Issue No. 31, April 2006 From the Editor 4 The Mail Run 5 Dominion Creek Ghosts, by Ron Wendt 9 Doug & Al Storer, Yukoners, by Donna Clayson 16 The Complete Story of the Construction of the Alaska Highway, By Dick McKenna 33 Cover: Ana and Diana Jovmir, with “Sundance,” a well-known First Nations carver, at a cabin on Squatters’ Row, February, 2004. [S.H. photo] Published four times annually by GreenInk Publishing Whitehorse, Yukon Postage paid at Whitehorse, Yukon Canadian Publications Mail Agreement No. 40019654 PAP Registration No. 08098 website: e-mail:
[email protected] Publisher: Dianne Green Editor: Sam Holloway The Yukoner Magazine 4 It will be 17 years that I have been patching this magazine together (counting the Yukon Reader). Dianne has been with me all the way and during that time we built a home here at Marsh Lake, my son grew into a young man with his own family and old Dodgie has something like 900,000 miles on her. You may have noticed that, calendar-wise, the issues seem further apart. Yet, to me, they seem closer together all the time. Like an inverted hour- glass, time picks up speed as we get older. I’m pushing 60 and what was so easy just ten years ago feels like hard work now—and takes longer. I bucked up a cord of wood the other day. My right hip felt like it had a nail going through it and my left hand wouldn’t let go of the chain saw. Am I aging prematurely, or does everyone experience these at three score years? My neighbour, Neil Wright, said to me last summer: “Sam, you better enjoy the aches and pains you have to day..