Int J Clin Exp Med 2018;11(10):10881-10888 /ISSN:1940-5901/IJCEM0081467

Original Article translated by SECIS-deficient mRNA induce apoptosis in Hela cells

Lifang Tian1, Fumeng Huang1, Li Wang1, Zhao Chen1, Jin Han1, Dongmin Li2, Shemin Lu2, Rongguo Fu1

1Department of Nephrology, The Second Affiliated Hospital of Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China; 2Department of Genetics and Molecular in College of Medicine, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China Received June 19, 2018; Accepted September 6, 2018; Epub October 15, 2018; Published October 30, 2018

Abstract: Objective: The aim of this study was to explore the biological function of selenoproteins translated by SECIS-deficient mRNAs of S (SelS), glutathione peroxidase 4 (Gpx4), and thioredoxin reductase 1 (TrxR1). Methods: Recombinant plasmids of normal and insertion sequence (SECIS)-deficient mRNAs of SelS, Gpx4, and TrxR1 were constructed and transfected into Hela cells. Total RNA was collected by TRIzol method and cDNA were obtained by mRNA reverse transcription. To ensure that target selenoprotein genes were successfully transfected into cells and highly expressed, PCR was performed for only 15 circulations. Bright bands were then observed of target genes. Results: After transfection for 24 hours, expression of green fluorescent protein was noted and the transfection efficiency was detected up to 40% by fluorescein activated sorter analysis. After transfection for 48 hours, cells were collected to stain for fluorescein activated cell sorter analysis. Results showed that Hela cell apoptosis could be induced by selenoproteins translated by SECIS-deficient mRNAs but not normal selenoproteins. Conclusion: Selenoproteins translated by SECIS-deficient mRNAs of SelS, Gpx4, and TrxR1 induce Hela cells apoptosis, providing the underlying mechanisms of selenium deficiency conditions or diseases.

Keywords: Selenoproteins, SECIS-deficient, apoptosis, Hela cells

Introduction for UGA decoding in the process of selenopro- tein expression [8] and results are greatly influ- Selenium is an essential micronutrient. Much enced by dietary selenium [9]. Decoding of the of its biological function on human health has UGA codon requires multiple factors, such as been attributed to the presence of more than the selenocysteine insertion sequence (SECIS) 30 selenoproteins in the human body [1]. element and other essential protein factors [6]. Selenoproteins play roles in a variety of physio- Secondary structures of the SECIS element logical processes, such as regulation of redox are highly conserved and contain consensus homeostasis [2], immune function [3], repro- sequences that are indispensable for Sec incor- duction [4] and biosynthesis of thyroid hormone poration [10]. SECIS is located within the [5]. 3’-untranslated region (UTR) of mRNA in eukary- otes [11]. In the process of the selenoprotein Unlike other metal elements that interact with- synthesis, abnormality of any of the above fac- in proteins in the form of cofactors, selenium tors would terminate the peptide chain without becomes co-translationally incorporated into Sec incorporation. the polypeptide chain as part of the selenocysteine (Sec) [6]. A remarkable feature In a low selenium environment, a different splic- of Sec incorporated into proteins is its shared ing form of selenoprotein induces lots of se- UGA with termination codon [7]. However, the lenocysteine-deficient selenoprotein produc- UGA codon plays the role of termination of pep- tions. Until now, the mechanisms of biologic or tide chain . In fact, there is competi- pathological effects caused by selenoprotein tion between Sec-tRNA and the release factor splicing form of terminating in advance or Selenocysteine-deficient selenoproteins induce apoptosis

Table 1. Primers used for amplification of selenoproteins kit (OMEGA, USA) and we- NCBI N0. Gene Primer sequences (5’-3’) re screened by XhoI and NM_018445.4 SelS For: CCGCTCGAGATGGAACGCCAAGAGG ApaI digestion and agarose gel electrophoresis. Posi- Rev: GCGGGCCCTTAATATACAGAAACAAACCCCATC tive plasmids were sent for trun-SelS For: CCGCTCGAGATGGAACGCCAAGAGGAGTC sequencing (Sangong Bio- Rev: GCGGGCCCTTAGCCTCATCCGCCAG tech, Shanghai, China). NM_002085.3 Gpx4 For: CCGCTCGAGATGAGCCTCGGCCGCC Rev: GCGGGCCCTTACCCACAAGGTAGCCAGG Cell culture and transfec- trun-Gpx4 For: CCGCTCGAGATGAGCCTCGGCCGCC tion with recombinant plas- Rev: GCGGGCCCCTAGAAATAGTGGGGCAGGTCC mids in Hela cells NM_182743.1 trun-TrxR1 For: CCGCTCGAGATGAACGGCCCTGAAG Rev: GCGGGCCCTTAACCTCAGCAGCCAG Hela cells were purchased from Chinese Academy of Science Affiliated Shanghai its translation product-selenocysteine-deficient Cell Bank. Cells were cultured in DMEM media peptide chain have remained unclear. The pres- (Hyclone, Logan, UT, USA) containing 10% fetal ent study proposed the hypotheses that sele- calf serum (Hyclone, Logan, UT, USA) at 37°C in nocysteine-deficient selenoproteins could in- a 100% humidified atmosphere of 5% CO2. duce cell apoptosis. Thus, five recombinant plasmids of normal and SECIS-deficient seleno- Transfection of recombinant plasmids to the protein genes of selenoprotein S (SelS), gluta- cells was performed with LipofectamineTM thione peroxidase 4 (Gpx4), and thioredoxin 2000 reagent (Invitrogen, San Diego, CA, USA), reductase 1 (Trx1) were constructed and trans- according to manufacturer instructions. Briefly, fected into Hela cells. Cell apoptosis was then 1 day before transfection, exponentially grow- tested. ing cells were seeded into six-well plates at a density of 1.5 × 105 cells/well in the medium Materials and methods without antibiotics. When they reached 70% confluence, cells were transfected with 2 μg Construction of normal and SECIS-deficient DNA of plasmids per well using Lipofectamine selenoprotein gene plasmids 2000. Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) expres- sion of Hela cells was observed by a fluores- For construction of pEGFP-C1-selenoprotein cence microscope (Nikon, ELIPSE Ti, Japan) 6 or pEGFP-C1-SECIS-deficient-selenoprotein re- hours after transfection. Transfection efficiency combinant plasmids, human cDNA was used was evaluated with GFP by the fluorescence for amplification. Target genes of SECIS-de- activated cell sorter (FACS) 24 hours after ficient-selenoprotein amplified by PCR only transfection. comprised the coding sequence (CDS) of the mRNA, but without the 5’untranslated region Reverse transcription-PCR (UTR) or 3’UTR. Normal selenoproteins ampli- fied by PCR included CDS and 3’UTR, which Total RNA of the cells after transfection of contain the SECIS elements without 5’UTR. recombinant plasmids for 24 hours was extract- Primers of the five selenoprotein genes are ed using TRIzol (Invitrogen, USA). RNA purity shown in the Table 1. PCR products and the and content were determined with UV/visible pEGFP-C1 plasmids were digested by XhoI and spectrophotometer. Synthesis of cDNA was ApaI. Fragments of double enzyme-digested conducted from 2 μg total RNA using the First- products were subjected to agarose gel electro- Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit (Fermentas, Burling- phoresis and purified by the DNA Purification ton, ON, Canada), according to manufacturer Kit (BioDev-Tech, Beijing, China). Fragments of instructions. RT-PCR was performed as follows: selenoprotein genes and pEGFP-C1 vectors 1 cycle at 94°C for 3 minutes, followed by 15 were ligated by T4 ligase (Sigma, USA) at 4°C cycles at 94°C for 30 seconds, 60°C for 30 overnight to generate new plasmids. The plas- seconds, 72°C for 30 seconds, and finally 1 mids were transfected into the DH5α E. coli. cycle at 72°C for 7 minutes. PCR products were New plasmids were extracted by the Plasmid subjected to agarose gel electrophoresis.

10882 Int J Clin Exp Med 2018;11(10):10881-10888 Selenocysteine-deficient selenoproteins induce apoptosis

Figure 1. Agarose gel electrophoresis of recombi- nant plasmids of SECIS-deficient-SelS and SelS (A), SECIS-deficient-GPx4 and GPx4 (B), and SECIS- deficient-TrxR1 (C). Lane M is the 100 bp marker, lane 1 is the PCR products of SECIS-deficient sele- noproteins, lane 2 is the double restriction enzyme- digested products of the recombined SECIS-defi- cient selenoproteins and vector, lane 3 is the PCR products of selenoproteins, lane 4 is the double restriction enzyme-digested product of recombined selenoproteins and vector.

Cell death and apoptosis assay Gpx4 and SECIS-deficient-Gpx4 Figure ( 1B), and SECIS-deficient-TrxR1 Figure( 1C). Gel elec- After transfection of recombinant plasmids for trophoresis demonstrated that 5 recombinant 48 hours, cell apoptosis was detected by plasmids were digested to two fragments with Annexin V-PE/7-AAD apoptosis detection kit different lengths, respectively. Judging from the (Byotime Biotech, Jiangsu, China), according to lengths, the longer products corresponded to manufacturer instructions. Briefly, cells were the pEGFP-C1 vector and the shorter products trypsinized and resuspended in binding buffer corresponded to selenoprotein and SECIS- with 5 μL 7-AAD and 1 μL Annexin V-PE. After deficient-selenoprotein genes. According to incubating for 15 minutes in the dark, samples sequencing results, no deletion, insertion, or TM were analyzed using a GuavaeasyCyt Flow mutation was found and the consistency rate Cytometer (EMDMillipore, Darmstadt, Germany) was 100%. It was confirmed that the clones and percentages of 7-AAD positive and Annexin were successfully constructed. V-PE positive were valuated. Identification of transfection efficiency of nor- Statistical analyses mal and SECIS-deficient selenoprotein genes

Data were analyzed using SPSS15.0 statistical After transfection with recombinant plasmids software and are presented as mean ± for 6 hours, cells with green fluorescence could Standard Error of the Mean (SEM). Statistical be observed by fluorescence microscopy. analysis of the apoptosis test was performed Furthermore, a fluorescein activated cell sorter by the nonparametric test (Mann-Whitney was used to determine GFP positive cells. U-test). P-values less than 0.05 are considered Results showed that transfection efficiency statistically significant and the results of *** was up to 40% after transfection for 24 hours represent P<0.001. (Figure 2A). Results Total RNAs were extracted from the cells by Identification of normal and SECIS-deficient TRIzol after transfection for 24 hours. Next, selenoprotein gene clones cDNA was obtained by mRNA reverse transcrip- tion and used to PCR, which was performed for Five selenoprotein genes were cloned, includ- 15 cycles. PCR was performed in mock, empty ing SelS and SCIS-deficient-SelS Figure ( 1A), vector, SECIS-deficient-SelS, and SelS groups.

10883 Int J Clin Exp Med 2018;11(10):10881-10888 Selenocysteine-deficient selenoproteins induce apoptosis

Figure 2. Identification of normal and SECIS-deficient selenoprotein genes at 24 hours after transfection. A. Trans- fection of recombinant plasmids in Hela cells. The left picture is under light microscope and the right one is under fluorescence microscope. The black bar indicates 10 μm. B-E. Agarose gel electrophoresis of normal and SECIS- deficient selenoprotein genes and GAPDH in Hela cells. 1-3: mock group, 4-6: empty vector group, 7-9: SECIS-defi- cient-SelS group, 10-12: SelS group, 13-15: SECIS-deficient-Gpx4 group, 16-18: Gpx4 group, 19 -21: TrxR1 group, each set of three parallel samples.

SECIS-deficient-SelS and SelS primers were genes were successfully transfected into the used respectively (Figure 2B). As shown in the cells and expressed at a high level. Thus, the left part, SECIS-deficient-SelS gene band biological effects of these target genes could appeared in the SECIS-deficient-SelS group be further researched. and SelS group after 15 cycles of PCR, while there was no obvious band in the mock group Apoptosis induced by SECIS-deficient seleno- and empty vector group for the low copy num- proteins but not normal selenoproteins ber in these two groups. High expression of SECIS-deficient-SelS gene bands in the trans- After transfection of normal or SECIS-deficient fected cells indicates that the transfection was selenoproteins plasmids for 48 hours, cells successful. Since the SelS gene fragment com- were collected and cell apoptosis was detected prised the SECIS-deficient-SelS gene fragment, by FACS (Figure 3A). It was observed that, as SECIS-deficient-SelS genes were also highly with cells transfected with mock or empty vec- expressed in the SelS group. The right part indi- tors, the cells transfected with normal SelS or cates the results of amplifying the SelS gene Gpx4 genes mainly distributed in the quadrant fragment, manifesting the successful transfec- of living cells (lower left). Moreover, cells of tion of SelS recombinant plasmid. Similar these two groups distributed in the quadrants results could be seen after transfection of of Annexin V positive (lower right) and 7-AAD GPx4 genes, SECIS-deficient-GPx4 genes positive (upper left) were no more than the con- (Figure 2C), and SECIS-deficient-TrxR1 genes trol groups. In contrast, cells transfected with (Figure 2D). PCR of GAPDH was also performed SECIS-deficient-SelS, SECIS-deficient-Gpx4, or in all 7 groups mentioned above (Figure 2E). SECIS-deficient-TrxR1 genes were distributed more scattered than the control groups. Results demonstrated that each of the five Annexin V positive (lower right) and 7-AAD posi- SECIS-deficient and normal selenoprotein tive (upper left) cells in those three groups were

10884 Int J Clin Exp Med 2018;11(10):10881-10888 Selenocysteine-deficient selenoproteins induce apoptosis

Figure 3. Apoptosis could be induced by SECIS-deficient sele- noproteins but not normal sele- noproteins. Cell apoptosis was assayed by using Annexin V-PI detection kit after the normal and SECIS-deficient selenopro- tein genes were transfected into cells after 48 hours. A. FACS result. B, C. Statistical analy- sis, n=3. Error bars, SEM. ***, P<0.001 vs. control group.

10885 Int J Clin Exp Med 2018;11(10):10881-10888 Selenocysteine-deficient selenoproteins induce apoptosis significantly increased relative to control intracellular oxidative environment, research groups. It can be concluded from statistical reported by Takafumi Suzuki generated a con- analysis that the numbers of apoptotic cells ditional knockout mouse for the tRNA-Sec gene in SECIS-deficient-SelS, SECIS-deficient-Gpx4, (Trsp) [15]. This research found that deletion of and SECIS-deficient-TrxR1 were significantly Trsp in either macrophages or liver cells elevat- higher than those in the mock control group or ed oxidative stress and activated the transcrip- empty vectors (P<0.001) (Figure 3B). However, tional induction of cytoprotective antioxidant there were no differences in the numbers of and detoxification enzyme genes. After double dead cells between the five experimental knockout of Trsp and Nrf2, macrophages and groups (Figure 3C). Hence, cell apoptosis could liver cells displayed reduced viability, elevated be induced by selenocysteine-deficient seleno- oxidative stress, and increased susceptibility to proteins of SelS, Gpx4, and Trx1 but not normal hydrogen peroxide treatment, compared with selenoproteins. deletion of either gene alone. This study sug- gested that a decrease in selenoprotein activity Discussion causes Nrf2-mediated protective responses that are necessary to maintain intracellular Selenium deficiency may lead to a disorder of redox homeostasis and cell viability. Results of selenoprotein synthesis and accumulation of this study support the experimental results of truncated selenoproteins without active Sec in the present study. the peptides. The stability of selenoproteins has been positively correlated with selenium The study of selenium compromised of seleno- availability, which tunes reassignment of UGA proteins has mostly focused on TrxR1. As to Sec [12]. A remarkable diversity of RNA shown in the research of Anestål et al., truncat- elements conducting multiple occurrences of ing -Sec-Gly at carboxyl terminal of TrxR1 at UGA redefine the synthesis of full length and protein levels or forms of the enzyme compro- truncated selenoprotein P isoform [13]. Non- mised at the Sec residue with either cisplatin or sense-mediated mRNA decay pathways may dinitrophenyl moieties will rapidly induce cell play an important role in regulating selenopro- death, while the enzymatically active full-length tein mRNA levels when Se is limiting [14]. enzyme did not hold this property [16]. The Furthermore, the mechanisms of biologic or present study generated SECIS-deficient sele- pathological effects caused by selenoprotein noproteins at the DNA level, obtaining results splicing form of terminating in advance or that were inconsistent with previous reports. its translation product-selenocysteine-deficient peptide chain remain unclear. Mechanisms of cell apoptosis induced by trun- cated TrxR1 have also been reported in several The present study generated the Sec-deficient studies. The main function of TrxR1 is reducing selenoproteins translated by SECIS-deficient Trx1, thus cell viability could be promoted. mRNAs to mimic the situation of selenium defi- ciency. Results showed that selenocysteine- Downstream mechanisms could be summa- deficient SelS, Gpx4, and TrxR1 genes could rized as inhibition of apoptosis signal-regulat- induce Hela cell apoptosis, while normal sele- ing kinase 1 [17], regeneration of peroxiredox- noproteins did not have this effect. However, ins [18], and methionine sulfoxide reductase the mechanisms of cell apoptosis caused by [19]. It can be assumed that selenium deficient selenocysteine-deficient selenoproteins rema- TrxR1 can form complexes with exogenous thio- in unclear. redoxin (Trx) or TrxR1 subunits. When exoge- nous Trx is significantly inhibited, TrxR1 activity It has been widely accepted that SelS, Gpx4, will decline. As a downstream effect, cell apop- and TrxR1 can maintain intracellular redox lev- tosis will be triggered by reduction of normal els. Sec is an essential composition of seleno- antioxidant substances and activation of apop- protein enzyme activity center, thus the de- tosis signal-regulating kinase 1. Furthermore, struction of Sec by truncating selenoproteins the link between TrxR1 and p53 [20] has been will destroy the activity center. As a result, intra- reported. TrxR1 was shown to be a prerequisite cellular ROS levels and toxic substances levels for retinoid/interferon-induced cell death but will elevate and eventually lead to cell apopto- not for cell death induced by tumor necrosis sis. To detect the effects of sec removal on the factor α, etoposide, or vincristine [21]. This indi-

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