Media Release - 27 May 2015

National Reconciliation Week launch highlights Reconciliation Action Plan success

• 600+ RAP organisations helping redress disparities in employment, education and health • 30,000 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians employed • $55 million toward education scholarships • $42 million worth of pro-bono support • In a nationwide first for Australian events, a RAP will be developed for the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games • a prime case study of successful RAP

National Reconciliation Week (NRW) kicked off this morning at Dreamworld on the Gold Coast where the latest Reconciliation Action Plan Impact Measurement report was released. The launch event was attended by Minister for Indigenous Affairs, Nigel Scullion and Treasurer and Minister for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships Minister Curtis Pitt, with a message delivered by Prime Minister Tony Abbott.

The CEO of Reconciliation , Mr Justin Mohamed said, “The Reconciliation report highlights the success of Reconciliation Australia’s Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) program in driving social change and improving economic opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians.”

“The Report highlights the power of RAPs as a catalyst for action. Our 600+ RAP organisations have employed almost 30,000 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians and contributed $55 million towards education scholarships, and $42 million worth of pro-bono support.”

“These findings are proof that RAPs have helped to create a dynamic community to redress disparities in employment, education and health,” said Mr Mohamed.

In a nationwide first for Australian events, a RAP will be developed for the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games. Treasurer and Minister for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships Minister Curtis Pitt made the announcement saying, “The plan will have a specific focus on enabling Indigenous arts and cultural businesses to benefit from the games, as well as providing employment opportunities.”

Mr Pitt said as winner of the 2014 Premier’s Award for Reconciliation, Dreamworld Corroboree had a proven track record of success in delivering Indigenous training and employment opportunities in the tourism sector. “[Dreamworld] epitomises the spirit of National Reconciliation Week, which also includes today’s anniversary of the 1967 referendum which included in the census and Mabo Day on 3 June in celebration of the landmark native title decision by the High Court.” Dreamworld was pleased to announce its endorsement by Reconciliation Australia for a Stretch RAP as part of its efforts to close the gap. Following the success of its RAP launched in 2012, the ground up approach developed by the business has engaged up to 21 individuals from the local Indigenous community and beyond, and today launches the second phase to stretch these efforts to a target of 5% employment across the theme parks division.

Mr Craig Davidson, CEO Theme Parks Division Ardent Leisure said, “The Board of Ardent Leisure along with Dreamworld, WhiteWater World and SkyPoint are committed to bringing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples and the broader Australian community together by extending the opportunity for all our guests and staff to increase their understanding and respect of the world’s oldest culture through our immersive interactive walk through experience, Dreamworld Corroboree.”

The Prime Minister, the Hon Tony Abbott, in his video message “said there has been much progress since the 1967 Referendum but almost 50 years later so much more is needed. We will never be all that we should be as a nation until we do better at this. I encourage all Australians to take part in National Reconciliation Week.”

National Reconciliation Week celebrates and builds on the respectful relationships shared by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and other Australians and provides an opportunity to learn more about our shared histories, cultures and achievements. Mr Mohamed, said this year’s NRW theme, ‘It’s time to change it up!’ is an invitation for all Australians to step up and become active reconciliation participants. Talking about reconciliation is always a positive, but to achieve reconciliation we need all Australians to get involved,” he said.

NRW celebrated from 27 May to 3 June with events happening across Australia. Go to

For media enquiries contact: Reconciliation Australia – Mayrah Sonter 0405 834 016

Dreamworld – Jael Napper 0410 967 509


Dreamworld – a case study of successful RAP

Dreamworld’s first RAP led to the ground-up approach and development of Dreamworld Corroboree, an outstanding interactive walk-through experience showcasing the cultures and stories of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples. This award-winning tourist attraction presents the legends of the Dreamtime to millions of guests every year.

Dreamworld is driven to unite, strengthen communication and relationships internally through the delivery of its cultural awareness training for all staff and the celebration of key cultural activities with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples internal and external to our business. It’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Employment Strategy provides the framework to create exciting employment opportunities for First Australian Peoples in a supportive environment.

CEO Theme Parks Division Ardent Leisure Craig Davidson said, “We are passionate and committed to developing a deeper understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples history, cultures and achievements with our Team Members and guests. Through implementation of our Stretch Reconciliation Action Plan we look forward to continuing our journey with the local Yugambeh Language Group of the Gold Coast and surrounds to increase our understanding and respect the values, culture and heritage of First Australian Peoples.”

Justin Mohamed, CEO, Reconciliation Australia said of Dreamworld’s Stretch RAP, “On behalf of Reconciliation Australia I warmly welcome the implementation of the Stretch Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) for Dreamworld, WhiteWater World and SkyPoint—key assets owned and operated by Ardent Leisure Limited.

“Ardent Leisure’s unwavering support and leadership has enabled the three enterprises in its theme park portfolio to join a select group of organisations. Moving up to a Stretch RAP takes your reconciliation commitment to an advanced level and is a fine achievement.

“Through it’s first RAP and these bold initiatives, it has made an enviable contribution to reconciliation, and now has taken that commitment a step further. I congratulate Dreamworld, WhiteWater World and Skypoint on their second Reconciliation Action Plan and look forward to following their impressive