Name Pronunciation Description

Ailell Ah-lel King of ancient Connaught, husband of Queen Maeve

Aine Ah-in Queen of the Sidhe

Armagh Arm-ach Site of nemeton (Also a present day town in Ireland)

Abaddon King of Demons

Balor Giant warrior with one evil eye, grandfather of

Beagh Bah-ch Hilly area in Northern Ireland (1,200 ft above sea level)

Cathbad Kath-vath A – priest in ancient Ireland with magical powers

Cuailgne Koo-ley Owner of the Great Brown Bull

Cuchulain Koo-hoo-lin Most famous warrior in ancient Ireland from Ulster

Culain Koo-lin Owner of dog that Cuchulain killed in self defense

Dagda Day-ah Supreme Irish “good god”, father figure to all ancient gods.

Danu Dan-oo Daughter of Dagda and mother of Tuatha Dé Danann

Dundealgan Dundalk Site of nemeton (A bay on the east coast of Ireland,

north of Dublin)

Eblana Ancient village possibly near present day Dublin, Ireland

Fomorians F’ MoR e ans Ancient race forced into the sea by Danu’s clan

Laeg Lay (or Layg) Cuchulain’s driver, son of Riangabra

Longford Site of nemeton (Also a present day town in Ireland)

Lough Lo-ch Irish word for lake

Lugaid Ancient Irish warrior, son of Curoi, enemy of Cuchulain

Lugh Loo Sun god; grandson of Balor: spear & sling his weapons.

Macha A part of Morrigan, she feeds on the eyes of slain enemies

Maeve Mave Queen of ancient Connaught, wife of King Ailell

Monaghan Site of nemeton (Also a present day town in Ireland)

Morrigan Tripartite battle goddess of the ancient Irish () Neman A part of Morrigan; she causes confusion

Ogham O ham Celtic Tree Language; Symbols for ancient Irish language

Otherworld Home of the Sidhe and the spirits of the Irish dead

Salflog Demon lieutenant; slimy body of lizard with frog head

Setanta Cuchulain’s birth name as the son of Sualtim

Sidhe Sh-ee Ancient Irish race, ancestors of present day fairies

Slieve Irish word for mountain

Temair T’yower Site of Ireland’s king of kings castle, today called Tara

Tuatha Dé Danann The Clan of Danu; children of ancient Irish gods

Wulgoar Vicious demon beast; body of boar with wolf head

Zagan Demon of deceit, 2nd in command under Abaddon