5. Korean Theatre
5. KOREAN THEATRE There are various theatres of different national origin functioning in Soviet Central Asia. In Alma-Ata in Kazakhstan, there exist seven different national theatres: Kazakh, Russian, Korean, Uighur, Azerbaijani, Turkish and German. The Uighur Theatre, established in 1934, is unique as is the Korean Theaue in the Soviet Union. The German Theatre, the youngest of them, was established as late as in 1981 in Temirtau. But the background of the Korean Theatre is different from that of the other national theatres. It is known that there were also Korean theatres in Sakhalin and Tashkent, but they are no longer in existence. 5.1. History The present official name of the Korean Theaue is the Kazakh Repubtic National Korean Music and Comedy Theatre.The roots of this theatre go back into the Soviet Far East. During the days of the Far Eastern period, the centre for Korean acrivitics had been vladivostok, and especially sinhanchon, the New Korean Quarrer, located on rhe hilly side of the city. Koreans published newspapers there, Russian literature was translated into Korean and an interest in drama also arose. As a result of this interest, the Korean Theane began its activities in the 1920s, first as the Korean Theaue Croup of the cigarette factory of Vladivostok. The activities of this group were initiated by workers of the factory, i.e. by Ten Hugem, Ten Viktor, Li Gien, Li Mariya and Choi pong-do, etc. But the person who played the mosr importanr role in this field was Kim lk-su (Nikolay), who had contacts with the Russian Theatre of v.
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