Research conducted by: Fidanka Bacheva, CEE Bankwatch Network Manana Kochladze, CEE Bankwatch Network Suzanna Dennis, Gender Action Th e authors of this publication owe credit to Petr Hlobil (CEE Bankwatch Network) for envisioning this study and to Elaine Zuckerman (Gender Action) for her invaluable help in its conceptual formulation. Th e authors would also like to thank Natalia Barannikova and Dmitry Lisitsyn (Sakhalin Environment Watch), Doug Norlen (Pacifi c Environment), Mirvary Gahramanly (Committee Protecting Oil Workers’ Rights, Baku), Metanet Azizova and Azad Isazade (Women Crisis Center, Baku) for their help in the project documentation analy- sis and the fi eld research, and for their commitment to environmental protection and social justice. Special thanks also go to Pippa Gallop and Klara Schirova (CEE Bankwatch Network) for the much appreciated comments during the writing of the reports. Published by: Editing: Greig Aitken, CEE Bankwatch Network CEE Bankwatch Network Jicinska 8, Praha 3, 130 00 Design and layout: Czech Republic Krassimir Apostolov – Tamaso, Bulgaria Tel: +32 2 542 01 88 Fax: +32 2 537 55 96 Email:
[email protected] Photos: Th e archives of CEE Bankwatch Network and Sakhalin Environment Watch Gender Action Cover image: Manana Kochladze. 1875 Connecticut Street NW Suite 1012 Printed by: BM Trade Washington DC 20009 USA Tel (202) 587-5242 Fax 202-667-4201 © 2006 CEE Bankwatch Network, Gender Action We gratefully acknowledge funding support from the European Commission, DG Environment for this publication. BOOM TIME BLUES “[Sakhalin’s] biggest city, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, is a boom town, a bustling mix of men in checked shirts and cowboy boots from Shell and Exxon and bewildered locals wondering how to fi nd a new niche in their fast-changing domestic economy.” “Sakhalin boom attracts white goods fi rm”, EBRD stories (from EBRD website), January 26, 2006 Contents Introduction .