Observations of Pelagic Seabirds Wintering at Sea in the Southeastern Caribbean William L
Pp. 104-110 in Studies in Trinidad and Tobago Ornithology Honouring Richard ffrench (F. E. Hayes and S. A. Temple, Eds.). Dept. Life Sci., Univ. West Indies, St. Augustine, Occ. Pap. 11, 2000 OBSERVATIONS OF PELAGIC SEABIRDS WINTERING AT SEA IN THE SOUTHEASTERN CARIBBEAN WILLIAM L. MURPHY, 8265 Glengarry Court, Indianapolis, IN 46236, USA ABSTRACT.-I report observations, including several the educational cruise ship Yorktown Clipper between significant distributional records, of 16 species of Curaçao and the Orinoco River, traversing seabirds wintering at sea in the southeastern Caribbean approximately 2,000 km per trip (Table 1). Because during cruises from Bonaire to the Orinoco River (5-13 the focus was on visiting islands as well as on cruising, January 1996, 3-12 March 1997, and 23 December many of the longer passages were traversed at night. 1997 - 1 January 1998). A few scattered shearwaters While at sea during the day, fellow birders and I (Calonectris diomedea and Puffinus lherminieri) were maintained a sea watch, recording sightings of bird seen. Storm-Petrels (Oceanites oceanicus and species and their numbers. Oceanodroma leucorhoa), particularly the latter species, were often seen toward the east. Most The observers were all experienced birders with tropicbirds (Phaethon aethereus) and gulls (Larus binoculars, some of which were image-stabilised. The atricilla) were near Tobago. Boobies were common; number of observers at any given time ranged from Sula leucogaster outnumbered S. sula by about 4:1 and one to 15, averaging about five. Observations were S. dactylatra was scarce. Frigatebirds (Fregata made from various points on three decks ranging from magnificens) were strictly coastal.
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