HKLP ihe of the State to railroad !«ottt»»k.At Fishkill-on-Hndeon, .* , WANTKD-MALI*. phta, where he arrived August 19, and had been at. .runout costs and w>»houl prejudice to it lurther spp'l- fsrtnining power regulate fil iUp Centennial tttr and thai he did nut catlou no their with order of tarill* au>t the .alter the valMitv ol insurance policies October 7, Willi** Lottimrr, aged years. HOMaSx IIArtST lending since, upon compliance part are invited to attend Ik* ..v., w«nt a vouuf In meUlclna lor IIIK U'1 t" ntiMoud. the nmnrvl l*»7n. lesiied prior to the war upon Soul itero rtaks l>y Norib- The relative* «ud irifiidl ANoKLI.S «Tftco *l«c THE COURTS. lie alio MM Ml April 22, 10 at 4th av. ao>t 21*1 II., on Americans. tin>|#r 'J.V at ruUltfr^, whirl) lie will ertolmd (roil) ol he hail usrd The Merchants' National Bunk vs. Velt- orn companies. the Companies l-suing whirl) lifted funeral, Calvary church, dlsposins Exchange at irn o'eiock A. M. \i h ni-elt lor and that he had no what¬ man.. Motion denied with $10 costs. Tina is a raso keep ag.-uts n»r ihe receipt "I premiums aud ttie irans- Wednesday, llih task, lWi. KOBKK MAN, TO MAKB UDfSELI living property Charlotte, wife of /Vf\N tiM'ful in a >n "I counsel wh.cli should he upon a un>l I feel action ut general business in the localities of the rtsks. Mapes .Saturday, Oclohcr 7, a«rilitf hniim*. Address, giving ai;e aoi ever. p tnis testimony and argument passed by jury, W illiam H. and daughter ol Charles T. Ktpp. .ntffi require 1, fKKl'Y, llamid office. V u Itruut rendered the lo'lowing de- hound upon the lacls stated in the affidavits to hold the Mspes Judge ye-torday and Relatives and friends are invited loatteiirt the luneral, ACTIVE MAX OK GOOD A 88 for Dr. the etatoB:. '-I think thai the coucluaion la irri-sisiihle, iteli-nilant Smyihu until the issue can be tally THE FULTON isTREET BURGLARY. ffotn the DORK rOK OUT Struggle Liberty by Flint, in tried. on Tuesday, loih iu»L, at three n'clotk I*. M., VXdoor orri-r» HKW VORK HOOK CUNCRKN. Nn. upon reading the defendant'! examination, hearing Impartially Warren at., fourth II to (. the thai the deien- K isin vs .The had no right to re¬ residence of Charles T. Kipp, Central ay., opposite floor. wind previous l.itiory ol the cure, Snyder attorney The examination In the case of Mlehael Kurtz, a Sit hern's Hotel. Teapot Medium. dant lelt ttila State to rvaoa the prucea- of the Court fuse to perm11 plalnlifT to discontinue when it was the 4 STItOVO BOY.MUST MaKK HIMSELF G1X. the Matkk..On the 9lh at the residence wages ¦ for and to avuid being to apply the money ho wish of In- i»'ii client, the defendant. He should pronounced Israelite, who. however, has adopted Monday, Inst, .,'YeraIIy useful; mall lb* beginning. Addreaa rompolled mid of her parents, 121 East tllith at., Flora, Youngest lu own handwriting, Host office 'mix 1.74!' had cm hand to thia execution. Ait undertaking have roiisciilod to biscon'lhua settled auy question sobriquet ol Mikc Sheehan, and who is charged with 6 mouths must l c deleiidani la also held under a of Ires suit. The motion must he gr .ntod. daughter of Gerson and Rota Mayer, aged till NTS LOOK #3 PKK WKKK AND glveu." The by concerned in the robbery ol the Jewelry atoro or and 4 KxVKKsli writ of attachment tor contempt. Messrs. ItlumenHticI Lyon tr*. Suiter. Motiou granted upon payment of being days. ^VKor particulars call at room 4, iJl.'i Broadway. S. without in any ol ifae pro¬ brand* Hortcii. No. 42 Fultoa street, on the 1st last., Notice of funeral hereafter. SENT TO STATE PRISON FOR LIFE. nmi Aarlier appeared aa atlorneya lor plalulill; K. (10 costs, hut prejudice October Uiorgi 1(1 Nr W i \ D lo si I.!. mMI'I.K TK AS TO Newrombe for delendant ceedings which have been instituted hy the persons raoie up yesterday belore Ju-tice Viorgan, at the Tombs Mils..on Sunday evening, 1. ./A'aniiih-s and consumer*. Dealer* supplies. MACDOX- W. K. llowc eareu lor ihe Mil.v, one of the oldest an J most merchants xt sought to he added as parties defendant herein. 1'olice Court. Counsellor ap| respected Ol oil A CO. 431 Henri , corner Chambers. a is reversed Several witnesses were examined. Deiee- of Una city. In the 80tn ol bis age. i.tidirey vs. Muser..When judgment deleudnnt. year 442 wanted.l.x "wholesale stork down TOO MUCH MOTHER-IN-LAW. wih costs to sbido tne event, that means the coats ol tivea Kiiu and ol the Central Olllce, iwors lo Tne funeral took place. Ironi his lite residence, we-k Lyon, have last. Mr Milo was a Hoyown. »»ci #3 per Address, stating age, iu owa Adjournment of the and Tweed Suits la tho matter ot the habeas cori us obtained some the rente as well as me costs of the appeal (T Boson, having seen the watch and chain, supposed to West 23d si. on Wednesday Unn H. it C., Ilernl I office. Sweeny lour native of and a resident of this city Iwriliug, s 1 ami 14) II hail accepted lha new triul and been a part of the robbery, wttn the prisoner liiiudee. Scotland, days tire on behalf ol Mrs. A. Anderson, to obtain pluiuiifl the over \ /1HOII i ll A I'o.ssr M !.: Its AO KNT8 WANTBD.8P||- Till After Election. been deleated ell the costs would linva been taxed months ago. Emtna Kurt/, a cousin ol prisoner, for Ulty ears. ft IK TEA of her an Infant nine months, watch and chain in Mix In on October 8, iJciHl inducement*. CANTON COMPANY, potseesmn child, aged acainst him It is trie same where they appeal Irom lestihcd to hav.ng taken the ques¬ pell..Suddenly, Brooklyn, 1 ,s t ham hers »(.. Sew Yor.. she was from her the new- trial nail hat eulb-rcd tion lo several tunes. The testimony ot ihe ono 1870, David in the 63d year of bis age. whlcn allegod wrongfully detained the order granted, judg¬ pawn Mcxdell, KOK IT. ment ahsoluto. '1 he taxation la correct and must he witness h»r iho prosecution was vague and Indefinite. Relatives and ineuds are reppecttully invited to at¬ OOK OCT by her husband, J. Anderson, there was a heariug yes¬ 138 Fultou J affirmed. The further hearingwnsadjournod until next Saturday. tend the Mineral, front Ins iatc residence, | THE EVENING TELEGRAM, CHAPTER FROM TWEED'S OFFICIAL RECORD terday, belore Judge Barren, holding Supreme Court, COURT.CHAMBERS. St., ou Wednesday, October 11, st 'wo o'clock I'. M. MAklNX Providence and New London Chambers. Tho mild was produced in court, and tho A ROBBERY. papers please copy. will luiie an Extra with rnturna fax far aa known) By Chief Justice Shea. DARING McDonald..Suddenly, ou Saturday, October 7, tonight father ut.d mother were also tliero. When the matter Heroy vs. Mcl.itne; Jones vs. Kompf..Defendants' John H Mi'Duxald. ol results of the was called up tho father, through his counsel, Messrs. delauil noted. On ln*t Friday afiernoon, while Mrs. Mary C. V. RIs- The relatives and friends of the family are respect¬ the vs. default. ELECTIONS IN Ollio AMD INDIANA. An Absconding Debtor at Hall and Htanuy, made and Died » return, denying Tilglunan Starke..I'laintlfl's wMoolMr. John K. Kislcy, a lawyer, of No. 128 fully invited to attend the Mineral, this (Tuesday), tho allegations sat torth in the ol tne wtle, mid Dix vs. Totalis: Clallin vs. Kempncr; Eistg vs. ley, lot It at one from uis late 253 it AND 1)RESSER WANTED.. petition was Woarev goods store, corner mat., o'clock, rrsideure, f>0i LtrY KILLE Bay. alleging that she retused to care tor the child that she, Chase; Mahor vs. Wallace; Sp.ngstcen vs. (ilineary.. llroadwny, leaving dry 7th sL I N.me need apply who cannot giro the eery tost city ref- in company with her mother, hud refused 10 permit Millions granted. ol Nineteenth street and Sixth avenue, her pockctbook. Oliver _.\l her residence. No. 442 East 79th st. on erence ax to character and ability. Addteaa POULTRY, hi r. Andersou to rema n in the house unless tie pro¬ Lord vs. Thompson; Wubbenhorst vs. Fabling; containing was snatched Irotn her hand by a October afier a short Mary relict of l o\ 14(1 Herald office. $35, 63 7, illness, Oliver, cured the services o( n uurse ami other extrava¬ Koblrr va W'esterman; Lang vs. Hlsterer; Flsbcr vs. rulliuD named Arthur McCue, residing at No. the late John Oliver. i. »- wanted kverywhbbktc girl voung his uiENTs Dr. Rufus Warner Flint, more popularly known as gancies, which ho could not allord, and that he re¬ Comitock; Iltait vs. Miller; Nichols va. Taylor; Lunl West Eighteenth street, who succeeded lu making Tlio friends ol tbo family, and of her sons, Anthony, 1>ukkxcil to tiiniiliea, hotels and lerg* conaumara; largest moved the child so that it might receive proper vs. Smith; Westheiuiber va Hall; sparkman va. Haas; escape, though, ho was pursued into n neighboring Fram Is and James, are respectfully invited to mteud atocb in the country: quality and term- the bait Co titry I lie Teapot Mod urn, mil languishes in Ludlow Street nnil should call or write Til E WELLS TEA Of) if care and attention, and mat i,0 had always been .Schuster vs.
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