The Ivy Pearl The Official Publication of Upsilon Eta Omega Chapter • Volume 25, Issue 1 • January, 2020 Basileus Soror Manessa Wilson 2020 Leadership Team

Anti-Basileus Soror Cynthia Todd Archive Committee Soror Linda Nelson Grammateus Soror Miriam Blankenship Budget & Finance Committee Soror Deborah Hawkins Anti-Grammateus Soror Glenda Brown-Wade Connection Committee Soror Jameria Moore Tamiouchous Soror Deborah Hawkins Constitution & Bylaws Committee Soror Malera Traylor-Wright Anti-Tamiouchous Soror Danielle Ridgeway Executive Committee Soror Manessa Wilson Pecunious Grammateus Soror Maria Flournoy Membership & Reactivation Committee Soror Nadine Reese Anti-Pecunious Grammateus Soror Wendy Jones Hicks Nominating Committee Soror Doris Bentley Epistoleus Soror Candace Prince Program Committee Soror Cynthia Todd Hodegos Soror Vergie Davis Standards Committee Soror Doris Bentley Philacter Soror Veronica Ellison Technology Committee Soror Kimberly White Ivy Leaf Reporter Soror Michelle D. Harris Investments Committee Soror Lori Harris Historian Soror Linda Nelson Leadership Development Soror Michelle Sallie Lee Graduate Advisor Soror Michelle Sallie Lee Protocol Committee Soror Kady Williams-Abbott Parliamentarian Soror Malera Traylor-Wright Sisterly Relations Committee Soror Vergie Davis Chaplain Soror Raven Moore

2020 UEO January Ivy Pearl 2 Please join Madam Supreme, Soror Glenda Glover, in sharing the importance of membership to you through the “Membership is Why” Campaign. Download the 8.5 X 11 card, fill in your word, snap a photo, then post using the hashtag #membershipis or email your photo to www.communication@aka1908.

“Never regret anything that made you smile.” Mark Twain

2020 UEO January Ivy Pearl 3 The Ivy Pearl The Official Publication of Upsilon Eta Omega

The Ivy Pearl is a monthly publication of Executive Board…2 Sorority, Inc.®, Upsilon Eta Omega Chapter, Fairfield, AL. Soror Spotlight…3 Table of Contents…4 Letter from the Editor…5 Spiritual Oversite…6 Greetings from the Basileus…7 Sorors: Michelle D. Harris, Chairman The Cover Story…8 Manessa Wilson, Basileus Silver Celebration…9 Cynthia Todd, Anti-Basileus Octavia Townsend What’s the “tea”?...10 Kecia Ashley iLead…11 Cherroyle Webb Estelle Riggs Reactivation Day: “It’s A Rukiya McClain Celebration”…12

Programs of Success…16 Upsilon Eta Omega “Sew Pearlfect”…18 Ivy Leaf Reporter Soror Michelle D. Harris MLK Day of Service…19 [email protected] Scholarship Workshop…23 January Ivy Pearl Cover Connection…25 Graphic Artist Soror Michelle D. Harris Sisterly Relations…27 Nu Delta: Undergraduate Social Media Update…29 Graphic Artist Soror Rukiya McClain SER Presidents’ Retreat…30 Upcoming Events/Announcements…31 VPSF…36 Pearl Soror…37

2020 UEO January Ivy Pearl 4 Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated® The Ivy Pearl, The Official Publication of Upsilon Eta Omega

Letter from the Editor Soror Michelle D. Harris, Ivy Leaf Reporter

Happy New Year sorors!

It is a honor to serve as the Ivy Leaf Reporter for Upsilon Eta Omega Chapter. The Public Relations Committee and I are looking forward to publishing ten issues of The Ivy Pearl and at least two articles in the international publication of the Ivy Leaf. We look forward to working with all officers and committee chairmen in preparing a visual presentation of the chapter’s service activities. Also, let’s not forget the chapter is turning 25 in April. Let’s celebrate this milestone and document what we have done and willing to do. Please feel free to contact me if I may be of assistance.

Sisterly always,

Michelle Harris Upsilon Eta Omega Ivy Leaf Reporter

Soror Rukiya McClain Find us.. @akaupsilonetaomega Social Media @akasoutheasternregion Tech Savvy

Use official hashtags… #AKA1908 #AKAUEO #AKASouthEastern #PerpetualPearls 2020 UEO January Ivy Pearl 5 Soror Raven Moore, Chaplain

Our Greatest Constant by Soror Raven Moore

Many plans are in a person’s mind, but the Lord’s purpose will succeed. “ -Proverbs 19:21 CEB

As we all know, 2020 is the start of a new decade. Many of us excitingly welcomed the year with hopes of the new and expectation for greater opportunities. Some created dream boards. Some vocally proclaimed affirmations of faith. Some may have even put some old backburner dreams into motion. The reason being--a new year represents change. It represents growth. It represents promise fulfilled. But amidst all this new, have we left room for God? Amidst all of our plans for our future, have we left room for God to be God? In the scripture in Proverbs, we not only see our common actions detailed but we also see the foundation of our greatest hope. 2020 is indeed a year for new vision and better insight but let’s not forget who makes it possible. 2020 will encompass many factors in our lives—some good, some better, and even some challenging. But there is one thing of which we can be sure, “the Lord’s purpose will succeed.” He is our greatest source. He is our greatest constant. So—Happy New Year Sorors! Let us embrace this new year and remember the same God. Amen.

2020 UEO January Ivy Pearl 6 Greetings from the Basileus Soror Manessa Wilson, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated®

Happy New Year sorors!

“See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” Isaiah 43:19 (NIV) What a wonderful blessing to be given another opportunity to serve others- together! That’s always been our mission as Upsilon Eta Omega, and will continue to be in 2020. Sorors, we rendered many awesome acts of service in 2019, and we are on track to do the same this year. In fact, we’re well on our way to 25 Acts of Service before our 25th anniversary, and have already completed six service activities in the month of January alone; imagine how many times over we can surpass this by end of year! By all traditional purposes, a 25th anniversary is considered the Silver Anniversary. Google states that “Silver symbolizes brilliance, radiance, and the value of a long-lasting marriage.” Marriage, for all practical purposes, is referenced as “a combination or mixture of two or more elements.” I envision the marriage of 19 college -educated women on Saturday, April 29, 1995; 19 brilliant women of substance, each who exuberated a radiance of commitment and service to all mankind. Nineteen Alpha Kappa Alpha women who united under the surname of Upsilon Eta Omega. . . . And here we find ourselves today, the Upsilon Eta Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated®; 300+ women of strong ethical and moral standards, with a vision to serve the community at large, one day at a time. Sorors, as the Silver Anniversary of Upsilon Eta Omega’s chartering day approaches, it is my hope that we all feel a sense of celebration, a sense of sisterhood, and yes, maybe even a sense of urgency to continue to serve our fellow man in the spirit of excellence; for we know that Luke 12:48 sums it up by saying, “To whom much is given, much will be required.” My challenge to you during this silver celebration year is to consider performing 25 Acts of Kindness within our sisterhood. This might be achieved by bringing a soror a treat to chapter meeting, sending a “just because” card in the mail, worshipping with them at their church service. . . the list could go on and on. Document it on your heart- and maybe even your planner, if need be - but strive to touch at least 25 sorors lives this year through the gift of kindness, and just watch how the bonds of sisterhood strengthen our chapter and our mission!

Forging Forward in Unity and Service,

Soror Manessa

“If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself.” Henry Ford

2020 UEO January Ivy Pearl 7 The Cover: The Founders' Window was produced by an Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority member and internationally renowned African-American artist, Soror Lois Mailou Jones (1905-1998). Dedicated in 1978, the three-paneled stained glass window commemorates the sorority's founding and memorializes its founders. The Founders' Window is located at Rankin Chapel at .

2020 UEO January Ivy Pearl 8 ΥΗΩ is celebrating its Silver Star year By Malera Traylor-Wright

Upsilon Eta Omega (UEO) has plenty to be excited about in 2020. UEO is celebrating its Silver Star year, serving the City of Fairfield and surrounding areas for 25 years and 112 years of services as an International organization of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated®. On April 29, 1995 nineteen (19) ambitious professional women chartered the Upsilon Eta Omega Chapter in Fairfield, Alabama, under the leadership of Eva Lois Allmon Evans, Alpha Kappa Alpha 24th International President and Vanessa Rogers Long, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated®, 20th South Eastern Regional Director. The 19 members of Upsilon Eta Omega industriously sought to implement and support, the Fairfield communities, through the international programs of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority under the theme “Making the Net Work” focusing on Math and Science; AIDS and African-Americans; Governmental Affairs; and Bone Marrow Registry. Since its inception on April 29, 1995, members of Upsilon Eta Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated® dedicated themselves to making positive and life-changing opportunities to the greater Birmingham area, building healthy individuals, families, and communities. As Upsilon Eta Omega Chapter approaches its 25th Anniversary, it has evolved and matured into the present-day organization (with more than 300 members), which commitment has endured and strengthened. Upsilon Eta Omega has brought girls, boys, women and men unmatched opportunities full of learning (skills and life lessons), academic enrichment (math, reading, and STEM activities), scholastic achievement (mentoring and scholarship), supported Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), health and recreational activities, empowerment, and a whole lot of love and fun. Upsilon Eta Omega has been a local partner in emergency relief, a resource for health and wellness services, and a scholastic benefactor for those pursuing academic and career dreams. UEO definitely has a lot to be proud of and is confirmed by this statement from the chapter president, Manessa Wilson, “I am deeply honored and humbled to lead Upsilon Eta Omega chapter during this significant moment in time! As we celebrate 25 years of service in the greater Birmingham area and beyond, I applaud the women of this chapter who have planted firm roots, created a solid foundation, and passed the torch to those who have served meaningfully with unwavering dedication as women of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated®! We have built strong bonds of sisterly love, positively impacting many lives. We will continue to make a difference, “Forging Forward” in the Spirit of Excellence.” To celebrate this milestone occasion, Upsilon Eta Omega is hosting a formal affair “Anniversary Gala”, Saturday, April 25, 2020 at The Club in Birmingham. The Gala will include dinner, dancing, live music, and more. We want to share the momentous occasion with the community. This will sure to be an affair to remember.

2020 UEO January Ivy Pearl 9 Soror Maria Flournoy, Pecunious Grammateus AKA-Upsilon Eta Omega Chapter Soror Flournoy receipts DUES and payments related to CHAPTER OPERATIONS. PayPal account for DUES: [email protected]

Soror Wendy Hicks, Anti-Pecunious Grammateus Valley Pearls Service Foundation Soror Hicks receipts ASSESSMENTS and payments related to VALLEY PEARLS SERVICE FOUNDATIONS. PayPal account for ASSESSMENTS: [email protected]

2020 UEO January Ivy Pearl 10 iLead: An Interview with

Superintendent, Bessemer City Schools

1, Where and when were you initiated, and list your leadership role in AKA. • I was imitated in Chi Chapter, Fall 1998, at Talladega College. Presently, serving as a committee member on various committees within Upsilon Eta Omega.

2. List your professional accomplishments. • A Fairfield, Alabama native and a product of the Fairfield City School System. Received a B.A. degree in Secondary Education from Talladega College, and a M.A. in Secondary Education with a concentration in History from the University of Alabama at Birmingham. Received an educational administrative certification, Educational Specialist Degree (Ed.S.) and Doctor of Education Degree (Ed.D.) all from Samford University in Birmingham, Alabama. Doctoral study was on: “Least Restrictive Environment for Students who are Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing.” Started career in 2001 as a middle school teacher and later, a position as Director of Curriculum and Instruction in Hoover City Schools. Serves on various professional educational organizations such as president of Council of Leaders in Alabama Schools and a member of Alabama Association of Elementary School Administrators. Member of The Links, Inc., and served as Miss Talladega College, 2000- 2001.

3. How has AKA prepared you for your new leadership role? • Wow, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated® was the beginning of my leadership as an adult. Being initiated as a sophomore, I was immediately able to hold an office within out chapter. Serving as a leader within the sorority through our service to the community, on our college campus and being sisterly to one another prepared me for collegiate leadership positions. AKA provided a bond and support system when I campaigned for college queen. The characteristics that our phenomenal sorority teachers and prides itself on, were the same beliefs that I carried over into the professional setting.

4. What is your plan to move Bessemer City Schools forward in 2020? • My plan to move Bessemer City Schools forward is simple: First, ensure that the right people are on the bus in the right position to help move our vision. Second, build relationships with all employees (trust matters), and carry out the mission of BCS (not just talk, but action). Third, put the focus of Bessemer City Schools back on academics, teaching/learning, and our students’ overall success. Fourth, engage the community (parents), business leaders and even the media to invest in BCS to support us in every way possible. Finally, ensure that our employees salaries are competitive.

5. What is your favorite quote? • “Intelligence, plus Character. That is the goal of True Education.” –Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Soror Jeter manages her demanding work schedule and civic activities while maintaining a strong relationship with her family and friends. She is a devoted wife and deeply committed mother. Soror Jeter is married to Judge Reginald Jeter and they are the proud parents of two young boys. Thank you Soror Autumn for your leadership and service to our communities, and your love and support for Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.

2020 UEO January Ivy Pearl 11 Letter from the International Membership Committee, Chairman

Dear Sorors,

I am pleased to represent you as the International Membership Committee Chairman for our beloved Sorority. It is indeed my honor and privilege to serve in this capacity recognizing that I stand upon the shoulders of Upsilon Eta Omega Chapter and seek to reflect its spirit of leadership, sisterhood, and service in my actions as chairman. Thank you for your support of me along this journey. Last year, the International Membership Committee introduced as the foundation of the Excellence Membership framework, Reactivation Workplace, a platform reminding us of the vital role we each play in reactivating sorors in our day to day life experiences. This initiative supports member reactivations in the work environment, in our families, in our churches, reaching out to our line sisters, or through our many civic engagements. It was through this creative and innovative approach that the Sorority successfully reactivated nearly 8,000 sorors during the inaugural Reactivation Day campaign in 2019. Now, it is time to accept the challenge again and reactivate more perpetual pearls, "It's a Celebration! 2020 Reactivation Day".

Chapters are encouraged to plan reclamation events and invite sorors to reactivate. All sorors reactivated between September 1, 2019, and January 31, 2020, will be counted in the 2020 campaign and chapters will be recognized at Regional Conference for their efforts, as a Best of the Best Chapter. I am pleased to announce that those chapters in the small, medium and large categories with the highest percentage of reactivations will be eligible to receive the new Reactivation Excellence Award to be presented during the Boule. Upsilon Eta Omega Chapter made significant strides in 2019 by reactivating the highest number of sorors by any chapter in Alpha Kappa Alpha. Please keep up the great work, and perhaps my chapter of which I am a charter member can be recognized for Reactivation Excellence at Boule!

Finally, I wish to extend a word of thanks to Soror Nadine Reese and the entire Membership Committee for your hard work. Please continue to focus on reclaiming and reactivating members while putting in place practices to retain them, which is of equal importance. Sorors, as we reclaim our precious pearls, let us shower them with love and support to demonstrate our commitment to member retention and life-long active service. Thank you again, Upsilon Eta Omega, for your support. "Membership is Pearlfection…and You Belong Here!

Sisterly always,

Soror Tracey Morant Adams International Membership Committee, Chairman

2020 UEO January Ivy Pearl 12 2020 UEO January Ivy Pearl 13 On January 15, 2020, Upsilon Eta Omega held its’ 2nd successful Reactivation Day. Inactive sorors from the Greater Birmingham area came to celebrate and reactivate with their beloved Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.®! Upsilon Eta Omega reactivated 70 lost pearls and 7 sorors transferring. “What an exciting time! I have been away from the sorority for so long and I am glad to return home!” stated newly reactivated Soror Laterrius Christian. To add to this celebration, Upsilon Eta Omega will turn 25 in April. What a great way to kick off the new year. Thank you sorors for supporting this event and gathering our lost pearls of service. Soror Nadine Reese serves as Membership Committee Chairman, and Sorors Tareya Witt and LaJeana Boyd serve as Membership Committee Vice Chairmen.

2020 UEO January Ivy Pearl 14 2020 UEO January Ivy Pearl 15 Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated® Soror Cynthia Todd, Anti-Basileus

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated® is dedicated to implementing programs of service that enhance the social, economic, and educational well-being of the local, national and international communities. Programs remain the heart of AKA. The size and scope of services provided to our communities have grown and significantly improve the quality of life for all who reside within our service areas. The program theme for 2018-2022 is Exemplifying Excellence Through Sustainable Service. The International Program includes five program targets that are designed to advance the mission of Alpha Kappa Alpha with excellence and underscore our commitment to sustainable service. The five program targets for 2018-2022 are: • HBCU for Life: A Call to Action • Women's Healthcare and Wellness • Building Your Economic Legacy • The Arts! • Global Impact The signature project is #CAPSM which is short for College Admissions Process. It is designed to assist students in their efforts to enter college by providing a hands-on approach that includes all the steps from researching various colleges to actually completing the application process. In addition to the program targets, the Exemplifying Excellence Through Sustainable Service platform is pleased to continue Community Impact Days. Chapters will engage in simultaneous activities that will benefit the community and continue our commitment to lifelong service. A significant feature of this programmatic thrust is the launch of AKA UniversitySM! This exciting new platform will serve as the umbrella under which education, training, and leadership development will emerge so that members can enhance their personal development and provide more impactful service to the community. Because of you Sorors, in 2019, UEO met and exceeded most of the 4-year goals in just one year! Let’s continue in a spirit of Excellence as we enter 2020 – being of service to all mankind!

Sisterly always,

Soror Cynthia Todd Anti-Basileus\Program Chair

2020 UEO January Ivy Pearl 16 2018-2022 Exemplifying Excellence Through Sustainable Service Goals for Large Size Chapter • $37,000 HBCU Donations • 185 #CAP Students Assisted • 370 Women assisted through Women’s Healthcare & Wellness program activities • 74 people reached through Building Your Economic Legacy activities • 37 Entrepreneurs & Black Businesses supported • 370 Homeless individuals\families assisted through Operation AKA Assist • 74 Middle\High School students exposed to The Arts! • 1,850 pairs of Shoes collected for Soles4Souls • 185 Eyeglasses collected for Lions Club • 185 Dresses and 93 Shirts made by Pillowcase Project • RAAP – UEO goal is to assist 37 refugees 2019 UEO Results Target #1 HBCU for Life • Over $20,000 donated to HBCU’s #CAP Signature Program • Over 250 Students served Target #2 Women’s Health & Wellness • 31690 Soror Volunteer Hours with 3822 Persons Attending or Receiving Service from the following activities: o 1 Breast Cancer Awareness and Prevention activity o 5 Heart Health activities o 2 Nutrition and Wellness for Life activities o 9 Care for Caregivers activities Target #3 Building Your Economic Legacy • 795 people attended or received service Target #4 The Arts! • 835 Students Exposed to \Black Arts Movement Target 5 Global Impact • 134 Eyeglasses Collected and Donated • 1247 Shoes Collected and Donated • 1100 Dresses Collected and Donated • 93 Refugees Assisted or Received Service from activities Community Impact Days • 11 Events held in support of the following International Community Impact Days: o 3 Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., Founders’ Day (January) o 1 AKA Reactivation Day (January) o 1 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service (January) o 1 Pink Goes Red for Heart Health Day (February) o 1 AKA Global Impact Day (April) o 1 AKA International Day of Prayer (August) o 1 AKA HBCU Day (September) o 1 Breast Cancer Awareness Day (September) o 1 AKA Caregivers' Day (November)

2020 UEO January Ivy Pearl 17 Upsilon Eta Omega’s Pillowcase Project Committee Kicks off 2020 with “Sew Pearlfect” Shirts By Soror Michelle Harris

UEO’s Target 5: Pillowcase Project Committee kicked off 2020 with a “Sew Pearlfect” shirt. The shirts were created in the spirit of sisterly relations to show how sewing brings sisters together. The shirt was designed by Soror Raquel Durr. The committee has hit the ground running again and has issued the same challenge as before to far more exceed the 1100 dresses from 2019. The challenge will remain the same: 20 dresses per committee and 3 dresses per soror. Any dresses made using the committee’s materials will not count towards an individual sorors challenge. The challenge from 2019, was a success. The shirts for boys, with a goal of at least 100, will be completed this year. Soror Wanda Jackson serves as Global Impact Chairman and Soror Michelle Sallie Lee serves as Vice Chairman.

Pillowcase Project Schedule Sew and Chew @ New Pilgrim Towers 9:00 am – 2:00 pm

February 8, 2020 March 21, 2020 April 18, 2020 May 9, 2020 June 13, 2020 July 11. 2020 August 8, 2020 September 12, 2020 October, 2020

2020 UEO January Ivy Pearl 18 Upsilon Eta Omega supports the 4th Annual Martin Luther King Day 5K Drum Run on Saturday, January 19, 2020. This event was the kick-off to the MLK Day of Service activities that would be held on Monday, January 20th. “This run is important because it is an event that is owned by one of us.”, stated Soror Jerri Haslem, Upsilon Eta Omega’s Women’s Health Committee Chairman. The run is

owned by Herman Mannings, III, son of Soror Judy Mannings. The Valley Pearls Service Foundation (chari- table arm of the chapter) made a donation of $500.00 to support the race. Sorors Jamie Bell and Geraldine Johnson serve as Vice Chairmen. 2020 UEO January Ivy Pearl 19 Upsilon Eta Omega attend MLK Day of Service Birmingham’s MLK Unity Breakfast. Sorors attending Community were Michelle Harris, Lori Harris, Rukiya McClain, Impact Day Rolessa Powell Coleman and Ellen Spencer.

Upsilon Eta Omega stocked the food pantry at Greater Birmingham Ministries. Sorors donated non-perishable food items and their giving spirits to assist those in need. This activity kicks off the chapter’s 25 Acts of Service for the 25th Anniversary.

“Everybody can be great...because anybody can serve.” - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. - It's always a great feeling when you are willing to do something to help someone and helping to stock the pantry shelves at the Greater Birmingham Ministries demonstrates Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated® mission, “service to all mankind.” - Soror Jamie Lewis.

2020 UEO January Ivy Pearl 20 Greater Birmingham Ministries Food Pantry

“All labor that uplifts humanity has dignity and importance and should be undertaken with painstaking .” MLK 2020 UEO January Ivy Pearl 21 Upsilon Eta Omega sorors volunteered at the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute serving as greeters. Sorors Patricia Stanton and Nina Canterberry volunteered.

2020 UEO January Ivy Pearl 22 On Sunday, January 26, 2020, Upsilon Eta Omega in partnership with the Valley Pearls Service Foundation held its’ annual Scholarship Workshop. The workshop took place at Miles College’s George T. French Student Activity Center. 45 students from the Greater Birmingham area attended. The Scholarship Committee presented Interviewing Tips, Dressing for Success, Applying for Financial Aid and completing the Application Process. Students from A. H. Parker, Ramsey, Carver, Pleasant Grove, Hueytown, Restoration Academy, Holy Family, Hoover and Clay Chalkville High Schools attended. Soror Jamesel Lewis serves as Scholarship Committee Chairman and Sorors Corvetta Vann Clasberry and Joy Thompson Picket serve as Vice Chairmen.

Target 1

2020 UEO January Ivy Pearl 23 Target 1

The applications were forwarded to all Birmingham City Schools and West Jefferson County Schools. The deadline for students to submit applications will be February 3, 2020. Workshop presenters were Sorors Laterrius Christian, LaBrenda Norman, Michelle Sallie Lee, Nina Canterberry, Kimberly Sellers Hall, Keondra Hampton, Bianca Moore, LaKorya Jackson, Wanda Jackson, Kangi Drake, Tamera McCullen Donaldson, Sharon Ward, Manessa Wilson and Michelle Harris.

2020 UEO January Ivy Pearl 24 ARE YOU READY FOR THE 2020 CENSUS? By: Soror Jameria Johnson Moore UEO Connection Committee, Chairman

Few people think about the U.S. Census even though Census data is used daily. The official U.S. Census is described in Article I, Section 2 of the Constitution of the . It calls for an actual enumeration of the people every ten years, to be used for apportionment of seats in the House of Representatives among the states. The results of the census also impacts funding for things such as: Schools and education; Health care facilities; Housing assistance; Public transportation; Child and adult food assistance programs; Assistance for people transitioning out of homelessness; Career and technical education grants and Medicare Part B and many other programs that are important to our Sorority’s Legislative agenda. Knowing that all of the areas listed will be affected gives us a true sense of the profound impact that the 2020 census will have on our democracy. We must work together to ensure that the census promotes equality and not exclusion. HERE IS A LIST OF A FEW THINGS YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT THE UPCOMING CENSUS:

The Census Bureau includes every person living in the U.S, regardless of citizenship or immigration status. • Under current federal law, the bureau cannot share census responses identifying individuals with the public or other federal agencies, including immigration authorities and other law enforcement, until 72 years after the information is collected. January 21: The U.S. Census Bureau starts counting the population in remote Alaska. The count officially begins in the rural Alaskan village of Toksook Bay. March 12 - 20: Households will begin receiving official Census Bureau mail with detailed information on how to respond to the 2020 Census online, by phone, or by mail. March 30 - April 1: The Census Bureau will count people who are experiencing homelessness over these three days. As part of this process, the Census Bureau counts people in shelters, at soup kitchens and mobile food vans, on the streets, and at non-sheltered, outdoor locations such as tent encampments. April 1: Census Day is observed nationwide. By this date, every home will receive an invitation to participate in the 2020 Census. Once the invitation arrives, you should respond for your home in one of three ways: online, by phone, or by mail. When you respond to the census, you'll tell the Census Bureau where you live as of April 1, 2020. April: Census takers will begin visiting college students who live on campus, people living in senior centers, and others who live among large groups of people. Census takers also begin conducting quality check interviews to help ensure an accurate count. May - July: Census takers will begin visiting homes that haven't responded to the 2020 Census to help make sure everyone is counted. December: The Census Bureau will deliver apportionment counts to the President and Congress as required by law.

The importance of the census cannot be overemphasized we must STAND UP AND BE COUNTED and lead the way as we have in so many other efforts.

2020 UEO January Ivy Pearl 25 2020 UEO January Ivy Pearl 26 2020 UEO January Ivy Pearl 27 2020 UEO January Ivy Pearl 28 Upsilon Eta Omega meets with AKA South Eastern Regional Director, Soror Mitizi Dease Paige, South Eastern Region Chief of Staff, Soror Toni Moore, and Ms. Stephanie Schroeder, Birmingham Southern’s Assistant Director Student Life on Friday, January 24th on the campus of Birmingham Southern College. 9 students met with the regional director to discus the re-instatement of Nu Delta Chapter. 16 students submitted paperwork in regards to MIP. “Let’s continue to be in prayer the Directorate will grant approval when they meet February 20, 2020.”, stated Soror Michelle Sallie Lee, Graduate Advisor.

2020 UEO January Ivy Pearl 29 South Eastern Region’s Presidents’ Retreat was held Friday, January 24th through Sunday, January 26th. The retreat was held at The Embassy Suites Hotel in Hoover, Alabama. Soror Manessa Wilson, Basileus attend along with Soror Ayla Russell, who serves as South Eastern Region’s Technology Committee Vice Chairman. Graduate chapter basilei gathered to discuss sisterly relations and effective chapter operations. Also, a Harlem Renaissance inspired painting session was held at the conclusion of the retreat. Pictured to the left, with Soror Wilson, are chapter basilei from the Greater Birmingham area. Sorors Cheryl Allen, Psi Xi Omega, Sundra Smith, Phi Iota Omega and Leah Wiggins, Omicron Omega. 2020 UEO January Ivy Pearl 30 ®

2020 UEO January Ivy Pearl 31 2020 UEO January Ivy Pearl 32 ®

2020 UEO January Ivy Pearl 33 ®

2020 UEO January Ivy Pearl 34 ®

2020 UEO January Ivy Pearl 35 By Soror Michelle Harris

The Valley Pearls Service Foundation (VPSF) elected officers for the 2020 fiscal year. The following members were elected:

Michelle Sallie Lee – President Jamiese Mims Fuller – Vice President Jerri Haslem – Secretary Danielle Ridgeway – Treasurer Wendy Hicks – Financial Secretary Candice Prince – Corresponding Secretary Gloria Carter – Parliamentarian Deborah Barnes – Chaplin

Member Lee is excited to accept the position as president. She and the board are looking forward to working with the President and Vice President of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.®, Upsilon Eta Omega Chapter to ensure successful community program implementation. Following fundraising events are coming soon:

Save-the-dates… • #1: Evening of Flavor at the Boutwell Auditorium, Saturday, August 8, 2020. Sorors will be assessed 4 tickets, at $40.00 each. Total assessment $160.00. Assessment payment deadline Friday, July 31, 2020. PayPal account: [email protected].

• #2: Sponsorship and Leadership levels for Evening of Flavor Emerald - $750.00 Leadership Circle Pearl - $500.00 Leadership Circle Ivy - $300.00

• #3: Pink on the Greens Golf Tournament at Highlands Golf Course, Friday, June 12, 2020.

• #4: Sponsorship Leadership levels for Pink on the Greens Golf Tournament Diamond - $5000.000 Gold - $2500.00 Silver - $1500.00 Hole - $150.00

• #5: Additional fundraisers T-shirts AKA Bags-$10.00 each Ivy Box Recycle Belk Charity Sale Movie Rental

For more information, please contact Member Michelle Sallie Lee at [email protected]. or 205.936.1473.

2020 UEO January Ivy Pearl 36 to our Precious Pearl… 65+ years of service and sisterhood in Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated®. May your light continue to shine and may God continue to bless you, and His spirit of peace be with you always.

Pearl Soror

2020 UEO January Ivy Pearl 37 HBCU graduate • Member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated® Principle Incorporator • 1st Supreme Basileus In Perpetuity 2020 UEO January Ivy Pearl 38