Co Eratel Or Else, Says G:Ov't Par, King Concerns Lazelle
P Co eratel or else, says g:ov't TORONTO CP - Labor However, Munro warned available to us and we have Minister John Munro said that "If the adversary to make a ~election." Wednesday that if labor- element - continues to ' Munro said the options are management relations do frustrate the " indudtrial .that "we continue under the not improve,• there is a relationship, therewlll be no adversary system based on possibility of greater winner, only losers.",. ,confrontation and mutual governm~mt intervention "Government must distrust, with no tripartite "to protect the economy," provide the leadership and, consensus on pest-control "Labor and management througbParliament, tuition red~nsibilities; we face the must take a bard newlouk at the rules and supply the propeet of greater govern- their relationship and their programs," he said, . ment intervention in labor- responsibilities," Munro "We quite literally can't management relations in said in a speech prepared afford to let induStrial order to protect the for delivery to the Kiwanis relatiou slide from one economy; or we accept the .Club. confrontatian~ to another, • reality of a new era in labor "I am confident that labor from one-. crisis to., the. next.,, - affairs that demands new and management will ac- attitudes and a more cept this challenge and Munro said government, realistic sharing of adopt that co-operative labor and management responsibilities by govern- spirit." must "fact up tothe qgtions merit, labor and business." thServing Terrace,e g!timat, tha.Hozel!ons,eral Stewart and the Nass VOLUME 71 NO. 85 Price:' 30 crab THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1977 MEET WITH COUNCIL Par,king concerns Kalum Street, Emerson and Lazdle between Emerson and Kalum were streets were breaking up.
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