ResearchOnline@JCU This file is part of the following reference: Kelso, Sylvia (1996) Singularities : the interaction of feminism(s) and two strands of popular American fiction, 1968-89. PhD thesis, James Cook University of North Queensland. Access to this file is available from: If you believe that this work constitutes a copyright infringement, please contact
[email protected] and quote SINGULARITIES: THE INTERACTION OF FEMINISM(S) AND TWO STRANDS OF POPULAR AMERICAN FICTION, 1968-8'9 Thesis submitted by Sylvia Anne KELSO BA (Hons) (Qld) in August 1996 for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy i.n the Department of English at James. Cook University of North Queensland STATEMENT OF ACCESS I, lhe undersigned. lhe. aulhor of this tllesis, understand James Cook University of North Queensland will make it available for use within lhe University Library and. by microfilm or other photographic means. allow access to users in otber approved libraries. All users consulting this chesis will have to sign the following statemem: ·rn consulring 1his 1hesis l agree not m copy or closely paraphrase ii in whole or in pan wichout the written consent of the author; and to proper wriuen acknowledgemem for any assiscance I have obtained from it.· Beyond chis. l do not wish to place any restriction of access cm lhis thesis. (signature) (d.ace) ABSTRACT The thesis examines how American writers in the popular genres of Female Gothic, Horror, and Science Fiction interact with strands of (mainly) American feminist thought and action, and with the cultural image of feminism(s) during the period 1968-89.