Demons Demons

John Shirley

Demons John Shirley Writers from to and have praised John Shirley’s searing, apocalyptic visions of postmodern hell on earth. Now this perversely brilliant author, one of the seminal representatives on the movement, unleashes his newest masterpiece.


In a future uncomfortably close to the present day, the apocalypse has surpassed all expectations. Hideous demons roam the streets in an orgy of terror, drawing pleasure from torturing humans as sadistically as possible. Divided into seven clans, these grisly invaders–gnashing, writhing, bloodthirsty monsters–seem horrifically to belong in our world.

Ira, a young San Francisco artist, becomes involved with a strange group of scientists and philosophers desperately trying to end the bloody siege. Yet through it all, Ira continues to paint–for in his canvasses lie crucial clues to the demons’ origins.

Yet the demons draw their strength from an all-too-familiar evil–a deadly malevolence supported by some of the greatest powers on earth, concealed beneath the trappings of status, success, and abused power. Ira and his allies– including a compelling young seeress–come to believe these demons didn’t just appear. They were summoned. But the most shocking revelation is yet to come . . .

EXCLUSIVE TO THIS EDITION: The original novella Demons was published as an acclaimed, limited edition hardcover which Publishers Weekly called a “mini-masterpiece.” Now the terror continues, as the sequel story, “Undercurrents,” takes the reader on a macabre journey into the center of the conspiracy that may lay waste to the Earth.

From the Hardcover edition.

Demons Details

Date : Published April 2003 by Del Rey (first published 2000) ISBN : 9780345446497 Author : John Shirley Format : Paperback 372 pages Genre : Horror, Fiction, Fantasy, Urban Fantasy, Apocalyptic, Post Apocalyptic, Religion, Science Fiction

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Jorge Garcia says

A wholly uninteresting book that prides itself on nothing more than that John Shirley can write about creepy things. I feel that the plot wasn't nearly as interesting as it could have been and it's as if Shirley sat down, saw a few creepy creatures in his head and said "I am going to structure a plot around these and it's going to suck." I can't say exactly why I picked this up but the first few pages were very interesting, coming to the center of the book was like coming to the end of a decent slice of pizza: there is a lot of despair along with a vast emptiness you feel might never be filled.

Allyson Shaw says

I loved this book. What sets out to be a strange, PKD satire spins out into a suspenseful, truly horrifying morality tale full of incredibly creepy visions rendered in deliciously precise language. You've got to admire what this book achieves in it's brevity, especially in the days of obligatory door-stop genre novels. I had a hard time putting it down, but it clearly pushed some subconscious buttons, giving me nightmares for a while, so I had to reluctantly stop reading it for a week. Given Shirley's note in the beginning, there is a bit of uncanny prophesy about it all. My only disappointment was in some of the received gender notions and the cliched use of a sinister female sexuality-- the femme fatale, etc. I highly recommend this book.

Midas68 says

Well Well, we got em a particular type of Nastiness this time in CyberPuke Maestro John Shirleys Quikulator SF/Horror book Demons.

This baby is well Written with Eye SHockers to boot. Wait no Further Yon YE Christians. As Hell has Runnith Over. and a quick exit is indeed the best route to take in this scenerio. Look out for the President getting Face Fucked by a demon after he tries to get mercy from a unconditional Surrender to the DemonKind. Yep Nasty like I said.

Science IS called in on this Sick Pup as a last ditch attempt to save the or any day. Good luck cause your gonna need it.

(also)having help to Read this baby also adds to the experience. Duh

Demons Sad Pup that is is Gets 4 Solids outta 5

(update) I attempted to read this pup again but could not get into the motherhead. Writing seemed to be a bit off, That will happen sometimes when the energy of the virgin is replaced by that of a well versed slut. New Rating is 3 outta 5

Dave Moore says

I'm extremely reluctant to label any book as 'amateurish', since someone obviously published it, and someone did take the time and expend the effort to create it. That having been said, I've read comic books with more plot and character development than this. This book is the written equivalent to those movies made by the Sy-Fy Channel that become insipid once you're out of middle school.

Michael Cable says

Well, I read this as a part of my Master's Thesis and it was OK. It was actually perfect for the work as it explores the interconnectedness of demonic creatures (metaphorical and actual)and the humans who encounter them. Are they supernatural entities or are they just projections of our monstrous selves? You know, man's inhumanity to man and all that. There is some action, some pull no punches gore and killing, kids, animals, etc. (felt forced, 'see how hard core I am?')and quite a bit of spiritual (read cross religious not Christian) discourse. The plot is a little rudimentary and predictable but there are very few novels of this type in the Sci-Fi/Fantasy genre. Over all, worth a read but not a second.

Bark says

Ira, an artist, has just had his world ripped apart. Demons have invaded and are gleefully ripping humans to shreds one by one.

Apparently, this book is two books in one. Book 1 tells Ira's story and his battle with the Demons. It began with a rip-roaring start but petered out somewhere mid-way when Ira, the woman he's in love with and a group of men who belong to a secret society attempt to figure out how to defeat the demons and reclaim their world. I lost interest midway as the story got bogged down in a lot of metaphysical talk and seemed to skip around too much. It also wasn't as "horrific" as I'd anticipated. The ideas are all there and are indeed frightening but the telling of the story just didn't do it for me.

Unfortunately, Book 2 isn't any better. It takes place some nine years later and this time a group of greedy, power hungry folks thinking they're gods bring the demons back to life but not before the book goes into horrifying detail about the evils these people are doing to the environment. Ewww, for me it was a thoroughly unpleasant and often boring story. Not helping matters out any is the overblown reading by one of the male narrators who gets so worked up and gasps for breath so many times during his reading I thought he was going to croak from the effort. EricaDonovan says

I enjoyed reading this book...

I often search for new authors of horror stories and am often disappointed in what I find, always going back to books by Stephen King. Not this time! I finally found a book that satisfied my hunger for good horror novels, I am looking forward to reading more of John Shirley's books.

Mark says

This was my first delve into Shelly's work and I wont be going back anytime soon. This started out strong with a bang that proceeded to fizzle out with a series of foreseeable "plot twists" and an ending that showed an absence of originality. It was a cliche ending that was an utter letdown and was very undeserving of all of its reviews (at least the ones they decided to publish) especially the one claiming that it is "barely street legal."

If you are a true horror fan you will stay away from this horribly bland novel.

Amy says

From the man who wrote the screenplay for The Crow (an excellent film), comes this book, a compilation of 2 novellas. I personally prefer the first one - they're both about demons attempting to take over, and I found the first novella way creepier (hence, my preference). Shirley is very intelligent and will throw all kinds of ideas at you in this book. Thought-provoking.

VII says

I had to give it 3 stars because of how I rate but it wasn't as bad as its average rating would imply.

It's actually two books, two different stories taking place nine years apart but the second story can not work without the first. Unfortunately the first book is much worse than the second. It's short and it feels like it was just an intro for the second book; the plot is underdeveloped. The second one was better, nothing special but an average light reading.

David Agranoff says

This book is two novellas, the first is a little better than the second. The first half is beyond amazing and worth the cover price alone.

Great environmental horror in the same veins as the sheep look up by John Brunner. Miriam says

On the one hand, Shirley is a talented writer, original and often clever. On the other hand, you need to have a high tolerance for descriptions of people being choked to death on steaming green demon penis. The horror here is revolting but not frightening, and it is really the social commentary that Shirley is best at, particularly when poking fun at the artistic and intellectual establishments:

"The lava lamp is protosociety's purely unconscious expression of the primeval ooze on one level, shaping itself into our most remote sea-slime ancestors; on another level, the lava lamp is the pleroma, the fundamental stuff that gives birth to the existential condition... tabula rasa for the unconscious..."

Jonathan Maas says

Hopefully writing a full review later, but for now - awesome. Unabashed John Shirley fan. I don't know if this can top Hellblazer: Subterranean, but it comes close. Great book!

Cari says

A quick read however I found myself disconnecting from the story. I found the inconsistency in describing the characters and scenes made it difficult for me to image what was going on. The story seemed an afterthought to the demons - perhaps a book just about the demons would have made for a better read.

Mike says

Two novellas written two years apart that form a single narattive.The first,titular novella is brilliant.Masterclass of horror genre,atmospheric and scary as hell,brilliantly paced and plotted.The second novella UNDERCURENT is significantly inferior work;longer and with larger cast of characters,most of them underdeveloped,unevenly paced and a little boring.After apocalyptic rush of DEMONS,UNDERCURENT is little anticlimactic.So,five stars for DEMONS and three for UNDERCURENT.Overall four stars.