Etiquette & Tips More Twitter Etiquette & Tips Twitter

If you see something you like, “retweet” it. On Fridays, there is a phenomenon called This is like giving the “thumbs up” to some- “Follow Friday” which uses the Basics thing that you like. Because the timeline is #FF. On Fridays, people share their 3-5 always moving, odds are people aren’t favorite people to follow on Twitter. Many catching everything on their timelines. folks also put their reason for why they fol- low that group. Here is a sample tweet: To “retweet,” use: RT @[person’s name you are retweeting] + the original com- Favorite #PDX Foodcarts: @whiffies, ment. @brunchbox, @wickedwaffles, @gardenstatechef #FF A personal comment may be placed before a RT or after it by using // after the original If someone mentions you or retweets your comment. messages, it is considered polite to thank them for the RT or mention. You can thank Sometimes you may need to shorten a RT. more than one person for a RT in the same Just make sure that the shortened tweet tweet. Here is a sample tweet: retains the tone of the original sender. Thanks for the RT @redcrosspdx If your conversation with someone exceeds 2-4 tweets, take it offline into “direct mes- @cresa @cherylble sages” To easily embed pictures, you can use a If you want your message to be private, Twitter picture application like ensure it’s a direct message. You do a or direct message by using D [username] + There are a number of photo-based shar- your message ing applications for Twitter.

To shorten a link, you can use the following Most importantly…. websites: Tiny.url Effective Twitter Communications HAVE FUN!!!! for New Users

On the Top of the Page Upper Right Hand Corner

Search Bar: Search Twitter by keyword Little Box: Second place to make a new tweet

Home: This button brings you back to your main account timeline which shows the tweets of Under Your Twitter Name, you’ll find folks you are following. the following possible actions Profile: This shows your account basics which in a drop-down menu. include your name, location, website, bio, who Think back to the first school party or large social you are following (following), who is following you situation you ever attended….remember feeling awkward, not sure who you should talk to or how (followers), lists and number of tweets. Settings: This gives you options to specify your you should behave? account settings which include: Messages: These are private messages from Welcome to Twitter. individual people that only you and your sender Adding your location to tweets (sends a map can see. location link along with your tweet)

This brochure is intended to provide the social Protecting your tweets (makes them viewable etiquette and helpful hints to navigating this new Under “What’s Happening” by those you give permission to follow you) form of communication. Timeline: A second button exists to return you Connecting your mobile phone (certain tweets

to your main timeline. can be sent as text messages to your phone. Key Terms: You can specify direct messages or certain @Mentions: This compiles all of the tweets people individually on this.) that have your name in them. If people you do Timeline: Tweets occur in reverse chronologi- not follow mention you, they will appear here, but Adding a picture cal order and continuously update. The timeline is what you are tweeting into on the main page. not in your main timeline. You will want to check Changing the design this. Connecting to other 3rd party applications (like Mentions: Using @[name] is targeting a mes- Tumblr, TwitLonger, TweetDeck, TwitPic, etc) sage to someone else. IT IS NOT PRIVATE as it Retweets: Shows what tweets you have ret- will show up in your timeline to everyone who fol- weeted and what tweets of yours that others lows you. have shared. Help: Link to Twitter Basics if you are trying to figure out what to do. Hashtag: Using # next to a word without a Where you find searches you have Searches: space is a hashtag. saved Who to Follow: Twitter makes some recom- These can be used two ways: Lists: You can create your own lists of people mendations for you based on who you follow. 1 = Making a word a searchable term by category or you can follow other people’s lists. 2 = Using it to illustrate a thought bubble. Lists you follow are shown here. Clicking on Sign-Out: Way to log out of your account. For example, if #CRESA is hashtagged, you can these list titles will show you the separate time- click on the word and find all uses of CRESA on line of each list. (Note: if the owner of a list Twitter. Alternatively, #couldnotcareless illus- chooses to delete a list you are following, you will trates a “thought bubble use.” be out of luck.)