EFFECTIVE WEED CONTROL a Guide for People Trying to Cut Down Or Stop Using Cannabis Turning Point Alcohol and Drug Centre Inc

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EFFECTIVE WEED CONTROL a Guide for People Trying to Cut Down Or Stop Using Cannabis Turning Point Alcohol and Drug Centre Inc EFFECTIVE WEED CONTROL A guide for people trying to cut down or stop using cannabis Turning Point Alcohol and Drug Centre Inc. 54-62 Gertrude Street, Fitzroy, Victoria 3065 Telephone: (03) 8413 8413 Fax: (03) 9416 3420 Marnie Engelander Ernie Lang Rob Lacy Kevin Gregg-Rowan Mal Doreian Edited by Anna Guthrie Effective Weed Control © February 2009 Turning Point Alcohol & Drug Centre Inc. ISBN 1 74001 001 9 CONTENTS About this book 4 About cannabis 5 What is cannabis? 6 What’s it doing to my mind and body? 9 Weed control 15 The pros and cons of cannabis use 16 Setting goals and limits 18 Keeping a cannabis record 21 Identifying risky situations 21 Contingency planning 23 Handling urges and cravings 26 Getting support 27 Rewarding yourself 28 Getting through withdrawal 29 What is withdrawal? 30 Life without smoking 31 Managing relapse 34 Hints for better sleep 37 Reducing harm 39 Cutting down use 40 Getting help 47 Counselling 48 Cannabis treatment 49 Friends and family support 49 Useful contacts 52 3 ABOUT THIS BOOK This self-help guide is for people who are having problems with their cannabis use and want to do something about it. The book is designed for people who want to cut down on their smoking or stop smoking altogether. Like all self-help books, it's important not just to read, but to use this book in a more interactive way. Discuss your opinions with a friend and let others who are prepared to support you read the guide. Write in the spaces provided - the planning and relapse prevention exercises, the cannabis use record - and make this book your own. The exercises will help you to keep a record of your progress while trying to achieve the goals you have set for yourself. There is information for your friends and family who are supporting you during this time and a list of contact details at the back of the book. Most importantly, put your plans and goals into action and keep a positive attitude about the changes you want to make to your life. 4 ABOUT CANNABIS ABOUT CANNABIS WHAT IS CANNABIS? Choof, mull, weed, ganja, dope, hooch, pot, grass, hash, skunk, dakka…whatever. It all comes from a plant called cannabis sativa, and at various times in history, has been grown all over the world. When cultivated for its strong fibres, it is usually known as hemp and is used for making clothing, rope and paper products. When grown for its mind-altering or psychoactive effects, most people would know it as marijuana — Mexican for cannabis. How it works There are over 400 active chemicals in cannabis. The main psychoactive component is known as delta-9-tetrahydro- cannabinol (THC). When cannabis is smoked or eaten, the THC is absorbed into your bloodstream and pumped to your brain. Once there, the THC attaches itself to specific cannabinoid receptors, resulting in effects on brain function. These cannabinoid receptors are not designed so that we can smoke cannabis and get stoned. They are there to support two chemicals similar to THC that the body produces naturally. Just why the body makes these chemicals and what useful function they serve is still being investigated, however it is thought they play a role in pain control, mood and appetite. Getting rid of it THC and its by-products are dissolved in fat and may remain in the body’s fatty tissues for long periods of time, until they are released back into the bloodstream and excreted via urine. Because of its slow release, traces of THC can be detected in the body for several weeks or even months depending on the level of cannabis used. 6 ABOUT CANNABIS How strong is it? Cannabis is a weed that can be grown in a variety of conditions, however, its strength depends on its growing environment and the part of the plant which is consumed. Different parts of the plant have different concentrations, as do different cannabis products, such as hashish and hash oil which are derived from the resin of the plant and generally have a higher concentration of THC than raw plant material. THC concentrations are highest in the female plant towards the end of its flowering cycle. The flowers or 'heads' are the most potent part of the plant. Improved growing and hydro-technology, as well as selective cross-breeding of higher quality seeds which leads to more plant hybrids, may have increased the strength of cannabis in recent years, although this is still widely debated. Tolerance and dependence Tolerance is when your body has grown used to THC, which means you have to progressively smoke more and more to feel the effects of cannabis. You can reduce tolerance by taking breaks for one or more days in between smoking. This will decrease your risk of becoming dependent on cannabis as well as the risk of experiencing health and psychological problems. The bonus of taking a break is that you will need less cannabis to get stoned on the days when you do smoke. In addition to tolerance, dependence on cannabis involves cravings and mild physical withdrawal symptoms such as insomnia, agitation, irritability, depression, tremors, 7 ABOUT CANNABIS headaches, nausea, chills and sweating. Withdrawal symptoms may occur when the amount of cannabis used is reduced or ceased. Am I dependent? Evidence suggests that regular heavy users can develop a tolerance to the effects of cannabis and may experience a range of withdrawal symptoms when they reduce or stop smoking. In the past, cannabis was thought of as a drug without a risk of dependence, and as such, the existence of dependence had not been studied in detail or treated as a syndrome. Dependence on cannabis is characterised by frequent use, increased tolerance, withdrawal symptoms and an inability to control use despite experiencing negative consequences in everyday life. When thinking about your own cannabis use, you may wish to consider the following: - Do I tell myself I can stop smoking any time I want, even though I keep getting stoned when I don't really want to? - Have I ever decided to stop smoking for a week or even a few days or a few hours, only to break my promise to myself? - Have I ever switched from cannabis to another drug, such as alcohol, thinking this will help me get control of my smoking? - Have I had any problems connected with smoking over the past few months? e.g. health, relationship, financial, family problems. 8 ABOUT CANNABIS WHAT’S IT DOING TO MY MIND AND BODY? Cannabis use, particularly if heavy or prolonged, can affect many different aspects of your physical and mental health. The respiratory system (breathing) Smoking cannabis is particularly bad for the respiratory system. Long-term use can lead to shortness of breath as well as chronic coughing and wheezing. It also increases the risk of cancer of the tongue, mouth, throat and lungs in later life. It is not just cannabis that is damaging but also tobacco, herbal cigarettes and herbal teas used in mixes. The chemical composition of both tobacco and cannabis smoke is very similar; however, it is thought that a lot more tar is inhaled when smoking cannabis as compared to smoking tailor-made cigarettes. Some people believe that smoking cannabis on its own is much more 'healthy' than smoking tobacco. However, due to the way cannabis is smoked - hard inhalation and holding smoke in the lungs longer than a cigarette - damage to the respiratory system can be much more profound. Sharing bongs is also a common way of spreading colds, flu and other diseases which may affect your respiratory system. The immune system and disease Long-term cannabis use can reduce the performance of the immune system, which increases the chance of catching a cold or flu. This effect may only be temporary, and the immune system should regain strength once cannabis use is stopped. 9 ABOUT CANNABIS Studies have shown that cannabis smoke can also cause changes to cells (mutations) which may lead to cancer. It is likely that cannabis smoke does cause cancer, for the same reasons that cigarette smoke does, not because it contains cannabinoids. If long-term cannabis smoking causes cancer it is most likely to develop in the areas that receive maximum exposure, such as the lungs, throat, mouth and tongue. The cardiovascular system (heart and blood vessels) There is insufficient evidence to conclude that using cannabis causes permanent harmful effects to the cardiovascular system. However, given that it does cause changes in heart rate (between 20 and 50 per cent), lowers blood pressure, plus decreases the flow of oxygen to the heart, it is recommended that people with blood pressure problems or heart disease decrease or stop smoking cannabis. Reproduction The long-term effects of cannabis on reproduction have not been studied widely, but there is evidence to suggest that it may lower sex drive, lower sperm count and increase the proportion of defective sperm. Cannabis may also lead to menstrual problems and irregular periods, making family planning and contraception difficult. Pregnancy and breast feeding Women who use cannabis while they are pregnant are at risk of having premature or low-birth weight babies for the same reason as women who smoke tobacco — a lack of oxygen to the unborn child. This risk is increased if cannabis is mixed with tobacco. 10 ABOUT CANNABIS Some research has suggested that cannabis use during pregnancy may be linked to an increased chance of birth defects or childhood leukaemia. Other reports don’t support this, but as THC is known to cross the placenta barrier, it would be wise to avoid using cannabis in pregnancy until its effects are better understood.
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