HBA E.D.G.E. Leadership Study D ecember Sponsorship Deadline Approaches (See page 3) tHE nEWSLEttER OF tHE HEALtHCARE BUSInESSWOMEn’S ASSOCIAtIOn Required Experience for Healthy Careers nOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2006 Healthcare Businesswomen’s Association Named One of Nation’s Top 100 Leadership Development Programs FAIRFIElD, nJ—Th e Healthcare Businesswomen’s Associa- men who are interested in improving their leadership skills tion (HBA) has been recognized as off ering one of the top through education, networking and mentoring. Unlike 100 leadership development programs in North America, other organizations, the HBA is diligent about providing according to Leadership Excellence, the magazine of leadership a global experience for its members, but remains fl exible to development, managerial eff ectiveness, and organizational allow for regional diff erences and member needs. productivity. Th e HBA off ers specialized programs that range in size For 22 years, Leadership Excellence has ranked the best from intimate leadership discussions to invitation-only seg- leadership development programs. Th is year marks the fi rst ment-specifi c workshops, such as Women in Science and time the HBA has applied for the honor and the fi rst time Entrepreneurs. Th e HBA’s largest event is its “Woman of the the organization has appeared on the list. Year” luncheon, the industry’s premier event that attracts up “We are thrilled that the HBA has been recognized to 2,000 people to help honor one woman in the industry globally as one of the top leadership develop- who has been a role model for others. ment organizations,” said Debra L. Newton, For professional development, the annual President, HBA and President, Newton Grey. HBA Leadership Conference attracts hundreds “We are proud of our 30-year heritage of helping of members and non-members who are eager to individuals and corporations recognize the im- TOP learn the latest in leadership development topics portance of developing leadership. Our ranking in a two-day conference setting, complete with is a testament to the variety of custom programs 100 interactive plenary sessions and workshops. Th is and strong core content the HBA off ers to help year’s conference: Mastering the New Standard, women in healthcare advance their careers.” was held November 2–3, 2006 in Boston, with “Th ese programs appear to deliver the best return on in- an exciting line up of speakers and workshops for partici- vestment,” said Ken Shelton, editor of Leadership Excellence. pants at all levels in their careers to advance their leader- “Participants come in with clear expectations and come away ship skills. with concrete applications and accountability for results. Th e HBA extends a special thank you toLaurie Cooke Th ey are better people as a result of their participation in and Donna Ramer for their eff orts in preparing and sub- the program.” mitting the HBA application for the award. More about Leadership Excellence and the full survey About the HBA’s leadership Programs fi ndings can be found on the magazine’s website: www. HBA’s leadership programs are open to women and LeaderExcel.com. v success is due to the hard work and vi- HBA Achieves New Milestone; sion of our dedicated volunteers.” (For more on these volunteers’ eff orts, please see Hits 3,000 Member Mark President’s Forum on page 12.) Newton attributed the recent swell Carol Sardinha one month earlier, the HBA achieved in membership to the HBA’s high-qual- HBA Bulletin Editor, Director of Corporate its own major new milestone by reach- ity professional development programs Communications, Gorman Health Group ing the 3,000-member mark for the off ered at the chapter, affi liate and global fi rst time. levels, as demonstrated by the recent he Dow Jones Industrial Aver- “Th is is the fi rst time in the HBA’s histo- Top 100 Leadership Development Pro- age achieved a historical mile- ry that the membership has grown to this grams award by Leadership Excellence T stone when it reached 12,000 level,” said HBA President Debra L. Magazine(see related article above). points for the fi rst time in October. But Newton. “Much of the credit for this turn to 3,000 mEmBER mARk on page 11 www.hbanet.org is published bimonthly for the members of the Healthcare Businesswomen’s Association, 373 Route 46 West, Bldg. E, Suite 215, Fairfield, NJ 07004. Phone: (973) 575-0606 HBA to Unveil Enhanced Web Site, Fax: (973) 575-1445 E-Mail: [email protected] Web: www.hbanet.org EDITOR Revamped News Bulletin Carol Sardinha MANAGING EDITOR Joanne Tanzi BA members should look for some ship Conference. CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Rosemary Azzaro exciting new changes to the HBA’s “We want the HBA Bulletin to become Wendy Hauser Kim A. Rowe H two major communication vehicles the source for cutting edge information on ART DIRECTOR — the HBA Bulletin and the HBA web site building healthy careers, showcase the value DeborahAnne Chingas Sandke ADMINISTRATIVE COORDINATOR — starting in 2007. of HBA membership through member testi- Rosanne Gogerty In an effort to provide more timely news monials, and be kept on the shelf by members Please send correspondence regarding the HBA Bulletin to Joanne Tanzi at the above address. and information to the membership and cre- as a valuable reference tool,” Levins said. HBA BOARD OF DIRECTORS ate a more interactive community forum for Watch for more details in the coming PRESIDENT—Debra L. Newton, President, Newton Grey, Inc. PRESIDENT-ELECT—Cathy Kerzner, President & COO, EKR HBA members, the HBA has embarked on a weeks in the HBA Bulletin and the web site: Therapeutics, Inc. v FIRST VICE PRESIDENT—Elizabeth M. Mutisya, MD, MBA major campaign to redesign its web site (www. www.hbanet.org. Candidate, Class of 2007, Wharton School hbanet.org SECOND VICE PRESIDENT—Ceci Zak, Vice President, Allergy ). An RFP and vendor selection Sales & Marketing, sanofi-aventis IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT—Barbara M. Pritchard, process is already underway. Both the national President, The Pritchard Group & Intermedica, Inc. and chapter leadership will work closely with Your Action is Required TREASURER—Lori Ryan, Executive Director, Business Planning & Analysis, Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation the new vendor to specify content and design SECRETARY—Terri Pascarelli, ASD Managed Markets, Astra Zeneca Pharmaceuticals, LP requirements and develop the information for 2007 Directory DIRECTOR, ADVISORY BOARD—Catherine Angell Sohn, PharmD, Senior Vice President, WWBD & Strategic architecture necessary to help the new web Alliances, GlaxoSmithKline The time is now to go online to review your DIRECTOR OF CORPORATE DEVELOPMENT— site foster the organization’s goals. Robin Winter-Sperry, MD, President, Scientific Advantage, LLC contact information, make any changes, and DIRECTOR OF NEW INTIATIVES—Linda DaSilva, MS, RPh, “The HBA wants the new web site to be Senior Director, Corporate Planning, Corporate Planning and then authorize your listing for the print version Communications, Eisai Inc. more of a community site that will further DIRECTOR OF MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS—Ilyssa Levins, of the 2007 HBA Membership Directory. President, HCIL LLC the goals of the HBA while providing a forum DIRECTOR OF MEMBERSHIP DEVELOPMENT—Kimberly Farrell, Due to a change in our database system, you CEO/President, Unlimited Performance Training, Inc. for members to communication in a simple MUST authorize your listing online—even if DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS—Donna Ramer, President, format,” says HBA Board Member Ilyssa StrategCations, Inc. your current contact information is correct.* DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS—Rita Sweeney, President & Levins, Director of HBA’s Marketing and COO, Dorland Global Corporation The deadline for “authorization” and any DIRECTOR OF RESEARCH—Lisa Courtade, Director, Business Communications. Information & Research, Merck & Co., Inc. changes to your listing is December 31. DIRECTOR OF SPECIAL EVENTS—Susan Torroella, President/ In addition to continuing to serve as the CEO, Columbia MedCom Group Any changes made after 12/31/2006 will ATLANTA CHAPTER PRESIDENT— Internet presence for the global HBA orga- Eileen Woods, Managing Partner, Agentive not appear until the 2008 Directory. BOSTON CHAPTER PRESIDENT—Debbie Thomas, Vice President, Marketing, Aurora Imaging Technology, Inc. nization, the revamped HBA web site will CHICAGO CHAPTER PRESIDENT—Jane Kiernan, General Manager provide a portal to all HBA chapters and af- Your next step is to: Global Cintex Nutrition, Baxter Healthcare Corporation INDIANA CHAPTER PRESIDENT—Candice P. Lange, President, filiates, foster a stronger sense of community Lange Advisors c *Go to www.hbanet.org METRO CHAPTER PRESIDENT—Leigh Ann Soltysiak, among HBA members through enhanced Marketing Director, WW, Ethicon, Johnson & Johnson c Click on “My HBA Account” at the left of MID-ATLANTIC CHAPTER PRESIDENT—Leigh Ann Ruggles, interactivity capabilities, capitalize on the Account Executive, American Healthways the screen SAN FRANCISCO CHAPTER PRESIDENT—Arlene Kirsch, PhD, Vice HBA’s strategic alliances, and generate new President, Kaiser Team, GlaxoSmithKline c Login with your email address and EUROPE Affiliate PRESIDENT—Amy Rojas, Head of New advertising revenues, Levins said. Marketing Initiatives, Novartis Pharma AG password GREATER PHILADELPHIA Affiliate PRESIDENT— In addition, the revamped web site will Lee Ann Kimak, Senior Director, Web Strategy, Wyeth RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK Affiliate PRESIDENT— enable the HBA to provide more timely and c Click “General” at top
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