When Sex Work and Drug Use Overlap Considerations for Advocacy and Practice
THE GLOBAL STATE HARM REDUCTION INTERNATIONAL | Reports OF HARM REDUCTION When sex work and drug use overlap Considerations for advocacy and practice NOVEMBER 2013 Melissa Hope Ditmore HARM REDUCTION INTERNATIONAL www.ihra.net When sex work and drug use overlap: Considerations for advocacy and practice Melissa Hope Ditmore | November 2013 © Harm Reduction International ISBN 978-0-9927609-0-8 Designed by Anne Heasell Copy-edited by Kathryn Perry Published by Harm Reduction International Unit 2D12, Southbank Technopark 90 London Road London, SE1 6LN United Kingdom info@ihra.net | www.ihra.net THE GLOBAL STATE HARM REDUCTION OF HARM REDUCTION INTERNATIONAL Harm Reduction International is an The Global State of Harm Reduction is international non-governmental organisation Harm Reduction International’s flagship that works to reduce drug-related harms programme of work to monitor global by promoting evidence-based public health situations and responses to drug related policy and practices, and human rights- health harms. Resources produced within this based approaches to drug policy through an programme inform evidence-based advocacy for integrated programme of research, analysis, increasing the commitment to scaled-up, quality advocacy and civil society strengthening. harm reduction responses around the world. Our vision is a world in which individuals and communities benefit from drug laws, policies and practices that promote health, dignity and human rights. www.ihra.net 04 WHEN SEX WORK AND DRUG USE OVERLAP Acknowledgements This report was authored by Melissa Hope McTighe, Peninah Mwangi, Katharine Owen, Ditmore, an independent researcher with over PROS Network, Red Umbrella Project, Marlise ten years’ experience working with sex workers Richter, Pascale Robitaille, Hindowa Saidu, Greg and people who use drugs in Africa, Asia, Scott, SHARP, Stepping Stone, L.
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