Psych Spec Script: "Baby You're a Firework" by Robert F. Peterson Robert F. Peterson 21-15 27th Street Astoria, NY 11105 516 // 582 // 1300
[email protected] @robertfpeterson 2. EXT. BACKYARD - DAY Overlay: 1987 SHAWN stands in his father's backyard holding a bottle rocket. SHAWN Gus, do you realize what this means? GUS Yeah. Punishment, no TV, a lifelong scar and possible limb amputation. SHAWN You're no fun. This is liberation. This is liberty. This is our destiny! The beginning of our future as pyrotechnics, touring the world with traveling circuses and blasting the sky with showers of fire that will help solidify the dreams of kids everywhere and their dream of living life on the edge. GUS Nope. Beat. GUS (CONT'D) Not me, SHAWN. You know I always wanted to be a salesman with a wife and three kids. I don't have unrealistic dreams like you! SHAWN C'mon, Gus! You're really bringing me down. Shawn starts patting down the pockets on the front of his button up shirt. SHAWN (CONT'D) I can't find the matches. Give them to me. 3. GUS No way, Shawn. You know your Dad is going to be home any minute and he's going to call my parents and then bye-bye fun-loving Gus and hello Burton - go to bed with no dinner - Guster. And you know tonight is taco night. Shawn continues to pat his shirt and then continues to his jeans, he starts to pat the front and seemingly finds something.