MEET THE FRESHMAN CLASS Everything you need to know about the 116th Congress CONTENTS

1. OVERVIEW …...... 3




The elections held on Tuesday, November 6, 2018 were the first midterm elections under President Donald

Trump. All 435 House of Representative seats were in play and roughly 1/3 of the Senate was in play with

35 seats up for election.

Democrats took control of the House of Representatives with a comfortable margin while Republicans maintained control of the Senate, widening their majority in the upper chamber. On Jan 3, 2019, 110 new members were sworn into the 116th Congress, with 100 in the House and 10 in the Senate.

U.S. House of Representatives

Speaker of the House: Rep. (D-CA)

Majority Leader: Rep. (D-MD)

Majority Whip: Rep. (D-SC)

Minority Leader: Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA)

Minority Whip: Rep. (R-LA) 1-Undecided

U.S. Senate

Majority Leader: Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY)

Majority Whip: Sen. John Thune (R-SD)

Minority Leader: Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY)

47 D 2- Independent 51 R Minority Whip: Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) 04.


Ann Greg Josh Katie Jimmy Gil Katie Harley Mike Kirkpatrick Stanton Harder Hill Gomez Cisneros Porter Rouda Levin AZ-02 AZ-09 CA-10 CA-25 CA-34 CA-39 CA-45 CA-48 CA-49

Joe Jason Jahana Debbie Donna Lucy Ed Abby Cindy Neguse Crow Hayes Mucarsel-Powell Shalala McBath Case Finkenauer Axne CO-02 CO-06 CT-05 FL-26 FL-27 GA-06 HI-01 IA-01 IA-03

Jesus Sean Lauren Sharice Lori Ayanna David Jared Elissa Garcia Casten Underwood Davids Trahan Pressley Trone Golden Slotkin IL-04 IL-06 IL-14 KS-03 MA-03 MA-07 MD-06 ME-02 MI-08

Andy Haley Rashida Angie Dean lIhan Chris Jeff Stevens Tlaib Craig Phillips Omar Pappas Van Drew Kim MI-09 MI-11 MI-13 MN-02 MN-03 MN-05 NH-01 NJ-02 NJ-03

Tom Mikie Deb Xochitl Susie Steven Max Alexandria Antonio Malinowski Sherrill Haaland Torres Small Lee Horsford Rose Ocasio-Cortez Delgado NJ-07 NJ-11 NM-01 NM-02 NV-03 NV-04 NY-11 NY-14 NY-19

Anthony Joe Kendra Madeleine Mary Gay Chrissy Susan Conor Joe Brindisi Morelle Horn Dean Scanlon Houlahan Wild Lamb Cunningham NY-22 NY-25 OK-05 PA-04 PA-05 PA-06 PA-07 PA-17 SC-01

Lizzie Veronica Sylvia Colin Ben Elaine Abigail Jennifer Kim Pannill Fletcher Escobar Garcia Allred McAdams Luria Spanberger Wexton Schrier TX-07 TX-16 TX-29 TX-32 UT-04 VA-02 VA-07 VA-10 WA-08 05.

Debbie Mike Ross Greg Russ Michael Greg Steve Ron Lesko Waltz Spano Steube Fulcher Baird Pence Watkins Estes AZ-08 FL-06 FL-15 FL-17 ID-01 IN-04 IN-06 KS-02 KS-04

Jim Pete Michael Greg Mark Kelly Troy Anthony Kevin Hagedorn Strauber Guest Gianforte Harris Armstrong Balderson Gonzalez Hern MN-01 MN-08 MS-03 MT-AL NC-09 ND-AL OH-12 OH-16 OK-01

Dan John Guy William Ralph Dusty Tim John Mark Meuser Joyce Reschenthaler Timmons Norman Johnson Burchett Rose Green PA-09 PA-13 PA-14 SC-04 SC-05 SD-AL TN-02 TN-06 TN-07

Dan Van Lance Ron Chip Michael John Denver Ben Crenshaw Taylor Gooden Wright Roy Cloud Curtis Riggleman Cline TX-02 TX-03 TX-05 TX-06 TX-21 TX-27 UT-03 VA-05 VA-06

Bryan Carol Steil Miller WI-01 WV-03


Rick Mike Josh Cindy Kevin Marsha Mitt Scott Braun Hawley Hyde-Smith Cramer Blackburn Romney FL-Sen IN-Sen MO-Sen MS-Sen ND-Sen TN-Sen UT-Sen

Kyrsten Tina Jacky Sinema Smith Rosen AZ-Sen MN-Sen NV-Sen 06. FRESHMEN BY THE NUMBERS The 2018 elections led to the most diverse freshman class in Congress’s history.

With an average age of 49, this is the A record 42 new members are women, 38

youngest freshman class since 2011. of whom represent the Democratic party.

25 freshmen are people of color, making At least 19 new members have

this the most diverse cohort ever. served in the military.

FRESHMAN SUPERL ATIVES The freshman class of the 116th Congress is filled with notable “firsts.”

At 29, Alexandria & Debra lIhan Omar and Rashida Kyrsten Sinema is the first Ocasio-Cortez Haaland are the first two Tlaibare the first two woman elected senator from is the youngest woman Native American women Muslim-American women AZ & first openly bisexual elected to Congress. elected to Congress. elected to Congress. person elected to the Senate.

TOP HASHTAGS Social media played a vital role in the 2018 elections and continues to grow as a platform for politics.

Top Hashtags Used By Freshman Democrats Top Hashtags Used By Freshman Republicans

#goptaxscam 216 #remainred 113 #marchforourlives 197 #leadright 39 #neveragain 144 #maga 38 #gunreformnow 125 #northkorea 36 #dreamers 111 #healthcarefreedom 31 #climatechange 83 #gopbustour 24 #medicareforall 80 #keepcongressconservative 24 #unionstrong 75 #makecongressworkforus 18 #enoughisenough 73 #scotus 17 07 . 4 STEPS TO UPDATE YOUR PAC & ADVOCACY COMMUNICATIONS STRATEGY IN 2019

1. GET SOCIAL. Follow your new members as well as any stand-out freshmen. Check their feeds regulary and keep your ear to the ground on hot button issues.

2. WATCH. LISTEN. LEARN. Do your research in order to identify trends, topics and opportunities to engage new members on your issues.

3. REVISIT & REVISE. Update your PAC and advocacy messaging to more effectively speak to the new Congress and reflect their communication style. Think about what they will prioritize and focus on.

4. THINK #NEXTGEN. The new Congress is young, diverse and engaged. Make sure you are implementing next-generation communications tactics such as digital and video that speak to them.