Agenda Item No. 5 Council

Report by Executive Director – Corporate Services to South Ayrshire Council of 27 September 2012

Subject: Representation on Outside Bodies

1. Purpose

1.1 To seek the Council's approval to make alterations to the list of Outside Bodies that was approved by the Council at its meeting on 17 May 2012 and subsequent alterations that were approved by the Council on 28 June 2012.

2. Recommendation

2.1 It is recommended that the Council should take advantage of the opportunity for full representation on a number of organisations and agree the appointments as set out in paragraph 3 of the report.

3. Background and Proposals

3.1 David Elder Edwards Trust

The Council meeting of 17 May 2012 approved the appointment of the undernoted Councillors and Officer to the David Elder Edward’s Trust:-

Outside Bodies, etc Representatives

David Elder Edward’s Trust Helen Moonie as Provost and as Portfolio Holder for Economic Development, Tourism and Leisure Officer: Cath Coombs, Sports, Leisure Libraries, Art and Culture Manager (on an interim basis).

The Sports, Leisure Libraries, Art and Culture Manager was appointed to the Trust on an interim basis and it is now proposed that the Officer appointed to the Trust should be the Head of Service with responsibility for Museums and Libraries as follows:-

Outside Bodies, etc Representatives

David Elder Edward’s Trust Helen Moonie as Provost and Bill Grant as Portfolio Holder for Economic Development, Tourism and Leisure Officer: Head of Service with responsibility for Museums and Libraries


3.2 Energy Agency

The Council meeting of 17 May 2012 approved the appointment of the undernoted Councillors to the Energy Agency.

Outside Bodies, etc Representatives

Energy Agency – South Ayrshire 3 Directors: Chair, Peter Convery as Chair of Regulatory Panel, Vice-Chair, John McDowall as Portfolio Holder for Sustainability and Environment and Ian Douglas

The Constitution of the Energy Agency states that the Chair must be the Council’s chief spokesperson for “promotion of energy efficiency and conservation”, and the following is proposed:-

Outside Bodies, etc Representatives

Energy Agency – South Ayrshire 3 Directors: John McDowall as Portfolio Carrier for Sustainability and Environment Chair, Peter Convery as Chair of Regulatory Panel, Vice- Chair, and Ian Douglas

3.3 Ayrshire Housing Board

The Council meeting of 17 May 2012 approved the appointment of the undernoted Councillors to the Ayrshire Housing Board.

Outside Bodies, etc Representatives

Ayrshire Housing Board John Hampton, Philip Saxton and Corri Wilson as Directors

As Councillor Saxton has intimated his intention to resign as a Director, the following change to membership of the Board is now proposed:-

Outside Bodies, etc Representative

Ayrshire Housing Board Ian Cavana, John Hampton and Corri Wilson as Directors

3.4 Galloway and Southern Ayrshire Biosphere

Biosphere status has recently been granted to Galloway and Southern Ayrshire by UNESCO.

The designation which includes large parts of East Ayrshire, South Ayrshire and Dumfries and Galloway, is the first of its kind in and has three distinct zones covering an area of over 5000sq km. The new Biosphere joins two other reserves in the UK, one in North Wales and the other in North Devon.

The Biosphere contains areas of outstanding natural beauty but aims to support sustainable economic growth instead of restricting development which can have a negative impact on local economies.


The Biosphere Partnership Board which is currently governed by a Charter of Principles will restructure its governance over the next four months to become a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. The application and approval process to the Office of the Scottish Charity Register (OSCR) is expected to be completed by December 2012. Under this new organisation the Council will be requested to nominate a representative at political level and one substitute member on to the Board. As an interim measure prior to OSCR approval, it is recommended that Councillor McDowall as Portfolio Carrier represent the Council on the Partnership Board.

Outside Bodies, etc Representative

Galloway and Southern Ayrshire John McDowall Biosphere

3.5 West of Scotland European Forum

A report was presented to the Leadership Panel on 3rd July 2007 to inform elected members of changes to European funding programmes for the period 2007 to 2013 and to recommend involvement in various management and decision making processes concerning EU funding.

It was recommended and agreed at that meeting to join and take part in the activities of the West of Scotland European Forum (WOSEF). This is likely to involve a nomination at political level, supported by an appropriate officer, and payment of a contribution to the running costs of the Forum and the following is proposed:-

Outside Bodies, etc Representative Substitute Representative West of Scotland European Forum Bill Grant Ann Galbraith

3.6 Industrial Communities Alliance

In September 2010 WOSEF considered the benefits of formalising their working relationship with the Industrial Communities Alliance (ICA). The ICA provides effective communication with Whitehall and Westminster and has a sound reputation in securing meaningful access to decision makers at EU level. The ICA has dedicated staff resource which has been used to set up a Cross Party Group in the examining various issues including unemployment, Regional Aid, Enterprise Zones etc.

It was agreed by the Forum to subscribe to the ICA to facilitate access routes to lobbying at Scottish, National and EU levels on specific issues and in particular on European Funding.

In September 2010 WOSEF also carried out a “smarter working” strategy which would reduce costs to subscribing local authorities and other organisations who are members of the Forum. This reduced subscription includes a discounted membership to the ICA. The ICA also involves a nomination at political level to attend meetings, Cross Party Group, Conferences etc. and the following is proposed:-

Outside Bodies, etc Representatives

Industrial Communities Alliance Bill Grant and Ann Galbraith


4. Resource Implications

4.1 Financial

Minimal costs for attending meetings, etc, can be met from existing budget.

4.2 Legal

Not applicable.

4.3 Human Resources

Not applicable.

5. Risk

5.1 There are no associated risks.

6. Equalities

6.1 This report is not proposing new services, policies, strategies, or plans (or significant changes to or reviews of them). It does not propose decisions about budgets, including budget cuts or service reductions. This report therefore has not been assessed for equalities impacts.

7. Sustainable Development Implications

7.1 This report does not propose or seek approval for a plan, policy, programme or strategy or document otherwise described which could be considered to constitute a plan, programme, policy or strategy.

8. Options Appraisal

8.1 An options appraisal has not been carried out in relation to the subject matter of this report.

9. Link to Council’s Priorities/ Improvement Programme

9.1 This report supports the delivery of the Corporate Plan Objective 14d Maintain high standards of probity, governance and accountability, with clear standards of service and balanced public performance reporting; and Improvement Area 2: Governance.

10. Results of Consultation

(1) There has been no public consultation on the contents of this paper.

(2) Consultation has taken place with Councillor Bill McIntosh, Portfolio Holder for Corporate, Strategic and Community Planning.

Background Papers None

Person to Contact Valerie Andrews, Head of Legal and Administration County Buildings, Wellington Square, , KA7 1DR Phone 01292 612466 E-mail [email protected]

Date: 3 September 2012