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'ZlXh ADTEBTWES. rst ,BB.a5swa : 4.1 JtU 4 1 1 ft1 3lrwi to ADvnnTisjsas aud surrscixu:-- x. I in be $7 per annum, Obituaries, funeral invitatiiais and notices or eommuuloaoon. Intemled only to benefit an Uxlirtdual'. business, will be charged tiKSS--- A3 papers frwmaaericaa a advertisements. - ' 'vv " .Of3' fiCB postage "tamps them, Ad vertiwnMnta displayed in larger typ nan usual, are fma . collected no . 'lrJSar--" ject to heavier chxrgrs. . . prefer U.OU1 have their IT Subarriptiou tor the Commercial Auvertiser and Adver erlw T( . an miuU. aod win be ti are payable txvABtABLr IS advabs-k- SI 0,e Hawaii Port ZjT No transient advertisements will be inserted unless ran ra'o. .iIchreofWILL be rmciB. - C7" Correspondence from all parts of the Pacific win uhray 10 ets. be very acceptable. ft , ! COMMERCIAL PRINTING OFFICE. PLAIN AND FANCY fWuLe.'flm iuaertl.m.81 00 BOOK AND JOB PRINTING rcH AS l tlM toltowioa-- rate. BOOKS. BILLS OF EXCHANGE, .k,d CATALOGUES, BILLS OF LADING,. - BILLHEADS, CONSULAR BLANK, CIRCULAR?. BLANK DEEDb. fe5Sr.:::::::::::::.S AUCTION BILLS, HANDBILLS, PAMPHLETS, SHOP BILLS. IT VISITING," BUSINESS AND ADDRESS CARDS prtnlsd or. a Yankeo Card Press," in Ihe highest stylo of the art. Advertiser. nENRV Grehl M. WHIT.NEV. SIX DOLLARS PER AXXl'M. rl HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, OCTOBER L 1S59. VOL. IV, X. 1U. WHOLE N. 173. Svbtrfisfmtnts. lusmtss drubs. . to go-ahe- ad ? starts, Stocllings aiti SMcriisrmcnis. II c CO jj,, jrtr is - eoamani Jlcnl sht. IIACKFELD F. COLBURX, OFFER FOR SALE, JUST ARRIVED PER BARK v. in stala jokes like a stock J. II. W. ! iTc ,1.,'A-XJO,riOKr:E- EIl McCOUGIITRY, TO LET fun-dea- - IVIcClyiuont, MELCHERS V.e9 . l on d Drone tr- Notary Public, for the protest of commercial paper only. Office jSSSvFOR ( Harvey & "C. !" r..n Kaahumaoa ttrevt. Hooolulu, ONE YEAR, THE O.VDE FARM PA- . v. i Oaha. at the Haaraiiaa Treasury. 107-3- m at Makawao, for cultivating wheat, Ac. Apply to THUS. PAINTERS, GLAZIERS, GILDERS AND OF BREMEN BARK IBXY.XXZwXXraO', I m.m.iwuauii; W. EVERETT, or undersigned. 11111' .k. Lahaioa, to the PER HANGERS, . FOLLOWINGPTIOMINVOICES OF ENGLISH, FRENCH AND A. P. ETEHETT, WILLIAM G. V. JUDD, C 4rxrX THE HUMPHREYS, 155-- tf Meloliors, Senior, Notary Public, Office 165Jm Attorney for D. T. Conde. SHOPS i.V UXIOX KING STREETS. GERMAN GOODS: f wits wealthy lover around her TJCTIOKTia at the Court House, up stairs. . 1 63-- tf Meinert Fettjnch, Master, Hoo.'.ulu, Ouhu, H. I. TO LET, S. JOHNSON, ARRIVED FROM BREMEN Cottons, Linens Ac Woolen Goods. M JUST Bales pink and yellow prints, do fancy do. Fjofl-iwir- t once. J. AUSTIN, KAA- Jfcc, e HAWAIIAN' FLOUR COM PA NY, ATTORNEY AND THE STORE AT THE FOOT OF - HOUSE CARPENTER, Do. mourning do, do two blue do, COUNSELOR AT LAW. humanu street, recently occupied by Messrs. Kitson A FORT STREET. Woolen, Linen and Cotton Goods. JrJ earel by Waikiki bathing, like A. P. EYERgrT.TreaQrcraod Apeot. Office Fancy prints, pink and yellow prints, Turkey red and yellow Do. white ground do, do white shirtings. in Honolulu House, over the Post Office. 65--tf Hart, in the wine and spirit trade. Possession given on two-blu- Do. cases ginghams. tha 1st of October next. For terms, apply personally to INTIMATES THAT prints, e prints, black and white prints, black and white glazed col'd do, C. KOHl.VSON, RESPECTFULLY any work in the abovs line, and muslins, jaconet ginghams, Swiss ginghams, plain black Or Oases printed cotton handkerchiefs. II. LEMTIIS, II. lQJ-- jacconets, Lamber E. HOFFMANN, 159-- opes to merit a share of public patronage. tf leans, loyal blue do, black, green ami blue figured Orleans; Fancy printed Victoria lawns, and bnlldinjt materUls.rort St. Honolulu. lOi-t- tf At his rooms over Dr. McKibbia's. ' a tailor ? Because he presses f Physician and Surgeon, office in the new drug store, adjoining white Victoria lawns, Oregon checks, plain Turkey red cloth, Sd Himalaya pock muslin, barege . ' ate - mosquito netting, , the store of H. llackfcld A Co.. Queen-stree- t. i-- tf inch grey long cloth (brown coltou,) 3d loch blue bafts (blue cot- Cambric, Swiss muslin, L KRULL, TO LET, GEOKGE TllOHAS, ton.) mottled twills (der.ims,) blue striped bed tick, white mole- Lace and muslin sleeve and collars, embroidered, - ? Commusioa Merchant auj ImMrter. DWELLING-HOUS- E IN NUU- - cotton linen black linen Black Orleans alpaoca, blue figured alpacca, jtorest gpneral of u age General OiBce. Kaahnmann J. D. llLAinj THE MASON, skin, black velvet, white thread, thread, t treet. Attorney P""'' anu alley, lately occupied by Mr. Thomas Brown. black, white and blue sewing cotton; blue, red and white bunt- Oregon checks, moleskin, hackaback, and Counsellor at Law, and Procter In Of-fl- ce CALL THE ATTENTION OF Admiralty. Please apply to WOULD to his stock of material, consisting of Ha- ing; wadding, large woolen blankets (80 by 00 inches, assorted Cotton elastiques for pantaloons, linen , . TO over Dr. Uuillou's Drug 140-- . is invisible, BOLT. Store, Honolulu, ti. I. tf 159-- tf FRED. L. HANKS. orange green,) sailors' white woolen blaoc- Blue twilled flannel, blue, green and. pink flannel, ' -- A.ali'fh - -vet nemoat waiian Lime, California Lime, Brick, Cement, Fire Clay, Plaster white, blue, red, and rsia Von IIOLTJtHEUCK, of Paris, German Tile and Fire Brick,' at his yard, opposite the tets (64 by 69 inches.) black and Hue broadcloth, cashmere, blue White linen dri!, Russia crash, checked coalings. CnBimmiim L. 3IcCULLY, TO LEASE, OR FOR SJkLE I City Market, on King Street. 100-t- y flannel, cotton towels, printed cotton hdkfs, Turkey red hdkfs. Blue and black broad cloth. Onetul Puat-ofnc- LET, - between a man who keeps ilerchants. ILhioIuIu. Ouliu, S. I. lOS-- tf Attorney at Law. Office, over tiie e. Transacts Blue, crimson and grey woolen blankets. . fferenee business and executes document in the KNOWN AND OLD ES ? - native language. THE WELL Silks, &e. w niD tick- Am. 143-t-f tablished BOAR DIN 'J IIOLSE, known as the "l.MOS," TIIE HONOLULU IRON WORKS. black taffetas, do Napoleon blue, German black , , , Arc. ks wIiin2 ALEX. J. CARTn"RI(;ilT,- to or French lustre the other nine canes. Comnilmioa is offered for sale. UNDERSIGNED is now prepared repair silk, do Napoleon blue, black silk hdkfs, assorted French satin Plain, black and blue pantaloons, buckskin pants, southwestera, ' . aaJ Merchant and Gencr.il E)ir.jing Ageut, Honolulu. business for a lone time, TIIE all kinds of machinery, mill gearing, wind I- Tills house has done a most excellent ribbons, Paris taffeta , do reps shawls, black silk hot rib- drill pants, assortment of cotton pants, - 105-t- DR. White linen i . -- :;w ver one divide, no f FORD'S Proprietor forced to pars-wit- It from being too much lass gearing, ship forgings and smith work. cn bat Office and Drug Store, Kaahumauu Street, opposite Makee's and the is bons, assorted. Black, blue and brown cloth ooats and paletots. ? occupied business. Apply to Cart boxes, forge backs, anvils Ac. cn hand and made to it been divided Ans. Wa-- block. Ship's Medicine chests refitted, and prescriptions in other Shirts, , &c. Pilot cloth and panta,bTk alpaoca coals. Lntrt GODFREY RHODES, J. STEWART, order. - Hickory printed regatta shirts, carefully prepared. for sale. Extra fine clear blue flannel shirts, blue serge shirts, red serge shirts, Wholesale Deakrr in Wine and Siilrlta, Ale and Porter, near ,143-tf Hotel Street. Iron and and best quality of smith's coal cotton T'ne serge shirts, white cotton shirts, 1 Hot, eold, vapor, shower and medicated I!aTH8. all hours 2-- shirts, blue serge drawers, red do do, white , the Honolulu. Va-- r at tf D. M. WESTON. IV ite its a round plum podding. Ans. Pel Place. lf 7-- ly fancy striped do and other kinds, brown cotton drawers, printed lite L. B. do, French calf , ul ootswle. TO LET. regatta shirts, striped hickory shirts, frocks, denim pan French Amazon felt hats. ;Eonr;E g. iiowe, CHAS. F. GUILLOU, 31. D , THE FOLLOWING ROOMS AND OF-- CARPENTERING AND JOINERY. taloons, French white shirts (small and Urge folds.) French Ladies' straw do,Leghorn, ooessj on this point," as the Lumber Mercliant, yard corner of Queen flees in the PROOF BRICK of fancy French do, French elastic , Children's straw do,Leshorn, . 1 and Nuuanu rtreets on Late Surgeon FIRE BLlL,Ulu,frncr shirts, BUenor i u: .1 United States Navy, Consular Physician to sick streets, : fancy striped cotton Gent's straw hata, Leghorn, OP V uiiu vo m the Punchard premise. 105-- tf Knahiimanu and Oueen viz brown cotton , white cotton socks, 3 siuca luvcuu ui pin. American seamen and general practitioner. Savings UNDERSIGNED WOULD IXFORM Superior silk and woolen undershirts. Office, The office on the second floor, directly over the Bank. THE the Public that he has taken the stand form- socks, blue mixed cotton socks, women's black cotton , m corner Kaahutnanu and Merchant streets, and residence ' storage 1300 Gent's silk. Lisle thread and cotton . The Cellar of the above building, capable of of on King street, oppo- sailors' heavy woolen stockings. . j m.j IIACKFELD & CO. at Dr. Wood's Hotel Btre.-t- erly occupied by 8. Johnson, (Carpenter,) , runs : Where-- II. Mansion. barrels. open shop Ladies' silk. Lisle thread and cotton stockings, jaeecuntjof ths General Commission Agents, Medical and Surgical advice in English, French, Spanish, and site the Bethel, where he intends to a carpenter and Clothing, Arc lasting , gent's lacquered gaiters. and Ship Chandlers, Honolulu, Possession-give- immediately. Terms moderate. Apply to conduct the business in all its various branches. Hats, Gent's Pahu, 8. 105-t- Italian. Assorted English felt hats, very superior French felt hats, Children's Lisle tliread and cotton socks and stockings, . I. f liu--tr CUAS. BREWER, 2d. B. All orders executed with promptness and dispatch. : Office hours from 11 A. M. to 2 P. M.; at other hours inquire at Ii. (latest style,) silk , blue pilot reefing jackets, pilot cloth Ladies' and gent' Vienna , French calf boots. (rfpoenlly srea A wink from the eye Ii5-t- f GEO. MILLER. E. O. HALL. his residence. tf M trowsers. moleskin pants, gentlemen's fine light buckskin An assortment of French felt hats, for gent's and children sucili from the mouth of the river LET, light jackets. A complete assort- fminrter and Dealer in Hardware, Dry Goods, PainU, and superior cloth pantaloons, wfrcm the bed of and a OiK and HONOLULU MEDICAL HALL, I O RDlNG HOUSE IS THE & ment of light woolen, cotton and linen pantaloons. Silks, &c. theses; Keneral Merchandise, corner of F.t ami King streets. 105-- t TIIE oeu THOMPSON IVEVIIiCE, of fate. DOCTOR McKIDBIN, Surgeon, Ac, r nr of the " White Horse Hotel," witn ii separate Silk bel covers, cambric silk handkerchiefs, rooms, all furnished. Inquire on the premises. 111-- tl BLACKSMITHS, . Chenille and trimmings, ruche, GEORGE CLARK, Has removed to the Store lately occupied by Dr. Lathrop, in Men's brogans, lasting gaiters, Lsj; -- :ier in Pan's is said to have offered Silk umbrellas, black and colored satin. Dealer in Dry and Fancy Qool, Hotel Queen Street, where he will be regulxrly supplied with OPPOSITE THE CUSTOM HOUSE, Sailors' shoes, men's Joan of Are at the rate of one street letween Nuuanu TO LET STORAGE. Black lustrine, moire antique, Cl'"3 and Maunakea streets. Honolulu, S. I. 11 tf Medicines, Perfumery, etc., of the liest quality. Flowered moire antique, de-- Family Medicines and lrescriptishs carefully prepared. IIONO- - Hardware, Iron, &c. Crrnote in the score. The composer ET THE CELLAR UNDER THE sa THE ABOVE HAVING PURCHASED very best crown iron, bars 1 to , round, A large and splendid assortment of silks and salins. . XjT Medicine Chests examined and refitted on lulu House one of th"c most convenient in town copa- - the pr.'mises formerly occupied by M. M. Mattnewn, 14 bndls English JOUN TII03IAS WATERIIOUSE, reasonahletenns. 252 do do do do do to 1, do. Black, blue, green and violet silk velvet, Attendance at the office from 8 A. M. till ft p.m., on week iaiilL ble of storing about 400 tons. Inquire ol are now prepared to execute Ship, Carriage and Cart " Im porter, 'Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Merchandise, 104 English very best crown iron, bars to 2x, flat, Black and fancy velvet ribbon. ULwticaTiOS. Why is alady who, dress- - General days, and from 8 to 11 a. a. ou Sundays. At other times ioo--tr WHITS EY. Work, on the shortest notice and most reasonable bars lfxi Honolulu, Ijthaina. Maui. ii--tl 104 English hoop iron, assorted, Ladies' bonnet ribbon, latest styles. and his residence. Union street. lll-t- terms, and hope by strict attention to business to merit a share-o- f bundles best I extensively- - tollowea I.iatiion, ruu at f 8 kegs cooper's rivets, Black silk ribbon. U7eat the public1 patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed. 105--tf MoagMAS. r jh FOR SALE OR TO LET, Belgian wrought iron spikes, 2 inch to 7 inch, Ui of meeting you in the arcade the t. hohiiiii, 8HEKMAX PECK. CUAS. BREWER, 2o. Sundries. JIOSSJIAN Ac FORETOP PREMISES ON KING Belgian roofing tine, 36x75 covers, to cause here, and take breathl SOX, Ac Terms lilwral. Apply to . gunpowder, in Linen, woolen and cassimere table C. BREWER CO., Patent shot. Nos. 00 ta 6; sup andHbcanis'rs, Berlin wool. L Sjrth American Indians rushing to Bakers, Grocers and Dealers lu Dry Goods, Nuuanu street, Hon MTHE C. W. VINCENT, Fort street, Honolulu. COOPERING. qualities, bk to 12 inches; Cassimere piano covers, J Commission and Shipping Merchants, Honolulu, Oahu, n. I. Butcher knives, assorted Canvas ft embroidery, spool cotton, corsets, H olulu, tbUiu, S. I. , 127 tf Sailors' knives, jack knives, table knives and forks, tiss.-lVc.- taie she goes to her engige-- KKi'KK TO 1 CARD. MESSRS. LEWIS & NORTON Linen and cotton thread, asst'd, Coates, ROOMS TO LET. PER WEEK. friends the B. M. tablespoons, B. M. teaspoons, Sharp's needles, V ' JAMES Ht'SiNSWELL, Esq., I JOHNSON, Carpenter, A take the opportunity of thanking their and Linen sheeting, linen table damask, dyed Silesia, IV. X. i ADD, Boston. Apply to S. public in general, fur the favors and patronage hitherto bestow Kirby fishhooks, flint stones, percussion , Cuaklu Bkkweb, Kq., . 32ltr Fort Street. Woolen cords, bed quilts, linen bed lace. i W rtpect Joes to day. as compared with Importer and Dealer in Habowabc, Mkchasics' Mcllt-E- Ai I ed upon them, and respectfully beg their continuance of the Clothing buckles, best axes, assorted powder flasks, Cctlcst, MfMHK. Merrill, San Francisco. Stay binding, suspenders, playing cards, ifl Mr. Binney, with the thermometer Tools and AoBicrLTrEAL Lhplcmests, Fort street, Hono- Chas. Wolcott Krooils, Esq., same. Horn combs, ivory tooth combs, jewsharps. Portemonnaies, purses, black lace rails. 106-- tf -- FOR SALE OR LEASE. All orders entrusted to them will be performed with punctu- lulu. Msssrs. Wm. PcstaC A Co., Hongkong. TO C. Glass Ware, Crockcrr and Perfumery. Assortment of necessaires and dressing cases, McssBj. Prkle, Hi'bbell A Co., Manila. THE PREMISES BELONGING T. ality and dispatch. looking-glasse- s, drawer looking-glasse- Gilt frame looking . t be Bin- or ana xuaunnaen sizes and sorts, Gilt frame didn't know. Why' said - JAXIOX. GREEX & CO., 163-t- f Averberg, Esq., corner King sireeis. They have on band, for sale, CASKS of all rs, porter glasses, white bowls, Black, pink and straw colored crape, given If required. For 162-t- Castors, tumbk Fire-Pio- Immediate possession can be amounting to upwards of 4000 bbls. f head," 'tis very bevident that it's Commissioo Merchants uf Buildings, Queen strnet. White mugs, butter dishes, large blue cups and saucers. Assortment of artificial flowers. ADAMS. to 96-- tf FLORENS STAPKMHimfcT. Hooolulu, April 1. 1559. HS-t- f FBEDEBICK L. BANES. EDWARD P. terms apply Brown spittoons, porous water bottles,. Silk, buckskin. Lisle thread and kid gloves, L. HANKS As CO., ! Clay pipes, Eau de Cologne, Florida water, A superior assortment or Paris fans, LichJierof the Voltijniers. who in the bat- - J. iawis. X. I IHGOLS FRED'K TO LET. Blaeksmithing Genuine Lubin's Extracts. A superior assortment of Paris vases, flowers, Ac, jm bad h:s right epaulet shot away, and Ac Comratsainn and Shipping Merchants, Honolulu, Hawaiian THE TWO STORES RECENTLY" Children's porcelain, tea sets, tulip shade glass, IRWIX CO., Islands. street, between King and Merchant sts. "Vrj-TIIl- 2 A V- Chandlery and Whalemen's Stores of erected in Fort DERSIGNED. II - Ship Water coolers, a large assortment of children's toy, 5 kis pantaloons pierced, writes home Accountants, Collectors and Custom nouse Brokers, Hooolulu. REFER TO Parties wishing to lease cau have them fitted to by 1J! ing removed his Shopi to the NEW ESPLAN- - Tarred cordage, 1 to 3 Inch; Manila cordage, 1J to 3 in Tapestry carpets, Lapland and church mats, Hut tbe enemy didn't wish to do Ji. B- - Complicated accounts adjusted, and commercial Messrs. McRceb A Merrill, San Francisco. early application. For terms, please apply to li ' " 1 PP. is prepared to execute work of all kinds 9 Standing rigging, 3 to 6 inch, Velvet rugs, room paper, oil cloth, calf skins. 37 loj-t- ifcm was books opened and cfcjsed. f - GatxxeLL. Mixttbs A Co,...- - New York. citf B. F. SNOW. in first rate stvle. and at prices to suit the times. Particular 1 hemp cutting fall, 120 fathoms inches, Turtle shell back combs, ivory tooth combs. bat what right." Swift A - - - New Bedford. attention will be paid to all kinds ofahip work ; and, having 4 Manila cutting falls, 60 fathoms 6 inches, shell dressing pocket combs, . Alles, t bousing, Turtle and at, who are somewhat noted for their S. & 31. S. GRIXIl AU3I, Chas. Sccdder A Co., Boston. procured an experienced Farrier, recently arrived from the United Ratline, rope yarn, spunyarn, marline. Assortment of buffalo dressing combs, .. A. ! upon English sail twine, twine, ' srire, Issued an apposite caricature Dealers in Fashionable Clothing, Hats, Caps 16d-l-y ... Coflee Plantation for Sale States, those requiring services in that line may rely their Seizing stuff, best tarred Hair brushes, tooth brushes, nail brushes, bre Importers and manner. whaieline, patent blocks and sheaves, Army. Boots and Shoes, erery variety of Gentlemen's Superior THE CELEBRATED orders being executed in a workmanlike A No. 'l Manila Table brushes, cloth brushes, ' a Tbe soldiers are represented a.d 145-- tr ROBERT BROWN. compasses, raw and boiled linseed oil, Furnishing Goods. Store, corner of Fort and Merchant sts., D. N. FLITNER, PLANTATION, Boat Pearl buttons for , shirts and dresses, , with asses TITCOMD COFFEE turpentine, green oil paint, zinc white, . aeLs eommandvl by ofScers 119-4- f new Spirits Aocordeons, concertinas, clarinets, Honolulu, Oahu. Continues his old business at the new store in Makee's fire Lampblack, putty, whiting chalk, best glue, ' tbe general-in-chi- ef has no had at all ! proof building, at the stand recently occupied by Dr. AT IIAN A LEI, KAUAI, Asst'd hoop Iron, flat, round and square iron. . , 1 Pump leather, rigging leather, whalemen's casks, T . 1 1 1 t. J a. waaats, oahc. r. . swats, Hawaii H jffmann, corner of Queen and Kaahuraanu streets. of the comprises up- UPHOLSTERING. Aeynoio.'i oemg , now ur wvuiu Is offered for sale. The Land Plantation UNDERSIGNED. HAVING A 6 8m. B. Whaleboats. Cutlery, Ac. uici Ac Chronometers rated by olservatiozs of the sun and stars wards or 1 OSO and has upon it 50.000 CotTce THE negs Sailors' jackknlves, butcher knives, ooco handle, in a p iiatinjr. replied that be would ABEL HARRIS CO., accurately adjusted to the Acrrs, of sugar thorough knowledge of the above businesa, to j Produce, Honolulu, Oahu. II. with a transit instrument The land is well adapted to the cultivation notify his friecds and the public generally of Honolu- Groceries and Provisions. Rodgers' pen and pocket knives, Ji wall risk of Dealers in all kinds of Hawaiian I. given to One Trees. I sold by Fee Durhsm mustard, salad oil, asstd sugar ware. na ciimbinK over a at the Merrill, San meridian of Honolulu. Particular attention Th. Mtuta unencumbered, and will be lu, he is prepared to make to order, on short no English pickles Assortment of scissors for embroidery, Draw Bills of Exchange on Messrs. McKuer at and quadrant glasses silvered terms of sale, inquire of that Sardines in qr. boxes, osf sugar, crushed sugar, pilot bread, neck, with aa cpen rate close by. 2o-- tf repairing. Sextant Simple Title. For full particulars and thorough Spring Buttenhole and tailors' scissors, a Francisco. U. 8. A. constantly SNOW. tice, and In the most workmanlike manner, green teas, split peas, lentils, pealed barley. and adjusted. Charts and nautical instruments ltW-- tf B. F. and Grass Matresses. Old So- Rye flour, Knives and forks, rasors, uh fie might walk with and safety. 44-- Lounges, Spring Beds, Hair, Pulu Bhelled on hand and for sale. tf dis- Sourkraut, pickled beans, almonds, currants, Table spoon, gardeners' knives. &. fas, Lounges, etc., and repaired with neatness and prunes, Bologna sausages, of an apothecary, at Winchester, litf-- RITSOX HART. most thorough workman- Superior Lechoa raisins, Bohemian knives, dagger, awls, PplrK AVaikalralnln Water Lots! patch. Carpet of all kinds laid lu the East India polished rice, antimonial wine was sold to the Successors to Mr. IK.iry Robinson. Wholesale Wine and AG EXT FOR THE like manner. G. H. 1NGRAHAM. IV st Otfrisian butter. Superior English sewing nmdlss, 7 of , Room at Cart-wrig- Wine vinegar, Westphalia hams. Sail needles, powder flasks. V was wjee- t- Merchauts, Honolulu. H. I under tlte X.J. ew York Hoard mf Underwriter. HAVING 'BEEN 129-6r- a Next door to Geo. Clark, Esq., Hotel street. com ran n ion-- It quarterly foot of Kaahumanu street. tf sale and lease of tho Shot, Ac-- , A., Ac. y'X was ukeo, and the effect was fright-- and at the The undersigned takes leave to notify Merchants, Ship Masters, Tappointed agent for the Liqnors. &C--, that he has been duly appointed as Agent for the Waikahalnlu Lots I C. E. WILLIAHS, Abbot's pale ale, quarts; Bass A Co's pale ale, quarts, Pyra- Perfumery J. C. SPALDIXG, New York Board of Underwriters. mid brand; Van den Bergh t Co's Holland gin; A large assortment of English, French and German per- Merchants, Ship Owners, Speculators - 13-- - . begs to call the attention of cognac, pale sherry, occupation Commtsslna Merchant, and fmporter, nooolula, Oaba, 8. X. t ALEX. J. CARTWRIGnT. now of- Superior old chamiagne madeira; fumery, consisting of -- tftor after the French of Milan, and others Li this finely situated tract of land which is Cabinet Maker and Turner. Schloss Johannisberger; cologne, Lubiu's extract, golden oil. fere 8UDDreMiel - Wanted. Bills of Exchange on the A. and Europe. Con liberal and convenient Chat. d'Yqtaem (HautSauterne,) Eau tie 1 Rin Ans- reduced and on - hvl Men br" the I. to. Island pro- fered in lots at rates OLD STAND, HOTEL STREET, NEAR Rhine wine, cherry cordial, Hamburg bitters, Curaooa liquor, Genuine Macassar oil, pomatum, v Vnaear, siraments fmra abroad promptly attended FLORENS STAPENIIORST, One had been sap-- goods. lOS-t-f Underwriters. All terms. THE corner of Fort. Rhine wine mousseaux, casks brandy, casks Jamaica rum, Toilet soap and genuine extracts of J. Gosuen A Con duce cf all kinds taken in ezchan (! Agent for the Bremen and Dresden Bard of Plans may be seen and all particulars learned by application made and repaired. cent, alcohol. Fire-pro- Furniture of all kinds French table vinegar, 90 per LfOndon, Ae Ac, Ac i jctrs. and in tbe last number had prom-- against the said Underwriters, occurring in of Buildings. average claims to the undersigned at Robert C. J anion's On hand and f r sale, READY MADE FURNITURE, Koa loc! j;oo cf a story in the next. True It. F. SXOW, or about this Kingdom, will have to be certified before him. v. B. Early application should be made for choice Lots. Cherry Willow Ware, &c. Plated Ware. 1-- tf Boards, Joist and Plank; Cedar, Black Walnut and five years, took General Commission Merchant, Honolulu, Oahu, Haw. Islands. W. L. GREEX, Mahoeany Veneering. Sofas, arm chairs. Plated candlesticks, v.. ktbtnrxt. at the end of Lota. Boards; Rosewood and J- A cent for the Sale of Waikahalulu Gil; Rocking chairs. Plated cruet stands. Lrr where eonclu - ag ma E COMPA-n- y, A large assortment of Moulding, and lare sized Olass. it had been left off. and ext ASSURANCE -tf Assorted work baskets. T-II- NORTHERN Honolulu. Oct. 21, 1658. Office Children's Chairs. Plated card baskets, . Reeular Line of Boston awl Honolulu Packets. (established ) For Fire and Life Assurance at A variety of Rocking, Dining, and to order. 158-l- y Sugar basins, waiters, Ac, gale of Coffee ;roen the Titoisnh Plantation. home and aliroad. Polished Coffins on hand and made Sundries. 1. V S'i a side came off from the dock at Sale of Crocker Brothers a Co s Yellow Metal. Capital 1,230.7 GO, Sterli-- z. Bremen cigars, imit. Havana; matches, Groceries, Sec. k.1 . across the Hadson. to the Pultz 'ew Fnglacdl wflng Company. 123-t-f The undersigned has been appointed Agent for the Sandwich HONOLULU NEW COOPERAGE ! Birch brooms, cocoanut soap, Roman cement, Loaf and crushed sugar. Assortment of eandisa, f A Co. Baltic pine boards, Raisins in , boxes, Peppermint losenges. wish paddled Islands. J ANION, GREEN. GALLERY ! One inch and i i tabs, four feet in diameter, caas. a. Bisaor. a. aldsicb at Honolulu. AMBROTYPE & DAGUERREAN ANTIION'S BUILDING, MERCHANT ST. 50 tons West Hartley steaming coal. Swiss cheese, Raspberry vinegar. car-- mi ti&xit oarst One of tbe contestants DISIIOP Ac CO., 7f The above, part of the cargo or the "Carl Melchers, Senior, Sardines in i and i tin, White wine vinegar. two-thir- Hwuolalu, Oahu, II. I. pepper, Capers, Ac. ds of the distance bad been "Makee's Block," on FOR THE AMBROTYPES. will be offered tor sale on favorable terms upon arrival, by Bag of black Ac, Bankers. Office in the east comer of AGENT DAGUERREOTYPES. In the highest perfection of Stearine candles, r, the accomplished feat in two Hon Hulu. 153.tr MELCHERS A CO. it other tbe Kaahuiftanu street. Underwriter's Association. the Art. (105-tf- ) f. BINDT. UNDERSIGNED HAVE TAKEN fcrst-cla-as paper, and Liverpool rflHE purpose of on Axe. ki&j4ve minutes, and won the wager. Will receive depos ts. discount business undersigned begs leave to notify Merchants, Ship owners, JI the above premise for the carrying the Paints, 113-- tf The ! in tin cans, t attend to collect ins, etc-- Ship masters, that he has received the appointment ol GOODS Best English whit lead, a writer : In AmsterJam 1 saw a and Pari green, chrome green. l! njs AGENT at these Islands for the LIVERPOOL UNDER ROWLAND'S Coopering Business iEV Black lead. 'n 'Jl - .IVlni. .fnnr.;tflrwt- in hlzirlf W. A. ALDRICII, ASSOCIATION. In all Its various branches, and solicit a share of the public Just received per Bark "Sachem," Chrome yellow, Prussian blue, celestial bine. : ' f, WRITER'S leaf, i r-- A Co. Red lead, Venetian red, bronze paint, fold f tLcl General Merchandise; Commission JANION GREEN. OALLER1T. patronage. e hat on his head, from which crape Importer and Dealer in AMBROT1TE BOSTON, U. S. - oil, in tins. i coopers, they themselves that they FROM Best English paint 1 buck-irkftoctx- zs. of Sugar. Molasses and Coffee, and other Being all practical flatter :f liis hee!s, with short , knee Agent for the Sae t Island Produce. Agent f.r the Lmrt Plastatio. Con LLOYD'S UNDERSIGNED would call the attextios of can do work as well and on as leasonable terms as any other ASES STRIPED GRASS CLOTH, CASES Saddlery, &c. V n and a short black coat, from solicited. Orders AGENT FOR Friends the Public to his Rooms, over the in Honolulu or on the Sandwich Islands. Duck, cases Black ana v nit inecitea vtuuung signments of all kinds of Island Prwluce beps notify to Merchants, Ship owners and THE his and White All hog skin saddles, imitation hog skin saddle. k The undersigned to Printing Offices, (next to the U7-3- m LAMB, FARDEN A CO. Cases calf which another roll of crape hung down lor Merchandise promptly attended to. of Pacific Commercial Advertiser," Bales Union bro. drills, ties. Saddle cloths, silver plated spurs. Shipmasters, that he has received the appointment is taking Pictures which, for elegance of Oxford pegged ties, Cpon discovered that he (or LLOYD'S LOS ION Post Offl;e) where he Bales Temple " u Sliver plated bit and stirrups. pil inquiry, I AG ENT at these Islands style and softness of tone, cannot he excelled. Bales Manadnock bro. sheet- fine Monterey SPEXCER, 105-- JANION, GRKEN A Co. TII03IAS tf New Stock, Chemicals. Ac, he is 10-- 4. roan slippers, (sewed,) Commission Being In constant receipt of ings. Furniture. Ship Chandler, Dealer fn General Merchandise, and prepared to take Pictures with all the latest improvements. Bales Livingston bleached sheet women's col'd morocco, A tow superior wardrobes, Merchant, Honolulu, Oahu, S. I-- , keeps constantly on hand HAMBURGH-BREME- N on Glass. Paper, Patent Leather, India men's opera slippers, Piano stools. of goods re- ITT Pictures taken ings, iip?inj an extensive a wortmerit of erery description Rubber, Ac, and warranted to give entire satisfaction. Cases Otis . calf sewed brogans, Foot stools, Mailer's Xolice. whaleships and others. COMPANY. and examine specimens. boots, Ships' cabin atooM quired by c FIRE INSURANCE v n The Public are invited to call MACHINE CARPENTER'S SHOP. Bales Thorndike Ticks, " CITE Shipping furnished with all kinds of groceries, provisions, UNDERSIGNED, Agents of tbe above 119tf W. F. HOWLANP Artist. Cases Livingston blea. drills, elf sewed and pgd brogans Cordage. ItrTOERSlCXED HEREBY notice, at the very lowest market prices. fire UNDERSIGNED WOULD INFORM calf sewed sailor's pumps, se4chey bare associated themselves together at the shortest THE are prepared to insure risks against in and on the 5th inst. will re- Cases Honeycomb Quilts, A large assortment of Russia cordage, all sixes, Money advanced for whalers' bills at the lowest rats. ! THE and the public that he Cases L. Brown sheetings. pl rp of ifciDwnz (oreiru seamen at this port, XT about Honolulu. Views Honolulu business as a Groceries, Spunyarn, two and three thread, stick lins, of sume his former 1-- pa te'ySee at Sailor's Home, and from th:ir apply the office. Cases Naumkeag bro. sheetings Cases lb tins green peas. housing, hemp twine. the For particular, at CO. Marline, a the business, tht-- feel eonfldent of airing en--ta SEISgBS. jieixHERS PERSONS VISITING OR RESIDING HOUSE CARPENTER, Half bbls split peas, r rST M-t- set of BUILDER AND Casts Clothin, coot's? masters of ships, agents of ships, or others, ecoT. c. JteiXHEIC. Hono nlu, Oct, 11. 1351. f ALLthese Islands, should not fail to send a G. II. Denim and frocks, juases renneu iara. Wines, Ac. & CO., to their friends abroad, At the stand hitherto occupied by Messrs. Watson A Leonard, flan, Half bbls crushed sugar. Jacquesson A Sons champagne, fclaret, mail orkrs in their line. 3IELCIIERS If nrzraa' Views of Honolulu With every facility for Blue, mixed and red shirts lvmwae voyages proeured Ship Honolulu, Oahu, as they will convey by far a better idea of the Scenery, Habits, on the Swinton Premises, King street. Kits mackerel. Sherry, Madeira, port wine, f t whaling aid other Commission Merchants and Chandlers, Russia frocks. In each. e. repaid o the fatlare corner of Kaahuraanu and Merchant sts. Fire Insurance Notice. Customs, etc., of this place, than any works or prints ever pub- doing all branches of Sporting jackets, flibls extra mess beef, Asst'd liqueurs, ate bbls. 4 do, Advance promptly S I Stone sfjre E-- BU KG ESS, a cmkr himself board at the required time, Money advanced on favorable terms for Whalers Wilson the ASSURANCE CO. lished. To be had of Dutch pants, litis, hf and qr do, layer raisins, M 1 THE NORTHERN Shop, on King street, near Fort. ks obtained. 1Ua notify to those llgtf Paint best he respectfullyWorls.solicits a share of public Black merino sacks, illalf bbls butter, ! plan V. S. and Europe. UNDERSIGNED begs to tc the advantage,Wood u jCases box salt, Per " Raduga," from Boston LKWI3 WOODMAN. " office wooden buildings or patronage. Reefer's " Cfc 9" COO,t," TIIE have insured in this ."hooks fine bag do, t Home, conse-sequen- ce B. PITMAN, first workman, he will Blue reefers, Ripping AsenU OSce at the 8aUor MUX. S. CASTLW. - contents within the precincts of Honolulu, that la Having secured the services of a rate DUE FIRST SEPTEMBER. I their high wooden BYRON'S BAY, niLO, HAWAII, add Car-rin-se Black pants, BblsHaxall flour, drilling, brown sheetings, CASTLE & COOKE, of the continued erection of large and also Cabinet Mnkiag, Tnraiag aad Blue sheeting and I Catt. on tim- keeps con- to his other business. Striped shirts, jCases cheese, i Touam Spsscca, Wholesale and Retail dealers in General Me- buildings close together In narrow streets, no more risks Ship Chandler and Dealer in General Merchandise, Work Bbls P. R. denims, Jewett city denims. C a. Co Importers and be and those already assortment of every description Stuff sawed and planed by machinery for carpenters and Blue and red flannel shirts, rice, twine, men's kip brogaas. ii ( Kaum a rchandise, at the old stand, eewner of the K.ng ber constructions in the town will taken, stantly on hand an ex tensive Xr i Hales cloves. Cotton duck and C. L. StCTllUM, Store of their terms. and others. therS-- Black beaver cloth Raglans, complete, whips. Stone Church. Also at the taken will not be renewed on the expiration of Goods required by Whaleships LEWER3. blk, Bags pepper. Saddles with rtirrups, Ac, n . King JANION, GREEN, A Co. Fresh Beer and Vegetables, and all C. n. Pilot reef jackets, blue and Men's cow hide boots, cut nails. r jSvnpiedTc. H. Nicholson, in stree Shipping furnished with conducted as hereto- Pilot monkey " Best bread, in whaler's cask. C. O. WOODMAN. Dr. Agent for the Northern Assurance Co. Groceries Salt Provisions, etc., etc., at the N. P. General lumber business will be Copper and iron tacks, rivets, asst'd, pi 163m) Chapel. AgenU for 62.tr kinds of and I upon the most reasonable terms. fore on the Fort Street Premises, where the best selected stock Rob Roy jackets, Sundrirs. Solar lamp shades and chimneys, shortest notice and 166-- tf Mixed cassimere pants. Cases saddles, complete, eines. Money advanced for Whalers' Bills at the lowest rates. will be sold on the most reasonable terms. Whisky in barrels and kegs, casks of nary bread. 'V'' HOFFSCHLAEGER & STAPENIIORST, Black " " :Bxs family and salt water soap, pimXG OFFICE. E. Best facilities for Storage of from 6 to 0000 barrels. English cheese, 1500 bid shocks, hams. iIC.-TI- IE UTAIAcAIlEE, Agents for the sold this port. Satinet pants, illalf bbls hide poison, Mess beef, prime pork, tobacco, shoe blacking, CXDERSICiNED, Papakoa, N. B. No ardent spirits allowed to be at " Hono-fwe- ri Sugar PlanUtions of Aiko, at HONOLULU SOAP WORKS, Cottonade and jean pants. Cases spts turpentine, r;Ttfuily tnfTm tbe merchants of A rents Retail Deal--. BOARDS OF UNDER Foreign as well as native seamen can be procured here upon Preserved meats, assorted, preserved oyster day PoU Ililo and Wholesale and PARIS AND BORDEAUX BT Coils of Manila cordage, pepper tb bottles, in do, do, do, Tiiting this port, that they have this their esub-men- ts as favorable lays, etc., as at any of the other ports on the Islands. Boots and Shoes. Black in i saleratu foreign It, GoUThave on hand, for sale at WRITERS. Cases men's fine calf brogans, Kegs of nails, Bright varnish, spirits of turpentine. r?artnerhrp, for the purpose of shippinr co at L..ha na,Jtfaui, Hilo, March, 1S59. RAWLINS & CO., u finishing past to Irtiai-a-H on King street, Honolulu, and W. J. " imitation goat, Kees of nails. Chrome green, Prussian blue, chrome yellow. experience ami strict auentkm the Coffee and a Urge and u pineapple our Molaaaes. Syrup. Tea, FOR PAST FAVORS, " enameled leases of Dixon's, and Blank books, pass books, envelopes. ''4 to execute all orders entrusted to Sugar, AVIS AUPUBLIC. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. . THANKFUL improvements, to s M with ilwpatch. varied assortment of general merchandise . pour les ARE are prepared, with their present imit'n goat: Luck tobacco. Letter, note and foolscap paper, Ac, Ac ISO tf " ayant ete nommes Agents arrangrmema Davrs. o Honolulu, August 12, 1S57. - Lea Soussijrries, PERSONS INDEBTED TO TIIE suppl merchants and families with bard and soft soap ; also, kip brogans, Rolls rigging and pump leather. aie with Mr. Josr Bordeaux, deceased, are here-l- v 4 44 we Assureurs maritimes de Paris et de ALL William A. Cooper, of Honolulu, foot oil. waxed do, ivegs pure anu extra wmie ieaa, afi. I the accommodation of seamen, shall Capi-taines- neats " en general et les de uotifled to pay the amount of their accounts to his executors, always ready to buy or trade for tallow, slush, and u u Oxford ties. Cases boiled linseed oil, To Whalemen ! kas vVkle at the EVERETT. le public ob- XT And y crews on hand tor shipment A. P. previennent Cooper and William L. Green, who have 63-l- 44 44 Coils Russia bolt rope, marchands frantjais. qui visitent Stewart Hamilton all kinds of kitchen grease. aatent leather. respectfully saraa pa COMMISSION MERCHANT navires tained Probate of his Will, or to the undersigned, their Solicitor; 4i u " cl tops Cases charcoal Irons, M ACY would solicit the H'sewM Hmrity giren for amount advanced to s Honolulu, I. que dans are requested heretofore enjoyed by tbe old firm of Macy 4 the Queen street, H. de ce royaume, en particular, persons having claims against his estate, 4 u goat pump brogans Cases prison padlocks, " Janioo-- new block, les ports and all GW. Depot fur Whalemen's Supplies, Ka rfWtideoftbereef. qui auraient lieu dans ces to them to same parties for 44 u jjn, Oxford ties, Coils spunyarn, Law, at the established at TIIOMA3 H. PLACE, tous les cas d'avaries, prent "MONTGOM ERY. CITY MARKET. waihae, Hawaii, where will be found at all times a good supply , REFERENCES. verifier " Cases Congress boots, :Kegs powder, ' MARKHAM, parages, ils devront, faire constater et 16&-- tf or and also tb cal L WILLIAM A. Boston. recla- Honolulu. August 25, 1859. UNDERSIGNED HAVING PUR sowed lasting brogans, Cases sporting do. Bret, Mntton. Pork. Ponllry, Graham k. Mar khans. Shipping Agents. Mesfrs. Sajirsos A TAPri les fAits devant eux pour legaliser leurs interest or E. J. Smith in the Town and City brated KA WAIHAE POTATOES. "f E. D. Bsichah A Co., THEHonolulu,te lately carried on by Bradley A Co., the Winew.Spirifa.tVe. The above articles can be furnished at the lowest rates, atd In Ax les dits assureur?. NOTICE. Market in Whisky, Brrt.gR. Kbtth Hill, mations contre EXECUTORS on the name of D. R. Cases Alcohol, kegs and lialf bbls quicker time than at any other port at the island. Alt beef - 63--tf HOFFSCHLAEGER A 8TAPENH0RST. business will henceforth be earned under Hennessy's, Martell 61-- tf ED. PERSONS INDEBTED TO THE butchers Quarter casks and octaves of and to keep in any climate. nonoln'u, July 1.1357. hereby notified to A Co., who engage to furnish the best quality of old by me will be warranted ' of Honolulu, are Tida cases Catawba do; Inter-islan- .iiitice: ALL James Graham, cau produce, and solicit the patronage of Rivierre Brandy, try No charge made on d exchange. accounts to W. A. Markham and Ma meat which the islands eighths of Zealeander A Co's Rochelle - fc POOR, WORTH, the amount of their ' Quarter pipes and Ti-- tt G. W. HACT. irnts of to tbe following C. A. H. F. J. undersigned, as their - ra this district MERCHANTS, wThe. his executor and executrix, or the th54rUc- D. R. VTDA A CO. Brandy, casks Byass' Porter; and request information may bo IMPORTERS AND COMMISSION Dealer in General Merchandise, Hilo, Hawaii. claims against his estate, are cases London Cordial Gin. vCde, that -s notice, on Solicitor j and all persons having Cases Brandy Peaches, MT parties tbetnselv- liable at the shortest tnjf . that may lay with recruits requested to premt them to the 143.tf J. C SPALDING. TO OAPTATNB Bills of exchange wanted. PAPER HANGINGS, BORDER, &c. AT VCSf) CiswEef of any conceal Philadelphia. 165-- tf aF WHALESHIPS AND OTHER onBeensed stanion shall F- - Esq., Honolulu, August 25, 1859 A ASSORTED PAPER, " superior quality can be Koloa Gcobok Pea , EMERSON, ROLLS Ex Yankee." cELS. Wood of had at af, , the same, as a sUliion. to the tax Fq-- , -- Piew iteaioru. S. N. Pf( assorted border. per bead-- dot-k-- Hasexll, 100 rolls per cord ; fresh beef at 4 ceuu per B ; sheep, at $3 I, 'wnrfb b of twenty T Elisha Boston. General Merchandise, Country Pro 4,UUl expressly for by RESH APPLES, i "rtet. .hail habic to a tax A C. Walalua. Oahu, Dealer In FOR SALE EX SACHEM. The above invoice was selected this market jellies, and goats at $1 60 head. Also, fruit and vegetable of various raajMi aot one-ha- lf of which Messrs. Rab. Oads8 New York. Butter. best assortment Assorted citron, U.oi returned ; k Co.. Corn, Beans, Bananas, 8, FORTE J F B. Marshall. Esq., and is the largest and F 'Hamblin A Baker's oysters, kind can be procured at the above named port. -- Waldo, PIANO i i tk.m i.i nr or " Bat San Francisco. dusucha. f GRAND PARLOR low rates .Btknn.r git auS M ill w ABEMtTHT, CLABK A CO., ONE case do do do,, octave ever imported, and will be sold at bEWERg Bbls Carolina rice, XT Wood always on hand at the beach in quantities to e!t Ban Francisco. (4-if-) GEORGE CHAKMAW. " Badoeb A Lisobsbbbosb, 2 plush Music Stools, Street. Bbls Ham purchasers. W. H. PEASE, FISCHER, ' 138 tf - fort Rigging leather COLBl'B., X05--U W. 1 rubber cover. J. t. - m Polisher, Hotel Street, opposite the manufactory of Hallett A Cumston, of L. RICHARDS A CO., PAINT, iMstnct. i V 0K. Maker and French The above are from the For sale by C. tie. of Ilooolula Cabinet Government House. 41 " For sale by C. BREWER A CO. FOR SALE OR UTREr Kaahumanu street, In stone store, formerly PROOF PAINT, l4-4-t D. c. fc CO - Boston. Band, BILLIARD TABLES, 151-- tf occupied by Messrs. Krull A Moll. F1 Fire Tofc WATERMAN SUPERIOR CELE- nn or cas- - COMMISSION MERCHAUTS. Ar CO., HOSPITAL NOTICE I VERY Slate or Wooden Beds, and PUELAN'S Kaolin, io IIOLLES COMBINATION CUSHIONS, all complete. Also For ale br fl31-t- f 1 C. BREWER A CO. Commission Merchant and Dealers In ATTACHED TO THE BRATED TOCRSicXED attention Ship Chandlers . furnished DISPENSARY open every On hand, extra Cloth, Balls, Cues, Wax, Pockets, Ac. Apply to Cigars ex "Hero!" IS PREPARED T FcUl M.ui Whaler Hospital on King Street, will be day BURUESS. HAMS, . J uo"ula uilowing, on the mo of Freight. "a.r. THE of medicines to tick qj E. LANDED AND FOR SALE AT J. T. HAMS. ksas publie the from Ik until 9, A. M., for the dispensing JUST Wholesale and Retail Fire Proof Emporium BRINED HAMS, indigent Per order CASKS " KlliC,1BEFERESCE3. or bills. and Hawaiian. tj ACSTTN," WORKS.. 10,000 No. 1 Manila Cigars, twist ends, Iafa Sardine, in half boxes, New nTL. JARVES do, H-- W. Bimjl-C- c0RAL STONE! Measrs. Howlavo, Ja:, Co, Secntmry. t 200,000 No 2 do do ll-t- f For sale by X Ac CO., lol-t- f AND SCENERY SI 25 No. S do do. - bulMing parpoaa,at to much ICW.O.E.Porg,EJJcol GILMAN 25 1 10,000 do i?"T sod other SCENES of Hawaii nach. or buildings. Dealers In General Merchandise, fl They are selling fast. Terms quick. MANILA CORDAGE, sot squared, for foundation to MooA,SwBCo.,SanFincIco. Ship Chandlers and WATER-RIGH- T ! Sights and Principle illustrated ; ATERHOUgE. Ar OO. . WANTED Italian 142-- tf Apply to JOHN THOMAS W R - ep and Door or Window Sills V v MlIIILL.- H. I. Principles, ? vols, illustrated $2 60 f-O- TO "3 COTOTON- - S,fc4- uD..Jl LAHA1NA, MACI, French Sights and - SALE LOW, CLOf wise " . A' RIGHT (133-- tf 1 D. A Cu nrtc! cut out is ao te suit. A SI J" Good mcMtie. for rtorag Ch PERSON HAVING WATER For sale by - Js? ment.. C. WATARkfAH .nTEtn sufpHed with recruits. a-i- y Government pipes, will find a purchaser M. WHITNEY. rtt SUP . ANTsale from the 143-2- m H. Window , Blinds, h!ii of exchange. Doors, ' ' for VtMls, fUTOISflcu IV. bylylng to the undersigned. RAVEN'S DUCK, Jke. I HisW, ShecsMiklsisj. k- - a xv w. SEVERANCE. PRESERVED VEGETABLES. EX " MODERN TIMES." w IGHT AND HEAVY- - LiAVaiNS DUCK, I. DOW8ETT. J . aa. nnn.T VEGETABLES, afl aft DOORS, ASSORTED SIZES, "WITH JLi Rockport Cotton Duck, J. -- and Shoes' of every PRESERVED O ' ' - Honolulu. in Boots I 4 Vf mouldings and raised panel. V. 8. Pilot Dock. For sale Captain B. F. Ssovr, Manufacturer, Vulhp, Rigging, Harness, EXCHANGE CASES Meats, J tr . , Co ImpF"in Sole, Brandy Fruits, dally just received per clipper ship 60 Sash Doors, assorted sizes. 119-- tf . C. BRKWKX A CO. Mesars. D C. VATifaS New London. description. Goat, 11"7 and Buck Skin WHALEMEN'S EXCHANGE " Sash, assorted sixes. Notice! A Wave, on fine paper) tor Also Merchants For sale by 300 pair Window , - ,. WiLUaas San Francisco, cf BLANK sal. A CO. pair Blinds, with and without swivels, ass d sises. . op Mobcas, CO--, of .yiEUr C. BSEWEB 250 moorts. LT, THE, Stosi a - ,hoe .tore, corner Selected expressly tor this market, and for sale low by 3a.? 1 tnlSSOXC. C. HARRIS, Eq-- A Mebbiix, Brk H. M. WHITNEY. f oil shook ati.r. rrsnled HOWE. cmauAXlS--tf A CO. naTS"1 McRceb New Bedford. " .4-- H. X. l"WV"tl'bT M7-t- f r . GEORGE O. W C. BREWER w.7r7p"a- - and on ail the Allbs, M and Merchant YANKEE. 10 O Pia Pawrsi. BUo, Swtrr ,rt PER aJTt"" b IHssrleta of Kohala, llamakua, T. A A. R-- NTS, ' n-a- MACKEREL, IN KXTS. ar-- Una ton. ctnRRS. New Crop. SALE. JUST RECEIVED EX BARS PUMPS. above-earn- ed a - V- - Peroos A. Peibcb, FRESH tartar, in glass, double-ban- jsstterii,..; with gathering the IIcsbt York. BKURUkv," FOR 2 k Melodeons, PUMPS, aaaorted sua, latest H1 New T7HRCE ; be they 00 OMMKLL, MlCTtTBS ,. aoloaal:, in boxes. " - arrived, tor aal by . not molesied, but bar to, AND MOLASSES, FROM THE SEVERANCE 2 do reed do, la? bose and fixture complete, jost Plantation, now coming in. jr. five-octa-ve, BREWER A CO. " SEVERANCE wltt of SUGAR 1869, from the Brewer f. 2 piano style. . 131-- tf C. II. W. loescripVlo. Pumps, oaunng BREWER A 'T,lrorth3ddar of Aognst, J ulki Tin and iigen- - 153 --3ai C. CO. Tho above from the manufacoryfcf ft. D. A H. w. Smith, of -- W aumDer fZin0 ing, and a L. CAMEHAMEHA. COOPERS' PUNCHING MACHINES. Boston. For sale by 13Sf BREWER A CO. SHINGLES I riven, my right rJfn? ware. Ship work C !7T that I have transferred all keiit on nana " BEEF AND PORK. PUNCHING MACHINES, SHINGLES. KX rmBt o- to gather - COOPERS' Hoops, arrived by theclipper ship - M REDWOOD tH Abel Harris Jt C- anu "'- Just - - MANILA COttDACE- tor sale by neatness MESS BEEF, SfiO DOt . Frances Palmer, ean? arUdea, agreeably with the BARRELS For sale by "fivren." , " For aate by g COILS, aaaorted sixea, made to order, just re GEORGE G. HOWE. hoa"d Commission w. war ' prime pork, per late arrivals. A CO. 44 a--- n hw iUU135-- tf Co..) Shipping and - 131-- tf - - , BREWER ; AK, nnn4, .htn far aJ to R. Coady A VfrKNT. 250iao--u c BREWER A CO C Sandwich would 131-t- f. C. BREWER A CO. 4W.4C nti uoooiulu, UWs. An BUILDER- - The undersigned ' LATHS, , : t'-- - i w. - ,l'BT3riBiniP NOTICE. CLOTH. -- AND LATHS, ..- . A New Bedford. OIL coals ., ' PINE ' Pbt-c-b, Borton. Bwxrr Allbx, widths, ENGLISH COALS-- :? SPRUCE Boards, For aVs asosortad BEST -- CLOTH, TONS hails. jijr. . DAT c-j- a5?S,cRI HAVE THIS -. - WauWiLOox, up the -- ould solicit that CASES SUP. OIL ,OC a XIV , - , a m aader the oaow and stylo of FRfcD- BCTLS. A ; - . fitted .acelved and tor .ale b, 'H.byHACKFELl rrr II MARHtmiRY. c. r San rraorisoo. Store, h'towed. AU order, in SIX CO- - A CO. nuueauie iron; horseshoe and brad nails, froaa ta n4f rJJJiP " the wsupoae of carrying on a 8. 2d' P'iSHo W J wiJma c. BKKWER A oal 7 e patronage heretofore SpeclncaUoa. and 4?" LANCE POLT3. ? Couuniaskm Bosineaa. of ui mB'tne, dispatch ' L. HAWKS, .p.pSxoUn-- varlotu to .nd IRON. HEMP SHROUDING. W ANCE POLE3.Jt armosirr "fXT "4 M0. SHEET :7'fcTawflitBiic(ii j- W- attended wltnprOHLE3 w TI?1cNT. 1- -S - - . .C. ZQ-lZ4- t Atl P. ADAM1. Contracts, IWC IX TO T INCH K"CUDirS -- ISLANDS P a tfl4t X- Utf r;T ENGLisn siisrrr icon, or tot bbs by . u P. C. wax- - IAS m co. 3X OF THE SANDWICH . i Whakships, he U prepur v l imemuons, mr saie vj all 3' - CAIU a - pitch Arr eS . - . . .. jhzroar -- I kep" '. . in .SALE 1 W :. UA1 J ceFira of .aiivk? ifK of eaeh, J- Jtf- ' tr r - irar (tha last e4i..n,) tor saM br ;, ; S BARCSLa -i .... S9S vMn'orwinnrp - toes Islands, rrcc? v ' - ti 4y ii-t- f r :- - ;. . nr- uNiTE:TA?r,r-r;- ..crv. -- paint cal: fr ' J . ttos 'ss. GXTDA 1AZ TwT J. A. Ak.ICII.

1 II ' "- Amkbicaji Pa per. a -- Island of Kauai Later frcn- - tr rk Express, who o: Wan. We learn that the Fire; Days. rt,,?! thanks for the mirac-ul- KWir England, says: I : and r !1 joined ia returning The streams Ther. Capt Bragg Rat Lisbume August 13th 40 ships them l in the heart of BedJacket, an Lom is aufferinz very much from drought which d M so human beings. The By' the schooner BosoJr Cpt. from th. J 1 tn sight to of many So dry a La, f pi 11 4 12 more bound In to the Cape. So whalea cLl Of the Six Nations, that he had not time blirerance are low and everything is withering up. way to Johnson s d pride, U vicinity. was made, and the put in at this port yesterday, on bis ;. date. Had heard of but three whales taken in that responded following morning muster Deiore. n paper . 1858. Well," not been known for years lu j papers which , ; SATURDAY. OCTOBER 1; for such and such things. " season has we have San Francisco - wiL UVM .1 Magnolia, Pierce, of New Bedford, 6 whales. was found missing. ur-vastat- Island, for supplies, now , . nave Chinamen counted, when one of Kauai, is more or icsa : remains unn;,i wa company curtly, suppose you u season the Island ' Zfl away Bi total Bay Sept. 10, in the old warrior, I dry on the 3d of Sep. The Jefferson put from to 14th September. . Governor IPK the aanartora of war last nail packet, ! Yes On inquiry amongst them, it was ascertained that which originating in the careless- the i' with Lewis. Passed through the Fox Islands on tha 13th. is! All time there is by fires, oA with the Eastern r.tke feBnwinf bare been Um foreign arrivals s ship thAtime there the lire, The steamer L. . Stephens, earth J" Experienced heavy weather to UL 37 20 S., since which time work the general rush at the first alarm of reckless persons, spread through the At lahaina. ship K r WiDetts, Gate, to Ban Tran-- and that is sufficient for a great deal more after ness of some arrived at San Francisco on the afternoon of strong S.E. winds. head of a company destroying the vegetation Mails, had m is best one of their number, the -- nrl and over the fields, ' wrecked most people dream of; and he the 13thi n 3 Am sb Syrria, Swasey, M d rat San Francisco. Ship Wm, Tefl, Capt.' Austin, of Sag Harbor, was than between decks to save a believed that more valuable tim- - the V ; - strip Radoga, Borditt. from Boston May 8. most good ac-- amongst them, returned in their paths. It is was up 1.1a dip. upon Cape East about July 1st. Capt. Austin and crew had and wisest man who can crowd the m 1 The ship Black Sea, Capt Cate. French stoop of war Conataotine, CapC slajuureaux, was instantly suffo- man is cui aown aim clipper ! board Capt Edwards, of S. B. Cargo plan improving large nmount of money, and ber is thus destroyed, annually, 18th. 37 days from Pant Arenas. gone on ship Hibernia, tlrm. Jr,tn nn. Adoiit the of firewood, by for Honolulu; to leave about the Ajd 13 day to Ban . the Chinese, lost a away for building purposes and on 1 dipper ah tying Eagle, Bate, transhipped to Hiberpia. and will really neem as if the cated. It is understood that carried Ocea n Express was expected to return from Honolulu July 13th, your whole time, it season the evrt is es- - The At with BcrosT or aaia Agate. Sailed pace large amount of treasure. We then took account the people of the Island. This She would then a.. 11--la barken tine Jenny Ford, Uoare, taTeekalet, andhadamuTundownlnlSdaystoMcKean'sUland. Sailed old gentleman with the scythe slackened his about the 16th from Maire Island. toancv far HackfcU Co. qvery one on necially serious. Large tracts 01 lanu nvB uu To Henry Tomlinton Hart, St? Fran-ctee-o, passage stores and water on board, put Honolulu about the 20th. Am ab Savery, IS d to San again 03 the return on 30th Aug., and made a 30 days to give you an opportunity ior ju of load ballast and sail fur B.a IS dipper Norwester, in order bis- -- element. There seems Da. :Tbe pwaeneer. J!, " Singapore, passed the port without sighted Maro's Beef, and found it told five and served out to the Chinese one f n.or hv the devourinz bound to up. On the passage up, 1 1 seem as tne more wont yuu pints, California Xewa. take leave of you, without C work. will it for some legislation upon uaitin. in S topping. down on the charts 15 miles too far to the westward. The and some rice and boiled wheat, to be a manifest necessity special interest by this ar- for your 1 Br abip Gometsa, Knight, 137 day from London, to the more time you have before cuit per day, nres There is little news of assistance to us la nor . nk. was 45 days loading, and sailed for the States to accomplish, the building 01 in u Brod-eri- ck the HtkUoo' Bay Company. Modern Timet and continued on with a steady breeze from the the subject, prohibiting except that of the duel between Senator cordial and generous hospiuutv 19 Br bark Humphrey Nelson. Chettard, 1M days from Aug. 15th. The Agate brought up 100 tons of guano. you to do it in. Everybody has observed tnai heavy Denalties. There has been rival ...... M. T 1 ... . .kJNi10(BH. we arrived Honoltmu on the nnder The trouble originated in tuc sreau or haiBtou.' The whalcsbip William Wirt, Osborne, arrived at San communities, certain men who eastward until at .,nt col- - and Judge Terry. day. to Ban XT there are in .all some trouble the Koloa district respecting the thing fcr fuglUves from fire or """S: . terkTankee, LoveM," Sept 12, from the Kodiack, reporting 1900 brls all told. in election. The duel took place wreck to ).!Asa Biam, Rice. 134 da fm Boston, with mdao to Francisco any others ; who seem 27tb,allwell. the excitement of the and gratuitous welcome : bat abip New Bedford. accomplish more labor than nf t)iTM a nart of the residents resisting me miles W O. A. WUliaitsfc Co. She cleared again on the 13th for Master Achilles. i;nn in San Mateo County, about ten long continued Boaton, 154 daya Shoals, with can miu Henry ToMtixsox Hart, illegality, in a ravine hospitality, the,, v 3d A Mooeka, McCasUn, from Brooks, 10 dsys from F. F. to be always busy, and yet who always on ground of alleged 01 bark XT Bark Gambia, 1st Mate. payment of them the of the 13th Sep cheerinz aixl . . . in-- Barnard Jarvis, rom San Francisco on the morning tbetic wnrv ria Tahiti. theWTectsof the wreck of the ship South Seaman, and Governor rim somethinsrelse. These are the men of I1x'rt finally settled at last accounts. Worth, 19 d to 8Fran. for The difficulty was not 1 sen CaroHne - Foot, Was fi re days James Harley, 2d Mate. says : "'1 personal tUchm,, I 9Sm from Ban S. Beatty, Mr. Ormsby, and 6 native passengers. ; they are the ones vauey tember. The Bulletin '"'"""I Tt Br ahlp Achillea, Hart, .iBrrlnuB habits who make time Reed, Carpenter. Mr. Titcomb's new sugar plantation in Hanaiei Mr. Coulton growing debt of gratitude. Hare ihTT ney pot to land passengersJ"taken from ship on passage down. Charles As the seconds stepped back and i la the committees ; they Boatewain. fifty acres of cane ias " pwtoto, our oompttments to Mrs. Hart, Mastiff, burnt at era. always placed upon important David Evans, is coming on finely. Some gave the .word.the principals raised their, with ftjOovIng whaler arrived daring the aame period treasurers 01 au unu ui John Hill, Steward. growing well. The soil seems pointed to the ground. On the Tb bar Yii OCT. 1. are made secretaries and been planted and is which they had held which ingress Tahmaroo, Robinson, from . VESSELS PORT is went off, the ball stri- the of so maoy Sept. t Am wb ahip lh ; and their industrious habits enable Edward Ncnan, i Cabin pil8Sengers. admirably adapted for its r&ture. A sugar mill rise, Mr. Broderick's weapon Am wb abip Coolest, Ludlow, from the Kudiack and institutions hi& opponent her. We congratulate you 00 th a ? Malolo. Fettjuch. James Ryan, for natives king the ground a few feet short of Haw. bark well and thoroughly, of erection. An English school so excellent a ship as the J KodUck-2- 40 Verden, Coppermann. thnm to do all these duties in process Terry, who had fully raised Achilla N Pootis, to the Uanovarian bark The next instant, Judge . 1 ..tm 9 J"Job 4- Ella, to the established Koloa, with, as we are WU1.U7 sua ' bbU. 2,0U lbs bone. Am. ship Elisa A Lunt. in addition to their usual business, and is about being at weapon, discharged it, Mr. Broderwk suddenly wuw, seamanlike and Kod-- ck with 210 ship Sylvia, Swasey. his wish you many years " 11 Am wb bk Union, Hedges, to the Am dipper neighbors, who, after NOTES OF THE WEEK. informed, a fair prospect of success. few inches and was seen to brace himself of deserved a Am. wh bk Union, Hedges. great astonishment of their turned a sincercely and gratefully, mJ... from the Kodiack, bk Caroline. Pontius, condemned. moment; then gradually lowered himself down 55 Haw wb bark Cynthia, Sherman, Am. wb unconsciously lounging and idling away half th as the for a Sept. with 350 hria wb. Brit ship Oometea, Knight. A Brutal Attack. Last evening, about dusk, A Ma'rtiai. Array The chain gang is one of reclining position on the ground, and tberf fell 1. Japan and Humphrey Nelson, Chellard. too to a - K-A- -wb from the Br. bark complain that the days are short. w speak a word during bark BChadwick, Lovctt. day, the Custom House guard were marching past the of Honolulu-r- an institution to which , over at full length. He did not Gboboe Uchotak Seas, 700 wb. An. bark Yankee, 01 institutions clasp- CurrosD, ' a requisite Mr. Broderick thus fell, still -- taij r Jefferson reported y. Am ship Sism, Bice. Industry is, in all professions, Royal ITotel, a person standing in the door called out carryingout of many important this time. While S. Shows. and the . . -- are indebted for the fold- " 'J Haw wh bark Cynthia, Sherman. ... nun-o-:w ut Terry stood with his arms 'C. Man. ana are 01ei?ilmue as we every ing bis pistol, Judge i At Labajsa, Am bark Moorka. McC'a&lin. success. Genius taieni uk "eyes right," when the Corporal, who as near public improvements. At certain hours of with them he left season. 1200 his seconds advanced, and - i. Sea Breexe. Jooea. 250 Achilles, Hart (outside.) said to be the ed, till PROTECTION'- - - am Iqtlt-A-a wb bark - Brit ship it. Indeed industry has been can learn, appears to have been half drunk, ordered looking company of " tried friends" supposed he has gone . hoard, from Jar--n and Boom Wairfj-- wh bark Ripple. Chadwick. day, this martial the field unharmed. It is that No. 1, Attention ! The mems. ., . bone, Jtm re-res- 24 Am wb abip Tamerlane, Winstow, 745 ship Jefferson, Hunting. genius. The best genius in the world about, and charge with to and from the to await the news of the ult ...... um .i :, Am wh parent of the soldiers to halt, fce may be seen promenading the streets to some unknown place, nereoy nounea that a KegoU, MoatM. H stasno, frum Kodiack. Am brig Agate, Goddard. cargoes of ar. ;a wili." and "wobk." Happiness, too, as bayonets on the bystanders. Mr. Cooper, the keeper Though not so imposing as the rifle of the shot Of the merchantmen, seren TesseU brought Am sen Bonaltna, Lassen. Esplanade. Mr. Brodenck entered the in tran- follows upon in th-- his hand and more The ball which struck full attendance iiaporlto,i and six were either in ballast or touched here welT as success, generally hard of hotel, received one blow on company, in appearance, they are certainly thorax, h requested, as during the month right breast, passed through the cavity of the fore the Comnur. "" sits. Taw amount of merchandiae Imported Expected Cram FareijEn dustry. The man whose time is constantly cm- - another in his breast, neither of them serious ones. numerous, and with their blue shirts and wounded man was portion or Vrs rls Part. and lodged in the left side. The 173-- lt ax thouaand tons, a considerable bar-keep- re- i tar from fcnr regrets and useless The er, however, received a severe wound regular step, they make a very to the house of Mr. '2i expected here. ployed, has less room for vain pants, and their conveyed in a mattrass litter which consists of stores far whakahips ... a --fi.n rnnrlMO- ftbOOt fiDt lft s Am snip inaca oe. U... -; : - 01 across back of one of his hands. In the assault, seeing them march Haskell. Upon reaching Mr. Haskell DASIIAWATS'-Ats- it. whaleships arrived continues small compared from San Franciico,due Oct 20 to 24. cares. His mind is occupied with tne inings the spectable show. A stranger, Leonidas The number of Am bark ranees Palmer, house,and placed lula Dash way a, held on season Is sword, and the soldiers their they were, would residence, he was carried into the Batordsy ; "V with season. The total up to this dam this Am. ship Amethyst, Muuiey, rrora ' tri : and in his brief intervals of relaxa the Corporal had a about thus, without knowing what bol- but oT - Trrnt he was propped up with louowing Kesoluuon was WegiraaeuoparbonofAhearriTalsand the arerage in all wwmwr nKnii""' . muskets. The doors of the hotel were also slightly for an eminently military on a bed, where n!moo.4r Um. sh Golden Eagle, Luce, to sail from San Francisco in dwells mostly upon the brightest phases of set the Hawaiians down ne was fully conscious and come Resolved, That past tour Am. dip. tion it a sters and pillows, the thaoki of thii u B btongbt maple Sept. 30, or the damaged The Corporal was immedi- ex- ,MIW 4 303 average. many a man nas maae in the attack. nation. plained of the great weight 1,00 pounds, as he Romivpl r. Dorr,. .v. . season 1359. 10 Teasels. 3)30 Iba. Am. shCn.Expreas. Willis, from trifi rast and future. How R. me in rf , 1 This ' ately arretted and lodged in the Station Ilouse for op Population. One hun- weighing upon his breast The feeling to the Fort Street Church .31 - " 430 ' " tsv to isiano h iuhu j""". " ,T his life miserable by acquiring A Sudden Increase pressed it, choir fcr theSr!: J858 W Jinn Allston, , from Boston, sailed June the latter years of hemorrhage, which had or 56 Am bark Washington examination this morning. To say the least about' seventy four Chinese, being the passengers was caused by the internal oa tne occasion the lecture of Mr. A. ,6T 8 - 5.100 merchandise to Chaa. Brewer retiring from business by breaking dred and Rowell J Mclh - 454 22. with. . ,, Mav 10. wealth and and unjustifiable assault, landed become very great Drs. Loehr, Sawyer and 1S50..... 7 - Am. snip josian nrmuvrj, uu., iLxiin.. lauil - this affair, it is a brutal rescued from the burning ship Mastiff, were power, will be found be- Honckong with asst'd cargo of Manila his active pursuits and beginning to live at were present, and afforded all the aid in their 173-- lt of whakahip Jtffer.on, which A ship to expected fm .. up offenders will he held to strict ac- last." residents The report the - , 1 ...1.1 b ji. and we trust the on Wednesday The Chinese sink, and moment- la certainly the most and China goous vo jii;.ciu & v. happiness lies content in our city but Mr. Broderick continued to low. Is looked on as a mrorable one, and his ease. The secret of in countability, whether they were drunk or not distressed countrymen, died on the 14th. t early reports from any of the opened their hearts to their arily became weaker. Broderick TO THE P: encouraging yet received. Most ment, and the secret of contentment lies in work. IiOXOR.. Pt aea. lodgings. We un- final were suffi- BERS OF ' meagre poor ; the beat part of the EXPORTS. and provided them with food and The election returns, though not MECHANIC Usq W whaling grounds, are and Drink. Profes- . , Teasels Industrv is the ereat master key that unlocks the A Substitute for Intoxicatino fltfM- Tr.ass . u. is August and September, and those those of the strangers who have money to show Latham was elected Governor, and " BAxurniikM aoniath Arctic in Clergy, gently derstand that cient that Monthly txt '( cause to and sor Miller, in a lecture to the Scottish Reraiarto - Meetlnv tha r win probably bare rea Tasxie, Oct 3: best blessings of life contentment,happiness, by - o mviawf which bare left that ground early Foa Sax Fbascisco proceed on their journey to Hong Kong the Scott the democratic candidates for I reported of great failing and sug- will that Burch and solved that all subscriptions of regret as was the case last season. Two TesseU are 35.000 lbs pulu, 75 tons sugar, 4 csks sp oil, 300 bris molasses, well as least, wealth. reminded his brethren their can- Hononu, it, last, as first convenient opportunity. A considerable number, congress, were with little doubt the successful 1st of January last. wj 1. fimpcfl 110 tons answered every purpose the vttJi foot salt. prosperity of gested a substitute, which com- U recently ar- It is one of the best siens of the penniless, will remain in our Company Cc whaling bark Caroline, of Oreenport, which less injurious to the health. The however, who are didates The take this opportunity Lj Tha useless bodies are and was much TU been condemned as unseaworthy, any community when idle and ; and it is probable, as they have graduated was opened at San Francisco on honorary members for Uielr past rived from the Kodiack, has PASSENGERS. he when they failed to munity The State fair tlralitr Zj -- i for $620. Iler North American Indians, said, hem may be Induced to seek inJn. lil was soU at auction on Saturday last regarded as discreditable among the citizens. It mines, they will be smart enough, admiui . 1 aadhcrhaH in habit of at the California the 12th. mil B gross sum of $3398 47. procure their supply of whiskey, were the Per Ft total eterts hare realised at auction the rOXEIGS. case the most enlightened countries that a decent, if not in all cases an honest Victoria Item. order, 1 is the in standing for a time on the crown of their heads. to pick up 8 . She will be troken up. From Tahiti per Moorka, Sept 26 Mr a Mrs J CUrk, and worth only the On the nights of 28th August and 8d September, Hi been sold, or rather any man, be he commoner or lord, living here. 167-l- m The bark Cywxaia. reported to bare This produced a determination of blood to the brain, aurora borealis was seen very brilliant and beau- the MFSAFBA!tTso. per Yankee, Oct 3 Mr Scbrieber, wife his millions, who BelA. Among the Chinese who land- the I-- Dowsett, the owner of onehlrd tas purchad clothes on his back, or worth with giddy sensation, and consoled them for the A Chinese Victoria. The Puget Sound and Portland Hi 4 tit. J. wbalenshery as a was one lady tiful from es two-third- s, and will continue Bw in the himself, com ed from the Achilles, on Wednesday, as seen from their MECHANIC EXCiv J Mrs Hitchcock and 2 children, Mr rod Mrs Capt Johnson, lives for the good of nobody but absence of the liquor. Now Prof. Miller suggested papers mention the appearance, Do and oc- TAKE NOTICE-- Bj 31 rs belonged to the haul ton. The sight on several recent 8 from Mr aod jiamani mands neither the respect or confidence ol men. and brothers who were in the habit who evidently localities, of this phenomenon, rv. ww, CoWfla. which arriTed yesccrday, 15 days Bailey, Davto, and 10 In theiusteerage. "to those fathers - J xmis ana meeunn wm w i. C. .k , whi.Bri.1 he is re of her little feet, encased in a pair of tiny red casions. . papers to the 14th of September. The From McKEA5i J islasd prr - If he nossesses the advantases of wealth, of taking a tumbler of toddy occasionally to assist Victoria Members will please be guided by the ernil , San Francisco, brought " sensation among the b oat boy The debased silver coin with which the on that day, and our mail may be looked and 2 natives. more culpable should he neglect sermons, if it would not be a pers, created a great flooded has also been im- ineir jmgine uouse. Perorfa t mail steamer arrived COAdTWIBB. garded as all the them in inditing their market has recently been few days for Johnson's and for a while she was the centre of a 1- day or two. The R. sails in a - 1 01 f .twl C R BishOD. them sub- idea North population, into British Columbia, as MS far in a MALI per c Vn to improve those advantages and make much Letter plan to adopt the of the ported in large quantities for iviuih Mr Ladd, Mr lloff-meye- r. admiring natives. Another fair celes- Island. Mrs Coady, Miss Newman, Miss Mary Ladd, end of living usefully. In American Indians, and stand for a quarter of an hour dense crowd of well as Washington Territory and Oregon. - - foreign papers, we learn that the ships Syren and Chas Grey. versive to the great in which some time ago Honolulu, Bept. 7, 1859. By our . i.h heads before tial astonished the gazers by asking them their The exploring expedition, arrived at Sew Bedford on the 11th, the former in For IIilo per naouga, oep cities of the United States public sentiment or half an hour on the crown of their Queen Charlotte Island, had return- GlMUtor, 1 Maria, isept 26 Mr Hoffroeyer, Mr Fallon, the Heaha kou makemake ?" What left Victoria for 11 passage. ir. w - ; down to write." own language, " so HONOLULU LYCEUM. Tk 114 and the latter in 132 days ...i..D Baldwin. Chas; Lake . - . . Mrmhaticallv condemns the " man ol leisure they sit expe- ed and pronounced the place a " humbug," far port and Lahaina. T Everett, v you showing that in her California above Associatisy are hereby notified tha. tig The shipping of oil has commenced at this Por Lahaisa per j The 19th century is certainly the great epoch of do want?" as gold riches were concerned. It would seem, Bed-mr-d. jt is public sentiment cn this point, its Society will be held o'clock eTOjr&IDijl 'i clipper abip Silvim is the only Tessd yet up for Sew Gregg, Capt A BasselU Cha Lake, Achoug. and so strong rience she had already seen something of the genus Gazette, as for several years to at 7J Tha ce-- gentleman of peculiarly says the Victoria if will reocire For per n,eaauiuoni, - - a young invention. A Honolulu at tne rooms under fort Street Charch. Ftrirkt The bark Mmlolo, is laid oo for Bremen, and Kosa it cu. " that it is considered discreditable lor kanaka. come, the only diggings in British Columbia that for Tibbetts. m genius, informs us that he has recently TRANZ. -- . WUUt; was oo the berth -- a n v- itniw no practical 165ra BIXW, j rrr-- At Lahaina, the F. From LaHAJSA per .namenarneiia i , - man, however wealthy he may be, to possess We conclude to-d-ay the publi- will retain any considerable population must be those ship Tamer-te- n. method riding The Civil Code. Sew Bedford and was taking oo board oil from the Mr Fetters. . invented a new and economical of The accounts from the ... M employment or profession. It is for lengthy statute, which we commenced on the Lower Fraser. latest Lc Rodwow H laid on, and w 01 probably find a From Kacai per ostensible wishes to before the public cation of this Hop-t- o A. F. tc A. M. Pbot.rc di IOxm At Him, the per Kaluna, Sept 30 B Armstrong. Mr Cook, horseback, which he lay river represented mining operations, from Fort From Ksrai placed upon earth. The best Probably no public adver- 124, under the jurisdiction of the Biprax Co fail cargo. 2 Chinamen. work that men are world. He places one end of a on the 18th of August Canon as being successfully conducted. sea- Mr SeiU Mr . and for the benefit of the the Lodge i coosctar rates fixed oo oil aod bone in payment of per .nana, great end of being, can be has ever been executed at these islands with Grand Central of France, working h th a The From Lahaina Kekua-no- a. purposes of man, the and other end tisement David L Gregg, C G Hopkins, Governor rough joist upon the of a fence the Front the East' Rite, holds its regular meetings on the Yetoa man's voyages are as fuUowt : His Excellency only by industry. such despatch. We have printed in six weeks, the The overland mail brought St. Louis dates to the 90 cents per gallon. G Gilman, Moehonua. Kabatanui. . . accomplished upon the shoulders of two Chinamen. When mount- the full moon of each month, at the old Lodp la Sperm ofl i over From Kawaibab per asrj, oci " ' v entire job a book of G7 pages, containing 22d August. street. Visiting - Fbtaroa --30 - - ing astride of the timber he orders them to shake it brethren respectfully inriud uc w Mallett. otiAX to nave Pay Clerk of the Bareau (60-- -- ems of type. The publication, Major Edmund French, August 18. tf H. ELEKB. Humpback oa 26 - up well. After the Chinamen get used to the labor 360,000 JOHN per pound. the Ship "Mastiff." is ostensibly of Construction of the Treasury Department, had Whalebone --40 Earning of gallop, or tumble, as been done by the Polynesian, which dis-tjf- they can give you a walk, trot, for- equitable than last season's. The i- to been arrested on a charge of falsely making and HONOLULU. RIFLES, 1TTK These rales are more THE PACIFIC is suffi- supported for no other purpose, and the fact that also unproTO-mro-t, you may direct. And half an hour be says ging of certificates and receipts for the purpose of The Members of the above Company an Is made between polar and coast oil is an Further Particxlers. will show to as sore as can possibly be this journal was assigned the work, obtaining money from the United States. that, after this date, notices for drUb vEa there bring a diOerroce In the market raloe. Advertiser. cient to make the rider passenger Commercial the Log the British ship "Achilla," every one'what the government thinks of its pet as heretofore. Th arriral of tha Brittoh ship AekiOe; with the Extract from of desired. - Later from Earsp. famished an Commander, on her Voyage By the arrival of the Steamship Hungarian, we Regular Drills will be held at tht Anarj i mmi coin saved from the burnt ship MaitiJ, has Henry T. Hart, Miss Ogden's School. A meeting of gentlemen Cnnnr A Chinaman bv the name of dates from Liverpool to August 10. EVERY SATURDAY", at 8 o'clock, t. X. Wbreatmg salvage ease, which has been left for decision to the OCT. 1. to Sydney, JT. S. W. Pnnrr have SATURDAY, from San Francisco was held in the Fort Street Church on Thursday met Zurich on Monday, JOBS R BlOt. will probably be made "Mas-tiff- was brought up before Judge Davis yesterday The Peace Conference at Hawaiian Admiralty Court. The award stating the loss the American clipper ship " Ahiane recovery of between $SO,000 and busy Beaaon has at length fairly begun. of evening, for the purpose of discussing the best plan and otherwise the 8th August, according to previous announcement. F. C. KRCGER. txuy. The suit relates to the The 208 lives, morning, on a charge of kicking Sergeant. by the saving of tiz.: -- had regarding the proceedings. Orderly doOars. town will present an fire, and of establishing the family school of Miss Ogden, for Nothing transpired ' $384)00 In Mexican A few weeks more and our gentlemen cabin pas- brutally treating a native woman called Hannah, was represented in the Conference. Head Quarters, Honolulu Rifles, saved from the ahip JbTasf iff sold yesterday, by Capt. Johnson and lady, five g'lrls, npon permanent basis. Mr. S. N. Sardinia i i Th effects appearance of life and activity to which it baa native a wife of chinaman named Akeo. The two men were was on a w April 9, 1S69. i realised $U4 75, consisting principally of the ship's crew, twenty-seve- n in number, a The .Emperor isapoieon visn vauip order of the Marshal .uercnaqu sengers, Castle was elected President, and Mr. Fuller Secre- viewing manoeuvres of the troops. - been a stranger for almost a year, partners in the pork killing business. During the Chalons, the j ww boots and two chronometers. and one hundred and seventy-fou-r Chinese, and POLYNESIAN EXCAMPME5T. ; kinds tory of the meeting. By request of the Chairman, The British Parliament was still debating the a S By reference to our advertiaing columns, it will be seen that and shippers will have their hands full all absence of Akeo, Ahiana forcibly entered his house, I. O. O. F. Codec the JnriadicUoa of thR. 100,000 in treasure. stated object for which the meeting Italian question, but in a more sutxlued ton than The regular meetingi of tha tha ship Cfiam it baa been laid on the berth for Hongkong, : and business men, wnoee Mr. Fuller the bv means of a window, and so ill used the womam United States. HI, nf business will revive has hitherto characterized the speeches. on Z FRIDAY EVESI3G f carry forward the Chinese from the ship Mastiff. It is not day September, 1859, the ship had been called, and made a succinct explanation of of. was re ar- held the 1st and to past summer baan been On the lith of that her life was despaired The prisoner The Grand Duke Constantine, of Russia, had respectful); - inducement will chief trouble during the Resident and visiting members are anrtsia, though quit probable, that sufficient Captain Henry T. Hart, sailed from the the character, condition and present necessities of such time as the fate of the woman, rived at Spithead in a Russian vessel of war. ' landed here from tha something to do, will be annoyed by Achilles, manded until ' IVrOrder. i be nflfcred as her W"y rftha mtm nifri the want of after an interesting discussion it was provisions of Sid- baggage and speeiei San Francisco, bound to oyaney, the school, and shall be decided. The London papers publish the Honolulu, Nov. 10,1853. . dVltute, having kwt all their w Inncrer. Loaded carta will rattle Golden Gate. for life or death, Mmttifff uw - o 0 com- new bill organizing the new Military endeavoring to raise funds to 7, voted, on motion of Mr. Vaterh0u9e. that a ney Herbert's bat oar Chines- - merrtanU are streets ; the sounds of the New South Wales. The pilot left the ship at oftcner through the mittee of three, comprising Messrs. Fuller, Aldrich From McKean's Island. The hermaphrodite service force. .ttiT Maa wh rsfears la help them oa tr China. ; ; the wind leing southerly, the on board mallet and adze will be louder in the shipyard A. M., Sunday directions to inves- here from McKean's Island on The Treaty of Villafranca: The Journal de trades and sciences, assumes to Impost a The Tamil baa met quick despatch and taken and Good ale, be appointed, with brig Agate arrived lite- molasses. and gold on the shaped a course to clear the Farallones Mayence, of July 28, gives the following as the the public. On the same principle, any netea tea cargo eansistiBg mostly of salt, sugar, pulu and and the occasional chink of silver Captain tigate the subject and report at a public meeting, to Thursday, with 100 tons of guano, and bringing up, sailing been 1.30 the wind ral text of the draft of the treaty Of peace signed by fesses to cure all diseases, is antrorJij tat 4f She lufly mden and ready for sea, but her has room desks will strike pleasantly upon and passed clear of them at P.M., Island. of counting be called in the Bethel at a future day. The object as' passenger, Mr. Goddard, Governor of the two Emperors at Villafranca. I at once be denounced ait a 5 postponed till Monday next, to allow time for the settlement southward. At 8 P. M., the wind the denxsanl th par of the passer by. The whole city will re then from the for which this meeting was called is an excellent one. The Moileru Times, Capt Overton, had loaded, and Between his Majesty the Emperor of Austria and Grefenberg Family sieaicines oo an the salvage claim against the Namtiff, snd that her late master south- The hum more westerly ; tacked ship to the No vessel his Majesty the Emperor of the French, it has been one They havedrten sitss Caps. Johnson, may return to San Francisco. sound with the whirr of business and the of hauled Miss Ogden has under her charge some ten or twelve sailed for home on the 5th August other diseases with remedy. breeze. At daylight on agreed as follows : adapted peculiar disease : and tiw tal The Sao Francisco papers report the but cargo of the Ttmkf industry. ward with a moderate young native girls, who she is training up to a know- had arrived at the time of the Agate's departure, each t its which The two sovereigns will encourage the creation of a question, the eiBcacy and certainty oftlri a this port, to have been manifested at $34,000,13; of people is the characteristic of the morning of the 13ib, saw a large ship bearing ledge of the refinements, the customs and the house- August 29. Mr. Goddard informs us that his present yond An industrious an Italian Confederation. Their list comiirisea the following medtciws: tU,00 is specie. progressive community. His- N. W. ; exchanged signals and found her to be hold duties of civilized life. The'renumeration re- arrangements for loading Bhips at the island, will This Confederation shall be under the honorary our issue, we published a communication relating to ever? well ordered, Grjsfenberg Vegetable Pius; In bus had in- stepping the purchase of wheat. We learn us as long as the powers of a the American clipper ship Mastiff, that ceived for their education, together with a small enable him to deliver guano at the rate of 45 tons per Presidency of the Holy Father. Cathoucw; tha MiO Company's tory teaches that cedes to the Emperor of Marshall's Uterine already purchased is nearly 20,000 bubela, for 15 hours before us, derived from other sources, is barely sufficient The Emperor of Austria ; tmtt the amount people are devoted to the advancement of domestic sailed from San Francisco come day excep- Grfenberg Sarsai'arilla which, when ground, win make the French his rights in Lombardy, with the which cash has been paid, and great mass of citizens as- both ships steering to the southward, with alight to support the establishment, much less to warrant The Salvage Case. The claim on the part of so GrjEfenberg Pile REHEDr; Thia added to the stock left oo hand interests, as long as the tion of the fortresses of Mantua and Peschiera, asme 3500 barrels of flour. daylight of the its enlargement. The field of labor is wide. Experi- the Captain and crew of the Achilles to be allowed possession will Grjefknberg Dysentert Smr; (some 800 barrels) makes an excessive sist by their own labor to develop the resources breeze from the westward. At that the.frontier of the Austrian start wf mat year grinding teach- and Ointment; Company do not fed warranted so long will westward, the Mastiff in sight about ence has demonstrated the efficiency of such aalvai?e monevon the specie saved by that vessel from from the extremity of the fortress of Peschiera Green Mountain aampiy for this market, and the country and increase its wealth, 14th. wind Gr-efenbe- Pasicii; of a in a straight line along the Mincio as far as rg Children's purchaaes, nor can the wheat growers expect course. On ing. And it is to be hoped that the community will the burning ship Mastiff, came before the Court of extend , In mating further continue to advance in tne way 01 10 mi let) astern, steering the same the to Szarzarato and the CONSUMPTITB BaLII more for tbem than they have. that country in support of an undertaking presiding. La Grazio, thance Luzano.to Gr.FENBERG Sjs to do sight about the come nobly forward Admiralty yesterday, Judge Robertson present will F.vk Ijotion: II sperm 1 20 per gallon. nrosoeritT and civilization. It is only when the 15th at daylight, the 3fa."in Po; and from that point the frontiers l in vnrvnimr: OIL We hear of a sale of ait which cannot but commend itself to the approval of Mr. Montgomery appeared in behalf of the libel Em; some 2,000 pounds At noon our latitude ob- continue to form the limits of Austria. Gilefenberg Fever and Agci W0ALXBOSE There has been a sale of baneful disease of idleness creeps among them, same distance astern. fellow 68 eenta per chro- every one who has the welfare of his creatures lants. and Mr. Blair for the respondents. The argu The Emperor of the French will make over the Bitters; mm private rrms, ant understood to be at about the possesbion of a perhaps well earned servation was 30 30 N., and longitude by Grfenberg Health i! when at heart. ments were concluded yesterday, and the decision of territory ceded to the King of Sardinia. Grfenberg Manual or Huuh; proportion of citizens to nometer 128 207 W., the Mastiff off our weather form Confederation, 60 per M. wealth induces a large to-d-ay Venetia will part of the Italian TOBD, Soma 50)00 from Tahiti, sold for $1 Tub Aurora Borealis Aqaih. The California Judge will probably be rendered or . poRTK ORASOES in- westerly ; took the 8. for the pleasures of ; the wind hauled more but will nevertheless remain under the Emperor of B- forsake pursuits of labor quarter papers have been full of accounts of the magnificent Monday. . AgMt,- iT studding-sail- s, and Austria's crown. i LATEST DATES, receives! al thlo O 6ee. glorious ease, that the seeds of national decay m topmast and topgallant Borealis witnessed by the people of that The Chinese. The Chinese tradesmen in Hono General Agents, REDISGTOS C&J n Aurora The Grand Duke of Tuscany and the Duke of fj to 122-6- I and shoot forth branches to hauled the ship close to the wind, intending lulu are, in most cases, a steady, industrious and gene- ni Wholesale Dtujxju, u i 24 begin to take root state several times during the last week of August. Modena return to their States, they granting a t .....Sept. 14 London, (papers). ... July ahead, did not They live within means, '.I telegraphic,.. Aug. 10 the light. What makes a State healthy and vig- speak the Mastiff, but she passing On the evening of the 4th of September, a display of thriftv class of men. their ral Amnesty. I faasnt, u. mf.is mni As i I,(papers) ...Aug. 5 Paris. Aug. 8 and act upon the principle that a penny saved is a The two Emperors will call upon the Holy Father Grsfcaberg Fever Mew lira, 4 orous and able to exert a controlling influence do so. the same kind, but of a comparatively feeble charac- for thii dittntais i ,1 (degrapfaic, Aug. 21 Hongkong. June speedy and positive cure une two penny earned. In this way, many of them have o introduce indispensable reforms into his Statss. i I - Melbourne, Tic J 18 is industrious disposition 4.15 P. M., the said ship was about was witnessed in Honolulu. And we now learn composed principally "" Tahiti, M- over other States, the At ter, A full and entite amnesty is granted on both sides These pills are j officer, acquired competence, and some fortunes. As they antispasmodic, 1 and habits of the people ; and while industry miles ahead ; Mr. Harley, the 2d rented from Capt. Foss of the Kinoole, that on the evening to persons compromised on the occasion of the late vegetable tonics, tuS' Mmmrn'm Phauicw If lala i October. 12 deg. increase in prosperity they do not degenerate as citi in of belligerent xnousands have been permaucnH at to be esteemed necessary to the enjoy- to the Captain that the Mastiff had her colors up of Sept. 2, at about 10$ o'clock, in Lat. N., events the territories the parties. BA continues GRJEFENBEUQ COXSCXFTIVFS dy. h. m. T dy. h. m. confidence among she was on fire. He imme- Lon. 117 19 W., he beheld a similar exhibition. The tens, but are found in almost all cases, to be gener Done at Villafranca, July 11, 1859. 18 7 18 7 A. ment of mutual respect and its in distress, and that Bronchial and Pulmonary PW Quarter.. 3 10 7.9 M. Last Quarter.. public-spirite- Sovereign in all IVst 8.4 log states they a very bright light to the ous, d men. Consumption k FaB Moon.. ..11 1 27.2 A. New Moon.. ..25 2 A. people, the State cannot but maintain a high diately went forward and found the report true, that "saw XW Our thanks are due to Capt Howland for yond all question, true that zenith and extend- Is . f: among the governments of the world. and that smoke was coming out of her stern ports northward, reaching nearly to the Return an Old Friend. The little schooner favors received. We are also under obligations and the Consumptive'! Balm thebcors"" rank distance of fifty degrees." of HEALTII Shlma' Mails. respect, of States, is true, part of the ship. The Captain ing a round the borixon a stop- GRFENBERG What is true in this and the after Kinoole, Capt Foss, which has been absent nearly to Capt Mclntyre, of the Pele, for frequently skillfully and Monday, Oct. 3, 10 A. M. The light was too bright for a ship on fire, and it was These Bitters are elejribI Yankee, . Foa Sa) Faanaco Per "the same respect, of individuals. Industry is called all hands on deck, and took in all the small four months and a half on a cruise to the eastward ping his boat to allow our marine reporter to board roots, btflu, n Foa StMBT per Achillea, lo-d- or Monday. in volcanic origin. number of Invigorating healthy for burn- thought possible that it might be of - Fob Taacocvaa's Ltasn --per Oomeba, the great secret of success. A young man who sails ; made the ship snug ; sailed the for guano islands, returned to Honolulu on Thurs- the steamer, in going out and coming in the harbor. An Invaluable Ionic and health restorer. J per Maria, y. The idea of such a display of the Aurora Borealis in Laaania to win wealth, honor vessel, and to close to windward; sent day. She had been absent so long that fears had The braareafcerg Meicics i Fob KaCal per Karana, Monday. wishes to get along in life, ing lay, never occuring to Captain S.PORTUfW per Mary. Tuesday. as- so southerly a latitude, the FanKawamaa esteem hiB fellow men, will find his ef- the quarter boat, 2d officer and four men to begun to be entertained of her safety. Her voyage STRAWBERRY PLANTS FOR SALE. Aeeat, and the of BEST-VARIET- until he was informed, after his return, of the unu- Y n1! with- about 4.30 P. M., thegig has been an unsuccessful one, not a guano island OP ACCLIM ATED ' H forts for the attainment of this object vain sist in saving life. At THE and very prolific hearers. $3 per 100, at tha General Agents, RSWX0WjJ zxoxxoxtTjXjTj. z. sual exhibitions that occurred at nearly the same re- r. ! h. having been seen on the trip. Royal Hawaiian Agricultural Society's Garden. Orders pout or all powerful supporter. The belonging to the Mastiff came alongside with the m Wholesale out the aid of that date, in California and the Hawaiian Islands. ceived before Nor. 1st attended to. 173-- 3t five gentlemen cabin passengers ABRIVALS. longer we live the more we are convinced that the Captain's lady, The Overland Mail. The detention of the Yan- said to his was only after their A Memento. To those of our island readers who TO LET FURNISHED. , - Jefferson, Hunting, from Kodiack and old merchant was right who clerk, and three Chinamen. It kee Monday may Sem- 29 --Am wb bark till prevent her arrival at San a- Bristol Bay, 250 wb, 2&00 bone. position of all .on board were brought up in a less genial clime, we commend -a AND OUT HOUSES IN JXTJbi good v Industry, my lad, is better than ingots of gold, coming on board that the Francisco till after the departure mail steamer the suburbs, and within 15 minutes' walk of the Court w EX BARK . brig Agate, Green, from McKean's Island, with of the frw 28 Am. In- to be realized. To witness the prostrate the following paragraph, clipped from an exchange JmsJL House, situated Immediately opposite the Catholic Ceme- ? 1C0 tons ruaao. and character more valuable than credit." began of the 20th. Correspondents should bear in mind tery on King street. Inquire of 30 Sell Excel. Kaheana, from Kauai, with 6 cords wood, paper. It is very easy to procure an acorn and what 3 secures both the credit and the ingots. and bleeding forms of the three Chinamen told that letters can be despatched by the first "overland W. LEE, Attorney at Law, v . 100 bris molasses. dustry - AND OTHER ' " Kauai, with 8 cords wood, could be a more beautiful or appropriate remem- 173-t-f Over Dr. OuUlou'g store. J , 30 SchKaluna, Antonio, from is nothing like industry to make a good the means that had to be resorted to to keep them mail," so marked all others will be kept till the VI cattle, and a variety of island produce. There ! if .r brance of a northern home : - 30-8- swamping boats. By CSDERSK8'-- eh Maria, Moiteno. from Lahaina. reputation for a man and to inspire others with from crowding and the departure of the next regular steamer Nov. 5. HOUSE TO LET. FOR SALE BT THE '0 3.) Sen Bosaltha, Lassen. 15 days from Ban Francisco, - an acorn be suspended by a piece of thread In supplies. Poor time they succeeded in launching three small "If A "i IIREE ROOMED HOUSE TO LET, i- , - on the way to Johnson's Island put for Confidence in his integrity and capacity. this within an inch of the surface of the water, con- DRY liuu- STOrW cattle and half The Eastern Mail. The mail steamer arrived at with stable attached. Rent reasonable. Inquire of BLUE A - 30 Sen Mary, Berrill, from Kawalhae, with (they having failed to get their long boat so re- A. BOLSTER, -- Richard said, " The sound of your hammer at boats, tained in a hyacinth glass, and permitted to IIROWNshirting, superiorDRILI. San Francisco on the 14th the greater part of her 173-- it Corner of Merchant and KicharU Sta. blrk wwntj OoHawbarfc Gambia, Brooks, from French F. Shoals, night, heard over the side,) which, together with our being so main without being disturbed, it will, in a few Black and blue bro d Sooth five in the morning or nine in the news' i thread. ... I remaining effects from wreck of the months, and throw a root down into the water, having been anticipated by the overland mail. Spool cotton, assorted , t with the easy for six months close to the burning ship, seemed to restore some burst by a creditor, makes him and shoot upwards its straight and tapering stem, The mail for the Islands is now due by the clipper IRISH WHISKY. - ? CSL 1 Sen Kamoi, WITbnr, from Lahaina. amongst the Chinese, who could ii. SONS he sees you at a gambling table, degree of quiet with beautiful green leaves. A young oak tree, ROE DUBLIN WHISKY, Pflot Jackets, blue pilot trowsers, "2! , Moiokai, from MotokaL longer ; but if little ship which was advertised to Ac di- t Sen Black Sea, sail on the HENRY Co.'s Belfast whisky. Warranted Black cloth panta, when you should be seen in the Bea hanging by ropes to the ship's growing in this way on the shelf of a room, rect from and ol superior quality. ', df IS 4 i or bears your voice at a tavern, 18th, is due to day or to morrow. the distilleries For sale at Buckskin panta, elastic do. h i i is a very elegant and interesting object." tht! (173-2m-) ROYAL HOTEL. '',s Departures. he sends for his money the next day." side. The five gentlemen, cabin passengers, who White satin panta. uTJEd h 2 be at work, Black and white check panta, - E. Foote, Worth, for KieolaefiiVy. : Esq., C. C. The Upper Stone Bridge. seems t3 f 19 Am ach CaroUne .All great men, whether mechanics, merchants, were saved were R. II. Dana, Personal. His Majesty the King and suite There to be & CwOODlNG, Black alpaccaeoata. Senders,"JM Maimokawal, Beckley. for KohaU and Hana. OWEN ! IS eh Ctmp unaccountable delay Blue serge shirts, hickory do, h . a 8 :U.kai K w.nml . statesmen, have with scarcely an ex- Harris, George Clifford, J. II. C. Richmond, M. some in repairing this bridge in SHIPWRIGHTS, TAHITI. lawyers or returned from Lahaina yesterday, in the schooner BOOTS AND SHOES' ATHaicw;i - the Nuuanu Valley road. Perhaps the authorities 4h ception won greatness at the price of industry. Scbonburn. Maria. By the same vessel Hon. D. L. Gregg also Fine calf i waiting for another to come along MASTERS OF WIIALESH1PS, AND brofrans. When Bulwer began bis career as a novelist, he As soon as all the Chinese, 174 in number, returned Rev. Mr. Armstrong, President of are freshet and others, are Informed that repairs, aud every facility af- Calf raters, MEMORANDA. sent instruc- tear it completely down so as to get another $5 tax forded for heaving down, with competent mechanics, at Patent leather gaiters, composed with great difficulty, often writing his were got on board, Captain Hart the Board of Education, returned from Kauai yes- the lowest rates in the Pacific, by Bea boots, imposed oa carriages. stitch in &c. Hmrans, K. Hunting, from did "A time," OWEN GOODING? . amp Jtfftrtmm. CapC H. twice. Untiring labor, however, tions to save provisions, but so rapid the terday in the Kaluna. He leaves again for the gsiter, t BmtsJ fictions over 173-2- m Shipwrights. Buckskin I zwo vtm none : Estatst Bay, with 250 bru wb, placed him at the head of his profession. The flames spread that it was found impossible to save windward in a few days, for the purpose of looking Northern Trading. The latest accounts from ChiWivcH wffV. I' aroKxa is ras mat. a( on Honolulu, Judge tee, one of the most esteemed a particle. We then received the crew, 27 in after the educational interests placed under his the North represent the trading vessels from port Anw, 13 narmony, KeBy, of 9 whalea. late lamented this fii valued charge. Bev. E. G. Beckwith, late President of PLOWS PLOWS! STORES. . j2 euj. SenJ. Morgan, Ksson, of New London, 5 do. and useful men upon these islands, was at the number, 7 boxes of treasure, at about to have been carrying on a smart business with the NATAL AGLE NO. 8 IRON PLOWS. Barrel, pitch and Ur, Manils I SoaU, Hunting, of Fairhaven, dean. chronometers, a small Oahu College, leaves in the Yankee, and goes to - " 1 Oiasral most indefatigable workers. $100,000, 1 iron chest, 2 natives along the coast, jluring the post season. - U Beat. tark same time one of the EAGLE NO. 20 IRON- PLOWS, f , Tarred rope, orted r-- j E 1 Ocean, Clark, of Sew Haven, dean. mahogany chest marked Sacramento to take charge of Rev. Mr. Benton's' Bpanyaro, Ravens duck, "' ; It whalea. When Stephen Girard trusted the customer with- quantity of clothing, a EAGLE SIDE HILL PLOWS, turpentine,""1 10-G- rfp Bedford, 5 with few Boiled Unseed oil, u and a few fowls church. . He carries him the warmest wishes of The Weather. The last days have been com- HORSE Arctic Aaw. 10, ana reports tha following endorser, who carried his goods home on " Ship Mastiff," in gilt letters, EAGLE ONE PLOWS. v BUeet lead, assorted paints. , raw? ". out an many friends who, daring his cool The Boston act- ship was in flames, and pupils, residence paratively and pleasant trades have begun Just received from per " Moneka," and tor sale by n slwtn datlt the shrewd old Frenchman was and pigs. At 6.30 P. M., the 173-t- . W. GROCER"8 his shoulder, here, have become deeply attached to him. to blow regularly, again and even business Beems to f N. LA1D. Vinegar, in .Cawart. Mew Badaed, 1 whams, US0 brls. success 7 M., the main and mizzenmasts fell Crushed sugar, bsrKTi llarr Jttann ing npon the belief that industry makes and at P. revive with the change. Maecaraoi, Pearl v 14 17W " then hoisted on board two sugar, Ostrrit. 7 branch of business ; and so it has been, over the side. We Whazinq Prospects in New Bedford. The New cev; ai:d i Loaf i f Edgartowa, " in every desirable goods Edam cheese, . . two go adrift, having so litthfroom Bedford says seems to be pros- u Bayarr, KW Bedford, - the world over, frem the days of Demosthenes, boats, and let Standard that there a Foa the East. The Yankee will sail on Monday JCST RECEIVED PER Anchovies, VtIrw$ cargo. By Salt water soap. Murdoch, - - orator, down to those of George on deck, and the ship being full of pect of a revival in the whaling business at that port. taking the mail. Files of the Commercial be "SiaEi," matches, 5 - thn Athenian can Assorted ', FebJbsr. Hoaosala, ft flames fore and aft, and In the early part of July there were sixty-fiv- e vessels Casks Dliot bread, f ? Hn"f .t English railways" this time the ship was in had at the counter, since the 8th September, con- ' . B Stephenson, the father of of " .. j Corses, in New Bedford and Fairhaven, which about . ..,ri" SUNDRIES. i i great only now indeed could be realized the awful doom of thirty taining full details of local news. : i I? , Sew Bedford, S . .. , all great successes have been the result of And u " round rjl,.. ill-fat- Frances Bundles iron, ed were fitting. Four or five were nearly ready for Palmer, - " - that'awaited all on board that ship had sea. Aastd Kngtishbar iron, !"JlSi , Clark, labors. v' Ivory hi ' r The Clipper Strew. The ship arrived A NEW LOT OP oanbaJT - Fneaaan, Btonington, 3 -- merciful Providence made us 8inee the 1st of January,' eighty whalera had arrived,' Syren, at Swediaa bar Iron, hanfpnl.- TJbtt, How often is the case that wa ! rmen com- - not an "all wise and ' Blacksmhhl coals. Paper arB. it and twenty-si- x had sailed from the ports of New New Bedford, August 11,- 114 days passage. : Uaacaaaarou, . Baho noa abovt Ban 5 of their preservation. After Dr. MINE'S Cement, sailor's daapknivea. - of time they . time the , instramentB cdratcd Aastd ! want C:;SZ3. Haw Bsdmrd, 7 rJainine of a j Bedford . ' Bcisaora, pocket kni ves, aeaua, et r km. rule. 1. as - to which and Fairhaven. ..." gtuMtani erashea arsr." X'" Orates aastd 1 f poy to do "f consultation with Captain Johnson , Whalemen's List. The North Pacific Whalemen : sous - to do this thing, time ttit Eagle No. 3 plows, ; powir, jrJuK- 8 1 whale. we ' " . .Sarcotl t a, m - r was agreed that will issued Monday with Hoc akin aadd lea. rm be known, they hare a r y it was best to proceed, it Hard Diaarcio. The work of laying the gas pipes , list be on next,' the latest 1 sperm whale. th trnth ahonld ' - ' raLwDsr. v ' ' f, '" Planters' fcoa ham ' ' ' rtowa, ldodo.1 right wh. disposal 1 cU f;T tl3 CinJwich VZxni,' tn& land progressing rtrr.y. Ia one place on Merchant rtrv rVora C feet To be had at our oo'anter. .' - i: r rW mora time ai their than other rcr; b 1''"-- T . " Cane IJsr4, Eczolxia".-- T7e Ilea nil wit!, a Cireet, wh ere tLi Ja rises to of t! ,' of industrious h&biis, abcacr; Hj t cri tit rarf.ee v Dat-iavta- t- -- w - wheyby the aid . be de" . ' i VT. sl Jer - 1 rrr-- Cron C U. Dana, one of ground, the zzt to sicp tks txtzz' , ri ii.J 1 work, i lit. rv?c twkV amount of aady til'"! ' si 'tis " 1; : ' :' read payers, 13 th . , ; Cjri A"jaandenjoym, I. A -- inr.. j C&ITjc'IJ, ax, iV zr t '".7.. r'' .u. 1 . v

J j " e. U5TC: CO. 1

! THE AGENT OF THE FOR HONGKONG 1 BY A. P. EVERETT. BV JOHN F. COLDURlf. DRTJGSTORE CLIPPER SHIP fate t;i TJSrS w .!fPKR8,CNED HAVING RE. fcTji y the,Utet "rtTala from the United States Hudson's Bay Company Capt. Lunt, Polar Oil at Auction. Sale of Merchandise ! . and Eliza & lla, f nWIIMfi ASSORTMPMT adMr!. ",rtaM;nt f Drsiga, Mee1ici.ru ATTENTION OF Being all ready for sea, win sail in a few days direct for the WEDNESDAY, Oct. 4, lO A.M..' nfnTn Article now offers them for sale. Being INVITES THE THE DAY ! at a'clack fgB 7 UHAINDLERY, PRO- - V the following assortment of merchandise, the moat above port, if sufficient Freight or THIS At sales Room, will be sold assortment of nerchaiullw, SSPiiSHrom bert "nrces, first rate articles will be now - V prices than heretofore. sokiat of which are SATURDAY", Cct. 1, at tO O'CIack. A. Mm consisting of tf VISIONS, Passengers Offer. At Sales Room, wiU be sold, Fine dothing, pry goods, other EX GROCERIES, &c. tV'j0111" ""i wl nave their orders promptly filled r 'LANDING Apply to Captain satisfactory prices. . .V the on board, or to flannel shirts, Brogans, 7 casks, abont 1400 gallons, Polar Oil. Shoes and ' .Prescriptions made op " C3r TVT 173-- tf D. C. WATERMAN A CO. boots. Hats and cap: , accurately and from the best materials. E5 ALSO, PROVISIONS. Particularly from Thayer's Ij Suspenders, Jewelry. celebrated fluid extracts, a great im- O ! provement on Tinctures. FROM. LONDON , 2000 Oranges. Oooceries. Boan. PRIME POR?, BBLS. MESS BEEF, FOR FREIGHT OR CHARTER. Tahiti Lamn oiL rwi.. r. ..T. a.IC1?..HESTS reflUed tneapet rates, according These goods, which are of superior quality, are offered to the BBLS. HAMS. voyages different countries require. trade on favorable terms, and comprise In part as follows : THE A H BRITISH BARK BrsKS SMOKED SHOULDERS, The following General Sale of Merchandise. P.C. M'SCXB...... c. MHIHII.I. BREAD. BBLSvJIAXALt FLOUR comprise a few of the articles contained In the Dry Goods, &c. IVelson, L3cirsMEniIIM . blue Humphrey TUESDAY, Oct. 3, lO O'Cloek A. Mm W,F BUTTER IN ' Alum, Cases pink and yellow prints, do, mourning do, 454 tons JAMES CHELLEW, Master. Apply to at KXcRUER & 2tII2RRIE,L, KEGS arnica plaster, iKidder's diarrhoea and dysen- - White ground bales white cotton, fine do, At Sales Room, will be sold , i Auise-aee- d, prints, arsenic, alcohol. tery normal, Bales white, green, blue and scarlet blankets. 172-- tf J ANION, GREK CO. BooU, shoes. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Ant poison, bay rum, borax, Ltquorice, t Clothing, " Balsam-pector- liniments, asst'd, Cases white and drab corduroy, eases black doth, AMU I al bitters, Mucilare. lin salve. Asstd merino, alpacca, cs plain and check crinoline, REGULAR DISPATCH LINE Furniture, a- - Castile soap, cream of tartar, Norse Hardware, i Camphor, bottles. Real Welch flannel, fine blue do, princettas. & cherry pectoral, Oils of bergamot and lemon. Lasting, cs white ground and asstd printed muslin, FOR SAN FRANCISCO. Groceries, AUOTIONEEBS, i Celebrated AGENTS OF THE . Wax .55 copahine, Powder boxes, pills, asst'd. Victoria lawn Bishop's do, birdseye diaper, THE FAST SAILING CLIPPER BARK Crockery ware, whale hal-- Cod liver nil iliinumil . .... Sands' Towaend's sarsapa for do, Ehx, etc, etc L.Iae Pomp Boat- - ExtracU and Towels and napkins, huckaback Regalar Dispatch at II alala PacUcta. yards of sarsaparUla and gin--j rilla. ; Biff-- Check holland, printed barege, plain do. cambrics, Yankee, C. J. Lovett, Master, Oars, Ker' Strychnine, ICT All freight arriving In for gin Boat. soda. Knitting cotton, crinoline, mouse line delaine, Will sail transitu the Sandwich IctuwU, Nautical Rivets: Extract of valerian, Syringes, asst'd, salts. Mas) in dresses, flounced do, black silk , Valuable Real Estate at Auction in will be received and forwarded by the M Regular Dtcpatob Line" leather, Almanac Knee Emery powder, erasive ' rasa or cot salu, Toilet Dowder. toilet mirrora. Linen and cotton drill, denims, frocks, ON MONDAY OCT. 3. ! comxissiox. lor oil Plavoring extracts, Tooth-Dick- s, tweexers. Maddaposama, white marseilles, colored do. For freight or passage, apply to Honolulu and Lahaina Particular attention paid to forwarding and transhipment of line, and Plaid magnesia, gum arable. (Thorn's extract, Fancy vesting, bonnet ribbons in great variety, merchandise, sale of whalemen's bills, and other exchange, in- Gelatine. trusses. 160-- 2t D. C. WATERMAN & 0., Agents. rivets. deep fluid Ilmn i nettling rings, tooth powders, M's long cloth shirts, regatta do, pea Jackets, a--i BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER FROM surance of merchandise and specie under open policies, supply Block, tea da, lamp Holloway's ointment, hair dyes.' Vials, asst'd. Fearnought jackets, pilot cloth trowsers. FOR ISLAND the Supreme Court, will be sold at public auction, on ing whaleships, chartering ships, etc. patent hooka VANCOUVER'S DIRECT. J patent iron uuuiug marxing inx, White and yellow wax. Cases English saddles and saddler's tools, In great variety, li'aJ Saturday, the 15th of October, 1850, at 12 o'clock,on the 43 aad 45 Callfarala street. ISMf bosh ditto. Thimbles bash Bridles, single and double rein, Pelham bridles. THE A 1 BRITISH SHIP premises, the premises formerly belonging to the late John and paper. naU taAAsas Also, Direct from Paris. Young, situated on the N. E. side of Queen Street, Honolulu, be- BBFIB TO I .-- - 8heivea. Captain Captain -V.. . Caulk James Makee, Honolulu; D. Tjr - Hardware. Capt. J. S. Knight, longing to the estate of P. Y. Kae., and nearly opposite to the C. Waterman mallets. Sheet lead. LUBIN'S CELEBRATED EXTRACTS, Gomelza, Henolula; Messrs. Oilman Co., Lahaina. lAI-t-f ..hiiwh, tuiuof flat bar Iron, . of W. 8-- containing 615-20- of c Comprising 24 different Bundles round Iron, asstd, asstd, Will have dispatch for the above port. residence J. Maikai, and an kinds. Spades, shovels, files, cross cut saws, hand acre. Also on the premises, will be sold, public auction, on "SS?SHIP CHANDLERY. do. For frieght or passage apply to the at eocopoaitioB and Iron box Best Tenor saws, assorted locks, knives and forks, Saturday, the 15th of October, at 12 o'clock, M., the premises Ahnc. vice, anchor. quality JEAX MARIE FARINA COLOGNE, 18-- !iiut1 3f . AGENT OF THE II. B. COMPANY. F n lioea, Manner room Urn pa, Imp spikes. Rosin, wood B. M. spoons, scissors, corkscrews, plated spurs, situated in Puako, near the main street, Lahaina, Maui, maikai Pitch. extract, candies, jujube paste, Dr. being formerly occu- Burnett's cocoaine Butchers' steels, carpenters' adzes. of the residence of White the premises and oriental tooth wash. Cast iron pots, asstd sizes, coopers' anvils. pied as the Odd Fellows' Lodge, and at present occupied by Mr. 60 BALES .INDIAN HEAD BHEETINflS. Orange tree tortoise tooth-pick- s. FOR NEW BEDFORD DIRECT. and shell 8 long. In 4 upright and horizontal Wilfong. containing S roods and 10 rods of bind. Terms 60 BALES LAWRENCE SHEETINGS. TjvtbiBt 7 "" wnuuf, rea wnue and oiue, Um. Toilette soaps and brushes, Iron hurdles, ft bars, a and BALES patent and r.buabsheivee, copper aod Iron tacks, yellow metal nails, aeu store linings, infant hair brushes, Coopers' rivets, brass butt binges, plane irons, THE A 1 CLIPPER SHIP made known at time of sale. For further particulars Inquire of 60 ...MASSACHUSETTS 8HKK11NOK. . iZtment eooner toots, cabtn and airaal ;n . . .siTuellninh. Combs, scurf brushes, (patent,) tricopherous, 60 BALES ..METAM0RA SHEETIKOS. . bsjp"---vrl " " L.r.un. 7i Cut nails, asstd sixes, metal brace buttons. J. W. Austin, or A. P. EVERETT, ' wicung, iar,tar oil, Monad Hyperion fluid, hair oils, asst'd, Or Q. D. OILMAN, 100 BALES BLUE DENIMS. Sylvia, 26 CASES ASSORTED SARSAPA RILLA MEAD, (an agreeable and healthy Naval Stores. 3 years old, WM. P. SWASEY, Master, Auctioneers. TICKING!. GROCERIES AIVD CACII STORES. beverage, (prepared by. E. Hoffman.) Tarred rope, asstd sixes, Manila rope, bolt rope, 10 CASES .KENTUCKY JKANS. Bbls Carolin rice, Whale line, ratline, spunyarn, assorted paints, Will load oil and bone for the above port, and having part of 10 CASES BLUB Dili I.I Ji. COSTAR'S RAT POISON. ! 26 CASES I XTB. Saleratus, 7 B Hambro lines, boiled linseed oil, spirits of turpentine, cargo engaged, Valuable Real Estate at Auction ASSORTED Pit boxes. DR. ier will have dispatch. 20 CASES BLEACHED SHEETINGS. Chocolate, nutmegs. JAl'JfE'S MEDICINES. &e.. fcc. Sail canvas, asstd, barrels Stockholm tar. few pas 167-- tf For freight or passage, having accommodations for a 600 PIECES BRUSSELS AND VELVET CARPET. Aaisins, ana Doxes, EDWARD HOFFMAN, M. D. Barrels pitch, ship scrapers, sewing palms. s BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER FROM t t Bees wax. sand paper, chain hooks. sengers, apply to 1JV the Supreme Court, will be sold at public auction, on 1000 PIECES THREE-PL- Y AND INGRAIN CARThTS. Currants, prunes, f 1600 PIECES FLOOR OIL CLOTH. ' dried apples, Iron and brass screws, caulking irons, 167-- tf A. J. CART WRIGHT. JUJL Saturday, tbe 15th of October, 1859, at 12 o'clock, on the i lris Citron aod fig. 1EW 1VIIJSIC ! 1000 PIECES COCOA AND CHINA MATT 1X0. split bud, Kits No. 1 mackerel, Ked paths patent pumps, with fly wheel, premises, those valuable premises situated at tbe corner of King Kn ' JUST RECEIVED RADUGA arftl Honolulu, belonging to the of 600 CASES PAPER HANGINGS. koie pepper,P. Kits tooKues and sounds, PER ALSO, NEW Mauna Kea Streets. estate J. in batra, from Boston, a large collection of sheet musks Cases sheatbing copper, 14 oa. 0) 80 os. FOR BEDFORD. Kaeo, being the premises at present occupied by Mr. Wilkinson, 20 CASES TABLE OIL CIxrTHS. fine salt Red and black pepper, for the pianoforte, embracing very large vari- 80 CASKS CURTAIN DAMAfKS. Tofcaoeo, SO lb bis, b lumps, various brands, Slajorum a Casks composition nails, assorted sixes. FROM LAIIAINA. to whom they are leased for (180 per year four years of the ( and thyme, ety of the latest and most popular remaining unexpired. good 60 CASES LACE AND MUSLIN CURTAINS. TaMe salt in boxes, tomato ketchup. 2 lb tins preserved lease The premises offer a chance for milk, Songs, Groceries. A 1 CLIPPER SHIP investment. Terms made known at time of sale. For further 20 CASES WINDOW SHADES AND HOLLANDS. Pepper saaee, sage. fresh clams, quahang, THE 400 DOZEN MATS- Savory, aastd fantasias. Cases English bacon, do do hams, cs Cheshire cheese, particulars apply to J. W. Austin, or RUGS AND - meats. AMorted soups. Solos, pie jellies and jams, asstd, 12. A. P. EVERETT, 400 PIECES i DRUGGETS AND BAIZES. Roast and boiled beef, do do mutton. Green corn and peas, bonej, Cases fruits, F. Willetts, Calves Duetts, Candied orange and citron peel, cases pickles. D. GATES, Master-- This first class ship wiU load Oil and Auctioneer. NOW he, roast and boiled chicken, Peaches, pears. Jellies, Waltxes, wine vinegar, mustard, capers, J. LANDING, FOR SALE RV4tand boiled Sauces, white capacity, (S21 tokey. Assorted Die fruits. Marches, Preserved meats and vegetables, cases maccaroni. Bone for New Bedford. She is of small tons) gallon . . kegs pickles, 6 gallon kegs cranberries, Jam Polkas, Vermicelli, tapioca, sago, cloves, cayenne pepper. and a fast sailor went home from Honolulu last year in 102 A. WHITE & CO., AT THE LOWEST RATES, Quadrilles, Ground block pepper, cases patent groats. days, and turned out her cargo in first rate order. MERCHANTS, COMMISSION AGENTS & AUCTIONEERS BY J Serenades, oatmeal, almonds, PAINTS, SUNDRIES, Ac. Patent barley. Scotch saleratus. Mr. same Officer last voyage, is now on board, New HZ 331 XJ 3TH . Tellow Gallops, etc., etc., etc. Cases in half and quarter tins, salad oil, Niles the First Akaroa, Zenland. 33 fg, mil extra whiu lead, ochre. Zinc white. sardines, Blowing wetting PR. AN A Pure verdigris. Chrome yellow, ALSO Mulagatawny paste, stearine candies, and particular attention will be paid to the and HIPS SUPPLIED 'WITH POTATOES Nos. 110 and 112 CLAY STREET, The Modern School for the Pianoforte, (3; Yellow soap, mottled soap. of oil. S. IIOFFMEYER. ' STjans. Chrome green, Imperial Eugltah green. and stores of every description. SAN FRANCISCO. Bciled linseed oil. Bright varnish, Baker's Formation and Cultivation of the Voice, $1 60; Freight will be taken lowest market rates. " Lessons in Singing, (2; Ales, Wines and Spirits. 07 at Itelerenoes : loim . $ Black Japan 167-t- Soi-le-, lead. varnish. Sixty-si- x fcy A few passengers can be accommodated. f Capt. O. H. ship Milo. scrapers, No. 1 copal varnish, Hand leads. Interludes, 50c; ALE Edinbro in quarts, The Musical Drama, Alloa quarts, " A. Bxrbkr, ship Benjamin Tucker. C. P. hammers and dowels,' Brit, castors, 8 bottle. $1; in - ship Ooethe. t'gMT rsrcisn, The Comprehensive Music Teacher, $1 &0; Maraetti's in quarts, THE J. H Al'STis, Slate and lead pencils, Pump boxes. " Smith, ship E. F. Mason. bftaks. pans, Fog First Book for the Piano, $1; Siarsetti's diamond in quarts and pints, Tin horns. - Capt. Luce, " HiNDsk, ship Metacom. tprfpaaip, Nutmeg graters. The Handel Collection of Church Music, $1) Altoop's in quarts and pints, Golden Eagle, lamps. New 50; in quarts and pints, " Oscak db Gkaxdsaigxe, ship Nil. Dust pans. Saucepans, asstd sixes, Cannina Sacra, $1 Bas' NEW BEDFORD DIRECT. ship fcttaoterna, The Social Ulee Book, $1 25; ' Byass' in quarts and pints. ;FOR " Dxkmaxhakitz, Gen. d'HautpooL tBklkdaxss, Saw frames. Hammers, Harmony -- pints, Lkbaste, ship CaulaincourC 171-- tf Broad narrow Bung Manual of and Bass, 75c; PORTER Marsettl's in quarts and This well known clippper ship is shortly expected to arrive, and hatchets. borers. Hunten ' Pianoforte Instructor; Barclay & Perkins' in quarts and pints. Screw drivel port. XT. jet sTeQcbPS, Pinchers, s. sale Bridges & Sons In quarts and piuta, and will load oil and bone for the above M. C HCGBKS. T. O'COKXOB, Saw Spring balances. Bertini's Pianoforte Instructor. For by IbsKfchisds, setts, 170-- tf Cox Co in quarts and pints. every facility for wUng oil, and the Master (cimblets. H. M. WHITNEY. Morice k The ship has cV Iron and brass screws. Nail WINE Superior port In quarter casks, necessary of It during the passage. IlUOIIaCS 0'COIVOR, Pocket knives. Saw files. knows how to take the ce S0Ij Superior pert in cs of 3 dox each, cargo home last season In per AGENTS FOB ats:h kniws, Sets of bttts. Leaning knives. FOUNTAIN HEAD ! Superior sherry in quarter casks, The Golden Eagle carried her tats. Timber scribes. Patent cmse irons, cases of 3 dozen each, fect order. billiard ton! Drawing Superior sherry in Pkelan's Model Tables, fca Actios' avis aod hand Ira, Brass sHvrs, knives, Ice Cream and Confectionery Saloon, Superior sherry in cs of 1 dos each, For freight apply to jauMT irons, Mincing knives. Inshaves. Claret in cs of 1 doz each, C.i FORT ST., NEXT DOOR TO ODD FELLOWS' HALL. 167-- tf WATERMAN A CO. Can openers. Boat books. Superior claret in cs of 2 dox each. DlJ ANNOUNCE BRANDT Martell's in quarter casks, UNDERSIGNED BEG TO quarter casks, IV NEW BEDFORD WIIAI.E CRAFT. THEthey have opened the above named saloon, and would V. V. Proprietor's in JEW LINE Torla Irana. respectfully solicit a share of public patronage. In bottle a few cases 1 dozen each. OF A Cutting spades. Boat spades, thick. Everything has been done to make the place attractive, and GIN Dekuyper's in quarter casks, Boarding knives. Boat spades, thin. hereafter no expense will be spared to render it an agreeable Old Tom In quarter casks. BOStOII PACKETS! Head spades. Boat spaaes, wiue. and nonular place of resort. RCM Demerara in quarter casks, HONOLULU & A private parlor has been furnished for the accommodation of Jamaica in quarter casks. CORDAGE. ladies, aod is provided wltn a superior pianoforte, ravaie Pfjrfamerv. FIRST CLASS SHIPS - Fraaciaco, Manila cutting bUis, Manila rope, from 1 6 Inches, eo trance on mauka side. cologne, " WILL BE DISPATCHED No. 107 Clar treet San A fountain been fitted up, and Iced soda may be bad a Fine eau de 5 COM- -, Russia hemp rope, 3 and 4 strand, Spunyarn, has Fountain perfumery, HONOLULU IN MAY FOR SALE A FULL AND Boo yarn. Marlineand hooseline. any time. Essence of sandalwood, FROM BOSTON TO OFFER of desirable Seising stuff, 15, 13, 21 thread. A n arrangement has been made for a constant supply of straw- PATENT COMBINATION CUSHIONS, Ac, Worm tine. li, Assorted hair oils, , AND SEPTEMBER! MEDICINES. berries when in season. , . grease, offers. Fkmght taxes lowest AND OREGON. DRUGS AND best quality only will be offered. ' Bear's Or oftener, if Inducement at IN CALIFORNIA CO. respectfully solicit orders from the country, and Ice crenins of the 169-t- treble distilled lavend ar. R. k COOTS, SHOES AND CLOTHING. confection- f Double and and particular attention paid to the filling of or- every to those who fH vor Constantly on band, a choice variety of cakes and axTss will guarantee satisfaction In particular ( manufactory and Sales Rooms, oU-- booU, ery. shipment of machinery and other mdse. them with their custom. . Is'l fniaei ders 180 AND 182 MONTGOMERY STREET, CAL. Jfen'i thick boots, Families and parties supplied with ice creams on six hours For Sale Low to Close Consignments. Aoksts is Boston...... Messrs. Wu. Thwisq & Co. Men's brogana, notice. C. Spalding. TT Purchases of tables and apparatus can be made through " Agent is Honolulu J. lien's pumps, FT Please give us a call. QOWQ FEET OF 10. IT, 18 FT. OARS, A. D. CARTWRUJHT, FRANK BAKER, , Bearer pea Jackets, SMITH & PICKERING. 3 O 25 coils Manila cordage, 1714m Honolulu. lO aad 118 Clay Street. Petersburg monkey Jackets. N. B. Suppers, oysters, coffee, soda, and other refreshments, 9. JXX) kegs nails, SANDWICH ISLAND t ' Black satinet monkey jackets. at all hours of the day and eveniug. 187-- tf 20 bxs Dixon's tobacco, ! 45 aad 4T Mercaaat Street.' Beavy double wool Jackets, 5 kegs nutmegs, PACKETS. xIUSIC STORE REGULAR LINE FROM THE TJ. 8 EV SAN FRANCISCO, Cal. Bed and bine wool Jackets, v " 60 kegs and half barrels split peas, ONLY e Gomelza," CLAY & Heavy cassim.-r- trowsers. Jost Received per 70 half boxes raisins, FIRST CLASS SHIPS IIERWIG, Striped, mixed satinet trowsers. 8 bxs saleratus despatched quarterly from Commercial Wharf, Clay Street, Francisco, Xxo.iorter And Doalor Heavy denim do. FROM LONDON! 20 cases sewed calf brogans, Will be 176 Saa Califoraia. IN Heavy denim frocks, whisky, Boston, in the months of March. May or June, DOZ. ASSORTED ENGLISH PIE 45 half barrels choice Bourbon September aad December. PIANOS AND MELODEOXS, AND DOMESTIC CAItPETS Guernsey do. fruits, 10 cases Catawba brandy, particulars see special advertisements In daily FOREIGN Striped wool shirts. 50 doxen assorted English jellies, 10 cases fresh lard, For further SHEET AND BOOK MUSIC, fancy papers of the above months. - Bed twilled shirts. 1f50 " jams, 0 half barrels hide poison, passage or on Honolulu, apply to CLARIONETS, Floor and Table Oil Cloths, freight to, drafts FLUTES AND Heavy mixed do. Cases Scotch oatmeal. In tins, 2 cs alcohol, For or Striped cotton shirts. HENRY A. PIERCE, Cases sardines, half tins. 23 barrels mess beef, Sandwich Island Packet Office, ACC0RDE0NS AND FLUTINAS, ' MATS AND COCOA MATTING, Striped wool undershirts. Cases sardines, quarter tins, 25 coils tarred Russia cordage, - Striped and double mixed stockings, 67 Commercial Wharf, Boston. VIOLINS AND GUITARS, Cases Durham mustard. 18 dozen denim overalls, AGENTS. Striped wool drawers. Cases pearl sago, 6 quarter pipes dark brandy, n DRUGGETS, BAIZES, and DAMASKS, Heavy wool mittens. B. F. Snow, Honolulu. BANJOS AND TAMBORLNES, Cases tapioca, 394 pounds pump leather, - - - New York. Heavy mixed blankets, 2000 pounds pure lead, Button & Co. BRASS INSTRUMENTS. WINDOW SHADES AND HOLLANDS, caps. Cases Jordan almonds. Cook A Snow, - - New Bedford. Russia Cases citron, orange and lemon peel, 4000 pounds extra lead, filled by one who by 64-- tl Discretionary orders for music understands ALSO Caaes Coleman's stone blue. For sale cheap - 465 gallons boiled linseed oil, v. . In .11 mtMtrM fit - UiC Wr nl,ntl. "-- n . nw." n rtM- Uplaolstory Croocln. BAM 8AVIDGE. 2 bales cloves, KWU puu ' ' r subscribers call particular attention to their fine assort HANGINGS aad BORDERS,, - X3oatv 1 Center Hoard juoaf. 13 baps pepper, & Co's The PAPER Whal 171 3m rope, Freeman ment of fianos wnicn comprise a iuii aasoruneu oi luuruuiou. ! 10 coils assorted bolt & LETTER makers : tr Notice not be Undersold &c. (Tiring TREASURE, FREIGHT, PACKAGE from the following celebrated Take Will Peas, Preserves, 1 package 20 sides' ri leather, BALltiN ' 5 AND lO LB. 10 casks 8000 pounds pilot bread, 33 BROWN, ALLEN & CO., FOB BOND OR DUTY PAID, PEARS, IN 4-- pants, oss, To Advertisers. BARTLETT 4 dozen duck On the 5th xprand 20th of each Month. IIALLET, DAVIS & CO., r: Peaches, in 6 and 10 lb. tins. In syrup, 10 dozen blue flannel shirts, XT At the JLowest Knles. HANDED RECEIVED! TO ALL PARTS OF THE 145-12- JUST family soap, m 94 boxes & -j BTERTISEMEVTS SHOULD BE BARK Strawberry preserves, in glass Jars, WOODWARD BROWN, . . a,saea practicable, ny ix wooca w mm u--j PES CLIPPER do do. 18 coils spun yarn, South America. Vi.i - Raspberry do goat brogans, United Statea. BOARDMAN & GRAY. Blackberry do do do, 2 cases Canada and Earape, FANCY GOODS! FANCY GCODS: TTiiTVtpriroy- Jelsou.," 1 bale hemp twine, & NEEDHAM. Plum do do do, WITH TH AMERICAS-BCBOPE- EX MEuinxoaa. from CAR1IART FROM LIVERPOOL I do do, 6 cs Suffolk bine drills COSSBCTISU IH NEW YORK Peach do PRESS COMPANY TO BUBOPB. G. A. PRINCE k CO.'S Roman Violin and Guitar Strings POOR BY THE UNDERSIGNED, do do, 7 coils Russia shroud rope, Also, U. F. AND FOR SALE Spiced pickled peaches, Or- k . wn - ma'WW St T 36 dresses, No charge for packing and shipping. IA. - F preserves and fruits. pina Prices low. extra VTER FOR SALE. JCST RECEIVED A small ass'trtment of the above, choice BULLION Honolulu, will be 14 arrivals, ENTIRE CAKUU tr- 100 cases best champagne cider, DUST, COIN AND ders forwarded through H. M. Whitney, of Mooeka." and other late A i. . u.kvtwi titr tliis market, and one per Raduga, for sale by insured on Open Policies, held from the best 1-- ome- .ni.iiv U. W. SEVERANCE. 6 cases pickled peppers, GOLD and promptly attemleu to. 3NTo. OO 2 Battery Otroot, Cmei 1 pink ufm, purt, including 168-- tf London print, tun of the most valuable ever brought to this 2 barrels Oregon cider. Insurance Companies in New York and SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., . Meached cotum flannel, Semi-monthl- y, 1714m x bnver Piece goods. 68 kegs whisky. Packages, Parcels and Letters forwarded via - to, Middlesex navy bine flannet, s)y J- Special Messengers. Blankets. ! 167-- tf - C, SPALDING. Panama and Nicaragua, in chargeof bx. Sprinr Biver shirting. GROCERIES up by us for Panama, Callao, Lima, S. II. PRICMRD & BROTHERS, Importer of Fancy Goods of all Hinds. . ' Fancy goods. FRESH A Special Express is made la. fDail figored frock prints, do. .sex cambrics, principal ports of the west coast of South k Saddlery. FELIX. Valparaiso, and all the COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, Ba rmbenoa brown cotttoo flannel, Hardware, JUST RECEIVED PER promptly forwarded b the English Steamers AND BEAD WORK! Suffolk denims, RECEIVED, America, which is BEADS PISTOLS, COMBS, BRUSHES, ftuet Excelsior denims, do Groceries, Ai OTSTKRS, lib JUST leaving Panama on the 14th and 29th of each month. Nw. 97 Froat Street, Saa Fraaciaca. Da, do. brown sheeting, MB LIN BAKERS to legitimate lilinots Mills stripes, Linuors, 2-t-h EX "RADUGA!" n- -r made, all orders pertaining a HAand tine, Collections and FOR Q TABLE AND POCKET CUTLERY, . 9a, Standard brown drills. Best brands of ale and porter. Pearl Sago, in tins, Forwarding and Express business, attended to with dispatch. AGENTS J. III,Jn1. PK.vinf. TnhlMVi. V Cava am' kip welt broraaa, Steam blacksmith's coal, Jordan Almonds, rBOM BOSTON. Mayflower, Va. Offering to California, LOOKING GLASSES, PERFUMERY, 9s. do. giove top ewigiesa gaiters, Liverpool salt. cases, TINS WATER CRACKERS, lOO Our Jewel, El Sacramento, pumps, Saleratus, in HA Priacipal Office. " SOAPS, NEEDLES, PLATED WARE, Dn. do. heel, strap, sewed Fencing wire, Sago, in cases. Vr J tins wafer bread, - - K. J. Hudson's, 8weet Scented Oronoco, 9a da. end. Sugar pans, etc. t 60 tins oyster crackers, P. EVERETT, - - Honolulu. Rose Sharon. broran, Thyme, Jn cases, ' A. Smokings, of WAX AND KID'DOLLS, &c. , &c. Ba, da. calf sewvd Oxford ties. ALSO, Marjorum, cases, 60 do butter do, Pilchard's Corn Cob. in snaps, 124 Montgomery street, San Francisco. Order to receive prompt attention, and the good be . r a Knmv Oaneban from Summer savory, 60 do ginger as. Chievers Wellington. All ALSO, Ttr 93-- J directed. An invoice oi from r ' Invoice per Zante currants, 60 do milk biscuits, tf a Cms ladies' black sOk lastiag gaiters, well as a very variously"ir assorted 10045m cmrai t: j M Fresh apples In glass, 30 do jumbles. Dew Dtod Whisky in barrels and half barrels. Refer toll. M. Whttkt, Honolulu, 8. L , bv grey flannel shirts, from San Francisco. apples, Britten's extra quality g - Yankee" CRACKERS, Half barrels dried Medicines, x, for Messrs. 1a-- ,.v.rwn rvv k f!n JENNY LISD CAKES, WATER FARGO & CO.'S WiU receive orders for Drugs, K, jajiv-- m fae lanama bats. ror l'j Tierces sugar cured hams. WELIsS, Thomas Fuller, Hew Xork. jo-o- hm Cases cranberry jam, ti Brooks, : lM-t- 8. AV1DGE. Chas. Wolcott ! f Do raspberry do, OAKUITI MERCHANT, WESTS' CELEBRATED Do pure honey. EXPRESS, ROPE WALK AD SHIPPING AND COMMISSION HARDWARE Do fresh peaches, FORWARDING AGENT, Do quinceSj REGULAR PACKETS BETWEEN HONOLULU FACTORY. AND N. ADD OFFERS FOR SALE, NOW RECEIVING EX BY THE 1. W. I JSL. Do pears. AND SAN FRANCISCO, 123 Saaaaaac street, Saa FraaeSaea, Ca TrriTES ATTE.VTIOJf OP PCB- - Do apples, ' afORDAGE OF EVERY SIZE MANUFAC- - THE w r- - m. M. Merchandise, Coin, Let- V . 1J ji ft conveyance of Sam the Wtowing of AKU ab. MELCHERS, fresh srufcige For the speedy and safe TUBED to order. Constantly on hand, a large as ATTENTION GIVEN TO Bnston by - Stam,m " Badnga" ana - jiooesm: ! CARL SEIi.!" lu parts of the PARTICULAR sale of Merchandise, and t the Real Rhenmalic Remedy Do fresh salmon. ters and valuable parcels, to all aortment of MANILA AND HEMP ROPE, (all aiaes). Bale and I Or CRASH, Vict- Transhipment of Ootids in transit. a, inches. Pr'a bandied ALES FANCY PRINTS, Do pure lemon syrop, CO the Forwarding and ae CANADA AND EUROPE. Rope, Tow Line, Oakum, for sale by TCBBS .'.--.; ' (Brass and iron wire netting, B oria lawns, bales prints, Do tomato catsup, quarts, UN1TEIT STATES. tc, Refer toi HaWn figured and colored alpacca. sums to suit 139. Front Street. San Francisco. I 'lurrbiiU, "Supers brass padlocks, Do tomato catsup, pints, The Agents at Honolulu sell Bills of Exchange in g0lj B. F. Ssow, Honolulu. Jag. UnraTwsxL, Boston. jBraaa wire, Bales blue alpacca. Do Pembroke salt, Co., San Francisco or New York. Also C. Honolulu. I HastT A. Pibbck, . 'AllMtl, cashmere, on Wells Fargo k Barwaa, 2d, an-- 1 tassels. Colored plaid envelopes, I " aivnTs pomes, 'Picture cord and 18&-3- o Do fresh lobsters. Fargo & Co.'s franked U. S. Government P.g.Wiut, - Cha.Bbw, brown hose. ; Wells over SAiflli. C. WOODRUFF, saiels, so dravers, 'Kxtra quality table knives. Gent's half Do fresh oysters, ' which pass free over the California and coast routes and Macosdrat k. Co San Frhncisco. sxfcn taps. Toy hoe rake. Do fresh clams. route from San Francisco to New York. STOREKEEPER AND Moaei.a, iiTosa k Co., comptaiou. the Atlantic SHIPCI1ANDL.ER, Goods bought and sold on com ' 14,-t- " vmorht nails, Family grindsJoea, these " !" Kits No. 1 mackerel. Commissions and collections promptly attended to. Asa T. Lawtoh, " . f P. Rice, Received ex Phantom 1 HANK.3. Agent. mission. Ship and Family Stores put up at the shortest notice stoaes, (Copper tacks. SIAM, Capt. John Just Half kits No. mackerel. Oct. 1. 185-t- f. L. tongues sounds, Corner of Qcxxx's Roan and Pottingeb sTaxrr, Hougkaafj dc and vaU brashes, Hunt's ship adsea, sale by the M SHAVED WHITE EASTERN Kits and THAYER, BRIGHAM FIELD, Washes, Phe and hncse brnsbei. and nnder,Jgo to cover 100 square feet to Boxes cod fish, . XT Refers to Thomas Sfksceb, A. J. Cabtwright, J. C. Merchants, Boston. for the & shingles, warranted 104-- ly Commission Sas, swing iampa, Cotton and hemp twine, . nd Oermaa remedies (IO Cases cheese, Spaldixo. Honolulu, Sandwichlslands. tatrea, at saws. of the b.gne Cases fresh bud in tins. Orovea Sons -- A newoftrMS favorite eotUge sUlingrds Chas. L. Tbaysr, pate Thayer, Rice Co.) fish lines, by 7 inches wide extra ttick- - Tierces Carolina rice. For sale cheap by PER E. D. Brigham A Co.) Sash and reputation. For sale M D. pine cupboards, 12 leet long and 8AVIDGE. BARRY & PATTEN, J. 8 Bhigham, (late iBrass edical HednOrFMAN, 187.tr m 8AM. Honolulu.) . . 16tMii. rcfcau, cocks, B. W. Field, (late of "its, Cast butta, A ALSO l" IMPOI.rKRS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Tinsbrams. .Chest lucks, Inch, a new and very A :PHANTOM MoaoAit. t c. 8. hathawar. .. sroar.. GOODS! A small lot of panelled ceiling boards, i .Ice! Fresh Supply! LATE ARRIVALS I DEMIJOHNS, oairmrs siaeaMjd eyelets, C. 8. mp mania. NEW SADDLERY article. AND OTHER WINES, LIQUORS, $c. 3I0RE desirable 6o-- MORGAN; STONE & CO.,' Hand brlla, all sixes. iM HONOLULU ICE COMPANY, HA ly 'aosers. while M-eei- palata. will 116 MestgsmrrT at., Saa Fraaeiacw. V With sworlmen ef THEreceived a fresh supply of the article from Boston, LARGE ASSORTMENT OF SUPERIOR Ban Francisco, Cat 1 and drivers. JUST RvAil For sale by following A Commission and Forwarduig MerchanU, 1 asm fcitr a. Coooers' hammers hereafter supply it at the rates i R Nye, . a! C. H. LEWER9. by ice cart, in References, T. B. Hathaway Bsq. Messrs. A "v, delivered the ""Wfartea rakes, lAikens' awls and toola, THREE lfl0-t- f To regular monthly customers, New Bedford, Messrs. OrlnnetlI.t Hintnrn A whiting. i5?xH and 6 lbs. per day, 6 eenlt per pound. k Swift s Perry. t hdva, 0BarreU J'"? Hding whip. ; rents' quantities not less than DAIJA7" EXPECTED! Co., New York, John M. Forbes Ksq., Boston, Messrs. Per-- aacu goWlnnt fine se In Fort street, 12 pound for one ! r and dies of aiTBoat nails, DiS c- and COIVSTAKTIIT OX HAIVD Ice sold at the AND SHOES kins k Smith, New London, Daniel C. Waterman Kq. Hon , 1 In. ankiodMrharn- BOOTS Botchers' knfvea, 4J to -- -- AND FOR SALE BY ' 3 V- PJ'-160-- tf olulu. handled and Tf AND FOR SALE BV I'nsmaller charge will be 12k cents will be replenished byinvoicea ' ' ivory quantities the Which m ) ALSO '.re.,. H. LEWERS. . W nnKy TO ORDER OF THE UNDERSIGNED, C. SPALDING, af Mrrkusailcw &. CO MADE J. AMERICAN ITIATnEVTS, ware sot particularised, all of whichTlare offered lor MEIiCHERS THE CARGO OF SHIP Mr. JOni AL.EX. ex " Verdcn !" And now on the way per aianste terma. 17Wf a a a n Mlf .kinat kiD. ! Jnst Received COMMISSION MERCHANT, Island Prime Beef AMETHYST Bbls. Sandwich FROM BREMEN'! SIAM, YANKEE, W. ALLSTON AND A. II. DUNBAR, Canaaaaaaer, 6 laeeaa Place. Sydney. n. jV" iv-Tv- ASEGUT 5-- Lonoluhi, A tOODS TO ARRIVE K. H. BUBiawj. . PACKED BY WESTPHALIA HAMS, BOLOGNA Which will be Offered Low,: CONSISTING OF THE FOLLOWING MERCHANDISE i Reference to W. L. Passu, I. ' lOtCa IolifMw.'vv ZT . a I ik.aaa tTsillsli. w iWU currants, in stone jars. PER Jiv-i- JC tWeiisneWA-- AalHa FINE fresh AT THE BRICK SHOE STORE," BY M LBS. PILOT lO DOZ. VERDALE - w Fresh olive oil. KiGaLi'sr9 ; 4 WOOD. bread. olives. Wiii. n. kihijton Aiaethjst "Slam !" Yankee !" Fresh sardines quarter tins, 168-t-f J. H. 44r flonr, 40 dos 1 lb tin pres. meats, Allston and Br Ihe 1 V M W 200 bbls. Haxall GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, .m,rvn TIIR Fresh sardines, half tins, 150 bbls. prime pork, 50 do tins green corn, ! AS peas, . FROM TlOfTPOX O. HALL II .roredfor'sSe cheap: French green 60 bbls. extra mess beef. 60 dos boxes table salt, TAHITI French prunes in small jars 100 w., advance SBOoey oa FI.AXXELCOAT8, LINEX whisky, 60 bbls rice, 10 cases salt, tins water crackers, Win supply ships with provision., and u 55 WHITE E ''boUtreea, 6 gallon kegs Magnolia French olives, JUST ltECEIVED! 26 half bbls dried apples, bills on United Btates. 4- - ly . 252 dox Tennant's pale ale," favorable terms for the T " Monongahela whisky, ' barrels French capers, 60 cases alcohol, Dariea A patent shirts, a PER 105 dos Tennant's porter, fJJsts, Jones' 6 6 gallon kegs Old Tom, wFrench mustard, 20 lb 34 dox 2 lb tins pres. meats, ersvata, merino undershirts, cognac brandy, (extra.) 1157 lbs cheese, in tins, flannel, S a gallon kegs French chocolate, 50 dox 1 lb tins oysters, 60 bbls Bourbon whisky. W. BUTfEIX,, ?". half hose, English blue For sale cheap by i rTtoa FreDCh ,Perm 6 bales tickings, 6 do stripe, ,r sod RICHARDS CO. AYipqR 2" 10 cases currant wine, CUSTOM HOUSE fc COMMISSION AC2XT ZMse black caahmerette, 167-- tf 2 cases 10 bale sheet- '"""CL Street. ''SYLVIA.FROM 10 cases cherry wine, yinta, MANOONUI, NEW ZEALAND. . j I? ciotb. Mack doeskin, Qeen Jockey club ings, 1 100 cases London arab and grey. ladies' doth, I VIA ixr UIPl.'r.r.TR.EES. CHAINS fcc Shlppirir supplied or the most reaaooable term. ") i house gin, 6 bales red and blue blankets; CT --- -- ??''.r-- liner drill, etc., , . 85-- 6 H--, lonr. ll-l- f lt etc CAMPBELL, Pw VnnLpP !" ETS SUP. WHIFFLETREES it CHAINS, San raAiroisoo 50 cases Catawba wine bit- 80 casea denims, lTS'tB McCOLOAX A : ! . W- a. wart Klnaf Btstw ' 200 boxes wnnc Kxtra sized Harrows ters, 10 bales brown drills, w- t11 CANDLES. s English Ale and Porter corner ADAMANTIKE Hand uuiuvators. Superior 175 dos R. Byass' London por- 10 bales blue drills, EASTRA & CO., -- Arrivals! Seed Planters 2 bale royal blue flannel, SaaT af 3B n j MITCIIEIX'S J.IU. AND Q.UARTS. ter, AND FORWARDUTi lHUCnAIfTP, Ioa Ox Yokes IN PINTS cases St. claret, 10 bale blue sheetings, COMMISSION SALE BY 25 Julien - Iron Plows FOR - 8 casks Jamaica rum, 50 dos blue flannel shirts, OP COPARTKERSHIP. iA&oaSrvrW.-aa- For sale by Hakodadi, Jn;a. AGAINST B- - 8X0W-- , 9 eighth pipe Pinet brandy, 50 doc red flannel shirts, of Fresh Provision furnished also, 81 'ip' . V'ERSOJfS HAVING CLAIMS ""J-nahe- whisky, C. BREWER A CO. 167-- tf 50 dos striped undershirts, Kinds J" present the same lor scv-- B la . 119tf dark.) and 8hip Chandlery, ajoaexour raioas. WmZ Bamartt will brandy. 60 striped at " ""b quarts, I " asas , Sauarter Dines Pinet dos drawers. Tl--ly pale ale, WTOrtte brands, ssnsf Att Drafts Ac. .TTjnoay next, 30th snaC, as tney ukbw 7-- Casks Queen Street. 400 dos denim pants and frock, Whalemen' taken, ' - AU settle " o--u CHEAP: COOL! ((ark.) persons indebted wiU please call and wf. FOR SALE KEEP 1 bale bleached flannel, ij- . w-- ? P. brandy, Porter, &S& w uv . 25 8th pipe V. T. . virrn ONE CARRIAGE HORSE, WHICH ! ! Creams I (dark,) 20 tierce ham. been habitually unven oy m wuy. xio Ice Creams Ice Creams Ice Th-pa,- and quarts, ' has rnvpfrn t pioU m i. .1 .m.t wnr havinff no further use for A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF FINE IMPOiTTS AND DEALE2S IN rin, Champagne. , A one American SADDLE HORSE. OF POOR WAS Cases best , WCHARM k hi lu. H. IS PREPARED FROM CLOTHING. iC. A. It-II. F.. af Ws YffMirV Mm Queen Street. onThey may be fully tried before purchase. 7th to supply hi. friend, and the cases boots and shoes. 611 eases spirit turpentine, d.s. wines, 0AaK.voxaZJ 160-o- nt Berber 44 office dwelling. WM. aftr AMD AJt RHODES. 170-- U . Apply to Dr. QUILLOC, at his or Cream Saloon, on King street, iiearly gunny bags, 213 eases boiled linseed oil. will carry on the business aa heretofore, public at his New Ice topes by 80 bales ar,"Taed 171-3- m .Ar with any orders they may give, and 230 kegs nails, 1 bale corks. 20 case starcn, cT every IZzzT.Tlztlza. aiatheaameof'thellrm. aSenuou to receive his share of the patronage beretofce boxes No. 1 soap, 280 kegs white lead, Llz:zT7 l,:L52iJ:199. (17Mt) CH ABIES A. P00B Physical .Set 48 300 HAND srGAR KEGS. FROM Eduction. soUbendly bestowed. Any order over two quarte require. 17 dos Sharp's handled axes, 1 ease umbrellas, 101 FRONT STREET, SECOND by Sundays excepted. 1WH 10 half bbls hide poison, 9 case, saddlery, Merchant. HOUSE, BECEIVED 14 to 20 g Hons, bought MELCHERS A Co. HE GTMNASIUM IS NOW OPEN FOR hours' notice. Between Washlnrtoa and BOARDING JUST PER J) reception of Subscribers at the Hawaiian Theater. 20 dos charcoal Irons, 8 cases oil carpeting, 11 BAN FKAKCTSOO - the tf ' STREET. -- 17t- T 150 bndls iron, whaleboata, 60 naif bUnda. ITiTET, XEAR KINO ,-- m- TVT veck, day or meal. Board at table up stairs, a. ! '' Manila Cordage. 10 dos whale pedes, 500 lbs blue and whit thread. SIIOOKS. 17"ik"4- - Boanl .r ,.hl. ex r week. 8ingle 100 grow matches, 4 cs powder, 10 btrts coal tar. Za do pueb, --a) OIL SDOO hr ab T w jj aw . Wanted. 3--4 T 3- -4 INCH. BARRELS afi Boot and Shoemakers TO kegs powder. 60 bbla tar, 15 crates crockery, AAA ti supper, 37! cents 1-- 100 GINOKI siva 1M tf FROM 1-- 2 ELOT. crackers, RS 1 2 to 7 inch. 347 250 window, 10 bbls bright Tarnish. CASES water MWWA AXiSfuaxyav-MAKE- CORDAGE doors, Metropolitan crackers, iOUBSEYMKJI " - PUMPS. Cases wanted on Men's Work. To good workmen, Spunyarn, ALSO,' asaan PI7MP8. aasnrted sajes. latest nattama, y V Jumbles, . WormUne, Ratline, 1 Cases good wage will be given. H000 - . . UA Caaes lemon eakee, steady employment and Marline. ' 10O tons Scotek Splint CoaI, 56 do. Caaa-- boa and aabare complete, jnst arrtred, f saatby uj -- - -- AKD For iioo-- Bonexarn.", DfAIR BEST VABHIiaED Bbls. cement. soW, apply. V 169-t- received aT r,- f Terasonc ox bowa. . Jas V UVfe ouves r ' n. , BLOCKS Araorted sizes. .a IsrUmd Smith's Coftls. T sals by 171-- tf X gRINGLCS I LADD. ' BREAD AND DUCK v V" - - V Bright IIAWIJaA CORDAGJB, Reeelred BREAD, 7 j ' Tarnish, 'Ir'- K.aTA MEDIUM VarnWi - - Hall has Just per, Pbantom -- BARRELS " 'TT Coal Tar, Black SALiI3 IX) CONSIGN- - France, rannar. rsa.a E 0. IBS, received 60 barrels Pilot Bread, 4 1 W, TO CLOSE M. CIIAWGE craby 0 VP -; " - i SEVERANCE ,' : (IM-t- D. WATERMAN A Oo 135-- t o. F6n SALE. TIU I? U VI A III A 100 Bolts Cotton Duck, ' : fi. 1B1tf For sale by H. W. t s. f , C. Uvtf z3tos vrzn. IW , rSB OTf AW FttAHCISCO, . WITH 5 ' : -- Mtwri. - - Jt,taraaJaW CS lL TT. SEVERANCE- ' 13-l- PUMPS, barrel, and XXnCEIVED, TANHEr rUVEIPS DUCK, Jkc;'' i' A CO. JUST EI rr: vi ' ajtd r . ' jfvcx., npnufca ..; yT"" --1 arrived per fyrea, zr.nx nsAvr uavcvs r a r i if'-.'-- DVVr ' and . .' ; , WMtewoadk . - r CAS coiiDAcrv. xld ervww Cottoa laek... . ,s. , :. L TETZAD JOtDaek, , :y , .. ironside pnnP- - rrr ytra-- rl faTK COILS 9 TCnEA A3D t Ukv! Vormr eomasoo lift : ,Ti"c: 7mm as a 200 ilA! i-- tlanila rope. ,ro;a3rr-r3fc,- : Airr r - t Itrimliln-.V- . n(i r Zr 'TV hams; .".vl.. 1ST l L ------nrc. tax" a 1 .' 11 ; HAMS, J.IAV-- boxes ,

r r- - n II I

OS 0' '..--

u- - . u! r a cl.ing br.i.U..r . be a devise . tt: to dis- Sec, 1469. Every Cvise, purporting to Honolulu,".tpe d . &-A"J- by a vote of three fourths of the members or stockholder, . sots la the trust of the minor, or by the minor himself after tbe which shall, estate of the testator, jaU solve and disincorporate the corporaUon, certificate of all the real or personal o expiratir n of tbe term of apprenticeship or service. L tnVland pa-- be signed by the presiding officer and secretary of such meeting. be construed to convey all the real or PwonaI tax ed 1 , un- of record in unless shall clearly appear " CI SPALD i - be maintained and certificate decease, it Sec 1408. No such action shall The minister haU enter uch petition to him at the time of bis of'August, A. lfc I860 Ji 7U.Lfln?-t- apprentice- days notice, by publication tn Hawaii- by will, that he intended otherwise. on the dsy mm less be commenced during the term of his office, and after sixty the " 11 it shal! deem miwteffertual, nn- -j An act relating wwk i n ship or service, or within two years after the expiration thereof. an and English, ftsuch manner sa lie See. 1470. No written will shall be revoked, laai brought shall proceed to consider the same, and when satisfied that the canceling, or obl'terating Sec 1409. If judgment in such action, vote certified has been truly taken, aud that aU claims against less by burning, tearing, or by revoking It. by the testator per . THE CIVIL CODE during ferm of service or apprenticeship, shall be the cor,.oration are discharged, shall declare such corporaUon the same, with the intention ahout same tune, tTAam ...... f the some person in hU presence, and by his direction or " - . . . - . OF THE rendered in favor of the plaintiff, the magistrate may. upon dissolved. r executed , as rrescr Wed in motion of the plaintiff, discharge the minor from his appren- of other will in writing, Sec. 1440. Upon the annulment of the charter nothing contained In section shall V'?Chi i..,w Hnt Bale scarlet oianaeia ticeship or service. but this condition pui " - i : HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. any corporation, or upon its dissolution by expiration tion implied by law, from subsequent changeP"0",?in the riaies 'Cases Otis denims bound as " Bales Panama ticks . Concluded. Sec. 1410. If any apprentice or servant of its charter, or otherwise, utiles other person shall be appoin- or circumstance of the testator. An act naminz"""'"""' . i r. isnn stripes iCases denims " by some Hale Panama h-- "i aforesaid shall, without just cause, depart from the ser- ted by the Legislature, the Minister of the Interior, or making of any will,, the Uxbridjre sheetings B brown drills kingdom, directors or Sec. 1471. If, after the Cases 'Case blue drill - - Sec 1875. If the estate is sold for the mainten- vice of hi master, sny district or police justice of the court of corfliietent authority, the and execute a second will, Bales brown sheeting oath by master, or by any one corporaUon, by whatever name known in law, shall be trustees testator shall duly make .; Bale myal blue flannel n- upon complaint made under the of such second wHI, Bales Shet ucket denims ance of the ward and hU fautilr. as providel in - apprehend be apprentice stockholders, with full powers to settle the the destruction, canceling, or revocation Bale dark do on his behalf, mar issue a warrant to for the creditors and or or such unless after .uch deroctlrm, Bales Androscoggin neeiiuK Uon 1336, the guardian shall apply the proceed of the sale t before the said justice ; and if the affair of the corporaUon. Voder the name trustee .hall not revive the first will, Bale blue sheeting or servant and bring him collect pay the the first will thall be duly republislied. rtuie Oorrics blankets tost purpose, necaamry, m.aA shall pot out the residue, shall be upMrted. the jurtke shall order the offend- corporation, they may by suit or otherwise, and canceling, or revocation, Cases do do if any, uarat power, cJin plaint among the stockholders the money tes- Bales Rockdale do oa interest, or in rest it iu the best manner in his er to be restored to his master, ami lie shall be comiK-He- to outstanding debts, and divide Sec. 1472. If, after the making of a will, the passed end approved in the , or debts .nd' wntil the capital shall be wanted tnr the maintenance of the time his alisonce, unless he shall make sat- and that shall remain after payment the born to bim, y"StX Scions Groceries UmVnjMojutJkc used serve double the if necessary1 be jointly and several- tator shall marry and shall have a child 05 ward and hi family, in which case the capital may be for isfaction Hr tlie loss and injury sustained by such absence : and expenses. And they .hall for such contingency, ISO bhls Drlme pork or no provision lie made in the will dark .. - - that purpoae, aa far aa nay be necessary, in like manner a such adJitional term of service shall ly liable to the creditors and to the stockholder to the extent and shall of nch D. 200 bbls flour - e i prorided. however, that come into hands. marriage and .hall operate as a revocation improved on the 12th day of Jhrjv A. 25 cases claret . "S if it had beew personal estate of the ward. not extend beyond one year, next after the end of the original the cororation property which shall their ( such biiffi Cobles," deadly weapons, ap- 60 bbls mess beer will. " . - An act to prevent the carrying of " whleky 3 cask Jamaica rum NOW DUE sold, in to pat term of service. corporation not eleemosynary, r A. P. 18M 60 bbl Bourbon Sec 1376. If the estate is order oat i?ec. 1441. Kvery the 25th day of May, It ee. rV,tr-r-v 10 cases salt Sec 1473. A will, executed by an unmarried proved ou on certain nc ...u cordial " directed to annually reciprocal duties ,350 demijohns f . . , and invest the proceeds, as provided in section 13X4, Sec 1411. The justice's warrant, when religious, literary or educational, shall subsequent 25th cases Albany sjeauu "SEA NYMPH," according to hi state of its affairs, to woman, shall be deemed revoked on her thelfnn'ed Cte.of North America," passed on the 100 P"""( cases cneese Per from LMjt, the guardian shall make the investment best officer or other person by name, shall authorize present a nill and accurate exhibit of the with fWl alcohol - 0 ro- any revived by the death of b husband. apples may be made r mas- such times as the minister shall, marriage, and shall not be dao 25 bbl dried . , judgment, or in pursuance of any crier that him to convey the to the place cf residence or the the Minister otthe Interior, at women who become 86 casks Tennant's India pale half ... tating hy granting him the license to sell. kingdom. minister sliall have power, either Inroseir, or shall be allowed to be Punishment of porter 61 casks 157 bbl bretd ru thereto, the court ter, although it may e on any other in the direct. The said Sec. 1474. No written will approved on the 19th day 45 cask do Pluct brandy commissioners apix.inted by him, to call for tne hv fornication or adultery," (HI 9 , anl 3 csks 'RADUGA." See.-137- 7. ease the sale of real estate, pro- hy one or more proved, expiration of five yerrs from the ZJi!?t tinnvl llAltll i In every of Sec. 1412. All the costs incurred in any such of books ami pspers of the coriioratioo and to after the A. I 7'. nun chaninazne cider production the howeve that where ny minor ofJune,.nt , . nt of 10 case currant wine pro- or the : provided, .,., as provided in this chapter, the residue of the cess against a servant or apprentice, shall be paid, examine officers, member, and others touching its affairs, death Utamr An act to provide ior ipo Cases of oysters, :tt tins " AH ac- iu mentioned, the results s interested in the estate, one year hali M "er , pi"on 19th day of J une, A. D. 10 case sherry JOS! BRADLEY," ceeds, if tar, remaining' upoo the final settlement of the in first instance by the cowplaiDnnt, and if the complaint under oath. The annual reports alxive and the land commission," approved the 'Cases assorted meats be as estate of the amount or such may In his discretion lay be- arrival at rull age, to cause such win to oo iro J?'' 1 bale cork corn count of the guardtasnhip. shall conilcml real shall be supported, the master may recover the of such examination, the minister on rice iCases green want, shaft be disponed of the same person and he shall arrive at Council, and also publish. In case any as used in tnis ""An relating to Und titles of konohikis," approved 50 bbl salt " nUJIPIIREY NELSON " the and anion, cms in an action against the minor, alter fore the King In Fnvy Sec. 1475. The term "will," act 100 cases gin 'Cases table is the tame proportions, aa the real estate would hare been, if such shall refuse to produce its book and papers, include all Case water crackers full age. ciwwration chapter, shall be so construed as to Ule-l- the 50 cases wine bitters it had not been soid. upon request of the Minister of the Interior, or the commis- eor .utoxicatlng hc,or,o " WASniXCTON ALLSTd 1413. any such apprentice or servant shall the or mem- codicils sa well as wills. Cases salt, In 201b bags the cases Sec. If sioners appointed by him, or in case any the officers or See. 1S73. Such license, in either of gross nnsiiehavior, or to uo refuse to be examined on oath, in this chapter shall Sundries. OP THE MOST DESinTl Su-pre- beguilty any reiusai corporation, shall Sec. 1476. Nothing contained by udge the we of com bers of such kto Dixon' CONSISTING store keeper ever aforesaid, may be granted any J of Li wilful neglect thereof, his master may make of corporation, then the Minister of the law relating to ton Scotch coals . imnorw duty, or touching the affairs the be so construed as to conflict with the A to the late 100 The particulars will be given ajTiviTL u of law and equity, or by any circuit Judge of the . v...... 1 ty. -- rwiurf or- jirovit, w to the court oT chan- 'join? kai Caleb Tate market. after Court IK 1 v .nw irinr iii.ti 1 ( awinn - Interior, or tbe commissioners, may apply 3307 feet plank cases iIU. j ... pa- dower. 185- . Pride TOBACOC aiivertisement. It will be the most invitinir , island In which the estate intended to be sold lies ; but in island iu which said master shaU resme, wno snau na.e cery to compel production of the books and Kintr," approved on the 2Zd day of July, A. l. - 1 oil clothing Native's Bton, the com- fir an order th SPECIFIC approved In the case that could be desired. , rherw the ward resides without this kingdom, such license shall the requisite power for hearing and determining such pers, .or the examination ot such officers or member or the cor- CHAPTER XXXI V. OF CERTAIN All the acts and joint resolutions passed and 19 cases clothing ; - Napier trade The design or these prints, as well ) be granted onlj by a judge of thi Supreme Court oi law and plaint. poration, obedience to which order may be enforced by said RIGHTS OF THE PEOPLE. year except the following, vis. : ' 20 boxes starch Sugar Pear XT as of tw , to quiet land . - Humphrey Nelson," ars entirely equity. or of in like manner it4 rdiary decrees and orders. - An Set relating to the Board of Cnmmtaloners 2S0 kegs lead Ooodale per kw, n4 vVt Sec. 1414. After a full hearing of the parties, court, wit landlords, have obtained, or U. , . from old designs ' Sec 1279. In order to obtain sach license, the Seo. 1477. Where the titles," approved on the 2oth day or May, A. 185o 3 rolls lead pipe Cases ialm hats borrowed the of ohLT?"" neglect the Interior shall have or XO-l-n. T-VTaUI eet-tin- jt alone, if "the adverse party Sec 1442. The Minister of lands, of different degrees certain -- Handled axes petition, the complainant hereafter obtain, allodial titles to their act providing for the trial yokes and plows ' guardian shall present to the court a magistrate, in case the may "an day of Ox bows, - ' ; circum- to appear after twins duly notified, the full power, subject to ehe provisions and conditions shall not be deprived of the one Indictment," approved ou the 16th Hide poison . forth the caoiition of the estate, and the facts and a judgment that the master advice Uie people on each of their lands offenses Wheelbarrows .' , comi-laiii- U sustained, may render In discretion, by and with the and house-timbe- r, or kl larr, Arm-chai- Turpentine is found.-d- tending to show tl,e t of this chapter. hi right to take firewood, aho cord, thatch, JU" rs stances ra which lite netiliua discharged from contract of apprenticeship or iK'rrice Council, to grant charters cr incor- use, "'remove U.e police and district courti .the Boiled linseed oil iVRimK1 expediency of a sale ; and if after a full examina-tai-n, be the or consent of the King in Privy rrom the laud on which they live, ror their own private but Au aci from Carriages FOR SALE TO oacassity or ; such costs to be recovered the manufacturing pur- degree," approved " shoes " petitioner, or otherwise, U shall appear to and for the costs of the suit poration, for agricultural, commercial and they shall not have a right to take such article to Bell for proht. jurisdiction in co8es of larcency In the second Case umbrellas Boots and ' I BYTIIK UNDERSIGNED, ou the oath of the of minor, if there lie one, who executed as to - ' parent or guardian the poses, and for cemetery associations, as well charter other to drinking water, and run- of July, A. D. 1853 t Boat's davits , ; court, either that it is necessary, or that it would be for the issued accordingly The people shall also have a right .. on Uie 6th day dis- Cases saddles ' ' the therefor may be ecclesiastical or lay ...... at War to f , estate or any part of it should the contract, and execution inoorporaUoM, either aggregate or sole, nitig water, anil... right....ot way. ni Boring or water, Joint resolution authorizing the Secretary Cases Bndls iron , TIIE CARGO OP THE A I BRITISH Meflt of the ward, that the real if be no parent or guardian liable for such costs, the excepted, which shall the on the 2d day or ?anets therefor, : ecifying there-i- a and there banking and municipal corjionitions alone water, roads, ihall be free to all. on all lands pose or cannon and other arms," approved Cases charcoal Irons Whale boats But be sold, the court may grant a license may be recovered in aa action against the minor, runnine and ap-- be made for the maintenance of the amount thereof be chartered only by the Legislature. trranted in fee simple : provided, that this shall not be 79 casks Cumberland coals Whale spades whether the sale is to age. iofnt' in the . - : he arrived at full water-course- Cases ' 454 tons measurement, family, or In order that the priceeds may be put after shall hare the Interior, with the plicahle to wells and s. vhich Individuals have resolutions pad PPed 10 bbl coal tar matches 601J toos burlen, ward ami his or service, Sec 1443. The Minister of following, viz. 347 ash doors aiforesaid. Sec. 1415. No of apprenticeship ror own use. year 1854, except the 25 bbls pitch . nut and invested a contract or King in Privy Council, shall also have made their of the ,. . CHELLEW, MASTER,- - provisions of this consent the may act for the relief of His and the njemters 60 bbls Wilmington tor 25 bndls windows license shall be granted until marla in Mimuance of the forenoine of any charter, to renew the same, on Sec. 1478. All wood of any description which "An ot April, 1854 $ Sec 1380. No sach power on the expiration Council," approved on the 29th day . 10 bndls blinds of his master, but two-thir- Privy 10 bbls bright varnish A1L.EO FROM LIVERPOOL otherwise, as the chapter, shall bind the minor after the death application to him for that purpose by or the stock- on beach or any part of thisTtingfJom, retailing or intoxicating drinks in the Cases hickory shirts MlT u notice by public advertisement or shall be thenceforth discharged, and to him drift td the An act to regulate tbe 30 bales gunny bags consisting; of i kin the the apprentice or servant holders or such company, and a satisfactory explanation any one finding uch 1851 5 check pant s court shall wder, shall have been given to the nest of of shall be Ihe property ot the finder, and city or June 23d, kegs Cases may be bound out anew. 239 nails . the minor of of it affairs. drift-woo- own use, without or by rewmef not frock and pants . Dry ward, and t aU persons interested in the estate, to appear and the state d may take the same for hi private - An act torenovi all disabilities aliens Boxes family soap Case denim Goods. ser provided, however, that thi on the 28th day hatS) . why the same should not be granted. Sec. 1416. Any contract of apprenticeship or chapter contained shall paying a share to the government : certificates or nationality approved salt-wat- er soap Cases palm leaf Blue cottons, white cottons, saperfloe white show cause f Sec. 1444. Nothing in this vessel wrecked or obtaining Boxes eattau. or section shall not to apply to any & white cot. thread Cases Otis denims assorted prints, two blue print, Turkey red 1331. Every guardian licensed to sell real vice, made in pursuance the loregoing provisions construed to authorize the Minister of the Interior, Board orXom-miwiom- Cases olue n4 Sec may be made eilher with a be stranded on any part of the shore of this kingdom. 0fTnct'toprotide for the dissolution of the yellow prints, plain Turkey red cloth, sale, give bond of this chapter, on behalf of a minor, before provided, without the authority or the Legislature, to 20th day of rtate as aforesaid, shall, before the as as free for to quiet land titles," approved on the hams, French lawns, rooK skins, brilliautet with sufficient surety or sure- worn in or a man, and all the foregoing provisions si.au appij any charter which shall in terms institute a monopoly for Sec. 1473. The government reefs shall be Per Raduga." the judge granting the license, grant JU-y- " fancy silks, Victoria to well to mi?treses as to roasters. five years, of any business or occupation; nor being a Hawaiian on Cases blue sheetings ,Tierces sugar cured ham plain and Uvm, same manner prescribed a longer term than of the people. Whoever, An Vonhlkis," approved the ties, with condition to sell the in the to any the use act relief of certain ICases brogans furniture prints, cotton sheeting, to account for and dispose of the proceeds of Sec. 1417. Any person who has attained the age of Tnai, l.e irani charters, without such authority, subject, shall desire coral or and from the government reefs and forhe ' Cases Hamilton pink prints by the jmJ.e. and eleemosynary, literary, educu-- J for 10th day or Aupust, A. D. 1854 t blankets Kegs cannon powder cotton handkerchiefs, printed manner prorided by law. by writ corporations, except to those for lands, may freely take the same, either lor hi own use, or relier of John Ricord. Bales blue and scarlet - ' " lae sate, in the twenty years. in:iy bind himself or herself, And the " Joint resolution for the bar-Cas- es powder bordered handkerchiefs, tional or ecclesiastical purposes, r ior cvuieicrj : provided, thi section shall not apply approved in the 2 superioi silver mounted sporting Such guardian shall also, before fixing ten contract, to serve another in y an, irane, prv.eiou or sale or exportation that All the acts and joint resolutions passed and Cases Hunt's handled axe - Valeneienne hand-- - Sec 138i exceeding five years. to Minister of the Inte- to Uie government domain Ir. Honolulu, or tianaina, or m any following, viz. nes sale, take and subscribe an other employment, for any term not Sec. 1445. Application the apart by the year 1855, except the ladies' fancy iCases charcoal irons kerchiefs, Tur-- on the time and plate of made other reefs that may, rrom time to time, be set - to Incorporate the Honolulu Sailors nome Society , An invoice of log key red do., : That in disposing of the estate Sec. 1413. AH engagements of service contracted rior fur any charter of incorporation, shall be or use of the government. An act --ood, Casks cod, signal halyard, oath In substance as talows three-fourt- or Minister the Interior for the on day of May, A. D. 1855 ; ' white sell, will his best judgment, in - i ...i i by written petition, accompanied by pnoof ti.at approved the 7th Cases Winchester's perfumed aad hemp lines which he is licensed to he ue country, to oe iu mia. uuic OF law relating to appeals from the Board 157-- tf sale, and that he will exert his in a foreign etccuiru shares hare been sulwcribed ror; and iu the case or joint CH VPTER XXXV. OF THE INTEREST " An act to amend the soap LINEN fixing oa the time and placeof same be in contravention of the laws or this, shall lie tinn- the I land titles," approved oo the 14th S..W. of same, in such manner as will the stock companies, there shall, in addition to such petit ion, also MONEY. of Commissioners to quiet utmost endeavors to dispose the ing here : provi "ed. however, that all such engagements made D. 1855 t cixitic of all persons interested therein. filed at the same time in Uie office of the minister, a certificate, day of June, A. a ! handkerchiefs, sw most fur the advantage for a long--r period than ten years, shall be reduced to that company; object of Sec. 1480. When there is no express contract in Au a:t to authorize the Minister of Finance to negotiate and for Sale denim, riding hats, ' of the person bound, setting forth the location ot the projiosed the ; Just Received Sec 1333. He shall also give public notice of the limit, to count from the day of the arrival of stock propositi, and, if the of interest, interest loan," approved on the 25th day of June, A. l. 1855 GROCERIES cotton umbrellas, silk the incorporation, the amount writing, fixing a different rate of 1 1 lateMa-Jcst- y RES II AND CHOICE causing notifications there- ia this kingdom. of capital stock is asked twelve per cent, per annum, for Joint res dution for the relier of the estate is umbrellas, sewing cotton, blue time and place of sale, by privilege of subsequent extension the shall be allowed at the rate of approved on the 27th day of June, of be posted ap in the moat public places, on the island where Sec 1419. If any person lawfully bound to service. for, the limit of that extension; the purposed duration of the all money after tliey become due on uny bond, bill, promissory 'Karoehameha III.," RaisinsF in and i boxes, Cheese, papa jelly, currants. and scarlet serge shirts, pilot jackets, to money 1855 : . Oregon salmon, few said is, aud if it bs oa the island of Oaliu, be from with- company; the time within which it is to organize; whether the note, or other instrument or writing, for money leut, for A. I" Caraway need. Citron peel, alpaca coats, mosquito nettinr, linen bVsue, lb outs ts shall wilfully absent himself sueh service, Uie joint rcsoluUon passed and approved In the Jam , cans notice of such sale to be published in the lial-ilit- of stockholders Is proposed to be limited tn the amount on of accounts, from the day on which All the acts and Sugar r reah apples, raspberry Bed white Mue and rol blankets, nilimr shall also a out the leave of his master, any district or police justice of the due the settlement following, viz. : cured hams, lick, fourteen days previous to the day otherwise; ajso whether the whole or any ror money received to the use or year 1856. except the Honey, ginger In jar, plain and figured, superfine and Gvvrroinnst tiasetlr, at least tingilom, upon complaint made, under oatn, ny tne master, or of their stock, or and balance is ascertained, and purchase or construction or an Preserved peaches, merinos, alpacas, apprehend part of the capital stock is to be paid in lefore commencing another, from the date of a demand made. "An act to authorize the Vo. quinces and pears. Green corn and peas, cloths, ladies' straw hats, browr otton half hose, f sale. I y any one on hi behalf, may issue a warrant to steamer," approved on the 2d day of May, A. D. peas, asst'd sauces, Sec 13S1. A copy of such notification certified by anch neraon and brine him before the said justice; and if the operations, and if part, what part. Sec. 1481. Interest at the rate of twelve percent, Plum, grape aud current Jellies French men's felt hals, silk handkerchiefs, superfine treed troomm snch Mince pie meat, sardines, Olive oil, pepper sauce. shepherd's plaid, blue twilled flannel, p!:iin Noe Rtnad, the onth of the guardian, or of the person employed complaint shall be maintained, the justice shall order Sec. 1446. The shares of the several members in no more, shall be allowed on every 18Aod all olh r laws now existing which arc i i conflict with r to his master, aud he shall be compelled per annum, and however, Tins salmon, Tomato ketchup, mustard. flannel, grey woolen wrapper, men' woolen biee, route, nfe. by him to give such notice, bei ig made before any judge of offender to be restored of any incorporate! company, whether recovered before any court in this kingdom, in any the provision of thi Code ; savin and excepting, powdtir, prouna ginger, one year sale, m serve not to exceed douMe the time ol bis absence, in the dis the stock judgment, Un d.;partmeut or Oysters in 1 and 2 ft tins, Curry shirts, cotton trousering, printed muslins, ic, kt.,kkt.: filed in arts oQce. within after the in personal existing laws relating to military and . probate, and mas owning real estate or otherwise, shall be deemed law, civil suit. all the Knglish Jam and preserves, Black and cayenne pepper, . aoall he admitted as evidence of the time, place, and manner of cretion of the court, unless he shall make satisfaction to the L.iqnors. r- (loves, cream tartar. - ter for the - aud Injur) ii&tai"ed by such absence : proviuen. proierty. Sec. 1482. Bhall in no case be deemed unlawful True lemon syrup, gtrtn- notice. t It PROVISIONS. pie Soda, saleratus. Cases Geneva, Old Tom Gin, Scotch Whisky, Brora Can always, that such additional term of service shall uot extend DESCENT OF PRO any of CHAPTER XLI. GENERAL Lewis' pickle and fruits. Old No license granted in pursuance of this CHAPTER XXXII. OF THE to stipulate, by written contract, for rate chocolate. Pale Cognac, Pale Sherry, Fine Port, CUret, Sec 138a. beyond one year, next alter me cuu oi uie onguai term wi one per cent, per month, Code take effect and become Prunes, cinnamon, be in force for more than one year w PERTY, BOTH REAL AND PERSONAL. not exceeding two ami hair Sec. 1492. This shall , BOTTLED ALE AND PORTER, chapter, shall vice. provid.-- the contract to that effect le sigued by Uie party to be on the first day of Augnst. A. D. Crockery Ware. alter the time of granting the sanve. the law of the land, Toilet sets, cups and saucers, Hhds. Salts' Ale, hhds. Yocnger'i Alt. Sec. 1420. If any such person shill refuse to serve Sec. 1447. Whenever any person shall die intestate, charged therewith. 1859 ; but ther may tie no failure of justice or embarrassment Dinner seta, person, oT Pitchers, sugar bowls. Sec 1386. When any minor, insane or according to tbe provisions of the last section, or the within this kingom. his property both real and per- Sec. 1483. No action shall be maintainable, in any to Ilia Majesty's Government," from any change, all officer Soup tureens. . Snndries. Egg cups, salad bowls, Tea pots, cream pots. faH; Jewelry, . spendthrift, residing without the kingdom, shall be terms or his contract, his master may apply to any district or sonal, of every kind and description, shall descend to aud be this kingdom, to a .higher rate of thi kingdom, at the time this Code shall take effect, shall have, White saltwater soap, perfumery, country in which he resides, and may reside, who shall he authorized by prescribed. court of Jrecover exercise all the powers granted to them, Vegetable dishes, sauce tureens, Mugs, boats. English saddles, , put under guardianship in the police justice, where be divided among his heirs, a hereinafter terest than two and one half per cent, per month, up any hold, and continue to plates, Pitcher with covers, ,n guardian appointed in this kingdom, the loreign otherwise, to send for the person so refusing, and if a present, until other persons shBll be appointed in their Platters, bakers, cake ... , , Scotch biscuits. tk hare no warrant, or Sec. 144S. The property shall be divided equally contract mado in this kingdom: provided, however, that this at Nappies, pickle dishes, Washbowls and pitchers, gvardia may air aa authenticated copy of bis appoiutineut, in such refusal be persisted in. to commit such person to prison, contracts for money lent stead, or until other necessary changes shall be made. Crates assorted earthenware. which may be consent ac- children, and the isaue of any section shall not be held to apply to Custarda,pie dishes. Flower pots, spittoons. Ham and bacon, tlae Supreme Court of U and equity, after be there to remain, at hard labor, until he will toswve among the intestate's Ixinds, r upon other ssaritiine risks. 1493. a radical and irrecon- foot baths. C of representatinn, and if there is no child upon bottomry Sec. If at anytime Dinner and soup plates, Candle sticks, Assorted iron. Bernard by any judge tb said court, to sell the real estate cording to law. deceased child by riht of exist between tbe Uae ward, auy part of this king.iom. in the same manner and of the intestate living at his death, his estate shall descent! to Sec. 1484. No action thall be maintainable, in any cilable difference, shall be found to Iron pots, Uo plates. is Sec. 1421. The iostice's warrant or order, men any of this Code, the Stone Ware. fencing so the same aad conditions as are prescribed in this all hi other lineal descendants ; ard if all the said descendant of this kingdom, to" recover compound interest Knglish and Uawaiian versions of jmrt Stone jars. nreail pans, Crow bars, wire. km kingdom, when directed to any officer or to the Intestate, they shall court be held binding. Small chain, Urerpool chapter, h the case of a guardian appointed in this tioned in section 1419, are in the same degree of kindred upon any contract whatever. ngHah version shall Bean pots and bakers, Water jugs, at, excepting fat the particulars hereinafter mentioned. other person by name, shall authorize him to convey the offen- share the estate prr capita, that is equally otherwise they rfgJeiASi. All official and departmental fees re- English bniM oS, although il may be by each of the children taking XXXVI. OP AMERICAN DIMES AND Ware. T. Black smitls'Bsl. so licensed to der to the place of residence of the master, sliall iuherit per ttirptt, that is, CHAPTER Code, be ac- Glass Sec 1387. Every foreign guardian, some ol kingdom. grand children, the children of adeceased child ceived under the provisions of this shall Pitchers, decanters. Ship's water bottles. Steaaetsi re- in other island the a shire, and the HALF DIMES. except fee real estate, shall take and subscribe the oath be afterward divided among themselves : counted for and paid over Into the public treasury, Glass preserve dishes, Lamp shades, lamp chimneys, Oreeaniu. ell 1422. All the costs incurred in any process takins a share, to is coin oompeasation of quired la tike case of guardians appointed in this kingdom, and Sec f"r example, if A dies, leavine I and E sons, and K a Sec 1485. The American dime current of designated and inteuded to b applied in the Butter dishes, creams, iBird bottles, seed bottles, - SUGAR PANS AMI CUULfclUs, i as, dol- no pnblic officer In receipt of boUcs f the time and place of sale, and conduct the against a servant, under either the 1419tb or 1420th daughu-r- , Ihe estate will be divided equally between the kingdom, the value of ten dimes for one officers receiving the same. And Sauce and cruet bottles, i&ilt cellars, Indian lamp shades, English fre then this at or rurthercim-pensatio- n Hoop iron, I case superior assarted eatlerj, aan i the manner prescribed tor guardians appointed here. sections, shall be pawl in the first instance by the complainant, children, they being all ot one decree or kindred to the dime, at the value of tweuty half dimes for one a salary for hi services, ahull receive any other Cut tumblers, lamps. jShade candle sticks, three lar, and the half allowed by law. FIFTY T0N8 RICE, in 100-f- t, bags. and may perpetuate the eraieneeof tne notice in tne ai.d if the complaint shall be sustained, the mnster shall have intestate ; or, if A dies, bavins no children, but P. E and K, dollar ; and dime and liaU dimes, ir tendered, are to be re- therefor, unless specially Wine glasses, goblets, Colored water bottles. judgment and execution therefor against the offending servant. grandchildren, then the estate will be equally divided between ceived at that value, in all payment not exceeding five dollar i Approved this 17th day of May, A. D. 1859. Molasses pitchers, ALSO Sec. 1SS8. All the proceedings required to be had 1423. any roaster shatl be guilty of any these three, they being all of one decree of kindred to the and in all payments exceedmn five pollars, und not exceeding K AM EH AM EHA. Daily expected, per SEA XTMPH. from IafaJ Sec If A P. a son, aud K and I the every hundred ; Britannia Ware. probate in this kingdom, respecting If dies leavine one hundred, in the proportion of ten for KiAuriiAKC. Coffee pots, Water pitchers. MARZETTI'S ALE AND PORTER, in any court misusage, or violation of any of the terms of ! d.-c- f will one ex- cruelty of hi ased child E, then P inherit half of payments exceeding one hundred, aad not I asra sate by a foreign guardian, shall be had in the Supreme person bound to either nnder children and in all Tea pou, lamps, Cruet stadds. And shortly per from London, antuorad the contract, towards any the estate, and K and I will take the other hall Between tnem, ceeding one thousand dollars iu the proportion of eight for CONEL.ZA. Court of law aad equity. the H17th or 1113th sections uch person m:iy make complaint E Wuuld have been every hun- or NUL1M1 UKUCtnlt-a- . that heiiis the share to which their rather every hundred ; and iu the proportion at five for POST-OFFI- CE NOTICE. Sundries. shall summon the parties the HTI- - Sec 13SJ. Upon every such sale by a foreign to any district or police jutice, who entitled had he been living: dred in all payment exceeding one thousand dollars. Mason's blacking, ;Swinging lamps, And by the first conveyance from England after bef-- e the complaint; post- ieuJ guardian, toe proceeds of the sale, or as much there- him. examine into, hear and determine If th" intestate shall leave no hsiio, his estate shall descend in AXD AFTER AUGUST let, 1859, Shoe brushes, axe bandies. 'Brass candle sticks, PIIREV NELSON, for which, vessel they were too bue.4 'complaint sliall be sustained, such rson shall he -r SeD. 1486. All other foreign coins current the intkr-islas- d except including piak may upun the dual settlement of the guardianship, and ir tbe one half to his widow, and the oth- half to his father and mother OVage will he charged on all letters, Lantern, eives, coffee mills, Sauce and fry pans. ttful assortment of ENGLISH PRINTS, el of as remain discharged obligations fit service, aud the master shall at such : considered as real estate of the ward, and shall dis- from all as tenants in common ; and if h leave no widow, nor issue, the kingdom, may be received at the treasury Ing such as are exempt by law, at the following rates, vi. Pain killer. Tea kettles, grid' irons. yellows, and other choice styles. hall bs e not less five, nor more than one hundred to inter- ounce ; (those to among same persona, as the real estate would bare be fined in a sum than whole shall descend to his father and mother, or to either of rates a the Minister or Finance, with due regard the Two cents for every letter weighing less thau hair an Tobacco, cigars and snuff, XT The designs of these prints, as well ai o trt puted of the of payment thereof, be imprisoned at . of King in ounce, less not owed according to the laws of this kingdom, if it had not been dollars, and in default the them ir onlv one I alive : ests of the public service, and with the consent the four cents for such as weigh more than half tn and Constantly ou hand, fresh island butterv ground coffee, 4c. Der - Humnhrev Nelson" are entirely sew, and beea hard labor until the same is paid. issue, nr.r father, nor mother, his estate Council, shall dctei mine, or be altogether refused, in one ounce ; and so on at the rate of two cents for each XT borrowed from the old designs of importations hv other bal soU and the ftjreign guardian Shalt in erery case, before If he shall leave no Cabinet than 161-t- r T. MOSS MAX & SOX. to ltSO-- tf making the sale, give bond, with sumcient surety or sureties, Sec. 1124. No contract of service made in pursu h.u .lown.l one hnlf to his widow, and the other half his hi discretion, with such consent. additional half ounce in weight. JAN1US, ottttasiy. ! children of any deceased hrot er Iuter-islan- d rxistage on s kwsp avers will be one cent each, to the judge granting the license to sell, wi: h condition to ac- ance of the 1417th or 1418th sections of this chapter. brothers and sisters, and to the OF LEGAL MAJORITY. hy ri-- of representation : CHAPTER XXXVII. excepUng such as are mailed from the office of publication, Groceries. count for and dispose of the same accordingly. bind servant af:cr the death or his master : provided. or sister shall the If he shall no issue, nor father or mother, and no brother Sec. 14S7. male persons residing in this king- which will be free. Pamphlet and bound volumes at the rate BY A RRIVALS, 1330. any person shall appear and object however, that where servant shall be so round hy aay company half to his widow, ir any, All ounce, or fraction of an ounce. SILE, RECENT TIIE SNOW, Sec If change of or sister, his estate shall descend one age twenty or ene cent an OV choice assortment or Grocerie,at the store of the B. F. license, prayed for the of individuals, the death oT any one partner, or the sisters of his father and mother, dom, who shall have attained the of sealed packaires will be charged with letter postage. to tiie granting of any under operate to release such and one half to the brothers and shall have attained the age of All undersigned, via: and if shall appear to the court or partners, in such company, shall not to and heirs by right of representation ; and years, and all females who Parcels containing anythini besides letters or papers, excepting COJOXISSIOW HIEUCIIA.T provision of this chapter, it oT his contract. and their children shall be regarded a of legal and their Preserves. Fresh raisins, either the petition, or the objection thereto, Is un- servant from the terms if he leave no widow, then such collateral heirs shall inherit the eighteen years, ac, liquids In glasses or any substance injurious to the content of Fresh curranLs, in tin HONOLULU, 1. judge, thai p or minority to have ceased. by on Fre h apples. II. reasonable, they may in their discretion, award costs for the Sec. 1425. Nothing in this chapter contained shall whole estate : provided, always, that if the estate come through riod mail bags, and or small bulk, will be conveyed mad the Fresh quinces, Fresh oysters, case. brothers and sisters of that parent shall be OF INJURIES FROM payment or postage at the rate of one cent an ounce, or fraction " mULTUITE L.INEN IIANDKERCHIEri party prevailing in the be construed to destroy the right of civil action for eilher parent, the CHAPTER XXXVIII Fresh peaches, Fresh lobsters, Mosquito W us. white nose, weight. - T nctung, or for breach of contract. preferred to the others : DOGS. of an ounce, in Fresh pears, - " Sardines, a Sec 13J1. - No action for the recovery of any damages, by the master servant, have been married, and leave no kindred Postage must, In all cases, be pre-pai- d, anil in the absence : Blue drills. Suspender, irthe intestate shall Raspberry jam, French capers, toweling. Red satin. estate, sold by a guardian underthe provisions of L.AAVS. but widow, then she shall inherit all his estate ; and if the Sec. 1488. nny dog shall injure or destroy any of stamps, Postmasters will be authorized to receive the postage jam, Knglish pickles, linen per- TITLE MISCELbAXEOl'S a If Cranberry thU chapter, shad be maintained by thPward, or by any GOF 1 a woman, and leave no kindred hut Lit liuiband, fowls, property, in money, and mark such letters paid. etc., etc. Knglish pie fruits, CsIsXnc 4711. intestate sheep or cuttle, gouts, hos, or other Strawberry jam. etc., Rsaniae Farina TumhiBl unvK-- r be commenced within hve CORPORATIONS. mail-carrie- on various islands, all individuals and Table-moon- s. son claiming hn, unless it CHAPTER XXXI. OF then he shall inherit all her estate. belonging to any other than the owner of such dog, the The the Mince meats, Knglish sauces, years next after the termination of the guardianship ; and no er"n coasting vessels, will not be permitted tocarry unstamjied letters Knglish Wliite water bottles, Pec. 1443. the intestate shall die leavings evcral owner shall liable iu damages to the person injured, for the tag mustard. Settcrekaj shall be made unless by judgment of law, upon any lands Sec 1426. Every corporation created, or to be If I' outside the mail, excepting such as are exempt by law. goblets. , entry a"nd issue of one or value of the proierty so injured or destroyed $ and it shall lie papers Sweet savory, , French mustard, Cut sokl as aibreaaai, with a view to avoid the sale, after the expira- kingdom, shall have power: 1st, to children, or leaving one child, the dog, ir he The above rate3 or jiostage do not apply to and Summer savory. Hops, lanterns, persons of created in this child die under ape, the duty i f the owner to confine or destroy such and only to uch as are mailed tion of the said years : excepting only, that out succession by Its corporate name for the periid limited in more others, and any such surviving s'tall so, shall in event of any further received from foreign countries, but Curry powder, Soap, Bar State lanterns. tie have came to the neglect or refuse to do he the postage remaining as " the kingdom, and miners and otners under any leyal disability charter, and when no period is limited, perpetually; 2nd, to and not hive been married, all the estate that person, or property or nny person, within the kingdom the rales of foreign Ground cassia,. Tins of water, butter, sugar, oys-- Blown lanterns, with spring bottoms. iu daningr done to the Ivmkinir-elsjiae- of entry , from such deceased pnreiit. shall u a. crackert, Mt to sue at the lime when the right of action or shall first ue and be sued in any court; to make and use a common child y inheritance addition to paying the injured for such heretofore. G round black pepper, ter, sda and wine crackers, eilt frames, assorted size, tint the same parent., lv such d"g. in inter-islan- d: be procured may commence action or make their entry, at any ; in equal to the other children of Temporary postaire stamps can 1 13-I- accrue, their seal, ar.d alter the me at its 4th, to hold, purchase descend shares damages, pay the costs of the trial, together with a fine of ten XT Whole do do. Smoked ams. Sap. Ten b boxes. time within five year after the removal of the disability, or personal estate, and no other, not ex ami to the issue or any such other deceased children, who shall imprisoned at the Post-offi- in Honolulu, after July 15, or of the following 0lag and conrer. such real and dollars, or in d fault of the payment of such tine, be various districts in Pimento. Smoked herrings, China rice, after their return to this kingdom. ceeding amount limit- - d br it s charter, as the purposes of tbe have died, by right of representation. shall be lawful persons, who treyV Postmasters for the Ground Best Oolong tea, the such child who shall at hard labor for the term of thirty days, and it reside" cloves. ToUto catsup. Sec 1332. fn caae of an action relating to any corporation shall reontre; oth, to appoint snen snoommaie Sec. 1450. If at the death of for any other erson to destroy said dog. which they Ground ginger, Green corn, Black ink, agents as the business of the corporation shall re- married, all the O All IT. O. Kimball, Kahului, Cream Crushed and loaf sugar, Tlxsmaecaronl. by guardian, under the provisions of officers and die under ne, and not having been M. SrexoKR, Makawao, tartar, , estate, sold a s not inconsistent with any existing XXXIX. OF CERTAIN LAWS EX- Kwa, ,G. teraial-- ; which ward, or any person claiming under quire; 6th, to make other rhiletlen of his said parent shall be also dead, and any of CHAPTER Kula, S. C. soda, ic, ic, ic. Bn this chapter, in the law not inconsistent with any existing law. for themanaitemeiit came to such child by S. N. EmkrsoS, Waialua, flour, validity of the sale, tbe same shall not be them shall have kft issue, the estate that PRESSLY 1.1 A3. MAKEK, Vlupalakua, Haxall Maps of the rotted State. him, shad contest the of its property, ttie election anil of ils officers, the regu shall descend to all the issue R. Moffitt, Kahuku, avutaed oa accvoucof any irregularity in the proceedings, pro- inheritance from his said parent, following laws are hereby expressly , Koolauloa, jW. O. Baldwin, liana. N. B. Fresh Island Butter and Ground Coffee always on Pocket knives. lation or its affairs, ana tne transfer oi us same parent : and if all the said Sec. 1483. The (133-ly- vided U shall appear : ki. ot the other children of the 1 Inula, is. G. Dwicht, Molokai. hatid ) II. McIXTYRE. Jack knives, some or kindred to the said child, they viz. : " Bags assted shot. first. That the guardiaa was licensed to make tbe sale, by a Sec 1427. In addition ta ihe powers enumerated issue are in the decree B. W. Kaueohe. HAWAII. 1 shall said estate equally : otherwise they shall take Majesty King, and Parker, Silvered bit. judge of cucopeteni. juried ictioe. no unuer share the An Act relatiug to the lands of Ilis the IT. Metcalp, Kaupakuea. Sesfi Sthe preceding section, corporation creaiea , C. SPALiIMXtt Secondly, be gave a bond, which was approved by the any cor according to the right of representation. of the (Jovernment," on the "th day of June, A. D. iB. Pumas, Hilo, J. That We provisions of this rhapPT shall possess or exercise KAUAI. Assorted sixes. judge of probate, in ease any bond were required by the court, such as shall be necessary to theexercise Sec. 1451. intestate leave no kindred, his except the last clau e thereur setting apart certain lands for the HanaleL. W. C. SiuraiAS, Kau, SeIar Lrftinps porate powers, exempt If the J. Kellftt, Offers for Sale, just received Solar side lamps. No. 1 lamp chimnrjt, upoo granting U.e license. rr t. nwm so enumerated, and of such subordinate towers shall escheat to the Hawaiian Government. use of the Fort in Honolulu. i i.i A. fliSKis & Co. Lauimhoehoe, be took tbe oath prescribed in this chapter. estate " An Ae. to aloli.-i!- i the disabilities of aliens to acquire and 11. 44 FROM BOSTON. No. 1 lamp wicks. House pser, Thiruiy. In as shall be expressly given in the charter granted as hereinafter or IL, A. WiDEMAWS, Nawiliwill, ;J. Mormso, llamakua, PER BARK SACHEM," Carpet tacks. fourthly, Tha: he gave notice a the time and place of the Sec. 1452. Every illegitimate child shall be con- convey land in ree simple," parsed on the 10th day July, B. S. Koloa, JL. Lvoss, Waimea, I. R. hose and hose pipes, - - prorided. Hollister, Ship' compasses, Sate, a presorted Lena. V to his mother, and shall inherit A. D. 1800 ; and, G. B. Rowell, Waimea. Hi. W. Mact, Kawaihae, wy A BRO. DRILLS, 100 dox denim frocks and pants, Padlocks, brass and iron. were sold accordingly by public Sec 1428. No corporation shall be deemed to sidered as an heir to an Act entitled, an Act to abolish the II LES Boat's compasses, Deck scraper. fiKhly. That the premises her estate, in whole or in part, as the case may be, in like man- An Act amend MAUI. III. Travis, Kailua, 12 bales bro. sheetings. 7 cases cheese. anCTw-- it and are held by cue who purchased them iu good faith. nossess the power of discounting bills, notes or other disabilities ol aliens to acquire and convey lands in lee simple," Lnhaina, P. CrMuiscs, Kealakekua, 1 bale 4 bales pump and rig'g Irssw. ner as if he bad been born in lawful wedlock. D. 0. a Bartow, bleached do, leather, Bread's Whaling Gnus aad debt, or receiving deposits, or burins; gold, silver, , approved on the 2Sth day ot June, A. 1851.' D. Wailuku, E. Bond, Kohala. 13'-'-3. in relation to such sale, there should evidences of in- J. Haverkost, 10 cases denims, . 2S0 kegs white lead, ; . Gnn. Sec If illegitimate, person shall die open-an- " Brawn's do. foreign coin, sellme exchange, or issuing Sec. 1453. If any who shall v misconduct in tne proceedings of bullion or bovine and CHAPTER XL. OF STATUTES FOR WHICH THE XT Any person not duly authorized, 3 cases ticks, 20 bbls rice, Copper pumps, copper ladles, be any neglect or notes or evidences of debt, except so far as the exiirencies testate, without leaving lawftilsissne or a widow, his mail bag, will be prosecuted as provided for in section 409 of the 2 cases bleached , 151 cases boiled oil, person interested -- othr chain head straps. guardian, by which any in tbe estate hall was incnri,"",t,"d shall CODE SUBSTITUTED. Post-offi- , Fluke chain, tne of the particular business for which it .holt ilwunil ta hU mother i but if he leave a widow, she CIVIL IS new luvrs. Per Order of A. K. CLA.KK. 1 case honey-com- b quilts, U bales cloves, . ' aggrieved party may recover eompenaatioa ex- ui.i.. P.t!TR.,eowi suffer damage, such require. Nor shall any oirporation. unless authorized by inherit one half, and his mother the other hair, and if his re- Poitmaster-G"nera- L 1 case striped grass cloth, 4 bags epper, 1 aet Cutting Black With Cbais bond, or otherwise, as iill Sec. 1400. No law which has been heretofore 1 ' iu oa the guardianship nt or other evidences J Post-Offic- e, 157-- tf ks, thrresur, asu press enActm-- of the lsrislature, issue bills, mother be not liviuir, hut his widow is, then the widow shall Honolulu, June 25, 1859. 1 case white duck, 10 coils Russia bolt rope ' Chain can-hoo- boat anchors, may by repeal, contained in s, sail the cass require. of debt, for circulation a money. whole ; otherwise, bis estate shall esc neat to tne Ha- pealed, shall be revived the 1 case bl. and white quilting. IS casks pilot bread, . Oakum, row-lock- take the or any or statute hereinafter mentioned. Sec 13'Jl-- If tb Talidity of any gale, made by a Sec 1429. At any meeting of any corporation, it waiian (jovernment. this chapter, the To Ihe Owners, and Per interested isi 200 boxes family soap, Hemp Cord ape provisions of this chapter, shall blood in- Sec. 14'Jl. From and after the day upon which 25 cases refined lard, 13 col.s spunyarn, Manila and Ari& guardiaa under tbe lawful for the members, in the transaction of Sec. 1454. The kindred of the half shall . towline. adversely shall be fol- 100 half bbls crushed sugar, 8 cases men's clothing, Ratline, anunvarn. seizint;. as drawn iu questioo by any person claiming to the business, to rote either in person or proxy : provided, that equally with those of the whose blood in the the provisions of this Code shall take effect, the Whalcsliips in the JPacific Ocean. ' of or dauaiog under any title, tliat is not derived power herit shall be considered as repealed, via. : 200 saddles, complete, 6 cases charcoal irons, 1 Bl tute tbe war4. nothing in this section shall be construed to restrain the same decree provided, however, that where the inheritance lowing statute 25 No. 1 mackerel, 5$ cases boots shoes, Cttins Fall. Bnr Utrougn the ward, the sale shall sot be held void, on s, mode of organize executive ministry or the Hawaiian kits and Hammers, from or of every corporation, to prescrilie by its the came to the intestate by descent, devise, or gift, of some one of An act to the Officb or Panama Rail-Roa- d Compast, h S. W. cases green paint, t proceedings, provided tor 200 boxes soap, 25 peas. Basps and files. Axes, green ace-oa- of any rreguiaruy la the it shall voting at meetings of its trustees, d :rectors, or board of managers. not of Uie blood of such ancestor, Islands." pa-s- on the Wh day of Octolier, A. I). 1815. July 20. 1857. J was licensed to make tbe sale, by a his ancestors, all those who are or Ha- New Tore. 10 half bbls hide poison, that the guanlian - act to organize the executive departments the Pa-iar- Rail-Roa- vniseis, pVnr When all members of any corpora- shal b excluded from such inheritance. "An The d Company takes thi method 20 cases alcohol, ; fheathing ,w Vfetge. of competeat jurisdetiuo, and that he did accordingly Sec 1430. the waiian Islands," passed on tlie 27lh day or April. A. I., 1840, Whaling busi Wines and Spirit. Coal Ur. black patnt. composition D", !-- , of informing those Interested in the cases 28 aud a- - nowkr la form, a deed fur the convey- tion shall be present, either in person or by proxy, Sec. 1455. When any part of the property left by exc pt section 13th, or article 1st, chapter 2d, part 5th, and 20 sirits turpentine, 11 qr and eighth casks best Cut nails, assorted sites. sucats ' ness, of the advantages offer'wi by the Railroad 43 coils Manila cordage, dark brandy, - ' ance of tne premise. at any meeting call.il or notified, and shall in a consists of real ettate, and the same is article 21 r chapter 21, part 1st, ot said act ; of liosmt do- the intestate or across the Isthmus of Panama, for the shipment 60 bbls extra mess beef, 2 qr pipes Hennessey's do,' Shooks and exchanges, gifts and written consent thereto, on the reeord of such meeting, the divided among several children, then Uie eldest child may, The Joint re.luiion to carry into e!TiCt the sixth articles for sending out- Head, Sec lSJo. All sales, transfers, to be Government or Oil rrom the Pacific to the United States, u.id SO half bhls prime butter, 3qr do MsrtelTs do, Railfaril ings of snch meeting shall be valid. after the property ha been duly appraised by a court of probate, the treaties concluded at Honolulu, between the fits from the United States to Panama. V.ir rtkt. R conveyance ef any estate or portion of an estate, of money, Governments or France and Great and supplies 4,'0 bxs, hlf aud qr do raisins, 6 qr and 8 i casks Rivierre do, Cooper may been The members of such corporation so as- elect to pay to tlie others the amount of their shares in the Hawaiian Islands and the The Railroad ha been In regular and successful operation for cases Hoop Iron, any ward of this king'tnso. which have made by any Sec 1431. not divided ; and same rule Britain, March. 1816, in relation to brandies, wines, and 6 box salt. 140 boxes Catawba brandy. bedstead, ward, preyioue fourth day of August, fill vacancies in order that the land may lie the 2th more than two years, and its capacity for the transortai.ion of 3 shook s Iron bedsteads, 1 French guardian of such to the sembled, may elect officers to all then part of claimants are the children and other spirituous liquors," passed on the 3d day or April, A. grnd salt, 20ft bags, 50 hair bbls best hiskey. Jute door mti, a. same aru hereby confirmed as law- hall apply where a the l. every description of merchandise. Including Oil, Provision, Ate, 117 Kegs nans, 1UO Rope baiters, . u. shall be, aad tbe existing, anil may act upoo such other business a mtsht of deceased children of the intestate. 184d ; kegs do do, Gunny ! l5i. meetings of the corporation. the rt si arc the issue has been fully tested. The attention of several Captain of 25 cases tobacco, 105 dos qts R. Byass' porter, Enameled valise. legal and valki. fully be transacted at regular The " Joint resolution In relation to the dutie Imposed 3d subject of shipping Sec. 1456. Posthumous children shall, in all cases, liquors," passed on whaleships has recently been turned to the 100 bbls Haxall flour, 10 doc London cordial gin, XXX. OF MASTERS AXD SERVANTS. 1432. Whenever, by reason of the death, ab- April, 1841, on the importation of spirituous oil from to New York during the present season, ' CHAFIEB Sec had been born during A. their Panama '15 cases brandy peaches. inherit same as if they 10th day April, 1814. Rail-Roa- officers of the the I. Panama d Company has made arrangements 143-t- ' SAILS. kin-I-s of sence, or other legal impediment, of the department ot the Hawaiian and the Honolulu. March 24, 1359. f topsail, 1&J6. There are two servants in this their father's lifetime. An act to organize the judkiary accom- top-sa- a, . 1 main Sec corporation, th-- re shall be no person duly authorized to call to afford every facility which may lie required for the 1 for any of September, A. 1S47 fore-tai- l, Islands," passed on the 7th day 1. t top-sai- l, 1 kiBgd"B tix. : thereof, sny circuit of the Sec. any child of an intestate shall have plishment or this important object. A 450 feet long, has I misen . , or presH" at a legal meetine Judee 1457. If respecting awa," passed on the Cth Pier, ttoy-f- is. those engaged to serve any one In " The joint resolutions of to end or which Freight topgallant-sai- l, 1 topmast 1. Apprentices, that island where ueh corporation is established, may. on written been advanced by him, by settlement or portion of 1846; been built in the bay Panama, the ! ! ! "1 wane art, traite. profciemn, or other employment. or- day of Auirust, A. V. cargoes from lighters or vessels lying SALT " 1 1 mam royal. eiter to learn application, of kmr or more of the member thereof, issne an of tliereof passed Cars are run to receive SALT SALT 7 topgallant studding sail, real or personal estate, or both of them, the value Au art to alter the district of the Island of Oftlia," Aspin-wul- 2. Thuae who engage to serve by the day, week, month, year, l members, directing him to call a meet- alongside, and deliver the same alongside of vessels at l. der to either of the sai be reckoned for tbe purposes of this section only, as part or Octolier, A. 1846 j 1 ased time, iu consideration of Certain wages. uch notice as shall he required shall on the 12th day I. Vessel of from 200 to 300 tons can lie at the Pier With MANUFACTURED AT TIIE ' Jire cracker, pittoons, m rK ing of the corporation, by giving oT the real and personal estate of such intestate, descendible to " Resolution tor the releasing of certain person from the AU minors above the a.re of ten years, by the by-la- of the orpTration. and the said jodce mny. In be distributed to hi next of kin, according to passed on the 12th day of safety, grounding In the mud at low water. Rmrr'' 8ec 1J.T7. hi heirs, and to labor tax, and from other taxes," fast-saili- Chaisi Cables, to preside . The vessels to from Aspinwall are brigs, beJ U U L nak the same order, direct one of the said mem hers at the law. And if uch advancement I equal or superios-t- the D. 1346 and P L OAS A T WORKS! as apprentices or servants, if females, Octolier, A. t Rail-Roa- PLATFORM BMy be bound meeting, and the proceedings of och meeting shall be valid. would entitled to longing to tlie d Comjiany, and the Company is pn FAIRBANK'S PATENT years, or to the time of amount or share vhich such child be receive, " Joint resolutions on the subject of rights inlands and the 4 to the age ef eighteen their marriage pared to receive oil at Panama and deliver it in Mew York, E UNDERSIGNED ' GROCERS' f-D- age males, to the age of twenty years, Sec. 1433. Whenever the capital stock of any cor- of the real and personal estate oT the deceased, as aboye reckon- leasing, purchasing and dividing of the same," passed on the Till IS READY TO FCR-- Do. do. withia la t I and il in ai?l shall be excluded under mf at the rate of seven M. nlsh to Butchers and Packers, In thu lareest quantities, a ed, then such child his descendant 7th day of November, A. 1846 ; thrsnsh Bill ftidinx gal- do. COUNTER the ma nil r poration is divided into shares, and the certificates estate-o-f I. cents gallon, if received at the Pier, and eight cents per very superior article, KQUAL TO TH K BKST IMPORTED r or, be from any share In the real ami personal the Intestate, resolution respecting estrays," passed on the 7th day ier GU 1. sty the HuV-- " such minor t if be dead, or be are issued, transfrr of the share may be made by en- Joint lon received from ship's tackles, charging ror SALT, and at a price to ! For d Basrs Ulf unacy. Idiocy, habitual thereof of November, A. l)nlS46 ; if in the harbor Defy Competition term Asort-- Shell Harrtwarc so to do frou drunkenness, dorsement and delivery of the certificate. The endorsee shall Sec. 1458. But if such advancement be not equal the capacity or the casks, without allowing for wantage. For apply to DANIEL MONTGOMERY, I'yer' healing embrocation, . resolutiorrHo amend an act, entitled, an Act to organ- ' caasw, ee If be shad have abandoned and uevlccted to old " Joint one-ha- . 149-t- ether he entitled to a new certificate upon urrendering the such child and his descendants shall wtialebone, one and lf cents per jund. This charge f Puuloa Salt Works. . Cotton bags. tae.tfy. then. he except to such share, ize the executive department of the Hawaiian Islands," passed provide Mki one. And no such transfer hall valid, between the be to receive so much only, ot the personal estate, and covers every expense from Panama to New York, in case Bridle leather, mother be or entitled on the 4th day of Hay, A. I). 1847 " S Uy the mother if the dead, incoupetebt, or thereto, such new certificate shall have been ob- 1 Superintendent cr Commercial Agent parties until to inherit so much only of the real estate oT the Intestate, as thall Joiflt resolution to encourage the visit of whalers," passed the oil sent through the C. L,. RICHARDS Wagon harnesses. eg" rvfuse. them, recorded on book of es " Kail-Ro- ad If she tained, or the transfer shall have been the be sufficient to make all the sh-r- of the children. In such real 1847 of the Panama Company, insurance excepted. The Worsted aad ilk coach lac. a gaardiaa of such minor, Jy appointed. such par-ti-e on the 15th day of J une, A. D. CONTINUE THE SHIP Br the t If the corporation, so as to show the date of the transfer, the and personal estate and advancement, to be equal as near a marriage," passed on freights may be made payable ou the Isthmus or tn New York WII.Tj and COMMISSION BC81NKSS hottles, cases pmi sx living, or none competent to bind LS An actio alter ami amend the law of in hi Nw Cases quart safassr save parent or place of abode, and the number and descrip- s FiR-Pro- of thereto, their can be estimated. of September, A. D. 1847. at tlie option of the shipper. Stork, now In course of erection, where he will ' o hw. and three be so guardian, then. the 7th day semi-monthl- y, be Firc--P sua, tion of the shares transferred. to subjects from abandoning their The vessels of the Company sail regularly and pleased to meet all his old customers Comnosition and Felt for 4 By the gov.ruor of the island ta which such minor shall any real personal estate "An act restrain Hawaiian average passages to from Aspinwall are twenty to and friends. He will . eW-- 1434. The directors, or managers, of any in- Sec 1453. The value of or families," passed on the 27th day of September A. D. 1847 ; the and about keep on hand a full supply of Ship Chandlery ambevery descrip- PRESSED HOPS, 'etc., etc, Sec twenty-liv- e occupied in crossing Ishmus is dividends, ex- so advanced.shall be deemed to be that, if any, which An act relating to Director of the Gorernment Press," days. The time the tion cf Merchandise usually required by shipping. St-- c as aforesaid, corporated company, shall not make the its across will be 1338. No minor shall be bound was acknowledged by the child by an Instrument in writing ; September, A: D. 1847 ; four hours. Oil, during transit the Isthmus, Honolulu. AprJJ 28. 1859. 148-t- f cept from the profits arisinc from the business of the corporation, pissed on the i7th day of covered or conveyed in covered cars, and owners C. U, RICHARDS. anlssa by a contract of two parts, signed and deliv- any way pay away, to otherwise, such value shall be estimated according to the worth An act to regulate and explain the law of taxation," pTtssed with canvas, use nor may they divide, withdraw, or in the may be assured that every care will be taken to prevent leakage. ered by beta parties ; and so part shall be kept for the stockholder or to any of them, any part of the capital stock of of the property when given. on the 2th day of September, A. D. 1847 I a taw samnr. bv his father, mother, euardiaa or the coventor. passed in the year 1848, ex- Several cargoes have already been conveyed to New York with JUST RECEIVED PER " FELIX I. tbe eompuiy, or reduce the said capital stock, without the con- Sec. 14G0. The maintaining or educating, or the All the acts and joint resolutions loss. Legisla- cept following, viz. : out the slightest Offers for Sale: 1300. Eserr contract for the binding out of SOT sent either of the power granting the charter, or of the the OU or iroods consigned for transportation to the Super- OATS, CS. C. TI. DAVIS of section, giving money to a cldld, without a view to a portion " An act relating to the lands oriiis Majesty the King, and other BAGS CHAMPAGNE CIDER, BEEF. ture. In case of any violation of the provisions this Rail-Roa- d Company, or MESS Bniaor aw sJorrsaid, shall contain an agreement on or settlement iu life, shall not be deemed an advancement. or on 7th day of June, A. D. intendent of tlie Panama to W illiam ' Cases Ofift BBLS. EXTRA the trustees, managers, s,r directors, under whose administra- the Government," passed the Commercial of Company Panama, will navy and excelsior bees WSJ, aUI300 bhls prime pork, the part of the person to whnsa such minor shall be bound, that in- 181a Agent the at Cases tion the same may have token place, shall, in their individual Sec. 1461. shall not be requisite that the i - Hazard It Caswell's cod Hrer olL. 400 qr sacks S. F. flour, and write, and It M Cornmis- - ' be receivedlu. and forwarded with the greatest despatch. ' a will cause such mince to be Instructed to read and private capacities, be jnotly ami severally liable to the cor- And An act extending the powers of the Board of ' . For salo by 15 Ciises liacon sides, the general testate shall have been in actual possession of the XT Frederic L. Hank has been appointed Agent at Hono " tfaasakswUI cause hint to be further instructed ia of dissolution, to s'oners to quiet land passed on tlie ldtn uay ot June, C. - , . poration and creditors thereof, in tbe event iu property ; it is sufficient if he had a good claim to it at tlie time title," lulu, Sandwich Islands, and i prepared to furnish every requisite J. SPALDING. ' V 16 eases brogans, the full amount so divided, withdrawn, paid out or reduced i A. D. 1848 j 10 boxes fins souchong tea, of hi death. . M greater ef- Information to shippers. 1 JiHI Thai mi ahull be) insert- - nothing in this section contained shall prevent a An act to provide for the better support and v ' 00 M Manila cigars, Sai aM nf aaw imr prorided, that of JOS. JOY? Secretary Just RerpirPii npr distribution and division of the balance or the capital stock, re- Sec. 1462. The word "issr " as used in this ficiency or Uie public chooU," passed on the 9th day July, I. "Yiinlrv" 65,000 U brea.1, pilot, navy and medium, d ia tkw contact, and shall be taken to be tbe true com- D. 1850 ; Frederic I. Hakes, maining payment of all its or dissolution of the A. 60 kegs . proof thereof. after debt, j chapter, includes all the lawful lineal descendants of Agent Panama R. R. C- o- Honolulu S. I. 64 167 BRUSHES, butter, age. vithowt further pany, or expiration of its charter. " An act respecting the pilotage to be levied on whaleshtps," WHITEWASH in glass; 150 coils New Bedford towlines, uie ancestor. on A, D. I860 ; . Sec 1401. All eoosiderations of money or other passed the 10th day of July, California ground sage, iu glass, i 6d boxes tobacco, , . Sec 1435. Where the whole capital of a corpora- OF WILLS. u An act granitng exemption from duties, for the encourage- & allowed by tbe master, upon any con-urs- et CHAPTER XXXIII. Assessors' ! ITamlin Baker's oysters. 150 coils Manila cordage, H Inch, 4. thlags, paid or paid and capital on the 10th day of July, A. D. Tax Notice -- ':,. oa tion, shall not have been in, the ment of agriculture," passed Fresh peaches. in syrup, of apprenticeship, made ia pursuance of tbe foregoing pro-eist- Sec. 1463. Every person of full age, and of sound 81, J, S,, . Si. 2. 2. insufficient, to satisfy the claims of it creditors, 1850 . . 2. Hn2if paid shall be Raspberry jam, , . 60 coils 6 thread, thread and thai chapter, or shall be paid seeund to the sole use per- Superior Court UNDERSIGNED. ASSESSORS FOR ' ' ' sf stockholder shall be bound to pay on each share held by mind, may dispose of his estate, both real and An act to extend the jurisdiction of the and Strawberry i- r. - BBiator bouod. each THE of Honolulu, have adopted tlie following Rules Jam, Chain cables and anchors, ' of the thereby oeees-tar- complete of such of Lahaiua," passed on the 10th - him. the sum to the amount share as sonal, by wilL of Police Justices Honolulu and and Regulations for tlie assessment of property within tbe dis- Fresh strawberries. In glass, ... Copper spikes, 4 and 6 Inch, -- 1402 Parents, guardians, and the governors fixed by the charter of the company, or such proportion of that day of J uly, A. D. 1850 t . - , , : Green corn, fresh honey, fresh peel. cambooaes, complete. No. 2 snu Sec Sec. 1464. Any married woman may dispose, by for cir--' trict."- - apples, citron Phip's - shall be required $t satisfy the debts of tbe company. An act to provide for the appointment of clerks the I51-t- f , into treat- sum a . will be assessed to the owner or occupant, by H. W. toeirle Iruns, ; cf the respective islands, shall inquire tbe will, of all property belonging to her in her own passed on 10th day of July, A. D. 1850 ; Rsal Estatk (as Jot tale SEVERANCE. Whale iron, corporation, cuit courts," the the case may be,) bating due regard to th respective interest - Whale bo-it- s, and 1 rawi boats, . of miwors snsmt oy new iuuuraj, Sec. 1436. All the property of any right, in like manner as a person under no disability might do. An act relating to Registrar of Conveyances," passed , JU mw-- , Zml " the of tbe parties therein, and to the situation, use and income Cotton duck. 4, 6, , 7, , asea oomou oy lorw iuiwi ww may be created in virtue of this chapter, shall on 10th day of July, 1850 ; of Cement, Cement. - : ' . No. eroel-.y- . coo which Sec. 1465. No will, (except such wills the AD. . ,- (resaail oeplect, misusage, or breach of tract, no stockholder Snail be nuncupative of marriage," passed on such estates. Hard pins heading- be liable for the Just debt thereof, but An act to amend thiMxisting law Mortoaues on estate, if held within the kingdom, will lie RECEIVED BARRELS corporation, beyond the amount of as are mentioned in this chapter) shall be valid, 10th day of July, A. U. 1850 t rail JUST HUDSON habie for the debts of the ' the deducted from the value of such estate, on due notice being CEMENT For sale by any (hare or shares held or owned by unless it be in writing and signed by the testator, or by some to prohibit from leaving the Islands," passed m-t- -- See 1403. If any master shall be guilty of what may be due opoo tlie expres " An act natives given to the assessors In writing of the amount and property on f b. y. syow. person in hi presence and by bis direction, and attested ; " of him. on the 2nd day of July, A. I). 1850 - - crveltT. misasage. or violation of the Unas tbe by two or more competent witnesses sulcriling their names to u American dimes which they are secured. An act to regulate the circulation of and 4: ; ay.asinor so bound, a complaint may be Sec. 1437. The amount of debts which any corpora- presence of the testator. Reversionary Iktercsts in leasehold estates, will be an, ! , r: ontrauu towards governor, or to the will, in the half dimes," passed on the 11th day or July, A. D. 1850 ; New.. Cats Drix'Aloh ike mlbrr. met her, guardian, minor, time exceed the amount of Lahainaluna," pass- esssd to the lessor for the time expired of the lease, balance of Just Recflvcdncr - island in which said tion shall owe, shall at no Sec. 1466. If the subscribing witnesses to a will An act iwovMing for the Seminary at - Em SACKS OATS Per FRANCES PALMER. AUttlv- , Zaroreuit Judge or district justice, of the , valuation to the lessee. ,v A IsAVc powers for H capital stock. attesting its execution, ed on the 11th day or J uly, A. I. 1850 ; ft For sale by tl64-t-f I II. W. SKV KRKNCK. 3D OTHER undersigned, vis: swavmwlu shail have ail the requisite are competent at the time of Kealakea-ka- o, Peksokal Paorcary will be assessed to those holding posses- J JW offered for ! by the tlirSl trwwho ' - " An act opening the porta of Ililo, Kawafhae and regM" '--g every stock company incorpora- incompetency, from whatever cause it may sion, whether belonging within or king---do- ra, striped j! uaU deCcrmlnlof such com plaint. Sec 1438. In jgint their subsequent on the of Hawaii, and of' Waimea, on the Island of to parties without the Twilled hickory &ad blue and pink not prevent probate and allowance of Uie will. If Island and will include, excepting such as not otherwise specified ' shirts, a fuU hearing of the parties, or ted nnder tbe provisions of this chapter, it shall be arise, shall the Kauai, to foreign commerce," passed on tbe 16th day of July, : ) Parialan white and printed bosout l404. After com- satisfactorily proved. In the blank, goods, wares and of aU . panw. 8ec duty of the trustees, as managers or directors of such it be otherwfce D. merchandise classes and i8 h . buckskin, nan klnet and siituiet neglect to tbe A. 1850. Xtii-'--'-V'"- ' 7lgurd swrtaw)exmplaie'Ukt, if tbe master shall to cause a book to be kept tor registering the name of all descriptions, tools and machinery, Vw vts at home or abroad, n l HardHns Ptank, coUon and silk nbrll. L pany, Sec. 1467. . All' bene6cial devises, legacies, and An act to regulate the election of representative of the UUckOrleans tack oo.its, actifWJ. the maetatrateh castheeom-!S- stoeaholder corporation, household furniture and chatties, pub .c stocks, moneys in hand, Bprncc Deck be permns, who are. or shall become of the or given in any will to a sub- people," passed on tbe 30th day of July. A I). 1850. Plank, Bagony ginghsms. the minre reaper-tisvl- r. gifts" whatever, made deposited in bank or loaned on ;.. ' - hT may render a judgment that and showing the number of share of stock held by thess an set to increase the number of the reprasenlatives ot the mortgage, noto, pledge or other f" - suit be void, unless there two ' " ' HardrtoAi:V1 .v- - .PTJrentlce.hlp, and fhr thectsofthe they respectively became the owner scribing witness thereto, shall r security, aad every soecics of property not Included In real ; and the time when to same, but people in the Legislative Council, passed on the 80th day pt ; v . For sale bv mastrr, and may 1i execution aceordlDgly. book during the usual business hoars of other competent subscribing witnesse the a mere ' '..n ESZksea the of such shares, whih e July. A. D. 1850. ' payment of : sir every v, except Sundays and national holidays,, on the estate of the testator for the debt, of produce, passed " ; PT f'to" ' TrWc or other busin "l wilt be asaseil the coapUint the 4ay.es da An set aoolisbing tbe meot taxes in y 1 V '3 a that prevent his creditors from being competent witnesses f l t tM t r-- r F?er ii. nnn tnr the InsDection of the stockholders and creditors. i or August. . i i Jt b' ta : ...it -- on the oth day - i C - ,- . or reatonable wue,Jthe toL . ' . . . ) -- s, v ; seadJltUwithout nay jo and it shall be the duty of the clerk or the person having the Aa act for tbe govet an 1 servant.," pass- - I " V, a t?A? rj-:- against thecotn-- be--s- its -- C inaster r anything therein e," t : "TTrT, v awarl fcr the charce thereof, to give a transcript of 3. Bat if such witness, to whom any ed on the 21st day of Jo ? ap es -, i 1 --I .mcu: contained, to any stockholder or creditor of the corporation, nsuv. lacy, or gift, is mad or given, An net upon the st ' Ic prlvfle-- and ex-- v be Bable, therefor; each transcript snail ne leyai eriueia oi tea-- captions," passed on A. D. 1 - -Ji Ever rr tball plying corporation. would 1 a entiued to any share of the estate of the e thi - rT V any suit by or against the t tX dur- Dvctslnerein set forth, in tator.r will r4 not been established, .en so much of An act amending j harbor corporation wishing to dia-oh-re and the si 1 have d. nded or been diswib-jtt- a to such on the 16th day of July, Sec Any . on devise or bequest made to bim " An act to reeulate t 14. - before the er-'rati- of lUchar- - e "ceed ue dimnaorrDrr '.It. d to h..v ao he my rscewr the same parsonaV passed on tt t. ie- the uv&w to the MtnhW ef J" in tt wid, ia proportion to . Ansetrelaticf tot Se--Ts eJH setting fov.i thrl i m4- ee beejueaOadtS taeSS. s . on the a.a way of .a a. caHed fry "wt pa w srsssjeewd eafw-irrCir.-- snffoes- - ywr ssemVers, .' . --Ter. er teir f, a Pianos. Jlelcdcons ! Srtlnn" ,Tf!IA5DRE ORGANS. And A pim " girls. ENGLISH AND : L SSSfthS1 - hair. AMP.mriw nannn nprTv AND M.AZInEs. P'' Obtained t HORACE Honolulu, onrtiUi?f; miJe fwJn ED Agent to receive .uUcrip- - WATERS the Wikiki7.Jf. nl half T11; n rvr rnn 1 ri '.IiU be condacteri k. x, . ?o and Sew Vork p "1 awV" n largest assortment vr u..: T.I II MAGAZINES. ' 3fJctm!rer, 8rrOt IUrper-- . - ue rw Monthly Magaxine-z- th. 0,,,,," r r.r.-a v. tmna. v- oi C- - - - -i come juaraxinea) . la cnnnMi. OGDEN. AUanUe Monthly $ 600 On Majpuiae, . . . Wv r.r.ces at whii--h ih- - """"', nor ths pretiiiar.. tlodey. Lady'. m . 000 Oraham'a Illuatratnl 600 Harare Water .Mlrra 500 . a or .Unot iron trim, have in theirIbi..inow scale ,n improved Sundries. e;.MaKaziiieofFaahion, 42 4 V Merclunu' Magariae, . (00 Knickerbocker . . BOO c rresa v " " w.--v..j. hmra and Kdcctic . 500 r hutl --- v.j iiMig ' Jranl,erriea. U, 10 im cqomj. if rwj Llttel'.Llvinr Are, . 10 00 Oround Pepper, tn gUa! Btackwood'. ,V.rarinc, (English) . TOO WreX'n Blackwood and the 4 English 500 cahnou. QuarterUe.. - . 16 00 Putty, fa un, JJtherorthe4Enrli.h ' bUdJer 8 60 fSCarhart s and Smith'. Nw81""" lU Magazine, - - . 400 MlodXr: ,lnkef'toke?,,Urfklt''. Beview, (quarterly . 00 Hutchmr's California 1 600 JUch lnstnimwarraMI to rive pcrftct alifuia Termicillu Maraiine, . . J 600 jit. tatE i .hfornia Macarooi, NEWSPAPERS. x "erTe.l Ginper, London -- .GLISH ?t;BT sto'' 185 "rtt ttot iso- - Red, whiu New., (weekly) - . . t.14 00 vJJr and blue Bunting 0t Loodon Cae Carbonate Soda. tVXlme.)MlUitH"'reekljr IiakVJutfa a. " Punch, (weekly). 28 00 per 8 00 JreoeirM bartVAXKEE, and f. hy Despatch, Ben'. Life in London, . 13 00 H. W. 8EVKRASCK. ".... 14 00 ... 10 OXE Lloyd . Weekly Newspaper, 00 PRICE! NODEVItTlovi Trench Courier de. 10 00 Eut. Uni.. ... 7 60 fetar, , aa ktoJ. f Musical Itnxmnu and Quick AIERICAN NEWSPAPERS. dsssaar.althekwrert price.. Mvuic .snt whereTwired! Sales! Small vMrt? Herald, will" vv (weekly) J $5 00 K" r , , . " . a uvcrmi OMCOVJIt Tribune, . ptre Y - wi .v Mm cieryyinm. ?PEXCER WOULD REsppt. Tlmra, 400 l-- 4 00 M. In SS. Leslie'. Illustrated Newapaper, (weekly) TESTIMOXIALS Of THE ' - Ballou'i Boiton Pictorial. V 600 Saa . 600 7 tJood nnd Francisco Herald, - . . " Horace aicrs' fianos and Meloaeoss Fancr Article. " Bulletin, 600 . nm-rmt- e wouIJ them . . . . um.anx in order. It ia a IQ at A MEUS UT. 1 At California,. 600 PrS1 u Tc-w- n 600 Talk, - . . IV...... 600 B.The aVrvuvM nf - ii i . Boston Journal, (weekly) Willi,' Home Journal, 400 rtsbrt w porch" Pino for ber. ttie like, the wm -- . . . 400 owr be .pared to C? f"tependent, (weekly) . J- Philadelphia Evening 400 i ' RttZZT Poat. " one or more K A 400 - ito : the .T Harper1. Weekly ":M he more tmoaUr than tm rK- nk- - n inn' Journal, - . 406 llano, Life Illustrated, (a weekly family Journal) . ' . WaU' in oe In our Seminary. one The Country Gentleman, 400 rf rhKh tererelj tettod far three year., Wi do " - 400 wtifr to bJeen quality aoj and can "early ..w oouuiu jwercury, . .m! darnilitT.wl" Wood Jt Oreg- - 7 ' " " ShipLLat, . 400 orf. Mt Carroll. Illinois. - lifts. . . 3 00 -- K-- , - Cultivator Magazine, (monthly, on farming H. Water.. Der Sr . Ilarmr used one T- -o 1J inch ton. 200 two of j chain The above list efimnriM m . . . Kaaofortr. .- r rear past. I hare Cnivt it - . 4TZZF!!.rI?a tha laKnucnt- A. Gray, Principal Brooklyn SmiVTrV nh WK.VV ' ,T 1 " nd k ..uboer. falU-- blockVpaten't 'CrrE; : rtment of Sdbuahed . r.L't. ."TT .r tir I received the Melo-- r,.,i.?,Un mm weu 4eaed with the Vyeach mail from the United 8 ate.,3 1 external icaUon- - , appearance. the tone ato. Hop. I .hall hare eKJT6 Pt, The undersigned wiU alaoorder rl one r twi more the nment araan xoato B. F. SNOW. bymaUany paper, not in theabov. IUt tiKUk- - Q - N- - A - CbS-t- Irfca. ox- ft, 'M. Horace Water. Em. Sir- - H. M. WHITNEY. Vdodeoo yea tent me tras doty The received in ruodorder I am Lumber, Shingle:2 on1 aolu;iy prrpared to .ay that the instrument U hirhly auu Clink..J. I viauuuurux. Fresh Garden I ber you wiU accent mr thank. ik.nli. s4 afk aTa aTa aTk rrr--v v - w r..n Seeds! "T1 tfceehor f. coninr of 'rouT "and .1 ST RfCEIVED FROM A. P. SMITH'S manner "V0" fulnUed, and more than "U'UUUcanUin, of all lSfil Sacramento, Cai., and warranted good! I00-00- lixra. ButbeanS. 4nrl. aUyour protnm cry respectfaUr. 4c . J. L i.k 0 Shmple, uvtd. .h.ved cedar anrf ST" rbe Piano I received from you Vi Sweet corn, continue t flaphoord. 4. 6 and 12 ft Una. I it one I ,roc d r, Bed, yellow a. of the best 4 and feet and white hxttrumenu in the t!aee -- s kmr. onion. ReJ oo.l ClaphoaroX " Cabbare, -- . 6. 12. 14 and 16 Ion turnip. The .Vebxleon ha ie!y arrive.1. I ferf cite oak, 1, 1 J and 2 Pt Blood beet, C"1. v. : inched. parsnip, Wi ... ynurliVralduicoanl. WiU do all I canfuryoaiu tliese nana.n t utiMuii. i ana t inch. i Long yellow carrot. - Floorinr Northwest, soraee. i I -- .iifiarsiuic, a. v. vllnv i.ik Parsley, sage, . The Piano wa duly 01 ! received. It came In excellent condl . Aaa".kind "'n- - Material, wanted In thi. t." Victoria rhubarb. ny mv - - " 'j aoiuim Dumemtai mraily. Ac at. AJC Tl J.IV., J Asparagus opt asy thnk ior your prMums."fUubert Cuotr, War. German greens, rcnfcaBi. country, Pn. ! Spioage, squash, - Tour Ptaao u . NOTICE. Ked tomato, egg pk.a, vrU. It the best one la oureoun- - ' plant. a. tM-r- im. t. ampiieltmv, Gewyia. rpiIE UXDERSlOXED. HAVING BEEV Lettuce, ofcra and leek, "We are i try much obliged to you te,'nj,rJuB' the person and property nf GEOB.QE I Cucumljer, white cilery. fr having eut us such a ttTtPSTIherebv ., mnm B- -J. we . h, . - rive notiee tn all- rw,n.- . aier ana musk melon, urr... iut ami anati take psin. to recommend t i...ik.iauui. uun to Lung " i . ujuuniuw iTmrni : arui an and turnip radish, -- nri ioaiao axmnerau oyster. The U.mce Watera' Piaoua are known as among- - afm'?'tIth SMie are hereby reqneted to present the aame to TfSrUbk: -- the v--. , me ALSO - coo-tJe- luil Uuardian, hereby forbid - ef Ure liwtrument. wUh rftt I aVata . t 11 t . tnr t frncf .n .aa-a- 1 Osage "cavoarafrasa perxical kuowleiltretiru fcf tka aI.laaM UTAaTVr: f)lT1r- - THI.H"...Vha ilala W orange hedge plant aeeda, their cxceUent tone and afnresaid Gu.tr Alfalfa SpanLih x. avvana-rla- lian will pay no debt contracted by htm. clover Med. ui!iuaiHj..i.i o, l-- -u Chinese sugar cane or sorghum. CM spe of the menu of the Horace Wat- - rs Planoa, K. Q. DA VIS. pen-ma- Pot up mostly la two four ftra l knewleife, a beiof of the very best quality." and rial paper., and also In larcer 1 1. quantities. For .ale by BOSTON IMS, l- - M. .Soih.Bir at the State Fair dirplayed (Tea ter excellence In Tonrues. II. WHITNEY. any 4einment tha Horace Waters' Piano.." Churchman. Fresh Larls, in tina. -- The Horace W are Mesa. Pork, in or brU aters' Pi.tnw built of the bent and moat Pork Pit1. lhflrcai:hty seasooeii material. W e have no Mm in stniH qua ntit lea. POPULAR BOOKS! doubt that buyers Fresh Beans. Tnr " imaip. oraer, at uu. tnaa at any tKKue ..i. s. BT JAMES J. JARTES ESQ. otbr tf o a. (tn fit? -- rpiIE UNDERSIGNED has received by the ship EH Waferr PUnue aa-- rhal cxnpari.-- . h A EUa, from Boston, the 6llowing late publications, the- flaest ! anywhere in the coon try." (Home Joarol. Just Received and for Sale, by Mr. Jarvea. formerly of Honolulu Uorace W fZTt' Pianoforte are of full, rich an-- even tone. aoa pvrcnoi.- - r At VI LSO KIANA, a Tale of Hawaii $1 25. -- l. ;iancal Kevirw. HEELER NS SEW I NO Our Irircl win Sod at Mr. Waters store, the very best T Bzachtne neeille. Grorer & Baker do do d This work Is founded on one of the ancient tradition, of the wrtmeut of Muic aud of Pianos t t be .found in the United Pst sewing machine roUon. white, black and colored. Hawaiian., and illustrates their ancient customs and habits. It ?uirs, ami we unra our southern and weauai friend, to rive Beat black Italian sewing silk, is dedicated by the Author to His Majesty Kamehameha IV. bob a cai. whenever they gt to New Yoik. Graham's Mar. W tile erohroiiiYy .ilk. ART HINTS, ox Wortd plaai tr citiidreu' drvtaea, fanry color. Architecture, Sculpture axi Ware room, 333 Broadway, X. Y. Fr sale hv Painting By J. J. Jarves $1 50. U7-t- f ll-- H. M f I)Hinll America has at last produced a writer who may help to edu NS cats her In art, guide her infant step, and to point oat the pit TREAT A LI LEY'S 3IELODIANS, PAINTS AND OILS. mils that surround the pilgrim of xn." London Atheneum. New Conn. SNOW-WHI- TE IIaten, ZINC IN OIL, PARISIAN SIGHTS AND FRENCH ANSra PASSED FOR SWEET PUREEnglish white lead. PRINCI- promptness AO Pure American white lead, PLES By J. J. Jarves. 1st and 2d series. ce. richness and of tooe. Copol their varictirs furne-br- d the American retail varnish, 50. f at IVmar varnish, $2 price, i "Without question, one of the raciest book, ever written oo No. 1 5octive.scron leg. $ 74 Turpentiric, chrome yellow, Parisian life and manners." Boiton Pout. 1 doruve, srroU less.. 90 Chrome green, a 5 octave, piano style... 100 Prussian blue. ITALIAN SIGHTS AND PAPAL PRINCI 4 J actave, piano, serpentine...... HO Ultra marine blue. PLES with numerous illustrations By A octave, fancy 125 Verdirri. J. 'ioa, serpentine...... 151-- Jarves 1 50. 6 ecttve. j.iaoo style 125 f Fratel.y ' II. W. SEVERANCE. J. 7 Organ meiodian, double bank...... IsO The sketches of which thU volume is composed, are not only Frcgfit du:ie--i SUNDRIES spirited but Informing. They furnish mpressive and to be added. For farther particular, E FOR SALE. ani idea of the please arhires. v. u. BALDWIN. rj-UI- UNDERSIGNED HAS ON HAND AND grandeur and the glory and the degradation and ahame of mod M. tor ' Oats. Corn, Barley, ern Italy." Home JoumnJ. Lahaiaia. Mmaii. - 87-- Beans, Cornneal, Arrow-roo- t, tf - For sale by II. M. WHITNEY. Cavuty-ha- Cilw Viiwgar, ... SALE, . FOR Oregon Cider, Salmon, Books the JCST ARRIVED PER AMERICAN CLIP, NaiU, Coir and Jute Rope. for People. SACHEM, J. B. Atkins, tuaster, from Bonoo, tha ALSO HOUSE A MANUAL OF ARC fjilting ef Merchai4ise t A superior lot of London Pock Rirat " Cognac Brandy, and THE $1 25. Ca- - Mae dentras, Wines and Liquors. TI1E FAMILY GYMNASIUM -- With numerous C!os tra Car blea. fiannel, 154f J. F. COLBCRX. lions 11 50. Baies bro. cotton, THE FARM A Picket Manual of Agriculture $1 25. Ba!e axning stripes, a new artirte DOORS, WINDOW SASH. RLINDS. HOW TO BEHAVE HOW TO DO BUSINESS HOW TO Bnl-- s UN bro. drilling. LATE ARRIVALS TALK HOW TO WRITE Each $1 25, Car1, print lawns, EX 150 Doors, all s rs and kind-- . THE BARN-YAR- D A Manual of Domestic Animals $1 26. l'a-- sard-e- Mea. twill. 000 Window &uh, all kinds, THE GARDEN A Manual of Horticulture $1 25. Biles prir,tod earpeta. 100 pair Blinds, all sixes. 15-- tf For sale by H. M. WHITNEY. Tt oot Cases ladies' gaiter lined 12 Glass Ioor and Blind, etc--, complete. Case, men's rubber boot 4. For sale at the lowest market prices, by Just Received per Sch "Astoria !" Cases boy.' do . 133-- tf C. II. LEWERS. Casea wijn'd do, . BOXES OOLONG TEA, rs Case, charcoal irons. WHALE LINE. fcc. SMALL Oregon pickled salmon, IH!s it ifue pork. LINE. Keg. snow white tine, keg. Venetian red. Ksrrets mess pork. IVHtLE Ratlin. Nests market baskets, wisp brooms, Haif btsis mess port, Spunyarn, ' 'Vru cob tobacco, green corn. t"T Wi m-w- Marline. Green peas, fresh apples. Fur sale by Ws ms boef, ' For sale 5v 167-- tf H. W. SEVERANCE, - krla navy mez. heif, --U C BREWER A- CO. " -- il EX t Tierce hasw. WINES. YANKEE I' E'rrrfs vioersr, COCOIXE I CHAMPAGNE, in pints t qrts, crushM rugar. ni'KXKTT'S HEIDSIECK Wine, Illf lls StPPLT, PER YANKEE.' California Angelica Wine, Half boxes rahT, WASH. 'ases refined lanl, F1 ORIENTAL TOOTH For sale by puot bread, Restorative. C. L. RICHARDS a CO., ' - Caii Infallible Hair loO-t-f New Store. Queen Street. Bedforl imo boripslxift. lxl7.Hxt7.Hxl7. - Sw - received, and for le at livt-- BREWER CO. Just tf Appto CHA3. DR. FORD'S, SUGARS. lS0-3-m Koatiumanu Street. Honolulu. SPIRITS, &.e f BOXES E. BOSTON Na. & CRUSH, iOR rilOICE WINES, YANKEEI" HALF ed Sugar, send SEA EX Half boxes East Boston Granulated Sugar. OCRLT EXPECTED PER XTMPII. CAKES, - Sugar, received per clipper ship and tor saie rates by LIXD " Loaf just H at ueral iexxtJ Water Crarktrs, renTur sale r-- Soila Crackers. 131-- tf C. BREWER & CO. Ja, C. SPALDING, Ginger Snap and Pilot Rread, The tbilowing choice assortment of Fvr sale by C. L. RICHARDS & CO., IRON, &c OOODS: 1004f ' . Ttorc, Queen Street. sfaN HAND. CmcsEUGLISnHrAjm' best stout prrter, Bars refined Iron, Cjc Byaa' best London ale and porter. Burxlles Nail Rod. Casts na oid port wine, do do do cognac, (pale,) B. F. SAOW, Bundle. Norway Shapes, For sale by Cases U4 Tom gin, --o Jamaica nan, t , OFFERS-FO- R SALE TO ARRIVh, Tases Scotch whisky, do rtaret, 119--tf C. BREWER a CO. - ALLSTON," Cases ginger brandy, do orange bitter" PER WASHINGTON S 25-l- Cases Ceckhnrns port, do Madeira, wr-EG- KEYSTONE WHITE LEAD, b PICKLES. Caai crnne de men! he, do aniwtte, . aTIASES HALF GALLON PICKLES, KKei White Lead, 25-t- b, 60-B- i, 100-r- b kegs, Cases quarts, English pickles. Casts Bareisy. porter. W. Bad fine rwm. Kegs and caaes Zinc Paint, 151-- tf For sale by II. SEVERANCE. osl Jamaica , 164-- tf i tarter casks J. a V. MarvH. bran-ly- bbls Epsom Salt. : : Cas 5pberry brawly. pork Caar. cherry cordial, do sherry wine. ,Jt, JUSTJIECEIVED, BARRELS PRIME PORK, just arrived per "syren," For sale by & CO. FELIX," FROM SAN 250131-- tf C. BREWER . farsro of Lumber for Sale ! PER BARK JIOLUS, A. FRANCISCO, PENS I pens: lCrr RECEIVED PER - vw liMrr, direct .rota Mendocino juim, cwuii 5"" OXES MACY'S AUAMAAaa.a-- CAN xsvjEW YORK DIAMOND POINTED GOLD hwicg aaaortment : DLES, 1 back Pen, 23.At lM Itntwuttl Boards. B BBLS. HUDSON RITER CEMENT. Also diamond pointed gold Fountain Pen. rr.. x For sale by or r w ny - acantnng:, b. SNOW. I . B. F. l-- tf II.DIMOND. - a 6X, 15t--tf 14.(40 i-f- PVHtrta. ' Woeh tongui aoj grooved Bed wood Floor ing, SUPERIOR FAMILY TEA. 11 " - " Hides CHESTS BLACK TEA, surfaced Boards CoatSkins, HALF do - do. 10 lb boxes. l'L2J . Plank, Extra erven tea, tn 11 n noxrs per - lanare.-- 32.&M lr Wling, XT. SEVERANCE. planed - Tallow. 131-- tf For rate oy II. ! 1T4 tomrued sod gronrcd Floe Plocrtng, It Ineh, Slash FOR MALE, ARRIVED PER BARK Bed wood ghmglrs. SACHEM. ' if AL Aswcia 1 inch whTte pine plard on two sHr, , WE CENTRE-BOAR- D SURF BOAT, 21 I 1 on one axle. fret long, 7 feet beam, for sale by Inch do do do do f C. BREWER 2d. 143-- tf llnA white luneBos 10 towUe and URIoos;, Old Copper. SIGHTS. while aaue&hearbing Boar a. planed ooe aWe. Composition, r ITALIAN Bs edar Shingles, srasved, ; , Old THIS TIME. NO WORK ON EUROPE psne and prace Laths. . - Old Yellorf Mcfal. AT more iutereat than this. The book is profusely CO. ' Ulustrated, and gives better He of the political and social Italy, than can be obtained elsewhere. A trv cop. J3. F. SOVJ Sonnd. Price, $1 60. (152-t- f) H.M.WHITNEY. ' ' Rides,4 Offers Tor Sale, Wool. ' Goat Skins, Dana's Coral Reef 5 and Islands. THE CARGO OF Composition, A FEW COPIES OF THE LAST EDITION Tallow, V of this valuable work just received and f"T sale 11 25 Old Copper by tl25-l- II. M. WHITNEY. Clipper aia.ir pepper. Cioartu$ar, Ground iTTHEIIICllESTRATES- - - S A LE I B.f Wla do. . Ground saoatard. tvIti;ilA!r.s c SALDINO. FOR (61-t- f) j CHILIAN BARK . Table salt. y riRRO OF THE v'wraiaisv riuiEAlexamlro Garrigoa," consisting of . Bbs CsrsMn) rlea. JL a. charcoal iron. Sale ! 35t) tsMsst Stmwn Castas, cement, Patent Bolldinr Lot for t teat smitjse.re. Xavv B . js to L. D. A NTH OX. arr.Ka 257-10- Apply smI Brradl, X T , 00 Or to C. SPALDING. BavS Wafer " nr wtsining 86--tf J. as Tt a - knr O A lake Streets. U.i.. ft.sBs)wat Bat. Wh--Ie sifa. acre. MCTAL,COMPOSIT10X NAILS. TUIe f--e simple. Inquire of EVERETT- - VELLOW half-b-W bead stares. A. P. METAL, assorted aaes shvlynMaad heads. 163-- U TELLOW etc. rA CASES eomiwejUon naitej Etc, etc, BOMBB. OU S boxes WHALIXfiGUXSAND . 50 keg do Caiu Cumberland Coal, sale ny .ra D-- 9 aunversally 119-- tf For " 100 bbls Flocr, ... V; .ZL larce aid smoU sUea. Haiall BRANand .- tha kind In use Bales OAarm, to be thenar super.- wlUCOX. BREAD. A CEDi Etc.. etc. Iww--11i a 1 BREAD Srlnolu, .vaivfj SUPERIUKFor sale uwsr tnnv. Cask superior pilot bread. br ...m ";A n ll OOP I RON. C. BREWER a CO. ttation. 4 l04f . BRE W. 1. Aldrieh Keg iuvci,jua C. BREWEK SMOKED BEEF. -- RADUGA, 131-- tf RK. VVILJ- - KECR1TB n-1'- "' PER t.t1trTM,ilrr. PEaano-- wanJer fwsai . vw SHINGLKS. A SMALL LOT JVS 3EE1 - avn".-.-nvpi- - Yankee.' ior "J kt. T-- a, yil--f For Cases; 4--4 uaa PINK MSJA'- aa. SEVERANCE. MsaehfJ eottows, 151-- tf Cases MUford deniaua.

Balsa Warhash da, -- Shingle. . Bales ' T: ..JLt r TOBACCO. Shatocket do, got low by Z- lOa-- . ; rn, Bates tasking. lttf GKO.iZ- tL BOXES SUPKBIOa TOBACCO, U ' Bale, wenem stam heeUng, For sale by WATERMAN CO. ; Molasses, p. C. h Kales Indigo hla flannsl. r:SBsar and 133- - ' . - . .. .'. ... Ba'es lamp wick. ' one basuaoa, fly and pnnt, OM THE jtAPE SE ED OIL. - .. , ' - karesl white sod btue rfcnoui. BBEWWKiVAgent. OIL. EUKNINCa i iipL,l and aaatd Na. Jrwtaleby &CT'?0SZociUMPwr eer. Foe sale m . f . Pantalooa 1-- bfksfclre. ; U BEST -- LCKXSa At CO. Jkst) brown wm I , . . fckt,Jll Cassst:- - VK, . . . " ZAZU er- -t- t ucr AND - Cr-- l. - vv Maies e. PITCH i SJW JSJU fl - f. FivesiaJ,wl ' 0. UAL--. ty. . fOLC I iJftiJ A a

Oil t) n k -J-1IJ

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Uli JnLi;' o:-- H-

TZZZ3 PACIFIC Commercial Advertiser. O. BREWER a CO. ' OR SALE THE POLLOWINO MMUhlpi. OFFERS Cargo, for the Fall Seaaon, expected to Tb New arrive ta September next, by the American clipper ship ago a story went BADCOA, from Boston direct. The Biteks Bit Some time BE MADE. the wands touching man who, having prated SALES TO ARRIVE WILL Mmseir in hi -sleev- es t the American Drf Roods, and after Cases bhw drilling. !Baks Manchester denims received the loan of a coat, City "tewing .loped with the garment, ob- Bales blue sheeting. 'Bales Jewctt denims the curiosities, Cases hickory shirts. .Daw lr. A. UCUIBWi taining a aight of the elephant and a swallowtail Woolen socks, Cases denim pants cents. This reminds u an Bales 2 --bushel bags Cases regatta shirts. CHIP CHAHIDLERO, Sat occurred in 1840, on board the old Columbus, Bales burlaps the Charlestown Navy Yard- - On. Boots, Shoes and Leather when she lay at brogans LAHA1NA, S. I. day long, green Vermonter straggled on board the Slen's pegged irot a on deck with Men's calf Oxford ties. frikate. and examined everything Men's ennameled brogans carious' eyes. The officer of the watch, from km Men's kip brogans neatness of his uniform, attracted Men's patent leather shoes sewed and pegged, bearing and the Men's thick boots Yankee's notice. . . the ? Leather trunks Got a pretty good place here, hay he inquir- Basset bridle leather ' ed. The officer assented. Rigging leather. " What wages do you get i" Saddlery hundred and twenty-fiv- e dollars month. Buggy Eoglish bridles, " One harness surcingles hundred and twenty-fiv- e dollars ! All to Worsted halters Roller "One Bone and silver whips, iTwig whips yourself ! Shoh ! Uorse shuts Mule collars FftC X 911 " Buggy shafts Curled hair. Wal, I wonder if I couldn't get something to do Groceries & Co. here, myself I" Cases lard. Cases salad cream. ILnAN Ob, yes; you'd make a pretty good midship- Casks butter, tomato ketchup, ABK NOW RECETVIXQ PER SHIPS ARRTTIXO F0Jl " Cases cheese, green peas man." wages, for a green Tins extra corn meal. sausages Coston, IVcir Bedford, Wal, what are midshipman's Tius Belmont flour. salmon, Half bbls crushed sujrar, assorted soups and San Franciseo - 1 hand?". . honey, : ' Forty dollars a month only. Barrels extra vinegar, , A SUPPLY OF ; " ! Cases nutmegs lobster, ? Jerusalem Why, I as - ' Only forty dollars Cases table salt, r clams - CHANDLERY, to for ten. But where can I be made a Cases lemon syrup, black pepper, SHIP told hire pimento. ' midshipman on ? Say, quick !" Boxes S. W. soap, ; PROVISIONS, Down below, sir, in the steerage. As soon as Provisions " mess ' relieved I'll see to it." . Barrels prime pork. Barrels Chicago beef. I'm Devy Casks pilot bread. Casks medium bread, NAVAL STORES, Down went the quitzer and the quizxetL A navy bread, - per- Casks navy bread. Barrels yoaug midshipmen required no prompting to Barrels medium bread. Casks batter, &e. of warrant was GROCERIES. petrate piece of mischief.. A spurious ; equipped m a .'".Stoves; soon made out and the greenhorn Boston Beauty, Nos. 7. 8 and 0, AND OIL, including an elegant ehapean and llom Treasure, Nos. 7 and 8, PAINTS splendid uniform, No. 7, r of the mess. . z Perfect Treasure, costly sword, by a joint contribution Ships Cambooses to present himself to CLOTHING, Thus furnished, he was directed The above favorite brands are complete, with hollow ware, c Commodore S. in the cabin, and report ready for duty. tfce. might be Naval Stores, Paints, BOOTS AND SHOES, &c. He was told that the Commodore pretty cotton Mineral red, it. Barrels twins aasortment of goods gruff" it was a way he had," but not to mind Barrels chalk, fellow ochre, Their stock ooosists of the usual gcoM The steerage beiog full, the new midshipman waa to Kegs beeswax. Paris green. ally found in ; Barrels pitch, Furniture Tarnish, demand quarters in the Commodore's cabin in fact, ! a state- tar, Black varnish. Ship Chandlery Establishments he was ordered to take possession of certain M rosin, Cases spirits turpentine. room. The Commodore's black looks and angry Sheet lead. Cases boiled oil, and which they offer at low priors. They are also prepared u regarded as nothing he had no Sail needles Cases alcohol. supply, on the shortest notice, words were to be Cases Mystic lead, Thus " posted up," the vicUm fchip's scrapers right to use either. Kegs pumice stone. Cases white denial varnish. Irish Potatoes, Commodore, with - presented himself to the Hardware . Old horse, how are you ?" . ' " Take Iron shovels Bars refined Iron, s Potatoes, : ; he had come across a rara avis. Wood-handled Norway shapest Sweet S. started pokers ' Charcoal irons Sheet lead, fellow I ginerally do," Axe handles Sheet sine. I kin help myself, old Brass-wir- e Pumpkins, " ns be flung himself Handled axes, seires was the reply of the Vermonter, Sheep shears Iron rivets, crossed his legs upon another. T. 8. CasVateel shovels into one seat and sickles m Onions, of new midshipmen, I suppose l Clinch nails spades You are one the spikes. Casks cut nails. remarked the Commodore, who, from the first, sus- Wrought pected something. Wrapping Paper. Fruit, else." Manila wrapping paper, 20 x 20, I ain't nothing m 13 x 20, the wanted by Whalo Shall I trouble you for your warrant ?" tt 12 x 10, And all Recruits Straw u '. Ships Catch hold, old boy." Green . 13x18. The Commodore looked at the document, and then Asricnltural Implements. Lahalna, September, 1853. lS7-t- f at his visitor. Mule collars !Ox yokes you this ?" Cane knives Oxbows Who gave Horse The fellers down stairs and I'm now ready for Improved cultivators hoe. Kaxle plows Garden engines W. A. duty." CulUvator teeth, Planters' hoes, HAS JUST RECEIVED PER That's enough. Now you can go." Whlppletrees Cross bars, Not as you know on. squire. The cellar's chock Cart felloes Sickles. AM !" fall aud I ain't a goin' out of this' ere in a hurry, Sundries. "SI . AND EXPECTED PER I tell you. O, you needn't rare up, old fellow. I Cases tobacco. Caaks coal, Bales wick, you're a little cracked up Kegs powder. Solar chimneys Horse cart. 4 aee what's the matter Solar wicks. Whale boat, Nests trunks WASHINGTON ALLST0N.' his fore- OU-ca- ik here !" And the brilliant youth touched Kegs shooks and heads, Bales corks shocks IN am going into this ere Bales gunny bags. head with his forefinger. " I ADVE&HSXD, a right good snooze boots and all. Cordage. ADDITION TO MERCHANDISE ALREADY chamber to take FOR SALE THE FOLLOWING : by gravy !" Colls spunyarn. AND OFFERS was proceeding to execute this menace, the Coils house-lin-e. AMOSKEAU As he Coils marline. TS1LES 1I1A1!do. took him by the arm and led him to the seizing, Da Arctic Commodore Coils Am. Do Excelsior ds Pointing to the sentinel, he remarked, Coils Russia ratlins gangway. rope. Do Shetncket do, mildly : " You see that man with a musket, now if Coils Russia bolt Case! Kxoelsior do, you don't clear out directly, and leave the ship yard Stationery. De MUTord do, again, I'll order him to White ruled foolscap, Government envelopes, Do Pearl River dS and never show your face Blue " " Flaxen cord, Do Massachusetts dS you paper, i Linen double twisted cotton ecashmcre. shoot !" - Fine blue s itin v twins 1 case and The Yankee broke and in two seconds his bine- Commercial note paper, Pass books Bales Baltic sheeting, 1 post paper. .Cap ledgers Cases blue drills. coat-ta- il was seen floating in the rear, as he dashed Bath flying jackass. Long day-book- s, Journals, .. .. Bales Shetucket shirting. out of the yard with the speed of a Red tape. Memorandum books Cases Lancaster ginghsms, 1 In a minute ofterwards, half a dozen terrified mid- Tagging cards lEnvelopoa. White bed spreads. asked for liberty to go too numerous to mention. - Cases white cotton thread, shipmen rushed on deck and And a great variety of articles " ' " ' ' Cases blue cotton thread, ashore. ALSO Pins. Young gentlemen," said the Commodore, I One Tilbury , Cases Shetucket stripes 29 Ul, to-d- ay . Wbaleboats, Do blue cotton, S3 iL, grant no liberty yellow metal sheathing, faces fell a feet" and six young jokers re- Assorted sixes Do prints Six " " composition nails Cases do all pink, mess-roo- m as mures at turned to their as melancholy llard pine heading, ' Cases canary prints. heard spruce clapboards. an alderman's funeral. They never saw or 160-- tf Smooth sawed Do blue prints anything of the Yankee afterward nor the uniform 1 case Salmon Falls bleached cotton flannel. Bales Amoskeag tickings either. A. ALDRICH Do "C do. tl W. Do Western State sheeting, RECEIVE PER PHANTOM AND 300 doz men's tutlm leaf offers for the following : ' hats WILL and sale, " ' 275 dos men's black, brown, peart and drab wool bats, Bales Amoskeag stripes, Cases Leghorn hats It&lo. do tickioin, SO Inch, long combs. Bales do sheeting, 32 inch. Cases E. O.HALL ' ; OIL CARPET.' ' Oil Carpeting. V 4-- 4. 4-- 4 and S-- 4 New and choice patterns. New, choice anctdealrable pstttcraa, staid HAS JUST RECEIVED PER 1 - -- - f 9 9 Hats. BOOTS AND SHOES. iar a Ir 170 dosen men's palm leaf hats. Cases men's thick brogans Case brown Leghorn Do kip HARDWARE. See, ' bats do do. Case dark cashmere wool bats. Do men's thick boots AND : LATHE, NORWAY IRON Case black wool hats . .' ' Do do iW.C.B. split brogans. 1WOOD nail rods, Case brown wool hats Do d, iw.LB. do, 1 iron foot do, 5 feet, slide rest, Nests trunks. Cases figured pearl wool hats. Pc oair do. Whiting, axes boys' axes, ,Mow harness, saucepans. Cases pearl wool hats. Hatchets Corn poppers, brass wire selves, STATIONERY. pumps 1. 2.3,4,5,6, 'Baker's seives Brogans and Doots. Buff government envelopes Douslas' b-i-. Mason's lime seives, . . Cases men's waxed M. and brogans Caststeel spades and shoreis 44 U Reams white ruled letter. wool cards, Planum uncs. " " Calf " Reams blue ruled Mtrr, Zinc nails, a 4. Plumbs and levels, jWindow and cod lines . "44 pump Reams white bill cap. jCurtain cornice and grained orogans, . , . . , .. twine, " Reams blue bill cap. Cotton a ' " " Wall brushes, Doaoe's .Shoe thread, aeine twine. enameled Reams blue foolscap, do, boxes, nests tin t thick boots. foolscap. Flesh brushes whitewash Cash trunks. u Reams white lin-- s traps curtain " boots half double sole, Fish Rat fixtures ) Scythes and snathes, jCast butts, " " thick boots, 1 inch leg, FURNITURE K.l, u I Mahogany - Lv chain ami ox bows, Gate hinges, complete, " grain boots IS inch leg. . bureaus - - 60 docen ex. walnut sxe i Vt sofas - llrass padlocks . ' jllalter chains,. handles j' - .. covered cloth. ears, bed screws. , (Knameled kettles , - Finished and varnished ox bows Settees with enameled Tinned Cases Mahogany easy Ecrews of all sorts, ; finmau's sliears, . J Hunt's handled axes chairs rim locks. Coffin screws 1 Cases saddles bridles. Do recumbent chairs Western Do parlor do. Flat stew ians, Reed's pegging awls Manila Cordage 1, 1, 1 hnd 1 in. Knitting needles, Meat saws eavaxisaker set tIb.1 1 bright screwdrivers, Shoe horns and lifts Cases Tobacco. t csssslet, com 1 teapoy, , Iron braces, Foot scraper llh brush. .1 bureau, 1 bedstead, 1 mods - Axe extra, shoe An assorted lot of fancy light coats 4 chain, 1 sewing chair, 1 towel stand. Tnrnlnir saws and frames. handles lasts M Farrier's and veneering ham- - Shoe patterns, boot patterns An lot of satinet pants j f 1 frocks Wood oOce cba'rs with - mers ! Powder Basks- - ' Penim and pants cushions f . " Cases pea jackets, , Oak arm office chairs cane seat, Butcher knives I. R. dressing combs la ' - Timber scriles. Steel bowed spectacles. Cases hickory shirts. Mahogany center tables ' handled axes, Curtain pins butter prints Ivory tooth combs, do do do marble top, " Hunt's " Tooth Long round combs Mahogany side boards Shade lamps, butcher's steels, brushes - " Ivory handled carvers. Combination match safes - Pressing combs, Do whatnots 6 shelves, '.'' Pincers, ooooanut dippers, Pocket scissors Fancy India rubber toys etc lM-3- m Do do a do. seives, nests tin pails, , Double plane irons. ' ' Orvy . Ship augers. 0 to 20-1- 6. ,. 'SADDLERY. Japanned nurse lamps. " NEW AND Pocket knives, Handled socket chisels, ' DESIRABLE GOODS! Cases Tennessee No. 0 men's hogskiu saddles chisels, Cook's and Iceland's r Cases English pattern hogskin saddles 8els firmer i bits . JCST RECEIVED PER russet brillss. O. and B 's machine needles, l'eo?il sharpeners Onices raw bib whips W. and W.'s do do. Pearl shirt studs E xr an, o m : X a. 1 WOODEMWAREV ' r percussion caps HARDWARE AND Whalers spades, tinned spurs, Ely Walker's - AND FOR SALE BY Smooth and jock planes '. Cases charcoal irons . Fabtr's canienter's pencils, Cases Collins' handled large size, ; , Long and short jointers axes Agate buttons &, : Cases Mant's handled axes Borax, pom ice stone, ,Kiding,team and carrUge whips CASTIiB COOKE, ex bows. 1, 2 in.. .Hunt's broad hatchets, Cases varnished and finished 2ia. Vermont Lead pipe, f, i, li,lj, AT THE MISSIOX STORE ON SCHOOL Cases varnished and finished 2in. X.B. ex bsvs Knives and forks. jOrain shovels a. street, by the stone church, and at their store on King netting, Cross cut saws 5, hi feet, Cases asstd qualities axe handles Wire mallets ii, Jacket 2 tube and feeder, hay rakes. Pit saws o, 6 7 feet. Chinese 4-- 4, 6-- 4 0-- 4, lamps Steel rakes anl matting, ami whits and plaid. Sheet sine. Fpring and Oerman steel, .. Tin milk pans Cedar and Ilingbam pails aud tube, , Bags shot, asst'.I, ' Boxes glass, extra quality, Iron spades ' Well buckets - B- Steel spades and spikes. jBoxes tin plates & - lanterns . . ' Casks cut nails Corn meal, Etect shovels DRV GOODS, Aic. Red wood shingles , wicking, hickory Assorted Casks asstd Nos. shot, 1, t, S, 4, , SB, BBB, Asst'd cotton arles Ticking, shirts prints : , ' Reams sand paper. Blue cott'ins, brown cottons Mexican mixtures .- . Assorted ginghams '' v ; . hoop Large cod lines tTmbrellns. Merrimac denims Assorted , ladies' and misses Brit, swing lamps Blue. pink, green and brown Black dress silk, Assorted denims Ladies Lisle gloves, Bleached and unbleached Whalemen's pocket knives muslin delaiues cottons Casks nails assorted. TaQVta liblions 3Ien's and children's gloves Table damask. T and Elastic Cotton flannel, Stows complete, Nos, 8, S Asst'd worsteds belts - , Puporu's beat rifle gunpowder, Col'd siool cottons. , . , Ladies' white and brown cotton Pant stuffs fir boy's wear, 8ewing machine thread, hose. - , Assorted woolen overshirts, ' Cases sail twine. ' Snooped pails Black silk fringe, ' Men's white and mixed hose, : Assorted merino and silk overshirts ... Misses' white brown hose, And a variety of Nests tubs DreM trimmings asst'd Colors, and other ai tides. Also, a large variety of Gimp trimmings. Boys' do do do, Dry Goods Nests painted ningham backets Dress buttons asst'd. Fans, asst'd. Groceries, . Breams and broom brushes. Ruches and head dresses KlHstic ribbon, white and black. Hardware, ': CORDAGE. Ladies' gauntlets, ' Superior table coven, : - " Furniture, Manila rope 6, 9 thread, In., 1 ia H : ; ; ' v ' Picture cord and tassuls, ribbons. . ' Camphor trunks - - ! r CurU and tassels rigolets . Superior sash ribbons Stoves LEWIS PURE GROUND LEAD, FULL Qlove stretchers White merino hose, ladies'. Crockery, Ac Brown berege, corsets, Linen damask. WEIGHT KEGS, Silk head nets. - Three ply carpet. Brook's spool cotton, coj'd and Hemp carpet, turnlture damask. FOR SALE BY CASES PURE ZINC, WHITE. Bleached sheetinss. asst'd. whits . . Q--, GROCERIES. MISCELLANEOUS. J C S IAj Tfroes superior Tvams Gn dry salt,) French calfskins. Men's brown and black Leghorn ' TO ARRIYELDINPER - BbU Carolina rk.s Skirting and bridle leather. hats v Bxs saltwater selp, Ladies' heeled congress gaiters Sole leather, WASHINGTON ALLSTON. " Bbls soa shell i Jonds " Ladies' buskins Children's congress boots - Half bxs loaf Table salt, in bags and boxes, Do parodis VARTER CASKS HENNESSVS DARK su. ' . Malf bhla standvil sogal, - Men's - suAavi, Cora starch, farina, opera slippers . 100 bbts pilot brrad. . 1654a Cases starch, transparent soap, Men's heeled pumps Quarter casks Harmony 000 sherry. Bbls. rye Whisky, . Pur sperm candles Layer raisins - s I Lahin's extracts Hyperion fluid, Cases champagne cider, Side bill plows Pain killer, granulated sugar, Bales corks JUST RECEIVED Half boxes sardines. ltamlled brush honks 1 Cant's fan mill, best augers Basket's Solar lamps and chimneys Brit, castors guarded lanterns. champagns Castor extra, : Children's fancy caps Cases 1 do, each, superior Holland gin, AND OTHER LATE ARRIVALS, bottles ' Boys' Legltorn hats. Ladies' riding bats - .. ALSO, AT THE Ladies' brown bloomers Children's brown Leghorn hats. Cases " Rob Roy" high colored Colton flannel.' WOODEN WARE. Ice. Cases Cotton handkerchiefs - - ' SAN FRANCISCO Brass bound pails Covered pails painted. ,TJr' butter' w,ne nd sugar crackers I Birch brooms Manila mats Bb!sff old Bourbon whisky. OLOTHSTG ELIPOIlimi Glased sasb, 10x14 and 10x12, Hair cloth. Quarter pipes P. Rivieren brandy. ! Blinds, 10x14 and 10x13. Curled hair, 4 Cases Prints ' COR. MERCHANT & FORT STREETS, Wood and cane seat rockers Feather pillows ' ' ' Bbls pilot bread. OT rrencn sine pains in uu, vamar varnish. Three top buggys fancy trimmed, - TUE BEST SELECTED STOCK Cases ue Boiled Unseed oil. Neats' foot oil. l7-t- f mer. prints - CLOTHING, Cases togto irons , Cases denim pants HATS AND CAPS, 11 iTIOL-OKA- I and frocks FIXE BUTTER! Manila cordage. 1 and a inch. 1644 BOOTS AND SHOES, , FROM t ; v AND SUGAR, SYRUPS AND MOLASSES, GENTLEMEN'S GOOD'1 MYERS1 ! FCRNISniNO- DAIRY lTTROM THE NEW CROP. FROM TUB ... 4 - EVEK MAEKET, RegMlarly received ststd coaatamily sarnie fcy EAST MAUI PUUVTA TlOJf, IMPORTED INTO TEIS ED fr For sale by (30-t-Q Which w'.U be replenished by every from San Francisco, . KKMP, Hotel street. II. I1ACKFELD A Co. arrival 15Om - Opposite National Hotel. as toe wants or the trade require. - OAK BOATS, Ac WESTS OP OAK BOATS just received per Syren, lOEOIXGE O. 1 7 For sale by rrruiESC goods selected - arc n07E 1 u a . nti :1L by one of the firm, now to SanallFrancisco, with a FOR SAt,B THE CARGO OF SHIP v Riirsrn mk via of the of Honolulu poblie and tbe vhsimgP" HAS LIZA V LLAn from Teekalet knosledfe wants the Mills now Undine, neat, and havuur been purchased at LOW FIGl wiaae consisting 400,000 feeiMorth West Inmber, via. t COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE- - XU. " ' sola at mnca LOWER RATM than havw rmled In thU svM iDChboartla, la years. respectfully b. . all frflm 3x3 to T,22LUDEIlS,GNED HAVE THIS DAT pt Cltlsens and Strangers are ScanUlnf slses 8x. 1 - ALSO ON BAND to c see for tbemselvea. . , 200 M red wood shingles, ' l -- U A. 8. M. 8 v General SMpjHnCcissiw "" GEIW. i S0,000 feet red wood siding, 1 : bui.fill "MAN T :.' i.- - - 40,000 clear r'ne, ,j ...... " vArrrnr?. - Lurrccr wiw' window tT , "v I .Z .. A-- y : Doon, sash, tt jaaf Hooolaiu, Sept. 1. 1" X : " nat taitatt i i 'ror1 .4 ; r t J l ' ' vir:; lArvj - . 1- -4 1 i .v-f-- mXREB 5 CUTTING fALS,Jn MylTed sT" --3 U JL - nrrJirMrtUs Rvren. for sals by DASSC c :wzz C. cit 1U4I tt CO. Ztt i r. trrr i I i fTl