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March 1979 Daily Egyptian 1979

3-5-1979 The aiD ly Egyptian, March 05, 1979 Daily Egyptian Staff

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l\lurdt·r of ft·lllalt~ ~t utlt·n tin 1970 uu~oh t·d b~' poli(·t· R,· Rill Thfoobald st..u ~ritt'r After foliowinli! mar.y ('lues and condlk·ting hund! t'ds of extensive in· terviews.the Carbondale poli('e department has made no arrests m the unsolved murder of an SIU coed. l'ht-n.-sa M Clark nark was found stabbt-d to death in a bathtub full Jf water in her home m the Ambassador Apartments on E. Danny Street In Carbondale at 9: 30 3.m. Monday. Jan. Zi, 1975 Clark's nude bodv .,.:as found bv her roommate ""hen she' r?turned home from a weekend vacation. Since 19iO, Carbondale police have investigated 18 homicldt" cases: five of the cases remain to be solved. The Clark case was an unusual one, not nn)v because it remains unsolved, but be('ause at the lime. the fullest resources of ~hce investigaung teams ('arboadalt' Pollct' f'bH-f loAf HOltalt (!rill points oat dMigllalioa of crimt' c.ams. U. T~rry ~urphy lriglltl. calif' ~':~~~~ !~ Th~r:~e(-Iark wal> Kathlf'f'n ~cSharrv's homt' at 5%1 S. Allvn ",b.. rt' sltt' "'.. mana,,,,, of lhP InVf'sUgadllg ~vle_ his 00Ws. !ltabbt'd Oft July .,1&. TIl .. dia~ni also shows thf' found In ~r apartment on Jan. Zi. police iz. (Scaff pilote by DIU Tht'obaldl had l!1r?a~ motllhzt'd a "major cnml" always look upon mur:1er as a serious indicted for the Reisehauer murder. trim trees at her home. 617 N. A1lvn St case team' to investigate the murder of enme and pool all their I'e!;nurcl"S m an Cary Lee Relschaul"r, 79. who was found attempt to capture the suspt'cts .. allCl Murphy said the suspects apparenth' ~r:::;:; :!I:r!~tfJlt':e~ed ~:!!I.' went back to the Relschauer home afte·r dead in her homl" bv her sister on Jan. According to Tom !'wfac:'liamara, After tht' investJl!ation. said the 26. Suddenly police' had to mobdize a assistant police chief, the majOr concern ;:tee trimming her trees to rob her. Tht' second "major ('rime ease learn" to motive m tilt> Rell>;.'hauer murder was suspects bound and gaggt'd RelSChauer. 1iI\'oh'mg a homlcldt' case IS the Sl"l"urlty only robbery. and the suspects had not mvestigate the Clark hormelde. of the com~unih'< who apparently then suffocated on the Lt. Terry Murphy of the Carbondale intended to kill her. ReISChauer had ny Ion gag whIch the suspects had used to "Pt'()pk \1iant· to feel secure and a employed a group of tree·tnmmers to poliee said pohce had pushed their murder case gels e,,'eryone eonc:errwd." keep her quiet. resouc:es to the maXimum, but becausl" !!liamara said "Pull('t' bel'ome both murders were only one day apart, 'Daily ~yptIan the investigation "sl~'ed down to a lji:,~sc:,~~~~nk~~~t~laS:m~ f:~t small degree" there who has commlted the ultimate PubhoJoed doily 1ft .... Jour...... _ tlJYP_ "Nf:''''l''r ~for? had the total resoun:es oot su.... ,.p._ '0_ are $11.,.. ,.a< Of 57 50 too en me agamst a pt'rson and we pull l-...... ,. _ ..... So...... , ;:,nIl s...... , Unoy.. of the dep.rtment been so Important," I'. 1I'II"000ths tn Joctuon and WUOund'ng (ount,., all stOJl5 by workmg long hours ,,·,th yoco'__ hoI~. by Sou ....." ",...... S." S'5 ~, year Of sa 50 lor ...... Itt... 't. Murph", said lillie r?St until thE' pt'rsor. IS ap- u"'...... , . .: ___ .... ~ COn~" .. ~ S~.,.,. ./1 ~I ~.Io.. _top pood 0' Corbo<> ,... In oU ta.. • ., CQvft"'''' the Jackson Count,· ~henf{'s Offlt'e ar.d After a Io-month invl"Sligatlon.pohce dale HIlt'\(.. Ed •..,. 1ft P_ 110 •.." A ..« ..... Edt..,. Mo.., many other stali and 1<1(.'al lawen· arr'f'sted and t'hargl' talls of the tWII Although pohce only need to charge onl ,. ..a.c, o,:.ln.on. of the odrntn-.k ,Jfton 01' ..,., '-'. - 0..-...... ,..,._ Jill "'lo"heI",h depa,rm.nt of ftwo murders t(~ether pt'rson m connection ""Ith a murder to U",ve,.,' .... Ie... P ...... ~ .. - __" Gar, Shephe.d Lt. Jern Rt'no of the Carbondale offlclalh' close a case, tllt>v contmued fd,'OtIlQI ond 1>.""...... " oH". I~a'ed "1 COft\ AiI.k. UI,_fo. ~ .. f ...... ',od ...... f" ... pohC't' said: ":\Iurder IS thl" m05tludt'OUS theIr Invl"Sti!{alton And In the past four "",,."ca',onl ::,·'!d~"9 North Wing. phon. 136 "'._n, Ed..... No s...,.,1. pho... Ed •..,. 1'1'" enme a person ean l·ommlt. Pohce months. three adults have also bt'en 1311 v .._A S_ ....QIe>H"' ...... fn:RO'S I-:'D ST I.Ot·1S 'AP ,.- Ca.. ,;ar 7's hft' on tht' SI 1",'uls for" .. haltan v"th a ~------, bu~lary ca... And IllS ·lIt.. t'nd,>d "lui.. appa",nti\' cha~lnj;! a bu~lar from hiS .~tJ",ment home Charlt'S ~ mexlcana Hos.. n ... :h:- 9 ~ear·o!d Gprman 00 shPphtonl's P' """01 0\< nt',.. Ml.'Iflt"d $153 00.. ru~hl N'<'t'nll,· ...ohm h .. n!'<... ,,'t'd an ahun'mous pliont' call HALLOWEEN 00 sa~ Inl( tlla I I' a.-,.ar ; ,. as In lUrPrl He had appal't'ntly tw;of'n hI! h~ a car H(l!lPflf' took th.. d

* SINGLE !OP£CIAL* We have prepared a colorful brochure to fully describe this fare and how ------­lb. Single Y. you can qualify. Hamburger ENDS THURSDAY French Fries Travel Coordinaton and Mexicana are also offering Summer Study Programs Small Drink at Mexico's finest colleges and untvenities. There .,. • wide variety of now only .~f) courses oftered. A few exllMpies are: Anthropology, Architecture, Arts and ~- I"; ~-f Crafts, Botany, Ceramics, Folk Dances, History of Mexico, fntemational 445pmShowSI.5O _ .. $1.49 Business, Journalism, Latin American Politics .nd Economics, Mel(ican .... (Oupon Weekdays 4 457 00 q 15' - Educational System, Psychology, Sociology, Spanish Language .nd Litera­ Iff"r e.o.r.. ~ 3/11/79 Good oniy o· ture. and Theatre. SOl E. Wolnut Cortlonclol., Illinois ro:.~"rB~£uoglfSUfAJlII 001I1I . > We will also be happy to send you information on these schools, THECRUT . . TRAIl . -~ ROBBERY '4. Please send me your brochure describing this fantdStic $153.00 fare to 5 00 prT. Show S I .50 MeXICO and/or information on If'e Student Study Programs. I14DiiEBs: Weekdoys 5:00 7'00 9 00 Name Address _~ .., 451-&i51 .... """'s •.-. MAU. School __ ~. ______My Travel Agen' is. a Send information on the discount airfare progr .. m. :: Send information on the Student Study Programs. MEXICANA AIRLINES HEAVEN ?.~:.t.' i 1J':.~ 7701 Forsyth • St. Louis, MO 63105 CAN WAIT,~;';~·· :::. arm.\s JOB Uit.i 1______------Po. ,--"us.,..,,,.,

Pog..... Doolyfq.pho,", Mo"h~ 1979 1976 1111Ir-(ler of SIIJ stll(ler)t stilll]llffies 1)()lilte 8~ Joan \"if'rinR sht> said Pretkt'l addt'd that :\h-Sharr.· gUitar 'i{-c;"'lnnally, ~lll" ""'\Ild como' m'Klf'i,'fi t... r n,'" "t'~t .. rr. ,;IlIff "tIn Staff ~rilf'r was fnt'ndly, and mel many pt'ople up',n lout ,ind hash1ull\' sing f')r rne A pt'.lrll,tltrOlI!" ~ht, r,.irl nlf' th.t' ,""I,lllm; Who", a" Kat!>lrl'n ThI'If.'S1' :\\c­ her arrival in Car:;'1ndale tn Jlmt" l!l76 mu."Il'lan frlt'nd of mlOt' agrt't'd to gl\,(' ";,, till' ~;r1<'t'f-.'~t forlll nf flalkr. Sharry" Til the Carhtlnclah.' pollee. ~he .• ShE' made trit'nd's quickly and ht'r a I~son nt}'" and tCit·n on the gUItar !'n':k,'1 ,.ald :'.kSh'lrr\ W'I.- an 'a' was a h'lrfll~ murder stalistlc for 1976 easih' Tht're was a smilt, nn hf,r fal'e and sill" sl"t'mt'd enlhu~'d at.... ut that.'­ Iral:tlH' "oman WIth dark br ...... n h.ur Baffling bt'<:auw h"r kIller has nol bt>en and she hmghf'd a lot You l'IlUldn't hl'lp Prt"lkt'l saId and hillt' "~ t',. arrrsit'li. an,! thfo pollee han' no n('w but like her," Prt'lkel said She said that Pretkl.'l '>3' I :\kSharr..- had a nRod 10 '-SIlt' had a Inl 11011111 for r.... r :-.1,0' Irati" To h"r roommale. sht' was an sht' and :\\CSharr... atlt"nded ahout four he Itkt'd and a('('f'pted I~'i pt·()plt' ,lIdn-t ,h'''ef\'t' 10 dlt' at that l".IfI! if: ~,H ehulhenl pt'rson "'ho dldt!'! deserve to or fiVf' parties ,durmg the July 01 "I "'t'ar hlue Jt'an~ aml Wt~ft'rn ;.hlrls 11ft, I thtnk \H' would h .. n' N·malll... j .. ~ dlt' wet'kt'!Id in 1TI\' 1t'I~ur... hours. Kalh\' ('~'me hornt' rO<)!llmat~ /'Jr a lonl/ tIm.' -1Il1't. -1..­ Chrislint' Prt·lkel. :\Il'Sharry-s ~hl' also commentro thelt 'kShar~' aiter sh,)ppJO~ (Ine da~- -anti pruudl\' "han',l m}- dt'~lr~ ,<> gt'l !tIt, bdb pald . roommale_ found ht'r bod\ in hrr I>t'drunm on ttlt- morning of Juiy 12. 1976. :\leSharry had tIN'n slabtwd st'\"('ral .1,1 s.'i;.'il (1 II I I)ol;('e (-h;e)' r(,I(II('.'i tJmt's and had a 10\1;('1 thrown over her fal't' .. I' "'as the flr"! tim.· Kalh\ was in the 1..'''J);(,(lll;;II('r-l-iclilll l)ro),I('.~ hnu'-(' alot, .. ~Inc'e sht· IT'llved-m. It wa" a hot ntght, and I w.'nt III set' a fr nd of R~' JOlin \-it'ring Thert'sa nltrk. 2~. d graduatt' ,-rud!.'n! millt'," Pn'lkt'l Silld .. Wh('n I l'aml' ... taff \\ritrr Ir, ,.p~_~,th pa tholngy .... ,,~ found ,! a/it""d home I saw thE' glas... in the back door The ada!>!", that a person n~'(b a In h.'r .I\-,,,rlml'nt on J-: Danny SI Jan had bt't'n hrok"n .. She scud that wht'n rdtlOnal mOIl\'1" to kIn som ..on ... I~ nol :::. 1~7.~, !'.il/htt't'n months laIN, un Jul\- she found :\kSharr... ·s hod ... II'a! " shock alw"ys tru .... a('('or! to Tom ,,.. '!. ;97». K,,!hll'f'n :'.kSh"rn. 2,t a JU:JIO-r muldn't dt-sl'nbt' ir~coe Percent of my :'IOamara_ assIstant to {'arhonda! .. pollet' "t.U."int'~" admllHstrd'.l!in ...... s ais" reaction." l'hlt'f Ed Hog,ln ' .. llnd ~t ... t>t.t:d In nt'r h,.u~ al ~21 :..; Had she or :\1<'~harry madt' any :\\c:\am;.ra ga\t" thr.·!' t'xamrjt~ "I Allyn SI I'nl'mlt's In the month-s time they klller,vlclim prof lit'!'. Tht· ilr.>! IS Ih.· :\0 ma, ha~ bt~,!. arrt'slt' do nol fln'ur neH'r thrt·att'nt'd ... she saId. Sht> also ders in Carbondalt, !requt'nll~ said that she and :\\CSharr... had bt>en -'Tht'St' are ca,~'" In which the persons The thtrd klller-\ll'Illn profJ!e tan hf "lax" aoout locklOg the doors. .m·oIH":\ knew ('al'h (lther \lit'lL hkl.' a de"cnhed as a person ktihru! SoIlO"'.nt "h't" thought we could trust peoplt' Kalhlnn :\1cSharry husband and ~Ife. or duse fnend.'i." hE' lor a rea!'on, or prnf1t hert". I learned the hard way about she !laId Prelkel addt-d that :\kSharr.- pxplalllPd --Th.·y mlghl ha\t" hifd an "Thert" IS somt·thlng 10 to... gamed." ket'plflg tht" doors IockPd," she said Sht' \10 as fnl"ndly. and mel man~' p<'ople sml'e .. rgument and IIlll' uf the persons lost hl~ :\!(';";amara said . These k;lltr-I!~ can tot: ..aId that she didn't know ~IcSh ..rry that her arrival in Carbondale III Jun ... 1~7n 'wad and klll.'{i the uthl'r per.>on ' In l'Onm"'!lOfl .... ith an armt'lj robben. Of well She made friends qUlckl'- and t'aslly "Thes~' cases ar ... aimosl aiwavs a bur!!la~' " - "1 had posted a card in the Student Sht' kepi a smile on t,~r face: she SoIllvro The person WIll go and tell- a Somellmes the pnitce don'! know If a ('enttor lhat said I was loolung for a laughro a lot You couldn't nelp bul hke :'h~ frtend. or go 10 a bar and tell person was ktlltod for profl!. or .... as the room matt". I Kat"y thllt It was an her, she said sumt'One." :\Ic:\amara soud. \1~'llm "f ar. IrratlOllal killer IOdt>fimtt" thmg. But st,e insisted that I Prt'lkl"l fl.'ll that :IoIcSharr\ was "\-er.· The St'\'ond type of rt'latlonsblp i!> the Lt Tt'rry :Io!urphy of thE' Carbondaie lE't her move m. so she moved tn," brtght," and consclentous- about he'r PS~ChUpathl(" or SOCIOpathIC pt'l'Son .... ho pohce saId. --We .... ould be maktn~ a Pretkt"1 sald_ school work. mav kIll somt'One he doesn', know \'alu 'Judgmenl If w,' did ~~omettmes we "I didn't know her that well Stnt't' I "She wanted to be a buslllt'Ss .... oman "These typt's of killing!'>." :Iolc:>iamara don'l kno ... onl ... kOt'w her for the month she In'ed 10 or o;nmethmg." Pre!kel said St;~ :;an'lal~' 'k''''llrl''sioITm'a~.o.lIneld.-l~~~af~':D Tht~." po-n._!;o;nlOt --I't":lple may no! open their door to a the-house_ I kOt'w her as Iliell as an... one worked for the Illinois BIcentennial. iot onl ... was she bu.-\' with friends and without whal appears to be a rallonal part of a persons hfe thai hiS parents or I'nJoyed riding on the back of a fnt"nd's school. but she had other IOlert"Sts as motive 10 m'O\vt'd mun1er Sometimes that heels. She was the cbeerleader type:' she liked to play tennts,;.an!!d~p!!Ia~)~'!!th!!e~~I~n!!\-O~i!!ve!!!!!!S!!1 L!!-!!S!!tu!!cif.!!!!!!n!!ts!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!c!!a!!!!!!nt!!t'.!!l !!U!!"!! ....!!h!!"!!!!k i!!ll!!ed!!!!t!!ha!!t!!pl"!!!!!r"'>~n!!n!!.!!-·~ \'>::'. Tft'f /. ,~6~··"-1

I •... :"': •• ~;S1:e~:~~·-:.. : ,'. \

I DRfftKftlS'lS ARE (Any mornrng Monday through Friday 6.00 a.m to 1100 a m I

YOU READY Nobody makes better breakfasts than Golden Bear and. nobody gives FOR you more for your money, Nobody. 1~ __~Q.~~_~______2: !:~~N9H T()AST 3, WAFFL~S 4. P~_NCAKES One waffle Three pancakes SPRING-BREAK? Two Grade A, Four half slices served served With two served WIth two extra large eggs With two striPS striPS of bacO f • served With hash 01 bacon or stflpS e>! bacon or two porkIes. or two porkies WE HAVe NEW browns, buttered two porkies I SPRING T·SHIRTS toast. and ,elly (Offer ends Apnl 30. 1979, AND PLENTY OF SHORTS SHOW OFF A NEW S.I.U CAPI SPORTS MART EVERYTHING FOR THE ATHLETE 206 South Wall Street. Carbondale 711 S. IlIino's 457-60" Carbondale. IL Doily Egyplton. March S 1979 Page 3 King ~~ .. tunr. !unground. aplM'ar!l borrd by tbr crnmon~·. but 801 (lIo.dr. thrn-cily rinaO('f' commissioof'r 01 Anna. is opt'oing an account to hrlp ff'f'd tilt' prrstigiOllS pig. !'IirptUDf' ownf'r Don l.inglr. tbrn a rf't'ruUlng !lPf't'lalist for thr !'Iiavy. paid about 12.000 for ff'f'd brforr nllrvrd by donations. (St. LeNis Post Dispatch phOIO) Patrioti(- /Jig is l(~ar IJ(Jlllll'lllll

..... Carter earnlljt~ from an Anna jt"A't"lt'I'. and . 8Pne\iolent IInie- of Elks Staff WriWF of course, a crown St"ptune was PIgs may ('OfI\f' and pigs may go. !Uoomt'd rt"gUlarly and hiS hoovt"S an~U~:;!.:I~~~t~~~h~~I~ hut ~ shall eoYer pas.. throUlZh wt'!'t' pa IOtl"d WI th rt"d toenail pohsh !Coal of buymg a battleshiP with thr SPRISGFIEU) (API,GoY. Jamt"s ~am WIth tht> dJstloctl\"t" air that Lumbt"nre and snortlOll Iu.:s wa)' war bonds Ihry llf'!I('f'ated dunnllthr R. Thompson appears 10 Ix> It"aOing r..~ ~~~:C=a~~~~ a«ompamed Kinll i'lit"ptune about the stalte III full dress. l'Oep­ sail" The Navy put Lmgle back to toward r«ornmendlre a flal l'Z' :truc:1101l and repairs. Shapiro Back m tht" early .05. King 'UOf' qlllckly bt"came a well· known ~l ,nrrPaw In rh ... c;~8t~'S i 1: ~n!· In L'1"Owd pleaser and a nabooal folk Neptunr was JUSt anotht>r hog a ;~:ra~:.~7ar:;~7t~r!.() a·gallon gasohnr tall when hi." un· SNo. Jlro said ht" and HOUR GOP sty on a West t'rankfort farm But hl."ro Ht' r«t"I\lt'd \O"ltatloos to After Lmg}e's dt"part~. St"ptullt' VIt'ls hIS new road program thIS Indo, lrl'Orgt" H Ryan 01 Kar.kakee from thIS squalor. , .. ptun.. rose to altend ralhes '" vanous parts of tr..-ellt'd to morl" spots around thr wl!t"k. St"n [)al\'d (' Shapiro, thl." mt'( .wIth Thompson and dIscussed beaIm.. OM' of th .. true Amencan na~lOn, th.. commt"Odatloos of then· statt" and earnt'd more mO!'... y for St"natt"'s Rt"pubhcan leadt'!', said !ht" pos!Ilbthl) of hlklll(ll thf' gasohJM.> patriots of World War 11 By St"crt'(ary of Treasu~y ~organthaul. t'rlday the t'mlt'd States. but II "'nsn'[ long tax bPglnnllljt July I 10 pay for In· alloWing hlmst"if 10 Ix> aucl!oOt'd off and thP honorary ~",UOll of thl." bPfore SeplUIlt' d«ldt'd il was Ilmt" Rul Shapiro. of Amboy. said crt"ast"d ,.ork on the statt"'s hundrt"ds of times In a thrE't"-\iE'ar IIIm.'1S lrt>nt'r,,1 Assembl\i In short. Thumpson might also chaos.. some to start draw',lll hiS pe~lon dPtt'l'lorallng road "yslem penod. SE'ptune gmeralt'd the' sale tht' pork was hrt'ommjt qillie a ham otht'!' mt"thod of handling thl." Ilt't'd 01 $19 mllhon In war bonds "HE' had d royalty campll'll." Septunt" rt"lumed to I.lnlllt"5 for InC'I't'ast"d road rt'vt"nues He Thompson has saId IllID00S' roads DOIII.lllllle. an Anna nau,,-e who in 1.Inglt". ,. ho IS no,. rt'lirt'd In farm ....·hlch Wi\S abcul a hall mIlt" said Thompson also discussed ar!' breaklOl!. apart. some cnbcally, 1941 was a Nan· I't"<:rwter. was the tlonda, said "You would put thl." e8-"t of 1·57 on illinOiS Route 146. and SWitching to a percentage gasoline du .. to three SUCC't"5SI lit" harsh brain behind N~u",,'s 600 poWlds cro... -n and blanket 011 hIm, and hi." loafed away hlS remalmng years tax that ~",uld automallcally rlSt' wmlers. and the state Road Fund 01 brawn AN a Joke. some of l.mglt"·s ...·"uld act hkt' ot" was a kmg. Ht" was ..... ho-n ht" finaily passt"d on, thl." WIth fUt'1 cost hIkes has not grown 10 m..,t ~Ir .- fnmds bought rum a PIg for $25\) at a k lOd of spoilt'd " Shapero said ThompsM dl!lCU5Sf'd 4-H Club aucUon Tht"Y thought they And ngntfully !KI, II would set'm :~~~~,':';7:,~lna~,S::at'b~alr:,= WI~ ~(~v.. t·~~~eat:'~:-~ _era! IIphom. but that ·'1 klOd of would havt" a barbt"qut" WhI."n St"plune had worltt"d up a of land nellt to Roult" 146 as hiS final govt"rnor :fso discussed thl" thlDk thr govt'l'TlOl' I.ant"d·· toward a LIngle. thougll. pul the h~ up for SVXIO ft't'd btll for Llrele. a seed n'Slmg plan- posslblhty 01 rt"ducmll the amount of flat I '.,'S ft"ed and 5t~ paym"nl5 FREE DESIGNER LUGGAGE FROM C3U1tht Wind of the pljt s act\nUe-s untIl he pas-wei away '" 1!I5O ',;t"p and rontactt'd Lmgle to flnd oUI lu"" :,ad hiS p,cturt" and Itf .. stc.r'y '" HOM~ FEDERAL SA VINGS • CARBONDALE WNI! he wa~ gom.: to de ,•• ,tn tlx­ 1'.pI.,y·, Bd,,,,,~ It ul ~"r.' dl.d money L.mgle told th .. man that he ~entually bPcame a mE'mbPr of lho- was "going tohu~ a bal!leshlp," and the war bond drl\'t' ,.as on You deservf a break for saving. And A balUestup cosl $8(1 million \0 at Home Federal. we help you 1942. so L.mgl .. and th" star of thl." ~tONDAY show had to Iut the road With tlwlr reward your~,elf with durable campa~ The hoI! wa~ namt'd "lOll SeptuJM.> aftt'!' th .. Human Ilod of thE> DESSERT DAY designer luggage. Deposit $250 or !lea am thl."n dt'sljUlall'd as an of· BUY ANY SIZE FEAST more into one of our high yield ac­ floal Say) maliCol Sold at faIT'S. AND WE LL BUY DESSERT hIgh school R.,·mnas,wns. and ""ar counts or add to your present ac­ bond ralhes th~hout the sta tE'. CHOICE OF SeplunP Ix>loogt'd to th.. h,ghest Thick. creamy pudding count and choose your favorite bo~ for 0IIt" monUlt" and then ,. .. nl or hot apple turnovers back up for sale luggage from this selection... ~ nw mcrt' l'lIp05ur.. thaI S<"Ptune SAVE 1'eC'f'1ved. L'Ie mnrt" bonds he sold IUId thE' more glamorous Iw be..·amt" up to S3,20 Ht" sold for more than $1 million at a bOl E MAIN STREfT IlUmber 01 rall\t'S III tht" statt" and (ARBONDALE kept t",s pace up unl,l h.s retIremml 10 Longle's farm easl of Anna In thl." m.-antlmE', SepIUJM.> ~Irt"d a purple blank.. t V.'lth a gold "N" embrotdt'l't"d 00 .1 for hiS (.:::.-.1(.-"' ...... " ... ,...... : .....: .•. ,.. ~., .... _." "...... -,.~ •. ,.' ,.\ ~ 0l.-.q.", ,lit :.~ .~~.",': Deposit back. hand· made. gold· plt"rced Here'. how to get D.poslt Deposit D.poslt .....Itl_' __0 $500 $1000 $5000 your luggage USf .. " .....poslts ~~,.:-.~ .~:..,~ . .. - .. - Matchl..,. luggage tags ... Fr~ Free Free Free Free Utility Kit ) .'N ..,... Free lua.. lOT S 3:9 15 Tote w/Strap ~~ 7.49 619 S .. qq S :1 qq S 949 22' PI> man ~~zy .~ 5 749 ,: .. qq S 149 U" Pullman .$1149 10 "9_ 5 9.39 S 6 qq 511 qq r ta1~~~111 .,.. War"roO. Carrl.r $14,49 1349 $12.39 $ 9.99 SIS 99 /Ii.. I,,,,,,,, of one f~ .. gaff ~, ououn, of d,ff,or~t owneonh,p


DON'T TAKE CHANCES WITH \ YOUR PARALEGAL CAREER­ NOT ALL LAWYER'S ASSISTANT PROGRAMS ARE THE SAME A Roosevelt Unlyersity lawyer's Assistant rep­ Robf'rt Df'Slro and Domlnlquf' Sanda star ID halfway lhrouJeh 111f' film Is lh. m08t complf'tf" resents the mark of quality and acceptance In S(',\l"s prHf'ntation of lbf' film "1900:' Tbf' 1I"""lnn a~·ail .. bl .. out.~id .. of Italy. today's legal communIty. mo"l.. Is four hours long with an Intf"rmisslnn " fOU a'e a u)I!('gl' gradua!(' and Qua!;fy, ""Y not gIve y,jurseif an act>ar'!a~E' Oy R~:;t'!t Unlvet'· s,lis lawy... ·s .:\".;;!anl P"JIalth and saff't)" noon...... ('dnl'sda)". Rl'Crl'atloll _. l,r·gat.on - R~al ESlale and M<>rtgagl'S - Employee arl'as at; :!o pm. rtlonda).'Ckt'rs Buildulg Benefit P:ans' _. or be<:ome a Genl'rallst' ..\udltorlUm. 240B Over 325 ,_ firms. banks. ypotatlons;tnd ~ exhDtL-- "Rt'Cycling Your Blul's mental agencIes Ih'ougnout thfo I)n,t@d Slate!> '­ Alliay Ent'rRY . ll'Cture. 3 p m to ;; Iheater__ _ ."red Roo~elt groJl,.. ,tes Facuh~ ""rublls f=n the School pm. Wt'd~y. Student rl'nU~r • ev-. In_ Drocrem Ot'Ity. 01 Art. through March -.:! "'.tdlE'li AudItorium. Adm,,,,,,on IS fM!'E' GaJlf'rv SESSIONS Em.· Ird Dl'Courey. ed,tor and Thl' :-.iallonal Thealt'!' of the D.-a' Commprrial Graphic Arls at SIt'. ~blL.. hfor of thP Argus·Cham,lIon [J S¢na Day FeboJary 12-May 4, 1979 through March 25. t'aner HaU ".. II prt'St'nt "Volpolll''' and "~Ill' no'wspapn In Sl'Wport, S H. WIll Early Dnl' !\{Clrnlnll." a pm .. [] Spring Even",&March 13-August 25,1979 :\ortb honor Howard R Long. forml'r Wt'dnot>Sdav. Shryock Auditorium o Summer Day JUnI! ll-AuiUSt 31, 1979 dirKtor 01 thl' Sil' JOUrnalism AdmlSllI(lIi IS freo? dPpartnlf'nt. 1Il a lecture; 3U p.m." o Fall OayiSe$lt.....o. 24--December 17, 1979 fims'----- Thursday, Morfls Library E!WOT1ONALLY DIVORCED o Fa" EweninclSeptember II, I9~ I. 1980 Au ..htorlum. MADISON...... is. I API·" Bl'mard RertoIlX'ci's "1900." 7 reol'IIrchl'r al thl' l'ruvl!nity of Recruit., in Placement Off,". ~., r,':' .:', l'Il'l WlSCOIISln.MadlSOll says !1l'arly half ------SEND TODAY ------~~,t~~~d~~r;~~r':!. ~;tl~~ ~.JSic'--______01 the mamed mf'n In Aml'rica aft' It'rmlSSlon In tlus four'hour mOYIl'. "emotionally divorct'd.. from thl'lr I uwyer's Assistant PnIfr~'" • ~ Faculty rKital. kollPrt Wf'l5S. 8 I ROOSEVELT UNIVERSITY (312) 341·3882 .." AdmISSion IS SI y Thl' follow 109 films will be pm.'Sda • (lid Baptist m~e:fessor Mary Annt' fItzpatrIck I 430 So"rh Mlch'gan AVl'nue f'oWldatullI I, lii,nalS 6Ob05 " )', shO'oWIng at Isst through Thursday. "Albrecht, RoIf'Y and Moorl'." of thl' communIcation arts I ~taW ~a me ,n"Qt1nahon DI1 R~fs ~ ...... i ~ Chl!cIl Daily Egyptian ad"pr· sponsored by till' Studl'nlS ior Jesus, dr-pirtment ~ ... ; ~ntt':"\o'~ws \l:th lisf'ml!J1tll or caU thl'8tl!r5 for show SOITIf' 2.000 pt-rsODS Indicated Ill'arly I ~O"ln& 0." ~oc."''''' ~.: Spnn& E.. ..,.". ~ 73(\p.m .. Thursdav.Studl'nt Cf'ntl'f".....- OIly Proc.,.m time Ballrooms C and D Adml55l011 IS 12. ail marriagn faU Into 0IIl' 01 four I "Halloween." \' Thl'atrr I fall Drt Prot".,." .: ~ Fan £weninc ~ "Hans Rlchtpr·HaaSf'r." Southern cat~onl'S: "Evt'ry Wluch Way'But LooIsl'," _ Tradlllonai. in ",hlch proplp I Name IlIII101l1 dlnnPf and ~rt, Thur· Varsltv Thl'8ter havllII a companlOll and shanng I AOcI'~' sday. DInDl'I' WIU lIP hl'ld from 6 thl'ir Uml' with 5Oml'Ont' else! I '"The. Grf'at Train Robbl'ry." p.m. to 8 p.m., Student Cl!ntPl' -. -St'parate. With husband and Wlfl! Salulu Thl'811'r I Uf';rtr'lty on fhel'.:aSd 01 incfi.. Restaurant. AdmiSSIon for dlnnt'r Pmotlonally dlvOI"Cl'd. not much ~~.n .dm,t:~~~-ts "An l'nmarried Woman." Said' and concert IS 54.SO. AdmwiOll lor r y,dUIII mer,t .nO ...,\U'lOu~ reaard to race. COlOr. c:r..s. -.. - I I)ny1olGaI M"d.CIID. Thf'lltl'r the Cllllcert only. 8 p.m. at Shryock ~:nns and a Sl'nsf' of '"Takl' Down." llnivl'rsity .. Auditorium. IS $1.50. ~------Thf'llten ";!~%break," t'ni"usily .. Ish..,IOWM~Rr.rsS______"The Brink's Job," Uruversity .. Thl'8ters. "Charhl! Chaphn Shorts," 8 pm .• ~ EV~$ 25¢ Drafts "KeaVl!D ':'an Walt." 1!nilll'l'sity" Tuesday through Sallllda~·. Studl!nt Thee ten. Cl!fltl'r V,deo Loungl'. AdmlSSlllII IS 2S t:l'nlS Thl' Monte Carlo CircUS. March 23 ~~~~ A.~.~[E? 60¢ Speedrails POETRY PRIZE throuiUJ 25. SIt.: Arl'na Ticket pn~5 SEW YORK IAPI -WS. Merwin are S7. $6. and 55 tor thP gt'Deral 'SJ\)LJ - . ~/'~~ . 11 :30 - 6:30 has been alliardrd :iJf' 1979 801lilllelJ public A 51 discount IS aVillJabll' for ~ PrUe 1ft Poetrv Sil' studmlS. staff and faculty. ' ..... Givpn "in ff'Cognitio)n of hi! chlldrl'n under t2 and Sl'fllor CItizenS acluPIlPll1111t in poPtry Ollf'f 2S at tht' ;': JO p m. show 011 March 23, ¥Pars.' It carries a stipend at SS'(IO. and thl' : p.m show 01\ March 24. On Special -~ " ~ All Da}' & Night: ...... •...... 1\.- .. --\. ! U.BJ Steak House : « would like to congratulate the • Johnny Walker ! SIU SALUKI BASKETBALL TEAM: Red • or; a great year! • & • fOOD-fUN-DRINKS • Water • ~g JOIN US IN OUR NEW • • • Saluki Room for the • ! 0 gome Sofu,ooV· ! 70¢ ~ 11. N, Washing to', The American Tap • , -r r ~_L ~ " Carbo"'ldale, III 1C • - c:., ~(r_'~ .n.2C1tS • 518 S. Illinois Ave. ••••••••••••••••••••• UOlly Egypllon Morch 5 J'I79. Page S fh ;\Iikf' Rf'f'd , tumself before fIghting back with some and shows s{1mething new from f:lvi!' staff Writer of tht> most biting sarcasm slOce Dylan's "Two Little Hillers" is among Costello's It's bet>n wTitten that Eh;s Preslt>\'s "POSitively 4th Stleet." deverf'St I\Tics to datt> and deals WIth pht'nomenal SUCCE'SS was 50 Jlt'rc~nt ThIS talent is most apparent on somt'One who "wants to know the names talent and 50 percent good looks, "At.'cidt>nts W;II Happen" and the 01 all those he's better than." That beIng tilt> casE', it has further Sf'anng "Chemistry Class," in which he Ironically, the best song on the album, bPE'n speculated that thIS year's modt'l of chIdes a young girl that "you got a "What"s So Funny 'Bout f'ea('e, uwt' f:lns-·{'ostello tbat is-Io\'ould probahly ('Ilt>mistry class, I want a piece of your and L;ndt'rsta:tding"" IS the only ont' have to altribute 90 pE'rcl nt of rus SUC' mllld." cess to talt>nt and 10 percent to anger l'ostl.'lIo's strong point has always ~~~~~robY~~~~;~::~rn:;:t'1~~fi~ over being somethIng less than hE'Pn hIS ablht~i to put the punch of early tumll!g in hiS best vocal yt't and Tht· btoautiful rock into hIS three·minute song format In any en'nt, Costello's latc.,;t album. wlthout sacnf1clI~ hiS sophIsticated Altra·:tJOns matching him perfectly WIth "A.nlt'd Forces." gOt'S yet an·)tllt>r step lYriCS With "Arm.d t'orces" hc:N.'ever, a h~,.ered sOWld that comt'S dost' to iurtllt>r in dIspelling the notion that the the additIOnal u."(' of vocal harmonies Jlt'~ieclion. Tht' rest of "Armed Forces ' k('y to hili Nrlv popularity camE' almost combin(' with the increasing tlghtnE'SS of song.'! aren't quite as good. but at tht' t'ntirely fror.~ it,s sacrilE'gious np~ff of tus bal'kup group, . to ~.dme timeo they certainly aren't filler the KIng's immortal name. In fact. thIS gl\'e much 01 thiS album a sound similar matenal. third Costello album is e\'en better than the credit for ehmlllating many of the to "Beatlf'5 '65 " ThiS not only pro\'ldes My the way, anyone interested in Its two fine preck>cessors. abrasive stylistic l'rrors that oc· an interesting twist t(l .. uell !!Ongs as buymg this Illoom would be weI! advised li

Bv David Swanson of Clnd:!>"S voice in the chorus, making features mtnguing boogiE'·w~le un­ student Wrtter her sound \'ery much like tht> Chicagf; dertonE'S, After successfullv del't'i\'! ng pro· based band, Tantrum, l'nderhmn~ the SIde Iv.o comes on a whole lot hotter. mouon by her ret'ord company, l'mtt"d tune arl! plenty of ci&sy !nIltar licks that warmir~ up QUickly with ")'t'an In Your Artists, Cindv BullE'ns has entert'd h('r producers Tony BonglO\; and Lance Heart . It S a funky !nItbucket IlUlta ... ~~dn ~~~~r pop mto th ... iacks of Quinn have cnost'n to supress. The son\l number that she absoluteh' takes off on is verv singablE', but nothing special ,-\ duel sal( It'ad b\' Jt'rr.. ' PPterson adds a With her first release, "Desire Wire," Wltil she laments, mce touch ")'ean In .. 'our Heart" has a Bullens becomes one of many {('male Sure my act It tough f'noulth hc.>a\'y soul mfluence and IS as hard, cold \'ocalis:s who have come out of the But It's only whf'n he's beside me and as mean as it call be 'vmylwork' for a share of musIc's big If voa look a IIltie doser now Other cuts are "Hot Tears,' an monev "'.11, in all liltle girt inside me, Long ago, radIO stations began At thIS pomt. Bullens stop!' rockinlZ ~lfv~~b:~~:':;~he~ I~\~pr\~~i: recelnng promotional "Sneak pre­ temporarily whIle she smfOtS a s~rong the 'work. "Hot Tears" IS an -adsire Wire." Bullens has VE'ry little songs on the album that Bullf'llS co­ course, her hea\'lest numbE"r .. , leading range m her voice, unJikE' Ann Wilson of ThE' 't!vpr" it becoml'S no~lng. AlblPt WTOte, the rE'St being her own It an honE'St account of her 100'er, the Itstl'nE'rs to "t>he\'t' that Bullens may toE' Heart or Annie Halsham of Renaissance pro\'ldes plenty of good feelings because the next "Queen of the lam" Howe"·r. Thl.' irstrumt'ntais throughout are stralght·forwardnE'SS is lost III thIS of her naive and mnocent approach to nporr. tht' album cover, sneak prt'vlews and sound. but often very controlled and rock and roll cautious. This probleru even ~.a!Zu{'~ The album concludes with "Finally nwdia ad hyJlt' ha\'e all dtsgUlSt'd one of The rest of Side ont' slides through thE' the promIsing 'pop' albums of the year. better known band<; Iikt' the Atlanta Rockln," recorded in 1975, when it Rh,,'thm Section, which has becorre so title track, "Desire Wire," thE' best one seemed Bullpns still had some direction "DesIrE' V'ire" IS Bullens chance to on thIS side and Into "High 5('hool gain recogniuon on her own, after "professional" in II:~ studIO their to her music ~ost of "Desir!" Wire" is a creative spnntaneitj: has been lost History." which is far and aw~y ltwo confused bundle of suulidii, wtuch nev('r ht-lpH".g cut t.'le the "Grcas(''' sound most interestinlZ cut on the albllr.l. It track. Ht'r vOice is refreshmg, and the From the opemng cut "sunrivor," quIte hits a ner'\'E', opens in the style of Patti Smith's The album is mind: '5S, ves, but dist· IS clean, crisp, but owr-produced. It probably a top·40 bound number, . promising aL'IO So cut looSe Cindy IS filled WIth gimmIcky overdubs. horns Bullens' limited vocal range shows in "Pissin' in the River" before rolling into and urmecp<;.o;arv orchestratIon. her inability to belt out the high notes. a Buddy HollY'like rockt'r. The song Bullens and let us SE't' what you have There are a iot (.f

Starship ioGold" looks fine" but ~()unds Bv ,Iclan Scott ju~t like a rerun of their top.. tO hits siudf'nt Wrtter A negative review of a Weather Rt>port album is an unusual Sight. By Terri Tangne~ How <.'vpr , their latest offering, "Mr Starr Wrh, r Gone," has \'e(.'PI\'ed some bad re.iew'S, Jtofft'rson Star! most eye are jl>med In rhe current hneup by albums and the result IS on(' bormg Jan) Pa~lonu... on bass and P('ter Er· album. \'00\(' heard ALL the cuts a sklnE' on drums. un. and heanng tius album more than For YE'ars, thiS Jazz quartet has been IWI(,!~ 10 a row cauSt'S ('xtreme boredom. voted mto thE' top poslllon in IJownbeat What IS offert"d is top.pop-rock-bop. ~Iagazine's readen;' poll. SInce theIr thE' band is once a~aiD searching for new -¥J'~ gold hits. lZroo\'y. Side one reads: cooc'('puon they ha\'e ContlOut"d to sounds and new ideas "Rid., the Tiger." "Carohne," "Play on "urpnsl' critics as well as deilght The most notlc('abl" cut on the album Lo\('," "~hfacles" and "Fast Buck audience~ WIth their rhythmic apprCdch is Past onus' "RIver P'.-()I)le." It features Freddie" Side [w'o: "With Your Love." to music. Pas tori I.!!' ' bass tOIl'.~ wtUch are nothing "SI. Charles," "COUllt On ~e," "uJ\'e Despite their • eputahons as masters short of Incredible throughout the Too Good" and "Runawa .... " heard on A~t radio, \'ou"1I love Gold. U of their instruments, the members of ,d~um. Here, Pastorius shows whv he IS If yoove nt'ver heard much oj these, you want to get intrOduced to Stan;hip, Wt'ather Report aren't known a .. ac­ regarded, alorllJ with Percy Jon~ and then tilt> alhtlm sounds good The best then Gold will work as a fine primer. If complished soloists. Tht' band has !'.tanle..- t summer'5 reruns. IS created by we;Jvmg textures of musl(, The entire album IS filled with unus'..lill some Imagmatl'/e vanatlOr.<; 0', 'he As a "bonus," a sillgle, .'; ;ght the Sky ""th shor' lyrical Itnt'S and !lhraSf'S. On melodies, broken tempos and sheets of baSIC rock and rl>:: heat on Fire," and "Hyperdrive," is each of tt>, or eight albums tho: band has sound, but a common feeling is shll But the only reason the cuts are on the packaged with the album. As I lost the been able to grow ana become a true present m every song Whether it's their album IS that thev made lots of monev 45 attachment to my stereo years ago, ' collective force, passion for unusual sounds and tempos when thE'Y were ongmally releast"d. and was unable to listen to thE'm, I did heal The main fault with "~r Gone" is that or just theIr d",.-iog rhythmic feeling, the album IS a blatant attempt to cash ill "ught the Sky on Fir't'" on AM radio, it isn't quite as accessible as most of the one charact(,-1stlc that tilt> membe!'S agam. and It sounded like good OLD Stan;hip of Weather Report share 15 that they are U you really likt"d the Starship you'v~ rock and roll, ~'d~~~ ~!::~s tf!a~v:SU:=~I~ not afraid to be different PCJ9E' 6 Doily Egyptian March 5 1979 '.ini!'Ot .. r trit,,,, (9arnpus 'Briefs talt'nt paruM.. REGISTER TO VOTE AHTtil k. III ·Ap· TM- Rf'\; FOR THE Larry Mafff'tt hopo-s hiS church and Blacks IntE'J"f'StM In Busin~ will pJ"f'Sent a workshop Iu5 paristuoners profit from a $2.000 with RIchard Hayes. associate afflnnatlve action officer. 1es.'opit'," he told 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Ut('fl\ .. , h;.vt' h $2.000 which I 0( A symposium in "The Future American .-~griculture: WII. give to anyOOt' wI!<' -:;;::,."es to UM' Third Floor Student (enter The I-:conomle PefSt)e('tive" will be held at4 pm. Tuesdav hiS talt'nts f,r lItE' !Very of Utt' '_ord in the Agriculture BUIldllllit Room 209. Ytalter Wills and AI Utt't'fId of a 51"·W.~ pt'rlod. you William Herr. professors In ammal industries and Donald are to relur.; It. IT'ane\' aod an~ Lybecker. associatE' professor of ammal industri'!S. will Increa~ you have madP -by the u.W Monday. March 5 Activities Room ( speak. of your lalt'nt~ te !ht' church' Tuesday, March 6 When no OOP camt' forward for the Activiti~s Room A cash. Mafft>ll Wt'flt out Into the Wednesday. March 7 Activities Room ( "Move {' .er Marcus Welbv." a medical self~are seminar rongregallon 10 dlsl ·!bo.lte it on non· traditional alternatt\·~ for womt'n. will bP offt'rt'd "Mn; SePle~. , know you an' quilt' Thurc;.dov. March 8 Activities Room 0 from 3 to 5 p.m. "onday in the Student Center rtHsslssipPl a qwlter." he told one woman. "Can Rn'er Room The seminar features a film and talk on home you buy malnlal for a qUilt and Friday, March 9 Activities Room ( birth. Mt'd Prep Outrt'ach Club is the sponsor of the have II made aod ready to seU in SIX WMS bmt"" program offE'rt'd by the Patient Activiation Program. She said she could John S Ja('\(Son. professor of political science. lW;i11 makE' "Billy. yatfre our Imentor." tM­ Sponsored by a presE'ntation E'ntltled "The RE'ward S,,'<;tPm, Politics and mlrustt'r said 10 Bill WatkinS ·'T .. llt' Uus aod Invent somt'llung and glVt' SIU Student Government Political Science:' at '.he Phi fWta KapPa·Graduate SchMI Ute prafits to lilt' I,ord . ~turt"Shlp senes f:om noon to 1.30 P m Monday in tr.e and SludE'nt ('E'nler Cormth Room. Tht' lA'{'lurship st'nes is co In all. aboul _~, po'<,plt' r@<:t'I~t'd l'a,h and "'t'rt' lold 10 put It to ,",ork The League of Women Voters spo~()rt'd by the Graduate Scheol. the <..iraduatt' Studt',! foe (;od Council and tht' Illinois fWta AS.'lociation of Phi Beta Kappa

A mt't'tJn~ of all peoplE' attending the spring trl~ spon· sort'd by. the Saliin~ Club will be at 7 p m ~tonday In fjobs on Campus StutiE'nt Ct'ntpT S('C"nd floor hallwav outsldt' thE' nVt'r rooms Dt>PC)<;lts for the triP w111 be dUE' no later than thIS Tht' foll'""mg Jobs for studt-nl mt'E'tlng "'''''IIt'1'S ha~ .. bt>

. ' ~. . . E,-\KI~S PORTR.-\IT :'IiEW YORK IAP'-·~ painting "Archbishop William Hmry Elder" by American artISt Thomas Eakins Buy One Egg McMullin was ~ntly IICqlJlrH by the Cm­ cmnati Art MUMWD from the Coe Kerr Gallery ~ Warren Adel!lOll. director 01 Coe Get One Free .....,,~~lli.~~,(; =.=do~· F~=sPO=~~: .. :; . ~'- ~"""" ".~ -~~,... J ~ AHMED'S.. II'! Redeem this valuable coupon .~~ '(~,\, !FANTASTIC25< off with I from March 5-11 for a free Egg II'! I coupon on ~ McMuffin with the Durchase of fFALAF.L :>ulld-... tnnil'! ~FACTORY ~ one. Breakfast is s~rved 7 am- MCDOnald'S ';".> 10 am. Monday thru Saturday. " ~405 S. /IIonoi5 ~t 7 am-I 1:30 am, Sunday. Ihe ~... ! ~ i O"9,nol Home oIlhe Foloftr· ~ ------..u .. ""AWIRMA. COM80 ~ Buy One II'! • UNTIL SOUP • ~ Get One Free ! · VIGOII SPIC. ~ II'! SANDWICH- .. Offer g~ ::~!'; UI Egg MeM.tti. ~ - TUR. ISH conn • ~ Campus McDonald's! March 5th thru March 11th ~ wHOLIWHIFTHTA II'! l,m.! One coupon c-er family per VIS;:. No In.t.. "'Grnl"" ~ _~ ! other '.JUPO" redeemable w,th thIS oHet'. ~ C .. RRYOUT II'! (oup.:.... ,'ol"e I 20 of one cenl. ~ SHot,.l ~ Offer good at Campus McDanaW*" AOS ____ ._. ____.. ___.. ___ -,.------1..~ We"" tot' our New iIt ~ M_t leter'. Spede' ~ Pf4.

THE GOLD KIIE LUNCH SPECIAL Slice of Single Ingredient DEEP PAN PIZZA anJ S~1ALL S()FT I)RINK 1 1 am-! I'm

f'rof"~or t-rf'd \Hlliams rl'lalll'S in "i~ offil"l' troUPI' JH'rforms clas."iul pla.,·s in thf' Homf' F.c:' $1.30 fal"f'd h.' • bulll'tin board fillf'd "ith photO!! from 8uilding. I Photo b) Randy Squirf'5.1 ~brl.·Fri. I his I.. tnt prududioo. ·'Th.. (iroul"h." William,,' Clllssics profess()r SlIyS JJllI)TS I briJlg stllfieJltS., fa(~lllt)r togetl)eJ~ .~~ lh Rand~ Squtr... rmr!:,1r::~~ I t.·!J("\ f" It' ~ nf'\'(':"o!'-~r~ :~. f,,%'" ~,Votlrd \\f" do !hlO~'" ~Jf'rf' tt'ht~ Sludrnl \\rit~r rda;t:\ ~t~ ~ot",plt:' :1.n.. r; ht:'r~' ht- 'ii)': ao (,!ht':- ~'Ia~~w~ facuJ:\ .it*,' th­ Happ'); Hour ("las~lc! ;Jr' flt'r. r~tl~ml! h~~ hdnd.() ('llU~'S a~ ~·'dn;plt· pt'rfnrrr: anl'I"H \ ;;... ~k pja:,,~. t, h;~ t·ar VtJiiJa: .• ,.. l5 t,nlllnaih' from !>t.t'fl i!r ...."r.~ ,r: p"puldrlt, l1urllljol "':Ilia"" "",d ,t', o!,w>d ror 10 ha,<' '" '''mlllj/. or ". hl~ hfol! nIX·kl ...... " All Drinks Half I>rice thp ~"'t) ~-t"~tr~ t1f H~ "."(I!'o~Nh~t" .-\tlOuf :.1(1 ;n:t,jj!f'du.i: oct ;tn ~~tltlo"'k of hie II .. , a j/Tddu.a! .. 01 III<' !·nl, .. r«I1\ of (except bottle beer) !~..... to :''111:1 J,Jf"r!'Wl£l..... (.... 'r.H· !() ~ah.'h ~tl;lt· &~ C',~H~f> "If .\nu 100Jk ha(:k at I '"l.>fado and :-t'<'t'I\'!'d hiS ' of Sophocl.. s. whar ha,'" ,Iors ,'f rh .. p'lays M'" Illdud!'d an )iOU I/ot"' Sil' d.-an. a ... ,..... prt'lOlhlnd somf'llmf'!' call fur !h.-atrl"" as wril slOj/l.. drl"'lll~ fore.. b .. hlOd In hiS most N'(·...,I produ,-Iloo of 'Cia"SlC'S" IS ~·r!'d .. rtck '" lilil'lms. "Th.. Grou('h." Frank Horton. \'1, .. an a",s"n31 .. proft'!'."'r of cia"""". pr"~ld .. nt for al'adrml(' a!faln. Good Steak ~tO:\1JAY TIICRSDAY SATCRDAY who ha. hIS rt'as ehara('lt'T and "fl~1Il ('umlll, thE'f'l a,k.. d ... ~".l rol .. h.- n: Ight bt' IO/l.. ,h .. r for ' .. arn,"!! an t'.. ""pP<"It'd to plll\' ppr' ..n< ... " sa,d \\,lliams ,,' lold hIm lIOmf' fdl ... ''iou'lI ... tlham' falk .. d aooul hIS ila,'t' 10 pla~' a Ilod and mak .. fun of I'rt,pi .. WIlham~ saId Horton ajU't'!'d 1'0 hto- In th .. pla~ h.- bt'h ..n's th .. ",·!ftnainO'SS" of Wliltams said th.. plays probably H\\'Y 13 E. Carterville r..:hoc.: uitti! ~rai~ ~t~ffits and .oo't ~'uru~ tllun- tt!ll"hnn:ai 01 farult~ HIS produ{'lums bnng proll.'s.·I\'es He admlU!'d to ha''ing thoughC he m fronl of God 3c,d ",'ervbod" .. '\IootllOO'C hk .. Carbondale "I dldn'C th~~:r~;~~~ ~r;I~::~~~ ~:~a~s ~:!,~lr~k~t,~t'II~ ~'i~ H... romm .. ntl."d that IlI<'r.- should he klms art' mor.. I'fIthuslastll". and .... Ilham~ "IS bE'caust' I·rr. a th.-ra<'ult! lsmor.. .. h"slTUIUlII."d

MEDICAL SCHOOL SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE INTERVIEWS IN ROOM 2,., LINDGREN HALL (LIFE SCIENCE I) ILLINOIS ENVIRONMENTAL 11:" AM TO 4:00 PM MARCH'.l"7t COUNCIL MEMBER, WRITER AND EDUCATOR Tn .. U So No...-, .\ oHer:ng full ... ~ Iotoior"h.p" POy""9 tu.hon b '>OIl, tob t .., eM'" and SAOO per mOft'''; '0. tree' fO ",,~~(.QI \h.,de> .... " Of' ,'ud.n'~ ... he ho •• a.n Q«(e-p1.d to Mvd'(OI >t hoof l'.ut.nan' loll Polm... ond l"",'.,F\Or'1t lorry Siork ,...,11 M ,n room 2'19 of l,ndqr.n Hall .fo,.."." .... Lit. x .• nc: .. ' from' I 00 ,t04 00 pm 10 on"... , q~fton'\ fOt anyone ,"I.-ft'ed ," I .... Nav,,. Ued~(oi S:"tw)()l ~<.hoIQr"h.p Fo.- .vrt~' ,nformor.on ... , ... LECTURE:

MfOlCAL NOGtIAMS Of.1CU NeYy 'ecnoltl... D""~ HOUSE BILL #5: The Illinois Bottle Bill 11. Nortlo ,_Nth S ...... '_1111 S'. Lovh. MI_I ~'" The message in the bottle fll., 2... UII ....,_ •••••• ,_ ••IIM. Monday, March 5, 7:00 pm THI NAVY ITS NOT JUST A JOe. ITS AN ADVINTUItI MI' IOUAL QHOIrTUNITY IMPLOYI. Student Center Ballroom D page 8 Doily fgyphQn Marth 5. '979 . THIS WEEK WE ARE FEATURING OUR MEAT DEPT. WHICH EACH WEEK BRINGS YOU THE LARGEST YARIETY CF TOP QUALITY IEATS AT THE BEST POSS~BLE PRICES!


WHOLE IGA Wilson Corn King PORK LOlliS LARGE EGGS BONELESS $1 39 WHOLE HAMS S:=~i:::~NJ Lb. Cut to Your Doz. 69 C Specifica1ions. Lb. $1 STOCK UP YOUR FREEZER NOW!Lb.99 1·..•..1. p Hillshire Forms Fresh Frozen \ i BLUE BEll BEEF SMOKED SAUSAGE 5-lb. Box P SLICED BACON POLSKA KIELBASA CHICKEN 12 0% Package LIVERS I 7 $1 '9 $1 !rlb. $1 95 .... s.&aULI. IN OUR STORE ~AY&"I.AY

Daily Egyption. Morch 5, 197'i. Poge 9 IGA TABLERITE U.S~D.A. CHe "I CUT ABOYE II QUILl" ••• ACUT BELD

IGA TableRite IGA Tobl.. ",t. 80" .. '''~' BOSTel Bun PORI ROAST ••••• " •••• lb $1.39 Quarter Loin leA Tob'eR,'" BOlE LESS PORI STEAlS ••••••••••••b $1.39 PORK CHOPS tr.A T .... ,~D .... CEITER CUT PORK STEAKS •••••••••• lb $1.29 'vA T"bleR,'e FRESH PORK U'ffR •••••••••••• lb .59 l~1·39 IGA T"b'eR"e PICNIC STYLE ROAST••••••••••• lb .89 fresh & Meaty PORK HomeMa SPARE RIBS ITAll! 3 to 5-Lb. Average SAUSA;

: '~ Lb$l ~ Ii lb~l. 19 , 1 .. ~~: ::' :.~=:=.:_= :::::"''',';;,::,~:,,::=::. ".. -=:.r"' ,_~==",~-':=':--.":::",:~_._ ,.. :-..:-- .~: .~ ~"~ WE SELL ONLY USDA CHOICE BEEF 't.

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;' , T ABLERlTE t ~ Always your 8e~'t Value! , ICiA TableRite USDA Choice ..j SIRLOIN STEAK IGA TableRite ! ;' USDA Choi(e $239 Center Cut lb.

BONELESS SIRLOIN STh\K. lb $2.59 , IG>A tob".'''U S (_.- NEW YOIiK STRIP •••••••• olb $3.'

Ri8 ST!AK . •••• lb $2.5' IGA Tob ...... U S (hoo<. R~B EYE STEAK •••••••••••• ll> $3.4'

t' CUBE StEAK •••• 0 ••••• 0 ••• ,D $2.29 Fresh lean Family Pock r, IGA Tabl",'. U ~ ChoK. ~ ~ T-BONE STEA~ •••••••••••• lb $2.69 t. IGA Tob~ ... U S. C~. GROUND 11,', PORTERHOUSE STEAK ••••• lb $2.79 I IGA TobL.R". us, Cho<,. l i BONELESSROUNDSTEAK .. lb$1.99 BEEF f j IC " '"to ...... us Chao<. ~ 1!~!~.xN,~.~TEAK ...... lb $1.99

f PEPPER SUAK •••••••••••• lb $2.29 I.: rr..... Tai>IeII." U S Cho<. 5o~~.1·19 EYE OF ROUND ROAST••• ,La $2,"9 f \ eone'MS STEW BEEF ..... lb $1.79 '--_-.....- \(-~ \~~~_: ~ ~~ ~1 .~ -.=~~ .. ! s UQ! • ,.,...... ~~rlttn ....'!!"'·· _ -:•• .!n"!t+~~;W. « .> .. Poqe 10 Oo.r~ Egyptlon Mo • .;h S, .979 ~,~.\. t.·:·"·'~· '''::'~'''''''-:i1 ,~~,.~_=':~~7~,:~~",~·",., :.~'.'::~.~ "",~.~.~""""'''-'_t. -~,- ~--... , "~.~.~.~I.--" '0_-'" .,.-~ ~"'.A...... ' ~;>. "~'J""'''''''' --,': ...... ,..,~..... , ...... ~.,~, IOICE MEATS • COl!ntry Style lOW II PRICE" SPARE tf ~I~:~:~~: '\1 "-1 SIY'.'S! pHOOMRodKe U RIBS (~ .~~ I 39 .J J ~ /~ if Lb.$1 ,.:': . SAUSAGE d

I Lean, Tender PORK j f ~ lb~1·19 Ii ~ CUTLETS ~ Home Mode IUlF1MiLYPlClS J $1 n ROPE lIUAU: 1 ~ Lb. • 59 nSAUSAGE FlllLTrAcK I 29 IGATobleRileCenlerCul 14 Lb.$1 . ~~~~~d~Gt .1 RIB CHOPS • • • • • lb. $1.79 'Mode i I .IAN IGA TobleRile Center Cut I WHOLE PORK LOINS I LOIN CHOPS •••• Lb $1.89 Cut to Your SpeCificot~o~5 lb. $1.39 I SAGE IGA TobleRile Thick Cut ,. 149 PORK CHOPS •••• lb'1.89 FAMILY fACK CHOPS. Lb. $1.3911 PORKROAST •••• ,"'1.49 . BUTTERFLY CHOPS •• Lb. $2.29) : 9 "=--~-:-_t'~ iI.-=--...... ~ 'I( ,:::~.:.:~:':~ :...7:.::~-:::..--. -p:..::.~,,-.;: ,..- ::-~~ r ~. IGA Tabl •• "~U.5. Chal,. IGA Tabl•• ;'.U.5. Chat,. l~ • IGA Table~ite IGA TobleRite .' TOP BOTTOM t1 ! USDA Choice USDA Choice .. DOUND ROUND~' t ROUND Din t' II d 'STEAKS STEAKS Ii :OAST :OAST I; Lb. $1 79 Lb. $239J Lb. 1.~9 Lb. 1.89 iJ -----...;------', BONELESSsROASTS !j IGA l"bleRite USDA Choice Ii BONELEss' Cho',e 11 BONELESS CHUCK ROAST ~; RUMP ROAST •••••••••• !b $1.99 P $1.... ;; ~] rJ Lb. BUY IT IN THe

" ... .::... =: :: t;: :: ::::rv ±:::=: t:: " :::::,Q5 CS(l"~.-< :: =: ::.: ; . =::: = :(~ DOIly Egyptian. Mar(h~. 1979. Page 11 BOREN'S IGA surER MEAT SPECIALS! •.. WILL MAKE YOUR DAY CAMPFIRE WIENERS 7, c 12-oz-69Pkg. I- All M_t By the P,ece BOLOCR. • ••••••••••••••••••••• lb SS· '.' Waf., SI'c4!d Farmer's Pride HAl ••••••••••••••••••••••••• !.b '2.19 . SLICED SLAB aAeeN ~ ttl ""Halfn 11,,= ifUi";.:.11'': ii·j,K e Fresh Frozen Lb.9g CATFISH .~~ .. ~.:.., $129~, . 5 S TEAK ••!~. >.J.' . :1 SKINLESS WIENERS... ••• •••• .99 ~V h :~::~.,:~,O> ... o~ ~.; r j ~V·. "') O Ii :::!l BOLOGNA AC••••••• $1.19 ~,. ~ ~i ~ -- M'L>~1 ..~: SLICED LUNCHEON MEATS ••• $1.19 1'i 8. ·n.POdloq4" ,Allliil,.~t1~ . 'j iI'u.B.. 1I if ~~!,C;!R,~,E~~~.:.,.,!.,'"~: !'-~.:"" .59 $169 ! :·l~:'U!::::.~~.~~!~~~.~.~~~.~~:'.!.r::.~.perla.. , SOc: coupon or...... _...... Half Sl." per Ia.. tI ,-.' 0<0' __ ,0 " •• IF YOU DOIi'T SEE "t'~ WHIT YOU WIlt 'LEISE Il \1 lSI • • • WE WILL IE,. IUD TO HELP IOU! t- . I ~S!S~~liS'BS II it BREASTS. • • • • • • • • • • • lb $1.09 .' tl LEGS ••••••••••••••• lb. .99 I ,. THIGHS ••••••••••••• lb. .99

iJ WINGS. • • • • • • • • • ••• lb. .49 " it LEG QUARTERS •••••• lb, .69 JI!i~ j \_--~~=::~~ •• 1-;~ ~~~~=~~~~~.~~~:,: l~4~ --~'~ gJ

PlAY, wt-I, BANKROll Yo\" COUlD • ~ NEXT """"atl BOREN'S "21 W. MtlI" L_I. Partr Mall Carltontlal•• IL

Poge 12. Dolly Egyphon. March S. 1'»9 ; GActivities F C(lerlll Stlll1(lur(ls urge(1 ()11 tru(ator safety ~eur

r,~ ll~: ~~,,:~ 1~~~;;~,~,~~ral jlDwrnm.. nt ~ {<'<"!'pilon and Ihnn.. r. ;, :lU 10 !I :\I. ,·h .. rs sa,d And ttu~ ·ncr.. a"" "'as should r..qulr.. Ihal manufat'lur.. rs r"ll,slt'rfod 'n th .. la,·l" of a dtochrunJl It" 'm. Sludpn' (·.. nt .. r lia:ll'r~ pqwp th!' ,mpl.. menL.. "'llh !Oafety I:. .1IunJZP and Ballroom B farm populallon d"\1C'(·s. ,a~ t ... o ('nl ...·rs'l' of f.. ) :Il'ks Inll"r"~I .. d 'n Bu,'nl'~~ "'ISCOOSln rM.f"arl"h,·~ • Th .. .,. nnlt' thaI nat,o~aJh th .. ctjlnl'u·Huft" 1nriu~tr~ hd~ 'M1e ;,( rtw ~.~~: lPPtmi!. 6 to 8 pm. SludE'fl1 I nd.. r pr.." .. nt r"!tuJat"'n~. "nlv P .. nlff Ballroom (' Idrm .. '*Ith LI. or nlllr~ t"mpICJy~s h'Jlhf'St lJl'('up3uonal '''Jur, d"ath rat~ :,.1 ~r 1'.~.t •• 1 \Ao')rkf"fS In '., tM ,!'pnn,s Toumamf'nt. .. 10 II art> r"'lu,;"d 10 h",t' tra('fnn Jf..,', ~.:.;, SluM!!t l'l"ntpr k •• man 19~h as I.'nmparf'd "'"h U lor all ,-qUlPp<'d ...·'111 rollow'r pr"'''''II'i1' ("''I.'upa',elfl~ ,'ombm,'(j Th .. re .... er .. strul'lurf'S Ul l'rushproo/ l'ab~ l.\lCM' farm d ..ath.~ m 1!!7f>. s<,<,ond f'rl"l" School mN'unll· .. to The rf'!\(>archl"rs sa,d th,s dOPS BAR ~'Ire on" 10 thl" ,. 'fl.,lruchon ,ndu:sln no\hJ!l~ to prott'C1 Ihl' bulk of far Karl""n anc : .nrl'fl sa,d that .... ti,l .. & mNS ouls,d .. th .. b'll gralnb .. it larm,lIt. ill·c"w.L~ fnr unl~ ~ pt'fl't'nt 0TARDUST BILLIARDS e)p'·.ation~. "'''''l'' m.JS1 of thl"m a. ~ of tht> m"l ...... ork fnr, ... ,n W,sel,"SIO, 409 S, Illinois Ave lam," farms ,,"'Ih fNl"r than 10 It an'nun ~ !nr mur. ,"an 2" perc:.. nt oll"n "l<' ... - .. mployl'<'S of ""(lrk r ..lal .. d fata, ... ur,,~s ~..··tl"' .••.·.~~.~.;;J.~~~~;:.~m Scho..,1 Cook and K,('k thl"~;;;, Junk Trud~' Karison. a do(·toral "an . ood Habtl, 1\ 10 8 pm. Hom .. dtdat.. ,n '"Jury "p,d.. mlol"ll). and "I' nltk. h.lilh .... a\' \· .. h.rl .. ~ or j. :C'QlIOnw.·s I.ounllP [lr Ja) 'elf'en ... "",stanl prnfl'SSOr ,·on"urn .. r produ.:!,,: farm Ira<'lors Michelob ;.t.' '."~.. . . ,.~%.~ [ q;-!"-'-.. ~ .. ~:'.' ....·l"SChool Hatha YOI{4. 6 to Rpm. rof prf''i .. nll\·'' m .. d,c,n ... repIJrt .. d do nnl ,'d"" 10 m"t't fed"ral , .'u1ham:.!Oll Ih .. lr ,Iud.,. of acnd .. "t" un 21)'\Iprnmt'fll standard..... dt~ljl(nt'd to .....p ~'hool Prohabthh T~ and V. ,,,,'unsln farms In thl" t· .. bruan pTOrt-tot tht"lr o~n"'r u ... ~!,s· tht:')o , Pnk..r ... pm. StUafflt ('''Illl''! ""rotf" Drafts ""'Ut' of tb.. Arnt'l"l('an Juurnal Of -1" . ''''',''<1Ur, R"'l"r RelOm l'ubl,,' H.. alth ;:e-Z1 Th.·)' p,,:n! oUI that roilu,,'r . rt.... Schoo' on .. half 'm'h TV :\"r .. n ~ald .n a It»('phnn .. In prutpctl\'!' strUI·turt>s Ihd! l,.,uid ! ('.. nlM' f I'roo\J('uon, .. pm. Slud...... 1t'r\"U"'" from \l ... dlsnn. hnlA~\t"r. pr.. wnl "li.")' r;; and ottl"n ar .. an Ifl('r ... "~ ac~s Ih .. munlrv all doy i .. IPllIlC.".7 p n., Studt"lll C .. nl ..r ""Ilonal a'T.·S..... H ~" ~:1 l laskask,. f!."·l"r Room In V. "cons,". Ih .. d .. ath ral .. ~t"r .. than half of thl' dpatn" and all nIght •... 415 iI~ r P"'t' School Fn,bE'l" tw tht' a"-"""',alf'd "',Ih Iri11.·rClr~ on farms r"p'lf'tM ,n th .. "Iu

Ffto,· S .. h,~,J Ballronm Ilane .... ; p ITo . 51111\o'nl ('ffir .. r tla;ircllurnt'd \'oium· RIGHT THROUGH YOUR ~rs m ....l!n~. !l to I" JIl pm. Student Ct>nt .. r Art".,!,· Room A SGAl' mt."l"l'~. .. 10 'r; 30 pm Student ('..r.t,_·r Activit> Room B '"110"'" O\,l"f Mar<'US Wl'ib\'." :Ito:; SENIOR YEAR. ~l"f ~'::'.:.t ('en!l'r Mlss,sslPP'

MOORE lIC."1..·I.Pn 'RE RoLl.IS(: ~U:AIJ()WS. III. 'Ap ,-_. 'nll" Hmry Moon SculptUl? "Large Two f'orms" ha5 ~ ac-quII'.-c! by If you're a junior or senior responsibility, a 824000 Gould \", and InstaUf'd In front of Gould's corporatl' h ... adquartl'rs majoring in sciences like salary in four years, and gilt­ bluld'fIIl ~rl" math. physics or engineering, edged qualifications for .ious To mark 1M ()(,(,lISlon. MOOI't'lW and ~. !'::al~ir;...:,,,:,~ a m=-1 :r I~: the Navy has a program you both in the Xavy a,lIf out. , 5<'tllptUl?I In bronzl' of "l.arj!t' T ... o Form'" 10 Ihl" Ctuc~(O .\rl Instllull" should know about. Ask your placemf'nt I fs called the ~ uclear officer to set up an interview SUCCESS A t Weight Loss Clinic Propulsion Officer Candidate­ witt. a i\avy repn>sl'ntati\'c Collegiate Program when he visits the campus. (KUPOC-C for short) and if or contact your :\'avy you qualify. you can earn a~ representative at ~OO-H·U-8000. ~ much as 8650 a month right or send in the coupon. The through your senior year. NUPOC-C Program. :\ot Then after 16 weeks of only can it hplp you complete Officer Candidate School. college. It can be the start of you'll get an additional year an exciting carper. of advanced h>ehnical education. This would cost ,.------I ~:~", ~H'~:'~: ;~,~I. ~I ~';, H '" .. ..I Itt' n.. , ...... P.··~.m. \1'I'··~ ''1 - I i thousands in a civilian school. I :.,.: ~ '''':~ ., ;:,.~:: ... '~~';, I Get rid of the but in tht.~ Kavy, we paj you. I'm. I midriff bulge!! It isn't easy. There are I "'''''' I ~t ~094"j 8i.J'''ovc,'''~ HOf~l,bu'g It. .-o",.a~ ib, ,'f"\ two mon';" .. 21~ fewer than 400 openings and I ~:~:. I., I I 'u : Q('. "'0>" )Q to l4 R"-"Qft' 1\ "I<' __~' ,.~". , n,,,'''·' ""'~ ~roof 'hat ,~ {I.n,(,. only one of every six I I p'OQ'Qm feoQU ...... or... 'f~1 loin I :.. ,.. 1· .•• ·•.. 1'.,. ___";,.1.1·.,,",___ I ... on 'Pd e>ound" to'" ton"'_ oft ,n applicants will be selected . tl""'''' "1,11" a "'o'ter ot ...... \ I ."t..,.":- '.. I N~',,' ono' lJ'l~donc-. and ~ 'c But if you make it, you'll I I'ho_ -';~m'... ,.. _ I .:.~ (oun~#-""9 p,o.;d.,. 'hat CNO; f' ,p.t <0 1 n_e-d.o: .... 1.,. L.t...,,, ....10 have unequaled hands-on "ov reoc:h yOUf CjJOGI (aU flOW +'."M' 1.._,------_ .. '!J no 001'90".)1'1 OPPO'"'~''' ...... Ior McMIlflcotlon Weight Lou Clinic ""-..~.,. _ .... 1M2 ltef_'o'lldq onR' 13 {ar 'f'r ... U. S m,'lv'e-t- fa... of NA\'Y OFRCERS Co.r~" Hour,. iO 1 Mon J,. GET RESPONSIBILITY fAST. ¥on HJ \00'8', .,.,.,....100.-.­

M,r", ~ T ao,.t 10 """"1Afft icK' 1IIIf~

Dolly EgyptIan, Nlorch5 .• '9~9. Poge 13 \9(;fi MERCl'RY, 289 Factory .. Electronics ~ roUKIOI"S itt>m ~~~Aa~' Tht> Ilalh; Egyptian cann"t bt> (· ... RflO'oif).<\U: M~)BIU: HI'"U:S rt'SpOfI.'t> bus \0 SIl: .•hghWB~~~~[~_ 11Il-nrrt'<'t In.wrllOll .\sl "ft>r. nc rt'sponslbl" lor I"hf'('k,nll Iht>lr t.ents. MIIlt>.~26h..~ ;.:23AaIl7 udvt>rIL"t"m .. nl for .. rron. t;rrors not (~~RBIISIIAU: EXTRA sin: 12xf.1l 2 bedroom pn"alt> ~Uanll th .. laull 01 it> ad,~ .. rtl!'f'r ",h"'h Motorcycles lo·" .. n Ih. "alue of IhE' furru.,ht"d. no J)f'ts. 5049-48U8!>-9 P m bt> If FUR SAl.": 1m Yamaha "-'\(I('(" A,a.i.. ~llmmt"dlalf'ly ,,,h .. rh>-t'mo'nl "'Ill adJustf'd 874141&113 Y,lUr ad apppar. 1/){·,'"'.... ·lIy or If ~; ~~~ ~::I;~~k besl vuu "'Ish 10 ,·anl... 1 "our ad. l'all 5:1(.. • 7152A('114 R.:l'oiIS(; SOW, Sl·~\I";R. and ;1.111 b"fnrt' \2' no noon for f'all 12,,£.<) Irallpu. t:xl't>lI .. nl t·an,: ..IIaIIOll tn th.. n .. da" ,,1 5 ISSUt> ~ IPQfou s '"'9 rund·lllon. furnlshPd. undPl'J'lnnPd. Thf' Dally ~~yptlan '''''111 nol 1971 K.<\ W 5000:'C'. Rood conmtion 400 or best offer Ph.lM 5019- 2465 Pets & Supplies fff'{'_r"l('" 1 '2 & bd and low utlh!lf's ('loSt' to camp"'. 719"lAc1l3 LAB PI·PS. C'dalt>. AKI' $16& monthl .... no pelS rail afl~r 5 ~~)t~~r~~·fU~~ ..t.~·~~-::IL;":::'''~~ n:u.Ow pm. 45.·70119 871:;alkll] baSIS of rat'e. (00101'. rt'hgulII or lK'll. rt>1l1,r,tf'rpd. 8 lIOt"t'ks. ~49· 4.191 I 1975 HOSDA XLt25 Good shape'. t'\Ielll~5 ,1i9Ahl1:' : A" (ondlt ..""""Q handicap. age nor Will It knollOl~l.v $350 or bt'stoffer. "'un' i212AcIl7 HELAX TIllS Sf'RIS\i' on.. two. print any adv.. rtLWmf'nt that !Na~: l(\ "-oli (OtP4", .... q and thrl'f' hPdroom unIts art> Sporting Goods Fl,a.., fu~"I""'- Ad ...·r!~ .. rs ot il\II'" q .... rt... 'S (ar-.~. T .. , • ., ... f. lallt> and a I()-mlnulf' drl,·t> from SKI BOOTS· II " \lunar; S7n (10 o\4.o,,....'.,..."<"'1(.'.r •• (. ~~~~~,t~~d 't'::.1 I:t':.~!~ ~~.~lt~~ Call 5019-5493. mommgs '1!1IAk1l7 (~" 00' gnU" i~~~~t>lll C!~~f'~p't~'n'II~~r tndud.. as qua hf)'lnl/' l'tm'ltk-ratlnn ('O(ld.tloned ('rlN'S arf' SlIlO. SI7~. In 11 ..... 1(11011 ... h.. th .. r ,,, n"1 [ll nont or and $215 PPP rr.ooth ('all 549-17118 .... U wan a"ohl'ant th"lf ran'. n,lor. Musical aftt>r ~ <:;., 871:'t6R~117 rt'hj/Hou, p .... l .. r .. n(·t'. natl(lnal .>rllltrl l'r'RUiHT (iF-ASP 1'1.\~" T\\'O R~:PHn()'d. (;OO[l -mape'. ~". or !It'll Vlolallons o( th.s un· ~ntl" "",larK. $.).'iIl 00 or ~t dt'rstandlf'1I should be rt'portPd to offt>r. ~x('t'lIrnl C'onmllon f'hont> SIJO. 'h...... ht-fi"oom. faIr. SI4!>. I l. tht' bll.'i'~ ... of tht' Dally 549-2465 'I!!:lAn I t:l nul.. , 10 ('ampu.'. 5oI~~79 B715111:\c .(l~ ":tl"ptJJln at th .. bwanf'SS o(flre In CIl .. ,'ommuntC'atlon" Butldl~ GIR!'()~ Al'Ol'STIC Gl"IT... R WI!h H •. lg wanl...! ads In :iI.. Dad,· ('aSE' SIllO 00. Pair of Kna~ht J·wa, ~:R~rt:'!~t' ~~:;:~~:;:rt~r''' tl:~~ ,~~ S~\:e:~:~~ ~~~~ R;'~I W~art~ WM wOOfer.:~~~~;5 ma, nol (hs,'r1mlOalt> In ~~~tn A~It> ~:E::r::n~;:rif "mplovtnPn! on Ih.! ba#.IS 01 ra<:'e. !"'... :idiCap, dfir-, ntillr. rt"'itlVon (\1'" AX ~~~~eh~t~Toc";Ic!nak~i:!...:;: ;mIl'S." 5U<'h 4uahlymg fa,:01"'1 ar.. 0\ t>r ~.(\ Ozark. "1(1 No Pels Air Conditioned 'thn"t- tiT f-'(~Jr P;t~:'" 8 ~:ffit:'" P'f'~ . 6.'1049. 3Ih~·1.'t"6 S"13Ad114 ~TRSI!'m:1l ')Sf: flED!!!)O" \'o.'rd .~·r fi~t\ J b .. drocm Mob.!" Hom", t· :hru ()a\ .. ; 'ct"nt!'O r Sumrm"r and Fall T'~\ ~mt' 'h ('(Il':'IoiHY f:I.":(;,\Sn: I~ Cdalt> t!:~~r;;t~:'. :IVr~I~~~~7;~'~:.i~ ,'ern'! ...... In.jow~ Hila ~n.og ~l)rd pt'r .1 i,~ • '" !hI" :I bt>droom levt'l LI\'JnIl l H" 't>n( 'esc Soph opprovPd 3631. Stt>w ;mBa117 Tt~n thn, 'I!'".• -:t,,·r, ll~",,~ ~ ('(In[~· loot.., l,k .. new Hoom and famll" room ha,'p Furnoshed I & 2 bedroom up~ ~.·r -.-. pro ~~'r ,t, \ sao p •• , ;> .."on T\A,t'1H~ nr 'lpn' 1'",1~" --. n·°r.b pt:'f ro:rg~~ '·~~.~;';~kSh"P,'I~d~9 ~::r~lr"I}:;;~,::,~ ~~f'U~r.:I~~ "" f·r.~ ~ ... ·t It,~ l;h-nn \\'ill ... nl- Pt'n! .. I, paId R~ B.g Yo ,."ds 6Ir. ~i~~'Ra J 17 Mobile Homes $105 Umve',,'Y 457 7Q41 (;t.'orgt."town Arh. A 10""ly ploce '0 love 2 B..droom furn unfur() apl~ lor Summer & Fall IO:'(~iI ('o~ ESTU\;A ""RILE homt> 457·7U1lO ;11I'!'~t>1I8 ~I(,f: 2 BEIlRIlO\l furnlsht"d. "S",.'~ial rah:~" carppt. air. ,;no watt>r lochJd~ no summer In ~19n \Jp now '0 ,n""ure 12x511. Cf:STRAl. AIH. ai-:~hort>d ~;:. available no... 4.'>~:~a:~~(' con'Tf'It>. undt"'1""~"'-!' \>Il rtlD II) opartment 'umlsht"d ,ocluG'tig ,. .. ~ht>r~d~·f'r $4;.110 ~7·49'l7 7210A"121 T\\O·RI-:nR,,(.\I APART:'tlfo:STS D.splay" ~n 12 6 dod.,. TO\linhou~t> ~tvlt>. SIO'" and SIGN UP NOW FOR Automobile n-frJ~lf"rat~r J.o!"'o-"'Idrd. ",,'pro... nf"'ar t .• " l ~r .. Hh.1 "" r c,0" i, I dnt:' SUM. & FAU SEMESTER Miscellaneous t'\;-r.;4" \:,;,~ ~:~X~o:~f'St 'lit. N ~.i':"~~~fi~. All opartmenl' and mob.!e hom"" furn.shPd and a.r E i1FB :ifl.rtorB. 3Jnr. Houses condItIoned Some u"J."eo~ Ifl(ludPd ~ ~:.::."oM :; sn':":.\SE !'nl"~:R .·AIl. = Op!lOfl Room 10 :; hedroom h('tJ.~ NO PETS' '77 Dodge D 100 Club Cab Sou'h t-oft'S1 ~·umlsht"d. $1\'.1 I.l­ .. 8 P 5 PB A.T A C (am monll,. "r..c-ftflh uhllllf'5. Chrts. Apts. Ra... Summer Fall per POtkage q00rl .. ,~~ ~l;J\lam. >49-82611 pm' 0R:lBbl I:; 7 I;H Apts $Q() $1:15 ",~r.., 10 .... ml'e~ {".fro (Ie-on I Bedroom $1:15 SI75 ~ Bf:DR(,{)\f HIIl·Sf:. ~ur· 'n Chrysler Cord.. ba 2 Bedroom $180 S250 Ii 8 PS PB ~:, A Chit ~li'oo.~'~:a.{~~I?t. 1~~1~. li~ po\/Yer ",eo' monthly. 4;<- 4334 B7132Rbl13 2 .edroom Mobile Hom.. I€'Gther J"1t -1"C·on tn· 1 BI-:IJRo(J\I. W~:LI tnsulatPd. Rates Summer Fall ,.de O()d Oul I ~~:::nth~~~~~~t14I;W;t;;B~~:~ 1],,60 SIlO 5150 '14 Comet 12 " 52 $ Q5 $ 125 I 2 " 50 S 85 $S I 20 :,~O~~.! ~~~d,~,~"AT •• nal :,jISS KITIYS CSt:n F'urrulurt> ~;;ro~:~~:~o~ ~'(~o~ur;~~ I Iocalt>d:. mIl..,. noMh on Rout .. 51 10 2 B~:IHW()M '~ASf:\lf:~T 10 .. 50 $75 5115 E walnut. call 457·43.'\4 B7115B 'n C~tsun Plc".up 1~<;Oto 111. 6 mllt'l' east at r~Soto. blH Ill. H,,"1. III. on Roote 149 "';IT Call4S1-44H 4 cyl 4 ~pd AM FM ,Iereo fl :r':'~r::d""fu:r~III:;;;;'C~II~:I:~r ruturt> of all kltlds Frt>e h'~t>ry up atlf'r 8pm 457·5..:';;7 7031&,:? THREE Rt:DROOM WITH ROYAL RIN7AIS !rex s,I)' no between ;'·7 • B7187Bb1l6 '11 International Scout P" ts. across from drlVt"\D thealt'r 4 .... heel d .. v(O 6 ..., and used Ir"'ln $15· $1I!0 per- month Ipps Moton, Inc. T:'J)f'writer Eltcha~ ... 1101 SoMh :'~~~~Lor ~~~;-t. 7169~~~~' Walking rustar1('e to l'ampus -----.-.-.-.-.. ----- ~~~da~~;~n87~~bc- EFflCiEST APART~EST CHl'{'" RE~T:\LS _____• ______' __ .F ______TRAILER..';; lUR RE.'T NEXT to C''lmpull $140 monthly uno PONTIAC CATALINA 4 door SpronQ Summer anlIl bedroom .nc~as.d two Clean and Neal :::m~~7~t S200 a!l~~l~ : ff'f': In length. 5O-foot !ots. shade tre.s, two mill'S from ('ampus. Malibu Village Sl-:-Bl£T--FOR'-Sl;M.~R. ~ west I'l"!IldmUllI al't"ll. no hlgh""ay ~lUth S I &. IlltX: 1:.. ['uk beautIful dean. 2 bf'droom' or tracks 1.0 tTOSS. bv Murda~ apartmrnt .... block from campus ShoppIng Cpnter. arid YMCA 4S7·S1R3 Big modern kItchen and bathroom 5oI~5926 71958a1l6 ::~~Ing ar.o!ki~~ s:::~: tnsulateI. BaSIC furnIture. ~J:~:'~=~rria:~ .. c:~ Rooms • DODGE GOOIJ runn« .•.000 ATTENTION roues, bke n_ tires. S325. 457-41127 r.~r:.0~nsc:!IJ~:;II~g. f~~t~~ i2l1Aa121 . MAKE PAYMESTS SOl'S· SOPHOMORES DE$lGS romPl'oe~ III~ with S­ ~rktng. """, C'Om~ltlve ratt>ll Renting 'all & Summer I Ir.e11 t.rr and 5t~n~ and brakt>ll good ('onditlOll trash PIckup mcludPd' Sloo 00 1.0 S500 00 or besl oIfer Call Jt>ruse Vollar Blue lop. ellC'elimt con~ mtlon ~1I5 723(lArtIS I. Grand & Lewis Lane $163 00 a month ~22UO 5oI9-.. m attrr 5 549-J871I i216AallS ;012B('1I2 Poge 14 Doily fgYP"or> March 5 lq~ ,TERS,tTIOSAI. STl.'DF.STS WASTEfl MAI.E STl'DESTS to ~------.. i SEEIJ A PAPf:R typt'd' IBM 'KI\"ATE rooms ''Ommon kllrhE'fl .!ISS IS! In rt'St'arch program· in NUD ABORTION Sl'lp('!n~ Fast and accura'p 1:l:,j3;jt 'I: ~,JliM m .. le rt'producIIII'e PhysIology reasonable raIl'S. 549,2251\ ~~I~~~r:M~h \~;rr4~~~rs PartlllpanlS paId, Conlacl !'ifr INfORMA TlON? 721)61-:131 R7145Bd113 Frank (;rl'.dt'r or Ms, Oonrue To hell you through ,h.s ex­ Hales Restaurant Bondman 536·lUI7. LIft' St"If'fl(,1' II perience we 9",e you com COSTACT Lf-:SS W~:ARF:RS ~~ 5(JPI-:R WI-:.:K, eablt'TV, ma.d nlOm 243 B7186('(13 Sa"t' on brand naml' hs:ti or ",)(1 Grand Tower -_. -- .,Iele coun\et,"9 of c:.ny ';~~~("t'~'~s Inn MR~;;lfcfl~: DAY fARI-: COl·SSEI.OR fOf duration bt!>fore and after ~~:::Ir:~~:talo .';e~~~~ t~ Style Meol, the procedure Supplll's, Box ~~53. !'"of'n,x. Roomnates ~:;:;a.J'S~im:l~i~~ In~;~:;: Arizona 85011 i2U:IE II 4 ilo.m 7p"' dolly CALL US H'J('''MATE Ol-:SPI-:RATfo:LY , . ~~I~t~dut!~u;~~~Pu:'n~,:~s .. a.c. .... w. C.r." TIU: PS'tTHOLO(;Y [)f:PART· 'Ef.()I-~1I for S""" 14x7f) lrallt'f and volunll'f'T'S. to plan and proVIOP Full cnnrNP. Including Call Collect 21 __ "1.''', ~IE~T 15 off .. rln~ IE'St anxiety lWn hugt' bfodroom and bath Ihl'rapt'utu: prollrams and to drl .... aod d_ert handll' Indmduall'ilS<" "'OI'k flt'<"ds OtTolI fr_ ~~~I'~INr~~f:.r lSs~~~~tZr ~' 1!l1l~l'SJIt'~7.~~th and =~~[~ or $5 25 O'JV'" BS BA In 'O()("lal work or rt'lalt'd 1Ot-327..... w~ly Sl"SSlon" follOWing ~prlnll f'l'ld EXpl'f'It'1lC1' In """,al Sl'TVICI'S brl'ak Call :.:1&2301 a.~ YlOn a, $2 ~ (nddr .. n prl'ft'Tl'l'd, Salary rBnI{e $10.100 ' pol\S.bll' B7219t: 117 $11 ,fiClU dt'~l'ndlng ,on A!>TRiiLO{;JCAI. S~:R\ )(,I',~, fOf' Reservations SU-'3" cot;SSf:LlSG and cla'lSt'S f:llpf'fl . g.~~~'l"t~.a II°fo~~ui\Xt"~I)~;.!r~~I'~I~~ and Yolandl', form .. rl,· of • WANTElt· • '.,molo'·l'r Sl'nd rt'sumt'S 10 Thn'Shoid Boob, 457·5;~9 or 549- 327& 60421-:1<12(' ~Ut(~I~n~C ('a~.-;. ~oor~:~r~o~ \'ISIT AMr:KjI',,~ A(HEIST Carbondalp. II. fi290l BilO,.n f7 n-RSIT{-RE RI-:f'ISISHlS(; Autos. Tru~k .. Mus .. um Pr,d ... r rp.. k Park HAVE ",our an!IQu"s \\'n:~k BMWSITII-:R FOR 6 and 9 vl'sr Junkt·r... anJ .. ~~~aS~d r: f;~ ;n~;I'l\~~~.j I:~ WASTEfl OS!-: n:M,-\LI-: olds Aftl'moot15210LIO, Call kt'X, ~~:I~~S~~~l!lz rl'storl'~J:lIIf:~':W SELL NOW BF:[)WF:TTIS(~. BF:[):-.tIILl~G IIraduatt' studt'nt or v;orklnR &.ys 457.().H' Bilo4(' 117 '!;tpt-:art-O ·h~ "p-I"~1'.) tnq,.",,* .i·~ malurt' woman. no Smoklnl{, for PRIlBLi-:MS' (ounsl'lIn/! So Kar .. tt:n .. chant .. Gel rn-Ip Tht' C ..nil'r for ~~I~~~I~~ ~~roo~I~~i2 Free Math An.xietv Hurnan De, Jopffil'llt ('all ,~~ N New Era Road H1L... .. B717iJl;''';I( Workshop - Carbondale MARRIM;F: ' C(Jl,>Sfo:U'<;, o'''p'lPd t-, [)EPRESSIOS ,·uun."I'1i1lll Y"uth C~ntpr ':;1 dt.~) SI-:. "I~ 4'5; -t)·H I 4:; ,-(1 31 'I f'amlh - ('"nler fl)r Human!a\'. March 6 ~t'lr.pmt'n1 -.0 ChargB7~~a~l~ 10:00 a, m. -I'? noon Hvme Ec lounge lor infurmuti

SOl.AR DESH;~ Complete conaul!lnt, dt's'l~n and c,'n- ~:= 1':44J!lDtsBA'h'1:~~O\ SIA:>d~Sfo: {'A~ l.OSG· .... , ..Iall'. I-'R)o:)o: P{'PF IES 8 wel'ks old, :!~.iI POints $;0 ...... ard An, mfo farm ralSf><' , mellow and pl'r­ ~{E~~cI~~:;rakanda,~~~tfl~ snnabl.. EA("Uf'n! pl'ts and "'al,m "",<'",~~~4Ufjl_ __722(1~1l; LO~'" nUDAY , I-:LGIS. 17J"""I'J. ~~%~T~,x()ld.:u.!'~kl'!n~~!d~ ~~~lar~! ~~.~ 11\2 !\I'r,' f~; homl' ahil' \~\II~~~ 71.H(;1l2 L,,, .. Printing Plant LOST I,K.HT-BROWS. mall' _;11';=£1: :J:Jt::aM m",.. d ~ :rnt'r WIth bM\\'n nust'. 6 To TA~lPA DAYTp'l;,-\ or PhMoropymg Laudt'rda:e. FlOrida for Ihrp{­ OffS and f; (rl1cajlO and 5ubur"'" Ll'a",l'5 2 IKI CAR80SDAU: MOBILE HOMES. II m . 54\0-:1191 .H7G112 f'nda"5 RetUrn!< Sunda~s 52375 f~ bus 10 sn:. HIgh8~~~f::.,h, 35MM CAMI':RA LOST at Arf'flll. ~~~'bTI~thoorli~n~~ .. ~ TEACH OVERSEAS~ ALL fil'lds. ",,"ard. call ~!ark 54~U\ II JO.l:30dally~l;-;. 7115OP1I7 levels Send st'lf·addrt'sspd. , 7190(;11 • • i :lljA',1.';,,::u_: slam ...d. lanJ.enveloJ>"' 10:, [)AYTO~A BEACH SECOSD ! iji~"~M-Ai-E-ti()Rf)fo:R annual coach bu. trip 17000 ~'n~mg. Box 1 • San O~tf~ , 606 S. Illinois - Carbonda~ ("oU;p whltp. with ont' black "'VI", blat"k lTar... por.allOl1, frl'l' !wo\'l'raj("'" .'all 457-7732 martr.lnllS. chain collar - r{ ..... ard. Jim :N9-5766. Mark ."'~2U86 sruOPnl VOLDiTEER !'l'BJECTS - to 54~]:18 7218(;113 run for run' 7062P1I2 ~rtlclpatl' In nulnllCln stud~' '1111.M : ..lectt'd ,..i11 bl' ~;Ivt'n f~ }:c:~-~~~ 5dft.tda~~~I~t'hnl~~ tprested. plHSI' call 33&55-11. Ext J9 8723SC 116 'Daily 'Egyptian ~fIo:I\i' WOMF.S' .JOBS ('!''.n~ POijCE"tlFFICER 'AB: w:: F~Jghs!:rsE~;'~~~~: SOU,.ELY rrqWI"H compJ-lIon 536-3311 Austra~. S Amenca. Caret'r ~1l;Wo1 ~:r;"P"~{ 1~~Pt a~ln:l'u~ ml'r , Send 1385 for :-~o 10 apPolDtment MaXimum age of 15 Seaworld, GJ. Box 61035. t'xcq>t when apphcant has had Name: ______.. ~ ____ Date:_~ ___ Amo!..Int Enclosed: ___ Sacramento. CA 95860 7004('123 prPVIO.... '!~•• '*'ympnt Slatus as a I' Polk't' Officer With the t:rbana, P'Jlic~ Dl'partml'flt. Ability to Address: ______,, ___, ______,______Phale. ____,_, ______~~n ~IHM~:~~:r:l::':' lr;~d Applicant must bl' a t:nllt'd States nltzl'n, WnUl'fI eum Will bI' !!I~I!II I ClASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATE: lOe per word MINIMUM first issue. onellml' on/v on Sunda", March 1& 197'9 promptly at 2 OOpm ill. the S1.50 (any ad not exceeding 15 words). 10% discOUlit if ad runs twi~, 20% ('rbana Cn,c It'ntl'r. lor. Ea.~t diSCClUnt if ad runs thl"ee or four issues, ~ discount for';'9 issues, ~ for Watl'rStrl'l'l Apph'f'lt\· N I'rbana for ALL ClASSIFIED ADVERTlS~NG MUST. BE PAID PpJ"!lOllIlt' I Of'lCl'.'.wo -~llth V,ft(' : lG-19 il!iSUe$. SO% 20. Straot. Room 2tl3, I','bana bl'forP IN ADVANCE UNLESS ESTABLISHED ACC'.)UNT HAS BEEN ;; OOpm. Thursday. March I~. 197'9 . MAINTAINED. Please count every word. Take appropriate discount ~~~:in.f; ~~~~i;~aerIS :7~~1 -- ~------. DEADLINES: 12:00 p.m. day prior to publicati~. "RADt'ATfo: ASSISTAST 5 I. BOWL ~oo Coo's D.J. wantt'd I"OSITIO;o.;S a\,a.lablt' for Summl'r First Date Ad t'xpf'ripncl' prpferrt'd apply '" ~IOII 1lr.'9 and Fall SPml'Sll'r To Appear: ______Jlt'ryorJ anyume "ftpr noo-,n .. 9115: 1979 Dt'parlmpnt. Intramural- 3755 B7J24C..IU( ~~~{:~tloSlt~~f'O'rr~~70 J(~lt~~~ Mall to: Dally EgyptIan For Dai'v Egyptian Use Onlv: month .-\pphcal1on~ a,'allablt' In Receipt No._. ____ ----... ,_. __ ~!udPnt R""r.. alloo Centt'r, Room Comnun6catIons Building Southern lllinof. UnlYersIty Amount Paid ~u~!!l,~Pf.1~fl~~'~~(' mR~~~t'~ Taken By-__ Studt'nl Rl't"rt'aIHln Ct'nll'r, Room Carbondale, IL 62901 Approved By _ _~ ______,_ t39. by t-mlay. )Iarch 16. ~41'1I3 Special in:.tructions: ______,______,___ .. ______. ______STt:llt:~"WORKF.R 2Ohoun pl'r . OFFERED' . TYPE OF ADVE"TISEMENT ~f~,esMI~I'4;a~f'1oi~~:g _ A - For Sale __ F - Wanted __ K - Auctions & Sales work block open. Moo, Ram':;pm, _. B - For Rent ____ G - laSt __ l . Antiques Wt'd, I·~m. Thun Ram·i2nooo,. Fn, 1-5 pm Apply al SI:.!

Sl'!oIMfo:R JOSS' SOW ~Irtng' SI't'd camp staff rt'CTl'aUon. c.-aft~ nature, and waterfront, .deal way to spt'nd thl' summer Gooil plus board And room, "'ntt' or call for applicatIOn blank: Sorthl'rn IIhnol5 4·H Camp AssocIation. altn: SIt'. RI No 1. CHECK YOUR AD AFTER IT APPEP.RS! The Dilily E1yptian will be responsible Box 198. Manteno. lL 60950 1815.' for only ~ incorrect publication !lJ3.JoI1, ,);&:115

OOlly Egy~"Qt1 Mar~h S, 1979, Page I:' Progranls help handicapped students

"~lam.o;tr£'amlng is n(\1 narmful if it's man sllmulauon tht''O na\'t' the bPller .. 8\1 Ra\ \'al." Woodhull High School nt'ar Rock Island. Tht' 5(.'hool has alS(; enhstro tilt> aid of ~OIIda-" t:dilOl' dtlnl' ('orl'f'Ctlv But ,,'ou na\'e to work at It. If you "have Pet-r pres.e;url' and Ik-sl~n stOOt'nls from SIt' 10 do'!\lgn When Senltt :'I;irge. a :Swt'dish spec-ial l,·~C('~rdu:.~ti~nE~:~:i.~~~~t:n·f~;~~ equipment thaI helps the co-op studt>nts f"ducator. \'ISlted ttIt> l'mtf'd Slates In halxlicapped, if the handlcapl)t'd are sligma. you'rt' not malnstrt'ammg correctl ...... O\'er(Ome tht'lr phYSical handicaps 1%9. he th~ht Amencs's treatment of eXp<'C'tffi to function succt'Ssfulfy In tht' EqUlpmt'nt dt'slgned so far Includes a the mentally handicapped would reflect world, tllt'y must bt> educalt'd in the Roher. Sedlak. assocratt' proft'Ssor In spenal educatIOn, pt'rhaps summt'd up wht't'lchalr which helps improvt' a spinal the wt'alth of Amt'rican socIety mainstream. If ttIt>y are put on problem. anadJuslable ft'edlO!t board Ut' was In for a rudt> shock "speCIal" bust's or 10 ···.pecia' .. the dIlemma. "A child should ha\'e tht' opportunilv to bt' mamstreamed. but and an isolalJon boolh. whf're chl!dren :'I;lrge found adults who wert' not dassrooms, tllt'ir differt'oces are onlv can work at tht'lr Jeossons Without bt'lng I)f'ds noticed more. • shouldn't bE- fon-f'd mto It.·· dothf'd. patit'nts chainf'd to and distractt'd other examples of insensltiv.' care of the :\\arv1O Ott, adminstrator of the co-op. handIcapped In Carbondale schools. about 200 of tht' no~'o~~maen~~~~rE'~'t m~e'1S~::~,~3a:! Lt>:;O ell'mt'ntary and JUnior hllilh ~pt'cial l-:dUl'alion Coopt'ral1\'l'. satd Carbondalt> was ont' of Ihe firsl But thin~ have changed Immenst'ly studl'nts art' in\'ol\'t'd m mamstreamlO!t CIIIE'S to acct'pt tilt' rt'!lponslblhly to smct' ttIt>n. WIth Souttlt>rn Ilhnols ~~:Ial programs are St"t up for tilt' 5e\'erely "Thert"s no questIOn about the menIally handicapped Aboul 5u educalt' the severt'ly handicapped f'dUl·"t~ spt>arheadmg the way with bt'nt'fits of mainstr ·aming," Louis "t'1\'e yt'ars allo. kuis hke Illest' wouldn't th~ lal'al prOitrams whIch ha\'e at, chrldren. rangmg In age from :1 to 21. tit> 10 5(.'hool." Ott said. tractro natIonal allenti,,". Sl·rCESS. Sarff. project rurector o! SltTEs.." said nt>t>d spt'(:lahzed cal"E' that ('annol bt' "Thert"s all lilt> t'ndt>n('e 10 ttlt> world found in a mamstrea;mO!t prOitram Tht'''!!:raduates'' of 1tIt> co-op usualJv which IS for hlllh schuol studt'nts. that It works." Sarff said studt>nts who anotht'r pro~ram whIch IS for studt>nts :\Ian,· of ttlt> chlidren 11000 attend conlmue al the Tn-Count\' Edul'atuxl wIth st'H'rt' It'ariO!t rusabllities. and a ~olhrough tht' program almost all have school' at Iht' co-op h\'t' Upstairs al the l't'ntt'r in ~Iurphysboro .... bt-rt' a mix of pr(lgram at SILo for collt'fi(e students 'st't' mCrE'ast'S in tht'lr grade pOlnl avt'ragt'S Styrt'st :-';ursmg Home. The children Iht' se\·t'rt'ly and tht' moderatel\' and adut'\·t'ment tf'l't SCOI't'S. Also, about reJatffi story on Pagt' 171 look small for therr a~e. ~Inct' many n'lardffi ranging 10 age frnm 6 to 21 gil Sl"lTESS. starlt'd by Jost'ph half of the students who t'nrnll In thl' suffE'r from physlc;tl handJ(:aps as well. 10 school. A!!:un. tht' nature of tlus program art' phast'd oul hefort' Instead of lear::ln~ skills such as 5(.'hooll!' to tE'ach the children 5;oll!< tl1l:" t;la,:o;(ord. dirt'l'!or of tht' Wabash-Ohio J.!raduation. he salO. and are followf'd up \'allE'Y special education rustnct, m ft"Hhn~. writln~ and math. Iht'se Will !It't'd to funcllon 10 th.' t·\"t'nda:; St'pt... 1975, is for students 11.110 are of on ocl'aslonaUv. {'hlldrt'n It'arn baSIC S('If·llt'lo skills such world . . Howen'r. tht.rt' are some argumt'nts a~ {'at II'",. dnnk:n;! and lI,a!kmg Rnbm Crumba;. a I.'ii' h ..r "r the iJ 10 3\'pragp tn lloo\'e :Jvera~e intelligence. against mam!'lrE'ar lillS! Somt' say thaI hui who art' SignIficantly tlt>hmd Illt'lr Ann Campbell. a teacht'r al Ihf' co-1lp \" ajlE' group at Tn·County. ~Id. "W .. In normal ~t'IlJnRs, handicapped p"t'rs The studel1ts are --matn· SimI. --I rlan' SIn,"\( E'mpha:;ls In m(llor have ba"I(' readmit and Il.;!th ~roups .• trea mffi. -- (lr !it'nt !o hl!i!h sc~,,>ols and ~~~d:~ i:k~rk~~ ~~I ~~e:~;::r~ dt'H')opmt'nt. If Ihe child IS gOln~ to \l.t' baSically work II'. fUllc tiona I an'as .odu('att>d In Ih., --least restnl'tl\'e en­ df'\!'I"p a, n~ ,se!t·ht'lp skills. motor such as It'ill hUIjl lilt' children to It'lIUmt' --stupid"' hy tllE'ir pt't'rs. or are nronmt'nt-- an'ordl:JI'. to a new fedt'ral d('\t·).l~H:"n! L; nl.'t:'v tt't'l lhev art' tlt'lIl~ are H'ry funl"llUnal. Tht'y'lI pr"babl~ m;mn sellt to --Th .. ~ 're dtsl'nura!!ed when \lot' !i!t'l Tht' l'hlldn'n al the (:O-{lP are also Pll':< up a nO\,E'1 and read It." . m,.,Olutwr, .. (lr ,;p;:... ·lal schools for lhe Iht'm. :'>I05t of tllt'm art' "n the vt'rge 01 htolp<>d \\ Ith la!l~uajl(t' problems. --J '11' to H'-'Std~~ the academiC pro'Jlt'ms, Allen hanlitcapt't'tl. arE' now t><"lng maIO· drnpplO!t out. W(,'rt' talkmg about tht' bombdrd all tht' St'nses With audiO illVJ Lan\t'r. a graduatt' studt'llt 10 special slrt-. nt"d at :\\ount Carmt'1. Edwards kld~ who are on tht' boltom ;!nd on theIr \'Isual Sl~ru..·· said Barb Wliltam~n a E'dul'alion who works at Tri·Counlv. County, EnilE'ld, Ridg'oOo.1Y, Harnsburg. \Ioav oul." ~arff saId "Once the,,··rt' in It'aeher at 'ht' 5(.'nool saId. "altt' big problem With a lot 0/ CroSSVille. t'alrftt'ld, Hillsboro hl!o!h Iht: program. we han: no Campbt'll a~reed. --TtIt> chlldrer. wt' tht'st' kids Ie; tilt> SOCial aspect. Tht> onlv scht'ols In Svuth"rn IllinOiS, and ruscouragemt'nt, only encouragt'mt'nt. ha\'l' nt'ed to bt' bombarlk>d be~:all<.t' tht' ,Cont,nued on Pogt> 18! -

lJ.. roth~ ('hambt>rs (aboH". a workt'r at th .. Carbondalt' ..... p .. dal Education ('o0Jlf'rath· •. holds ont' of tht' childr.n in­ ... hrd in thr pruj!ram. Th ..... h .... lchair at ril(ht ,,,... sprcialh ·"Iit for Ib o('('upant. (·h.dit'. b~ stud .. nts in lh .. SIC Ik'!iil!n , ,,·partm.. nt. Stud .. nt.... r·.'ct'i\ t' cr.. dit for tht' ... ark and tht' ··

-~"'Y;:~~ ... ,-~~:..'~,~.". ::;"~&;iS~

-\ Spffial Educ.tion cbild Scott woru _t witb ....:.wlf'r built for him bv , Ilf'sign Df'partmf'Dt studt"nts, For hi. rnwling riforcs. s<-ou. whost" mu!("l.s - arf' not fully df-Vf'lopf'Ci, is rf'w.nlf'd wltb !!quirts of KooI .. id. A cra1l'1 dowD liIf' haU .... n hf' as difficult fnr him ••• liIl"t"t"·milt" nIB is to norm.1 pt"Oplt". l~tll(lellts prOl'illg they bc'!ollg By R.y "alf'1l Cordoni said the program b:ts ,. Monda ,. EciilGr received reft'rrals fmm I'! statl'S. She .. Woodrow Wilson dldn't know the said that many of the st\JI~nts in the 'alphabet until he was mne yE'3l"S old and program have not had tre ::hance to didn't know how to read until he was 11. prove their mteU«tual abi'ities b('('ause 'l"homas Jefferson, Albert Einstein and for them were not available r-;elson Rockefeller also had leaming disabIlities. .N"" they're getUng the chant'!" and "So a'lyone who has a learning they're proving they belong in college disabiltty is in pretty good company," "The Iods are attending and passulg said Barbara Cordoni, assistant regular t:ruversitv COUTst"S and thev professor in special education and head weren't even allowed entrance into the l'mvI<'rsity before," she said. :it~ r:ao:;.rl~ 1;:!bl~~ti::. SlU students Cordoni said the students in her "The students in the program are of Pl"ogram need help in the same way a average or above an'rage intelligence, math s.t.dent needs a tutor, "but bue they proc-eBS m.terial different!)." !IOmeone's put a label OIl thew> kids. lIbe saId. "They have specific skills and They were kept away from normal weaknesses as we all do. But their people even though there was nothlrg wpaknesses are in skills which are wrong WIth them_xr.ept (or th,,. one rewarded in school." problem." After alon2 day of !("bool. Dorothy ('hamhf'n wallts Jw dow. the b:1! '4 the f'levalGr wbicb will taltf' him to bis 51H1'ing quarWn upstaln.

Paul (above) pl:tys til- aut~.rp IInd~ ~.IIe sapervisloo of c.thertae !'trHup. profH5O."" ia tbe S Egyplton f.Aorch 5, 1979 Page I? i'·lll;I)IlI11 TII(>(II(Jr oJ·'llel)el~r I() l)reS()IlIIU"()-/)llrl IJrIJI/lll"lioll

th 'hkt" Rt"ffi tht' world's fort'most sattnc comedy Starr "ritt"r ahllut !!rt't'd with Rt'n John.-on mer· nnt' (If lilt' UniqUE' and hll!hly pral!"'S pE'rformm/i! m a two·part productIOn Phvllis "'r1'hl·h. Lnda Hm'e, Rita Corp\,. ('\.nsistlng of "\'olpone" hy SIt'phen SeljZ Caitda{'e HrOt'kpr. Patril'k ('ra\,blil. . b~l~ed on the ongmal by Bt'n ,Johnson " Carol Aquailnt>, Edmund Watersireet, and ""'·Iit,. Early :)ne ~lornirllZ" and [)o!;lil Skorobatov. Sam Ertw;lrrls. TIm other works b,' [h'lan Thomas ,10~.n... on. Shanht''i Mow an<' David l'h~lIis .'rt'Ii('h and Patrirk (ira~bill apppar in tht" ,'.lional Thutrf' 01 lht" "\'olpone" is usually cO'lSIdt>red to bt> Fllzsnnmons. . I,.,.f's produrlion of "'·olponp," J\'lainstreaming helpful to handicapped

Conlonued from Pa9" ,6 dt-al of ('ompt'tenl'e in areas In which obhgallon oi ,!'!e statE' to proVidE' special whll'h ha~ bt'('n passed has been In· placE' for tht'm to go i!' oomF" tit' said tht'\·'\·E' been tramed.·' servIl't'S fur the handicappt'd SE'Cllon stlgated ~. paTt'nL" .. man\' of thE' chlldTt'n ha\'E' no op­ ~;aul Batt'S, assistant profE'SSor in 504 of thE' RE'habllitallon Act or 19;3 savs Ua\'ld sabatino, l'halTman of the for sooal practict', and spenal ",fUl'aUorl, sa Id mrrE'ntll' thE're is hilndlcappE'd mon Iduals cal'n.,,' hE' sp.'oal l'ducatllJn dt'partmt;;l1 at Sil', because of tht" rural nature of the an>a. a trenJ to';4aro "normalization" or exe\;Jdl.'d from pubh(' schools. And thE' said lhe hand:('appt'd "hould idf'ai.y bE' some children ha\':,> no one their al/:e "delO~iltutlOna;iZilllon" of the mentalh Edt.c.,tton for All tiand\(:ap~ ('hlldn>n m c()!Ilmunlty·ba,.,ed prl~rams. not In IIvmg nearby. handicapped. H,,' said a mentall~ .<\ct '1'lIbhc Law 9+142;, I';.sst'd In 1977, lI\S(>(UtlOrtS .:1' saId that 70 pt'n:ent of St"dlak said research into thE' ttc.1 •.,lcapped person !'hould ~ E'xposed sa~ .. thE' handicapped al"P E'nlltled to a the handlcappt'd ,.,~o werE' in In... ututim.... problE'ms (If the se\erely mentally to &s many opportunities as possIble to fTt't". appropnate educatIon 10 thE' least ~fo:-e I!r.O are no\\' III communil'i-basea handicapped has only started \\'lthlO IIvt' as normally possiblE'. . l"Pstrtclln' E'n\'lronml'nt prnt:rams And :lO percE'nt \Ioho were about the last 10 to 15 \·t'ars. and the LegIslatIOn has helped the han· B'lth Batf'S and Sffilak credited the ~a,:!"a!ly h£I~It'SS HI statE' instltuttons fmdlOgs of thE' reSE'arch ha,'E' only bt-en di.:al'ped achle\'e t:l(' Iiloal of nor· parents more than the It'glslators for bt-i!lre nfiO havE' now obtaIned some apphed dunng thE' past !t,.E' or SIX years m;li.zalion. as has a recogTl~t:on of their rnakl>ll/: things a little E'aSIE'r for th •., Indt'~!1dt>nt h\'l~ skills .. Bt'fore. trammg them was secondary clnl nghts. In the E'arly iI)'s in thE' casE' handl:.:appt'd. "Parents have bt'f'n thl' "Wt're talking .. bout talting people to maintammg them," he said. Pf'OplE' of the Pennsvlvama Association of m~1 rurE'Ctlv in\'ol\'1.'d and ha\'E' bE't-n who arE' on the scrap pile of humanity \10 ho werE' onginally thought to be R"!arded Ciuzens "!t. CommonwE'alth of tht" I{'allers." Batt'S said and putllng lhE'm on thE'lr feet again ... heIplE'S." "can now demonstrate a ~eat Pennsylvama, the courts recognized the ~lIak agreed. "Almost all IttlgalJon Saballno said.

INTRAMURAL SPORTS WE ARE PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE THE APPOINTMENT OF Sponso,.s MICHAU E. FASSI nUNCOL.... Men's Vf:-estling M~et a. ~.·,TlO:"lAL ENTRIES DUE by NOON, Wed SPECIAL AGENT U~ [ . ';}r". ~( MARCH 7. 1979 fur ,Ro!tter!> & meet info avadoble Lincoln National's Tax Deferred Annuity Prograft'\ at the Idormatlon De!>k. S'udent Rec' eatlOn Center)

MEET 8EC~ttl: WED •• MARCH 7 1':3G-ll:00pm} COMPARE STUDENT "'fCREATlON reNTER GYMNASIUM SINGLE ELIMINATION MEET in the following THE TWO WA YS TO SAVE weight categories: 1 ~8 Ib, & undel I b3 It" It '.mON 136 Iv & "nde' 175 lb. & under OR INVEST MONEY 14~ !bs & und", 190 Ib, & under 1SS Ib, & under Heavy WeIght Ta x Deferred Regular

EliGIBLE: 5lij·( mole !otudents (Except Spring 1978 Annl:!ty 5C1vings and 1978· 79 Intercollegiate Wre!>tler!» Faculty ~ta;f Your Salary $1.800 Your Salary $1,800 WIth U~e Cord~. LImIt o! one former intercollegiate wre-,>tler per tearn To .. Deferred Annuity ·150 Your Taxable Salary $1.800 Your New Taxable Salary 1,650 Regular Savings ·150 Federal Income Tax ·267 Federal Income Tax ·313

Happy Hour • 'k(, Home Pay $1,383 Toke Horr.e Pay $1.337 12b p.m 25¢ Drahs Y:>u will take noma $46 per monlh more by setting aSide $')0 a 60c M,.ed Drrnks month in a Tax Deferred Annuity versus saving $150 a month in a 101 W. Monroe bonk. Plus, the interest in a regular savings .s taxed each year. The Next to the Train Station earnings in Tax Deferred Annuity is not taxed until you withdraw your money. Why not take advantage of thi!; great tax t:.reok avai:cble only to employees of non· profit arganiz'::~ions,

The ~ ••1'1''''' or. ba\.«1 on 0 "'.Qsr •.d .-nplOy" dC'J',,".rng ~ •• ..-npf'Of'l, and ~tondaf'ci ..:J.dtucftOn 50. LIn(oIn Notre-no; l.t. ofte1'lo 0 t·.eod Ol"lnu.ty a.nd 0 .. QfoObl. Qnn-u,'w tOt v .... Ir ra. D.4.".,.j ..... ".'"VI"'" OIO~'''' r-~~:~=~':';:~U-:-(~::=l:~-:A~~F-:-~~':~::~=~~~-::~::~P~Il~~--" I f.(ltiI' A (U~.1'( ... 1 PIif0~PH ~U~ I Speedrail Drinks I I MR. MICHAEL FASSI NAME ______I I LINCOLN NATIONAL '.IFE c/o ADDRESS All Day I 222 S. Central Suite II I I ClTY ______STATE ___ I St. Lou~ •• MO 63105 1 I ZIP PHONE ___ I ~------~------______J I)aruo«'rs to Opt·,. .( :on\·O(Out.iOf)S" " SlKan J"f'nIandf'z "~ot E'VE'n the pn!'Stigious L1o~'d's of Of thE' 225 Pffiple who hav., ('omp!~-IE'ff . 'aU Writf'r London will insure \tIt>m anymorE':' thE' WCfo:A ('ourSE'. about 1;",1l W£'rE' outdoorsman Paul Petzoldt. wh,1St' Petzoldt saId, - ('ollt-gE' graduatE'S. ac('ordlng to p£,!· sprln~ pr'()~rarn E'atul"'f'S art' as n:.u~lv hewn all ttlt> s.-vE'ral yl'ars ago. Idaho had a statt' zoidt R,· ~ikf' RM'd ountalllS he has dimhed and whOSt' pro)o(ram to take ju :ilf' dehnqut'nts on tllt-y'rl' staff \\ritf'r 'olC"e is as pnC"ompassl~ as the Gr;>al an £'xpedltion program through ttlt> "Their fE'eling is that prE'tty LnillPrsit': ('on' ()('at!On~ a free ad 'Iains. is working 10 improve ttlt> Qualory stal{'S lava beds. Petzoldt said. sort' of ttlt>msE'I.f'S as outdoor lE'adE'r.'> ,f outdoor leaders. I f tit> And without PXC"E'ptlon. !o.-y all fE'1t tilt- mls,o;ioo E'nlerammen! !If'rll's. "III he!Z1fl "Th.. low ouality of leaders today. is DurinlZ ttlt> eXJX"1ition. SE'VE'ra 0 t Its sprmg pn-sp ntatio(1!. WIth rhf' Pauhot' C"ampers were lost and found dead program was worthwhIle," Petloldt added Konl"r Daoc£' ('o::sort al 8 pm. 'larch 6 ..yond behet. Kids iwho lZo on a cam- sen-ral days latl'r. aC"cordmg to PPt- \0 Shryock AIKilwrlUrn pmg expE'dition i thmk the outdours is a zoldt. Thost' who complete the "'TEA course plal."e to sufft'r, wtlt>re bliste.... and blUt' learn how not to damagE' thE' en" KonE'r. long recOJ/:OIzffl as a pJonE'er of (from W" jeans) are pan of thE' "Included among thl' legal hassles vironml"'lt whilt' t'njoying it because thE' modE-rn dancl', beg"n her ~!udJes wllh w;ldt'mt'SS expt'nence," Petzoldt told a that followed was ttlt> question of famous lius!>lan ballt'l choreolo!raphE'r fu\latJon ~IJchE'1 f"okme and wpnl or. to perform "~rris Library ~.a.'~eml'nt auditorium. state, because it was their progr"m" Or techniques, Petzoldt saId ..nth Dons Humphry and J.~ LImon In an attempt ',0 establish a s!andard was It the leader. who \Q(lJt the ex- "I can ta~e 1.000 people on an ex- bo-forE' becommg a solo pt'rformpr of quality in outdoor l"adt>rShip, Petzoldt pedition out there" ThE' Ia a beds are pedition and not harm the envlronmt'nl. The dance company C()nSlsl~ of tpn has established the WlldE',ness Use very tough terrain,'- Petzold t said. A year later. you could go look for sIgn;; dancers, most of whom wer~' shlder.ts of fo:ducalJon AssOC"iation. a non-profit "The governor called me and asked that Wt' ('amped tht're, and you won"t hers at the lIiorth Carohna School of Art ('orporation that offers a fivt'-week my advice. but now could I answer" At even find a fire scar," f'l'tzoldt said practiC"DI COllI'Se in outdoor recreation. that time. there weren't Iny certified B In addition. the dancE' ('umpany Will · h' d -_.... f I .. "t this is somt'thing that is taught, not I.-h d Th ~ course. W hIC IS eslgll.:" or eadt'rs or standards to judge by," learned through trail and t'rror," Ppt- prt'SE'nt lalor"" ops an a composlh:m prople who have,. background in out- Petzoldt saId. zoldt saId. class () ~Iarch 5 ThE' bt'gJnnmg door recrt'a~ion and plan their career in By certifying outdoor leaders through technique worlL,hop will be hpld from I outdoor re-.:reation. "covers t'Vl'rything tht' Wl:l':A program, injury to out- . This iirogram IS thE' IruitatJon of a 26- pm. to :l p.m, and the advanced i Petzoldtl thinks a pt'rson has to ;.now doorsp<:ujlie :md to the environment is year program, And w': '1\ contmue to t('('hniqUt' workshop .nil mt'C! from 3 about p1annmg an expE'dition." reduced. accorrling to Petzoldt. ha\'e the program E'lialuated ,tnd I't'- pm to;, p.m., and thE' t:omposltlon class The quaiity of outdoor reC"reation evaluated. If we start WIlderness and WIth Koner WIll be held from;' p.rn to i leadership is so poor. many leadt-rscan't "By C"erhfying these people. you get COflSt'rvatiooedut.'atJon in kmdergarten. get liabIlity insurance for the ex- card samp Ilpm S('\"eral mainstrt'am, instt'ad of In spl'c!al times, but we change tht' method, Wt' S('hools, tht' handicapped child will be also u.... t' a lot of \'Isual aids and a lot of bl>ltt'r prt'part'd to fWlctlon socct'SSfuily ~mt'S, t'S~lally in tilt" bto~tnmng of a in tilt' c\"ervda\" world program,' Holmt'S said, . Shawn spends about half hiS sehool Shawn IS dt'senbt> a hyperactl\'t'_ da,' III tilt" ~t>('ond ~radt' c1assruom at but not dlsruptJ\'t' child by Holmt'S. She Lilkeland School In Carbondalt'. [lUring addt'd. "Shal,\, n IS a very glVlJlg and tht' other half, he .. \'I"its" Shirley lo\'mg tvpe of ('hlld" Holm ..s, the spt'CJal pducator at thp Of tllt"'\ti;l students in Lc!keland St-hool. S('hool. in npr rt'~rce room <::Ial toc' 19 are helng spt'l'lally In~trul'tt>d 1I~"tructton bt><:aIL"p uf tllt'ir learrung handlt:ap5, "Shawn It'a\'es th .. c1ussr Jl to Holmes sclld

familiar to many child",n and adults. b)' couotiDg his flngt'rs. Shawn s}Wnds about half his school day In 1M !It'Cond gradt' classroom atlAkt'land.

Shawn Uswns atlt'nlivt'ly to his spt'Ciallt'acht'r, Shirley HoIm"_ 01 ('uboodalt', during 3IIt' of his .. ", isits." Holm" is Lakt'land s.:'hool', spt'Cial t'duulioa wacher,

Peter M-..•. fill C...... 1e rea. SIIe'!!'1i ••.., "rbI,. IIral .. ItMieI .. &M rep.... c ....._. Poge 20. Doily Egyp'oon, March S. 1979