. Th e study will not only establish in March. The winner will be ing and retaining top talent, companies benchmarks for professional develop- announced at next year’s that have good benchmarking informa- ment, but also provide measures of success tion and insights into best practices for individuals and companies along with Leadership Conference. for nurturing and grooming talented research-based solutions to the challenges

HBA Bulletin November/December 006 www.hbanet.org 3 classified advertising

POSITIOn OFFERRED complete project team. Lead cross unit coordination pharmaceutical products spanning a broad range of both internal and external, inclusive of sub-contractors key therapeutic categories, including cardiovascular, VP, Market research, the Willow Group, Inc: for projects utilizing one or more Services or endocrinology, CNS, women’s health, anti-infectives, Seeking experienced leader to manage qualitative/ sites. Define and manage project resource needs and and critical care. To keep pace with the growing busi- quantitative operations while developing and imple- establish contingency plans for key resources. Ensure ness needs, we are seeking to recruit a Senior Director, menting growth strategies. 10 years experience in Mar- successful design, implementation, tracking and revi- Business Development to be based in New Jersey. The ket Research, with 5 years in Pharma/Healthcare. Great sion of project plans for assigned projects. Initiate Business Development function in the organization opportunity to make a difference! Chicago NW suburbs, improvements to enhance the efficiency and the quality is arguably the key to the continued success of the Barrington, Il. Fax resume to: 847-277-9401. of the work performed on assigned projects. Key client company. The Senior Director, Business Development contact for assigned projects. Establish excellent work- will contribute to the company strategy for growth POSITIOn OFFERED ing relationships with client project teams to ensure by identification of external opportunities within the JOB—Medical Writer: you will communicate client satisfaction and operational excellence. Ensure Cardiovascular, Metabolic and Neuroscience areas for scientific ideas and clinical discoveries for the phar- that all staff allocated to assigned projects adhere to Co-Promotion/Co-Marketing, Co-Development, Licens- maceutical and biotechnology industries to medical professional standards and SOPs established for clinical ing and Acquisitions opportunities. This is a very high audiences by producing high-quality scientific copy research. Manage all aspects of designated projects. profile role and one where the senior management/CEO for a wide variety of medical communications products. Provide performance feedback of team members to has been actively involved in acquisition activities. Our Copy includes abstracts, posters, manuscripts, presen- respective service centre Heads. Prepare and deliver client has an aggressive growth plan and recognizes tations and slide kits, product monographs, websites/ presentations for new business in collaboration with the need to attract the very best talent from industry web-based applications, and other technology-based Service Delivery and business development. Present into this role. The ideal candidate will be someone platforms. Client liaison and project management are at both industry meetings and internal meetings. with an impressive deal sheet and having 5–10 years key functions of this position. WhO YOU are: You have Perform other duties as assigned by management. in a business development role managing end to end strong scientific knowledge, excellent analytical skills, travel required: Available for domestic and interna- activities across any therapeutic area. For more informa- and a flair for communicating scientific information. You tional travel, including overnight stays. Ability to drive tion regarding this role, please email: Ruchira Pathania, hold a PhD in life sciences, an MD, or a PharmD, and have and have a valid driver’s license. required: University/ Client Partner, Korn/Ferry International, email: ruchira. a keen eye for detail. You are a team player with a posi- college degree (life science preferred) or certification in [email protected]. tive, can-do attitude and are dead-line oriented. If you a related allied health profession from an appropriately are experienced, you have proven top-notch medical accredited institution (e.g., nursing certification, medi- POSITIOn OFFERED writing, editing, mentoring, and project management cal or laboratory technology). Detailed knowledge of OrGanOn, rOseLanD, nJ—sr. BranD ManaG- skills. WhO We are: Envision Pharma is a unique and financial control procedures (e.g. costing systems, er—Basic Function: To preside over and manage the growing medical and scientific communications and TAQ/EVA). Thorough knowledge of project manage- marketing strategy and implementation for all assigned software product company. In providing our commu- ment processes. Thorough knowledge of time and Organon products and related budgets. nature and nications services, we collaborate with pharma/biotech cost estimate development. Thorough knowledge scope: Plan, develop and implement strategies for as- companies and clinical investigators to publish clinical of ICH Guidelines and GCP including international signed products; coordinate on-going activities relative data. We love medicine, we love helping people, and regulatory requirements for the conduct of clinical to assigned products with Production, Sales, Medical, we care about our clients. We offer meaningful work in development programs. Fluent in local office language Quality Control, Purchasing, Product Development and an exciting, rewarding, and team-based atmosphere. and in English, both written and verbal. Broad knowl- all other external contacts cited below. The responsibili- What We OFFer: Your hard work and talent will be edge of drug development process and client needs. ties associated with the development of promotional, noticed. Salaries are competitive. All medical and dental Preferred: Masters or other advanced degree. Detailed labeling and packaging projects are critical in the sup- premiums are company paid for you and your family. knowledge of Covance and the overall structure of port and direction of company sales/marketing efforts. Short- and long-term disability premiums are company the organization. Basic knowledge of Covance sales Principal responsibilities: 1. Develop Annual Market- paid for you. Our 401(k) plan has generous company and business development strategies and procedures. ing Plan and implementation of related tactical plans. 2. contributions and immediate vesting. Time off includes Thorough knowledge of Covance S.O.P.s. Minimum of Stay abreast of and communicate current market trends three weeks’ vacation per year. Telecommuting is pos- seven (7) years relevant clinical research experience and competitive information routinely. 3. Monitor, sible. Flex time is available. Dress is casual. Our office in a pharmaceutical company/CRO, including at least review, report and analyze monthly sales and expense is in Southport, Connecticut on the Westport/Fairfield two (2) years of full project management responsibility. performances. 4. Generate monthly updated forecasts line. Manhattan is 70 minutes away; Boston is less than In lieu of the above requirement, candidates with five relative to promotional and advertising expenses. 5. Par- a 3 hour drive. hOW tO aPPLY: For further information, (5) years supervisory experience in a heath care setting ticipate in formulating Operational and Strategic Plans. please visit our website at www.envisionpharma. and five (5) years clinical research experience includ- 6. Maintain routine contacts with assigned advertising com. To apply, please send your resume or curriculum ing two (2) years of project management experience agency and other third-party vendors. 7. Coordinate vitae—including details of any abstracts or papers (international clinical trial management experience with all other Marketing, Sales and Medical personnel you have published—with a cover letter to: cynthia. preferred) in the pharmaceutical or CRO industries will concerning strategy, understanding, development [email protected] be considered. Experience in managing global (inter- and implementation. 8. Coordinate with Production continental) programs in a multi-office environment. any changes in sales forecasts to insure that adequate POSITIOn OFFERED Financial awareness and ability to actively manage inventories are maintained. 9. Maintain contacts with covance Inc., with headquarters in Princeton, NJ, is financial tracking systems. Demonstrated ability to sales force to monitor promotional efforts (including one of the world’s largest and most comprehensive drug inspire effective teamwork and motivate staff within a working with representatives in the field, attending development services companies with 2005 revenues of matrix system. Demonstrated ability to lead by example sales meetings, marketing team meetings, etc.). 10. over $1 billion, global operations, and 7,300 employees and to encourage team members to seek solutions. Field-test new promotional programs and concepts worldwide. Covance’s purpose is to lead advancements in Excellent communication, planning and organizational as required. 11. Handle product information and assist drug development through science, service, and shaping skills. Ability to negotiate and liaise with clients in a with routine requests, when required, for the field force solutions. Professionalism —corporate casual dress professional manner. Good computer skills with abil- or relate to Customer Service and/or Medical Services. — flexibility in work options — stimulating profes- ity to understand and assess technology alternatives 12. Participate in establishing pricing policies. Maintain sional collaborations — surprising autonomy — a and implication for current processes. For immediate updated files on all competitors’ prices and products. true desire to help you build your career with us... are consideration please apply online: www.covance.com/ 13. Review copy jackets for all assigned products. 14. just some of the intangible benefits that Covance offers. But careers Requisition ID 4087 Covance, Inc. is an Equal Review literature inventories and maintain control over our benefits don’t stop there. We are vigilant in ensur- Opportunity Employers and are committed to hiring clinical study reprints, promotional pieces, file cards, ing our dedicated professionals are compensated beyond and supporting a diverse workforce. A M/F/D/V. sample packages, etc. 15. Participate in professional the industry standard offerings. We are seeking a Senior industry meetings, seminars and other information Project Manager. Job Description/Job summary: POSITIOn OFFERED sources as directed. 16. Participate in a liaison capacity Serve as Senior Project Manager for international senIOr DIrectOr BUsIness DeVeLOPMent, with Sales, Sales Training and Market Development. 17. (typically intercontinental) projects for one or more Inc. The Opportunity: Attend Product Development meetings as required. clients, according to Covance Standard Operat- Our client, King Pharmaceuticals, is mid-sized specialty 18. Perform other tasks as requested by management. ing Procedures, ICH Guidelines and GCP with total pharmaceutical company with its Corporate Offices Qualifications: 1. Bachelor’s degree in Science or Busi- responsibility for revenues of $3.5–5M annually. in Bridgewater, New Jersey. King is listed on the New ness; Master’s degree preferable. 2. One to two (1-2) Responsible for the successful conduct of assigned York Stock Exchange with annual revenues in excess years’ product management experience. 3. Two to three projects. Serve as Senior Project Manager for as- of $1.5 billion and approximately 2,400 employees. (2-3) years’ pharmaceutical sales experience. 4. Sound signed business development opportunities. Liaise The focus today is on driving growth, not only from analytical skills. 5. Good interpersonal skills. 6. Ability to with senior management in the Delivery and Service existing products but also by strategic acquisitions interact with various levels of management. 7. Orienta- Centers to ensure adequate resources are available for and further investment in Research and Development. tion to detail. 8. Proficiency with personal computer and assigned projects. Responsible for on time, on-budget Today our client has a strong and growing presence in related software programs (Microsoft Office, Word, Lo- provision of client deliverables for assigned projects. the pharmaceutical industry and has a growing dedi- tus, etc.) 9. Ability to travel for business. ORGANON IS AN Job Duties and responsibilities: Lead core project cated R&D function to build its own product portfolio. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. CONTACT:Eric Nunes, team and facilitate team’s ability to lead extended/ The company has more than 50 branded prescription Organon, [email protected], T: 973-324-6941

 www.hbanet.org HBA Bulletin November/December 006 What I do matters

I matter because I am part of a team of talented Explore careers online: professionals dedicated to advancing awareness www.careers.sanofi-aventis.us of life-saving products to healthcare professionals. I have a great passion for my work and am proud Sanofi-aventis is an equal opportunity employer to contribute my expertise toward our mission of improving health and offering greater access to that embraces diversity to foster positive, important medicines worldwide. innovative thinking that will benefit people worldwide. Sanofi-aventis is also committed As one of the world’s largest pharmaceutical to employing qualified individuals with companies, sanofi-aventis is enriched — creatively disabilities and, where warranted, will provide and culturally — by a mosaic of talent. With reasonable accommodation to applicants, courage, integrity and respect, approximately as well as its employees. 100,000 employees in over 80 countries have earned us global presence, prestige, and stability.

At the heart of all that matters are people, connected in purpose by career, life and health.

HBA Bulletin November/December 006 www.hbanet.org  A CAREER-DEvElOPmEnT COlumn On BuSInESS SkIllS Whatever your current career position, you aspire to greater re- sponsibility. Whatever your current skills, you must sharpen and SkIllS FOR SuCCESS expand them to achieve your next targeted level of accomplishment. Community Marketing: Critical to Patient Education Success ✃ kelley Connors, mPH your brand or organization to a vision that One example is (PRODUCT) Red Principal, KC Healthcare Communications is inspirational without glossing over the Campaign recently launched by Bono sensitivities associated with the condition. and Bobby Shriver in the US to raise t’s past peak autumn color here Communities are built by inspiring funds to treat AIDS in Africa. The in New England. From my others who have the same goals and want campaign has attracted the support of I women’s healthcare marketing to make a difference. Whether you are American Express, Motorola, and Apple lens, though, it couldn’t be more color- looking for influential partners to join — companies that are interested in at- ful, because still visible, year round, are your own campaign, or you wish to join tracting consumers who actually want the colors red and pink representing an existing community marketing effort, to do something about AIDS. The effort heart disease and breast cancer, thanks the opportunity to make a difference is attracts a “psychographic” (not one target to cause marketing efforts initiated compelling. Daria Blackwell, Direc- audience) through information and edu- years ago by the National Heart, Lung, tor of Multicultural Communications cation on progress being made through and Blood Institute, the American at Sudler & Hennessey is co-founder the Global Fund for AIDS and its civic, Heart Association, and the Komen of SAIL4Kids — an organization that government and commercial partners. Foundation. connects acutely ill children and their Some healthcare industry players have These campaigns have done much families and caregivers through a day already joined forces with the Fund. The to mobilize patients, family members, of sailing, relaxation, and interaction. peer-reviewed Lancet has “become red,” caregivers and community leaders, and to This enables nurse educators and young by recently adopting a red jacket cover. focus the public’s attention on two impor- patients to have educational dialogue Corporate partners BMS and Merck tant diseases affecting women.They have and make emotional connections, granted the International Partnership generated not only visibility and funds for something difficult to do in today’s for Microbicides a royalty-free license education and research — but expanded time pressured healthcare environment. for use of their compounds to develop their influence so that partners, includ- microbicides for countries that receive ing retailers, hospitals, the government, Build Your Foundation support from the Global Fund for AIDS. and grassroots patient advocacy groups To build community, you need a became sponsors and engaged their own strong foundation of trusted, credible Connect with the Consumer constituencies with educational programs voices that can take a stand on behalf To create effective community mar- to reach the target audience of women of your brand’s or organization’s vision. keting campaigns that educate patients, where they work, live, shop, and travel. These are your trusted partners who you need to understand who you are These efforts show that education and are already connected to organiza- trying to reach, which educational mes- community marketing are interrelated. tions or other individuals important to sages will be effective given their life As the consumer gains more responsibili- building community. These partners stage, and how to reach them. Age is only ty for his or her health decisions, pharma should have experience, knowledge part of the picture, as is sociocultural must capitalize on the interrelatedness and insights into reaching the target context, gender and lifestyle. Diversity between community marketing and pa- audience or patient with education. is about reaching out to people in their tient education to create programs that Think of a hub of key opinion lead- own environment. lead to a more informed consumer. ers in the center of a wheel consisting of Think about your brand’s vision in patients, advocacy leaders, government Conclusion the context of community marketing, employees, or healthcare professionals. Community marketing programs which is a step beyond cause marketing. Together you can agree on a plan of ac- must be approached with the same (Cause marketing may not have enough tion to expand your influence and reach diligence as other long-term business relevance because the level of “consumer patients, their families and caregivers. and branding strategies. To be a leader engagement” in your brand is too low.) in today’s highly competitive economy, Identify Avenues of Influence it is imperative for companies, brands, Get Inspired to make a Difference Once you have a foundation built, or organizations to “stand for some-

We are fortunate in our positions to you will want to reach out to partners for thing” beyond the bottom-line while ✃ be able to make a difference by touching additional financial support or simply generating a relationship with the patients and their families.In thinking to help you engage with your intended consumer or patient through education about community, you must connect target audience. and advocacy. v

6 www.hbanet.org HBA Bulletin November/December 006 38618/HSM Ad-HBA Bulletin 11/16/06 4:51 PM Page 1


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LEADING THE BUSINESS OF HEALTH CARE To register or learn more, please contact Cindy Seymour at [email protected] or 919-660-7895. DukeMBA-HSM.com HBA Bulletin November/December 006 www.hbanet.org  ing opportunities, and small group HBA Metro Chapter Launches breakout sessions “outstanding.” Special thanks also go to the follow- Women in Healthcare Information ing individuals for their roles in the program: Technology (WHIT) Affi nity Group c HBA members Leslie Cirillo-Plante and Ellen Browne, Co-Chairs of the Women in Healthcare IT (WHIT) Charelle Cusberth in your business partners’ shoes); serve Group, and De Scacchetti, Women Chair, HBA Metro Affi nity Program as a mentor/be mentored; and admit in Healthcare IT (WHIT) advisory when you don’t know something board committee member. ey Characteristics of Successful (credible/honest). Th ese things help c Marily Rhudy, Sr. Vice President, Women in Healthcare Infor- you build both confi dence and com- Public Aff airs, Wyeth, who opened K mation Technology was the petence. the program and gave welcoming topic addressed at the launch event c Communications: Know your remarks. for the HBA Metro Chapter’s Women audience. Don’t speak “techy,” but c Amy Olsen, Sr. Director, Corporate in Healthcare IT Group, held on Sep- instead, use verbal agility and keep Information Services, Wyeth, who tember 20 in Madison, New Jersey and language simple. Develop “cultural introduced the keynote speaker. hosted by Wyeth. awareness”; don’t gossip; commu- c Special guest, Beth Everett, PhD, Sr. Fifty-fi ve percent of attendees were nicate substance (facts, data, and Vice President and CIO, Impact Rx, new HBA members, many of whom examples are better than flash or Inc., and HBA Managing Director said they joined the organization “smoke and mirrors”). of Career Development. because of the relevancy of the pro- c Commitment: Always give your c Lisa Murrell, Managing Partner, gram, the opportunity to interact with best, be a change agent, hold yourself MetaSystem Consulting Group, who healthcare IT professionals, the keynote accountable regardless of who you facilitated the networking exercises. v speaker, and the small group setting. are speaking with and, most of all, Keynote speaker Karan Sorensen, be dependable. HBa calendar Of events CIO & Vice President, Information Sorensen also enthusiastically shared

Management, Johnson & Johnson what she calls “Karan’s Leadership THuRSDAY, nOvEmBER 30, 2006 Pharmaceutical Research & Develop- Principles”: ment, LLC, categorized into three key c Find the true talent inherent in each EuROPE AFFIlIATE areas what she views as most important person and show him/her how to EvEnInG nETWORkInG EvEnT characteristics to achieving success: use it. “Gender, Emotion and The Ideal Worker” c Competence: Understand the busi- c Promote success by raising people 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM ness (needs, priorities, processes); be a up, not keeping them down. Restaurant Loewenzorn subject matter expert (experienced in c Lead by example. Cut a path. Don’t Basel, Switzerland your area of technology or responsibil- wait for one to be cleared for you. ity); swap roles/shadow someone (walk A true leader says, “follow me,” not “get going.” For additional details and the most current information, go to mETRO CHAPTER c Hold yourself to high moral and www.hbanet.org EmPOWERmEnT SEmInAR professional standards and tolerate A SEll-OuT EvEnT no less from those around you. Jennifer Jasper, Manager, North In a separate development, HBA metro Chapter members who attended the sold American Corporate Systems, Shire out evening seminar, “Empowerment Pharmaceuticals, said, “the overall Through Positive Confrontations” held benefi t of the program was excellent; lOOKing fOr a at Pfi zer Inc, new York, on September the guest speaker was very motivating 14, learned how to successfully confront and we shared great networking, too.” neW MeMBer? diffi cult situations in the workplace. Betty Lau, CEO, Appliedinfo Partners, DeNa MoscoLa, Principal of Resolutions For a complete list of Coaching and Training, led an interactive Inc., said she found “the inspiration and workshop, followed by a panel discussion of support from women professionals in new HBA members, industry experts who shared personal con- IT most useful.” Arnell Davis, Associ- visit www.hbanet.org, frontation case studies and best practices ate Director, Field Technology Services, then click on HBA Members for positive outcomes. The combination of workshop and practical application was Bristol-Myers Squibb Company, said to the left of the screen. well received by the membership. “the topic was very relevant” to her career, and called the speaker, network-

8 www.hbanet.org HBA Bulletin November/December 006 San Antonio Launch Event Draws Strong Attendance kirsten Gallagher institutions,” Sly said. “I am Principal, KHG Communications proud that KCI is taking a lead role in supporting the he HBA’s new San Antonio establishment and growth of Affiliate drew 70 healthcare the HBA in San Antonio.” Front row, left to right: NaNcy LarseN, PROmedica T professionals to its launch event The newest developments Communications, Inc. and HBA Past President; Deb WeLLs, on September 21, officially extending driving San Antonio’s health- StrokeGuard, Inc. and President, HBA San Antonio Affiliate; the HBA’s reach into the South Central care and bioscience industry Mary Nava, Bexar County medical Society; aNN steveNs, Region of the United States. were the focus of a presentation Biomed SA; Lisa beebe, university of Texas Health Science Deb Wells, President of the HBA by Ann Stevens, President, Center, Department of neurosurgery; and Deborah Fisher, kCI. San Antonio Affiliate, said the strong BioMed SA, and member of response to the inaugural event under- the Affiliate’s board. That the Back row, left to right: KareN Geri, Diversified Employee Benefit Services;L aurie cooKe, HBA Chief Executive Officer; scored the need for networking and HBA can both support, and and KirsteN GaLLaGher, kHG Communications, Inc. professional development opportunities benefit from, San Antonio’s in San Antonio’s $14 billion healthcare resources and potential was a and bioscience market. message that many launch event attendees caliber of the speakers, who addressed “San Antonio is home to pharma, took away with them. a cross-section of issues important to medical device and other national Laurie P. Cooke, RPh, HBA Chief attendees. and international organizations, so by Executive Officer, attributed the event’s For more information, visit http:// sharing ideas, resources and knowledge “great success” to the ample networking www.hbanet.org/affiliate/sanantonio/ across the healthcare spectrum, we are in opportunities provided and the strong default.asp. v a stronger position to our serve patients, grow our healthcare community, and flourish as professionals,” said Wells, noting that membership is expected to Bay Area Members Learn How To easily exceed the 40 member target set for HBA Affiliates by year’s end. Succeed In Challenging Biotech Field “The San Antonio Affiliate is not only a geographical extension of the HBA, SAn FRAnCISCO, CA What is it some of her experiences being one of but an expansion into other facets of like to work in a company where new the only women employed at a com- the healthcare industry, “said Nancy discoveries are everyday occurrences? pany. This included one point in her Larsen, two-time past HBA President Does the environment become more career when she was the only woman who played a key role in helping build challenging if you are one of only a in her particular field of chemistry in the new Affiliate. “The healthcare- in small number of female employees the entire state of Florida. dustry is so much more than pharma, represented in your department or “Pamela’s informative presentation and San Antonio brings in members company? offered important advice to all those from medical universities, biologics and San Francisco Bay Area Chapter who attended the event,” said Arlene hospital products, to name a few.” members ventured to the campus of Kirsch, PhD, HBA San Francisco Keynote speaker Lynne D. Sly, biotech innovator Exelixis, Inc., on Bay Area Chapter President. “Learn- President, Therapeutic Surfaces for August 24 to hear insights into some ing from the experiences of success- Kinetic Concepts, Inc. (KCI), said the of these issues from Pamela Simon- ful healthcare professionals such as HBA enables members to capitalize on ton, JD, LLM, Senior Vice President, Pamela is one of the many things that the value they already bring to their Patents and Licensing. make the HBA such a worthwhile industry. KCI, the San Antonio-based Simonton talked about her current organization.” medical technology firm, is the Affiliate’s role at Exelixis, where she negotiates The event also provided an opportu- first corporate sponsor. and implements collaborative partner- nity for members to ask questions and “As women in healthcare, we lend ships, directs patent strategy and over- learn about challenges facing executive not only human value to the patients sees the management of transactional women in biotech as well as to network and families we serve, we contribute activities advancing Exelixis’ clinical with other members of the Northern significant financial and economic trials. She spoke about the challenges California pharmaceutical, biotech, value to our businesses, professions and facing women in biotech and shared device and healthcare community. v

HBA Bulletin November/December 006 www.hbanet.org  c Myra Selby, Partner, Ice Miller Indiana Chapter Launches c Laura Wittenauer, Vice President of Medical Operations, Eli Lilly and Executive Advisory Council Company The HBA launched the Indiana he Indiana Chapter of HBA opment, ultimately returning to the chapter in 2004, which now has 70 launched an Executive Advi- fundamental objective of our chapter individual members, as well a new T sory Council (EAC) to act as a — to create sustained value for our corporate member: Eli Lilly and Com- mentor for its members. The EAC will organization’s stakeholders. pany. The growing chapter’s focus is serve a counselor role by leading the The 2007 HBA Indiana Executive on providing education in the areas Indiana chapter through discussions Advisory Council includes: of leadership and work-life balance, on key issues women in the healthcare c Wade Lange, President, Indiana while also providing an advanced industry face today. Health Industry Forum group of women with cutting-edge The distinguished group of women c Patty Martin, Vice President of Global industry knowledge and updates that make up the EAC brings valuable Diversity, to ultimately propel them through knowledge directly from their experi- c Tiffany Olson, President and CEO, the healthcare industry with the ence and background in areas such as Roche Diagnostics proper skills and insight for success. pharma, insurance, law, government, c Ora Pescovitz, President and CEO, The HBA Indiana chapter is anxious hospital management and finance. Riley Hospital for Children to begin utilizing the EAC to broaden This group of executives will also offer c Patricia Roe, Special Assistant to the horizons and ignite compelling ideas continued support for strategy devel- President, USA Funds among its members. v

teams to large organizations — to beat Philadelphia Affiliate Members Learn the odds against implementing critical goals and objectives, she said. To Overcome Execution Barriers c Discipline 1 defines the “wildly important” goals to be achieved and Heather Powell the following six factors as the most how they will be measured Compliance Counsel, , Inc. common barriers to good execution, c Discipline 2 translates the goals according to D’Orazio: into specific required actions and ore than 100 HBA mem- c Lack of clarity about the goal(s) to activities bers learned how to beat be achieved c Discipline 3 creates a compelling M the odds against delivering c Failure to obtain the commitment scorecard to record inputs and goal effective business results during the and ‘buy-in’ needed in order to attainments Greater Philadelphia Affiliate’s first achieve the specified goal(s) c Discipline 4 manages a weekly ca- “members only” event, held September c Inability to effectively and clearly dence of accountability that keeps 11 at Cephalon’s headquarters in Frazer, translate lofty goals and ideas into everyone focused, on track and PA. The program, which also provided specific, concrete actions that should moving forward toward achieving networking opportunities, was spon- be taken the goal. sored by Cephalon and co-hosted by c Lack of support systems and pro- Participants received a handbook of The Franklin Covey Company, Phar- cesses that encourage and enable the “Execution Essentials” to take home to maVoice, and I-Cyte. right behaviors help them begin implementing their Featured speakers Rosanna D’Orazio, c Inability to create and maintain a newly acquired skills immediately. Philadelphia Affiliate board member, cross-functional synergy around the Special thanks go to the HBA’s new Franklin Covey, and consultant De- goals to be achieved CEO, Laurie Cooke, who participated Verl Austin, also with Franklin Covey, c Absence of an accountability system in the program, Program Director Beth delivered a practical program on Ex- that helps employees stay focused on Dare, who noted that the affiliate’s ecuting with Excellence. Among the key critical tasks membership has reached 444 in its takeaways the audience gleaned: 70% Successful companies often have a first nine months, and Liz Barrett, of strategic initiatives will fail or fall far “mania for implementation,” said Aus- Cephalon’s Vice President of Oncology short of expectations not because of a tin, who reviewed what she calls the Four and 2003 HBA Rising Star, who gave ‘lack of smarts” or because of a poor Disciplines of Execution, a set of tools welcoming remarks. strategy at the outset, but because of and techniques that have been proven to For more information on upcoming failure to execute effectively. overcome execution barriers. These can Greater Philadelphia Affiliate events, Numerous studies have identified be applied at any level — from single visit: http://www.hbanet.org. v

10 www.hbanet.org HBA Bulletin November/December 006 E.D.G.E. from page 3 3,000 mEmBER mARk from page 1 a-Member recruitment campaign, women growing in proportion to the “These positive learning experi- which concludes on December 31, growth of the industry? ences, along with the inspiring mission has also resulted in some of the recent c Are there differences between the of our organization, create the strong membership gains, Newton said. As opportunities for women and men appeal to compel people to want to part of that campaign, every current for advancement? be part of the excitement and join HBA member who brings in a new c If so, are there significant and instruc- the HBA,” said Newton. “A critical member receives complimentary evening tive variations between disciplines, component of our successful leader- seminar passes. These new members, in e.g. research, drug development, IT, ship events is making attendees feel turn, create more revenues so the local marketing, etc.? welcomed with interactive networking chapters and affiliates can offer more with their peers.” regional based activities that bring value Sponsorhip levels HBA’s ongoing Member-Get- to the HBA’s members at large. v There are differing levels of sponsor- ship that result in access to the detailed study report. The differing levels allow a company to participate based on the call for Volunteer Writers, columnists benefits associated with each level. Ad- ditionally, related industry are welcome Do you like to write? Then the HBA has volunteer opportunities available to support this effort at a contributor just for you! Writers are always needed for the HBA Bulletin and level of $5,000. The levels of study the HBA web site. Not only will you have the chance to get your name in print, sponsorship opportunities are: you’ll also have the chance to interact with members of the HBA Leadership c Silver Sponsorship—$25,000 and be more in the know about new HBA initiatives as they develop. – Exclusive access to in-depth report Do you have specific industry knowledge, skills, and/or career c Gold Sponsorship—$50,000 development advice you think other HBA members will benefit from? – Exclusive access to in-depth report Then consider authoring a “Skills for Success” column for the HBA Bulletin. – Customized company-specific study Each Skills column is designed to impart specific knowledge, tips, and presentation to sponsor company advice designed to help HBA members grow professionally. c Platinum Sponsorship—$75,000 – Exclusive access to in-depth report To learn more about these opportunities, please contact HBA Bulletin – Customized company-specific study Editor, Carol Sardinha at: [email protected] presentation to sponsor company – Customized action planning execu- tive workshop with sponsor company The next phase of the study will be PRESIDEnT’S FORum from page 12 HBA in 2005 as President and was to enroll participating companies in Chapter in 2000, who then went on the catalyst for the EDGE research the study. For more information on to lead and drive membership growth. project. Barbara’s leadership and men- how your organization can support Kimberly was instrumental in creating torship made my year as President less and benefit from this groundbreaking the R.E.A.L. campaign, developed the daunting. study, please contact Laurie Cooke, HBA’s membership journal, and led My thanks go to The Charles Group HBA CEO, at [email protected] or the most recent membership develop- for their many years of association (267) 765-3964. v ment campaign that took us over the management. And my thanks to Ken 3000-member mark, thanks in part to Grounds, whose advice and counsel COmmITTED STuDY SPOnSORS an unprecedented 103% increase in helps the Board act as good stewards (as of november 1) membership in three months. of our organization. And I can’t forget c novartis Ilyssa Levins, who has crafted the Donna Ramer and Anne Camille Tal- c sanofi-aventis HBA’s marketing strategies. Most re- ley, who have provided the inspiration cently, Illyssa and her committees have for many of my President’s Forums. c undertaken a review of the HBA’s com- As I move into the role of Immediate c Johnson & Johnson munications processes, from the HBA Past President, the HBA will be led by c Ernst & Young Bulletin to the HBA Web site, with Cathy Kerzner. I know Cathy will use the goal of putting improvements in her strategic expertise and operations COmmITTED COnTRIBuTOR: place that will further drive the HBA’s acumen to continue the success of the marketing efforts to solidify and protect HBA and ensure we fulfill our mission c Hodge/niederer/Cariani the HBA brand. to advance the careers of women in Barbara Pritchard, who lead the healthcare. v

HBA Bulletin November/December 006 www.hbanet.org 11 HBA CORPORATE mEmBERS Abbott Laboratories PRESIDEnT’S FORum Advanstar Medical Economics Healthcare Communications Alliance Healthcare Information, Inc. ALtAnA Pharma US American Medical Association Applied Clinical Intelligence AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals LP Reflections on the HBA This Bench International Biovail Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Brand Pharm BusinessEdge Solutions Inc., Life Sciences Celgene Corporation Past Year and Going Forward Chandler Chicco Agency Cline Davis & Mann, Inc. Columbia MedCom Group CommonHealth Compas, Inc. Debra l. newton “The beauty of the individual members, corporate members and Communications Media, Inc. (CMI) COnnEXIOn Healthcare HBA President past is that it is the past. Advisory Board members. Your support in Covance, Inc. Cramer The beauty of the now is both your time, and your dollars, allows the Daiichi Sankyo Inc. Delta Corporate Services to know it. The beauty HBA to provide unsurpassed value to its Dorland Global Corporation Dowden Health Media DSA, Inc. of the future is to see members. My special thanks also go to all the Eisai Inc. EKR therapeutics, Inc. where one is going.” Chapter and Affiliate volunteers who make Eli Lilly and Company Elsevier Inc. —Unknown source the HBA available at the local level. Endo Pharmaceuticals Inc. Epocrates I extend my thanks to the members of Ernst & Young Faith Popcorn’s BrainReserve As I considered what the HBA Board for their personal support FCB HealthCare Flashpoint Medica Fulbright & Jaworski, LLP to include in my last and expertise in leadership and manage- , Inc. GlaxoSmithKline President’s Forum, two ment. Their efforts continue to build the Goble & Associates Healthcare Communication Grey Healthcare Group thoughts became linked in my head: two HBA into a powerhouse organization to Guidant Corporation Health and Wellness Partners best-selling books that I am fond of and advance the careers of women — and men HealthMedia, Inc ImpactRx Inc. Innovex the tremendous personal and professional — worldwide. International Medical news Group, an Elsevier Company inVentiv Health growth and learning I’ve experienced dur- My thanks also go to the committee JBK Associates, Inc. the JL Company ing the four years I’ve been a member of the members who led the development of a truly King Pharmaceuticals, Inc. KPR HBA board. While I can’t attribute all the inspired strategic plan in record time. They LifeBrands LLnS changes I’ve experienced in recent history di- include Task Force Leader And Incoming Medical Knowledge Group Medicus new York Medpointe Pharmaceuticals rectly to my tenure with the HBA, I strongly Second Vice President Cathy Sohn and her Meniscus Limited Merck & Co., Inc. believe that many of these positive changes team members: Immediate Past President Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Inc. novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation stemmed directly from my involvement with Barbara Pritchard; Incoming President Organon Pharmaceuticals USA Inc. Ortho Biotech Products, LP the organization. Cathy Kerzner; Board Members Linda PACE, Inc., a Lowe Healthcare Company Palio Communications DaSilva Arlene Kirsch Donna Ramer Par Pharmaceuticals Therefore, I’ve adapted the titles of these , , and Inc PharmaVOICE two popular books, Chicken Soup for the Soul, Susan Torroella; and CEO Laurie Cooke. PROmedica Communications, Inc. Publicis Healthcare Communications Group and All I Really Need to Know I Learned in I’d also like to extend my thanks to those Publicis Medical Education Group Publicis Selling Solutions Kindergarten, as follows: HBA for the Soul, members of the Board whose terms are com- Quintiles Medical Communications Regan Campbell Ward • McCann (because of the deep relationships the HBA ing to a close, including Terri Pascarelli, for Roche Pharmaceuticals Saatchi & Saatchi Healthcare sanofi-aventis has enabled me to develop) and So Much the countless hours they have given to create a Schering-Plough Corporation Scientific Advantage, LLC of What I Need to Know About Leadership I superior experience for our members. We are Shire Pharmaceuticals Solvay Pharmaceuticals Inc. Learned through the HBA. very pleased that the following four women SPECtRUM Science Communications Sudler & Hennessey, a Y&R Company During 2006, the HBA moved from will remain active in different capacities: Surge Worldwide Healthcare takeda Pharmaceuticals north America Inc. Lisa Courtade tAP Pharmaceutical Products Inc. being a national organization to a global , who has spent years lead- tibotec therapeutics Unlimited Performance training, Inc. organization, and experienced a period ing the HBA’s research initiatives. Among Vox Medica, Inc. Wishbone-ItP, Inc. of unprecedented growth. Today, we have her long list of HBA accomplishments, Lisa Wyeth more than 3,000 members served by 12 has been instrumental in developing the Xcenola HBA ADvISORY BOARD chapters and affiliates across the United protocol for the upcoming HBA EDGE Julia Amadio, Patients’ & Consumers’ Pharma Carol Ammon, Endo Pharmaceuticals States and in Europe. The HBA recently study with Barbara Pritchard. Lisa also Daria O. Blackwell, Sudler & Hennessey Judith A. Britz, PhD, Cylex Inc. received a Top 100 Leadership award for its established the protocol for a comprehen- lonnel Coats, Eisai Inc. mary E. Cobb, PACE, Inc., a Lowe Healthcare Company programming and leadership development sive individual and corporate membership Carrie S. Cox, Schering-Plough Corporation Teri P. Cox, Cox Communications Partners, LLCP initiatives (see related article on page 1). And satisfaction study, the first of which was nadine Craig, UCB Inc. maria Degois-Sainz, Guidant Corporation lisa Egbuonu-Davis, mD, Pfizer Inc we are completing a five-year strategic plan fielded in 2006. David Epstein, novartis Oncology marsha Fanucci, Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Inc. that has a 10-year vision and a roadmap Linda DaSilva, who led the HBA’s first Debra E. Freire, novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation matthew Giegerich, CommonHealth LP for success for future Boards of Directors Initiatives Development program. Through Alex Gorsky, novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation Ginger Graham, , Inc. to follow. her vision and guidance, we now have a Sarah S. Harrison, AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals LP Tom Harrison, Diversified Agency Services At this time of the year when we typically process for identifying and bringing to life michael Hickey, AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals LP Tamar Howson, Bristol-Myers Squibb Company give thanks, there are many people who de- new projects, products and services for our Heidi Hunter, Centocor, Inc. James B. Hynd, Solvay Pharmaceuticals, Inc. serve recognition and for whom I could not members. karen katen, Pfizer Inc. nancy larsen, PROmedica Communications, Inc. louis J. manzi, GlaxoSmithKline have had a successful term as President. Kimberly Farrell, founder of the Chicago Charlotte O. mckines, Merck & Co, Inc. PRESIDEnT’S FORum louise mehrotra, Johnson & Johnson My deepest thanks go to each of you as turn to on page 11 Jill mueller, Abbott Laboratories Joe Pieroni, Daiichi Sankyo Inc. Christine A. Poon, Johnson & Johnson myrtle S. Potter, Genentech, Inc. 1 www.hbanet.org www.hbanet.org HBA Bulletin November/December HBA006 Bulletin November/DecemberTimothy G. Rothwell, sanofi-aventis 006 Charlotte E. Sibley, Shire Pharmaceuticals Inc. lynn O’Connor vos, Grey Healthcare Group Inc. Carol Yamartino, Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Inc.