HKLP ihe of the State to railroad !«ottt»»k.At Fishkill-on-Hndeon, .* , WANTKD-MALI*. phta, where he arrived August 19, and had been at. .runout costs and w>»houl prejudice to it lurther spp'l- fsrtnining power regulate fil iUp Centennial tttr and thai he did nut catlou no their with order of tarill* au>t the .alter the valMitv ol insurance policies October 7, Willi** Lottimrr, aged years. HOMaSx IIArtST lending since, upon compliance part are invited to attend Ik* ..v., w«nt a vouuf In meUlclna lor IIIK U'1 t" ntiMoud. the nmnrvl l*»7n. lesiied prior to the war upon Soul itero rtaks l>y Norib- The relative* «ud irifiidl ANoKLI.S «Tftco *l«c THE COURTS. lie alio MM Ml April 22, 10 at 4th av. ao>t 21*1 II., on Americans. tin>|#r 'J.V at ruUltfr^, whirl) lie will ertolmd (roil) ol he hail usrd The Merchants' National Bunk vs. Velt- orn companies. the Companies l-suing whirl) lifted funeral, Calvary church, dlsposins Exchange at irn o'eiock A. M. \i h ni-elt lor and that he had no what¬ man.. Motion denied with $10 costs. Tina is a raso keep ag.-uts n»r ihe receipt "I premiums aud ttie irans- Wednesday, llih task, lWi. KOBKK MAN, TO MAKB UDfSELI living property Charlotte, wife of /Vf\N tiM'ful in a >n "I counsel wh.cli should he upon a un>l I feel action ut general business in the localities of the rtsks. Mapes .Saturday, Oclohcr 7, a«rilitf hniim*. Address, giving ai;e aoi ever. p tnis testimony and argument passed by jury, W illiam H. and daughter ol Charles T. Ktpp. .ntffi require 1, fKKl'Y, llamid office. V u Itruut rendered the lo'lowing de- hound upon the lacls stated in the affidavits to hold the Mspes Judge ye-torday and Relatives and friends are invited loatteiirt the luneral, ACTIVE MAX OK GOOD A 88 for Dr. the etatoB:. '-I think thai the coucluaion la irri-sisiihle, iteli-nilant Smyihu until the issue can be tally THE FULTON isTREET BURGLARY. ffotn the DORK rOK OUT Struggle Liberty by Flint, in tried. on Tuesday, loih iu»L, at three n'clotk I*. M., VXdoor orri-r» HKW VORK HOOK CUNCRKN. Nn. upon reading the defendant'! examination, hearing Impartially Warren at., fourth II to (. the thai the deien- K isin vs .The had no right to re¬ residence of Charles T. Kipp, Central ay., opposite floor. wind previous l.itiory ol the cure, Snyder attorney The examination In the case of Mlehael Kurtz, a Sit hern's Hotel. Teapot Medium. dant lelt ttila State to rvaoa the prucea- of the Court fuse to perm11 plalnlifT to discontinue when it was the 4 STItOVO BOY.MUST MaKK HIMSELF G1X. the Matkk..On the 9lh at the residence wages ¦ for and to avuid being to apply the money ho wish of In- i»'ii client, the defendant. He should pronounced Israelite, who. however, has adopted Monday, Inst, .,'YeraIIy useful; mall lb* beginning. Addreaa rompolled mid of her parents, 121 East tllith at., Flora, Youngest lu own handwriting, Host office 'mix 1.74!' had cm hand to thia execution. Ait undertaking have roiisciilod to biscon'lhua settled auy question sobriquet ol Mikc Sheehan, and who is charged with 6 mouths must l c deleiidani la also held under a of Ires suit. The motion must he gr .ntod. daughter of Gerson and Rota Mayer, aged till NTS LOOK #3 PKK WKKK AND glveu." The by concerned in the robbery ol the Jewelry atoro or and 4 KxVKKsli writ of attachment tor contempt. Messrs. ItlumenHticI Lyon tr*. Suiter. . Motiou granted upon payment of being days. ^VKor particulars call at room 4, iJl.'i Broadway. S. without in any ol ifae pro¬ brand* Hortcii. No. 42 Fultoa street, on the 1st last., Notice of funeral hereafter. SENT TO STATE PRISON FOR LIFE. nmi Aarlier appeared aa atlorneya lor plalulill; K. (10 costs, hut prejudice October Uiorgi 1(1 Nr W i \ D lo si I.!. mMI'I.K TK AS TO Newrombe for delendant ceedings which have been instituted hy the persons raoie up yesterday belore Ju-tice Viorgan, at the Tombs Mils..on Sunday evening, 1. ./A'aniiih-s and consumer*. Dealer* supplies. MACDOX- W. K. llowc eareu lor ihe Mil.v, one of the oldest an J most merchants xt sought to he added as parties defendant herein. 1'olice Court. Counsellor ap| respected Ol oil A CO. 431 Henri , corner Chambers. a is reversed Several witnesses were examined. Deiee- of Una city. In the 80tn ol bis age. i.tidirey vs. Muser..When judgment deleudnnt. year 442 wanted.l.x "wholesale stork down TOO MUCH MOTHER-IN-LAW. wih costs to sbido tne event, that means the coats ol tivea Kiiu and ol the Central Olllce, iwors lo Tne funeral took place. Ironi his lite residence, we-k Lyon, have last. Mr Milo was a Hoyown. »»ci #3 per Address, stating age, iu owa Adjournment of the and Tweed Suits la tho matter ot the habeas cori us obtained some the rente as well as me costs of the appeal (T Boson, having seen the watch and chain, supposed to West 23d si. on Wednesday Unn H. it C., Ilernl I office. Sweeny lour native of and a resident of this city Iwriliug, s 1 ami 14) II hail accepted lha new triul and been a part of the robbery, wttn the prisoner liiiudee. Scotland, days tire on behalf ol Mrs. A. Anderson, to obtain pluiuiifl the over \ /1HOII i ll A I'o.ssr M !.: Its AO KNT8 WANTBD.8P||- Till After Election. been deleated ell the costs would linva been taxed months ago. Emtna Kurt/, a cousin ol prisoner, for Ulty ears. ft IK TEA of her an Infant nine months, watch and chain in Mix In on October 8, iJciHl inducement*. CANTON COMPANY, potseesmn child, aged acainst him It is trie same where they appeal Irom lestihcd to taken the ques¬ pell..Suddenly, Brooklyn, 1 ,s t ham hers »(.. Sew Yor.. she was from her the new- trial nail hat eulb-rcd tion lo several tunes. The testimony ot ihe ono 1870, David in the 63d year of bis age. whlcn allegod wrongfully detained the order granted, judg¬ pawn Mcxdell, KOK IT. ment ahsoluto. '1 he taxation la correct and must he witness h»r iho prosecution was vague and Indefinite. Relatives and ineuds are reppecttully invited to at¬ OOK OCT by her husband, J. Anderson, there was a heariug yes¬ 138 Fultou J affirmed. The further hearingwnsadjournod until next Saturday. tend the Mineral, front Ins iatc residence, | THE EVENING TELEGRAM, CHAPTER FROM TWEED'S OFFICIAL RECORD terday, belore Judge Barren, holding Supreme Court, COURT.CHAMBERS. St., ou Wednesday, October 11, st 'wo o'clock I'. M. MAklNX Providence and New London Chambers. Tho mild was produced in court, and tho A ROBBERY. papers please copy. will luiie an Extra with rnturna fax far aa known) By Chief Justice Shea. DARING McDonald..Suddenly, ou Saturday, October 7, tonight father ut.d mother were also tliero. When the matter Heroy vs. Mcl.itne; Jones vs. Kompf..Defendants' John H Mi'Duxald. ol results of the was called up tho father, through his counsel, Messrs. delauil noted. On ln*t Friday afiernoon, while Mrs. Mary C. V. RIs- The relatives and friends of the family are respect¬ the vs. default. ELECTIONS IN Ollio AMD INDIANA. An Absconding Debtor at Hall and Htanuy, made and Died » return, denying Tilglunan Starke..I'laintlfl's wMoolMr. John K. Kislcy, a lawyer, of No. 128 fully invited to attend the Mineral, this (Tuesday), tho allegations sat torth in the ol tne wtle, mid Dix vs. Totalis: Clallin vs. Kempncr; Eistg vs. ley, lot It at one from uis late 253 it AND 1)RESSER WANTED.. petition was Woarev goods store, corner mat., o'clock, rrsideure, f>0i LtrY KILLE Bay. alleging that she retused to care tor the child that she, Chase; Mahor vs. Wallace; Sp.ngstcen vs. (ilineary.. llroadwny, leaving dry 7th sL I need apply who cannot giro the eery tost city ref- in company with her mother, hud refused 10 permit Millions granted. ol Nineteenth street and Sixth avenue, her pockctbook. Oliver _.\l her residence. No. 442 East 79th st. on erence ax to character and ability. Addteaa POULTRY, hi r. Andersou to rema n in the house unless tie pro¬ Lord vs. Thompson; Wubbenhorst vs. Fabling; containing was snatched Irotn her hand by a October afier a short Mary relict of l o\ 14(1 Herald office. $35, 63 7, illness, Oliver, cured the services o( n uurse ami other extrava¬ Koblrr va W'esterman; Lang vs. Hlsterer; Flsbcr vs. rulliuD named Arthur McCue, residing at No. the late John Oliver. i. »- wanted kverywhbbktc girl voung his uiENTs Dr. Rufus Warner Flint, more popularly known as gancies, which ho could not allord, and that he re¬ Comitock; Iltait vs. Miller; Nichols va. Taylor; Lunl West Eighteenth street, who succeeded lu making Tlio friends ol tbo family, and of her sons, Anthony, 1>ukkxcil to tiiniiliea, hotels and lerg* conaumara; largest moved the child so that it might receive proper vs. Smith; Westheiuiber va Hall; sparkman va. Haas; escape, though, ho was pursued into n neighboring Fram Is and James, are respectfully invited to mteud atocb in the country: quality and term- the bait Co titry I lie Teapot Mod urn, mil languishes in Ludlow Street nnil should call or write Til E WELLS TEA Of) if care and attention, and mat i,0 had always been .Schuster vs. Otto; Douglass vs. Otto; Case vs. Hirdsall; alleyway by Mrs. Kulcv. ou cunday evening ohlcur the Mineral, to day, at one o'clock P. M. toick.-epera and Fall faiiuro to to M* wilo In the was to lor the mother liosua va Meehan vs. Tho Katt saw McCue in l'A V -I'l Kulton -t between Church GreenwIcK through pay alimony still ready aud willing provide Llghiliill; Dry Dock, Riley, ol tho Twenty-ninth precinct, lialway (Ireland) papers please copy. New y..ra tuit brought by her against him for divorce, and bo la nml her child, tint that llier* was "too much mother-in- Broadway and llntiery Railroad Company; Valentine Sixth avenue nnt ariesled him. Captain Williams 1'arkkr..On Monday, the 9th mot., Mkkker M., son law." and that the was under Iter vs. granted and filed. to Mrs. at her residence and late John C. 15 '.N ED \l 4ni -Til AV. .A FIRST CLASS EX no means inlatuated with bis accomoda- petitioner noting Meagher..Orders telegraphed Kisley country of Frances H. the I'arker, aged by present mother's Influence and against the respondent's iieiss \s. Krnsi; Jtce» va ItOvera..Motion grnntod. in Fort Washington, and iho lady on arriving years. if perienct-d dry good* porter. lions, but, on the contrary, Is "moving heaven and wishes. Kach claimed that the other was an un¬ Tower vs. Deitsch,.Joseph T. Mosher, Esq., re¬ morning idetttiOod the prisoner as the Friends and relatives of the aro 11TANTED.A YOUNG MAN AS AND TO parly yesterday fully family rcspcetlully WAITER went earth to get out of durance vile." Ills rase came up lit person to have the care uud custody ot the child. ceiver. person who stole her pockctbook. On being arraigned invited to attend the luncrai, Ironi Ins lato residence, II in ihr himself gmierallv useful; wagex #3 per the inlher was I he va at Flaco Court Call at 2.17 .'ith av . with heat references. Mr Anderson's counsel claimed that Lutz Kobinson..Motion granted. before Justice the Washington fix F.a't 127th st , on the 11th at city yeatorday in Supreme Court, Chambers, before Judge Uixby, Wednesday, Inst., legal custodian ol the child, while ex-Judge Garvin, By Judge Alkcr. yesterday, McCue plvaded guilty and was held lor trial ibrco P. M., without further noliCo. \|T t.NTKD- A LIVE YOI NO M VN WHO IS WILLING Barrett, on a motion to vucale the judgment for waul Mrs. Anderson's counsel, that a child ol aucli Byrne va. Heath; Johnson va Conner; Kmmert vs. in default ol bail. on Ootober William 11 to work lor law wage*: one th»t has had some export argued $2.U0t) I'rouu..Suddenly, Saturday, 7, Addreaa AT- »f jurisdiction. Mrs. Flint's counsel moved lor an ad¬ tender age ought to remain in the mother's custody Leonard. .Cases tetllcd and filed Ociober I), 1876. L. 1'Roen, In the 5lhli year ol his age. ence in house furnishing business preterred. until the of the case llarrett, with¬ Slnnott First Reformed WOOD. Herald ¦.Itlce. journment of the and during t he course of his disposition Judge Hy Judge A GRAVE CHARGE. Funeral Ironi the Episcopal church, ______beuriug, out pasting upon the legal i|ueition involved, directed Gilsen va Valkening; Nixon vs. Smith..Motions for Madison av., coruer of 47tli St., tins (Tuesday) morning, l» ItEl.lAlli E "CooFKIl" MEN To TaKH remarks made use of distasteful to the that the mailer and In the meantime WrAXTI at ouce to MARCUS expressions stand over, fiat recelvurs granted. Tho is now mado that Hugh McRob- at hall-past nine o'clock. Olhcers aad members of the ii charge of election boxes. Apply ol the child. vs. to vacate order of arrost charge openly attend HaNLoN. 14th at. and 4th av. Court, which met «ith a deemed rebuke. Mr. George tliu mother should have tho custody Kress Kuhach..Motion of Old City Guard are respectlully tnvited*lo denied ; no costs. orts, present County Treasurer Richmond county, on October 8, TO CAN VAS8 KOB W. Wilson, counsel lor Dr. Flint, a rote to reply to the Rsilly..Suddenly, Sunday morning, \V ANTED ENERGETIC MEN THE SWEENY AND TWEED SUITS. Harens vs. Oppenhelm..Judgment for plaintiff on is a defaulter in the sum of over $72,000. This charge PntLLtr Keillt, at his residence, 279 Hudson St., aged 11 our family paper. For full particulars call at room 4 remarks of opposite counsel, but the Court remarked let llndtngs be presented at once. is tnnds ex--tipervisor Abraham J. Wood, who (310 Broadway. In ibe note; by 63 years. that be would hear the case this morning. There wan a largo crowd yesterday morning Hudeschbauscr va. Hough..Motion granted; see states that he arrives at his conclusion through an ex¬ Funeral from bis late residence, at nine A. M., TvTaNTMD.a YOUNollAN. AHOUT 20. GOOD PEN ol tho Treasurer's books and ac¬ Sulli¬ some thieo. months Dr. Flint was Superior Court, General Term room, it being supposed papers. amination County Wednesday morning, to St. Anthony's church, 11 man. i|iticK and corre-t at ligures, that ha* kuowl Nearly ago Beilona vs. on condltlous. a will bo ollero 1 for the mint state and reference. Ad to announcement, there would Holly..Motion granted counts. van st., where solemn requiem edge ol bookkeeping; aalary arrested and confined In Ludlow Street Jail, that, according previous Heals va. Currey..Motion deuied. repose ol his soul, thence to Calvary Cometry. Rela¬ drees it. H. A Co., Herald office. ho called on tor trial before Judge Wcstbrook the suits Gernnnia va vs. are Invited through a process ot attachment issued Irora a judg¬ Bank Boeder; 1'yke Caller..Mo¬ HEAL ESTATE. tives nt:d friends of tho family respectfully \\' AN KH.AlIU Y AGED ABOUT Id; MUsT hiTj now wldoly known as l ho Sweeny $" oCO,000 suit and tbo tions denied. to attend. it good ponman : wages small. Addreaa 11., box US Her ment for a limited divorce in lavor ol ono Helen M. Neilsnu vs. McKenzle.Motion dented. William H. Roo- Tweed suit. the prosecution There was but ono Rale effected at the Reil Estate Ronicit«..On Saturday, October 7, aid office. Flint, who claims to bo his wife. Tho defendant $1,000,000 Representing Taylor vs. Wilson..Findings on decision signed. kks, ol I'elbain, X. Y. there Messrs. Charles Wheeler H. \\T ANTK.I).8TENOU RAPHE R I.N LAW OFFICE* afterward w ib before Judge Donohuo appeared o'Conor, Exchange yesterday. Relatives nnd friends are requosted to attend the fu¬ II state age. experience. speed, salary expected. Address, shortly brought the V rora 220 I'eckbam and James C. Carter, and in opposition William Kenuclly sold, by order ot Supreme neral, this (Tuesday), at two M . bis lato rest- Ly letter oniy, ABlihTT A FULLER, Broadway. by a writ of habeas corpus on tho ground that he wus GENERAL f-ESSIONS.PART 1. ll. Messrs. William A. Beach, John McKeon and A. J. In a wiib lot 22.T by 106, ou uetice. No 308 Halsey st., ooKiyn. llTK c.::N FOB unable to pay the amount of nllmony and counsel lees Y Before Judge Sutherland. Court, foreclosure, house, Rrxo..At Junction, N. J., of WANT~TWO fLKMBN-(CATUOLIC) mdcrpool. south side ot Third 409 (cot west of sreuuo Orange Monday, if our new hook ; #12 per week. ordered by the Court, hut Julgo Donohuo thought ho Dlrcitly alter the assembling of the Conrt Judge A CURIOUS TH1KG TO STEAL. the street, spinal meningitis, Miriam Frances, daughter of Crow- 1". H. MORIlIS, S3 Na-sau xt., room 17. after Oo'clocn. could obtain the amount Irom his friends and re¬ Wesibruok said that when the fall arrangements were to i\ Shook /or $8,500. ell II. and Miriam Hyno, aged 2 years and 7 months. YOUTH to as is John who was as a Rus¬ I), IMMEDIATELY-* -MART FOR manded htm prison, where, stated, he still made by the judges in June lust there was uo court Fleaey, employed porter by TiiANsrrrw. Notice of Mineral hereafter. A~\rA\Tl'.I> DRY G()()DS. box 113 Herald office. confined ol to meet llin it an office. Address because bis inability require¬ unsigned lor him io hold in October, hut he discovered sell Si Co., No. 38 Bark place, stole front tho firm on Morris st., u. w. comer William st., 88x309 (24th Seaman..At his residence, Staten Island, on Mon¬ ments ol the Court Fndor the motion now made in bad been as¬ AJemarext unci husband to A. Smith Norn. October Edmund U. In tbo 69th of ANTED-THEEM GENTLEMANLY APPEARING by later tho summer that Judge Osliorn JO a box of lamp chimncvs valued at ward); 0. day, 9, Seaman, year A\' at <417 Broadway. Mr. Wilson It a dlflerei t fiico entirety tho Circuits in this September (30, 2d a c. t., 20 ft. ii. oi 49th st-., l5.5x !«*); O. E. 11 and trnxtworthy cash boys, Apply puts upon signed to hold uotn l.'lsternnd Albany v., bis age. at Mercer rntrauce on Tuesday, botween 8 and IO A. M. case. The affidavits snow ihnt Flint was married in mouth, and that in order to relievo Jjdgo O.-born he and handed them over to one George Dunham to die- Hurt* horn, Jr.. and wire to M. .1. Hartshorn $15,(XX) Nonce of the funeral hereafter. ISM in ihe ill Iiv iho Ward ol. afterward con leased Ins guilt and was Fordltam av., w. h. ('-.*> It. *. lot (54), oOxllKi (23d oily Brooklyn. Rev. Henry would be obliged to taku one of those circuits, and, ap¬ pose Fleaey to I'. Hill SBkKWooi)..On Monday, October 9, Cathrine Sher¬ POLITIC.Ms. to a is with Dunham. ward};.I. llennton and husband 2,000 Belcher, iaav who still living and irom whom tho ol this course, ho was now arrested, togctuir They pleaded guilty o 1). 1\ wood, widow of L. In flic 40th year preciating necessity and were to the for six months each. landlord at., n. JdiH) (-'4th ward); Kluah Sherwood, OUT KuR IT. lie has ucve* been divorced, hut that they have holding the I'lMcr Circuit, nml had yesterday ad¬ scut I'euiicuiiary Noyen nod wile to W. L. i* »lin 250 ol Iter age. j^oOK not lived together since 1858. During the journed tho Court uutil this morning to attend to tho 147th st., n, between Glifton and St. Ann's a vs. Relatives and friends are respectfully Invited to at¬ THE EVENING TELEGRAM summer of that year his wife went to Saratoga, ol these causes. GENERAL 2. (23<1 ward) J. Hipley to (J. Maghle 1,450 tend the funeral, from Iter Into residence, 70 Lewis St., adjournment SESSIONS.PART n. MH.,i ft. o. of av. M. with return* (at far aa and, on returning, found Miss Thomas, who Mr. l'eekham said that bo had tried to find a Judge 74*ti »t., s., A, 25x102.2; on Wednesday, October 11, at 2 P. M. wilt Issue an Extra to-night known) calls herself in suit M. In Dr. Flint's Before Judgo Gildersleeve. iSit at key and wile to Brndburn ...... Nora. ibis Helen Flint, to attend to the trial ot the causes, but had not suc¬ n. 197.5 It. e. of Stafford.. In Jeisey Cit\, on Sunday, October 8, it n< a ChAhAtu lit. (No. 02). a.. Dnane, ol results of the odlce, making a kino ol headquarters forhersel! ceeded, and he saw no other ulternuuvo but aa ad¬ AN EXEMPLARY SENTENCE. 24.(5x10(5.7; A. Frank to M. frank. 10,000 William 11. Stafford, aged 31 years, 6 tnunths and 11 "developing medium." ami which scorned to have 92d St., s. a.. 200 H e. of 5th av.. -5x100; Immigrant ELECTIONS IN OHIO AND INDIANA. afleeied the wile afier Dr. Flint journment. William Scott, a butcher, who had lived at No. 221 cays. disagreeably. Shortly Judge Wostbrook thought It onght not to ho tried Industrial Savings Hank to t\ K. Goodwin 5,000 bo relatives and friends of the family are respect¬ POM TIC A l went to St. Louis ami Miss i honias lollowed him, and until ihe week after election as It would boom- East Twelfth strcol, was arraigned upon an indictment Lexington av., w s., .5.2 ft. s. ot 85th *t., H7x.i7.8x invited to attend tbo from tits late resi¬ day, F. Khrhsrt and wile to K. K. KattbUvehek.... 1.0,900 fully Mineral, Campaign Campai n they returned together, and the wife left the city and to have tho trial brukcu in upou by mat lor It was that on 20; dence, No. 309'4 8th at three o'clock 1*. M., on 1JOLIIICAL barrassiiig highway, robbery. charged Tuesday Bicetiker u. a , 47.> It. w. ot 25x74 ; also St., Kqnipmenta returned 10 her where she 1ms lived ever since st., , 10. Equipments. at that crown ef¬ lutnlly, event. Inst lie attacked Andrew Kersch, of N'o. 427 West Bleecker St., n. s.. 4X) ft. of Bowery, 25x71.8; Tuesday, October Cluoa. organlio once, victory may your Dr. Flint swears that "the separation took place through Mr. Melfoon said that some of them had engage¬ night J atnes and wife to J anic* A. Nom. Tiiomp-ox..In on morning, forts. Wear out imposing Continental Hat and Cape, mads while tho latter was walking IJayea Hayes Brooklyn, Saturday on hats. Kit 11 set* oi no laull of his wi e. The record would indicate me ments lor tho time mentioned that it would bo dilllcult Thirty-eighth street, 58th at., a. s.,00 It. w. of av. A, 20x80; A. Jenkins October after u Thomas o! blue and yellow, with ailver eagles that D>\ Finn and .-oventh avenue, beat Inni, knocked him down 7, lingering lilnoss, Thompson, consisting of Mala (or Cap*) and iuct Miss Thomas wo>it into business to got rid of. through and wile to U. W. Barlow 11,000 aged 67 years. Campaign Equipments, double Dr. I lmi a- a and robbed him of a gold watch and chain. Scott w. 00.3 tt. a. ot at., 2&x Oapes (any color and style), with patent sudngsiut together. writing medium and magnetic \i r. Curler insisted that ihey should get rid ol such Mulberry st., s.t Bayard Funeral will tnko place from his lato residence, 570 and to clnba at and Mi-.s as a pleaded guilty and was seutcaced to ten yours' confine¬ 1»h>.10; M. H. Jonas and wife to \V. i> Monyhun.. 25,0(X) 'lurch Slick, lurnisluid factory prices. healer Thomas developing medium. .I'ac.ii.c sL, this at two Solid lor lull or cnuio lo headquarters. WXL In 1M2 r ued and Miss Thorn is engagements. ment In State 1'rlron. 43d at., a. a., 216.8 It* w. ol loth a v., 16.8x1 ot».5; C. Brooklyn, (Tuesduy) afternoon, particulars they pep brings Mr. Reach pleaded In excuse his engagements, and Kearney and husband to G. Wood 800 o'clock. II. KNAU8, 208 Broadway, Now York. mi action lor Finite'! divorce against tlio Doc¬ he o:i " urged that the trial put oil till i'oceinuer. RUBBING A COMrATRIOT. Slat at , a. a., 255 It. e. ol 8th av., 17x100.5; N. Ntlos TucKRR..At Skanonteles. N. Y., Sunday, Octo¬ tor. Dr. Flint employed counsel and paid linn some Wostbrook set and wile to J. 1*. .Marshall Nora. eldosl son ol Richard WANTED Ti» IURUHAsK Alter lurther argument Judge Nicholas Ssndri, an who siole $160 from a ber 8, William Halbkt Tithes, ult the money ho had in his mcdittmi&tlc the causes down lor the 13ih ol Italian, 1 f»th »t., s. s., 3(K) ft. o. ol lOth av.. 50x100.11; T. H. and tho late R. in tho 21st of OOK our kik fK generally November, and to ,1. H. Flnnket Augusta Tucker, year Imiik. It:S counsel demurrd to llio complaint and at twelve o'clock, at which time tho special juries In fellow countryman named Caccin, ut No. 200 J. Fhinket wile 4,000 his ago. jJ saddled Flint w in a bill oi tbo which ho could Henry st., h. -30.3 ft. e. of ecatnntel, 24x'i<\lt THE EVENING TELEGRAM costs, both cases are directed lo he present, fhe case of the South Fifth avenue on Soptcmbor 26, pleaded guilty block: K. K. ltaubiiachck and wile to F. Ehrhart.. Re stive* nnd Irlonds of the family are Invited to not pay, and he was defaulted without ot and tne trial 20,OCK) opportunity city against .sweeny will bo called first, and was sent to btate Prison lor two and om -hatf 38th *t.. n. a., 500 It. w. ol Oil: nr., 25x0\»; M. Ruck nlieud the luno a I, ironi the residence ot Mr. John will Issue an Extra to-night with returns (as far a* known) delouce. Through this judgment an attachment was ol llie Tweed $1,000,000 htllt will follow immediately and husband to J. Wehrle 24,250. No. 1S1 Clinton av., this Dr. has since under it years Halsey, Brooklyn, (luosday) issued, and Flint been confined upon the conclusion of the .Sweeny bull. GAMBLERS PUNISHED. 031 at., ii. a., lOO ft. o. '»f loth a v., 100x100.5; J. the loth Mist., at two o'clock 1'. M. ol results of the in prison. Many ot the affidavits recite the loot that Wohrlo and wlfo to M. Uuek 24,000 October Alex. Ukqu- a. 238 ft. e. of a v. 23x02; It. M. I'RtjcnART..On Monday, 9, ..the reputation of Miss Ihomss or Mrs. Flint, which¬ Two gamblers, named William It. Farnsworth and 17th >t., 15, Henry hakt. In tho 82d year ol Ins age. ELECTIONS IN OHIO AND INDIANA. ever u ho is and tnat she could not he be¬ 1IOW TWEED MANAGED CON¬ (referee) toll. Meigs, Jr. (trustee) 8,000 may bad, Thomas who on last met s. 213 ft. e. of ttv. antno to Relatives and friends of the family oro respectfully ANIED-A HEALTH LIFT MACHINE. AD- lieved ou One of them lliolact thalsho Meehan, Tuesday Emory l?tli at., s., B, 25x92; oath." alleges TRACTS. same 8,000 invited to attend tho lunernl, from Ins late residenco, YV dress, stating price, HEALTH LIFT. Herald otliee. the crime of abortion nuuer the ol an Jones, a stranger in the city, and Induced him to ac¬ practised guise LKASKH. av , L. on 10th Terence J. O'Brien, in 1ST0, was given tho contract company them to a gambling don at N'o. to North 24 Union Groeiipoint, 1., Tuesday, Inst., -A l>fiiEOTORT electrician. The question witf doubtless be determined 46th st.. s. a., c. of nv. A; J. Jitneuski to J. Million; at two P. M. in nuler. Addrets, with DLOf t o-i I whether Dr. Flint w 11 leavo "Casile a sower on east Moore street, where he lost all his money in the game WANTEDyear 1K1">, perfect price, ay shortly by \y\ if. Tweed lo dig tho side of iO\ years 2,100 Wackkrhaokn. . At N. Y.. 29, I Herald office. once ol uro, wero each scut to the for six 8tli No. 11. Smith to 11. Hchrcm; years. 1,500 Kingston, September KECl'ORY, ptuwn Lndl< w" and settle down more weaving spells I'niou Tho trench had lo bo blasted Penitentiary av., 446; 187(1, AtJorsTCs Wackkuiiaiikn. son ot Ann Maria and Iroin ihe world (or "dear or ethers square. away months. JfOKTGAGK.H. Office: sotick. spirit Lady Mary" and to .Mutual IJfe Insurance the late Wackerhngcn. and grandson of Rob¬ post who choose to give htm the.r or still be Ironi solid rock, thirteen Icet in depth and twelve Icet A YOUTHFUL KTABBER. Blunt, Orison wife, Augustus patronage, Company, e. s. of Centre at., a. o» White at.: 1 year. 12,oo0 ert Wilson and the Rev. Augustus Wacki-rhagcn. In¬ OFFICE NOITCU. compelled to linger in jail. wide at tho top, and the portion of rock not required John a was sent to the for Tnotuas and wife, to A. F. Holly, n. w. cor¬ terment at N'. Y. 1>OSTThe foreign malls for the wock ending Saturday, Octo¬ Wilson, lad, Penitentiary Gearty. Wiltwyck Cemetery, Kingston, ber 14, Ism, will close at title office ou at 8 A lor in wus to he carted Tho aud ner 2d av. and 43d at.; 1 yenr 10,000 Wheeler..On October daughter Tuesday, M., filling away. pipes one year. On the 2d iust. he stabbed in the back with t.'harloite h., to Emigrant InduMriuf Sav¬ Monday, 9, Cecelia, for Europe, per steamer Dakota via (jueenxtown; oa A LIFE Goodwin, of Ezra Wheeler. 8 sto iuer Hotlinla via SENTENCE. brick had to be carted over the Forty-second Street a pocket knilo ono Charlos O'Neil, the driver ol a coko ings Bank, a. 8. of 92d at., p. of 5th rv 2,500 Wednesday, at A. M.. lor Europe, per to the was Do and to William II. Noltco ol funeral hereafter. on Thursday, at 11:30 A. M., for Europe, por A pood share of tho session of tho Court of General Railroad within a lew inches of the cart belonging Cotnpuny. Loynes, George wife, Lyman, (jneenstown; track, wnicbsrati n. *. of 129th St., e. of 7th av.; 1 year 1,00) stouiner Wieland via I'lymouth, Cuerhnurg and llamhurg; Session'-. 1'att 1, before Judge Suther and, was occu¬ trctirli, and, there being only lour feet between tho A YOUXQ BURGLAR. Ltilwes, Sophie, to Otto Ltilwes, s. s. of 40th st., be¬ ttllTKOPfci. on Saturday, at 11 A. M.. for Europe, por steamer City nml Ihe O'ltrien uu 1 F00 of Benin via Queenstown (correspondence for Scotland, with tho irial of ti named treuch sidewalk, accordingly got waa tried an tween loth and ilth avs.; year PERFUM KRY. pied yesterday young negro order on the railroad to remove their tracks Patrick Tlerney upon indictment for Mcl'ool. John and wife, to Samuel n. s. of ifclNeOVS Germany and France lo be forwarded by this steamer must company Hooper, be and at 11 A. M. lor Sc Aland di¬ David iienry lVler-on for tho murder of his colored to let the work I Ins railroad, it Is in having broken Into tbc premises ot Michael tiltn St., west of Lexingt n av.; 2 m nths 15,COO A specially addressed), proceed. stated, burglary V\ and wife II. Ess. White Rose. rect, per steamer Alx-itia via Glasgow, and at 11 UiO A. M., mo In their on was then much under the control ol laced. The JUonyhan, illisrn to Abraham Jonas, mistress, Joseph Kelly, apartment tho very Condon, in Seventeenth street, and sioleu therefrom w. n. of at., s. of at.; 1 1.500 for '.ermany, -weilen. Denmark and Norway, per steamer order was uot and some alter O'Brien Mulherry Bayard year Brown Windsor and at top floor ol tho tenement houso Jfo. 163 Huxior obeyed, days a pockeibook containing lie was found guilty of Queen. Montgomery and wife, to J nines flow, w. s. Soap, Main via Southampton and Bremen, 13 M. for street, commenced work and expended $1,000; n temporary and sent to the lor six of between 17th and 18th st* 6,000 France direct, per steamer Anicriquo via Havre. The steam¬ petit larcony Penitentiary Irving place, . Kan Dn at one o'clock 011 tho morn I m: of September JO. As¬ injunction was granted by a Supreme Court Judge months. Sarles. Htcknnn and others to Martin A. 6arles, a. M Cologne. ships Dakota, Bulimia and fitv of Berliu do not take and the lrum "ob¬ e. corner of 10th a v. and 84th st 1 year 3,720 mails lor Denmark, Sweden an I Norway. sistant District Attorney Rollius appeared to prosecute, against him, city, restraining hint Five I'riio Medals. I mails f r the via and cars ol as GOING FOB THE "FOOLS PENCE." Alfred H. and wile, to Annie McTeat, ©. a. 3;57 be West Indies Bermnda St. wms defended Mr. structing the under penalty being treated Timpson, w Thomas will leave New York October dti and tho prisoner by William F. Kint- as law " of Madison nv., n. of 1.7th st. ; 3 years 6,000 guilty of contempt una punished the directs. Frederick Pfeiffer, of N'o. 73 Forsyth ureot, for ~ 2? Bold by all dealers. The mails lur China, Ac., will leavo San Francisco Novem¬ rlng, this duty having In en assigned hint by the 1 Ins was granted in O'Brien's nbseuc-, and ber 1. "injunction breaking Into the store of Timothy J. A E. Court. An extra panel of jurors was summoned, tmd hut while it was yet running, before the trial could bo had, liquor Flaherty, C3 ATKINSON. The mails for Australia, Ac., will leave San Francisco Mr. without with read- No. 3 II'Iter Street, and stealing $6 therefrom, was No. 24 Old Bond St., London. Novembers. little trouble was in twolvo un* weed, communicating him, State Prison for one MARRIAGES AND DEATHS. T. I. experienced solecung vertiscd (or bids aud took away the contract from him sent to the year. K.ST KOOI) FOR INFANTS, JAMES. Postmaster. prejudiced men, although couosel lor the prisoner was and gave it lo another party. A sun was accordingly STEALING HARNESS. B the I) V.\CI\(i AC A DEMIE». most rigOtous in liis challenging questions. Air. Rollins brought by O'Brien against tho city lor damages, and and John ENGAGED. supplying case came on lor trial he,ore William Brandon Finlay, who jointly stole s dancing XOaFeVuks. ,r>» wB5T*8K the ci'u for the with a brief and clear the yesterday Judge Bakrokr.Levt..Mr. Adoi.pii Sae.ngkr to MIssRa- UIOUEST AMOUNT OF NOURISHMENT opened people llonolieo, holding Supreme Court Circuit. a set of harness Irom a stable at N'o. 213 East Nineteenth A.saCsk. 114 E.i«t 18th. 134 Hut 34th it..PRIVATE LESSONS of what th to cii all Levt, both of Now York. any hour. CIRCULARS .112 Kastlithat. statement people expected prove. It Ihe answer sets up that pluiuiltf delayed tbo work streot on the 2d Inst., pleaded guilty and were sent to in the appeared that t'etereoii entered his apartment at the beyond the specified time, and m consequence, alter State Prison lor one year. .MARS' ACADEMY OF DANCH^JSBBLifECK K2 time mentioned apparently under the Influence of repeated notices lrum T weed, ho took iiwuv the contract, MARRIED. MOST DIGESTIBLE AM) CONVENIENT FORM. .st. * lasses Tuesday and Friday evening. Send Tor cir¬ ln|tior. A le v minutes liier an old colored woman in accordance with Its terms. The case will -probably AN UNSUCCESSFUL ATTEMPT. Down.Bctler..At New Britain, Coon., October 4, cular. n.! a and in a moment tiie knock* strcol, attempted to steal a gold watch from Dr. F. N Henry Griffin, Private 57 East ."> tli at. Private lesson hour. woman, deoeosod d sua. i.vr.Y of law casks. ol J. L. Duwd A to Miss IIattik K eldest CHEMISTS AND FTOltEKKKPKRS THROUGHOUT Academy, any it her door Per which reiused ol No. 108 street. Ho was Son, Hitler, Receptions every Thursday. To have them ». lect I have is¬ admittance, bong she Otis, WestThirty-lourth caught of Iho lute Edwin Butler, all of Hie former THE UNITED tsTATKS AND CANADA. sued in vital loos. No admittance without the went ack lowArd her own room. She was louud to be The Supreme Court, General Term, will render to-day in the act was sent daughter presenting and, pleading guilty, yesterday to T OUT I OH IT. same tvitli my signature. .1. FERNANDO. In uilylag condition, and J'r. Mc A limine was -cut lor. decisions ol tatH argued at the Juno Sessions of the Stute 1'rlson lor two and u hall years. plate. OOK found that the Lixklrtter.Ondbrdonk..On September 27, 1870, 1 i>t3T)VVORTll 'S DANCING*"SCHOOL, UpOTi *.\ aim nation be woman's right Court. There are about with a corre¬ of the bride's ibeltcv. Will¬ THE EVENING TELEGRAM bait a forty decisions, at tlio residence nther, by ALLKNremoved to No. HS1 3th av., now open for the reception lung been penetrated by sharp Instrument, and K. J. O. ol to ot For -ami lor cLcular. ¦ the Uonr ol her room waa louml a oi shears number oI opinions, and some in cases of POLICE COURT NOTES. iam Davis, LtNKLETTKR, Cliirugo, 111., pupds. particulars pott pair sponding Annie ot Hon. Horatio G. of will issue an Extra to-night with rotnrm (ai far at known) Si ore tlinii a loot long and besmeared with blood. Tho considerable public interest. Rosa Murtlio, who said she was a servant residing at It., daughter Ondcrdouk, "f WILSON. S DANOINO ACADKM Y. 431 7TH AV.. a'tor tbo crime was Mauhassel, L. I. of remits of the Classes now open, soirees every Tuesday and Satur¬ prisoner disappeared immediately lleioro Judge Sanlord, ol the Superior Court, there No. 49 Uroeuwioh street, was held lor trial, at tbo Es¬ SiiKKwoon.Goldsmith..At Harerstrnw, N. on A" tomuntlcd. Ion w is found and arrested in a 11Very sia¬ Y., day. i M was finished tho trial of tbo suit sex Market Court, yesterday, lor stealing $164 Irom Thuisday, September 28, by Hcv. D. It. Lowery, John ELECTIONS IN OIIIO AND INDIANA. lic in hry-tie street by Ofllccr James iron. of tho yesterday brought by M. ol N. to Sakau J. 11K It'S D A NO N< 1 ACADK M \\ PLIMPTON Ho at lirsi ileuted that lie com- ol No. 1178 Rroome Sherwood, Stony I'oiui, Y., :kxii i hi rion. . lltilhl ng, Stity veaaiit and 9th ats. riv .to lessons Fourteenth prectucl. Ktchnrd 11. Tracy against the l'aulist fathers on a con. Michael Curley, street, whom sho oi N. Y. A-CAl't any tinted the iiaed, bat afterward admitted it, but induced to accompany her to No. 2- on Sun¬ Goldsmith, Haveratrnw, ptifciBBLraU hour. Glide, Double Glide and Newport apertaltiea. " tract for ground lor tbeir new church In Bowery A .la*mcl thai be "did uot know wbat he waa doing excavating day evening. CROSSE BLACKWELL'8 DANCING ACADEMY, 3H1 It ItOU KB ST. street. A verdict was for for one Deputy Coroner McWhtnnie and Mrs Ki eks te-tiiiod fifty-ninth given $20,626 At the Tombs I'olico Court yesterday, before Justice DIED. pure Pickles In malt vinegar, BROOKES'All the laahlonalde dances in course of lessons. that knew ol thcci.-e us *letailed atrave, and a Andrew l'eterson, ol No. 196 Chatham LADIES. uesda.s and Fridays, ItF. M. ihey the plaintiff. Morgan. street; At'TEX..The lanernl services of Joiin G. Actex will GENTLEMEN, Tuesdats ami 7>J P. M. rery searching cross-examination of tbeisitor by Mr. liOnis Schmidt, of No. 62 , and Hugh held at the Hanson Methodist rich Sauces for (lih. meat and game. Fridays, it that the In a suit brought by Stephen D. Stephen against be place Episcopal CHILDREN, Wednesdays, .Oa; Saturdays,MP, M. Ktntziug tailed to make appear deceased Carroll, of No. 1 Chatham street, wero held in 0100 Hanson aud St. Felts PRIVATE INSTRUCTION at all hours t the Board of Education of tried church, oorrier place si., Potted Ments and Fith, list ecu in company *itb wtiito man on tho Brooklyn, yesterday bail t" answer for violation ol tho Excise lavs, on October at two These rooma are evutr illy located and eaav of access from the murder. On on tho Brooklyn, Wednesday, 11, 1870, night of being placed stand before Judge Larremoro, holding Supreme Court f ir- o'clock. Friends ol the lamily are invited to attend. genuine Mustard, all parts ol New York, Itrnoklyn and other adjacent cities. the arco-ed ICS tilled that ho whs asleep in bed when ho a Tordict was given lor 81 for the The first lessens can be taken privately and no extra tbo deceasod cult, $4,603 plainlilt. COURT CALENDARS.THIS DAY. Blaxchard .In Brooklyn, on Saturday, October 7, from class prhes. was awakened by hearing enter an ad- It 1- an old suit, having hern hi the courts before and Li'cv A., wile ol George H. lllanchard. superior Malt Vinegar. charge joining room, in company with a white man. and that once tho sublect ol an elaborate opinion by Judge ScI'hkmb Court.Cbaxiikrr.Hold by Judge Bar- and Iricnds ol the are invited to Jams Jellies. Marmalades, DanCENG AOADKIfY, 24 WarTdTH itelatives lamily other table Delicacies are in tho AzrimUnral pt.-l bo thereupon got up, dressqd, and, without any at wnicu time the lacis were lully published in tlio this afternoon at two and displayed DFmaR'8All dances taught pet uuarter; six la-hlonabi# Brady, attend, (Tuesday) ion is perfectly definite intention, seized the shears which were at the Herald. Hail, where Inspect In vite.I and rr sold by nl> dealers dances perfectly in six private lessons; waits, glide and o'clock, from her late residence, No. 277 Rycrsou at., in first class groceries in the United .tttes and Canada. aoublo glide ape -laltiea. band and slabbed her. Alfonso Castelar has brought a suit against Theodore Kalb av. article It lebcil <1 toe case Mr. near He Every genuine In suintniug up KlQtzing argued thnt Sahrtz for v&.COO damages lor alleged malicious prose BkoW.n..Departed this lifo on Sunday morning, CKOssr, A H LACKWELL. lAMOND A UARUN'tt DANCING CLASHES, ADELe his client stiould uot he convicted ot anything higher culton. .-aLrtz Castelar with ad s Supkkvk Court.1.KNKKAI, Tttniu.Held by Judges widow of the late Purveyors to tno tjuren. ho square, London. 1)phi Hall, 32d at., near Broadway, Tuesday and Friday. charged keeping and Daniel*. October h, Frances Drown, Mujor " than manslaughter, as there was no evidence <>f on tu- bouso at No. 160 East Filty-siXth Dnvis, Brady .Xos. 174. 1X0, 124, ISO, 181, the both ol tier FUR to Mr. Rollins orderly street, upon Smilii W. Brown, In year age. LEGAL MITlCEh. OUT l£ lonliou kill. argued thai if the pri». which the latter, niter being locked up thirteen hours, 102,101, ID".. 106, IOC.',, 197, 197.',, 199, 138>», 1=9, 200, and trienus ol tbo are was to tio believed ho was 204. Relatives Inuiily re-pectlully J^OOK oner's story actually guilty g ive bail to answer, and wis tlnailv discharged 201, 202, 203. to attend her ibis FOR IT. THE EVENING TELEORAM :n tbo and teal by COuRT.8rKUL invited luucral, (mesday), half-past ot murder tlrst'degree, tbs jury could Police Justice Sherwood. The answer Justifies tho Sii'ukuk tkrw.Held by Judge M 1 rotti Bodlord Street Methodist J^OOK hesitate o monionV and tact..No*, one o'clock 1*. , THE EVENING TELEGRAM will Issue an Extra to with returns far as not, as reasonable men, about Charge made. The case came to trial yeslcruay belore Vau Vorst.Law llo, 120, 361, 691, 146, corner ol Morton ana liodlord sts. night (as known) hltn ol tho in the Itidictnient.murder 477, church, IS] guilty charge Judge Snniord in the Superior Court. 334. 446, 322, 474, 475, 470, 4-7, 404, 499, 677, 601, October 8, ol eon- will issue an Extra to with return* far at In tiio second I ho law ilellncd murder In O'tti, 520, 521, 624, Brown..In Brooklyn, pulmonary night (as known) of results of the degree. i he case ol Siglsmiind itott, a lawyer, who Is accused 502, 504, 611, 628, 639, 320, 647, 548, suni|iiion, Koiikht t iiwi.n, lust sou uf Captain Robert the Urst degree to be killing with deliberation ol forging Judge J. f. Daly's name to nn order in sup¬ 618, 660, 551, 655, 661, 663, 372, 316, 674, 675, 37s, 679, T. ami Snrali K. Brown. of results of the ELECTIONS IN OHIO AND INDIANA. and premeditation, while murder In the second de¬ ranic before the 581, 652. 583, 684, 656, 593, 659, 692, 596, 1 plementary proceedings, up yesterday 696, 697, 598, Relatives and friends are kindly invited to attend his IN OHIO AND TRKNOR'S ACADEMY OF DANCING, gree was constituted by killing without premeditation, supreme Court, General Term. The court adjourned 600. 600. 601. trom the ol his No. 11 ELECTIONS INDIANA. but with an intent to kill at tlic moment ot sir Part funoral. resilience parents. Hoyt MR Lyric Hull,titlt av.. Reservoir a.piare, kiug. the case till to-day to allow Mr. Henry C. Bomirmk Covnr.Circuit. 1.Hold bv Judge on at three o'clock. M1LLAIt. DECEASED..PURHUAJIT To THE esanna and the h been with assault with in¬ DenBlkon, 1061. St., Wednesday alternoon, Mondays Tuesdays, Thursdays Saturdays. If prisoner nt charged tho deiendant's counsel, to serve a ropy of his answer DonohlW..Noa 1796, 1727, 1859. 1877. 1947, Cokkiy..On Sunday, October 8, of apoplexy, John JOHNstatute M'Jd and 23tl Victoria, chapter 98. entitled. "An Friday eseniug reception- begin lRtlt Inst. See circular. tent to kill, supposing the woman had recovered, the on Mr. I.ocwey, the counsel. 1916 'i, 1040, 1986, 2001, 1613K. 1177, 2019, 2041,2061, ol his act t further anien t the law of property and to relieve no hi in prosecuting B. t'o.NKRT, in tlie 64tii year age. notice is hereby civrn that all creditors and other OVERS of DANCING CAN ENJOY THEMSELVES Jury would have nad sitauon finding hint An action was had yesterday in Marine Part 2075, 2091, 2107, 2121, 1265, 1309, 1519«2, 1593, 1987, ol tho aro trustees," As it the woman had and Court, 2143. Relatives nud Iriemls lamily respectfully persons having any debts, claim* or demands against the JJ:o their hearts' content at soiree Sociable this evening, gu lly. waa, died, they 2. beioro Judge brought by Thotuai as 2007, 2130, 2130, 2141, 2146, 2149, 2151. 2155, 2157. tho on at nl John late ot :«» Beethoven 5th St.. near have no In aitatton In him Goepp, Graham, invited to attend luucral, Tuesday evening, estate Wular, Hedtord square, tn the Han, Bowery. should finding guilty of tlie guardian oi Catherine Fuchs, a minor, plaintiff, against 2159, 2161. 2166, 2169. 2171, 2173, 2175. 2177, 2179, 2185 hi< late 155 of Mid died on the 28tn of in the tndietnt nt. eight o'clock, from residence, Waverlcy county ileeex, Esquire (who day charge Judge Sutherland charged Michael Schmidt, to recover $1,000 dntnsges ior Injti* 2110. 2191, 2103, 1575, U,SS. 1489. Part 2.Held by lutenneut at 1'lcassiUvtlie. July. IH7H. and whose will was proved hy Thomas Andrews run* l i t hk. the jury very briefly, and alter a few moments' on- ries received front Laurence..No*. 1824, 2404, 770, 1404 plane. Chalileeott. ot Chartsey, In the connty of Surrey, doctor of by lalling-as platutllT Judge 2204, on October 9, Samcxl E n k p i . r s a it I't-rrs it saltation the touml the s.dier of murder CoNLO.x..Suddenly, Monday, medicine, the executor therein named. In ti e Pf f117s if klifuitKiff jury pr guilty ot defendant's house, tho tall and attendant injuries liss, 660, 77SS. 2838. 702, 1734, 3102, 1898,674, 14S, J. Con lor, aged Oo years. Principal p ire paid in cash tor second hand Carpets, by tailing ot In tbo second degree. lie was sentence i to confine¬ the defendant ico to remain 666. 1510, 1086, 3224, 3020. H'gistrv of the Probate .livision ot Her Majesty's High being canted by allowing 1040, 1204, 1376, 688, 500, The relatives and Irmnda of the family are Court of on the DOtlt tlav of are addressing B. ABRAHAMS, 257 7lh av. Orders promptly in Suite Prison for life. was respect¬ Justice, Angus:, 1876), . ment It considered by all on the sidewalk opposite his promises, in violation of Part#.Hold to Juago.Larrcmure..No*. 3086, 3182, the trom his resi¬ to tend of attention to. court lortunate that the (fraud us. the undersigned, as lor murder in Hie tiri-t as tnc loar- dence. 121 Worth St., Wednesday, 11, RARE CHANCk..CAN BR "sEKN THIS DAY Al the prisoner degree, ever, to sustain ins case as to the liability ol the do 2206. 2207. 2211, 2213, 2215. 2217,2221, 2223. o'clock A. M. No or Ihiwors solicitors to tho saiil executors, on or eforo the 4tn day ot residence Hit) West -.hi St., Household Kurnl- ful ol the with the ol nine carriages 1870. And notice Is that at the private atrocity cruse, coupled charge through negligence or otherwise, und, on mo- SursaioR Court.Uknkrai. Tiku.Adjourned until Nolle..In Philadelphia, on Saturday, October 7, In November. hereby given, tor., lor sale. VII Elegant i'arlor Suit. 14 pieces, tovered the Judge, would doubtlo- have re-u.ted in lus con¬ lion ot defendant's the Court dismissed tho October 23. expiration of that time the said executor will proceml to in satin, cost $1,200, In, mie do., $I2>; lurkisli -ulis, counsel, Mnnility, the I2tb year of her ago. Carrie I.oi isk, daughter of distribute the asaeta of the said testator among the viction ol tho lilglict-i grade of murder. case, exceptions in bo heard at General Term. BbrtKioa Cour*.Strcial Tkrx.Held by Judge Island. parties (SOlsdllllU: r. p and plash Suite, til) sad *50; inlaid ana 2 Issues ol Charles E. Egteo, ol Flushing, Long eutitl it thereto, having regard only to the debts, claims gilt lack walunt Kedstcads, Dressing Cases, Durrani, Most of yesterday was consumed in ihe Supreme Curtis..Demurrer.No. tact .Nos. 60. Relatives aud are invited to attend the fun¬ and demands ot wi tch he shall then havo had notice, iftnl naslieloads. Wardrobe*, hdtr and spring ,Vtattressos, Pi>- BEACHING ABSCONDING DEBTORS. Court, General Term, in lisionittg to Ihe argument! of 68, 63. 74, 77, <8. Demurrer.No. 7. Issue ol tact. this ociubor lu. at two corner that he will nnt he liable tor the as-ei< or any part thereof lows. Bolsters, Ac., Dining mralture, hxirnilini Table, Bo- eral, (Tuesday), o'clock; an to Mil or w hose clslm counsoi on the »ppenl Irom the decision ol Surrogate No. 63. Mvrtle av. and Farrtngton it, Flushing. distributed any per persons of debt, fct, Chairs Silverware, Cutlery, Ac.. all at a bargain, I An interesting case of contempt and one showing the in the case Of the will of Eliza SrriRKiR OoriT.Trial Tknx. Part 1.Held bv or demand he shall not then have had etice. Dated tins It. An A Boa's Pianoforte at halt COM HulchtngS Heresy, Font at. . On Sunday Octobers, Joiin U. Foshat, aged of 187H. elegant Chickcring .ray absconding debtors can be reached was decided otherwise known as Eliza Hall. She died lent JildRO oaolord..Nos. 812, 276, 250, 253, 290, 280, 22d day September, HtJNTEoH GWATKIN A Box lor shipping. year, 47 201. 32 years. CO.. tl New square, Lincoln* Inn, London, England, yesterday by Judge Van lirunt, of tho i ourt of Com¬ aged seventy eight, and u will made shortly belore her 279. 6. 97, 297, 247, lt>3, >, 227, Koiauvos aud Iriends are Invited to attend the holicitor* lo the said Executor. - CARPETS AND FURNITURE. death is sought to be set aside and .a prior will sus¬ Cosmos Plra*.i'.-r. .Nos. 4682, 3391. 4208, 4776, 4879, 4782. KELLY A CO. tho flrtn transferred to the delendaot their already reported 4759, Howard..At I'lalnrteld, N. J., October 8, Natiian THE EVENING TELEORAM corner 25th «L ana 6tli av.. New York. bis liability, The case dill lingers in the courts through 4790, 4792, 1794, 4776, 4799, 4500, 4801 Part 2.Held Jr of this ns to re¬ Howard, , city, aged years. entire business assets, tho defendant stipulating the Messrs. V a mluser not being willing to content to by Jung" Uoepp..Noa. 4293, 4643, 4303, 8268,'7301, (mm tho rcsidcneo ol Ins Dam- will Issue an Extra with returns far us A LL THK NEW AND DESIRABLE" STYLEH OF Funeral daughter, to-night (at known) Parlor Reda, Ac., at GEORGE A. turn the same to after be shall have t>e< n a settlement of the ea-< until they have been paid their 4691, 4597, 4312, 8342, 4390, 4001, <616. 4623, 7347, He on at thme p. M. train leaves loot ol .21.Furniture, Carpets, plaintiff ihe 4012. 4.-87. 4754. 3. Id, Tuesday, of CLARKE'S, .'47 Broadway, oa lilreral terms ol payment. He took counsel loo, amount orientally cuarced being 6651, 41.70, 8492, 4543, 3»l». Part Liberty at. 1 P. M Carriages at I'lainheid depot. of the results th* fnilv secured against his indorsement* po-- Mr. Klibu Boot this an extravu> lleld Juoge Hinnott.Noa t >LI) FUKNITi RE assets out ol olf $16,000. pronounced by 6231, 8620, 7172, 7121, and Troy papers please ropy. .HANDSOME lloUsRH' FOR K'sstou of the anil the proceeds paid taut sum lor iho services rendered. Birreit 6625, 7167, Albany ELECTIONS IN OHIO AND INDIANA -A.sal*; Parlor and Drawing Ko m Suits in satin, brts ii i .* until March Judge 7066, 8040, 6876, 3081, 7163, 7053, 7166, Jbsspp..Jt i.ia II., wile of Kdrnr N. Jossup, aged 31 the settlornogi last, when, having ictused to ch tnge In i region# order, hut took tbo nth 01 06, 0018. cade aud tapestry, cost #451), lor iJO >,#12.); Stelnway Piano- more than audit tout money In ins bands to pay the out- years. »iIhLI.VHl)j. tor la, cJi-i, Library, Chamber and Dining Furniture, tef id cosis under consideration. Court of Grrkral Bksriors.Part 1.lleld by Juiigo Relatives Rttd friends are Invited to attend the r.of nf Bronzes. Bed¬ Handing compromise notes, tho plaiutifl dcmauacd Sutherland.. Iho v*. John \ HUfo.ND lixwintrnnrrxsnpn)! Turkish Sail, #75} rep satt, #»."»; Paintings, ot Ins le-n tho sum People l.azzaric, homicide; funeral, at the residence ol her mother, corner ot Clin¬ ^JLperlect order, equal to new, at very low prices. ding; mast he sold. Call private residence No. 47 Weel t return pr perty, Same vi. James lelonions assault aid bat¬ II. tn am, McCrysiRI, ton and Van sir , Stnpleton. S. 1., nl W. OOLI.F.NDBR. 7HB IBoadway, Dltli st., between 5tn ami necessary to pay tho remainder oi tor, DECISIONS. Part 2.Held Uiliersl ovo.. l Buyer hall-past to do. tery. by Judge The eo- one o'clock on Thursday, 12.n Services at St. Paul TO :*» EAST 1OTH sr.-ONE notes, thin the delcndaul refused The pint..- ttUPBEMK GOIKT.CIIAMDRilR. ule va William Kail, felonious a-sauit and CENTENNIAL MI.ii.AL AWAHHRI) II. W, ~A I t TION ROOMS. Is# till commenced this action lor an aicount- battery; Memorial churcii at «o P. M. \ COLLENUhK, No. 7:W Kroaiwat, New York, fur the AVChickering and one -telnwny Pliiaolortn. haadsomo thereupon ¦Same vs James Daton, burglary; samo vs. Joiin Jswett .On 8th Catrarins be-t Billiard tables and most correct cushions. Pnrinr Suits. Bedroom sets, Beds, Bedding, Ac., at and lor leave to redeem Ins propertj. and tho By Judge BarrVI. Same vs. I rank Sunday. inat., Jfwett, .MlrrofS, tng va. Motion Met ers, burglary; Pierce, burglary; widow of tho laie In the fl'ih of her private sale, at auction prices. Court is-ueil an injuuct <>u restraining the deiendabt Ovcrhlser I>csn.. denied, with $10 costs. vs. James San# Perry Jewell, year A MERIC.AN STAND \RD HILI.IaRD TABLES.WITH v.*. Same Aoimore, seduction; va James wire stock and lowest prices for fur. Iroin diapoMiig of these asseta The «nso was tri d bo- flandrow furg Motion granted upon payinant larcenv 5ame vs. Sarah age. XLJMianey's cushions; large stock of Trimmings, sec¬ ot Barry, grand ; Mullln, grand Friends and relatives are Invited to attend the ond linn 11 ables at gi -at bargslns. intiire and lor cash or liberal terms ef 'oro tho referee, the de.endant claiming about $4,t*b0 of $10 costs opposing. Some vs. Peter Sanio Largest Carpets payment This over- In ihe matter ut A of the larre'ny Vcrden, grand larceny laneral, frctn the residence of her son. No. 452 West W. II. GRIFFITH A CO.. 40 Vesey it. at roWPKKTII WAIT'S, 155 and 137 Chatham it. Thir¬ "lor personal compensation. defence wh Owen, a.Prayer petition vs Tbomss Cooke, saint vs. teen waremom*. e and truster grand larceny; Richard 44tn on llih at half past twelve large .aled, and tho refer decided that the doicuttam hail grant'd nlllnncd. Same vs. St., Wednesday, mat., OUT FOB IT it in his hands of the vs. Williams, grand larceny; Tenny Morris, petit KM., without lurlher notice. interment at Wood- J^OOK 1 OOK OUT FOB IT. iver $3,000 money plaintiff's, Foley Hnttibon>-..opinion. larcony. THE EVENING TELEORAM J which, with some books and papers, bo was decreed io (Aldington vs. Slnwsoh.. Without expressing any lawn. EVENING . THE TKLEORAM achver to the \ heiore the of tho opluion as to tlM efTcct upon Hie action ol procteding Lixrmrris. On Monday, October 0, after a short ill¬ plaintiff. day entry 1 UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT. O. 47 nnd 13 will Itsne an Extra to-night with mnrns (as far as known) lecree the defendant *eft too city, and search being without Blawson, see no objection to sinking his ness, William I.tNTiiictrM, aged years day* will lata# an Extra to night with return* (as far a* known) institute"! II #»s discovered that the defendant tens nt name irom the pro< ucdingi If the plaintiff desires it. Wariiiicotor, Oct. 9,1876. Funeral on Weuno-day aliernoon. nt four o'clock, Of resnlts of the and did nul come l*> this at Motion granted. from Ills late residence, ;|2I West 4flsb st. Relatives of roeult* ol tho Philadelphia, city except Tno United Stales Snprcmo Court met to-day and be .arc tutcrv tie, an*l on IhnM oc ivions oh caturday Kiiot \» King. .Motion denied without co«ts and and friends respecntiliy invited. Remains will ELECTIONS IN OIMO AND INDIANA. a without transacting any business, id lor Interment. ELECTIONS IN OHIO AND INDIANA. tven*ng an left on Sunday aignt, so that no process without prejudice to proper application lor a suhsti- adjourned, pay luken to Baltimore VfKW AM) 8K.0OM) HAND BILLIARD TABLES AT could be served. pon this (tato ol facts a warrant lutmn. the n.ual call upon tho President. Justices Davis and Ijoi'Rh . Ou Saturday, October 7, at the resldeneo of A* reduce prices. GEORGE E. Pit ELAN, Btltli st. and CARPETS AND Ol Lcl.oTIls' VERY CHEAP. vs. 1*. N. Benjamin av. at the 112 ulton was issued again-1 htm tor aus* oniting and for ri fusing O'Brlou Brownu.g ct al..The d<'l>'od tb of his half to tb« tin vug property in his hands, rected to account lor end pay over lo the receiver toe I.oiikk. year age IZ.AR - price. satisfy judgment, docket will bo w inch now siauds at 770 are without fPO-NItlHT. BILLIARD PARLORS, BROADWAY Under this warrant the defendant was arre-tVd on rents ri reived by them since in* commencement of the commenced, Relatives and trtciuis incited, further i ll'Jd st, grand exhibition by Albert Gamier. Joseph dkclinino IiousFkeei'Tng addresS r-rftnrilav evening, the 80th all., fx- having come on to acnoti. Tli s M was ootiedtd they have lot done Beiug use*, being an increase of about 100 over the docket of notice, to attend the luneral Rcrviros at Christ church, Dion. Maurice Italy tJyrllle Dinn. Kiilolplie. Sexton. -!,? PartiesImmediately PEISER, 2:»8 7th nv. !Ugliest prices paid iu order of ~ on tho lllli at three s and Adrian Admission tor at tend toe wedding ol Ins -on, w hich t' lk place on the therefore contempt M the April 22, 1>76. last year. , Hyo, Wednesday, lust., hall-past in, Palat, Foster, Kavatiah Isar, Carpet*, Furniture. Pianos, Hooka, Bedding. On heiore the Court are not in a position lo move lor instructions in¬ Among the cases for decision over from the I*. M. iree. > ro Sunday fallowing. being brought they standing leave purchase for cash- firstolahS he was wxamined, and stated that he leil here on July tended lor their own benefit and the plaintiffs enihtr- last term are the granger cases Irom tho West, aud Trains, hy New Haven Railroad, 42d St. at 2:20; ANTED TO IIIRE-4XS BILLIARD TABLE ; ALSO WantedFurntturo Tor an olttco; no oblection If tuod a little* and after goiujt to Raw Jcrsijr went to i'htUdtk. ruobiucttt, Thn motiou uiutt therefore bo denied, hat Una wax Boliiur cases Iron U»a Bantu. lliu binaar Or. returning. leave Rye at i ;2J and t> :2J. w a liaguAciic Table. tV.. box 124 Herald Breach oOice. Addreaa A- AL. KM Frank as.